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Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Eric: Hi, I'm Eric. Eric Johnson. I live upstairs, apartment 11.
Steven: Hi, I'm Steven. Steven Harris.
Eric: Nice to meet you, Steven. You just moved in, right?
Steven: Yes, about two weeks ago.
Eric: Welcome to the neighborhood.
Steven: That's very kind of you.
Eric: Where are you from?
Steven: I'm from Chicago.
Eric: Really. I've always wanted to go there. Here, let me help you with that.
Steven: Thanks. Oh no.
Eric: What's wrong?
Steven: It was supposed to be the number nine, not the number six.
Eric: No problem.
Steven: Ha! Thank you.
She Owes You a Favor
Barry was on his way to class in the morning, when he saw his friend
“Hi, Barry,” Marcello said. “You look tired! Were you up all night working on
your history assignment?”
Barry shook his head. “If only I had been. You'll never believe what happened
to me last night. At about
one in the morning, while I was still working on my history paper, the phone
“Who was calling you at that hour?” Marcello asked.
“It was Alison. She said she had gotten stuck. Her car had broken down in the
middle of the highway,”
Barry laughed. “She told me that she had tried to push it to the side of the
road. She sounded really
worried. Being the nice guy that I am, I told her to take it easy, and that I
would be right there.”
“So, what did you do?”
“Well, she thought the problem was the brakes,” Barry explained, “so I took
some replacement parts.
However, knowing Alison the way I do, I took two quarts of oil and a gallon of
gas, too.”
“She sure is lucky that her best friend is a mechanic,” Marcello said.
“Yeah, but it would have been better for me if she had gotten stuck after I
had written the history
assignment,” Barry replied. “I didn't get home until four in the morning! And
the assignment is due
Marcello smiled. “Well, Alison is very good at history...and she does owe you
a favor...”
Barry smiled, too. “You know what? You're right! I think I'll call her right
Let’s Go
- Hi, Steve. Would you mind helping me with the geography assignment?
- Sure, if I'm able to.
- Thanks. I don't like studying in the library. It's so noisy.
- I agree. It's always cold here, too.
- Well...we could study in my room. It's quiet there.
- OK. Let's go.
A: This isn't correct. Don't you remember what Bob said?

B: No, what did he say?

A: He said he wanted ten boxes, not only five. And he asked

if you would keep them here till next month.
DIRECT: Today I will meet with the Ambassador of Garland. We will continue the discussions we
began last week.

INDIRECT: Last night, Thomas Hardwick said that he would meet with the Ambassador of
Garland. He added that they would continue the discussions they had begun the previous week.
A: Terry, John was here and he wanted to know where you were. He said that he was leaving the
books on your desk. He also said that he wanted you to call him at home.

B: OK, Bo

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