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24-24 Youth Campaign to End TB

Milestone 3: Checklist

Congratulations on completing the first two Milestones of the 24-24 Youth Campaign
to End TB!

This milestone focuses on the "Each One Teach One" and “Each One Reach One”
principles of the 1+1 Youth initiative. The activities of this milestone are divided into 2 tasks;
TB Education and Advocacy.

Task 1: TB Education
This task may take 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
Each of the participants needs to perform at least one TB education-related task.
In this, you will have to conduct one school health program on TB in nearby schools
educating at least 40 school children. You can also orient school children during school
assembly lines or prayers reaching more than 40 students.
Self Study
- It is essential to study the content of the presentation carefully (It is
attached to the email).
- Please do not add or remove the informations included in provided
presentation to prevent the delivery of any wrong message.
- Please go through the verification form before going to perform the TB
Education task to know what data you need to verify after the session.
Consent- Submit the letter provided with the email to the school administration.
Also, take verbal approval and suitable time from the selected institute/school to
continue the process more smoothly.
During the session: Deliver knowledge in simple Nepali language.
Click pictures while taking the session, also note down the number of students
attending the session.
Celebrate the TB Education task of the third milestone and share the pictures on
your social media - Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in.
Use this Caption: As a part of the 24-24 Youth campaign to #EndTB I conducted
Tuberculosis related Education session for the students of (write the class
number) Class in (Write name of the School)
Use #Youth2EndTB #EndTB #NymatNepal #WHO1plus1YouthInitiative
#WalkTheTalk while posting on social media.

✅ Verification: Please submit the details mentioned in the verification form;

Notes: Apart from TB Education tasks at School, you can also organize focus group
discussions, virtual learning sessions, youth group discussion sessions, etc to educate
people on TB reaching at least 40 audiences. You may submit it as well in the verification
Task 2: TB Advocacy Task
This task may take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Each of the participant needs to practice at least one advocacy-related task. In this, you will
have to meet a key stakeholder and share the information about TB.
Please go through the verification form before going to perform the TB
Advocacy task to know what data you need to verify afterward.
Meet at least one key stakeholder, political leader, educationalist, policy maker,
social worker, or any influential person from your community.
Inform them and advocate for the EndTB strategy, TB-Free Nepal Initiative, and
their role in achieving #TBFreeNepal.
Ask for their commitment to support the #Youth2EndTB agenda and TB Free
Nepal Initiative.
Obtain verbal consent to take pictures during the advocacy task before sharing
it on the social media.
Celebrate the Advocacy task of the third milestone and share the pictures on
your social media - Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in.
Use this Caption: As a part of the 24-24 Youth campaign to #EndTB I met
(write name and designation of the stakeholder you met) and discussed about
the disease we call barometer of social welfare; TB. The key highlights of our
discussion were: (write the topics related to TB that you discussed)
Use #Youth2EndTB #EndTB #NymatNepal #WHO1plus1YouthInitiative
#WalkTheTalk while posting on social media.

✅ Verification: Please submit the details mentioned in the verification form;

- The deadline for completing the tasks outlined in the checklist is the 7th of
March starting today. The submitted details of the task will be verified
within a few weeks following the deadline.
- If you fail to complete & submit the TB Education & Advocacy tasks it will
result in disqualification from the next milestone.
- If you are people living with disability, a TB survivor, or a family member of
a patient/ survivor, we value your proactive participation throughout the
campaign and kindly request you to communicate with our core members
of your province for any support if required. Contact details of the core
members for communication were attached to the Milestone 2 email.
Frequently Asked Question:
Q: Can I perform my TB Education/advocacy task in a group or with my friends?
A: You may perform the TB Education/advocacy task in a group or with your
friends But, each of the friends should submit their own seperate tasks. Eg; If 3
friends want to go together for TB Education then, they will have to go to 3
different schools and do the task then submit seperately. This is same for
Advocacy task as well.

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