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Does Money MOTIVATE People Than Any

Other Factor in a Workspace?

Intro: Money is a guarantee that we may have what we want in the future.
Though we may have nothing at the moment it insures the possibility of
satisfying a new desire when it arises.
”Money May Not Mean Everything, But Everything Needs Money”.
GOOD MORNING, to respected Teachers, Judges, Jury members & my
Worthy opponents. Today, I stand before you to speak in favour of the
motion – Money Motivates People than Any Other Factor in a workspace.

Once Henry Fielding Quoted, “Make Money Your God & it Will Plague
You Like Devil”. Money represents many important aspects in our life. It
seems everything almost every-thing can be bought with a high value
attached to it.
People are addicted to money Because of the idea that if they have money
they have Power, Position, Success & Acceptance.
We will take a good example of the top sports players. They are like more
likely to collect their pay checks rather than genuinely loving sports &
achieving success in terms of best athletes they could be.
A research says that the best way to motivate a person is by offering him
money. The word Motivation derives from a Latin word movré which means
to move. In 2004 Ulrich Beck Defined the word Motivation has an internal
state of an organism which gives direction to his actions, thoughts &

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feelings. In other words we can say giving some amount of money not only
boosts one’s spirit but also makes him work hard to achieve his goal.
If a workspace stops giving salaries o its employee it would be next to no
hard working people.
Not to forget the revolt of 1857, The Post Office Act this was resentment
among the soldiers because they were not paid well, given promotions or
In a developing country like India people often tend to be in loans & debts.
And Those people who are betrayed by their circumstances are completely
motivated & focused to earn money & get out of their situations.
If we take the fact that one should follow his passion rather than money
sometimes it might prove you wrong. Okay, I agree with the fact that some
people do get to work in their passion fields & even earn a good amount of
money. But what about the rest? Should they keep sitting at home?
Unemployed, without being a support to their families? Then how would
they overcome financially?
Eventually, if we see we go to school work & study hard to become the
person we dream & take the positions we aspire to. Nobody over here has a
small dream. We all, want to become somebody in the society, who is
respected well, earns well & supports the family.

Conclusion: And at the end of the day nobody would ask you, whether you
work in a secular job?, get paid leaves & trip?, have good working
conditions?, work under a good person? NO.
The questions that arise are – Are you able to support your family?, Are you
able to give your children a good education ?, Are you able to fulfil their
needs? And that’s what matters the most in the end.
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