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Written by

Yoon Yamone (Yoon), May Lin Thit (Grace), Thanishka


Scene 1: Café - Present

Tracy: A black coffee please.

Pam: You don’t like black coffee though?

Tracy: Wow, and I thought you knew me.

Pam: What do you mean? You don’t-

Adeline: Hey! What’re you guys going?

Pam: She was trying to guilt trip me.

Tracy: Was not.

Adeline: Anyway, I bought the new book that I was telling you
guys about.

Pam: Wait, I thought you don’t like books?

Tracy: Yeah she’s never read a page from a book.

Pam: Says the one that binges 30 fanfictions a day.

Adeline: Something is wrong with Pam.

Tracy: Uh huh.

Pam: Rude, I was just stating the truth.

Adeline : I bought that book cause I can't get an online copy of


Tracy: Who knew? Adeline is finally evolving.

Adeline: That was so unnecessary!

Scene 2: Ext. Campus - Present

Pam: Guys, wanna check out the library that just opened. A
friend of mine said it was really big, so we can try studying

Adeline: Library? What library?

Tracy: The one just across the street. It only takes like 2
minutes to get there.

Pam: Let’s go, please? I heard it has really good books too.

Adeline: Yeah I’m in.

Scene 3: Int. Library - Present

(rustling noises)

Adeline: I’ll go put my bag first.

Tracy: I need to use the restroom, I’ve been holding in my pee

for so long.

Pam: I need to piss too.

Adeline: Wait, let me come with you guys.

Scene 4: Int. Bathroom - Present

Adeline: Really? They thought it was a good idea to place two

identical doors for the bathroom?

Pam: What if they want us to accidentally enter the men’s


Tracy: Imagine if this was one of those quizzes like if you

choose the wrong door you die.

Adeline: Don’t jinx yourself.

Tracy: Maybe it’s the one on the right.

Pam: So? What is it?

Tracy: We need a sacrifice. Adeline you can go.

Adeline: What?? Why me??

Tracy: I say Pam go.

Pam: I picked up our takeout last time, not happening.

Adeline: You know what, this just proves how I’m better than the
two of you, I’ll go.

Tracy: I hope her foot gets caught on the door.

Scene 5: Int. Unknown Lab - Future

Adeline: Dude, where are we?

Pam: Ow… I feel like I just got flashbanged.

Adeline: I thought I was the only one who went in? Why are you
guys here?

Tracy: We got sucked into a random portal genius.

Adeline: Are you guys ignoring the fact that we just got
teleported to some other dimension?

Pam: Oh yeah, where even are we?

Tracy: No way. Is this our lab?

Pam: No it’s not. Stop calling every lab our university’s. This
is getting out of hand.

Tracy : I think this place is old.

Pam: Wow, thank you for the comment, captain obvious.

Adeline: (Nervous) I don't like this, guys. Let's just go back

out and find a real bathroom.

Pam: Dude, I wanna pee.

Tracy: I can't open the door. I think it’s locked

Pam: (Panicking) Holy, um guys? I think uh, I really need to


Tracy: Jesus we get it, shut up.

[Suddenly, there's a flash of light, and they find themselves in

a futuristic world.]

Tracy: (Frightened) Where are we? This doesn't look like our
campus at all.

Adeline: (Excited) Wait, nevermind! Who cares where we are? This

place is cool!

Pam : (Sarcastic) Of course, you'd be excited about hoverboards.

But how are we getting back home?

Scene 6: Ext. Futuristic city - Future

Tracy: (Curious) Maybe we can find someone who can help us get
back to our time.

Adeline: (Adventurous) Or we could just explore a bit more. I

mean, I really want to check this place out.

Pam: Yeah, clearly, getting stuck in a time we don't belong to

is your goal.

Tracy: (Excited) Look at those flying cars! We're definitely not

in our time anymore.
Pam: What is it with you and saying the dumbest things? You’re
describing it to us like we’re some autistic children.

Tracy: But aren’t you though?

Adeline: (Analyzing) My phone says it's the year 2050. We just

time-traveled, y’all!

Pam: Why do you have your phone with you? We were going to the
bathroom, for god’s sake!

Tracy: Wait, are you kidding me? Nevermind, 2050 is way too far.
I wanna go back.

Pam: Is this where you go when you die, because I’ve actually
mentally passed away.

Adeline: You don’t sound like you’re excited for this are you?

Tracy: Actually, I agree with Pam. Coming or not, we’re leaving.

Adeline: Fine. I am coming.

Scene 7: Ext. Streets in city - Future

Adeline: Wait, guys look! Is that a robot?

Tracy: Girl, let’s just go.

Pam: Bye Adeline! Spend an eternity here in this dimension.

Adeline: Wait! Hold on!

Scene 7: Ext. Outdoor - Future

Adeline: Where on earth are we? I swear if we get lost, I’m

blaming you two.

Pam: Dude, what’d I do?

Tracy: Um, guys. I think we have to go this way.

Adeline: You said the same thing three times and we kept ending
up at the same place.

Tracy: I swear to god, if you don’t-

Pam: Look! Isn’t that the same place we came from?

Adeline: No it’s not? It’s literally a door to a nail salon.

Pam, what are you on-

Pam: Wait, doesn’t it look similar though?

Adeline: Great, here we go again.

Tracy: No, no, no. It is! Look!

Adeline: If you guys are gaslighting me again, I’m shipping you

both off to Canada.

Pam: Sure, keep denying yourself and see who’s gonna be deported
back to America.

Tracy: It is! Sorry Adeline, Denial is a river in egypt.

Adeline: Goodness gracious, I hope you two aren’t trying to kill

me off or something.

Pam: Hopefully you’re the first one to die.

Scene 8: Int. Unknown location - Future

Pam: Oh god, what are we now?

Adeline: I told you to not trust Tracy at all.

Tracy: Oh come on, we just have to walk around and see if

there’s anything.
Pam: No really, if we end up getting stuck here what am I going
to do with my cats?

Tracy: Girl, I don’t know. That's a you problem.

Adeline: Ok, fine. This whole situation is just proving how I’m
actually better than two of you combined.

Pam: You wish, loser.

Tracy: It’s okay, relax. Y’all are acting like we’re stuck here

Pam: Because we are? You’re never beating the white girl

allegations, are you?

Adeline: Okay, stop! Why are you guys arguing?

Tracy: We haven’t even started the fight yet. What are you on

Adeline: Let’s just continue with our search, gosh.

Pam: Me 1, Tracy 0!

Tracy: Shut your-

Adeline: Enough!

Scene 9: Int. The Time Machine Room - Future

Adeline (Determined) We can't stay here forever. We need to

figure out how to get back.

Tracy: (Thoughtful) Let's retrace our steps. Maybe that

mysterious room is the key.

Pam: Bro, stop guessing stuff.

Adeline: Last time you guessed something we ended up at the back
of an illegal casino and almost got arrested.

Pam : Yeah, go argue with the wall.

Tracy : Can you guys stop blaming me for a sec and be positive
for once.

Adeline: (Optimistic) I'm sure we'll find a way back home, no


Tracy: (Hopeful) Maybe this is the way back home.

Pam: It better be, gosh.

Adeline: (Concerned) But how do we operate this thing? There are

so many buttons!

(Sound of buttons being pressed, and the room begins to hum)

Scene 9: Back in the Present - Bathroom

Adeline: (Amazed) Yay! We're back!

Pam: (Relieved) Thank god, I really needed to go to the


Tracy: (Grinning) Who knew a bathroom could lead to time travel?

[They sit down, rethinking their experience.]

Scene 10: Present - Library

Adeline: (Thoughtful) You know, as crazy as it was, I'm glad we

got to see the future.

Tracy: What about you, Pam? You didn’t seem to enjoy the new
place much.

Pam: (Nostalgic) Fine, it was cool, happy?

Tracy: (Playful) Next time we choose a bathroom door, let's make
sure it's not a time machine.

[They share a laugh and a sense of camaraderie, knowing they'll

always have this incredible story to tell.


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