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Tarea 3, Ingles Tec. 1

Venecia Piña García 2022-1216
Nombre ________________________________________________ Matricula________________________
Auxíliese del libro de texto (Unidad 5) y los recursos colgados en la plataforma para realizar estas actividades.
Luego de realizar los ejercicios suba el archivo a OneDrive y comparta el enlace en el espacio correspondiente.

2.6:50 4. A:what time is it?

B: It’s eleven-five
A:what time is it?
B: It’s ten two seven or it’s six –filtyn 5. A:what time is it?
B: It’s
A:what time is it? 6. A:what time is it?
B: It’s fiften to nine B: It’s half past four

It’s8:00 A.M
It’s 12:00A.M or It’s midning
It’s 3:00 P.M
It’s four P.M
It’s nine fiftteen minutes in the morning

It’s eight o’ clock in the moning

It’s ten forty-five minutes

It’s theree thirty P.M

It’s six o’clock in the afternoon

It’s twelve noon

It’s ten to nine It’s fifteen past one

It’s one twenty – five

It’s fifteen to four It’s ten past six
No,they are at a party
No, she is riding a bicycle

No, bill is walking No,she is waching TV

He’s not Reading a book I’m not studying

3.A:What are ron and lucy doing
B:We are taking a walk

4.A:What is julie doing

B:Julie is getting up

5.A:Where is Mary ?
B:Mary is in tht shop

6.A: What are you Bellen and Hank

B: they are watching tv

7.A;What is Steven doing?

B:Steven is study math

8.A:What do you study?

I study English

9.A:What are you and Emma doing?

B:Me and Emma are having lunch?

10. .A:What are you doing?

B: I’m finishing this exercise

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