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Week 2 - Causatives 3

Week 3 - Past Perfect 6

Week 4 - Other Uses of Relative Clauses 10

- Reduction of Relative Clauses 12

Week 5 - Participles 18

Week 6 - Reduction of Noun Clauses 25

Week 7 - Verb Patterns 26

Week 8 - Other Conditionals 38

PART A. Discuss the questions below with a partner.
1. What leads people to consider cosmetic surgery?
2. Would you consider having cosmetic surgery? If yes, what
would you do if you were not satisfied with the results of the
3. Should there be stricter regulations on cosmetic procedures?
4. What do you think are the benefits and potential risks of
cosmetic surgery?

PART B. Now, read the text paying attention to the bold-faced

structures (causative structures) and answer the questions.

Cosmetic surgery, which used to be favored especially by film stars, has recently become very popular
among the population as a whole. Celebrities and influencers regularly promote various cosmetic surgeries and
procedures through the media. Therefore, nowadays, more and more people are considering changing their
appearance. They undergo surgeries to have their scars removed or get their faces lifted to achieve a more
youthful look. Many individuals also choose to alter specific facial features, such as their noses, eyes, and lips. This
trend is particularly popular among teens as the influence of societal standards often makes young individuals get
cosmetic procedures. For example, a teen who has had her nose done may get her peers to consider similar
changes to their appearances. What’s more, some teens are so obsessed with this issue that they even have
unlicensed or inexperienced practitioners perform cosmetic procedures, despite the significant risks involved.
Parents, therefore, must play a crucial role in guiding their children. Dr. Gabrielle Caswell, president of The
Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine, emphasizes that parents should not let their children receive cosmetic
or surgical procedures of any kind unless there are compelling medical or psychological reasons to do so.

1. The causative form is used when we do not do something ourselves, but arrange someone else (usually an
expert) to do it for us. TRUE / FALSE
2. The subject is the person who does the action themselves. TRUE / FALSE
3. The subject doesn’t do the action themselves, but causes the action to happen. TRUE / FALSE

PART C. Focus on the bold-faced structures in the sample sentences below and complete the rules by adding
“do/ to do / done”.


- People have their scars removed or get - used to talk about things other have something + ______
their faces lifted to achieve a more people do for us, but the focus is on
youthful look. the things instead of the person. get something + ______

- Some teens even have unlicensed or - used to explain that we pay someone have somebody + ______
inexperienced practitioners perform else to do something for us.
cosmetic procedures, despite the
significant risks involved.

- A teen who has had her nose done may - used to explain that we ask or get somebody + ______ +______
get her peers to consider similar changes persuade someone else to do
to their appearances. something for us.

Causative structures can be used with all the tenses in English. We also use have/get something done
Look at the examples below. when somebody does something to us
that we didn’t want or ask for, often
We’re going to have the back windows painted for the summer. something bad, such as accidents or
Have you just had your hair done? It looks lovely. misfortunes.
We’ll probably have the roof repaired in the spring.
- Grace had her handbag stolen
We have the gardener mow the lawn once a fortnight in the yesterday.
Yesterday, I got my friend to write a composition for me.
I’ll get the hairdresser to do my hair this afternoon.

Exercise 1. Write the correct form of the verb given in parentheses.

1. When I go away, I usually have my neighbour ___________ (keep) an eye on my house for me.
2. My little brother had his arm ___________ (break) in a fight yesterday.
3. In order to prevent them from decaying, you should have your teeth ___________ (check) every six months.
4. He is really good at convincing people. He usually gets me ___________ (do) what he wants.
5. Could you get the plumber ___________ (look) at the tap in the bathroom after he's done the one in the kitchen?
6. You should get your leg ___________ (examine) by a doctor. It looks serious.
7. It's true that Cher has had her nose ___________ (straighten), but she was already an attractive woman.
8. We're having a cake ___________ (make) for the party. I think it's better than trying to make one ourselves.
9. It's quite expensive to have an advertising agency ___________ (design) a brochure. Couldn't we get the assistant
___________ (produce) something on our own computer software?

make + someone + verb let + someone + verb

to force someone to do something to allow someone to do something

My boss made me stay in the office till seven last They let me enter the ancient text archives to do research.
*Passive: “Let” is not used in the passive structure; “be
*Passive: I was made to stay in the office till seven last allowed to do something” is used instead.
Active: John let me drive the new car.
Passive: I was allowed to drive the new car.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of ‘make’ or ‘let’.
1. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents didn't _______________ him have a pet.
2. I can't believe she ______________ you look at her vacation pictures again last night. We have to look at those silly
pictures every time we go to her house.
3. Professor Yu ______________ her students use a dictionary while they were taking the test.
4. Diane thinks television is a waste of time, so she doesn’t _______________ her children watch TV.
5. My boss ______________ me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning, and buy presents for his wife. He can't do
anything by himself!
6. The news coverage of the recent tornado was incredibly moving. The interview with the little boy who lost his
family in the tragedy _______________ everyone cry.
7. I can't believe the zoo keeper_______________ you feed the snake. That was so cool!

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a causative verb (have, make, get or let) and a verb in brackets. You may
need to change the form of the verb.
1. I’m usually not allowed to go out on a school night, but my parents _________________ me _________________
(go) to my friend’s house last night.
2. Sara is good at keeping secrets, but I _________________ her _________________ (tell) me what another
classmate secretly told her.
3. I’m terrible at painting my own nails, so I _________________ a professional _________________ (do) them for me
once a month.
4. I hate cleaning, so after some convincing, I _________________my sister _______________ (clean) my room for
5. I usually don’t _________________ my younger sister _________________ (come) out with me and my friends.

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in parentheses.
1. The customs officer insisted that I open my suitcases. (made)
I ________________________________________________________________ the customs officer.
2. Make sure someone cleans up this mess by the time I get back. (cleaned)
_____________________________________________________________ by the time I get back.
3. I’m organising someone that can drive the kids to the airport. (getting)
___________________________________________________________ the kids to the airport.
4. Two of his teeth were broken in a fight. (had)
__________________________________________________________ in a fight.
5. She will get a famous designer to design her wedding dress. (have)
________________________________________________________ by a famous designer.
6. A farmer gave us permission to park the caravan in his field overnight. (allowed)
_________________________________________________________________ the farmer’s field overnight.
7. The guard didn’t let us take photos of the exhibits. (to)
We _______________________________________________________________ of the exhibits.


PART A. Look at the cartoon and talk to your partner about what you see.

PART B. Now, read the true story below and find out the differences between the cartoon and the story.

Goalkeeper Pierre Vannier was sure that he would not be reselected for his local football team in Ferney, near the
French-Swiss border. He had made only one successful save that season. However, this was soon to change.
Pierre left home for a stroll at three in the afternoon on January 5th 1984. He had been out for only five minutes
when the opportunity for him to make the save of his life presented itself. He had rounded the corner into the
Avenue des Alpes when he heard a child’s screams. Looking up, he was just in time to see five-year-old Marie-
Jeanne Musi falling from a fifth- floor window. Instinctively, he threw out his arms and caught her.
“It was like saving a hard penalty shot,” said M. Vannier. “It was a shot I couldn’t afford to miss” he added
For further news, Pierre and the young girl’s shocked parents had to wait until the ambulance arrived and took her
to hospital. Marie-Jeanne had nothing worse than a broken arm! For the news of his place in the team, Pierre had
to wait for a week until his team manager and trainer had discussed his selection. To his delight, his place in the
team was assured!
The Book of Narrow Escapes

PART C. Read the text again paying attention to the bold-faced structures and answer the questions.
1) Do we know exactly when Pierre made his one successful save?
2) Did he make the save before or after the events in this story?
3) Do we know exactly when he left home for a walk?
4) How long after the start of his walk did he have the chance to save the girl?
5) Did he hear the child’s screams before or after he turned the corner?

The Past Perfect Simple (HAD V3 / HADN’T V3) is used to show clearly that an action or situation happened before
another action in the past.
Pierre had strolled about five minutes when he heard screams.
He had been out for only five minutes when the opportunity for him to make the save of his life presented itself.
He had turned the corner when he heard screams.


We use the Past Perfect with the Past Simple when we talk about two actions or events in the past. We always use the
Past Perfect for the action that happened first. We can link the two actions using a time expression.

before / after
- After the exams had finished, they had a party. (The exams finished, and then they had a party.)
- I hadn’t known John for a long time before I decided to do business with him.

once / when
- Once I had found out where he lived, I went to see
him. When one action happens immediately after
- She made herself a cup of coffee once she had put another, we can use Past Simple for both actions.
away the groceries. - When I got home, I took off my jacket.
- As soon as the guests left, I went straight to bed.
- When we'd done the washing-up, we watched TV.
- Before I went out, I phoned Sarah.
(We did the washing-up, and then we watched TV.) - After I bought a new pair of shoes, I just felt better.
- When I phoned the office, Emma had already left.
(Emma left the office, and then I phoned.)

by the time / by
“By” is a preposition, and it is followed by a noun or a noun phrase. “By the time” is a time expression that CAN ONLY
BE FOLLOWED by a clause, that is, an SVO structure.
- By December last year, I had completed my work placement.
- By the time the company decided to look for ways to reduce cost, they had made a big loss.

- They didn't leave the office until I had completed my report. [They left after I had completed my report.)
- The party couldn't start until Kate had arrived. (Kate arrived, and then the party could start.)
- They hadn't had a foreign holiday until that summer.

by / until
“By” means “at or some time before”. It is a preposition, and it is followed by a noun or a noun phrase.
“Until” means “up to that time”. It can be followed by a clause, a noun, or a noun phrase.
“By” implies that an action should be completed before a specified time, whereas “until” implies that the action
continues up to a specified time.
- Until last weekend, he had never painted a room.
- Until he went to England, he hadn’t spoken to a native speaker.
- By the end of the film, she had fallen in love with Will, and their feelings were mutual.
- By 2008, the percentage of students choosing science subjects had decreased significantly.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past or Past Perfect.
1. I (feel) _________________ a little bit better after I (take) ______________ the medicine.
2. I was late. The teacher (give, already) _________________ a quiz when I (get) _________________ to class.
3. It was raining hard, but by the time class (be) _________________ over, the rain (stop)_________________.
4. Our taxi to the airport (not / turn up) _________________ on time, and so by the time we (get)
_________________ to the check-in desk, the flight (close, already) ____________.
5. When Dora (go) _________________ to pay for the petrol she (put) _________________ in her car, she
(realize) _________________ that she (lose) _________________ her credit card.
6. Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) _________________ Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I (see, not)
_________________ her in years. At first, I (recognize, not) _________________ her because she (lose)
______________ a great deal of weight.
7. In 1980, my parents (emigrate) _________________ to the United States from China. They (travel, never)
_________________ outside of China and were, of course, excited by the challenge of relocating in a foreign
country. Eventually, they (settle) _________________ in California. My sister and I were born there and (grow)
_________________up there. Last year, I (go) _________________ to China for the first time to study at Beijing

University. I (want, always) _________________ to visit China and learn more about my own family background.
My dream was finally realized.

Exercise 2. Make sentences using the past perfect and the words given in brackets.
1. Jenny ate her breakfast. She met her friend and walked to college. (once)
2. He tried on six pairs of shoes. He decided he liked the first ones best. (after)
3. Unfortunately, the building burnt down completely until the firefighters got there. (by the time)
4. They practiced mindfulness. They felt more focused throughout the day. (once)
5. The company introduced flexible work hours. Employees reported increased job satisfaction. (when)
6. The teachers had a meeting at 9.00. Lessons started at 10.00 (before)
7. She watched the tutorial. She started working on the software. (after)
8. Maria completed her assignment. Then, she joined the virtual meeting. (once)
9. They finished the training session. They applied the new skills immediately. (after)

Exercise 3. Restatements
Which of the following sentences best expresses the meaning in the given sentence?
1. When the journalist finished her speech, everyone had left.
A. Everyone left before the journalist finished her speech.
B. The journalist finished her speech; then everyone left.
C. The journalist finished her speech earlier as everyone was leaving.
D. No one left before the journalist finished her speech.
2. The police didn’t leave the area until after the victim had been taken to hospital.
A. When the victim was taken to hospital, the police had decided to leave the crime scene.
B. As soon as the police left the area, the victim was taken to hospital.
C. The police waited until the victim had been taken to hospital.
D. Before the victim was taken to hospital, the police refused to leave the crime scene.
3. When the FBI agents arrived at the crime scene, the criminals had run away.
A. Before the criminals managed to escape, the FBI agents were able to come on time and arrest them.
B. After the criminals had escaped, the FBI agents appeared at the crime scene.
C. The criminals managed to escape after the FBI agents had got to the crime scene.
D. The FBI agents were able to catch the criminals because they arrived just as the criminals were escaping.
4. I couldn’t recognize my friend Jane from university when we met many years after our graduation as she had
put on a lot of weight.
A. I advised my friend Jane from university to lose weight when I ran into her after many years because I saw that
she had gained lots of weight since our graduation.
B. Before we graduated from university, Jane had put on a lot of weight, and I even couldn’t realize that it was her
when I met her.
C. When I saw my friend Jane after many years, I couldn’t realize that it was her because she had become so fat
since our graduation from university.
D. Since our graduation from university, I haven’t met my friend Jane, who has lost so much weight.

5. At school, she had studied Italian for years; however, when she arrived in Rome, she understood that she
actually knew little Italian.
A. Although she had studied Italian at school for years, she saw that she actually knew little Italian when she went
to Rome.
B. By the time she arrived in Rome, she had forgotten most of the Italian that she had studied at school for years.
C. She thought she was very good at Italian until she went to Rome, where she went to work at an Italian school.
D. She had taken Italian lessons at school for years, but she decided to study in Rome because she knew her
Italian wasn’t very good.
6. When the results were announced, he wasn’t surprised because he had already learnt that he was the
A. The results didn’t shock him because he had already guessed that he was the winner.
B. Before the announcement of the results, he knew that he was the winner, so it wasn’t a surprise for him to
hear it again.
C. While they were announcing the results, they informed him that he was the winner because they wanted to
surprise him.
D. He learnt that he was the winner when the results were announced, but he wasn’t surprised.
7. It was only after she had overcome her shyness that she started to make some friends.
A. As her shyness gradually decreased, more people wanted to be friends with her.
B. Before becoming less shy, nobody had wanted to be friends with her.
C. She felt much more confident when she had a few friends.
D. Until she overcame it, her shyness had prevented her from making friends.
8. We last saw John just when he'd decided on a radical change in his life.
A. When we met John again, we noticed that he had changed his life radically.
B. When we met John last month, he had just reached a major decision.
C. John was considering the possibility of doing something different when we last saw him.
D. We haven't seen John since the very moment that he expressed his decision to change his life completely.
9. We had never lived abroad until we went to Africa for three years in the early 1990s.
A. When we went to Africa in the early 1990s for a period of three years, it was our first stay overseas.
B. We have had plenty of experience of living abroad, because we stayed in Africa for three years in the early
C. Three years after our first visit to Africa in the early 1990s, we wanted to go there again.
D. We haven't been on an overseas trip since the early 1990s, when we stayed in Africa for three years.
10. She was surprised that, although her father had never smoked or eaten fatty foods, he had a heart attack.
A. She didn't expect her father to have a heart attack because he had kept away from cigarettes and fatty foods
all his life.
B. She could not believe it when her father gave up smoking and eating fatty foods after his heart attack.
C. To her amazement, her father didn't have a heart attack even though he was a heavy smoker and ate an
unhealthy diet.
D. She was glad that, after his heart attack, her father never smoked or ate fatty foods for the rest of his life.
11. When Carlos arrived at the airport, the plane had departed from Mexico.
A) After Carlos arrived at the airport, the plane flew to Mexico.
B) The plane had left Mexico before Carlos arrived at the airport.
C) While the plane was leaving Mexico, Carlos arrived at the airport.
D) As soon as the plane landed in Mexico, Carlos arrived at the airport.
12. By the time I woke up, my mother had already cleaned the house.
A) My mother finished cleaning the house before I woke up.
B) When I woke up, my mother was cleaning the house.
C) My mother cleans the house before I wake up.
D) After I woke up, my mother started to clean the house.


We can use prepositions with relative pronouns. Their position depends on formality.

Informal / Neutral Formal

My grandparents lived in the My grandparents didn’t own the My grandparents didn’t own the
house, but they didn’t own it. house (which/that) they lived in. house in which they lived.

I’d like some information about an Do you have any information The insurance claim to which you
insurance claim. I referred to it in about the insurance claim referred does not appear to be in
an email. (that/which) I referred to in my our records.

We do not put a preposition before the relative pronoun “that”.

X They didn’t own the house in that they lived.

If we put a preposition before “who”, the pronoun always becomes “WHOM”.

The patients, among whom there were several immigrants, had to undergo a series of tests.

The people who this report is addressed to must consider its proposals carefully.
The people to whom this report is addressed must consider its proposals carefully.


In non-defining relative clauses, we can use which /whom / whose with the quantity words like many of, some of,
most of, a few of, all of, none of, two of, half of, both of, neither of, each of etc. and superlatives.

- Mary has three brothers, one of whom is a very talented artist.

- Venezuela has Andean Mountains, many of which rise to over 4,500 meters.
- Mr. Smith, both of whose sisters live in Canada, is going to help us with the project.

Exercise 1. Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. Animated productions continue to increase in popularity. Most of them are loved by children.
2. Steven Spielberg is one of the most popular directors and producers in film history. I’ve seen some of his films.
3. Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz are prominent actresses. Both of them are Spanish-speaking.
4. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone star in La La Land. I like neither of them.
5. Yaşar Kemal is one of the most distinguished authors of our contemporary literature. Most of his books have
been translated into many languages.
6. He has two assistant managers. Both of them are efficient in their work.

7. You will face many problems in England. One of them will be finding accommodation.
8. For one class at university, we had to read a book on strategy. Some of its chapters were extremely boring.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronouns and prepositions.
1.The running club is going to organize several races this year including the New York Marathon, ___________ I’m
also taking part ___________.
2. I was so embarrassed in the restaurant yesterday! My uncle didn’t like the food, ___________ he kept
complaining ___________.
3. There was a bad accident here yesterday. The old woman, ___________ house the car crashed ___________,
was later taken to hospital.
4. I can’t work at the cinema on Saturday. They will need someone to collect the tickets at the door, ___________I
am usually responsible ___________.
5. Tomorrow my mum is going to stay with my aunt, ___________ she is always worrying ___________.
6. Thankfully, the neighbors, ___________ dog we’ve been looking __________, are coming back from holiday
7. The pop band sang in front of around 20000 people, most ___________ ___________ seemed to be young girls.
8. There are many hotels in the city, the best ___________ ___________ is probably the Victoria.


We can add a non-defining relative clause to the end of a sentence to make a comment about the information (not
the noun) in the main clause.

Fact: Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election.

Comment: People didn’t expect this.
 Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election, which was rather unexpected.

We use “which”, NOT who, whose, that or it to introduce a comment clause within a sentence.
- Harold never phones before visiting, which is annoying.
(Harold never phones before visiting, that is annoying.)

Exercise 3. Join the following sentences using which.

1. It's impossible for us to catch the train. This will be very bad.
2. He didn’t offer help to his parents. That was a little selfish of him.
3. She is rather bad-tempered. This makes her a difficult person to work with.


He is one of the greatest artists of all times, a man (1) _____ name has become synonymous with the word
‘masterpiece’: Michelangelo Buonarroti.
As an artist, he was unmatched, the creator of works of sublime beauty (2) _____ express the full breadth of the
human condition. Yet, in a world (3) _____ art flourished only with patronage, Michelangelo was caught between
the conflicting powers and whims of the Medici family in Florence and the Papacy in Rome.

Michelangelo was born on the 6th of March 1475, in Caprese, (4) _____ his father had worked as a judge for 6
months. His father, Ludovico, (5) _____ was not a wealthy man, claimed that he came from an aristocratic family
and he was very proud of this connection.
Michelangelo grew up in Settignano, (6) _____ he began to develop a taste for sculpting. One of the first sights
Michelangelo must have become familiar with was the dome of the beautiful Cathedral in Florence, (7) _____
dominated the city as it still does today. Michelangelo was not an outstanding student; lessons didn’t interest
him. The only thing he was interested in was to draw and go to the workshops to talk to various painters and
sculptors (8) _____ he usually spent his time. It was obvious that art was the most important thing for this
enthusiastic boy. His best friend at the school (9) _____ his father sent him to learn grammar and the principles of
Latin was a boy (10) _____ six years older than Michelangelo. In addition, this boy, Francesco Granacci, seemed to
take an interest in Michelangelo and helped him with his attempts to draw and paint. However, Michelangelo’s
choice of profession didn’t please his father at all, since only the most successful artists in Florence had the
chance of making money. With few properties remaining, Ludovico hoped that with his studies, Michelangelo
could become a successful merchant or businessman, thereby preserving the Buonarroti position in society.
However, Michelangelo went on to study at the sculpture school in the Medici gardens. Later on, he began to
study human anatomy. He had produced at least two relief sculptures by the time he was 16 years old, the Battle
of Centaurs and the Madonna of the Stairs, (11) _____ meant that he had achieved a personal style at a
precocious age.

1. a. who is b. of whom c. whose d. that’s

2. a. who b. that is c. in which d. that
3. a. where b. which in c. whose d. of which
4. a. which b. where c. when d. in that
5. a. that b. who c. whom d. which
6. a. which b. that c. in that d. where
7. a. what b. which c. which was d. that
8. a. with which b. with whose c. with whom d. with that
9. a. which b. that c. which d. where
10. a. who was b. who c. whom was d. that
11. a. which b. which was c. that was d. that
A. Read the short passage about Peace Memorial Park and discuss the following questions with a partner.
1. What is the significance of Peace Memorial Park in terms of world peace and
the global effort to prevent the use of nuclear weapons?
2. How does Peace Memorial Park play a role in educating people about the
consequences of war and the importance of peace?
3. In your opinion, how effective are memorials and museums like Peace
Memorial Park in preserving the memory of historical events and promoting

Peace Memorial Park

Peace Memorial Park, in the centre of the city of Hiroshima, Hiroshima is now a busy, modern city. It's been rebuilt
Japan, is the only park of its kind in the world. It marks the spot by the courageous Japanese people. But there are
where the first atomic bomb was dropped. During World War reminders of the terrible tragedy of the atomic bombing.
II, Hiroshima was an important Japanese military base. At 8.15 One reminder in Peace Memorial Park is a building called
on the morning of 6th August 1945, three American planes the Atomic Bomb Dome. The building stands on the
appeared over the city, one of which dropped a single atomic banks of the Otaw River, as it did before the atomic
bomb destroying most of the city. Three days later, a second bomb fell. But it stands in ruins. It was left there to
atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, and on September 2, remind everyone of the horrors of atomic war.
the war officially ended.

B. Read the passage again and underline the examples of relative clauses.
C. Look at the reduced relative clauses below and try to make them full relative clauses adding necessary
 Peace Memorial Park, in the centre of the city of Hiroshima, Japan, is the only park of its kind in the
 Three Australian planes appeared over the city, one of which dropped a single atomic bomb destroying
most of the city.
 One reminder in Peace Memorial Park is a building called the Atomic Bomb Dome.

We sometimes shorten adjective clauses to adjective phrases with the same meaning.
We can only make reduced relative clauses when the relative pronoun is the subject of the relative
The woman who lives upstairs is very noisy.
The woman living upstairs is very noisy.

The money which was stolen from the bank has been recovered.
The money stolen from the bank has been recovered.


RULE 1: Active tenses are replaced by the PRESENT PARTICIPLE (Ving).

Delete the relative pronoun and change the verb to its -ing form. It can be done only when who, which or
that is the subject pronoun of the clause. In non-defining relative clauses, keep the commas.

 Note that the present participle can replace various active tenses, not only present continuous.

We stood on the bridge which connects the two We stood on the bridge connecting the two halves
halves of the city. of the city.
He was the actor who played the king. He was the actor playing the king.
Avatar, which stars Sam Worthington, is still the Avatar, starring Sam Worthington, is still the
highest-grossing film of all time. highest-grossing film of all time.
The children who were playing in the rain seemed The children playing in the rain seemed very happy.
very happy.
Exercise 1. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.
1. The woman who is sitting at the corner table seems familiar to me.
2. The students who wanted to postpone the exam were eventually able to persuade their teacher.
3. I prefer to buy a house which overlooks the sea rather than a large one.
4. Mary, who wanted to make an impression on the teacher, studied very hard.
5. My son, who is playing with some children over there, is very sensitive.

RULE 2: Passive simple forms are replaced by the PAST PARTICIPLE (V3).
Passive Continuous forms are replaced by BEING + PAST PARTICIPLE (V3).

In passive simple forms, delete the relative pronoun and ‘be’ of the passive structure. In non-defining
relative clauses, keep the comma.

The information which is given in the brochure is The information given in the brochure is wrong.
The boy who was attacked by a dog was taken to The boy attacked by a dog was taken to hospital.
The Maldives, which is preferred by lots of The Maldives, preferred by lots of honeymoon
honeymoon couples, consists of 1192 coral couples, consists of 1192 coral islands.
islands. Preferred by lots of honeymoon couples, Maldives
consists of 1192 coral islands.

In passive continuous forms (present or past), delete the relative pronoun and ‘be’ of the passive
structure. Keep “being” and “V3”. In non-defining relative clauses, keep the comma.

The term which is currently being discussed at The term currently being discussed at the
the board meeting has been added to the board meeting has been added to the
agenda. agenda.

Everybody was captured by the charm of the Everybody was captured by the charm of the music
music which was being played so beautifully by being played so beautifully by the orchestra.
the orchestra.

Exercise 2. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.

1. His first book, which was published in 1975, didn’t get so much praise as he expected.
2. None of the models that have been inspected so far have passed the test.
3. The saplings which are being planted today will one day grow into huge trees.
4. The driver who was stopped by the police was three times over the legal limit.
5. Her husband, who was promoted to a higher position, will get more money.

RULE 3: Delete "relative pronoun + to be" if "to be" is used after a relative pronoun.

The books which are on the top shelf are difficult The books on the top shelf are difficult to reach.
to reach.
My car, which was much cheaper than yours, My car, much cheaper than yours, hasn’t caused
hasn’t caused me any trouble. me any trouble.

Anyone who is interested in animals can join our Anyone interested in animals can join our club.
Mr. Bazile, who is the owner of the company, is a Mr. Bazile, the owner of the company, is a very
very strict man. strict man.

NOTE THAT you can also omit the -ing form when it is followed by a prepositional phrase.
 The people who were sitting at the back couldn't hear.
 The people sitting at the back couldn't hear.
 The people at the back couldn't hear.

Exercise 3. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.

1. Tom White, who is the oldest man in town, is still healthy.
2. The paragraph which is above is too long.
3. Mr. Davies, who is the headmaster of our school, is a very friendly man.
4. I need a bag which is big enough to put all my essentials for travel.

RULE 4: Use infinitive “to” with superlatives, ordinal numbers, the only, and modals.

Tom is the most handsome boy who came to this Tom is the most handsome boy to come to this
school. school.
The first athlete who finishes the race gets the The first athlete to finish the race gets the prize.
Madam Curie is the only female scientist who won Madam Curie is the only female scientist to win
the Nobel Prize twice. the Nobel Prize twice.
Today, I will have many clients that I must deal Today, I will have many clients to deal with.

RULE 5: When the verbs “have” and “wear” in a relative clause mean possession, we can delete the
relative pronoun and the verbs and use “with” instead.

Students who have enough knowledge and skills Students with enough knowledge and skills will be
will be admitted. admitted.
The man who is wearing sunglasses is a famous The man with sunglasses is a famous American
American baseball player. baseball player.
Exercise 4. Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.
1. China is the cheapest country which produces such interesting goods.
2. Lady Gaga is the most unusual singer who wears outrageous outfits.
3. Yesterday I was the last person who left the office.
4. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
5. The only man who should get this position is Mr. Black.
6. The girl who has blue eyes is Jim’s sister.
7. Riders who don’t wear helmets are at significantly increased risk of head trauma.
8. Children who have good friends can accept and even appreciate differences between themselves and
their friends.

Exercise 5. Restatements
Which of the following sentences best expresses the meaning in the given sentence?
1. Children mustn’t be made to carry more than 20% of their body weight while hiking, so a child weighing
25 kilos should carry a backpack that weighs a maximum of 5 kilos.
A) A 25-kilo child certainly ought not to be forced to carry over 5 kilos, that is, 20% of their body weight, when
B) You don’t have to ask kids to carry a backpack, but if you do, limit their load to 5 kilos or 20% of total body
C) Kids never have to carry more than one-fifth of their body weight, that is, 5 kilos for a 25-kilo child, if they go
D) It is unhealthy for children 25 kilos or under to carry backpacks, and you especially need to avoid giving them
more than 20% of body weight.
2. The Global Positioning System (GPS) consists of 31 satellites that orbit the Earth, which leads to all points
on the planet being in sight of at least 6 satellites at any given time.
A) 31 of the many satellites in the GPS system orbit the Earth, and the entire system is able to view any place
on our planet with 6 satellites at any specific point in time.
B) Each location on Earth has been observed by 6 satellites at some point in time due to the 31 satellites in the
GPS that go around our planet.
C) 6 satellites can examine every location on Earth because they are part of the Global Positioning System, which
has 31satellites that circle the Earth.
D) Every spot on the Earth can be viewed by a minimum of 6 satellites at any moment because of GPS, a system
which includes 31 satellites orbiting the Earth.
3. Paper banknotes reduced transporting precious metals such as gold and silver, which was a risky operation.
A) Paper currency got rid of shipping valuable metals like gold and silver, which were high risk investments.
B) Moving gold, silver and other precious metals carried risk, and transporting it declined when paper currency
came into use.
C) Valuable goods like gold and silver are hard to move while paper banknotes are easier to transfer to another
D) Unlike metals like gold and silver that are worth a lot of money, banknotes made of paper have less value
and are not as risky to move.
4. The Hippocratic Oath, written in the 5th century BC, provides the earliest protocol for ethical behavior that
a physician needed to follow in treating patients.
A) The 5th century BC Hippocratic Oath is the first document to describe how physicians behaved toward
B) Already in the 5th century BC, physicians were treating patients well according to the Hippocratic Oath, an
early document about medical ethics.
C) Physicians in the 5th century BC who treated their patients ethically wrote the Hippocratic Oath, the oldest
medical document that we have today.
D) The earliest document about ethical rules which a physician was required to follow when treating patients is
the Hippocratic Oath from the 5th century BC.

5. Each penguin has a distinct call, allowing individuals to find their mate and their chicks even in large
A) It is possible for a penguin to locate its chicks and mate in a crowd of penguins due to the unique call of
each one.
B) Since all penguins don’t have the same call, there is a chance for a penguin to identify its mate or chick in a
C) A large group of penguins permits a single penguin to make its call, and this results in the penguin finding
its mate or chicks.
D) It has been discovered that the sound of each penguin is different than that of its mate, its chicks, and even
every other penguin in a large group.

6. In the Bosnian war zone, the tourists encountered old buildings, some of whose exteriors were badly
damaged by bombs, which was a dreadful experience for them.
A) In the Bosnian war zone, seeing old buildings, all of whose roofs were badly damaged by bombs, was the
most dreadful experience the tourists have ever had.
B) During the war, some of the old buildings in Bosnia were badly damaged by the war, which was an awful
experience for the ones who survived the bombings.
C) Old buildings in the Bosnian war zone, many of which were badly damaged by bombs, stood as a memory
of the violence that took place during the war.
D) The tourists came across some old buildings in the Bosnian war zone whose outer surfaces were ruined by
bombs, and it was an awful experience for them to see that scene.
7. There are lots of women with AIDS in Africa, most of whose children suffer from the same disease.
A) Lots of women with AIDS in Africa are mostly the children of women who suffer from the same disease.
B) The children whose mothers suffer from AIDS in Africa will probably have the same disease.
C) Lots of women in Africa have AIDS, and the majority of these women’s kids have AIDS, too.
D) There are countless women in Africa who carry the same amount of risk of the disease AIDS as their kids.
8. In Canada, the number of immigrant women, few of whom have a university degree, has increased.
A) The number of immigrant women who had to leave their university education has gone up in Canada.
B) In Canada, the number of immigrant women, many of whom have a university education, has been
C) There are immigrant women without a university degree who are increasing in number in Canada.
D) Neither the immigrants nor the local women in Canada have a university degree, which is an increasing
9. In 1436, Johann Gutenberg came out with a printing method in which one could construct a page to be
copied numerous times.
A) Using a method that copied the latest printing techniques, Johann Gutenberg introduced his printing press
in 1436.
B) 1436 is the year that Johann Gutenberg modified the printing techniques which had allowed him to make a
page that could be reproduced.
C) Johann Gutenberg’s printing technique, introduced in 1436, enabled a person to form a page which could
be printed again and again.
D) In 1436, Johann Gutenberg learned of a printing method that made it possible for him to make a pattern
which he could copy.
10. Scientists have managed to change the color of gold, which is a remarkable success in science.
A) Scientists have been successful in creating different colored pieces of gold, which is the most important
element in the world.
B) Scientists have been able to turn gold into a different color, and it is a notable achievement in the field.
C) The color of gold, which is significant for scientists, has been a matter of research recently.
D) Scientists are planning to change the color of gold, which will be a breakthrough in science if they become

A. Read the text below and answer the questions.
1. What was discovered in 1535? Who were they discovered by?
2. What was the most important problem on the Galapagos Islands?
3. Underline any shortened structures in the text. Try to write their longer
versions adding necessary words.

The Galapagos Islands

Located near the Equator, the Galapagos Islands are a group of volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador.
Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535, and first shown on maps in about 1570, the islands were rarely
visited. However, passing ships hunted seals and giant tortoises. Once captured, tortoises were kept alive on
ships for long periods and later eaten. After facing extinction, few of these creatures remain today. Now,
protected as part of a national park, the islands are popular with eco-tourists. Efforts are continuing to save
their wildlife.

PARTICIPLE CLAUSES enable us to say information in a more economical way.

We can use participle clauses when the participle and the verb in the main clause have the same subject.
For example: Waiting for John, I made some tea. (I was waiting for John.)

There are several different participle forms in participle clauses:

The Present Participle The Past Participle The Perfect Participle (active) The Perfect Participle (passive)
Ving V3 having V3 having been V3

- Walking home, he was attacked by a strange man.
1. To replace adverbial clauses. (As he was walking home, he was attacked by a
strange man.)
- (On/ Upon) Opening the door, I found the
newspaper on the floor. (specific)
(When I opened the door, I found the newspaper on the
- Not wanting to miss the bus, they ran to the bus stop.
(Because/As they didn’t want to miss the bus, they ran
to the bus stop.)
- When taking this medication, avoid drinking
alcohol. (general) (When you take this medication,
avoid drinking alcohol.)
- After speaking to her, I felt much better.
(After I spoke to her, I felt much better.)
- Before making a decision, I need to talk to my
(Before I make a decision, I need to talk to my
- I’ve had no time to go out since getting a new a
(I’ve had no time to go out since I got a new job.)

2. To replace actions. -Crossing the street, she dropped her purse.

(She was crossing the street, and she dropped her
- a lengthy action interrupted by a purse.)
shorter or a sudden one.
-Walking down the street, he was singing a song.
- an action taking place at the same (He was walking down the street and singing a song.)
time as another one.
-Entering the room, he noticed that the windows were
- an action taking place immediately open.)
before another one. (He entered the room and noticed that the windows
were open.)

Exercise 1. Use the Present Participle where necessary.

1. Because he did not know his way around, Simon had to ask for directions.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
2. When you adjust the machine, you must switch off the electricity.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
3. The detective opened the file and took out a newspaper cutting.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
4. While he was reading the paper, he saw the news about his hometown.
5. She did not go to the party because she knew that John wouldn’t be there.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Bill was listening to the lecture, and he fell asleep.
7. He was well-qualified, so he got the job.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Since I wanted to finish my work, I stayed in.
___________________________________________________________________________ .
9. Since I moved here, I have felt much healthier.
10. After she added the water, she began to stir the mixture.


It is used when one of the actions is in the passive


- With a similar meaning to an if condition Stored in the fridge, the pudding will keep for up
Used in this way, participles can make your writing to one week.
more concise. (If participles are used in this way, …) (If it is stored in the fridge, the pudding will keep
for up to one week.)

- To give the reason for an action Convinced that they were trying to poison him, he
refused to eat anything.
(Because he was convinced that they were trying
to poison him, he refused to eat anything.)
Worried by the news, she called the hospital.

- To add information about the subject of the Shocked by the tragedy, they did not know what to
main clause say. (They were shocked by the tragedy and did
not know what to say.)
Filled with pride, he walked towards the stage.

Exercise 2. Use the Past Participle where necessary.

1. The passengers were soaked to the skin, and they managed to get on another coach for the next town.
2. If this product is used economically, it lasts for at least six weeks.
3. As they were confused by the changing information, they thought the plane was cancelled.
4. The driver was shocked by the accident, and he couldn’t say a word at first.
5. When they are planted in early spring, these vegetables can be harvested in the summer.
6. Since he was woken up by the noise in the street, he couldn’t get back to sleep.
7. If these jeans are washed at a low temperature, they will keep their original colour for a long time.

1. When the first action is completed before the Having finished lunch, we set off on our journey.
second action (a time gap). (We finished lunch, and then we set off on our
journey. OR After we (had) finished lunch, we set off
on our journey.)
2. When the earlier action covers a period of time. Having gained so much experience in his field, he
was appointed to a government post.
(He had gained so much experience in his field, so he
was appointed to a government post.)
3. To replace a relative clause containing a time gap Having finished earlier, the students were allowed
with the main clause. to go out.
The students having finished earlier were allowed
to go out. (The students who had finished earlier
were allowed to go out.)
1. When the first action is completed before the Having been bitten twice by our dog, he refused to
second action (a time gap). deliver our post.
(He had been bitten twice by our dog, so he refused
to deliver our post.)
2. When the earlier action covers a period of time. Having been involved in a number of crimes, he was
sentenced to life imprisonment.
(Since he had been involved in a number of crimes,
he was sentenced to life imprisonment.)
3. To replace a relative clause containing a time gap Having been interviewed three times, the boy was
with the main clause. offered the job.
The boy having been interviewed three times was
offered the job.
(The boy who had been interviewed three times was
offered the job.)

Exercise 3. Use the Perfect Participle where necessary.

1. Since I had not seen him for a long time, I didn’t recognize him.
2. The man who had worked in the garden all day couldn’t sleep well.
3. After he had been turned down by many universities, Charlie decided to join the army.
4. The room had not been tidied up yet and looked like a battlefield.
5. After they had been selected for the final interview, the candidates were asked to prepare a short presentation.

Exercise 4. Combine the following sentences and then reduce them using participles.
1. He did not understand. He asked the teacher to explain.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
2. We heard a noise. We went out to see what was happening.
3. He had witnessed the crime. He was expected to give evidence in court.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
4. He got off his horse. He began searching for something on the ground.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
5. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
6. I had forgotten my keys. I had to climb through the window into the house.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
7. He offered to show us the way home. He thought we were lost.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
8. I noticed that the door was open. I walked in.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
9. I didn’t have an umbrella. I got really wet.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
10. Shelia washed her hair. Then she went out for the evening.
__________________________________________________________________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ .
11. She was tired of his complaints about the film. She turned the television off.
_________________________________________________________________________ .

Exercise 5. Restatement
Which of the following sentences best expresses the meaning in the given sentence?
1. Having just bought a brand-new car, he was angry when the electric windows on it stopped working.
A. He bought a new car because he was fed up with the electric windows not working properly on his old one.
B. The failure of the electric windows on his new car annoyed him because he had only recently purchased it
brand new.
C. Although he was not happy to discover that the car did not have electrically operated windows, he bought it
D. Feeling annoyed that the electric windows no longer worked on his car, he bought a new one.
2. Having considered all the risks beforehand, the police did not take action without a plan.
A. While they were considering the risks, the police did not take action without a plan.
B. Although they did not take action without a plan, the police considered the risks beforehand.
C. By the time the police thought about taking action, they had made a plan.
D. Because the police had considered all the risks beforehand, they did not take action without a plan.
3. Few of the people attending the opening of the exhibition realized just how remarkable the exhibition
A. Many people at the opening were unable to appreciate the worth of the exhibition.
B. Most people who came to the opening did not expect the exhibition to be of any value.
C. A great majority of the people were, in fact, impressed by the exhibition when it was opened.
D. Of those who attended the opening, some thought the exhibition was rather disappointing.
4. Being totally unfamiliar with the situation, he could only offer very little help.
A. Because he didn't offer any assistance, he wasn't able to learn much about what was happening.
B. As he only knew very little about the case, his offer of help was of no use.
C. Not knowing anyone involved in the event, he decided not to offer to do anything about it.
D. He was unable to offer much assistance as he didn’t know anything about the case.
5. Not being satisfied with my declaration, the customs officer directed me for a detailed examination of my
A. The customs officer made me open my suitcase without even looking at my declaration form.
B. My suspicious behavior got the attention of the customs officer, and he wanted to examine my baggage.
C. Although the customs officer was not satisfied with my declaration, he did not examine my baggage in
D. The customs officer did not find my declaration satisfactory and decided that my baggage needed further
6. When driving at night, I cannot bear people driving towards me without dipping their headlights.
A. If drivers don't dip their headlights at night, they can dazzle drivers coming in the opposite direction.
B. When at the wheel at night, I get annoyed with the drivers coming in the opposite direction who don't dip
their headlights.
C. I get dazzled if a driver who is coming in the opposite direction does not dip his headlights at night, which is
very annoying.
D. The thing I find most annoying when driving at night is drivers who don't dip their headlights for oncoming
7. Considering I was knowledgeable, the boss told me that I was supposed to inform our guests about our
factory at the meeting to be held on Friday.
A. The boss thought I was always open to new ideas, so he considered that my informing our guests about the
factory would be a good experience for me.
B. As the boss thought that my knowledge was sufficient, he assigned me to enlighten the guests about the
factory at the meeting on Friday.
C. I thought my knowledge would serve well to let our guests learn more about the factory, so I expected the
boss would appoint me for the task on Friday.
D. The boss expected that I would assist him in informing the guests about our company as my skills were

8. Being disturbed by the alterations made by one of the shareholders of the company, the factory manager is
likely to resign his position.
A. The manager is leaving his job because he doesn’t like the changes made at the factory by one of the
B. As a result of the disturbance caused by the changes at the factory, the manager is going to resign.
C. As a result of what has happened, the manager has no other choice but to leave his work at the factory.
D. The manager of the factory may give up his job as he is not satisfied with the changes made by one of the
investors of the company.
9. Having read the novel both in original and translated versions, Jane concluded that the translated one
lacked many parts.
A. Jane decided to read the translation because she did not understand the language of the original text.
B. Jane felt that if she had read the book in its original language, she would have appreciated it more.
C. After Jane had read the story in its original and translated versions, she realized that the latter missed out a
lot of sections.
D. Jane was unsure of some of the ideas in the story and so read the translated version to check.
10. Although the head of the department was not supported by the majority of the staff members, he didn’t
hesitate to put his plans into action.
A. In spite of the reluctance of the head of the department, the staff members managed to persuade him to go
ahead with his plans.
B. Despite the lack of support from most of the staff members, the head of the department was determined to
execute his plans.
C. As the head of the department gained considerable support from his staff members, he was able to realize his
D. The fact that no single staff member in the department agreed with the head’s plans did not prevent him
from realizing most of his plans.
11. Encouraged by his colleagues’ positive opinion, the manager decided to go ahead with his new project.
A. After receiving support from his colleagues, the manager proceeded with his new scheme.
B. The director had to quit his plan due to the lack of support.
C. To implement his project, the manager wanted his colleagues to sustain him.
D. But for his colleagues’ support, the director wouldn’t have been able to succeed in his plan.
12. Once frustrating to teachers, cell phones have gone from irritating devices to constructive tools in many
A. When cell phones frustrated teachers, they ordered students not to take the annoying devices into their
B. Although cell phones used to be considered disturbing by teachers, they are now a beneficial component of
many lessons.
C. As cell phones have become more and more developed, they have also become more troublesome gadgets for
teachers during class.
D. It is now necessary to use devices such as cell phones in the classroom, although they are really annoying
13. Knowing the dictionary definition of a word does not necessarily mean that you know its correct usage.
A. It is necessary to know how the dictionary defines a word before you can use it properly.
B. The dictionary definition of a word does not always show its proper usage.
C. You can’t use a dictionary correctly if you don’t understand the definitions of the words.
D. You may still make mistakes in using a word even if you know its dictionary definition.


- Noun clauses starting with a question word We do not know where we should go next.
(how, when, what, where, who, which, why, etc.) We do not know where to go next.
or noun clauses starting with yes/no questions
which contain a modal verb like can, could, or Tom did not know whether he should answer the phone
should can be reduced to an infinitive phrase. or not.
Tom didn’t know whether to answer the phone or not.

- A noun clause can be reduced only if the I want to know which direction I should proceed in.
independent clause and the noun clause have the I want to know which direction to proceed in.
same subject. The noun clause in the first [The noun clause and the independent clause have the
sentence, for example, can be reduced, but not in same subject, “I”. Hence, the clause can be reduced.]
the second.
I want to know which direction my brother should
proceed in.
[The noun clause and the independent clause have
different subjects: “I” vs. “my brother”. Hence, the clause
can’t be reduced.]

I want to know which direction we should proceed in.

I want to know which direction to proceed in.
[Exception: We could reduce despite the two subjects
being different because here “we”, in a way, includes “I”.]
- Noun clauses that follow adjectives can be He is happy that he is here.
reduced to infinitive phrases. He is happy to be here.
- That clauses following “it’s It is very safe that children swim here.
important/necessary/ essential etc. somebody It is very safe for children to swim here.
(should) do something” can be reduced to “it’s
important/necessary/essential etc. for It is not safe that people take photos here.
somebody to do something”. It is not safe for people to take photos here.

Exercise: Reduce the following noun clauses.

1. The plumber easily figured out how he could fix the leak in the sink.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. I cannot decide where I should meet you.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Don had an excuse for being late for his date, but Sandy didn’t know whether she should believe him or not.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. It is important that she should stay here.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. Jim found two shirts he liked, but he had trouble deciding which one he should buy.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. She is happy that she is alive after that awful accident.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. I have done everything I can think of to help Andy, and I don’t know what else I can do.
________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. They wondered whether they should buy an expensive present or a cheap one.
________________________________________________________________________________ .

A. Discuss the questions below with a partner.
1. Do you like dancing? Are you interested in learning to
dance? How does dance make you feel?
2. How important is dancing in your country?
3. What are some health benefits of dancing?
4. Why do we dance?
B. Now, watch the video in the link. Write down
the purposes of dancing you hear.
C. Read the text and underline the ideas either you have
mentioned while discussing the questions above or you have heard while watching the video.
D. What is one piece of information from the article that you find interesting/significant? Share your answers
in groups.
E. Now, read the text again paying attention to the bold-faced structures (gerunds and infinitives) and answer
the questions.
Dance like Nobody’s Watching, Science Says.
It's Good for You Dancing is also effective in lowering cortisol
levels. Since cortisol is a stress hormone, this is another
If you have never considered adding dance into your lifestyle, reason why dancing can increase feelings of happiness
reading this article will be a milestone in your life. Dancing is and relaxation. As you engage in dance, you may find
fun, exciting, creative, and freeing; and recently, research shows that you become good at expressing your emotions
that it has unique health benefits as well. Like most sports, and connecting with the music on a deeper level.
dancing improves heart and lung functions, muscular strength,
endurance, motor fitness, and weight management. Dancing is Fitness expert Dr. Matt Roots also explains that
also known to increase bone strength, flexibility, coordination, dancing gives us an opportunity to free up our bodies
and balance. by allowing us to move unhindered- totally to the beat
of our own drum- and that in today’s society, we just
If you don’t find the physical benefits good enough to start don’t do that quite enough. He states that modern living
dancing, new research shows that dancing also increases often leaves us feeling disconnected from our bodies
cognitive functions. Researchers at the Universities of York and because we spend so much time sitting down and
Sheffield in the UK conducted experiments where participants hooked up to technology. Dancing makes you feel
chose to either sit and listen to music, exercise on a stationary good because it makes you feel so alive. Dr. Lovett
bike, or dance for 5 minutes. All participants were given explains that there is also a social element to dancing,
cognitive tasks to perform both before and after the music. “All where we connect to other people through our
those who chose to dance displayed problem-solving skills movement and through the music. Historically, dancing
afterwards,” Dr. Peter Lovatt from the University of has been used in ceremonies, rituals, and holidays for
Hertfordshire explains. This same study also found that the centuries to connect spiritually to ourselves and to our
mood levels of the dancers went up. It shows that dancing along social and cultural circles.
to music even for five minutes can boost happiness and improve
creative-thinking patterns. No matter your age, background, or gender, dancing
has something for everyone. Incorporating dance into
While most forms of exercise stimulate endorphins, dancing your routine may take some time, but as you keep
seems to release more endorphins than typical aerobic practicing, you'll discover the immense pleasure and
movement. It also stimulates an emotional release that other satisfaction it brings.
forms of exercise don’t necessarily do.
So, put on your favorite music, move to the rhythm,
and let the dance floor be your canvas for self-
expression and well-being. Your body, mind, and spirit
will thank you. Adapted from

1. A gerund can be the subject of a sentence. TRUE / FALSE
2. Some verbs, such as ________, __________ and __________ are followed by a gerund.
3. Some verbs, such as ________ and ________ are followed by an infinitive.
4. After some verbs, such as ________ and ________, we use an infinitive without to.
5. We use enough + infinitive after an adjective. TRUE / FALSE
6. Many preposition combinations are followed by gerunds. TRUE / FALSE
7. To express purpose, we use a gerund. TRUE / FALSE

• A gerund can be the subject of a sentence. It is always Dancing makes you feel good and alive.
singular. Use the third-person-singular form of the verb Cheating is not allowed.
after gerunds.

* Gerunds can be made negative by adding "not". Not calling her was a big mistake.

• A gerund can be the object of certain verbs. Use a If you don’t wash your hands after going to the toilet,
gerund after these verbs: you risk catching diseases.
admit avoid keep I cannot imagine not needing money to live.
advise consider risk Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes?
appreciate deny suggest The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.
enjoy fancy quit He spent all his time doing research on endangered
imagine recommend suggest species.
mind involve finish I can’t help worrying about his health.
spend practice can’t help

•Use a gerund after prepositions such as: I read this article without looking up any words in
about before for on the dictionary.
against between in to People from different cultures have different ways of
at by of with keeping clean.
without I’m against smoking in public.

• Use a gerund after expressions with prepositions: It is difficult for women to succeed in building
verb + preposition: believe in, apologize for, feel like, careers in male- dominated industries.
succeed in, worry about, advise against, look forward to, I can’t get used to working for such a large company.
get used to, be used to…
adjective + preposition: afraid of, interested in, fed up The team were worried about losing in the second
with, excited about, keen on, sorry for, opposed to… half because their best player had been injured.

•Use a gerund after certain expressions such as it’s no She is busy writing her end-of-term paper.
use, it’s (not) worth, there is no point (in), can’t stand, There is no point in getting angry with him. It’s not
have difficulty (in), have trouble, be busy, etc. his fault.
It’s no use asking Paul. He won’t be able to help you.
• Certain verbs are followed directly by an infinitive:
agree forget seem The children promised to play more quietly.
attempt hope volunteer She agreed to give a presentation at the meeting.
begin learn hesitate She is very talented. She deserves to win the prize.
decide manage tend He hesitated to tell me what the problem was.
promise refuse choose The client demanded to speak to Mr. Harris.
He managed to open the door without the key.

wish expect would like/
afford appear would love
deserve pretend offer

* Infinitives can be made negative by adding "not". *The children promised not to make too much noise.

• Some verbs, such as the ones below, need an object He had warned me not to forget the tickets.
before the infinitive. We told Nancy to come early.
allow force recommend I finally persuaded her to go out for a drink with me.
convince İnvite tell I wouldn’t recommend you to walk home alone.
encourage warn persuade
expect advise teach
We are too tired to do any work today.
• We often use the words too and enough before Mia is running fast enough to win the race.

• To infinitive is also used to express purpose. She does yoga every morning to improve her

• Certain adjectives can be followed by an infinitive.

These adjectives often express feelings about the action
described in the infinitive. Martin is reluctant to tell us what happened.
afraid fortunate reluctant Helen was fortunate to get a job.
sorry glad willing I am sorry to interrupt you, but I have to clarify a
important excited proud point here.

• Infinitives are also used after certain nouns and His determination to pass the test fascinated me.
pronouns such as something, somewhere, anyone, etc. Take something to drink on the bus.
usually to show that something is necessary or possible. I haven’t got anything to wear to the interview.

•After be + the first/second/best/ last, etc. The best activity to start your day with is dancing.

•After verbs and expressions such as ask, learn, find out, I don’t know how to stay calm in some situations.
want to know, explain, etc. when they are followed by
question words (who, what, where, how, etc.)
They made me sing in front of a large number of
• The verbs “let” and “make” are followed by infinitives people.
without “to”. I let her win because she really cared about it.

. The verb “help” can be used with an infinitive with or I helped her (to) get out of the car.
without “to”.
 The verbs “like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, start, continue, begin” are followed either by a full infinitive
or by a gerund with almost no difference in meaning.
They continued to study for the exam after midnight. /They continued studying for the exam after
I hate to wait for others. / I hate waiting for others.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct gerund or infinitive form.
Dear Ms. Collins,
I am writing 1___________ (express) my interest in the position of Personal Assistant advertised in the newspaper
last week. I am proficient at 2___________ (type), and I know how 3___________ (use) most word-processing
software. I also have excellent organizational abilities as I used to work for a very big company as an event planner.
I always tend 4___________ (look) forward to new challenges that can make me 5___________ (grow) in my
position. I enjoy 6___________ (work) with people, I am flexible, and I don't mind 7___________ (work) overtime.
As you can see from the attached letters of reference, my previous employers considered me to be a skilled
secretary. I would be pleased 8___________ (extend) my career by working for a prestigious company like HTM.
I look forward to 9___________ (hear) from you.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica Jones
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the gerund or infinitive forms of the verbs in parentheses.
1___________ (travel) to Mars might become reality sooner than you think. Scientists are planning to send
astronauts 2___________ (explore) Mars in the near future. Even though they know that it may be risky
3___________ (send) people rather than animals to Mars, they insist on 4___________ (use) people for this
mission. The scientists believe that it’s the only way to find out if there has ever been life on the planet and if
there could ever be. “We think it is important 5___________ (check) the chances of being able 6___________
(live) on another planet. After all, it doesn’t seem impossible 7___________ (create) Earth-like conditions on
Mars,” says Professor Huxley from Michigan University.
Some other experts in the field, however, do not like this idea. They are trying to stop their colleagues
from 8___________ (send) people up there so soon in the experiment. “We need 9___________
(study) the planet and the conditions there before we start doing anything like this. There will be many
challenges that we have to consider,” says a group of scientists from the same university.
The argument is likely to continue for a long time, and this might be bad news for those who are looking
forward to 10___________ (start) a completely different life on another planet.
Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences using the words given in brackets.
1. Mary’s parents didn’t allow her to go to the club and she had to stay at home. (made)
2. If you want to get this job, you need to speak English fluently. (important)
3. It is difficult to download large files from the Internet.
4. Dylan never studies for his lessons, but he watches TV all the time. (instead of)
5. He thinks that Nicolas Cage will get the star role in the film. (expect)
6. It’s not a problem for me to prepare the slides for the oral presentation. (mind)
7. They put a plaster on his wound. They did not clean it. (without)
8. Katrina does not think about anything except making money. (obsessed)
9. I am very sorry, I just can’t remember people’s names. (good)
10. Mick showed me how I could solve a Sudoku puzzle. (to)
11. I am afraid Jessica won’t be able to finish all the work by herself. (manage)

12. Using the photocopier is not allowed. (allow)
We ________________________________________________________________.
13. It was difficult for Ms. Sun to read some of the students’ handwriting. (difficulty)
Ms. Sun ____________________________________________________________.
14. Could you give me a lift to the office, please? (mind)
Would _____________________________________________________________?


The verbs forget, remember, regret, try, stop, mean, and go on can be followed by to-infinitive or the ing form,
but with a change in meaning. Look at the table below to see the changes in meaning.

Gerund (Ving) Infinitive (to V1)

I will never forget visiting Paris. Don’t forget to call me when you land.
Don’t worry! Dan remembers locking I remembered to post the letters on my way back
the door. home.
(We refer to something that has already (to remember or not to forget a duty or a
happened.) responsibility)

I regret shouting at my little sister. I regret to say that I cannot join you tonight.
regret (to be sorry for something you did in the (to be sorry to communicate bad news; this form is
past) used as a form of formal apology.)
Try sleeping for a while. It might make I’m very busy, but I’ll try to come to your house for
your headache go away. dinner tonight.
(to express that we will do something to The little kitten tried to climb over the wall, but
see if it will work) couldn’t.
(to make an effort to do something)

Glen stopped smoking two years ago. Kate stopped to drink a cup of coffee on her way
(not to continue an action or quit doing home.
stop something) (to pause in order to do something else, to take a break
from doing something)

Working in Istanbul means leaving I don’t mean to hurt you by criticizing, but it’s for your
home at 6 am to be on time for work. own sake.
mean (to express that something involves (to express our intention; I didn’t intend to hurt you; I
another thing) didn’t want to hurt you; this was not my intention)

The kids went on laughing even after Janet attended Edinburg High School and then went on
the teacher told them to stop. to study philosophy at Cambridge.
go on
(to continue doing an action, keep on (to state that we stop one action and start another)
doing something)

Exercise 1. Read what the people did first and what they did second. Then decide which sentence they would
say, a or b.

What they did first What they did What they say
Example: a.I stopped to smoke five years ago.
He used to smoke a lot, but he stopped five b. I stopped smoking five years ago.
years ago.
1. He was working, but and smoked a a.I stopped to smoke a cigarette.
he stopped cigarette. b.I stopped smoking a cigarette.

2. She remembered so she met him at a.I remembered to meet Jim.

their appointment, the restaurant. b. I remembered meeting Jim.

3.He met Yuka a long but he can still a.I remember to meet Yuka.
time ago, remember her. b. I remember meeting Yuka.

4. I told Lars and he told so now I regret it; a.I regret to tell Lars my secret.
everyone, everyone knows my b.I regret telling Lars my secret.
5. I don’t want to tell I’ll tell you now, a.I regret to tell you that you must leave.
you, but I must do so. ‘You must leave.’ b.I regret telling you that you must leave.

6. I wanted to close the and I tried, but I a.I tried to close the window.
window, couldn’t. b.I tried closing the window.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the words in italics either in the infinitive or the gerund form paying
attention to the meaning.
Example: I wish I hadn't eaten so much. I regret eating so much; I've got a stomach ache now.
1. I couldn't light the fire because the wood was wet.
I tried _____________ the fire, but the wood was too wet.
2. I was cold so I lit the fire.
I was cold, so I tried _____________ the fire, but I still couldn't get warm.
3. I teach every day. I never normally walk out of a lesson, but yesterday I felt sick.
I stopped _____________ and walked out of the class yesterday.
4. I was travelling through Arkansas when I was asked to stop and teach there for a while.
I was passing through Arkansas, but I stopped _____________ there for a while.
5. I didn't lock my car at first, but then I saw a poster saying 'Beware of car thieves'.
I only remembered _____________ my car when I saw a poster in the street.
6. I went to Greece as a child, but forgot all about it until I saw the photographs.
I remembered _____________ to Greece as a child when I saw the photographs.
7. We went to the beach. When I saw how far it was, I wished I hadn't gone.
I regretted _____________ to the beach when I saw how far it was.
8. 'I don't want to tell you this, but you must come with me to the station, sir.'
`I regret _____________ you that you must accompany me to the station, sir.'
Exercise 3. Underline the correct form of the verbs.
1. Mario remembered to give / giving his assignment to his tutor because he had spoken to her about its length,
but she insisted that she had never received it.
2. If you can't find the information at the library, try to look / looking on the Internet.
3. She studied medicine at university and went on to become / becoming a surgeon.
4. I’ll never forget to fall / falling off that swing when I was a child.
5. I was really nervous about the interview, and although I tried not to worry / not worrying, I was awake most of
the night.
6. It seems that the new system of sending out reminders has worked because this year 90% of members
remembered to renew / renewing their membership in time.
7. Economists predict that house prices will go on to rise / rising for at least another year.
8. We weren't able to see the concert because Susan forgot to bring / bringing the tickets.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct option.
Greg LeMond was the first American winner of the Tour de France cycle race. He decided 1______ a cyclist when
he was still at school and 2______ to win a lot of prizes. LeMond lost the chance 3______ to the Moscow
Olympics in 1980 because of political problems between the USA and the USSR. Today he wishes he hadn’t
missed the opportunity to win a gold medal.
LeMond won his first Tour de France in 1986 and his future seemed 4______ very good, but the next year
LeMond had a terrible accident. He was accidentally shot in the back on a hunting trip, and he needed 5______ a
very serious operation. LeMond had 6______ to take part in the 1987 Tour de France but his doctors didn't
recommend 7______ the hospital. This was a tragedy, but LeMond 8______ to retire from the sport and he kept
9______ he could return to cycling. Two years later, he started 10______ again. In 1989, he dramatically won the
Tour de France on the last day of the race, and he was the winner again in 1990.
LeMond stopped 11______ in 1994 and opened a sports business with his father.
1. A. become B. becoming C. to become
2. A. began B. enjoyed C. remembered
3. A. go B. to go C. going
4. A. to be B. to being C. being
5. A. to have B. have C. not to have
6. A. suggested B. denied C. arranged
7. A. to leave B. leaving c not leaving
8. A. denied B. missed C. refused
9. A. believe B. to believe C. believing
10. A. a train B. trains C. training
11. A. to cycle B. cycle C. cycling


A. Read the quotes below. Do you agree with the ideas expressed? Why / why not? Discuss with a partner.

Everyone enjoys being acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes even the simplest act of gratitude can change
someone’s entire day. Roy T. Bennett, an author

We know what needs to be done – all that is missing is the will to do it. Nelson Mandela, an activist and politician

A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means. Sallust, a historian

I like being challenged. That’s the only way you grow. Jason Ritter, an actor

B. Read the quotes again focusing on the gerund and infinitive forms of verbs and complete the table below.

To make a passive gerund, you need ___________ + ___________

To make a passive infinitive, you need ___________ + ___________

C. Analyze the examples below to compare active gerunds and infinitives with the passive ones.

Active Passive

I expect them to invite me to the wedding. I expect to be invited to the wedding.

to infinitive It is awful to criticize people in public. It’s awful to be criticized in public.

I want you to tidy up this place by the time I get I want this place to be tidied up by the time I
back. get back.

*Negative: not to be V3

It’s painful not to be believed when you are telling the truth.

Some people who do good deeds prefer not to be praised.

Let’s not risk going into prison for spying. Let’s not risk being sent to prison for spying.

gerund Parents enjoy taking their children to the zoo. Children enjoy being taken to the zoo.

*Negative: not being V3

Not being understood by one’s parents can be difficult for a teenager.

Many people are worried about not being taken care of when they are elderly.

We can sometimes use “get” instead of “be” with passive forms.
- I don’t expect to get invited to the wedding.
- Let’s not risk getting arrested for spying.
Exercise 1. Use the verbs in parentheses to create a passive gerund or passive infinitive for each sentence or
e.g. He hates ____being told____ what to do. (tell)
1. Customers expect ___________________ when they are in the store. (help)
2. They're afraid of ___________________ because the neighborhood is dangerous. (attack)
3. The students don't look forward to ___________________ on their math skills. (test)
4. He doesn't want ___________________ to Afghanistan. (send)
5. Rabbits live in fear of ___________________ alive by a fox or a large bird. (eat)
6. The baby likes ___________________ by her mother. (hold)
7. The new workers need ___________________ how to use the machines. (show)
8. John hopes ___________________ by that company. (hire)
9. ___________________ for a suit is necessary if you want it to fit properly. (measure)
10. Gertrude doesn't like ___________________ around the town by her daughter. (drive)
Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences using passive gerunds and infinitives.
1. Thanks for taking me to the station.
I appreciate _______________________________________________________________ station.
2. They don’t permit people to take food into the auditorium.
Food _________________________________________________________ into the auditorium.
3. Thanks for praising me in front of all the people.
I appreciate ____________________________________________________ in front of all the people.
4. I hate it when people ask me stupid questions.
I hate ___________________________________________________________ stupid questions.
5. I'm tired of people telling me what to do.
I’m tired of __________________________________________________________________ what to do.
6. I dislike someone interrupting me while I am working.
I ____________________________________________________________ by anyone while I’m working.
7. Susie asked the company to consider her for the role of Queen Victoria in the play.
Susie ______________________________________________ for the role of Queen Victoria in the play.
8. The teacher expects us to hand in our homework on Monday.
The teacher ________________________________________________________ in on Monday.
9. Everybody likes someone giving them a present.
Everybody ______________________________________________________________ a present.
10. As it is dark, I want someone to accompany her home.
As it is dark, I ____________________________________________________________ home.
Exercise 3. Restatements
Which of the following sentences best expresses the meaning in the given sentence?

1. Talking on the phone and using a laptop are not allowed during the flight.
A) They won’t let you talk on the phone or use a laptop during the flight.
B) Neither of you can use a phone or laptop during the flight.
C) There is neither a phone to talk on nor a laptop to use on the flight.
D) The flight allows not only talking on the phone but also using a laptop.
2. Some students regret not learning more than one foreign language during their university education.
A) If only some students could learn more than one foreign language during their university education.
B) Some students wish they had learnt more than one foreign language during their university education.
C) If some students had learnt more than one foreign language during their university education, they would
have regretted it.
D) Some students must have learned more than one foreign language during their university education.
3. The one thing Patrick Swayze regretted in his life was not having children.
A) Patrick Swayze apologized for not having children in his life.
B) The only thing Patrick Swayze was sorry about in his life was not having children.
C) The one thing Patrick Swayze couldn’t stand doing in his life was having children.
D) Patrick Swayze was only congratulated on not ever having children in his life.
4. After I immigrated to Canada five years ago, suffering from culture shock was inevitable for me as I had to
deal with many new situations and traditions.
A) I did not have any difficulty overcoming culture shock after I settled in Canada five years ago although I had
to cope with a lot of new situations and troubles.
B) I couldn’t avoid experiencing culture shock when I settled in Canada five years ago since I had to handle a lot
of new situations and customs.
C) Avoiding culture shock when I moved from Canada five years ago was impossible for me as I failed to adapt
to some new situations and rules.
D) Five years ago, after I returned to Canada, I saw that I would have to adapt to many new situations and rules,
which was really difficult.
5. Some former US soldiers regret not being merciful towards the Viet people.
A) The Viet people wish former US soldiers had been gracious towards them.
B) If some US soldiers hadn’t been forgiving towards the Viet people, they would regret it now.
C) A few US soldiers are sorry for the fact that they weren’t generous enough to meet the Viet people’s needs.
D) Several former US soldiers wish they had been kind and forgiving towards the Vietnamese.
6. Women no longer need men for financial security or to feel socially secure.
A) Women aren’t in need of the company of men any longer for social protection or economic confidence.
B) It’s been a very long time since women last needed men for financial or social requirements.
C) Until recently, women would prefer to marry men who were financially and socially in a good position.
D) Women are not looking for financial security and self-confidence in men any longer.
7. The president regretted to say that the current death toll due to cold was 135.
A) The president shouldn’t have informed the people about the death toll of 135 related to weather.
B) The president was reluctant to explain the death toll of 135 because of cold, yet he had to.
C) The president felt sorry because 135 people had died due to cold in the past.
D) The president was sorry to say that the number of people who died on account of cold was 135.

8. It was a recommendation from a friend that made us change our minds at the last minute and go to the
Italian restaurant instead of the Chinese one.
A) Our friend thinks the Italian restaurant is not very good, so he suggested at the last minute that we should go
to the Chinese one instead.
B) If our friend hadn't suggested going to the Italian restaurant at the last minute, we would have taken him to
the Chinese one.
C) Taking our friend's suggestion into account, we decided, just before we went, not to go to the Chinese
restaurant, but to go to the Italian one.
D) There were two restaurants, one Italian and the other Chinese, either of which we were considering going to,
but a friend recommended the latter.
9. A person should always keep his/her promise.
A) A person shouldn’t ever forget to keep promising.
B) Forgetting to promise is not ever acceptable.
C) A person should do what s/he promises at all times.
D) A person ought never to forget to promise and keep it.
10. Saying they should have done more research, more than one-third of people regret buying their latest car.
A) Over a third of car purchases are made by people who would do more research if they had time.
B) Over a third of recent car-buyers wish they had done more research and purchased a different car.
C) If they did more research, more than one-third of people would be considering a more recently made car.
D) If they had done more research, more than a third of new car-buyers would have bought a more expensive
11. The Ukrainian government plans to have full-time shelters built soon due to the expectancy of colder
A) The Ukrainian government must have already had full-time shelters built since colder weather is on the way.
B) Since there might be bitter cold coming, full-time shelters are planned to be built in a short time by the
Ukrainian government.
C) By having full-time shelters built, the Ukrainian government has done its best to fight against probable colder
D) The Ukrainian government tried having shelters built, but those couldn’t protect the people from the cold
weather, so now they plan to build more full-time shelters.
12.My sister used to be fond of watching educational programs, yet now she prefers soap operas.
A) My sister has got bored with watching soap operas, so now she watches educational programs.
B) In the past, my sister was disgusted with watching soap operas, but now she finds them educational.
C) My sister was keen on watching educational programs in the past, but she watches soap operas now.
D) Both educational programs and soap operas used to be interesting for my sister, but now she watches neither
of them.
13.Scientists and environmental groups are increasingly concerned about protecting our fresh water and our
A) Both scientists and environmental groups agree that the increase in the number of people leads to the
destruction of freshwater and rainforests.
B) Neither our freshwater nor our rainforests can be protected by scientists or environmental groups although
they increase in number every day.
C) Not only scientists but also environmentalists are more and more worried about preserving our water and our
D) Like scientists, environmental groups are interested in finding more natural resources such as fresh water and
rain forests.

14. The education system largely ignored the explosive growth of the Internet, and instead focused on teaching
students how to write Word documents.
A) The education system paid little attention to the Internet although it was proven to be more useful than Word.
B) Since the Internet has grown rapidly, many schools got highly interested in it and started teaching students
how to create Word documents.
C) Only a few people in the education system understand the benefits of the Internet and teach students how to
use it instead of Word program.
D) Most schools developed lessons that paid attention to creating Word documents rather than making use of
the fast-growing Internet.
15.The founding fathers of the Turkish Republic were interested in making the population of the country larger
as it was just 13 million in the 1920s.
A) Thinking the 1920s’ population of 13 million was too little, the founders of Turkey desired to boost it.
B) The new Turkish Republic had grown to 13 million by the 1920s, and its creators hoped to maintain this
C) The new leaders of the new Turkish nation should have focused on adding to its tiny population of 13 million in
the 1920s.
D) In the 1920s, the newly founded Republic of Turkey had a population of 13 million, and it worried the
government that it had been rising.
16. Giving students the chance to contribute to classroom rules helps persuade them to follow these rules.
A) If students take part in forming the rules for a class, they are more likely to obey them.
B) The students who are part of creating classroom rules have a strong tendency to disobey them.
C) Students, who help make rules for the classroom, are less likely to break their class rules.
D) Teachers, who allow their students to help shape classroom rules, can make students carry these rules out.
17. Instead of buying expensive textbooks that will soon become outdated, our school believes it should have
invested in a computer for each student.
A) If our school bought every student a computer, it would not have costly textbooks that may soon become out
of date.
B) Our school was able to invest in computers for all students despite buying expensive textbooks that eventually
seem old-fashioned.
C) Our school denies having bought textbooks that cost too much and would soon be outdated rather than
purchasing each student a computer.
D) Our school regrets buying high-priced textbooks which will have become out of date in just a few years’ time
instead of getting a computer for each student.

PART A. Read the quotes below and discuss with a partner what is meant by each of them. Do you agree with
the ideas expressed? Why / Why not?

*dissension: a disagreement among a group of people

PART B. Read the quotes again focusing on the conjunctions and match each conjunction with its function below.

even if in case of provided unless otherwise only if so/as long as


a. To emphasize that the condition is necessary to the result ____________, ____________

b. To express a negative condition ____________

c. To express a condition that is unexpected in the circumstances ____________

d. To describe what you should do in a particular situation (usually formal, written notices) ____________

e. To say what bad thing will happen if something is not done ____________

f. To express the only situation in which something can happen ____________

PART C. Analyze the table below to see more examples.

Provided (that) / providing Provided (that) you pay the extra fee, we guarantee a sea-view room.
(that) Providing (that) the bills are paid, tenants will not be evicted.
so / as long as As long as you have a licence, there is no problem using these machines.
You can stay here so long as you keep quiet.
on (the) condition that I can allow you to use my car on condition that you promise to drive carefully.

unless We’ll have to cancel the show unless we sell more tickets at the last minute.

even if Even if they go down with the flu after they’ve had the vaccination, it’s likely to
be trivial.

in case of In case of breakdown, please press the alarm button and call this number.

otherwise / or else You’ve got to start studying; otherwise, you’ll fail all those exams.
We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.

only if A student is allowed to leave the room only if a teacher has given permission.

 We use “in case” to talk about things we should do in order to be prepared for possible future

i.e. Shall I keep some chicken salad for your brother in case he’s hungry when he gets here?

 We use “in case of + noun” to mean ‘if and when something happens’:

i.e. In case of breakdown, please press the alarm button and call this number. [notice in a lift]
(if and when the lift breaks down, press the alarm button and call this number)

Exercise 1. Underline the correct option.
1. I'll put my umbrella in my bag in case / provided that it rains later.
2. Unless / As long as you pay me in advance, I'll buy the tickets for you.
3. I'm going to get fat if/ unless I stop eating so much chocolate.
4. You must follow the instructions accurately in case / unless you want to risk damaging the machine.
5. When I travel on a plane, I always put my toothbrush in my hand luggage in case / if my suitcase gets lost.
6. Ice skating is fun as long as / when you are willing to fall over a lot!
7. Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing to inform you that your library books are overdue. Provided that / When you
return them immediately, you will not be fined.
8. I've just signed the contract for the job in Indonesia, starting in April. When / As long as I move there, I'll have
to sell my car.
9. Before we leave, we’d better turn on the automatic watering system in case / otherwise it doesn’t rain while
we’re away.
10. I don't really like going to parties unless / as long as I know most people there.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. If you fail to pass the medical test, we will be unable to offer you insurance cover. (UNLESS)
2. Perhaps Sophie doesn’t like her parents-in-law, but she keeps it to herself. (EVEN)
3. Use the signposted exit at the rear of the building if there is a fire. (CASE)
4. After her husband’s death, Mrs. Jenkins sold the house to her son but insisted that he lived in it himself.
5. If you don’t request next-day delivery, we will send the goods by normal post. (UNLESS)
6. Your membership will not be renewed unless you pay for your subscription within the next seven days.
7. You may enter the ruins, but you must put on protective footwear. (PROVIDING)
8. When my parents are out of the house, I can play my music as loud as I like. (LONG)
9. You’d better take your passport because you might need proof of your identity. (CASE)
10. If you don’t buy your ticket for the concert today, there won’t be any left. (OTHERWISE)
11. You can only enter the country if you have a valid visa issued by the consulate. (UNLESS)
Exercise 3. Work in small groups and create mottos of your own using the conjunctions you’ve learnt. You can
get inspiration from the sayings you analyzed in Part A.

Exercise 4. Restatements
Which of the following sentences best expresses the meaning in the given sentence?
1. Jonathan can have my car if he promises to keep it clean.
A) If he cleans my car before using it, Jonathan can have it.
B) As soon as Jonathan takes my car, he will clean it.
C) As long as Jonathan has my car, he ought to keep it clean.
D) Provided that he keeps it clean, I will let Jonathan borrow my car.
2. Nitroglycerin causes strong headaches only if too much of the drug is taken.
A) Although too much nitroglycerin results in strong headaches, it is still taken regularly.
B) Large doses of nitroglycerin should only be taken in case of extremely bad headaches.
C) Except when taken in excessive dose, nitroglycerin does not lead to intense headaches.
D) Even when a large amount of nitroglycerin is taken, its users cannot avoid a big headache.
3. Zoos cannot afford to keep animals unless they collect enough money from tickets and gift shop sales to
balance the costs.
A) If zoos do not earn money from tickets and sales, they cannot afford to keep animals as they can’t balance the
B) To balance the costs, zoos can either keep more animals or get money from tickets and sales.
C) When zoos collect enough money from tickets and sales, they don’t have to keep animals.
D) Zoos earn less money if they keep too many animals because collecting money from tickets and sales might not
balance the costs.
4. In case soap and water are unavailable, a good alternative for washing hands is a hand sanitizer which is
alcohol based.
A) Hand cleaners with alcohol are usually present whenever soap and water are difficult to purchase.
B) When you cannot find soap or water, an alcohol-based hand cleaner is a reasonable substitute.
C) Since soap and water are becoming hard to find, people should start using alcohol-based cleansers.
D) If people are unable to get soap and water, they are searching for effective hand-washing alternatives, such as
alcohol-based cleansers.
5. When you are working on a computer, you should always take frequent breaks, or else you risk straining your
A) If you work for a long period on a computer without taking a break, you will certainly damage your eyes.
B) Many people suffer from eye strain because they don't take enough breaks when working on a computer.
C) If you are suffering from eye strain as a result of working on a computer, try taking frequent breaks and this
may help.
D) Taking frequent breaks while working on a computer is good advice to avoid straining your eyes.
6. I don't agree with testing products on animals unless it is required to aid medical research.
A) The only time I think testing products on animals is justified is when it is necessary for medical science.
B) Medical science has been improved largely as a result of testing new products on animals before they are used
on humans.
C) Animal testing should not be used if it causes animals suffering.
D) Animal testing should only be carried out under strict medical supervision.
7. Wildlife photographers can take photos of wild animals as long as they use hidden cameras since these
animals hide from humans.
A) Cameras are not suitable for wild animals when they are hidden by photographers.
B) If wild life photographers use hidden cameras for a long time, they cannot take photos of wild animals.
C) Wild life photographers must use hidden cameras if they don’t want wild animals to hide when they try to take
their photos.
D) Since wild life photographers started to use hidden cameras, wild animals have stopped hiding from humans.
8. If there are adequate rooms available, I can accommodate your guests in my hotel.
A) You can stay in my hotel with your guests if you find enough empty rooms.
B) Your guests can stay in my hotel as long as there are enough empty rooms.
C) If your guests are pleased with the rooms, they can keep staying in my hotel.
D) Unless there are enough vacant rooms, I can accommodate your guests in my hotel.

9. I'll give you the gardening contract on condition that you take all the leaves and branches away.
A) If you agree to remove all the leaves and branches away, I'll give you the gardening contract.
B) You wouldn't get the gardening contract from me even if you agreed to remove all the leaves and branches.
C) According to the gardening contract, you should have taken the leaves and branches away.
D) You won't be given any gardening contracts unless you agree to remove all the leaves and branches.
10. My father took a photograph of the damage caused to his car in case there was a dispute about the accident
A) It was lucky that my father had taken a photograph of the damage as there was a dispute about the accident.
B) For fear that there might be a dispute about the accident at a later date, my father took a photo of the damage to
his car.
C) My father should have taken a photograph of the damage at the time of the accident, which would have prevented
this dispute.
D) When a dispute arose about the damage to his car because of the accident, my father showed the photo he'd
taken at the time.
11. Psychologists say that video games are good for children as long as they entertain and encourage players to
be creative and use problem-solving skills.
A) Provided that video games give children the opportunity to think creatively and use their problem-solving skills
in a fun way, psychologists are positive about these games.
B) According to psychologists, when children play video games for a long time, they are affected badly because
they don’t have to use their creativity or problem-solving skills; they just have a good time.
C) Psychologists are not against video games as they are very useful for children to spend their time in an
enjoyable way although they can’t improve their creativity and problem-solving skills.
D) Psychologists believe if children are not good at thinking creatively or solving their problems, that means they
need some entertainment, and video games are a good way to solve this problem.
12. We can only be successful in decreasing the crime rate if we come up with effective laws.
A) Provided that we can make effective laws, we can manage to reduce the amount of crime.
B) As long as we are unable to create effective laws, we won’t be able to stop any crime.
C) Unless we are able to reduce the amount of crime, we will have to make stricter laws.
D) Since we are unable to create effective laws, we aren’t good at crime prevention.
13. Traveling by car is convenient as long as you can find a place to park.
A) Provided that a parking space is available, taking a car is an easy choice.
B) Parking is becoming a bigger problem, so traveling by car is getting more difficult.
C) It may take a long time to locate a parking place, but going by car is still the best way.
D) Long journeys are more comfortable by car, but sometimes parking is a problem on such trips.
14. When on vacation, you should always carry your car’s registration with you in case your car is stolen.
A) It’s a good idea to have your car’s registration with you on holiday to keep the car from being stolen.
B) If you will be traveling in a high crime area, make sure you keep your car’s registration with you during your
C) It’s possible that your car could be stolen while you are on vacation, so you should have its registration with you.
D) Since there is a higher chance that your car will be stolen while you are on holiday, it is important that you keep
its registration up to date.
15. Eating green plants provides camels all the moisture they need even if they do not drink any water.
A) While green plants have all the moisture camels need, these plants also need a great deal of water.
B) When they cannot drink any water, camels can obtain sufficient moisture by eating green plants.
C) Unless they eat some green plants, which have lots of moisture, camels do not get enough water.
D) Camels drink no water when eating green plants, which are known to have lots of moisture.


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