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Writing a thesis is a challenging and intricate task that demands a significant amount of time, effort,

and expertise. Among the crucial sections of a thesis, the conclusion and recommendation hold
paramount importance as they summarize the entire research and provide valuable insights for future
studies. Crafting a compelling conclusion and recommendation requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize information coherently.

One of the primary challenges in writing the conclusion and recommendation in a thesis is the need
to tie together the diverse threads of the research, presenting a clear and concise summary of the
findings. It involves summarizing the key points, addressing the research questions or objectives, and
highlighting the significance of the study in the broader context of the field.

Furthermore, formulating meaningful recommendations based on the research findings is no easy

feat. Recommendations should be practical, actionable, and relevant to the study, offering insights
that contribute to the advancement of the subject area. This requires a thorough understanding of the
implications of the research and the ability to foresee potential applications or areas for further

Given the complexity of writing a thesis and the critical importance of its conclusion and
recommendation sections, many individuals seek professional assistance to ensure the highest quality
output. is a reliable platform that offers specialized services in thesis writing. Their
team of experienced and knowledgeable writers understands the intricacies of crafting a compelling
conclusion and recommendation, providing clients with well-researched, coherent, and impactful
sections for their theses.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, individuals can alleviate the stress and challenges associated
with thesis writing. The platform's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes it a
trusted partner for those seeking expert assistance in concluding their theses and formulating
meaningful recommendations. Save time, reduce stress, and ensure the success of your thesis by
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To begin a conclusion paragraph, use the first sentence to reiterate the comprehensive subject matter
that your paper covered. It could end up being the five or so sentences that a reader carries with
them forever. My forty-year-old feet ached, and I felt a bit sad to think that in a couple of days I
would be leaving California, my vacation over, to go back to my desk. Don't be overly emotional:
While being passionate about your research topic is important, avoid being overly emotional or
sentimental in the conclusion. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations - SlideShare. Medical
experts, such as those from the World Health Organization are now starting campaigns to go into
communities in developing countries and provide diagnostic testing and treatments. Since this is just
a sentence-long retelling of your research topic and why it’s important, it doesn’t have to be specific,
but it does need clarity. Clinical spine surgery, 31(8), 345-346. Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of
PhD conclusion chapters. Comprehensive: The conclusion should address all of the main points of
the research paper, including the research question or problem, the methodology, the main results,
and their implications. Step 6: Wrap up with a closing summary Quick tips for a top-notch
conclusion chapter Now that we’ve covered the what, why and how of the conclusion chapter, here
are some quick tips and suggestions to help you craft a rock-solid conclusion. They should also
review the research question, hypotheses, and methodology to ensure that they have addressed all of
the necessary components of the research. It opens the metaphorical door towards understanding a
research endeavor or topic. Stick to summarizing the key findings and insights that were already
presented. A research paper is an analytical discussion of an academic topic, not a mystery novel.
The conclusion should not introduce new data interpretations or arguments. Identifying how a gap in
the literature has been addressed. In addition to restating your thesis and highlighting your main
points, you could add a relevant quotation from an authoritative source. Remember that once you
accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done.
Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve
world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. If we want to build a world with less violence
we must begin at home, and we must teach our children to be responsible.” Step-up You might want
to amplify the main point of an essay or put it in a different perspective for setting a larger context
when you write my term paper. Writing a Research Paper Conclusion Step 1: Restate the problem
Step 2: Sum up the paper Step 3: Discuss the implications Research paper conclusion examples
Frequently asked questions about research paper conclusions Step 1: Restate the problem The first
task of your conclusion is to remind the reader of your research problem. Pin On Ideas Page 331
Education Quotes For Teachers Education Elementary Math Education Motivation Letter Of
Recommendation Reminder Awesome New Sample Letter Reminder Deadline Letter Of
Recommendation Letter Templates Reference Letter Report Recommendation Template 4
Professional Templates Report Template Book Report Templates Situation Analysis. It can suggest
broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your reader’s life in some
way. Every second that goes by, you are missing out on happiness. The conclusion serves as the
writer’s opportunity to showcase their contribution to the field and to inspire further research and
action. Nevertheless, by the time you have finished writing, you may be having some doubts about
what you have produced. A conclusion in a research paper is the final section where you summarize
and wrap up your research, presenting the key findings and insights derived from your study. It is
also acceptable to have one recommendation that is connected to more than one conclusion.
Frequently, the minds in your body of the essay result in some significant conclusion that may be
mentioned and described within this final paragraph. But then I smiled to think that for at least a
day I felt ten years old again.” Prediction Try looking to the future for emphasizing the importance
of your essay and give readers food for thought. “When” and “if” are power words to support your
points in this strategy for essay conclusions. Don't make unsupported claims: Avoid making sweeping
or unsupported claims in the conclusion.
Follow the steps below for how to write a research paper conclusion. Don't be overly emotional:
While being passionate about your research topic is important, avoid being overly emotional or
sentimental in the conclusion. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations - SlideShare. Now that
you’ve mastered a great conclusion, learn how to write a strong introduction through examples.
Throughout a research paper, the writer presents points to support the initial thesis claim. This
statement should be rephrased from the thesis you included in your introduction. Restate it in
different words that illicit a more in-depth understanding from the reader. Overall, the purpose of the
conclusion is to provide a sense of closure to the research paper and to emphasize the importance of
the research and its potential impact. Expecting them to walk around like clones in uniforms will
only cause students to be even less excited about going to school. Bas loves to teach and is an
experienced thesis writer. 62 major findings of the study. A research paper designed to present the
results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it seeks to answer. Don't try to
bring in new points or end with a whiz bang (!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final
sentence of your conclusion. But totally ignored the ” don’t summarize the story 011 Tuesdays I will
occasionally feature “How-To(sday)” posts, short guides to certain genres of academic writing. A
writing (graphic) organizer that visually organizes key components in a paragraph: topic sentence,
supporting details, and closing sentence each of these forms a different “piece” of hamburger.
Example. A good conclusion should be one paragraph or three to five sentences long. Essay Drug
Abuse Essay Drug Persuasive Essay On Drug Testing. Emphasizing the significance of the research:
The conclusion emphasizes the importance of the research and its potential impact, making it more
likely that readers will take the research seriously and consider its implications. Avoid claims such as
“this study proves that” or “the findings disprove existing the existing theory”. When designing a
conclusion format it is important to differentiate it from the results and discussion parts of the thesis.
If there are no recommendations to be made as a result of the project just call this section
conclusions. The number of sentences in your conclusion will depend on how many paragraphs
statements you have in the essay. Most often, a shift in tone occurs when a research paper with an
academic tone gives an emotional or sentimental conclusion. If possible, learn about the guidelines
before writing the discussion to ensure you’re writing to meet their expectations. It should not be
identical or too similar to the sentence you originally used. They should also review the research
question, hypotheses, and methodology to ensure that they have addressed all of the necessary
components of the research. Example of recommendation in research paper can be defined as a
critical suggestion regarding the best course of action in a certain situation. If there’s a new point
you want to introduce, you’ll need to go back to your results and discussion chapters to weave the
foundation in there. About conclusions Introductions and conclusions can be difficult to write, but
they’re worth investing time in. Another option is to include a phone number and email address in
the return address section or signature of the letter. Key Points: Summarize the main arguments and
key points you’ve made in your paper.
Use logical transitions: To make the conclusion flow smoothly and logically, use transition words and
phrases such as 'therefore,' 'thus,' 'consequently,' and 'in conclusion.' This helps to signal to readers
that the conclusion is a logical extension of the research that has been presented. What is the “take-
home” message you want your reader to leave with. For example, 'What impact will these findings
have on the field of X. Now that you’ve mastered a great conclusion, learn how to write a strong
introduction through examples. Don't introduce new information: The conclusion is not the place to
introduce new information or data that was not discussed in the main body of the paper. See how a
professional writer creates a thought-provoking conclusion. Instead, show your reader how the
points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Tip: Not all journals share the
same naming conventions. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help her to apply your
info and ideas to her own life or to see the broader implications. However, the nature of being
introspective about the research you have conducted will depend on the topic and whether your
professor wants you to express your observations in this way. How can we use these findings to
improve clinical practice?' Use strong language: Using strong, impactful language can help
emphasize the research's significance and leave a lasting impression on readers. An umbrella essay
format examples topics for a narrative essay critical. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on
the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications.
The conclusion is the last, yet not the easiest part of a research paper. What Not to Do in a
Conclusion When it comes to crafting the perfect conclusion, there are a lot of different things you
should do. The conclusion should restate the research problem or question, summarize the main
results of the research, and explain their significance. But totally ignored the ” don’t summarize the
story 011 Tuesdays I will occasionally feature “How-To(sday)” posts, short guides to certain genres
of academic writing. Different research papers may also have different rules about writing such a
paragraph, so it is essential to understand the basis for the need for a conclusion. This student recalls
when she used to sit in a blue armchair in her parents' cafe and read, people-watch and imagine.
Please log in with your username or email to continue. The conclusion paragraph only needs to be 2-
4 sentences long. He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he
confronts Covey, the overseer. Douglass, Frederick. 1995. Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. Next, you’ll need to make recommendations for
future studies. The letter of recommendation or a letter of reference is usually written by a
supervisor employer teacher or counselor explaining the eligibility of the candidate applying for a
new job or admission in a school or college. Your conclusion should also refer back to your
introduction, summarize three main points of your essay and wrap it all up with a final observation.
Then conclusions will be discussed based on researcher insights gained regarding study findings and
limitations. New York: Dover. Hamilton College. n.d. “Conclusions.” Writing Center. Accessed June
14, 2019.. Holewa, Randa. 2004. “Strategies for Writing a Conclusion.” LEO: Literacy Education
Online. How to write the conclusion of an essay, you should build the right structure. Reading
articles (like this one) is helpful because they give you a clear demonstration of how to create a
conclusion, but applying this structure to your own work can be difficult.
Writing An Essay Paper Washington Writing Service Robb. It could end up being the five or so
sentences that a reader carries with them forever. Students face so many challenges in education with
less time to relax and be themselves. How to write a conclusion in a college essay - How to Write a
Concluding Paragraph. If you liked the sample, you might also be interested in a research proposal
example APA. Expecting them to walk around like clones in uniforms will only cause students to be
even less excited about going to school. Return to an anecdote, an example, or a quotation that you
introduced in your introduction, but add further insight that is derived from the findings of your
study; use your interpretation of results to reframe it in new ways. For expository essays, students
can suggest a next step in relation to the topic for the reader or for themselves as the writer. A
research paper is an analytical discussion of an academic topic, not a mystery novel. Instead of
merely repeating things you already said, rephrase your thesis and supporting points in a way that
ties them all together. Conclusions and recommendations 51 introduction in this chapter the
conclusions derived from the findings of this study on the experiences of registered nurses involved
in the termination of pregnancy at soshanguve community health centre are described. Clinical spine
surgery, 31(8), 345-346. Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of PhD conclusion chapters. Always state
the main argument or thesis in the introduction. However, this is also the section that typically
receives less attention compared to the introduction and the body of the paper. How to Write a
Conclusion for a Research Paper: Your Guide Here we prepared a research paper conclusion
example, so let's take a close look at what information to include in a conclusion outline: I. Avoid
introducing new information in the research paper conclusion. In this guide, we share expert advice
on how to write a research paper conclusion. Close the conclusion by making a final encouragement
for an action, idea, or fact. A research paper that presents a sustained argument will usually
encapsulate this argument in a thesis statement. The point of a conclusion to a research paper is to
summarize your argument for the reader and, perhaps, to call the reader to action if needed. Do not
simply reiterate your results or the discussion. Combine all the above to improved and expanded
conclusion. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an
interesting case study for masculinity in the American South. Instead, write the conclusion to the
anecdote in the conclusion of your paper. But there are also a few things you’ll want to avoid. A
more sophisticated commentary, rather than emotional praise, would be a more fitting tribute to the
topic. But our reader Emily has knocked spots off them all when asked to share tips on how to write
a conclusion for your essay to impress teachers and help you get an A. For example, if your paper
examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out
its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. For tips from our Academic co-author, like how
to avoid common pitfalls when writing your conclusion, scroll down. Conclusions and
recommendations paper masters discusses how to properly write conclusions and recommendations
for research papers.
Reading articles (like this one) is helpful because they give you a clear demonstration of how to
create a conclusion, but applying this structure to your own work can be difficult. This element of
your conclusion may be only a few sentences long. Now that the more extensive topic of the research
paper has been mentioned, the next sentence or two highlights the specific thesis presented. Don’t
share personal thoughts unless you write a first-person opinion piece. Depending on the type of
thesis the conclusion should typically be around 5-7 of the overall word count. All your findings and
arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the results and discussion
sections if you are following a scientific structure). If my hypothesis is partially correct or entirely
different, what can be learned from the results. Overall, your question should contribute to solving
the problem that you have defined in your problem statement. This should be a strong and clear
statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Others slept in their parents’ arms as we
waited for the parking lot tram that would take us to our cars. Most research papers, such as one on
effective treatment for diseases, will have the information to make the case for a particular argument
already in the paper. Sample Letter Of Recommendation For Graduate School Dssegygd. For
example, what specific actions can practitioners take, based on your findings. Instead of merely
repeating things you already said, rephrase your thesis and supporting points in a way that ties them
all together. You could also leave the question hanging for the reader to answer, though. A research
paper designed to present the results of empirical research tends to present a research question that it
seeks to answer. You Might Also Like: 17 Comments Really you team are doing great. The aim of
this project is to design a mobile phone tower for a suburban location. It reminds the reader of the
strengths of your main argument(s) and reiterates the most important evidence supporting those
argument(s). Here are some writing tips to keep in mind when creating a conclusion for your next
research paper. How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Conclusion The conclusion is the very last part
of your thesis or dissertation. However, there are also significant differences apparent to the naked
eye between a species that shares so much of the same structure. This article received 42 testimonials
and 82% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Here is the
breakdown of what a paragraph looks like. Paragraph. 1. Main Idea. 5. 8. Concrete Detail. Concrete
Detail. 2. Concrete Detail. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 3. Commentary. It should appear in your introduction at the
end of your problem statement, before your research objectives. Don’t write lousy words in the
conclusion, but use concise language instead. So, if you observed anything that “stood out” in your
analysis, but you didn’t explore it in your discussion (due to a lack of relevance to your research
aims), you can earmark that for further exploration in this section. Medical experts, such as those
from the World Health Organization are now starting campaigns to go into communities in
developing countries and provide diagnostic testing and treatments. Conclusion Paragraph Outline
The number of sentences in your conclusion will depend on how many paragraphs (statements) you
have in the essay. Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Many students understand that the conclusion
is a crucial part of their research paper, but they don’t know how to go about writing one.

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