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what does nonprofitable(Npo) mean

A nonprofit organization (NPO) is a legal entity that does not distribute profit to owners or other
parties, but operates for a collective, public, or social benefit, such as charity, advocacy, or
environmental causes123. A nonprofit organization is granted tax-exempt status by the federal
government, meaning it does not pay income tax and can receive tax-deductible donations

what is the advantage for nonprofitable organaization

The advantage of a non profit organization is its tax-exempt status, limited liability, and eligibility
to receive public and private grants. Charitable contributions made by people or company to
non-profit corporations are tax-deductible, though this is not automatic and you must apply for
it. The owners, directors, and employees of a nonprofit are not personally liable for the
nonprofit’s debts, though they are not protected from their illegal or irresponsible acts. Another
advantage is its eligibility to get grants from public or private sectors, namely, government
agencies, people, and foundations.

what problems do nonprofitable organization face

Some of the problems that nonprofit organizations face include funding difficulty, public
scrutiny, and continued management. Most times, founders and employees may get or receive
little or no profit.

some nonprofitable organization

· Aged And Children Pastoralist Association (ACPA)

· Amhara Development Association (ADA)

· Amhara Women Association (AWA)

· Association for National Planned Program for Vulnerable Children and in Need
Mekedonia Humanitarian Association , known simply as Mekedonia, is an Ethiopian non-
governmental, non-profit independent humanitarian organization founded in January 2010 by
Benyam Belete. It is the sole independent organization in Ethiopia that funds and supports
critically disabled and mentally ill people as well as elderly people with provisions of housing,
clothing, food and counseling.A well-designed questionnaire-containing variable related to socio
demographic characteristics was used to assess background information’s. Standardized
geriatric depression scales (GDS by Yesavage, et al (1986)) with good psychometric property of
15 items were used to assess prevalence of depression. Revised Ways of Coping Scale (Folkman
et al. 1986) describing eight different cognitive and behavioral strategies were used to assess
coping strategies of depression. In line with questionnaire, semi-structured interview questions
were used to collect data. but there are companys and individuals who are willing to donate a
large somes of money to mekedonia to show there support unless mekedonia wouldn't have
been to stay on this condition and be able to help millions of peoples . Some doners of
mekedonia are ethiotelecom,ethiopian airlines .....

The following extract was taken from an elder person living in Mekedonia humanitarian

"I was among people who leave comfortable life when I was in my village before 20 years. I feel
bitter and dejected when I think life I am living now. When I was working, I could care for my
family and myself. Nowadays, there are more times that I do not eat than when I do. I feel
depressed and my hope will go off when I think of my income"
Binyam started it with no capital just helping with what he have like giving his luch to the
homeless and encourageing his friend to do the same in their way home amd to school biniyam
would say like we eat 3 times a week and if we gave them our lunch we can still eat 2 times a
day and we even eat at home a warm meal what will happen if we gave them our lunch and so
his freinds will feel guilty and gave them there lunch. And now he have an organization that
helps more than thousand peoples

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