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For internal use only


MEASUREMENT LAB Updated 05/09/2020

THE OSCILLOSCOPE AND FUNCTION GENERATOR ............................. 1
1.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Oscilloscope ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Functions generator .............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 7
VOM ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Procedure ................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Observe and write device parameters ................................................................ 11
2.3.2 Function of analog VOM ................................................................................... 12
2.3.3 Function of digital VOM ................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 The structure of analog VOM ............................................................................ 15
2.3.5 The structure of digital VOM ............................................................................ 15
VOLTAGE, CURRENT AND RESISTANCE ................................................. 17
3.1 Objective ................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Procedure ................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 DC circuit ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 1-phase AC circuit ............................................................................................. 20
3.3.3 3-phases AC circuit ............................................................................................ 25
POWER MESUREMENT .................................................................................. 30
4.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Procedure ................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.1 DC power ........................................................................................................... 31
4.2.2 1-phase AC power.............................................................................................. 33
4.2.3 3-phase AC power.............................................................................................. 35


MEASUREMENT LAB Updated 05/09/2020


1.1 Objectives
Provide students with skills to understand and how to use the oscilloscope and function
1.1.1 Oscilloscope

Figure 1-1 Front panel of Oscilloscope

Display Area (To protect the oscilloscope, do not touch on the screen)
In addition to displaying waveforms, the display provides details about the waveform and the
oscilloscope control settings.

Figure 1-2 The display of oscilloscope

1. The acquisition readout shows when an acquisition is running or stopped. Icons are:
Run: Acquisition enabled
Stop: Acquisitions not enabled.
2. The trigger position icon shows the trigger position in the acquisition. Turn the
Horizontal Position knob to adjust the position of the marker.


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3. The trigger status readout shows:

Armed: The oscilloscope is acquiring pretrigger data. All triggers are ignored in this state.
Ready: All pretrigger data has been acquired and the oscilloscope is ready to accept a trigger.
Trig’d: The oscilloscope has seen a trigger and is acquiring the posttrigger data.
Stop: The oscilloscope has stopped acquiring waveform data.
Acq. Complete: The oscilloscope has completed a Single Sequence acquisition.
Auto: The oscilloscope is in auto mode and is acquiring waveforms in the absence of trigger.
Scan: The oscilloscope is acquiring and displaying waveform data continuously in scan mode.
4. The center graticule readout shows the time at the center graticule. The trigger time is
5. The trigger level icon shows the Edge or Pulse Width trigger level on the waveform.
The icon color corresponds to the trigger source color.
6. The trigger readout shows the trigger source, level, and frequency. Trigger readouts for
other trigger types show other parameters.
7. The horizontal position/scale readout shows the main time base setting (adjust with the
Horizontal Scale knob).
8. The channel readout shows the vertical scale factor (per division) for each channel.
Adjust with the Vertical Scale knob for each channel.
9. The waveform baseline indicator shows the ground reference points (the zero-volt
level) of a waveform (ignoring the effect of offset). The icon colors correspond to the
waveform colors. If there is no marker, the channel is not displayed.

Using the Menu System

When you push a front-panel button, the oscilloscope displays the corresponding menu on the
right side of the screen. The menu shows the options that are available when you push the
unlabeled option buttons directly to the right of the screen.

Vertical Controls
Position (1 and 2). Positions a waveform vertically.
1 & 2 Menu. Displays the Vertical menu selections and toggles
the display of the channel waveform on and off.
Scale (1 & 2). Selects vertical scale factors.

Horizontal Controls


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Position. Adjusts the horizontal position of all channel and math waveforms.
The resolution of this control varies with the time base setting.
Acquire. Displays the acquisition modes — Sample, Peat Detect, and Average.
Push to Center. Sets the horizontal position to zero.
Scale. Selects the horizontal time/division (scale factor).
NOTE. To make a large adjustment to the horizontal position, turn the
Horizontal Scale knob to a larger value, change the horizontal position, and then
turn the Horizontal Scale knob back to the previous value.

Trigger Controls
Trigger Menu. When it is pressed once, it displays the Trigger Menu. When it
is kept pressed for more than 1.5 seconds, it will show the trigger view, meaning
it will display the trigger waveform in place of the channel waveform. Use the
trigger view to see how the trigger settings, such as coupling, affect the trigger
signal. Releasing the button will stop the trigger view.
Level. When you use an Edge or Pulse trigger, the Level knob sets the amplitude
level that the signal must cross to acquire a waveform. Push this knob to set the
trigger level to the vertical midpoint between the peaks of the trigger signal (set
to 50%).
Force Trig. Use this to complete the waveform acquisition whether or not the
oscilloscope detects a trigger. This is useful for single sequence acquisitions and
Normal trigger mode. (In Auto trigger mode, the oscilloscope automatically forces triggers
periodically if it does not detect a trigger.)
Menu and Control Buttons

The function is determined by the displayed menu or selected menu option. When active, the
adjacent LED lights. The next table lists the functions.

Active menu Knob

or option operation
Cursor Turn Scroll to position the selected cursor.
Highlights entries in the Index.
Help Turn, push
Highlights links in a topic. Push to select the highlighted item.


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Scroll to position and scale the Math waveform. Scroll and

Math Turn, push
push to select the operation.
Scroll and push to select source, window type and zoom
FFT Turn, push
Measure Turn Scroll to position the selected gating cursors.
Scroll to highlight and push to select the type of automatic
Turn, push
measurement for each source
Scroll to highlight and push to select the action and file
Save/Recall Turn, push
format. Scroll through the list of files.
Scroll to highlight and push to select the trigger type, source,
slope, mode, coupling, polarity, sync, video standard, trigger
Trigger Turn, push
when operation. Turn to set the trigger holdoff and pulse
width values.
Scroll to highlight and push to select miscellaneous menu
Utility Scroll, push
items. Turn to set the backlight value.
Scroll to highlight and push to select miscellaneous menu
Vertical Scroll, push

Save/ Recall. Displays the Save/Recall Menu for setups and waveforms.
Measure. Displays the automated measurements menu.
Acquire. Displays the Acquire Menu.
Ref. Displays the Reference Menu to quickly display and hide reference waveforms stored in
the oscilloscope non-volatile memory.
Utility. Displays the Utility Menu.
Cursor. Displays the Cursor Menu. Cursors remain visible (unless the Type option is set to
Off) after you leave the Cursor Menu but are not adjustable.
Help. Displays the Help Menu.
Default Setup. Recalls the factory setup.
Auto set. Automatically sets the oscilloscope controls to produce a usable display of the input
signals. When held for more than 1.5 seconds, displays the Autorange Menu, and activates or
deactivates the autoranging function.
Single. (Single sequence) Acquires a single waveform and then stops.
Run/Stop. Continuously acquires waveforms or stops the acquisition.

Performs the Save function to the USB flash drive.
Input Connectors


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1 & 2. Input connectors for waveform display.

Ext Trig. Input connector for an external trigger source. Use the Trigger Menu to select the
Ext, or Ext/5 trigger source. Push and hold the Trigger Menu button to see trigger view, which
will show how the trigger settings affect the trigger signal, such as trigger coupling.
PROBE COMP. Probe compensation output and chassis reference. Use to electrically match
a voltage probe to the oscilloscope input circuit.
Other Front-Panel Items

USB Flash Drive Port. Insert a USB flash drive for data storage or retrieval. For flash drives
with an LED, the LED blinks when saving data to or retrieving data from the drive. Wait until
the LED stops to remove the drive.
1.1.2 Functions generator

Main Display
Entry keys

Main Display
7 segment LED Shows frequency and voltage.
Indicates that the TTL output is
TTL indicator
Indicates the waveform shape: Sine,
Waveform indicator
Square, and Triangle.


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Indicates the output frequency:

Frequency indicator
MHz, kHz, or Hz

Voltage indicator Indicates Voltage unit: mV or V.

Indicates -40dB attenuation is

-40dB indicator
Entry keys
Waveform key Selects the waveform: sine, square,
and triangle.
TTL activation
Activates TTL output.
Numerical keys Specifies frequency.

Frequency unit selection Specifies the frequency unit: MHz,

kHz, or Hz.

Cursor selection Moves the cursor (frequency editing

point) left or right.

-40dB attenuation Attenuates amplitude by -40dB

Frequency/Voltage display Switches the display between

selection frequency and voltage.

Shift key Select the second function

associated to the entry keys. The
LED lights when Shift is activated.
Output On/Off key Turns the output On/Off. The LED
lights when the output is On.
Frequency editing knob Increases (right turn) or decreases
(left turn) the frequency.

Main output Outputs sine, square, and triangle

waveform. BNC, 50Ω output


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TTL output Output TTL output waveform, BNC


Amplitude control Sets the sine/ square/ triangle

waveform amplitude. Increases
(right turn) or decreases (left turn).

When pulled out, attenuates

the sine/ square/ triangle waveform
amplitude by -40dB.
DC offset control
When pulled out, sets the
DC offset level for sine/ square/
triangle waveform. Increases (right
turn) or decreases (left turn). The
range is -5V ~ +5V, in 50Ω load.
Duty cycle control
When pulled out, sets the
square or TTL wave duty cycle.
Increases (right turn) or decreases
(left turn). The range is 25% ~ 75%
Power switch Turns the main power On/Off

To generate sine wave 99 MHz, 5Vp-p:

Frequency: press , and

Amplitude: press , to select Voltage and turn the AMPL button to adjust the value

Finally, press to generate the waveform.

1.2 Procedure
1. Connect wires from MAIN OUTPUT of function generator to Channel 1 of
oscilloscope as below figure. Select sine waveform 10 kHz 5Vpp and press OUTPUT


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2. Press Autoset button on oscilloscope, what is on the display screen? Give some
comments? Repeat with triangle waveform and square waveform. Draw the waveforms.

3. Turn Vertical Position knob on channel 1 of oscilloscope, what is on the screen? Give
some comments?
4. Turn Horizontal Position knob on oscilloscope, what is on the screen? Give some
5. If the waveform move and flash, press Menu button combine with press or turn Level
knob on oscilloscope, what is on the screen? Give some comments?
6. Turn Vertical Scale, Horizontal Scale knob on oscilloscope, what is on the screen?
Give some comments? When turn these knob, do the amplitude and frequency values
of signal change?
7. Press Run/Stop button on oscilloscope, what is on the display screen? What is the
difference with Level button?
8. Press Output to turn off the signal, after that, press Single button on oscilloscope and
then press Output again, what is on the display screen?


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9. Measure the amplitude of the signal, adjust the AMPLITUDE knob on the function
generator and observe the signal on the oscilloscope, does the amplitude of the signal
change? Does the frequency of the signal change?
When adjusting the AMPLITUDE knob, how the amplitude of the signal change?
10. Adjust the FREQUENCY knob on the function generator and observe the signal on
the oscilloscope, does the amplitude of the signal change? Does the frequency of the
signal change? When adjusting the FREQUENCY button, how many Hz change per
11. Switch to square waveform, then turn DUTY knob on function generator. How does
the signal change?
12. Adjust the amplitude to 2Vpp, 2 volt/div, pull out and adjust OFFSET knob on function
generator. How does the signal change? Observe the signal on oscilloscope and write
some comments.
13. Change positions ×1, ×10 on the probe. Observe the signal on oscilloscope. How does
the signal change? Determine the amplitude and frequency of signal on the oscilloscope
for each case. Do amplitude and frequency of signal change when changing from ×1 to
14. Press the -40dB button to turn on and turn off -40dB mode. Compare the amplitude
before and after pressing -40dB.
15. Try following functions and fill the blanks:
Connect wires from MAIN OUTPUT of function generator to Channel 1 of oscilloscope.
Generate sine waveform, 10 kHz, 20Vpp and press OUTPUT ON (read value on the
oscilloscope, not the generator).
Value Meaning


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Cycle Mean
Cursor Mean
Cycle RMS
Cursor RMS

Generate square waveform, 10 kHz, 20Vpp and press OUTPUT ON (read on the oscilloscope,
not the generator).

Value Meaning
Rise Time

Fall Time

Pos Width

Neg Width

Pos Duty

Neg Duty




Pos Pulse Cnt

Neg Pulse Cnt

Rise Edge Cnt

Fall Edge Cnt


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2.1 Objectives
To help students learn the structures and principles of operation of a very popular measuring
device that is VOM. Analysis measuring the value of non-sine signals, understand the structure
of its kind device and learn to use the similarities and differences of the two types of devices:
mechanical and electronic.
2.2 Discussion
1. Present the structure of the Volt meter, Ohm meter and Ampere meter.
2. Present the operating principle of the measurement structure of Volt, Ohm, Ampere
3. Calculate the form factor and peak factor of these waveforms: unipolar square wave,
bipolar square wave, triangle wave and sine wave. The amplitude of the above signal is

Type of signal Mean value RMS value

Unipolar square wave Vp*t/T Vp*sqrt(t/T)

Bipolar square wave 0 Vrms = Vp

Triangle wave 0.5Vp
Sine wave Vrms = 1.

4. Calculate mean value of the half wave and full wave rectifiers of these above

Type of rectifier
Full wave Half wave
Unipolar square wave Vp*t/T Vp*t/T
Bipolar square wave Vp*2t/T Vp*t/T

Triangle wave Vp*0.5

Sine wave 2*Vm/pi Vm/pi

2.3 Procedure
2.3.1 Observe and write device parameters
1. Observe analog VOM, write all functions of analog VOM and its uses.
No. Symbol Function


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2. Compare the scale division on VOM, explain why Ohm scale is non-linear?
3. Observe digital VOM, write all function of digital VOM.
No. Symbol/ keys Function

2.3.2 Function of analog VOM

1. Set the function generator to sine wave 50Hz, amplitude 5Vp.
Set analog VOM to AC measuring mode, AC voltage range is 10VAC. Measure and record the

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

2. Adjust function generator to get output voltage +5V DC, the AC element equals 0
Keep the VOM AC mode (50VAC), record results. Interpretation of measured value.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

Explain: .......................................................................................................................................
3. Adjust the function generator to get DC -5V, element AC = 0.
Record values displayed on the VOM, interpret and comment the results.


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OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

Explain: .......................................................................................................................................
4. Select x1 mode on VOM to measure resistors, “0” calibrate for this scale and measure
100Ω resistor on the panel.
5. Switch to x10 measuring range, make calibration for this new measuring range,
measure on the same resistors and compare 2 measured values.

Measuring ranges Reading values

Comment: ...................................................................................................................................
2.3.3 Function of digital VOM
1. Adjust function generator to get output voltage +5V DC, the AC element = 0.
Use the digital VOM to measure DC voltage, which symbol displays on the screen?

Symbol VOM value (V)

2. Press RANGE button, which symbol displays on the screen? Does the measured values

3. Adjust function generator to get sine wave 50Hz frequency, amplitude 5Vp and DC
element equals 0V.
4. Switch VOM to AC mode, what symbol displays on the screen? Measured the value on
function generator, compare and VOM values and on the function generator, which
value does the VOM measure?

Symbol Value Interpretation

5. Press HOLD, then change the amplitude of signal on function generator. Dose the value
on the VOM change? Explain.


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6. Press RANGE button, which symbol displays on the screen? Does the measured values
change? Why?

Symbol Interpretation

7. Remove the VOM from function generator. Rotate the knob on VOM to resistor
measurement mode. Which symbol displays on the screen? Measure the value of
resistor on the panel.

Values Value of
Symbol Interpretation
on panel measurement

8. Switch to short circuit mode. Which symbol displays on the screen? Connect 2 probes
directly and record the phenomenon.

Symbol Phenomenon

9. Press to change the button diode mode. Which symbol displays on the screen? Which
mode is the VOM in? Practice to measure a diode and record the results. Identify the
anode and cathode pin of the diode.

Connecting diagram Comment

10. Change VOM to current mode, press button to select current AC/DC mode. Which
symbol displays on the screen?

Symbol Interpretation


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2.3.4 The structure of analog VOM

1. Preparation: Switch the oscilloscope to DC (Direct Coupling) mode, and measurement
range consistent with the amplitude of the signal on function generator.
2. Set the function generator in square wave mode, at frequency 50Hz, 5Vp amplitude,
push the OFFSET button in to get average value at 0V.
3. Set VOM in AC voltage measurement mode, measurement range is 10VAC.
Measure voltage value on the function generator, record the measured value.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

4. Pull OFFSET button out, adjust offset and amplitude button on the oscilloscope to
display unipolar square waveform 0 - 5V. Measure voltage value use VOM (10VAC)
and record this value.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

5. Switch the function generator to triangle waveform mode, push the OFFSET button in
and adjust the amplitude of signal to get amplitude 5Vp and average value is 0V.
Measure and record the value on VOM.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

6. Using theory to calculate average values, RMS value of unipolar square signal, bipolar
square signal, triangle signal.

Type of signal Mean value RMS value

Unipolar square wave
Bipolar square wave
Triangle wave
Sine wave

7. Compare and analyze the measured values with the theoretical values.
2.3.5 The structure of digital VOM


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1. Set the function generator in square wave mode, at frequency 50Hz, 5Vp amplitude,
push OFFSET button in to get average value at 0V.
2. Set VOM in AC voltage measurement mode, measurement range is 10VAC.
Measure voltage value on the function generator, record the measured value.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

3. Pull OFFSET button out, adjust offset and amplitude button on the oscilloscope to
display unipolar square waveform 0V - 5V. Measure voltage value use VOM and record
this value.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

4. Switch the function generator to triangle waveform mode, push the OFFSET button in
and adjust the amplitude of signal to get amplitude 5V and average value is 0V. Measure
and record the value on VOM.

OSC value (Vpp, RMS, Mean) VOM value (V)

5. Using theory to calculate average values, RMS value of unipolar square signal,
bipolar square signal, triangle signal.

Type of signal Mean value RMS value

Unipolar square wave
Bipolar square wave
Triangle wave

6. Compare and analyze the measured values with the theoretical values.


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3.1 Objective
After finishing this lab, student will be able to measure current, voltage in DC and AC circuits.
3.2 Discussion
- Learning about measuring current, voltage, resistance.
- Calculation of the different loads in the circuit.
3.3 Procedure
3.3.1 DC circuit
1. Connect the circuit as Figure 3-1. Connect the voltage meter E1 and current meter I1 for
measuring voltage and current. Must ensure connect correctly the polarity of voltage
and current of measurement devices.
DC (0-2.5A)


Es E1 R2
DC (0-24V)
DC (0-75V)

Figure 3-1
2. Turn on the power supply, adjust the voltage reach 24V and then record the measured
values in the following table:

Voltage E1 (V)
The current I1 (A)
Resistors R1 () 25
Resistor R2 () 65//65
Resistor R3 () 50//100

3. Turn off the power supply.

Calculate the equivalent resistance.
REQ = R1 + R2 + R3 = __________
Calculate REQ using voltage and current.
REQC = E/I = ________ 


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4. Remove the power supply from the circuit and use Ohm meter to measure the resistance
of the equivalent circuit.
REQM = ____________ 
5. Do the results from step 3, step 4 and step 5 match together?
Yes No
6. Connect the circuit as the Figure 3-2. Connect the voltage meter E1 and current meter
I, I1, I2, I3 for measuring voltage and current. Must ensure connect correctly the polarity
of voltage and current of measurement devices.

DC (0-2.5A)
+ + +
I1 I2 I3
ES DC (0-75V) E R1 R2 R3
DC (0-24V)

Figure 3-2

Es (V) R1 () R2 () R3 ()

24 100//100 65 50

7. Turn on the power supply and adjust the voltage reach 24V and then record the
measured values in the following table:

Theory Practical result

Voltage E (V)
Current I (A)
Current I1 (A)
Current I2 (A)
Current I3 (A)

8. Turn off the power supply. Comment I = I1+I2+I3 or not?

Yes No
Calculate the equivalent resistance.
1 1 1 1
  
REQ R1 R2 R3
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REQ = ______________ 

Calculate the equivalent resistance according to the voltage and current.

REQC = E / I = __________ 
9. Remove the power supply from the circuit and use Ohm meter to measure the resistance
of the equivalent circuit.
REQM = ______________ 
10. Do the results from step 9, 10, 11 match together?
Yes No
11. Connect the circuit as the Figure 3-3. Connect the voltage meter E1 and current meter
I1, I2, I3 for measuring voltage and current. Must ensure connect correctly the polarity
of voltage and current of measurement devices.
DC (0-2.5A)


DC (0-24V)
E1 I2 I3

DC (0-75V)
R2 R3

Figure 3-3

Voltage (V) R1 () R2 () R3 ()

24 50//50 100//100 65//65

12. Turn the power switch to position I (ON) and adjust the voltage reach 24V and then
record the measured values in the following table:

Theory result Practical result

Voltage E1 (V)
Current I1 (A)
Current I2 (A)
Current I3 (A)
13. Turn off the power supply. Comment I1= I2 + I3 or not?
Yes No
Calculate the equivalent resistance.
REQ = ______________ 


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Calculate the equivalent resistance using the voltage and current.

REQC = E/I _________ 
14. Remove the power supply from the circuit and use Ohm meter to measure the resistance
of the equivalent circuit.
REQM = ______________ 
15. Do the results of the step 15, 16 and 17 match?
Yes No
16. Turn off the power completely, store the cable and clean the tools.
3.3.2 1-phase AC circuit
Total resistance in circuit serial
1. Connect the circuit as Figure 3-4. Connect all parts of the load module in parallel, call
the known values for R and XL. Connect I1, E1, E2 and E3 as the figure to measure the
current and voltage in the circuit.
2. Turn on the main power.

AC (0-5A)

R E2 AC (0-75V)

AC (0-75V)
XL E3 AC (0-75V)

Figure 3-4

Voltage (V) R () L (mH)

24 65//50 60//40

3. Record the measured voltage circuits.

E1 E2 E3 I1

4. Using the circuit values given to compute Z and f.


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2 2 o
Z= R X =  f= arctan =
5. Using Ohm's law, calculate Z value in the previous step and the value IS , R and XL was
given in Figure 3-6 to compute the circuit voltage (ES = IS Z, ER = IS R, EL = IS XL )
ES = V ER = V EL = V
6. Compare measured values with calculated values of Z and do the same with other
voltages. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Do measured values of R and XL approximately equal to the values in the panel?
Yes No
7. Turn off the power and replace inductor of the circuit by a capacitor as table. Turn on
the power.
Voltage (V) R () C (F)
24 65//50 40//70
8. Record the measurement results are displayed on the meters.
E1 E2 E3 I1

9. Using the circuit values given in step 8 to compute Z and f.

 XC
Z= R 2  X C2 =  f = arctan =
10. Using Ohm's law again, Z values calculated in the previous step and the value I, R and
XC were given in step 8 to compute circuit voltage.
ES =_______V ER = V EC = V
11. Compare measured values and calculated values of Z and do the same with other
voltages. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Do measured values of R and XL approximately equal to the values in the panel?
Yes No
12. Turn off the power and implement one more inductor into the serial RLC circuit as
Figure 3-5. Connected I1 and VOM, E1, E2, E3 as the figure and put the known values
of R, XL and XC. Turn on the power and adjust the voltage to ES as given.


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AC (0-2A)

E1 AC (0-75V)

VOM XL E2 AC (0-75V)
N AC (0-75V)
AC (0-25V)
XC E3 AC (0-75V)

Figure 3-5

Điện áp (V) R () L (mH) C (F)

24 65//50 60//40 40//70

13. Record the values of Z, R and XEQ (equal XL - XC ) show on the meters.

VOM I1 E1 E2 E3

14. Does VOM equal E1 + E2 + E3?

Yes No
15. Using values of the circuit given in Figure 3-7 to compute Z and f.
Z= R 2  ( X L2  X C ) 2 =  f = arctan = ____o
16. Compare measured values and calculated values of Z. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Do R and XEQ values approximately equal the values of the circuit in panel?
Yes No
Total impedance in parallel circuit
1. Turn off the power and implement circuit as Figure 3-6. Put the known values for R
and XL. Connect the I1, I2, I3, E1, E2 and E3 as figure to measure the current and voltage
of the circuit.
Turn on the power and adjust the value of ES as given.


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AC (0-2A)

I2 AC (0-2A) I3 AC (0-2A)


AC (0-75V)
AC (0-75V)
AC (0-75V)
AC (0-25V)
R E2 XL E3

Figure 3-6

Voltage (V) R () L (mH)

24 50 60

2. Using the values above to compute Z and f.

RX L R o
Z= = ________ f = arctan =
R X 2
3. Using the Z value in the step 21 and the value ES, R and X L was given in Figure 3 -8
to compute the currents.
IS = A IR = A IL = A
4. Compare measured values with calculated values of Z, do the same with the other
currents. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Do measured value of R and XL approximately equal to the value in the module?
Yes No
5. Turn off the power and replace XL in Figure 3-8 by a capacitor load to become a parallel
RC circuit according to values given in the table. Turn on the power.

Voltage (V) R () C (F)

24 65//50 40//70

6. Record results are displayed on the meter.

E1 E2 E3 I1 I2 I3


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7. Using the circuit values given in step 6 to compute the Z and f.

RX C R o
Z= = f = arctan =
R X 2
8. Using Ohm's law, Z value in the previous step and the value of ES, R and XC in step 25
to compute the currents of the circuit.
IS = A IR = A IC = A
9. Compare measured values with calculated values of Z, do the same with the other
currents. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Do measured value of R and XC approximately equal to the value in the module?
Yes No
10. Turn off the power and implement the parallel RLC circuit as Figure 3-7. Connect the
VOM in current mode, E1 and I1, I2, I3 as figure, put the known values for R, XL and XC.
Turn on the power and adjust value ES as given.

AC (0-5A)
I1 I2 I3
AC (0-5A)

AC (0-5A)

AC (0-5A)
AC (0-25)

AC (0-75V)


Figure 3-7

Voltage (V) R () L (mH) C (F)

24 65//50 60 70//100

11. Record the Z, R and XEQ XL XC / (XC - XL)  values display on the meters.

E1 IS I1 I2 I3

12. Comment: Is = I1 + I2 + I3 or not?

Yes No
13. Using current values as given to compute the Z, XEQ and f


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XEQ = =  Z= = 
XC  X L R 2  X EQ

R o
f = arctan =
14. Compare measured values with calculated values of Z, do the same with the other
currents. Do they approximately equal?
Yes No
Value of R and XL measured approximately equal to the value in the module or not?
Yes No
15. Turn off the power completely, store the cable and clean the tools.
3.3.3 3-phases AC circuit
1. Connect E1, E2 and E3 to measure line-2-neutral voltage and line-2-line voltage as in
Figure 3-8 (using VOM to measure).
Note: In this document, EPHASE is a line-to-neutral voltage and ELINE is a line-to-line voltage.
Power supply connection is Y-connection in all cases.
2. Turn on the power. Record the results then turn off the power. Determine the average
value of line voltage and phase voltage (1, 2, 3 are corresponding to a, b, c in the

E1-N (V) E2-N(V) E3-N (V) E1-2 (V) E2-3 (V) E3-1 (V)

E1 - N  E2 N  E3 N
EPHASE average = = V
E1 - 2  E23  E31
ELINE average = = V


N E23


Figure 3-8


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3. Compute the ratio of the average ELINE and average EPHASE.

Does the above ratio approximately equal to 1.73 (√3)?
Yes No
4. Implement 3 phases Y-connection with resistor as Figure 3-9. Connect the I1, I2, I3, E1,
E2, E3 as figure to measure current and voltage.
5. Turn on the power to get ES (E4-5, E5-6 hoặc E6-4) was given in Figure 3-9. Measure the
voltage and current of the circuit, and then turn off the power.

ES (V) R1 () R2 () R3 ()

24 50 50 50

ER1 (V) ER2(V) ER3 (V) IR1 (A) IR2 (A) IR3 (A) IN (A)

AC (0-75V)
AC (0-2A)
1 R1
AC (0-75V)
AC (0-2A)
2 R2
AC 24/41V N AC (0-75V)
AC (0-2A)

AC (0-2A)


Figure 3-9
6. Compare voltage of load and current of load separately. Do they approximately equal?
Is the load balanced?
Yes No
7. Compute the average phase voltage from measurements in step 7.


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ER1  ER2  ER3

EPHASE average = = V
Do the ratio of ELINE and EPHASE approximately equal to 1.73 (√3)?
Yes No
8. Connected I1 following the dashed line in Figure 3-9 to measure the neutral current
connect from neutral line of source to neutral of Y-connection load. Turn on the power
and record IN value with ES equal ES in step 5.
9. Does the current of neutral wire equal 0? Yes No
10. Turn off the power. Replace with R3=100.
11. Turn on the power. Does the current of neutral wire equal 0? Yes No
Explain: .......................................................................................................................................
12. Using the results from step 8 to compute active power consumption of circuits in each
phase and total power consumption of load.
PR1 = ER1 × IR1 = W; PR2 = ER2 × IR2 = W
PR3 = ER3 × IR3 = W; PT = PR1 + PR2 + PR3 = W
13. Using the measured value in step 8 to compute phase currents
14. Using the phase voltage and phase current to compute PT, compare the results with step
12. Do the values of two steps approximation equal?
Yes No
15. Turn off the power and implement the 3-phase circuit with resistor -connection as
Figure 3-10. Connect the I1, I2, I3, E1, E2, E3 as figure to measure the current and

AC (0-5A) I1 AC (0-5A)
1 AC (0-75V) E1 R1

AC 24/41V 3 AC (0-5A)
I2 E3 R3
AC (0-75V)
AC (0-75V)
E2 R2

Figure 3-10

ES (V) R1 () R2 () R3 ()

24/41 50 50 50


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16. Turn on the power. Measure the voltage and current of the circuit, and then turn off the

ER1 (V) ER2(V) ER3 (V) IR1 (A) IR2 (A) IR3 (A)

17. Compare voltage of load and current of load separately. Do they approximately equal?
Does the load is balanced? Yes No
18. Compute average value of phase currents from the measured data at step 16.
IR1  IR2  IR3
IPHASE average= = A
19. Implement I1, I2, I3 as Figure 3-11 to measure the line current of -connection load.
Measure and record the line current, then turn off the power. Compute the average line
I1 = A I2 = A I3 = A
I1  I2  I3
ILINE average= = A
20. The ratio of the line currents and average phase current.
= A
21. Does the above ratio approximately equal to 1.73 (√3)?
Yes No
AC (0-2A)
AC (0-75V)

E1 R1
AC (0-75V)

AC (0-2A)
I2 E3 R3
AC (0-75V)

AC 24/41V
E2 R2
AC (0-2A)

Figure 3-11

22. Using the results from step 16, compute the active power consumed in each phase of
the circuit and total load consumption.
PR1 = ER1 × IR1 = W
PR2 = ER2 × IR2 = W
PR3 = ER3 × IR3 = W
PT = PR1 + PR2 + PR3 = W


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23. Using the measured value in step 11 to compute the phase voltage
24. Using the phase voltage and current to compute PT , compare the results with step 22.
Do the value of two steps approximation equal?
Yes No
25. Turn off the power completely, store the cable and clean the tools.


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4.1 Discussion
DC circuits: Power consumption (measured in Watt-W) of the device:
P = E.I = E2/R
1-phase AC circuits:
Apparent power provides to load by the product of voltage and current (E.I). Apparent power
is always greater than or equal to the power consumption.
Reactive power can be capacitive reactance, inductive reactance is determined by the formula:
2 2
Q= S  P
When know phase angle f, reactive power can be computed by using the following formula:
= . . f = . f
And active power (real power) can be computed by the formula:
= . . f = . f
In AC circuits with voltage and current are sine waveform, the terms cos f (cos f = P / S) is
called power factor and depends on the phase angle between the current and voltage.
- If f (t) and i(t) are phase synchronizations (resistor circuit), phase angle f = 0, then cosf =
1 and power consumption P equals apparent power (E.I).
- When the phase angle between the voltage and current is 90o (only L, C circuit), the power
consumption equals P = 0 and cos f = 0. Power factor equals 0 because the load do not
consume power, although they create the current and is a load of power.
- When an electrical circuit including resistor and capacitive reactance or inductive reactance
then phase angle f changing from 0o to 90o, the value of cosf changes from 0 to 1.
3-phase AC circuits:
- For 3-phase balanced load, if PPHASE = EPHASE × IPHASE × Cosf is the power consumption
of each phase, the total power consumption of load is:
PT = 3 × PPHASE = 3 × EPHASE × IPHASE × Cosf

- For Y-connection circuit EPHASE = ELINE / 3 and IPHASE =ILINE. Therefore:

PT = × ELINE × ILINE × Cosf= 1.73 × ELINE × ILINE × Cosf
- In -connection circuit, the result is same result because EPHASE = ELINE and IPHASE =

Because of the product of (EPHASE × IPHASE) denotes the apparent power of each phase, thus
total power of 3 phases in Y or -connection balanced load is computed by the following
The relationship between P, Q and S are the same as 1-phase circuit, so reactive power is:
2 2
Q = S P
Power factor with 3-phase balanced load is the ratio of:
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Cosf = PT/S
4.2 Procedure
4.2.1 DC power
Objective: After completing this lesson, students will be able to determine the power
consumption in the DC circuit. Students will check the errors of measurement results are
compared with the computed results.
1. Set up the circuit as Figure 4-1. Must ensure correct connection of the device polarity
voltage and current measurements.

DC 24V

Figure 4-1

Voltage (V) R1 ()

24 25
2. Turn on the power and then record the measured values in the following table:
E1 (V) I1 (A)

Turn off the power supply.

3. Using the measured results to calculate the power consumption of the circuit.
P = E × I = ________________W
4. Doubling the value of the resistor, turn on the power supply and record the measured
values in the following table:
E1 (V) I1 (A)

Turn off the power supply.

5. Calculate the power consumed by the resistor, using 3 types of formula.
P=E×I = ___________W
P=I ×R = ___________W
P= E /R = ___________W
6. Do three formulas have the same results?
Yes No


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7. Connect the circuit as Figure 4-2. Must ensure connect correctly the polarity of voltage
and current of measurement devices.

DC (0-2.5A)

R1 E1 DC (0-75V)

R2 E2 DC (0-75V)

R3 E3 DC (0-75V)

Figure 4-2

Điện áp (V) R1() R2() R3()

24 100//100 65//65 50//50

8. Turn on the power and then record the measured values in the following table
I1 (A) E1 (V) E2 (V) E3 (V)

Turn off the power.

9. Calculate the power consumption on each resistor using data in the table above.
P1 = ER1 × I = ____________W
P2 = ER2 × I = ____________W
P3 = ER3 × I = ____________W
10. Calculate the total power consumption and compare with the total power of power
PT = P1 + P2 + P3 = _________W
PT = ES × I = ______________W
11. Do the results approximately equal?
Yes No
12. Set up the circuit as Figure 4-3. Must ensure connect correctly the polarity of voltage
and current of measurement devices. Turn on the power.
13. Record the value of the voltage and current in the table below, then turn off the power.

E1 (V) I1 (A)


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14. Power consumption in each resistor and the total power is calculated using the formula:
PR1 = E S = _____________W
PR2 = E S = _____________W
PT = PR1 + PR2 =__________W

DC 24V

Figure 4-3

ES(V) R1() R2()

24 50 100//100
15. Knowing that the power supply must equal total circuit power supply and voltage of
source ES. Calculate the currents of power supply:
I = PT/ES = _____________A
16. Comparison of calculated values with measured values in step 13. Do they
approximation equal?
Yes No
17. Turn off the power completely, store the cable and clean the tools.
4.2.2 1-phase AC power
Objective: After completing of this lesson, student will be able to determine the power
consumption, apparent power and power factor of the circuit by measuring voltage, current or
power. Student will also learn how to improve the power factor of the circuit.
1. Set up the circuit as Figure 4-4. Install Watt meter according polarity: 1-2 is I, 3-4 is
U, then connect 220VAC power to Watt meter. Connect I1 and E1 as figure to measure
current and voltage of the circuit. Note: Es is AC.
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AC (0-5A) 3
IS R-L load
1 2
I1 W1


AC (0-30V)
Figure 4-4

ES (V) R () L(mH)

24 100 40

2. With the above circuit, calculate following values: the current through the load,
apparent power, power consumption, reactive power, power factor:
I = _____ A, S = E × I = _____ VA, P =_____ W, Q = _____VAR, cosf =______
3. Turn on the power, use power factor meter to measure and compare with step 2.
Error= |cosf (step 1) − cosf (step 2)| =___________
Comment: ....................................................................................................................................
4. From the results, compute the apparent power, reactive power, power factor. Do these
results same with the results calculated in step 2?
Yes No
5. Replace L with C=40F, record values:
E 1 = _______ V I 1 = _______A P = W _______
Turn off the power.
6. Install a capacitor in parallel with the as Figure 4-5. Make sure that all component of
capacitive reactance is in parallel and all switch is OFF.
AC (0-5A) 3
IS Tải R-L
1 2
I1 W1

AC (0-30V)

Figure 4-5


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ES (V) R () L (mH)

24 100 40

7. Turn on the power and increase the capacitive reactance of the circuit by closing the
first switch in each module, then middle switch and finally the third switch until all the
switches are closed. With each new capacitive reactance values, record the current
measured value.
C (F) I1 (A) P (W) cosf

8. After all the data values have been recorded, select I1 is the y-axis parameters and Xc is
the x-axis parameters to examine the different curves of electric current. Currents
increase, decrease or no change when increase the capacitive reactance in the circuit?
9. Is there exist a point which electric current does not decrease but stopped then started
increasing when increase the capacitive reactance?
Yes No
10. Adjust the switch in the capacitive reactance load to the minimum current while
adjusting the voltage necessary to keep the correct value of ES. Determine the value of
the capacitive reactance makes the current minimum.
XC = 1/(2fC) = ________ 
11. With Xc has been changed to get the minimum current value, record the value of E, Imin
and power consumption in W1.
E = ________ V Imin = _______ A P = _________W
12. Calculate the apparent power, reactive power, power factor:
2 2
S = E × Imin = ______ VA Q = S  P = ______VAR cosf = P /S = _______
13. Does reactive power of circuit reduce compared with step 5?
Yes No
14. Does the currents decreased significantly when increasing capacitive reactance?
Yes No
15. Does power consumption of RL load approximately equal capacitive reactance?
Yes No
16. Turn off the power completely, store the cable and clean the tools.
4.2.3 3-phase AC power
Objective: After completing of this lesson, student will be able to determine the power
consumption of the 3-phase balanced circuit using 2 Wattmeter to measure power. Reactive
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power and apparent power is also determined by measuring the voltage and current of the
1. Implement 3-phase circuit with -connection load as Figure 4-6. Give C1, C2, C3 are
40µ. Turn on the power to get the given value ES.
AC (0-5A) 3
1 1 2
I1 W1

4 R1
E1 XC1
I2 R3 XC3
AC 24/41V
E2 R2 XC 2
1 2
I3 W2

Figure 4-6

ES (V) R1 (Ω) R2 (Ω) R3 (Ω)

24 100 100 100

2. Measure the voltage and line currents, record the results read on the meters. Turn off
the power.
E1 (V) E2 (V) I1 (A) I2 (A) P1 (W) P2 (W)

3. Compute the total power consumption, apparent power and cosf.

P = P1+P2 = ..........W
S = 1.73 ELINE ILINE = ..........VA
cosf = P / S = ..........
4. Use the S and P values to determine Q.
2 2
Q = S  P =..........................VAR
5. On the panel, implement Wattmeters W1, W2 as Figure 4-7 to measure reactive power.
A W1

* W2
B Load

Figure 4-7


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6. Turn on the power. Remember the measurements of 2 Watt design and off.
P1 = ………………. W P2 = ………………. W
7. Compute the total measured power and reactive power:
P = P1+P2=………………….W = =........................VAR

8. Do measured reactive power match the measured results in step 4?
Yes No
9. Implement the circuit as Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8

ES (V) R1 (Ω) R2 (Ω) R3 (Ω) C1 (F) C2 (F) C3 (F)

24 100//50 100//50 100//50 40 40 40

10. Turn on the power and adjust the ES to the given value. Measure and record the values
in the table below. Then turn off the power.

E1 (V) E2 (V) E3(V) I1 (A) I2 (A) I3 (A) P1 (W) P2 (W) P3 (W)

11. Compute the total power consumption, apparent power and cos .
P = P1+P2+P3 =........................W
S = 1.73 ELINE ILINE =.........................VA cosf = P / S =................................
Use S and P values to determine Q.
2 2
Q = S  P =..........................VAR
12. On Figure 4-8, implement Wattmeters W1, W2, W3 according to Figure 4-8 to measure
reactive power.


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A *

B * W2

C * W3

Figure 4-9

13. Turn on the power and adjust to get value ES as given. Record the values of 3
Wattmeters, then turn off the power.
P1 = ………….. W P2 = …………… W P3 = …………….. W
14. Compute the total measured power and reactive power.
P = P1+P2+P3 =……………. W = =........................VAR

15. Does measured reactive power value match the results in step 12?
Yes No
16. Turn off the power completely, store the cables and cleanup the tools.


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