EsBelotta - Reyes - Royal Couple - Ing

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© 2008 by www.AmigurumiParadise.blogspot.

Please do not redistribute, resell, and/or translate pattern into another language for reselling;
including publishing on the internet. Do not sell the finished dolls on the internet.
Feel free to sell your Amigurumi in your local stores/bazaars!
Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

Skills level: medium.

You should already be familiar with crocheting in rounds; there are no basic crochet tutorials included.
For up-to-date information, interesting links and recommended tutorials please visit my blog:

If you have any questions about this pattern or problems while making your Royal Couple, feel free to
contact me! ☺

Materials Abbreviations
(US notation)
− yarn/wool in following colors:
Princess: skin (cream), hair (light brown), dress color 1/ st stitch(es)
shoes/hairband (light pink), dress color 2 (pink), sl st slip stitch
crown (yellow) ch chain
sc single crochet
Prince: skin (cream), hair (brown), trousers (blue), jacket
(white), cape/belt (red), shoes (black), crown (yellow) hdc half double crochet
− crochet hook in fitting size (I used 2.5 mm) dc double crochet
pic sc, ch 3, sl st in sc
− embroidery floss in red (mouth) and brown (eye
lashes/eyebrows), red chalk inc increase
(2 sc in next stitch)
− filling, craft eyes (I used 4.5 mm)
dec decrease (2 sc
− Princess: 1 tiny pink button (6.5 mm), pink rose ribbon worked off together)
− Prince: 2 tiny yellow buttons (6.5 mm) BLO back loops only
− sewing needle, tapestry needle FO fasten off
− scissors, stitch marker, craft glue (if needed)

I normally use “Catania” from Schachenmayr ( and sometimes “Cotton Quick” from
Gründl ( They measure 22 WPI* and have a specified gauge of 36 rows and 26 sts =
10 cm (about 9 rows and 6.5 sts = 1”) and recommended hook sizes of 2.5 to 3.5 mm.
My gauge (for single crochets in round) is 8 rows and 8 sts = 1” with 2.5 mm hook.
*WPI – wraps per inch: To measure the WPI of your yarn, wrap it around
a pencil, a ruler or something else, until it reaches 1 inch. Then count the
number of wraps you have.

− I recommend beginning all rounds with an adjustable ring.

− All rounds are worked in a continuous spiral; do not join rounds with a slip stitch.
− You may find it useful to use a stitch marker for counting your rounds.

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

1. Princess
With skin color:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 5 – 11: sc around (24)
Round 12: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (18)
If you plan to make some embroidery work or attach security eyes
– now would be a good time for that.
Round 13: (2 dec, sc, 2 dec) repeat (10)
FO, weave in loose end, stuff head.

With hair color (light brown):
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3 – 4: sc around (12)
Round 5: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 6: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 7 – 12: sc around (24); ch 1, turn
Round 13: skip first sc, 22 sc, skip last sc
FO, leave long yarn tail; stuff top a little bit, and sew to head.

With dress color 1 (light pink):
Round 1: 5 sc
Round 2: inc around (10)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (15)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (20)
Round 5 – 6: sc around (20)
Round 7: in BLO sc around (20) (You will use the front loops later when making the skirt.)
Round 8: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (15)
Round 9 – 11: sc around (15)
Round 12: (sc, dec) repeat around (10)
FO, leave a long yarn tail to sew to head.

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

Hold the body upside down and join yarn with sl st in one of the front loops of round 7 of body, ch 1;
With dress color 1 (light pink):
Round 1: (sc, inc) repeat around (30)
Round 2: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (40)
Round 3 – 8: sc around (40)
FO, weave in loose ends, stuff body and sew to head.

Overskirt (right word? ☺ )

The overskirt is worked in rows; ch 1 and turn at the end of each row.
With dress color 2 (pink):
Row 1: ch 20
J Check if the ch 20 is enough to go tightly around the waist of your
princess. Add one or more ch (not too many) in case it doesn’t fit right.
Row 2 – 3: sc (20 or a bit more)
Row 4 – 7: dec into first 2 sc, sc, …, dec into last 2 sc
FO; join yarn at front of overskirt (on right side of work)
Row 8: work sc around the outer border of the skirt
FO; weave in loose ends, leave a long yarn tail to sew to body.

Arms (make 2)
With skin color:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: sc around (9)
Round 4: (sc, dec) repeat around (6)

J Stuff hand a little bit.

Round 5 – 6: sc around (6)

J With dress color 1 (light pink):

Round 7: (work 2 dc together in one st) repeat around (6)
FO, leave a long yarn tail, sew open end together,
sew arm to body.

Legs (make 2)
With shoe color (pink):
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: sc around (9)

J Change to skin color:

Round 4: sc around (9)
Round 5: dec, 7 sc (8)
Round 6: 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (7)
FO, leave long yarn tail; stuff a little bit, sew leg to body.

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

With crown color:
Row 1: ch 9; ch 1, turn
Row 2: 2 sl st, 2 sc, 3 sc in next st, 2 sc, 2 sl st
FO, leave a long yarn tail.

Hair band
With dress color 2 (pink): ch 18; FO.

− Sew overskirt to body around waist, decorate front with a tiny button. (Tip: You can also use a ribbon to
tie the overskirt around the waist, so it will be removable.)

− Work face: embroider mouth and eye lashes (in case you haven’t done that before); make cheeks with
powder from pink chalk.

− Sew tiara to head; sew hair band to hair (between rounds 4 and 5 of wig). Decorate hair style with rose

− Cut two pieces of yarn (dress color 2) and tie tiny ribbons around the arms at the end of the sleeves.

Congratulation! Your tiny Princess is finished!

If you find the time, I’d love to see a picture of
your beautiful little Princess!

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

2. Prince
With skin color:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 5 – 11: sc around (24)
Round 12: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (18)
If you plan to make some embroidery work or attach
safety eyes – now would be a good time for that.
Round 13: (2 dec, sc, 2 dec) repeat (10)
FO, weave in loose end, stuff head.

With hair color (brown):
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: inc around (12)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (18)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (24)
Round 5 – 10: sc around (24); ch 1, turn
Round 11: skip first sc, sc around, skip last sc; ch 1, turn
Round 12: 10 sc
FO, leave long yarn tail and sew to head.

With trousers color (blue):
Round 1: 5 sc
Round 2: inc around (10)
Round 3: (sc, inc) repeat around (15)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat around (20)
Round 5: sc around (20)

J Change color to jacket color (white):

Round 6: sc around (20)
Round 7: in BLO sc around (20)
Round 8: (2 sc, dec) repeat around (15)
Round 9 – 11: sc around (15)
Round 12: (sc, dec) repeat around (10)
FO, leave a long yarn tail to sew to body; hold the body upside down and
join yarn with sl st in one of the front loops of round 7 of body, ch 1;
With jacket color (white):
Round 1: (4 sc, inc) repeat around (25)
Round 2: sc around (25)
FO, weave in loose ends, stuff body and sew to head.

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

Arms (make 2)
With skin color:
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: sc around (9)

J With jacket color (white):

Round 4: (sc, dec) repeat around (6)
Round 5 – 8: sc around (6)
FO, leave a long yarn tail, stuff hand a little bit;
sew open end together, sew arm to body.

Legs (make 2)
With shoe color (black):
Round 1: 6 sc
Round 2: (sc, inc) repeat around (9)
Round 3: sc around (9)

J Change to trousers color (blue):

Round 4: sc around (9)
Round 5: dec, 7 sc (8)
Round 6: 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (7)
Round 7: sc around (7)
FO, leave long yarn tail; stuff a little bit, sew leg to body.

Cape (removable)
With cape color:
The cape is worked in rows; turn at end of each row.
Row 1: ch 15; FO; leave a long yarn tail at each end of the chain.

J Join yarn in 5th chain; ch 1 (work next sc into same ch)

Row 2: 7 sc; ch 1, turn
(now you should have 4 ch at each end with 7 sc between)
Row 3: inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc (10); ch 2, turn
Row 4 – 8: 10 hdc; ch 2, turn
Row 9: 10 hdc
FO, weave in loose ends.

With crown color:
Round 1: ch 30
Round 2: (3 sc, pic) repeat around (30)
(Now you should have a tiny crown with 10 “peaks”.)
FO, leave a long yarn tail.

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Royal Couple Pattern © 2008 by

With cape color: ch 18; FO
Leave a long yarn tail, sew to body around waist.

− Work face: embroider mouth and eyebrows (in case you haven’t done that before); make cheeks with
powder from pink chalk.

− Sew crown to head.

− Sew a tiny button to front of belt to make belt buckle; sew another tiny button to front of jacket were you
will fasten the cape.

− Tie the cape around the shoulders and fasten on front.

Congratulation! Your tiny Prince is finished!

If you find the time, I’d love to see a picture of
your charming tiny Prince!

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