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-Lack of knowledge about proper diet

-Palmar pallor and Underweight

Objective: Pinky was underweighted with a weight of only 48kg and a height of 155cm.

Subjective: Pinky stated that she wanted to learn more from Jeniffer to prevent problems with
her pregnancy and delivery.


1. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to attitude or philosophy
in life which hinders recognition/acceptance of a problem as evidenced by limited her food
intake because she didn't want to have a caesarian section, which may be needed if the baby
grew too big.

2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to
inadequate knowledge as to alternative courses of action open to them as evidenced by
conflicting opinions among family members/significant others regarding action to take.

3. Lack of insight into community resources for care as evidenced by Pinky never having a
prenatal consultation.

4. Inaccessibility of appropriate resources of care related to cost constraints of financial

inaccessibility as evidenced by professional attendance would probably be too expensive for

5. Inability to provide a home environment conductive to health maintenance and personal

development due to inadequate family resources as evidenced by their living in a rented shack
of mixed materials.

6. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to lack of community resources for
health care evidenced by inadequate knowledge about community health services, prenatal
nutrition, preparation for childbirth, and infant care.

The Goal of Care:

After nursing intervention the family will make necessary recognition and acceptance of existing
health needs: a) As well as proper education to participate in community resources for health
b) To clarify any contradictions to their conflicting opinions involved to ensure the family's
commitment to their realization.

The Objectives of care:

After nursing intervention family will able to:
a) have sufficient information related to appropriate nutrition to reduce any form of
complications in future occurrences.
b) transact suitably with health care providers and participate in a community program that will
help them to achieve the best results through the form of proper care.
c) improve mental and physical aspects regarding proper lifestyle habits.
d) became fully aware of environmental issues that can be resolved to manage healthy living.

1. Asses Medical History from the client
- weight (kg)
- height (cm)
- dietary history/nutrient intake per day
- medication intake
- medical condition

2. Monitor Laboratory Values

- Serum Albumin
- Transferirn
- Prealbumin
- H&H

3. Consult a Nutritionist and Dietitian.

4. Promote adequate intake of nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, nutritional

supplements, and healthy goodies

5. Encourage the client on engaging to more beneficial physical activities

- frequent exercise
- walking
- minimal dancing

6. Encourage the client to have time on reading the nutritional values of their foods.

7. Encourage the family to have a good foundation of housing materials.

8. Establish facts about the advantages of prenatal consultations and giving birth on either
birthing center or hospital.

9. Establish a plan for a family time management.

1. Obtaining a comprehensive evaluation of the client's history as well as nutrition assessment
can help in creating a care plan for the client's care needs.

2. This can help to have an understanding of the client's nutritional status.

3. Nutritionists and Dietitians can help to conceptualize an eating habit or eating plan for the

4. Eating vegetables and fruits can help the client to obtain a lot of nutrients for her body and
the fetus. Likewise, intake of nutritional supplements boost the client's immune system and
essential nutrients for the fetus' growth and development

5. This will help to improve the state of fitness during pregnancy. Reducing the risk of
pregnancy complications pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain and promotes good blood

6. Having knowledge on the food contents can help the client give her baby the needs to
develop as well as having a choices on how much should they consume on a particular food.

7. This ensures the safety of the family and eradicating the risk for accidents.

8. Frequent checkups will help to monitor the growth and development of the fetus. Giving
birth to medical facilities reduce the risk for infection and malpractice for delivery.

9. This will help the family to have a quality time together, help to build good relationship, and
give physical and emotional support especially to the pregnant mother.
- Met. The client (Pinky) was able to gain 4kg of weight due to adequate amout intake of foods.

- Met. Palmar Pallor was successfully eradicated with the aid of proper intake of foods and
proper physical activity that helps good blood circulation.

- Met. The family was able to understand and perform the health teachings imparted to them
regarding on prenatal nutrition, prepation for childbirth and the advantages of community
health services.

- Met. The family was able to comply in ensuring having enough space and good housing
materials to eradicate the risk for accidents.

- Met. The family was able to build a good relationship and had more time to prepare for the
birth of their child.

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