Hadith F4

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 Hadith form 4

Al Muwatta
Themes/ subject matter contained in Al Muwatta
I. Fundamental principles on Islam e.g. zakat, Hajj, ghusl
II. Family relations e.g. marriage and divorce
III. Economic systems and commercial ethics e.g. sales and trade
IV. Penal laws and judicial systems e.g. punishments and crimes
V. Miscellaneous on anger, modesty, clothing, virtues of Madina

Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi

Themes contained
I. Devotional acts e.g. swalat and hajj
II. Taqwa/ fear of Allah
III. Moral values/ good behaviour
IV. Pillars of Iman e.g. belief in Last Day
V. Permissible and Prohibited acts in Islam

Study of Selected Hadith

Note: Students should learn to analyse the given hadith based on the question
Care for animals and plants

Islam’s position on care for animals and plants/ Islamic teachings on caring of animals and
I. It is a divine responsibility and duty for human beings to take care of the rest of
creation including plants and animals
II. There are rewards promised for those who are caring for and show kindness in
III. The Qur’an explains clearly that nature and environment are signs of the existence of
IV. Plants constitute basic source of sustenance for human beings and animals.
V. Plants moderate the climate and produce oxygen hence Muslims should take good
care of plants.
VI. The Qur’an talks of the aesthetic functions of animal and plants.
VII. Animals and plants also worship Allah declaring his praise and to him.
VIII. While hunting and fishing are permitted in Islam, the prophet prohibited those who
take away life for sport.
IX. The prophet forbade people from lighting fires on anthills.
X. The Prophet ordered a man who took a nestling of a bird to return it to its place.
XI. Muslims should conserve and protect the environment they live in.
XII. The prophet forbade people from needlessly and carelessly cutting trees.
XIII. The prophet forbade the killing of bees and any captured livestock and this shows that
we should have mercy on animals

Importance of Care for Animals

I. One earns rewards
II. Source of food and sustenance
III. Used for transportation
IV. Used for protection e.g. dogs
V. Gives man a sense of responsibility to care for the vulnerable

VI. Good care for animals balances the ecosystem e.g. the sparrow depends on the dead
meat/ some diseases are caught by animals more than humans e.g. swine flu
VII. Animals have aesthetic value/ beauty
VIII. Have medicinal value
IX. Assist in agricultural activities e.g. ploughing, production of fertilizers
X. Source of income e.g. tourism
Importance of Care for Plants
I. One earns rewards
II. Source of food and sustenance
III. Helps in preventing soil erosion
IV. Gives man a sense of responsibility to care for the vulnerable
V. Good care for plants balances the ecosystem e.g. the sparrow depends on the dead
meat/ some diseases are caught by animals more than humans e.g. swine flu
VI. Plants have aesthetic value/ beauty
VII. Moderates climate/ purification of care
VIII. Immense value e.g. medicines, oil, perfumes, timber and fuel/ source of income/
source of employment e.g. rangers
IX. Habitats for other animals

Care for orphans

Islam’s position/ teachings on the care/ treatment of orphans
I. Muslims should Educate the orphans
II. We should protect the wealth of orphans/ Use without israf the wealth
III. We should multiply the wealth when the child is still minor
IV. We should restore/ return the wealth back to the orphans when they are mature
V. Guardian should maintain identity of the orphan by maintaining the names of real
VI. Treat them with kindness
VII. Provide them with shelter and other basic needs such as health care
VIII. Practise justice with them
IX. Duty of a Muslim to give them refuge

Ways through which Muslims can care for orphans

I. Through the establishment of endowments and orphanages.
II. By feeding and clothing them.
III. By avoiding misappropriation of properties for the orphans,
IV. Investing their properties on profitable enterprise.
V. Returning property held in trust to orphans when they attain the age of puberty and
discretion (bulugh)
VI. By supporting them in the quest to seek for education and providing scholarship to

Care for the disabled

Islamic teachings on the care of the disabled
I. They should be given attention
II. They should be taken care of by giving basic necessities
III. We should Helping them in their special needs e.g. assisting the blind persons to cross
the road
IV. We should educate them e.g. making them know their rights
V. We should visit and socialize with them

VI. We should pray for them
VII. We should treat them with love/ stop mocking them

Ways of caring for disable members of the society

I. Assisting them through provision of basic necessities e.g. food, clothes, shelter,
II. Visit and socialize with them.
III. Consoling them when bereaved
IV. Counselling them when in difficulties.
V. Praying for them.
VI. Honouring them during special occasions e.g. Idd.
VII. Helping them in their special needs e.g. assisting the blind persons to cross the road.
VIII. Reserving special facilities for their use e.g. parking area, telephone booths, elevators
IX. Offering them scholarship in education institutions.
X. Establishing institutions for people with special needs e.g. schools, college for the
blind, hearing impaired, physically handicapped etc.
XI. Considering them for employment
XII. Treating them with love/ stop mocking them

Care for the Aged

Ways on how we can care for the elderly/ aged
I. Provide them with basic necessities such as food, shelter and medicine
II. Maintain/ uphold ties of kinship/ we should not cut ties with them
III. Giving them company/ stay close to them/ visiting them often
IV. Assist them with basic activities such as washing them or changing their clothes
V. Treat them with respect/ not speaking to them harshly
VI. Treat them with love and care
VII. Pray for them
VIII. Keep them fit by assisting them in regular exercise
IX. Include them in making family decisions/ seek advice from them
X. Assure them of their security

Note: Students should learn to analyse the given hadith based on the question
State ways through which Muslims can control anger.
I. A Muslim is taught to seek protection from Allah against shaitan e.g. saying
audhubillah/ audhubillahi mina shaitani rajiim/ recitation of Quran/ listening to Quran
II. It is encouraged to take ablution/ taking bath/ taking water
III. Remembering Allah through dhikr/ praying/ fasting/ practising Ibadah/ reflection
IV. Changing position e.g. when one is standing should sit/ going to sleep
V. Observing humility/ asking for forgiveness
VI. Keeping silent
VII. Avoid unnecessary arguments
VIII. Walking away from situations invoking anger/ walking out
IX. Avoiding aggressive situations and people

Effects of anger
I. It annoys Allah
II. It may cause diseases such heart attacks, high blood pressure, ulcers
III. Damaging bonds/ breaks relationships/ negative social impact/ causes disunity/
IV. Causes enmity/ hatred
V. Loss of life/ death/ commit suicide
VI. Fights/ quarrels/ use of vulgar language which may lead to fights
VII. Physical damage of property/ loss of something that one may need

Jealousy/ envy
Causes of jealousy/ envy
I. Pride/ Thinking low about others
II. Anger and malice
III. Wanting to be noticed and appreciated/ unhealthy competition
IV. Lack of self-confidence/ making someone feel that you cannot achieve things in life
V. An evil soul that is happy at sufferings of another
VI. Lack of contentment/ qanaa with what Allah has given you

Effects of jealousy/ envy

I. Makes one take a person’s property unlawfully
II. Can cause israf in order to compete
III. Drives one away from appreciation and gratitude
IV. Not getting satisfied/ not being contented
V. Causes one to wish evils for others
VI. Disbelief as a person may feel Allah is unfair to him
VII. Disunity when we keep away from the jealous brother/ relative
VIII. Hatred when we recognise that the closest person is jealous


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