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1. What are some recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology in

Some recent advancements in AI technology in education are:
● Automated graded assessments
● VR technologies
● Personalize learning
⇒ Both teachers and students can apply AI innovations
2. Will AI tools replace teachers in the future?
● AI cannot replace teachers
● The role of teachers will change with the help of AI
3. What ethical dilemmas arise from the use of AI in learning?
● Cheating on exams
● Copyright
● Practical cases in VN and in the world

1. Which cancers are most common in Vietnam?
● Liver cancer has the highest annual incidence rate.
● The number of cancer sufferers and deaths from cancer have been increasing.
● Each gender has a tendency to face different kinds of cancer
2. What should be done to prevent cancer?
● Having healthy lifestyle
● Getting vaccinated
● Getting cancer screening tests
3. Which type of medication has the most potential to treat cancer? Modern medicine or
traditional medicine
● Both modern medicine and traditional medicine have contributed to the
treatment of cancer.
● Patients should consider treatment options by consulting with healthcare

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