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It is a study of crime criminal and society.

According to MERRIAM-WEBSTER dictionary, the word crminology was derived from the Latin
word Crimen, which mean offense, and the greek word logos, which means study.
According tpo adler (2012), the term “ criminology” was coined by the italian law professor
RAFAEL GAROFALO as criminologia in 1885. The french ANTHROPOLOGIST, PAUL
TROPINARD used it for the first time in french ( criminologie) in 1887. Criminology aptly
describe and encompassed the sciencetific concen with the phenomenon of crime.

EDWIN H. SUTHERLAND and DONALD R. CRESSEY define criminology as “ the body of

knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon”. The scope of criminology covers:

● the making law

● the breaking law
● society’s reaction to the breaking laws.

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