12 Maths CH 4

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A Determinants POINTS TO ‘REMEMBER 1. Determinant: Every square matrix can be associated to an expression or a number which is known, as its determinant. ay A Determinant of square matrix A = is given by 2 aay Ma] BER PY ay [An 42] VAT=[a aa| = Aina ate aq by and determinant ofa matrix A=|a, b, c,| is given by 4, by C5] a,b [4 [ela & a] = ie ale” 2b Gl =m)p ila, a5 b,c, This is known as the expansion of | | along first row. In fact, | A| can be expanded along any of its rows or columns. 2. Singular and Non-singular Matrix: A square matrix is a singular matrix if its determinant is zero. Otherwise, itis a non-singular matrix. 43) o a | n | ©) ze) fal c& fal x ® inal A 3. Minor: Let A= [aj] bea square matrix of ordern. Then the minor Myof ayin A is the determinant of the sub-matrix of order (n ~ 1) obtained by leaving ith row and jth column of A 123 -3 2 1], the 2-43 For example, if A= en, (2 Cofactor: The cofactor C; of ay in A = [4j]yu is equal to (-1)" times My 123 32-41 243 For example, if A , then C= C2) My, = My = 2and Cy = (1)? My =-My =7 and soon nu. Area of a triangle with vertices (x,, y,), (y Y2) and (xy ys) is given by a eg 2 A= Numerical value of 3} Ys 1 25s 1 Note: Since area is positive quantity therefore we take absolute value of A. (i) If A isa skew-symmetric matrix of odd order, then | A | = 0. (ii) The determinant of a skew-symmetric matrix of even order is a perfect square. Some Important Facts: (Only square matrices have determinants. (i) We cannot equate the corresponding elements of equal determinants like matrices xy Im np (ii) In the case of matrices. We take out any common factor from each elements of matrix, while in the case of determinants we can take out common factor from any one row or any one column of the determinant. (io) If the value of determinant ‘A’ becomes zero by substituting x =a then (x ~ a) is factor of the determinant ‘A’ (v) Ifareais given then both positive and negative values of the determinant is taken for calculation, (vi) To prove three points collinear, we show area of the triangle formed by these three points is zero. Adjoint of a Matrix: If A = [aj] is a square matrix of order m and Cy denote the cofactor of ay in A, then the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of elements of A is called the adjoint of A and is denoted by adj A. ie, adj A =[CJ" 4s Ma ta Ga Sn Son I A=|a ap da} then adj A=|Cy Co Ca 3 Aap Aaa Gia Cag Coa |. The adjoint of a square matrix of order 2 can be obtained by interchanging the diagonal elements and changing the signs of off-diagonal elements. a -) it aft e mc a > 4 Fag |. If Aisa square matrix of order n, then A (adj A) = | A], = (adj A) A. Some Properties of Adjoint of a Square Matrix: If A and B are square matrices of the same order n, then, (i) adj (AB) = (adj B) (adj A) (i) adj AT = (adj A)" (dif) adj (adj A) =|A|"-7A ie) Jadj A|= |)" Invertible Matrix: A square matrix A of order m is invertible, if there exists a square matrix B of the same order such that AB = I, = BA. Tn such a case, we say that the inverse of matrix A is Band we write A” Following are some properties of inverse of a matrix: () Every invertible matrix possesses a unique inverse. (ii) If Ais an invertible matrix, then (47) (ii) A square matrix is invertible, if itis non-singular. 1 jay esi) (2) If A and B are two invertible matrices of the same order, then (AB)? = BA“. ayr (iv) If A is a non-singular matrix, then A (vi) If Ais an invertible matrix, then (47) (oii) The inverse of an invertible symmetric matrix is a symmetric matrix. _ [A] 12. System of Linear Equations: A system of n simultancous linear equations in n unknowns (viii) If A is a non-singular matrix, then | A™'| Kay yp apn Kn dS Ay:%; + ay at Og =D, ayy + yak + ae + ny = y ky + yay + + gg = Oo This system of equations can be written in matrix form as My Mp a1 aa ** Baqlf%o| _| bp fer 2° or, AX My My os ay where A=[P POP )X aa Sez — 13. A set of values of the variable x,, x, ... x, satisfying all the equations simultaneously is called a solution of the system. 14. If a system of equations has one or more solutions, then it is said to be a consistent system of equations, otherwise it is an inconsistent system of equations. 15. A system of equations AX = B is called a homogeneous system, if B = O. Otherwise, it is called a non-homogeneous system of equations. 16. System of linear equations may or may not be consistent, if consistent may or may not have unique solution. Itean be, decided by following flow chart: At first system of linear equations is written in matrix form as AX = B. Then | |.adj A is obtained ll laleo laizo ' System is consistent and has niga solution given by xeals { 1 (ag.4).2 =0 (adi4}.3 20 System of equations have System of equations infinitely many solutions, 's inconsistent, 17. A homogeneous system of 1 linear equations in» unknowns is expressible in the form AX = O. If |A|#0, then AX = O has unique solution X = Oie,, x =2 =... = x, = 0. This solution is called the trivial solution, If || =0, then AX = Ohas infinitely many solutions. Thus, a homogeneous system of equation is always consistent. Multiple Choice Questions Choose and write the correct option in the following questions. L uff ie ;| then the possible value(s) of “is/are [CBSE Sample Paper 2023] @3 © 3 © 3 @ ¥3,-3 2. The area of a triangle with vertices (-8,0),3, 0) and (0, k) is 96q, units. The value of k will be [NCERT Exemplar @9 () 3 «9 We 0 x-ax-b 3. x+a 0 x-cl, then INCERT Exemplar] xtbxte 0 (a) fa)=0 (0) fb) =0 (c) f0) =0 @ fay=0 232 4. 1f|x x x[+3=0, then the value of xis [CBSE 2020 (65/411) 491 (a) 3 (0 a @1 x23] 5. 4isa root of {1 x 1]=0, then the sum of the other two roots is pee [CBSE (Term-1) 2021-22 (65/2/4)] wa 3 2 5 6. If Ais a square matrix of order 3, |A'| = -3, then | AA" [CBSE Sample Paper 2023] @o 9 3 @-3 2A ks and |A?| =27, then the value of @ is: [CBSE Exantination Paper 2022 (Term-1)] @ +1 +2 © £5 (@) £v7 ks 8. Value of k, for which A -| a él isa singular matrix is [CBSE Sample Paper 2022 (Term-1)] @4 @-4 (24 (jo xty ytz 2x zor oy a | @o 1 (xty+z @ 2e+y+2) 9. The value of is [CBSE 2023 (65/4/1)] 10. If | A | =| KA |, where A is a square matrix of order 2, then sum of all possible values of k is [CBSE 2023 (65/2/1)] @1 @-1 (2 @o n. ingular matrix and a © A, then the set Ais [CBSE 2023 (65/2/1)] @R ©) (0} (c) ta} (d) R-{4} 12 12. If Cy denotes the cofactor of element P, of the matrix P=|9 2-3], then the value of C5, . Cs a2 4 is [CBSE (Term-1) 2021-22 (65/2/1)] @ 5 wm (©) -24 4 18 Formatix A=| 7, 3 faa AY’ is equal to [CBSE Sample Paper 2022 (Term-1)] 2-5 75 71 -5 ofr] ln a 300 14. IfA.(adjA)=|0 3 0], then the value of |A| + |adj A| isequalto [CBSE 2023 (65/3/2)] jo 0 3 @ 2 ws 3 (27 200 15. If A=|0 -2 0 |, then the value of |adj A] is [CBSE 2020 (65/3/1)] 0 0 ~ (a) 64 16 @o @-8 16. Let A be a skew-symmetric matrix of order 3. If | A| = x, then (2023)" is equal to [CBSE 2023 (65/3/2)1 A (@ 2023 © aa @1 43 17, The inverse of |" > _ 5] is: [CBSF Examination Paper 2022 (Term-1)] -5 -3 53 5 7] 3 ® | 7-4 © 5 ‘| ls 4 © |-7 -4 18. If | A | =2, where A is a2 x 2 matrix, then [4A™| equals {CBSE 2023 (65/1/1)] 1 @4 2 8 O a 19. If (a,b), (c,d) and (¢,f) are the vertices of ABC and A denotes the area of ace AABC, then |b df] is equal to [CBSE 2023 (65/2/1)] aaa (@ 207 & 4a? (©) 24 (@ 4a 1 -tan6][ 1 tand]*_Ja -6 20. If hee 7 IL. re) ] “| j | then [CBSE 2022 (Term-1)] (@) a=1=b ® (c) a=sin 26, b= cos 20 @ Answers 1 @ 2 (b) 30 40) 5. (a) 6. @) 2@ 8. (0) 9. (a) 10. (d) 1. @) 2 (a) 13. (©) 4 @ 45. (a) 16. (d) 7.6 18. (0) 19. (b) 20. (0) Solutions of Selected Multiple Choice Questions |. 2-Wadw-2M = 2x a6 => 223 => xaty3 Option (d) is correct. 2. We know that, area of a triangle with vertices (x, 11), (¥2, ys) and (13, y3) is given by wl liso A % MieZi]3 0 11 wd oki Expanding along R;, we get 1[-3(-k)-0+1%)]| > 18= [3k +3k| = Jor] 18 kaa-$=43=3,-3 Option (b) is correct. 0 x-ax-3 3. Wehave, fix=|r+a 0 x-c tb xte 0 0 0 a-b > f=] 22 0 a-c| =[(e—b)12a.(a+ejl]#0 latbate 0 0 b-a 0 and FO=|b+a 0 bc] =-b-a)f-2b(b—c)] = 2Hb-aj(b—c) #0 2h bee 0 0-2 5 and FO=|2 0 ~c] =a(be)—b(ac) = abe abe =0 bc 0 Option (¢) is correct. 4. Wehave, on 10. Expanding along R,, we get = - 2-18) +x(2-8)-x(18-12)+3=0 = x15) +x(-6)-x (6) +3=0 x(15-6-6)+3=0 > 3rt320 > 3(r+1)=0 = ox = xecl Option (c) is correct. x23 Asi xt (Given) 3 2x => x(x?-2)-1 2x-6)+3(2-3x) =0 > P-2y-2r 4646-94 => P-13r412=0 Given x =~4is a root of A =0. (+4) isa factor of x? ~ 13x + 12. w+ 40 4x 16x 4341220 244) —4x(x 44) +3(e49)20 => +4) (@7-4r+3)=0 Other two roots of A = 0 are the roots of 27-4 +3 Tf aand B are roots of above equation, then atin T <. Sum of other two roots of A = 0 is 4. * Option (a) is correct AA’| = A] [A"] =(-3(-3) =9 [1A IIA] <. Option (a) is the correct. uu u As Ais singular matrix = |Al=0 = 2-205 . Option (¢) is correct. We have, ety ytz ztx As}z oxy a id wf Expanding along R, we get A= (+9) @-Y)- +2) -) ++ E-2) -~+P-24+2-2=0 Option (a) is correct. Given A is square matrix of order 2 ie, Also, |Al=|kA|> IAl= 1A > 152 S>ke+1 ketj-1 Sum of values of k= 1+ (-1)=0 Option (d) is correct. i} 3 Gren anna 3 a1 fe ee 2 3 1)40=91(3-a)-2(2-3)+1(2a-9) 40 3 a1 = 3ea424+2-940 Sa-440 ax Set A= R- {4} Option (d) is correct. 1-1 2 12, Weare given matrix P=|0 2 | (Given) 32 4 y= cofactor of py = (-1)'7) Py Where P; denote the minor of py 12 =3-42- on a cy Option (a) is correct. a a-| 2 3] 13. Givenmatrix A=|_1, 3) Its co-factors are 2] oF aie) zu 52 . Option (¢) is correct. B00 14. Given, A. (adj A)=|0 3 0 00 3. = lAlb 100 f 10 joo 1 = \Al= Also, |adj. A] = |A["""= [A[?""= |A]?=@)? JA] + adj. A] =349=12 Option (a) is correct. 15, We havea matrix A of order 3 x 3 given by -20 0 020 0 0 2 As -2((-2)x(-2)-0) => |A|=-8 lad) A] = [A] Option (a) is correct lAPTse 16. Since A is a Skew-Symmetric Matrix. 7 o> |Ajeeay) > [Al ==] aT jAl=-|A] > 2]A] =0 = |Alzo (2023)* = (2023) Option (d) is correct u AY exists Co-factors of A are adj A AT 18. Given, |A Since Ais of order 2x 2ie,, n=2. 1 = aati art [eta [a= 471A = 16 <7 =16x5 <. Option (¢) is correct. 19. Since (a,b), (c,d) and (e,f) are the vertices of SABC abd lace a(¢ ¢ | = |b a fla2a le fl fh 1 a C<+R > i > ob df) =4n? aa <. Option (b) is correct. 1 tand) -tan@ 1 1 tand| et A= = E = 1+ tan?6 = sec” 20. Let A SIAI=|_ gang 1 [=i ttan?@=sec?O 2. Cosfactors of A are 1 =tand adiAeland 1 a adjA_ 1 2 ~tan6 IAL “sec? [tan@ 1 1 -tan8]{ 1 tan@y"_[a - Now, ltan@ 1 |[-tand 1 | “|b @ 1 -tan6}_1 [ 1 -tan6]_[a -5] and 1 seca ltand 1 |"[b al 3 1_[i-tan*@ -2tan® i 6) sec’ | 2tan® 1-tan’0 a > = and, cos 26, b= sin 26 Option (b) is correct. The following questions consist of two statements—Assertion(A) and Reason(R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: (@ Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A. () Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A. © Ais true but R is false. @ Ais false but R is true. 1. Assertion (A) : Determinant is a number associated with a square matrix. Reason (R) : Determinant isa square matrix. s—x x+1 204 Reason (R) : A square matrix is a singular matrix if its determinant is zero. 3. Assertion (A) : fA isa3x3-matrix, |A| #0and |5A|=K|A|, then the value of K = 125. Reason (R) : If A be any square matrix of order m x n and kbe any scalar then |KA| = K"| A] 2. Assertion (A) : wal |, then the mates i singular if 23 Assertion (A) : IF | 2 ie g|nenzes Reason (R) : IfAisa skew-symmetric matrix of odd order, then |A| = 11 2 : If A=|2 1-3), then Cy =1, where Cj denotes the co-factor of #* row and j* 5 4 9 columa, Reason (R) : The co-factor Cy of ay in the matrix A = [aj], «, equal to (-1)'*/ Mj. Assertion(A) : IFA is an invertible square matrix, then A" is invertible. Reason (R) : Inverse of invertible symmetric matrix is a symmetric matrix. Assertion(A) : If Ais an invertible matrix of order3 and |A| =5 then, |adj A| =25. Reason (R) : If Bisa non-singular matrix of order m. Then, |adj A| = |A|*~* 1 0 3) Assertion(A) : If A=|2 1 1] then |adj (adj A) 0 0 2 Reason (R) + Jadj(adj a)|=1a ft" Assertion(A) : Givena system of linear equations: 2e-y=17 and 3x+5y=6 are consistent. Reason (R) : Fora system of linear equations a,x + by +2 = d, and a,x + byy + is said to be consistent if determinant of the coefficient is non-zero. 10. Assertion(A) : Solution of system of equations 2eey=17and3x+5y=6 is x=7, y=-3. Reason (R) : Fora system of equations AX = B. If |A|#0 then solution of the above system given by X= AB Answers 1. 2 (a) 2 @ 40) 5. (a) 6. (b) 2@ 8. (@) a (@) 10. (@) Solutions of Assertion-Reason Questions 1. Clearly, Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false. Hence, option (c) is correct. For singular matrix, we have |° >” | 0 3 20-4x-2r-2=0 = 18-6x=0 36x =18 sxeBes Sxn3 So, Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Hence, option (a) is correct. We have, A is a square matrix of order 3 x 3 [5A] =5]A] =125/4| = 15/4] =K|A|> K=1235 So, both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) ate true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Hence, option (a) is correct. x 2|_|6 2 18 x|"|18 6 = 9-36 =36-36 = 32% > rHt6 Clearly, both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Hence, option (6) is correct. 4. Wehave, 36 =0 112 Wehave, A=|2 1 -3 B49 My =-9-5(-2)=-9410=1 Cy = C2. Myedxdel Clearly, both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Hence, option (a) is correct 6. Ais invertible. > [Ale0 > [47] 20 le a= 1411 > ATis invertible So, Ais true. For R: Let B be invertible symmetric matrix. Then, |B| #0 and B"=B Now (B")" = (B"y" = (By" [v @Y=@P & BT=3} = BT isalso symmetric matrix, So, Ris true but R does not explain A. Hence, option (b) is correct 7. ~ Ais invertible matrix of order 3 Jad) A| = [A[>-!= [A]? =5?=25 So, A is true and R is also correct and R gives correct explanation of A. Hence, option (a) is correct. jt 3]. z 8. latey), 2|=2 [Along 2nd column] [adj (adj A) So, A and R are true and R gives the correct explanation of A Hence, option (a) is correct. 9. Wehave, 2x-y=17 and3x+5y=6 5 x] [17] fe-fe] ly! 6 |A|=10+3=13+0,s0 [A] #0 => A” exists and X = AB be the solution of the given system of equation. ie, axes wee Af? Af x= So, the given system of equations is consistent. So, A and R are true and R gives the correct explanation for A. Hence, option (a) is correct. 2. x 17] se coon ae 2} weft oef! JA| =10+3 = 13 40,50 A™ exists. So, A and R are true and R gives the correct explanation for A. Hence, option (a) is correct. Case-based/Data-based Questions Each of the following questions are of 4 marks. 1. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Gautam buys 5 pens, 3 bags and 1 instrument box and pays a sum of € 160. From the same shop. Vikram buys 2 pens. 1 beg and 3 instrument boxes and pays a sum of € 190. Also Ankur buys 1 pen 2 bages and 4 instrument boxes and pays a sum of €250. (d Convert the given above situation into a matrix equation of the form AX = B, (i Find |A| (ii (a) Find A>. {CBSE 2023 (65/5/1)1 OR (iif) () Determine P= A?-5A. Sol. Let cost of 1 pen, 1 bag and 1 instrument box are ® x, @ y and ® 2 respectively. From question. Sx43y+z x4 2y+ (@ From above {160 =|190] = AX =B 1250) 531 x] [160] 1 2 4 z| — |250) =5(4-6)-2(12-2)+19-1) =-10-20+8=-30+8=-2 (iif) (@) Cofactors of the matrix A is obtained 1)! (4-6) =-2, Cy = E1)'*? (8-3) CA)? 4-1) =3,Ca = C1)? (12-2) (- 1)?*? (20 - 1) = 19, Cy = (- 1°73 (10-3) -1)3*1 (9-1) = 8, Cay = (- 1) *? (15-2) =- 13, 1495-6) =-1 =5, 10 Ca Co Caf f-2 -5 3] [2-0 8 adi(A)=|Cn Cy Cy 40 19 -7)=|-5 19 -13 Ce -3 a] [3 7 10 8] [2 1 -3 Ta d@=-shS w -sl=55)5 -19 3 7 -3 7 4 531 3 1] 3 1) [32 20 18) Gi) © A=[2 1 3),a?=|2 1 3/2 1 3/=|15 13 17] 124 12 aja 2 4] [13 13 23 32 20 18] [-25 a5 5] [7 5 13 PeAt—sa=|i5 13 17[+[-10 5 -15/=|5 8 2 13 13 23] |-5 -10 -20] [8 3 3 2. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. ‘Three friends Rahul, Ravi and Rakesh went to a vegetable market to purchase vegetable, From a vegetable shop Rahul purchased 1 kg of each Potato, Onion and Brinjal for a total of €21. Ravi purchased 4 kg of potato, 3 kg of onion and 2 kg of Brinjal for 260 while Rakesh purchased 6 kg potato, 2 kg onion and 3 kg brinjal for 270. (d If the cost of potato, onion and brinjal, are %x, 2y and %z per kg respectively, then convert above situation into system of linear equations (i) Convert the above system of linear equations in (f) in the form of AX = B. (iif) (a) Find AY. oR (di) (b) Find the cost of potato, onion and brinjal.

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