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Continuity and Differentiability POINTS TO "REMEMBER 4. Continuity and Discontinuity of Function: A function y = f(x) is said to be continuous in an interval if for every value of x in that interval y exist. If we plot the points, the graph is drawn without lifting the pencil. If we have to lift the pencil on drawing the curve, then the function is said to be a discontinuous function. 2. Continuity and Discontinuity of a Function at a Point: A function j(x) is said to be continuous at a point aof its domain if fim f(a), lim, f(2), fla) exist and tim f(x) = tim, f(x) =f(a) A function f(x) is said to be discontinuous at x = if itis not continuous at x =a. There are three cases of discontinuity of a function which can be illustrated by fig. (diagram) as. vyexis yjaxis fu 2 43) iS) Pa | n ao ©) ze) fal c& fal x ® inal A ® im_flx)= im fs) #40) (tim foo tim fo «Removable discontinuity) (st type discontinuity) Gi) in_ f(a) dows not exist COR. lim fx) does not exist @ndl type of discontinuity) 3. Properties of Continuous Function: Iffand g are two continuous functions at a point a, then () f+ gis continuous ata. (i) f-giscontinuous at a (ii) fg is continuous ata. (eo) Lis continuous at a, provided g(a) + 0. (0) cfis continuous at a, where c is a constant. (vi) [f| is continuous function at a. © Every constant function is continuous function. © Every polynomial function is continuous function. © Identity function is continuous function. © Every logarithmic and exponential function is a continuous function. 4. Important Series which are Frequently Used in Limit . n(n-1)x? | n(n-1)(n-2)x° @ Q4ay"= 1m ee xi Gi) é 140 7 arte and (iii) a= 1+:xlog,4+5-(log,a)?+ . and and (iv) log | 1=x - x ag (© cosx=1-444 + and tanx=x+2 Differentiation from First Principle or Ab-initio Method or by Delta Method: Given a function f(x) and if there is a small increment h in x, let their corresponding increment is fox + hi) in fx) ie, 6. List of Useful Formulae ceteeanet poo hn serreor pha © Gene (8) Feet by" = nlax+b) "a iy 4 ay Borcuee gy Ley w £ © op Lat = ba og.a d 1 (vii) and fog, ax = = a, 1 (vid and eB. ~ Figg a % 4, = 7 @ and Fesinax = acosax Gi) and ieee i fc " a a a (i) and jetanax = asectax 4 2 and pe cota = ~acosec*ax (iv) dh 0) seer = seextanx and 1 secax = asecax.tanar Vee ae : ye, A cosecax = -acosecar.cotax (0) eosecx =-cosecrcotr and Leos coseear.cot & @ sin and i) Leos" , and Gi) and tan ton = (io) and roots 5 @ i and L sector wn eS i TES and cosee“tax Wea do, dit ‘de? dx 9, Product Rule: Let w and v be two functions of x, then Lun) = ie, 4. @Produet of two functions) = First function a (Second function) + Second function z (First function) 10. Quotient Rule: If u and v are functions of x then, an) a) He) 4S) ee ax\? " ax\D" wy 11. Chain Rule: Chain rule is applied when the given function is the function of function ie, dy ty du ty _ ay du do. ifyisa function ofx,then Geo oe or ge EE 12, Logarithmic Differentiation: Logarithmic differentiations are used for differentiation of functions which consists of the product or quotients of a number of functions and/or the given function is of type (fx), where fx) and g(x) both are differentiable functions of x. Therefore, in this method, we take the logarithm: on both the sides of the function and then differentiate it with respect to x’. So, this process is called logarithmic differentiation. General method: If y = {/(x)]*” then dy eM lon fe) *90-Fey-F 0) 13, Parametric Form: Sometimes we come across the fimnction when both x and y are expressed in terms of another variable say # ie,,x = 6(t) and y = y(t). This form of a function is called parametric form and t is called the parameter. ay. To obtain r in parametric type of functions we follow any one of the following two steps: (i) Try to obtain a relationship between x and y by eliminating the parameter and then proceed to dy get which is already discussed ax (i) Ifitis not convenient to obtain such a relation between x and y, then differentiate x and y both de arpagtt i with respect to parameter t to get Sand “> (treating t as independent variable and x and js icids Beg i: a yas dependent variables). Finally, divide 7 by 4rtoget ie, Gos ap= ay dye or sometimes = + | where @ is an independent variable. times ae ap aa “WEE ve 14, Limits: Let f(x) be a function of x. Let a and J be two constants such that as x + a, we have fix) + I, ie,, the numerical difference between f(x) and I can be made as small as we wish by taking x sufficiently close to a. In such a case, we say that the limit of function f(x) as x approaches ais |. We write this as lim f (x) =1 15, Procedure to Find lim ft) (i) Putting x =a in the given function. If/(a) is a finite value, then lim f(x) = f@) (ii) To find LHL of fx) atx = a we put x=a—h, > Oand find lim lah) after simplification. (Gi) To find RHL of fx) at x = awe puta = a+ h,lt>0 and find lim f(a +i) after simplification. (iv) IE LHI 16. Fundamental Theorems on Limits: Some important theorems are given below which are frequently RHL = k (say), then lim f(x) =k used in limits: () lime =c, ie, the limit of a constant quantity is constant itself. GH Lima) + g()] = lim fla) + img (a) ie, the limit of sum of two functions is equal to the sum of their limits Gi) im YE)~ g€1 = lime) - img) ie, the limit of difference of two functions is equal to the difference of their limits, (io) Him f(x). 3(2)] = lim(2).limg (x) ice, the limit of the product of two functions is equal to the product of their limits. fe) @ Ip 2 iv, the limit of quotient of two functions is equal to quotient of their limits im f (x) / lims (x) provided !, g(x) finite value not equal to zero. (2) lim [of(2)] = elim f(x), where eis a constant. ie, the limit of the product of a constant and the function is equal to the product of the constant and the limit of the function (oii) lim f(x) = lim f (oi) ti f(-2) = Tif) 17. Evaluation of Limits: (® Direct substituting method: We substitute the value of the point in the given expression and if we get a finite number, then this number is the limit of the given function. (i) Factorisation method: On substituting x =a in the given expression, if we get ete. form, then we factorize the numerator and denominator and take (x ~ @) as a common factor from numerator and denominator. After cancelling out (x ~ a), we put x = a. If we get a finite number, then it is the required value otherwise repeat the step till we get a finite number. (iif) Rationalisation method: Rationalisation method is applicable when (@) numerator, denominator or both in square root or (®) after substituting the value of limit if we get the negative number in square root. Hence, after simplifying in both the cases, we get the required value, ©) (io) L’ HOSPITAL Rule: With the help of this rule, if we have to evaluate tin such that it takes indeterminate form, ie, £ or %, then we differentiate numerator and denominator to fle) tin if itis determinate form then itis required value, otherwise repeat the step till we get a determinate form and thus required value. [Note: According to L’ HOSPITAL rule f(x) “@) re 18 Some Standard Results: vad" et 2” x (i) (@) lime =na®a>0,n 6) jim mn @@ tima=t a>0.neQ — () lima vm meQ © time =1 @ tim cosx=1 © tim Bary (i) Evaluation of limits of inverse trigonometric functions: @ tim SHE 7 © tim ion (iii) Evaluation of limits of exponential and logarithmic functions: @ © tim Sot © tin SELL 1 ® ti, St " © log, a (i>) Limits at infinity: This method is applied when x + <0, Procedure to solve the infinite limits: (@) Write the given expression in the form of rational function. (®) Divide the numerator and denominator by highest power of x. (©) Use the result tim 2 zee 0, where n> 0. (@ Simplify and get the required result. Multiple Choice Questions Choose and write the correct option in the following questions. 1. The value of k (k < 0) for which the function f defined as tana #0 fer=} ; =O is continuous at x= 0is [CBSE Sample Paper 2022 (Term-1] @ a ® os @y keosx ip, ® ited 2. Ifthe function fdefined by tx) =|" > 7’ iscontinuousat v=, then the value of 3 ifx= 5 kis [CBSE 2021-22 (65/214) (Term-1)] @2 3 6 @-6 3. The function ft) = cot xis discontinuous on the set INCERT Exemplar] @ trenmnez) © le=2un:n eZ} © {r= @n41 @ fe= 4. Thefunction fls)= 771 is dscontinuows at [CBSE 2020 (65/22) (@) exactly one point (@) exactly two points (0) exactly three points (@) no point oo 5. Thefunction fx)=} x “**° is continuous atx = 0 for the value of k, as k, ifx=0 [CBSE 2021-22 (65/42) (Term-1)] @3 os 2 @8 x 6. The point (6), at which the function f given by f(x) = { x1'* <° is continuous, is/are -1x20 [CBSE Sample Paper 2021-22 (Term-1)] @ xeR @x=0 @ re R-(0} (@ r=-Land1 7. The value of k for whieh flx)=|°*," is a continuous function, is & k?, x2 enetosy {CBSE 2023 (65/1/1) 1 4 u @ + oF @u oF 8. The function f(x) = [a], where [x] denotes the greatest integer function, is continuous at [CBSE 2022 (Term-1), 2023 (65/5/1)] @a4 2 1 (18

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