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Wed for Peace

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter & Severus Snape,
Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter
Character: Harry Potter Characters
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry
Potter), Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Manipulative Albus
Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Harry Potter is a Horcrux,
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hogwarts Seventh Year, POV
Harry Potter, Sane Tom Riddle, Explicit Sexual Content, Slytherin Harry
Potter, Possessive Tom Riddle, Homophobia, Homophobic Language
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-26 Updated: 2024-03-13 Words: 7,234 Chapters: 3/?
Wed for Peace
by BeccaM0716


Harry found himself in the headmaster's office again. Dumbledore was staring towards the
door so Harry turned around as well.
Tom Riddle strode through the door and stopped in front of Dumbledore's desk. His eyes
were still red but where there was a snake-faced moster with slits for a nose before there
stood a man in his mid-twenties now.
Riddle spoke: "Dumbledore, so nice of you to meet with me. I have a proposition for you."
Dumbledore considered the man carefully before asking: "What proposition could you have
that made you sure enough I would agree to it?"
Riddle smirked. "I've come to offer peace."

Updates can come inconsistently.

The Proposition

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Harry Potter nor have I any claim to the series.
Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling.

Harry wasn't sure why the headmaster wanted to see him so urgently. He was sure that there
had to be something wrong for the man to call for him at this hour. During the heightened
tension of the war, Harry was accustomed to Dumbledore calling for him. But for this
meeting, the teenager had a very dark foreboding.

With a churning stomach he walked through the halls of Hogwarts towards the entrance of
the headmaster's office.

"Plum Pudding.", Harry said to the gargoyle guarding the entrance.

It slid to the side and and Harry entered the turning staircase that brought him up. He could
hear two voices arguing loudly and the teenager frowned. He was more surprised at seeing
both McGonagall and Snape swearing at the headmaster when Harry entered. The two
stopped almost immediately at the sight of him. Harry frowned again. So it was about him.

"Ah, Harry. Thank you for coming so quickly.", the headmaster greeted him cheerfully.

Snape scowled deeply at the man while McGonagall snarled a swear word in such a thick
scottish accent that Harry didn't understand it. From the face the headmaster made it was
probably better that he didn't know what his head of house had said.

"Minerva, please. Would you be so kind to leave me alone with Harry and Severus?",
Dumbledore asked pointedly.

The Transfiguration Professor scowled at the headmaster before she turned abruptly and left
the office in a hurry that alost seemed fleeing. Harry had watched the altercation quietly. The
headmaster turned his attention on him and unconsciously Harry straightened up.

What in Merlin's name was going on?

"Harry, I would like to ask you to watch a memory. We will discuss the content and the
questions you have afterwards."

Dumbledore nodded towards the pensieve in the corner of the room. Harry turned and saw
that a memory was already floating inside it. The teenager nodded and walked over to the
stone basin. His stomach was turning. A bad feeling was creeping up his spine and he
couldn't do anything against it. Harry could feel the eyes of both the headmaster and Snape
on him the entire time. A slight sliver of sweat ran down the back of his neck. Without
thinking further about the whole situation he put his head into the smokey liquid.
Harry found himself in the headmaster's office again. This time it was only Dumbledore
present, sitting at his desk and watching the door. Harry turned around and waited, watching
the unassuming wood. After a few minutes of waiting it opened. Harry gasped. Walking into
the office was a man Harry knew.

Tom Riddle, supposedly in his mid-twenties, entered the room and sat down in the chair in
front of Dumbledore's desk. His eyes were still a deep red. But where there had been a
monster with a snake-like face and slitted nostrils before sat now a handsome, fais-skinned,
dark-haired man casually in front of the headmaster. An air of pure power and nonchalance
accompanied him.

The teenager was trying to comprehend what that could mean when Voldemort - or Riddle
now? - started to talk.

"Dumbledore, so nice of you to meet me."

Riddle's voice was deep and rich. Nothing like the high-pitched hiss from the Graveyard or
the Ministry a few months before. It made Harry shiver.

"Tom, to what do I owe this visit?"

Dumbledore's voice was cold as ice. Harry had never heard him speak that way. It was
uncanny the feeling this tone emitted inside him.

"Well, luckily for you I am not here to either kill you or anyone else. I do, on the other hand,
have a proposition for you.", Riddle replied silkily.

Harry watched Dumbledore's face which betrayed no emotion. The teenager turned back to

The man sat relaxed. His face was stoic, no emotion showing. Only his eyes shone with a
determination and anticipation. What could the man want?

"What proposition would you have that makes you sure enough to believe I would agree to

Riddle smirked. Even Harry could hear the curiosity in the headmaster's voice.

"I've come to offer you peace."

The dark wizard smirked when Dumbledore leaned forward upon hearing the words.

"Peace?", the headmaster asked carefully. "What could you want in exchange for the peace of
the wizarding world?"

Riddle didn't stop smirking. He had hooked the headmaster. Even Harry knew that as the
sheer hope colouring the headmaster's voice was unmistakeable.

"I have a few demands but in exchange I would guarantee peace for both muggles and wixen
as a whole. No matter the blood.", Riddle answered calmly.
Harry was curious as well now. What could Voldemort - Riddle? - want in exchange? Didn't
he have already what he wanted?

"What are your demands?"

Riddle's smirk widened into an attractive grin. Attractive?

"I want to be pardoned for any misdeeds I did in the first war. No Azkaban, no trial and no
punishment. I will continue to live as Tom Marvolo Riddle, Slytherin's heir, and be able to
get a place in the Wizengamot. I will propose bills and laws and they will be fairly voted on."

Harry gaped. That was quite a lot. There was no way that Dumbledore would agree to that.

It seemed Harry didn't know the headmaster as well as he thought.

"You want something else.", the man noted calmly. But the man didn't seem to disagree with

Riddle grinned again.

"I want to wed Harry James Potter, two days after his seventeenth birthday. I shall not harm
or kill him. He will live with me as my equal. Of course he would be allowed to finish his
education at Hogwarts."

Dumbledore mustered Riddle while Harry felt as if the ground had vanished beneath his feet.
Voldemort wanted him as his husband? Why?

"And if those two demands are met, you're willing to swear an Unbreakable Vow to both
leave the wixen and muggle world in peace?"

Harry swallowed down bile. The headmaste wasn't seriously considering selling him to Tom
Riddle for the peace of the world?

"Yes." Such a simple statement. "I would swear the Unbreakable Vow, worded by none other
than yourself.", Riddle confirmed.

The two men stared at each other.

The headmaster contemplated Riddle while said man just waited for a response. The tension
was high. Harry wasn't sure what would happen if Dumbledore refused.

"I will have to talk to Cornelius and Harry. I shall send an owl as soon as the decision is
made.", Dumbledore finally said.

Riddle nodded, stood and left the room swiftly without another word.

The memory was finished and Harry emerged from the pensieve. He stumbled backwards
and fell on his ass. The turmoil inside his head was mounting. The shelves rattled ominously
but the sharp pain in his tailbone brought him back enought to reign in his magiv.

Frantically the teenager looked around and found both Snape and Dumbledore watching him.

"The conversation that you just watched happened five days prior. Sit, Harry."

Feeling wrong-footed and with a churning stomach, Harry clambered to unsteady feet and
collapsed into the same chair Riddle sat in before.

Snape moved to Harry's right side. A glance towards the potions master told him that the man
was tense. Surprisingly none of his apparent anger was directed at Harry himself.

"Harry.", Dumbledore called and the teenager looked forwards into blue eyes. He couldn't
read the emotion behind those eyes, though. The headmaster showed him the same stoic face
he had worn when Riddle had sat in his office.

"On this morning Cornelius Fudge made the decision to reward Tom Marvolo Riddle, alias
Lord Voldemort, with a full pardon for his crimes and a seat in the Wizengamot."

Harry drew in a deep breath. He knew what that meant. He was going to be sold as a peace
offering to Riddle. A numbness spread from his toes through his whole body. Bile rose in his

"I am going to ask you a question. And I hope you will give me the right answer. Are you
willing to bring peace to the world by offering yourself to Tom Riddle as the man's

Why is he even asking? It's going to be expected of me anyway.

Harry kept silent. The headmaster was asking a question he wanted only one answer to.

Snape on the other hand had a lot to say.

"Headmaster, are you seriously willing to sell Potter to the Dark Lord? What about the
wedding night? You know as well as I do that the marriage has to be consummated. You are
willing to let the Drak Lord rape the boy?" The potions master was growling the last

Harry felt himself go pale. He hadn't thought about the after.

Why is the headmaster so cruel? Why is Snape the only one defending him? Dumbledore
would know that he couldn't refuse the offer of peace. He would know that Harry was willing
to sacrifice himself.

"Severus, Tom had already proclaimed that he would not hurt Harry.", Dumbledore argued

"Are you dense enough to believe that?", Snape shot back. The man was almost yelling now.
And if Harry understood it correctly, the dour man was concerned for him and his safety.
"I am not dense, Severus. I know that Tom is not a good man but we need to make sacrifices
for the peace of the world."

You mean I need to sacrifice my freedom for the sake of the wizarding world that never
protected me when I needed them most. Harry thought bitterly. Harry would be the only

The potions master growled and began pacing behind Harry. The teenager was touched. The
teacher who hated him most was defending him. At least one person was thinking about the
consequences for Harry.

And still... Harry would not be able to say no.

"I know it is not the best situation and I am sure you will need time to come to terms with it.
But, Harry, I need an answer.", Dumbledore pressed.

The headmaster had decided to ignore Snape now. Harry looked at the old man.

A certain shimmer of fear danced behind the blue eyes watching him intently. Was the man
afraid of Harry saying no or was he afraid of the things he needed to do to convice Harray

"If I refuse, the alternative will be war, am I correct?", Harry asked quietly.


Harry closed his eyes tightly. One word decided his fate and freedom. He couldn't let his
friends fight a war he was able to prevent. Even at the sake of his own happiness. Maybe
Riddle would kill him quickly after marrying him. He wouldn't suffer long in that case.

"Okay, I'll do it. On the condition that Snape visits regularly.", Harry said determined.

Both heads snapped towards him.

"Why?", Dumbledore asked.

"Because first of all, in Riddle's eyes, Snape is a Death Eater. He is possibly the only person
to report the truth about my condition. Secondly he is currently more concerned about my
safety than you. No offense, sir." The headmaster just waved his hand in dismissal of the last
statement. "And lastly, Riddle thinks Snape hates me. He would find no problem with him
visiting me.", Harry explained.

Snape snorted loudly.

"I must admit. Potter made good points."

Dumbledore sighed before nodding.

"Very well. I will send Tom an owl. Severus, please escort Harry to his dorm."
Both men nodded to Harry and without further platitudes Harry stood and walked out of the
headmaster's office, Snape following silently.

The silence held for the whole walk back to Harry's common room. It wasn't uncomfortable
per se but not downright light either.

Just before they turned the corner into the corridor of the Fat Lady's protrait Snape stopped.

Harry turned to face the man.

"Mr. Potter, I am grateful for your sacrifice. I will take my assigned role serious. Have a good

Before Harry could respond, the man turned on his heel and vanished into the darkness of the

The teenager made his way to the portrait.

It was time to tell his friends about his fate.

The Public

"You've got to be kidding me!", exclaimed Ron horrified.

Hermione just looked ill at the very thought of someone marrying Riddle. Let alone her best
friend and - until recently - sworn enemy of that megalomaniac.

"Well, the alternative is war, Ron. What am I supposed to do? Refuse?", Harry asked quietly
and let his gaze follow the flickering flames of the fire in the hearth. He couldn't feel bad
about his decision. Even while suffering under the Dusleys Harry was glad he even had a
home he could return to.

Hermione threw him a look full of pity while Ron just looked incredulous.

"Did you even have a choice?", Hermione asked after a short silence.

"What do you think?", Harry shot back.

The raven haired teenager let himself fall back into the chair heavily.

"Dumbledore asked me if I was willing but do you really think I even had a choice to answer
how I wanted? You know as well as I do that the headmaster would have either talked me
into it, through guilt most likely, or forced me. I gave in willingly to shorten the whole

Ron growled quietly and he sounded so much like Snape that Harry snorted. Both of his
friends threw him a questioning glance.

"You sounded like Snape. Surprisingly, the mean potions master - that obviously hates me -
was my only champion in that matter.", Harry chuckled sadly.

Hermione let out a sob before throwing herself at him. The crushing hug made him chuckle
through the stinging in his eyes. He loved his friends. No matter that they sometimes turned
on him, they had always found their way back to him. Ron's hand landed on his shoulder in a
comforting grip. Harry looked up at the ginger haired teen and gave a small smile. No matter
what, he knew he had his friends' support.

"Thanks. He promised not to hurt me but I'm not sure that I believe him.", Harry murmured.

All three knew whom Harry meant.

The silence after that statement was filled with promises of companionship no matter what
happened. They sat for a long time in the comforting silence of the, slowly emptying,
common room.
The next morning Harry woke up with a heavy feeling in his stomach. Would the Prophet
have caught wind of his impending marriage with the former Lord Voldemort? Or would the
students stay in blissful ignorance until the second of August?

The doors of the Great Hall loomed eerily above him and with a heavy sigh he pushed them
open and entered. Immediately all eyes were on him and inwardly Harry groaned. Most
students had a copy of The Daily Prophet in their hands. Obviously Skeeter had already
knowledge of his soon to come wedding ceremony. What kind of story had she spun now?
Would it depict him as the Dark Lord in the making or a martyr ready to throw his own
happiness away to save the world? Well he would soon find out, he supposed.

Ignoring all eyes on him, Harry walked to the Gryffindor Table and sat down between Ron
and Hermione, who had reserved him the seat between them. One of them handed Harry the
newspaper. He looked at the headline and groaned aloud. Ron snickered beside him. Harry
elbowed him harshly for laughing at him.

Harry Potter saving the world by marrying the Dark Lord?

It came to the attention of the Ministry that after receiving a full pardon, Tom Marvolo
Riddle, formerly known as Lord Voldemort, also intends to marry the Boy-Who-Lived, one
Harry James Potter, on the 2nd of August. Only two days after the seventeenth birthday of
said teenager!

The marriage itself is, after talking to Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and Headmaster
Albus Dumbledore, a peace offering. The Dark Lord negotiated the wedding part and
promised an Unbreakable Vow in exchange. The wording for said Vow would be conducted
by none other than Albus Dumbledore himself.

The most pressing question for this reporter however was: Is Harry Potter willingly marrying
Tom Riddle? Was he perhaps forced into the marriage?

In the past Harry Potter has shown a great deal of self-sacrificing tendencies.

It wouldn't be far fetched to assume that Mr. Potter had agreed to the marriage to prevent a
war even at the cost of his own happiness.

Harry stopped reading at that. At least Skeeter wasn't making him out to be a Dark Lord in
the making.

Still, the article wasn't flattering at all.

"Great.", he muttered.
The whole school was watching him read the article but he resolutely ignored them. Harry
wasn't giving them the satisfaction of showing any outward reaction to the current headlines.

Just then a black banded owl flew into the Great Hall, heading straight towards Harry. The
teenager rolled his eyes, immediately knowing whose owl it was. No one other than a Dark
Lord could ever think to own a black owl. The bird held out its leg where a letter and a parcel
was waiting for him. Harry took both and without waiting the owl flew back the way it came.
Harry rolled his eyes. Of course Riddle would have an impolite owl. Curious now about the
letter the teenager opened the parchment and came face to face with familiar swirling
handwriting. For a moment he just stared at the script, not knowing whether to panic. Harry
decided to stay calm, well he tried. His breath hitched while reading.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I am pleased to hear that you willingly agreed to marry me.

To show you my gratitude I offer you an engagement gift. Please wear it.

Your dearest

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Harry read the letter two more times before eyeing the parcel on the table. With careful
movements the Gryffindor opened the box. Inside lay a ring. It had a golden band and a black
stone was nestled in the middle. It was beautiful. The magic of the stone felt familiar but he
couldn't place it. Letting his fingers skip over the stone, a warm feeling engulved him.

He took the ring and put it on his left ring finger. The ring lit up and shrunk down to fit his
finger as the warmth rushed up Harry's arm and a swirl of magic enveloped him. It left as fast
as it came but Harry could still feel the magic circling within him.

"You will have to write a thank you to your fiancé. That is some serious magical protection
he put there.", Ron commented idly.

Harry threw him a look. Ron was gazing at the ring with awe on his face. So Harry was
correct that something had changed. Obviously Riddle felt the need to give him some extra

"Yeah, 'suppose I do.", Harry murmured thoughtfully.

He threw a quick glance around the room and whenever he met someone's eye they quickly
resumed eating their breakfast. Harry went back to his own breakfast as well. It were just
another two weeks until the end of school. The exams were already written and done away
with. Harry promised himself to enjoy the last of his freedom. Nobody knew what would
happen after the wedding.
During DADA the whole lot of news brought forth a few problems. Even though Rita's
article hadn't declared him dark, most people didn't want to partner with him. Snape was
frustrated enough that he organized the pairs himself. And so he was stuck with Justin Finch-
Fletchley. The wordless casting wasn't too difficult for Harry. Justin wasn't bad as well but his
aim left a lot to be desired. Harry had spent most of the class throwing up wordless shields
around the classroom to avoid injuring other students. Justin himself was getting frustrated
and the more agitated he became the more his aim was off. After Harry suggested a short
break so the Hufflepuff could gather himself and start anew, Justin cast a wordless bombarda.
Unfortunately for Harry, his magic refused to answer him. Snape noticed at the same time
Harry did but he couldn't do anything as the spell came too fast. For a millisecond Harry
contemplated side-stepping the spell but it would inevitably lead to another person being hit
by it. So he decided to let the spell hit his left wrist so the injury would be the bare minimum.
Maybe his arm could be saved by Madam Pomfrey? He closed his eyes and waited for the

It never came.

Slowly opening his eyes Harry saw a shimmering green shield build a bubble around him.
Justin's spell was absorbed and a second later the bubble disappeared. Now all eyes were
resting on Harry.

"Mr. Potter, is it safe to assume that you have no injuries?", Snape asked upon arriving beside

The professor was wide eyed and seemed to check him over multiple times just to make sure
what he was seeing was no illusion.

"Yes, sir.", Harry answered quietly.

"What happened?", Snape hissed.

"I am not entirely sure, sir."

The man threw him a glare before asking: "Why did you not raise a shield? No matter the
wordless casting, even foolish Gryffindors should know that raising a shield against a
Bombarda would be necessary."

Harry ducked his head. "My magic wouldn't respond."

Snape drew in a breath and quickly cast some spells over him.

"Your magic is exhausted. What in Merlin's name did you do, Potter?"

"Ah, Justin's aim was off and I raised shields in front of whoever would have been hit with
the spell, wordlessly. I didn't think it would affect me this much.", Harry murmured.
All students gaped at him. Snape wasn't so uncouth as to gape as well but he was impressed.

"Mr. Finch-Fletchley you will serve detention and we will practise your aim. Potter, you will
sit down and rest. I'll write a note for your other professors today that you shall not cast for
the rest of the day. And the rest of you get back to practising. Finch-Fletchley, you're with
me.", Snape ordered.

Dutifully Harry sat down again and watched the class resume practising for the last twenty

The class came to an end. Snape handed Harry his note. The class left quickly.

"Nice cheat, Potter.", Malfoy called out.

Harry ignored him. Ron only patted him on his back.

"Ask Riddle what kind of enchantments he put on the ring.", Hermione advised.

Harry nodded.

The rest of the day was uncomfortable at best and downright annoying at worst. The
Gryffindors, while not outright saying anything, were hostile towards him and isolated him,
with the exception of Ron, Hermione and Neville. The Slytherins wolf-whistled and catcalled
him whenever they saw him. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff ignored him or threw him glares.
Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to hide or defend himself. Hermione and Ron always flanked
his sides and he was grateful for their support. He didn't think he would still be sane if not for
their support.

After dinner he decided to write his letter to Riddle.

"I'll be in the library. I hope they won't disturb me there. Pince wouldn't like a commotion, I
believe.", Harry told his friends.

They just nodded. The walk to the library was quiet. Not many people wandered the castle at
this time of the day. Upon arriving he searched for a quiet table in the back rows and started

Dear Tom,

I am taking the liberty to call you by your first name. You are my fiancé after all.

I liked your gift. The ring is beautiful. Just what kind of enchantments have you put on it?

I would feel more comfortable with you calling me Harry. Mr. Potter sounds awfully formal.

Kind regards
Harry Potter

Harry read through the letter again and decided this was enough for now. He quickly trecked
to the owlery and located Hedwig on one of the top perches. A quiet whistle later and she
landed on his arm.

"Hey girl, how are you?", he asked quietly. Hedwig hooted at him and nibbled his finger

"Will you deliver a letter for me?"

Agin she hooted and puffed up her feathers.

"Alright girl, thank you."

He send her off and had to hurry now. Curfew would be in ten minutes.

Of curse he ran into Snape on his way back. As if his life wasn't annoying enough already.

"Mr. Potter. What are you doing here at his hour?", the man asked.

Harry groaned internally.

"I was sending a letter to my fiancé."

Snape watched him for a moment before he raised a brow.

"I was sending a letter to Riddle.", Harry clarified.

Snape rolled his eyes.

"I know whom you meant I was questioning the need to write to him."

Harry pondered for a moment.

"I need to at least make an effort. An angry Riddle is no fun."

Snape watched him intently. Harry shifted uncomfortably.

"I will escort you to your common room, Mr. Potter.", Snape said quietly.

Internally Harry was reeling with the way the interaction went but he enjoyed the quiet walk.
Snape was a comforting presence when he wanted to be. It was also a benefit that no one
dared to throw insults Harry's way for their walk.

Snape stopped around the corner as he had done the last time.

"Have a good night, Mr. Potter."

Harry turned around.

"You as well, Professor. Thank you.", he said.

The man only inclined his head and swiftly walked away.

Harry watched the empty spot for a moment before turning and entering the common room.
Most of his housemates were still lingering inside as it was shortly after curfew. He was
walking to Ron and Hermione, who shared a love seat near the fireplace, when he noticed
most of his fellow Gryffindors throwing him glares. Harry wasn't sure why they hated him. It
wasn't his idea to marry Riddle. Was it wrong to want peace and no death?

"Traitor.", someone muttered behind him.

Harry turned around. Seamus Finnigan was glaring daggers at him and mentally Harry rolled
his eyes. Surely his former friend had learned from his past mistakes about assuming things?
It was getting more obvious that learning through mistakes was not Finnigan's best subject.

"What?", Harry asked, despite not wanting a confrontation.

A sliver of betrayal went through him.

"I said traitor.", Seamus called loudly.

A few heads turned their way.

"And why would I be a traitor, Seamus?", Harry asked slowly, a warning in his tone.

He fidgeted and glanced around the room. A crowd was building. Great.

"Marrying You-Know-Who seems awfully convenient, doesn't it? Especially now that he
doesn't look like that snake-like monster anymore. Guess a good looking Dark Lord makes it
easier for the 'sacrifice'.", Seamus taunted.

Harry gaped for a second before he got his face back under control. How could anyone mean
that? Sure, Riddle looked good but his character was the same as before.

"Why would you even consider this? Did you forget who murdered my parents or Cedric?",
Harry exclaimed.

Seamus had the audacity to roll his eyes.

"Well, I certainly haven't forgotten but you must have. Why in the world would you agree to
marry him?", Seamus argued.

Harry threw his hands up in exhasparation.

"I'm doing this because the alternative is an all out war! Do you honestly believe that I do this
because I want to?"
The teenager couldn't believe it. How could Seamus, or anyone really, think that he'd marry
Voldemort because of his looks?

Seamus snorted. "Sure, you're apparently that self-sacrificing.", he replied scathingly.

The condescending tone made Harry angry.

"Well, apparently I shouldn't have counted on a rational thought process when it comes to
you! It seems that idiocy is a common Gryffindor trait when you are the Gryffindor in
question.", Harry shot back, turned on his heel and marched up the stairs towards the

He could hear gasping and shouting but he was too tired and too annoyed to even care.
Obviously his last two weeks would be hell.

Wonderful! Just what he needed!


It's been two days since the news about the marriage agreement came out when the same
black owl as before flew into the Great Hall during breakfast. It landed in front of Harry and
he looked at it curiously.

"Where did you leave Hedwig?", he asked.

The bird just cocked its head and lifted its leg.

"Alright, sorry.", the teenager chuckled quietly.

Harry quickly took the letter and the owl flew away as quickly as before. Harry shook his
head and opened the letter.

Dear Harry,

I am glad you liked your gift. It pleases me to know you are wearing it. The enchantments on
the ring are only there to protect you. It's a general shield charm with a little twist of my own
making. I will tell you more after our wedding. Just know that when someone tries to poison
you (or give you a love potion) it will heat.

Was there anything else you wanted to know before we are wed?

Your dearest

Tom Riddle

PS: Hedwig is well, if exhausted. She's resting.

Smug bastard Harry thought. He just had to brag about his resourcefulness with spells and
charms. At the last sentence Harry frowned. What happened to Hedwig? He should ask that
in his next letter. More importantly right now however was the fact that Voldemort gifted him
a ring that's supposed to protect him. Who would've thought that the wizard that had tried to
kill him about a year ago would now protect him through an engagement ring?

Harry wanted to tell his friends about the answer he had gotten from Voldemort but they were
bickering again next to him so he decided to leave them be. He would just tell them later.
Maybe Hermione would have an idea about Hedwig?

If Harry was lucky, they would finally stop pining after each other and realize their feelings.
He wouldn't have to watch them make doe-eyes at each other anymore. It was just
embarrassing to watch them make moon-eyes at each other while they thought no one was
Neville brought him out of his musings as he sat down across from him.

"Good morning, Harry.", the boy said timidly.

"Hey, Neville.", Harry greeted.

Harry watched his friend for a moment but kept silent. He wasn't sure what his friend thought
about the wedding. On one hand he could be glad but on the other Neville was fiercely loyal
to the light. His parents had been - after all - tortured into insanity by Voldemort's followers.

They sat for a moment in awkward silence. Neville broke it.

"I'm grateful that you're marrying Riddle. It's selfless to avoid a war that way. I'm not sure
that I would've been able to marry Vol-Vo-Voldemort."

Harry was stunned. Not just about the admisson that his fellow Gryffindor was grateful but it
was the first time Neville had been able to say Riddle's alias aloud. The teenager smiled.

"Thanks, Neville. I appreciate it."

A warm feeling spread through him. Harry was lucky to have friends such as Neville, Ron
and Hermione. He couldn't imagine going through all the shit in his school life without them
there. Would he even be alive? Probably not.

A plate being slammed down next to him made Harry jump. He looked to his left where
Ginny sat down. Harry wasn't sure if that ended up being a good thing or not. Noticing her
expression Harry was sure it would be a bad thing.

"I can't believe you agreed to marry that bastard!", she exclaimed angrily.

Harry winced at her volume.

"I only agreed to marry Riddle so no one would have to fight in a war. And even if I hadn't
wanted to, Dumbledore would have found a way for me to agree.", Harry argued.

He knew that most people didn't believe him about that now that Riddle looked like himself
again. They thought him shallow enough that a pretty face was good enough for him to forget
that Voldemort had killed his parents and Cedric and numerous other people during the last

"Suuure.", Ginny said slowly. "But what about us?"

Harry furrowed his brows. What? What did she mean by that?

"What do you mean? Us? There never was anything between us."

Ginny gave an indignant squeak which made Harry wince again. The sound drew the
attention from most of the Gryffindor table.

"Of course there was something! You've been flirting this whole year with me!", she yelled.
Harry flinched. The volume was too much. But after his brain had processed her words he
couldn't help but scoff.

"Ginny, I was nice. I never saw you as more than a sister and I never will see you as more.
There never would have been an us. I didn't even know you had feelings for me.", Harry
explained as insistently as he could.

But unfortunately relationship drama always got the attention from the whole school. Almost
every student in the Great Hall was now listening and turning their heads and even Ron and
Hermione had stopped bickering to watch what all the fuss was about.

Ginny was gaping at him like a fish out of water, seemingly at a loss for words.
Unsurprisingly (and really unfortunately) she eventually found them.

"How dare you!", she screamed. "How dare you string me along all this time?!"

Her screeching had reached the pitch Aunt Petunia always had whenever Harry showed some
accidental magic. Without conscious thought Harry cowered away from the enraged redhead.

"Ginny! Will you stop it already? I've been trying to tell you that Harry has no interest in
you.", Ron hissed at his sister.

Astounded the black-haired teenager turned around to look at his best friend.

His sister meanwhile gave a half-scream, half-sob and stormed out of the Great Hall, Harry
watching her in confusion.

A shiver ran down his back and slowly he turned in his seat to see Snape standing behind

"Mr. Potter, there seems to be a whole lot of trouble around you. I suggest you keep your
private affairs just that, private.", Snape drawled.

The man was watching him intently and without thinking about it Harry gave him a small

"Sorry, sir. I didn't know that I even had a private affair with Ginny. I will try and keep these
things out of the public's eye.", the teenager answered, amusement evident in his voice.

The edges of Snape's mouth curled upwards but his face and eyes betrayed no emotion.

"That's a point for cheek, Mr. Potter."

With that the potions master turned and walked back to the staff table. Harry could only
snort. The teenager could clearly see that even the dour potions master thought his remark
was funny.

"He may have championed for you but he's still a prick.", Ron muttered angrily.

Harry snorted again.

"I'm going to look after Ginny.", Hermione declared, stood and swiftly left the hall.

Both Harry and Ron watched her leave. Ron shook his head and muttered: "Someone
understand women."

Harry laughed quietly at that.

"If you would confess already, you wouldn't need to pine so badly."

Ron threw a piece of bacon at him while Neville snorted into his pumpkin juice.

After school Harry had decided to answer his fiancé's letter. He still couldn't think of a deep
and meaningful question to ask but Harry was sure that inspiration would find him.
Somehow. Maybe. Groaning Harry sat on his desk in his dorm room and began scribbling

Dear Tom,

I'm not quite sure why it pleases you that I'm wearing your ring. It seems as if most people
think it a bad idea that we are to be married.

At least most of my classmates seem to think it's something really awful.

Ginny Weasley likely thought you've taken her chance away at dating me. I never even
considered her as a potential partner to be honest. It's not like I even knew she had a crush
on me.

I really hope that me telling her so dissuated her from the delusion that we could eventually
have a relationship other than friends.

It looks like everyone with an opinion is suddenly expressing their concern over me. But when
I was supposed to only defeat you - honestly, I'm barely an adult; what were they thinking? -
it was okay to think of me as their Saviour. Like I even had a real chance at defeating you. It's
getting tiring to be ostracized by my peers every now and then when I don't do what they
want me to. But this is nothing I can't handle. There are worse things than some school

To be honest I have two questions:

First, what happened to Hedwig?

Secondly, why did you demand to marry me?

Kind regards


Harry looked his letter over and decided it was enough. He wasn't sure what topics are
normally discussed when someone was to marry the murderer of their parents.

"Why are you even writing to that bastard? Other than to thank him for saving your arse. As
weird as that is.", Ron asked, looking over his shoulder and Harry jumped.

He hadn't heard his friend walk into their shared room.

"It's bad manners to not talk to your fiancé. Other than that... He's more likely to make the
marriage bearable when he thinks I am amenable to his causes. Or at least to the marriage. I
do not want to live in the same hell as with the Dursleys for the rest of my life if I can help

Harry watched the redhead's reaction. His best friend didn't seem convinced that Harry was
doing the right thing.

"Right. And what if he's not sane enough to be nice?"

Harry laughed loudly. Then he was fucked for all he knew.

"I survived the Dursleys. Don't worry Ron. I don't think Riddle wants to harm me. He
wouldn't have requested a marriage if he planned on hurting me. He might be a Dark Lord
but he has standards. At least I think so."

Ron eyed him sceptically but chose not to say anything.

"I'm going to search for Riddle's owl. Somehow I don't think taking a school owl would be a
good idea.", Harry murmured and stood up from his desk.

He threw a smile to Ron and exited the dorms and the common room quickly.

Well, he wanted to exit the common room. Just outside of the portrait hole stood Snape and
Harry barely had a chance to stop before he would crash into the potions master's chest.
Really, were all wizwards so unfairly tall? And what in Merlin's name was the potions master
doing so far away from his dungeons?

"Bloody hell!", Harry exclaimed.

Snape just raised an eyebrow at Harry while the teenager tried to calm his racing heart.

"Language, Potter.", Snape chided him.

"What the hell? What are you even doing here?"

Snape grimaced slightly.

"Be a bit more polite, Potter. I decided, since I have a meeting with your fiancé, that I could
take your answer directly to the Dark Lord."

Harry just stared at the man. What?

"Try not to look so stupid. I thought I saw the Dark Lord's owl this morning. Am I wrong?",
Snape asked quietly.

"No, sir. Thank you for offering. Why are you even offering?", Harry rambled and cringed at
his wording.

But the teenager was confused. Since when was the potions master this polite to him? Or
even helpful?

"I have my reasons, Potter. Don't question it.", the man answered.

Harry opened his mouth, hesitated and then just nodded before handing the letter to Snape,
bid him farewell and entered the common room.

"That was fast.", Ron commented in suspicion.

"Snape plays owl for me. He apparently has a meeting with my fiancé."

Ron scoffed. "That git probably reads your mail. Why would he play owl otherwise?"

Harry made a face at Ron's derisive comment. Even if he never would like Snape, the
teenager didn't think that Snape would do something like that. And lately the man had been
kind of decent to him. There seem to still be wonders in the world, where mean potions
masters became nice.

"I'm sure that's not it.", Harry commented mildly. "Where's Hermione? I haven't seen her at
all since dinner."

And he was sure that even since breakfast she had been much cooler towards him. It's as if
her loyalty shifted to Ginny because apparently - at least according to the Hogwarts rumour
mill - he had broken her heart. That no one even considered his point of view was - frankly -
nothing new. It still somewhat bothered him. Why was it always his fault? He can't read
minds. If Ginny liked him why hadn't she said anything?

Ron groaned.

"She's still with Ginny. Probably plotting. I saw them whispering over an old tome in the
library today."

Harry's stomach turned. That sounded ominous.

"Well, that doesn't sound too good.", Harry said dryly and Ron grinned apologetically at him.
"How did I never notice Ginny's crush?", Harry wondered instead.

Ron laughed loudly and the black-haired teenager hit him with a pillow.

"What? Why are you laughing?", he demanded.

Ron cackled and said: "Well, it could have something to do with you not being straight."

Harry startled and gaped at his best friend.


Ron gave him an incredulous look.

"Really? Come on, mate. It's pretty obvious. I mean, I know Charlie and that's how I even
recognized the signs - wonder why Ginny never did, honestly - but really, Harry. How could
you not know? I mean I'm pretty sure you had a crush on Cedric. And I've never seen
someone drool over the teenaged-version of their godfather. And even Riddle in that diary of
his...", Ron trailed off.

Harry thought about all of that.

"Great.", he murmured when he noticed the pattern in his thoughts. A lot of things suddenly
made more sense to him.

Ron cackled again and Harry threw him a glare.

"Great, now I know! What am I supposed to do with that epiphany?!", he hissed.

Ron just grinned evilly and Harry wished he hadn't asked. His friend could be evil if he
wanted to be.

"Well, you could think about your fiancé and see what that does to your youthful libido.",
Ron teased him.

Harry threw a pillow at him and his best friend just caught it and threw it back, smacking
Harry directly in his face. The teenager groaned in embarrassment. How did he not know?

"Fine, you win you prat. Let's just go to sleep.", Harry grumbled. He could feel his flaming
face radiating heat.

"Don't tell the others. I'm not sure I want them to know.", he pleaded with his best friend.

Ron gave him a look full of pity and agreed to let it stay between them. His friend patted his
shoulder, still chuckling, and they got ready for bed.

Harry laid awake for far longer, thinking about all the instances he had ignored. Just because
he wanted to be normal. Well, unfortunately nothing was normal for him.
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