Sentence Structure - Examples

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 Sentence Structure:

 There are four types of sentences according to their structures.

1- Simple Sentence:
 It is made of one independent clause.
 Examples:
He is a pilot. They come here every day. I went to Kabul last week.
She cooks meal every evening at 5pm. I and he went there.
He and she met each other. Ali and Asad are teachers.
Kabul and Nangarhar are Afghanistan’s provinces.
He came here and played Cricket.

2- Compound Sentence:
 It is made of two independent clauses.
 The two clauses are joined by either a coordinating conjunction or
 Examples:
He ran very fast so he won the race. He studies a lot so he passes
his exams easily.
They did not come here for they didn’t see us.
She cooked very well for all were happy with her.
They didn’t clean the house nor did they learn their lessons.
Ali came here and he met us.
She went to Kabul yesterday and she came back today.
Ahmad helped him a lot but he didn’t get happy.
We encouraged them a lot yet they didn’t start learning English.

3- Complex Sentence:
 It is made of one dependent and one independent clause.
 Dependent clause is introduced by either subordinating
conjunctions or relative pronouns.
 Examples:
The person who taught you was my brother.
The man who gave you money went to India.
The question which he solved was very hard.
1|Page| By: Mohammad Anas Wisal
I went there with the person whom you work with.
When he learnt English, he went abroad.
I played Cricket until the meal was ready.
Wherever he plays, he wins matches.
He taught anywhere he hoped to teach.
Since he was poor, he could not continue his studies.
They seem very sad seeing that they lost the match.
In order to earn more money, Asad works for 12 hours.
He stays in the city so that he can find a job.

4- Compound Complex Sentence:

 It is made of at least one dependent and two independent
 Examples:
After I finished my work, I went to the park and I met my friends.
Although he came late, he caught the train and he reached home on
When he graduates from school, he will start learning English so he
can pass the IELTS test.
While I was teaching, he called me and he asked some questions to me.
He tried to pass his exam but he still failed the exam because he
didn’t understand the lessons.
He got very sad by the time he heard the news and as a result he
started crying.

The Last and Final Grammatical Note of our

DEL Program - Grammar Section!
(Mon, the 22nd Jan, 2024)
(1402-11-02, 10:00am)
{All Praise is due to ALLAH (the Almighty)!}

2|Page| By: Mohammad Anas Wisal

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