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Struggling with writing a thesis on the juvenile justice system? You're not alone.

Crafting a
comprehensive and compelling thesis on this complex topic can be a daunting task. From conducting
thorough research to organizing your thoughts and arguments effectively, every step of the process
demands meticulous attention to detail and an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

The juvenile justice system is a multifaceted area of study that encompasses legal, social,
psychological, and ethical dimensions. Navigating through the myriad of laws, policies, and case
studies while addressing critical issues such as rehabilitation, recidivism, and juvenile rights requires
expertise and dedication.

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In 1985, for example, property offense cases represented more than half of all detained cases
(126,300 of 245,800). Self-reported delinquency data (obtained from youth directly) suggest that
half of all 15-year-old youth may have done something in the previous year that could have resulted
in their arrest. In a protective-restorative justice model, the focus on community incorporates the
long-term goal of community safety. Through the years, many changes have occurred in the juvenile
support system, making it more and more alike with the adult judiciary. A prosecutor’s office is
loosely connected to the probation department, but prosecutors have an interest in advocating a
particular disposition that might conflict with the preferences of probation officials. Accordingly
adolescents lack mature capacity for self-regulations because the brain system that influences
pleasure-seeking and emotional reactivity develops more rapidly than the brain system that supports
self-control. If the child is encouraged to do so, chances are high that the child will become a thief in
the future. In affluent communities, there may be diversionary programs that are not available to
youth in impoverished communities. State of Delhi also known as Nirbhaya or the Delhi Gang Rape
case, 2012 created huge havoc regarding punishments given to the juvenile convict should be same
as given to other convicts. In the future, there is no need to wait for juveniles to commit offenses
then go for them because many juveniles lack adequate knowledge about how the law applies to
them. Youth who commit technical violations of the court-approved plan (not new alleged delinquent
acts) will be handled in the same manner as a new delinquency petition alleging a misdemeanor or
felony (National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 2005). For example, playing games
and extensive exposure to media violence can negatively impact on the behavior of a child who
frequently watches televised violent shows. Specifically, the caseload included more youth arrested
for misdemeanor assaults, drug offenses, and disorderly conduct and fewer youth charged with
violent offenses and serious property offenses. Robb is then sentenced: either put on probation and
counseling; pay for damages or a fine; community service work; suspension of driver’s license; put in
a Youth Detention Center for up to five years; put into a special boot camp 11. The youth is now
considered an “adjudicated delinquent.” The youth may be found not guilty and the case dismissed,
or the case may be continued in contemplation of dismissal. Youth who have the skills to be
articulate and polite are more likely to be warned than arrested, offered services rather than
sanctions, and treated rather than incarcerated (Cohen, 1985). For example, the National Survey on
Drug Use and Health 3 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012)
estimates that 4 percent of all 15-year-olds carried a handgun at least once in the past year. In recent
years, the jurisdictions included in the UCR reporting sample accounted for 70 to 78 percent of the
U.S. population. The FBI creates one national arrest estimate for each major offense by taking the
total number of arrests reported in each offense category and weighting the number to represent the
national population (see Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2011, Table 29). It provides funding,
training, technical support and other essentials. There is the need for programs like Youth Community
Centers, After School Programs, Youth Leadership Programs, Family Support Programs and
Mentoring Programs, which help in creating positive living among the juveniles that had gone off the
track rather than labeling the youths as criminals (Champion, 2003). Prior to this period, misbehaving
juveniles in the US, like in other parts of Western Europe, often faced arrest by the police, initial
placement in the local jail with adults, and eventual institutionalisation in a house of refuge or
workhouse. Addressing racial disparities in the juvenile justice system by Kate Warren in Blog,
Cuyahoga County, Strengthening the HHS Safety Net tags Juvenile Justice. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of the case study approach. A regular compilation of UCR data is published each
year by the FBI as Crime in the United States (CIUS). This hearing is also referred to as an
arraignment, initial hearing, pretrial hearing, probable cause hearing, or plea hearing. Other states
operate juvenile courts within a single, statewide structure of limited jurisdiction courts. Which of
these causes do you think is commonly found in your community. Nationwide, adolescents account
for about 1% of new court commitments to adult state prisons. By allowing criminal court judges to
consider a defendant’s prior juvenile court record at the time of sentencing, states have altered the
terms of the historical agreement that created the juvenile justice system in the first place. They
found that the likelihood of contact with the juvenile justice system increased with repeated.
Prior to this period, misbehaving juveniles in the US, like in other parts of Western Europe, often
faced arrest by the police, initial placement in the local jail with adults, and eventual
institutionalisation in a house of refuge or workhouse. It is the institutions and organizations that
sometimes hold and house juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers, juvenile correctional facilities
and training schools, residential treatment centers, foster homes, group homes, and drug treatment
and mental health facilities. It takes into account factors such as the juvenile's age, education, and
their understanding of the meaning of their rights. Juvenile court records follow young adults into
criminal court in many states. In this report Iwill: define juvenile delinquency, give the extent of
juvenile delinquency,give some suggestions on what causes juvenile delinquency, and what is
beingdone in various communities to deal with this growing problem. Youth who commit technical
violations of the court-approved plan (not new alleged delinquent acts) will be handled in the same
manner as a new delinquency petition alleging a misdemeanor or felony (National Council of
Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 2005). T he principle of the best interests of the child or “the
child’s welfare” was recognised by the common law courts in the early twentieth century. But it
would be the job of the social reformers and psychologists dealing with the care of the delinquents,
to fulfil their needs in a socially accepted manner according to the norms of the society and legal
sanctions. After fluctuating for several years, the violent crime arrest rate dropped below 230 per
100,000 in 2010. Some of the preventive measures, which can be employed in such a situation,
include family counseling, education on substance abuse, educational support, mentoring and
parental education. But rapid mental development occurs during that stage. As a result, it is
important that juvenile courts, police departments, schools and community-based service providers to
work together to proactively consider how the system can equitably serve young people, bearing in
mind that underlying issues, such as over-policing of poor minority neighborhoods and gang
violence in the urban core, are contributors to the overrepresentation of black youth in the system.
The good news is that, despite the many challenges we face, leaders in Philadelphia are finding new,
effective and developmentally sound ways to meet the needs of young people before and during
their involvement with the juvenile justice system. A prosecutor’s office is loosely connected to the
probation department, but prosecutors have an interest in advocating a particular disposition that
might conflict with the preferences of probation officials. Which of these causes do you think is
commonly found in your community. Similar to the adult system, the juvenile justice system operates
like a funnel with only a fraction of cases referred to juvenile court ending up being formally
processed and adjudicated. There are too many other factors involved, some of which stem from the
youth’s behavior, but others originate in bureaucracy, fiscal and political issues, and cultural
definitions of social problems. However, some states and localities have created a separate juvenile
court that is also a court of general jurisdiction. A court considers whether the juvenile waived their
rights knowingly and voluntarily. Colonial America borrowed its judicial practices from England,
where houses of confinement, or goals, were used for short-term detention of law violators awaiting
trial. The JJSC has services, practices and strategies in place to meet the needs of the youth in its care
and help prevent their deeper penetration into the system. Probation departments are generally
responsible for screening cases, making detention decisions on some of them, preparing investigative
reports on most of them, providing supervision to more than a third of all cases processed by the
juvenile court, and delivering aftercare services to many youth released from out-of-home
placement. For example, in 2008, a little more than half of all cases were formally petitioned. If the
waiver is presumptive under the statute upon proof of probable cause and previous delinquency, the
burden of proof may shift to the youth to prove that he or she is amenable to treatment in the
juvenile justice system (National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 2005). Thus, all law
enforcement data about “juvenile crime” is actually a measure of arrests rather than crime. Some
departments operate their own special programs that are designed to divert youngsters from further
court processing. To offer recommendations on how the operations of the juvenile system of justice
ought to be in the future, there is need to look at two major areas of concern; law enforcement and
community involvement. In some jurisdictions, detention can also be ordered following adjudication
as a short-term sanction. Detention centers are as conveniently located as possible so that families
can stay connected. By allowing criminal court judges to consider a defendant’s prior juvenile court
record at the time of sentencing, states have altered the terms of the historical agreement that created
the juvenile justice system in the first place.
If the judge says Robb must go to a formal hearing then the complaining witness (private citizen or
police officer) files a petition outlining the wrongdoing 6. Griset, P. L. (2011). Determinate
sentencing: The promise and the reality of retributive justice. The case is eight-year-old Madyson
Middleton murdered by fifteen-year-old Adrian Gonzalez. This information was analyzed by the
Archive staff and weighted to represent the nation as a whole. Each of the central actors in the
juvenile justice system may express different values and preferences depending on their location.
From this observation, the juveniles would become aware of crime prevention programs within the
community and shun away from the. In 2010, these older teens were involved in 54 percent of all
juvenile arrests. If the court finds probable cause, a second decision involves whether the court will
retain jurisdiction or transfer the case. State of Delhi also known as Nirbhaya or the Delhi Gang
Rape case, 2012 created huge havoc regarding punishments given to the juvenile convict should be
same as given to other convicts. You have the right to present evidence in your own defense. Unless
transfer is mandatory, the court’s decision will depend on the statutory criteria, which vary widely
from state to state. For youth living in impoverished areas, the juvenile justice process may be more
similar to the criminal system, with fewer alternatives. Each paragraph in the body of the essay
should contain. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutes, court rules, or case law
allowing this practice. In addition, juveniles were still being confined with adults in filthy and
dangerous jails and prisons. If residential space is limited, probation may be the only feasible option.
In the US, juvenile justice in its earliest form was conceived and developed out of the need for a
separate court for child offenders as a result of which the first Juvenile Court was established in
Cook County under the 1899 Illinois Juvenile Court Act; and by 1945 every State in the US had a
Juvenile Court. All youth have a constitutional right to counsel at the adjudicatory stage ( In re
Gault, 1967). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. T he
principle of the best interests of the child or “the child’s welfare” was recognised by the common
law courts in the early twentieth century. Interrogation methods and whether the juvenile was
allowed to consult with an adult would also be considered. Simply put, 17-year-old offenders act
more like teenage offenders than adult offenders. Whereas social disorganization and early strain
theories emphasized social structural inequalities as the primary cause of delinquency, process
theorists focus on social interactions within primary groups such as the family and peer group.
Parents should make sure their child is exposed to the right materials and the right company. In
recent years, the Archive received data about more than 1 million new juvenile court cases every year
from jurisdictions covering more than 80 percent of the U.S. juvenile population (Puzzanchera,
Adams, and Sickmund, 2011). Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. Other common status offenses are underage drinking of alcoholic
beverages or smoking tobacco and engaging in underage, consensual sexual activities. This
represented the implementation of the cottage system, or cottage plan, in which reformers designed
rural reformatories as compounds with separate structures and dormitories. Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. A regular compilation of UCR data is published each year by the FBI as
Crime in the United States (CIUS).
Mears, in particular, concludes that genuine due process probably constitutes the exception rather
than the norm (2012, p. 600). Feld takes a somewhat different tack, arguing that the current due
process rights are inadequate to begin with and additional procedural safeguards are needed to
protect youth from their immaturity and vulnerability (2012). Large increases in out-of-home
placement were experienced by youth adjudicated for obstruction of justice, simple assault, drug law
violations, violent crime index offenses, and vandalism. Many heinous crimes are committed
between the age of 16 and 18. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy.
State law gives prosecutors the authority to decide whether to send certain youthful offenders to
juvenile court or to criminal court. Youth who are disrespectful or contemptuous of authority are
more likely to find themselves arrested and handled harshly (Black and Reiss, 1970). Simply put, 17-
year-old offenders act more like teenage offenders than adult offenders. Homepage Our guides
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terrible.There is no proof that same rights as adults and criminal court reduces recidivism and living
or working conditions. Also, many school districts have opted to have a law enforcement presence
on school campuses, either through school resource officers for whom districts contract with local
policing agencies or through in-house school district police departments overseen by superintendents.
In a protective-restorative justice model, the focus on community incorporates the long-term goal of
community safety. The juvenile justice system is the people and organizations that move young
offenders through the legal process, including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, court
administrators, court intake workers, counselors, and probation officers. For youth living in
impoverished areas, the juvenile justice process may be more similar to the criminal system, with
fewer alternatives. As a consequence, the juvenile court in the 21st century is less of a true
diversionary court and more of a unit within the larger justice system from which some juveniles are
now diverted for differential processing. Prosecutors want the legal system to run efficiently and to
protect the rights and feelings of crime victims while deterring future crime. Most states consider
people to be adults for the purposes of criminal prosecution as of their 18th birthday, but some
jurisdictions use the 17th birthday as the cutoff (e.g., Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Missouri, and Texas) and a few prefer the 16th birthday (e.g., New York and North Carolina). There
is a variety of subsystems that make up the larger juvenile justice system, and each of these
subsystems has its own set of goals and values. In recent years, the jurisdictions included in the UCR
reporting sample accounted for 70 to 78 percent of the U.S. population. The FBI creates one national
arrest estimate for each major offense by taking the total number of arrests reported in each offense
category and weighting the number to represent the national population (see Federal Bureau of
Investigation, 2011, Table 29). In this light, therefore, the community has to form close ties with law
enforcing agencies like the police. Graffiti is considered one of the artistic movements that is
growing so fast. Many of these houses had grown unwidely in size, and order and discipline had
disappeared from most. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom
GIFs. The juvenile justice process is organizationally complex, value-driven, and often politicized.
The most common status offenses are running away from home, refusing to attend school (truancy),
violating curfew ordinances, and refusing to obey parents, teachers, or other lawful authorities
(incorrigibility). SOURCE: Puzzanchera, Adams, and Sickmund (2011, p. 59). Newspapers and other
media saturate us with graphic depictions of individual youths and gangs committing violence in the
schools, in the streets, in parking lots, and in the home. The ages at which youth are handled by the
juvenile court—both in law and in practice—have been subject to significant modifications in recent
years, often symbolizing this ambivalence. Seventeen-year-olds cannot yet benefit from widespread
improvements to the system, but if the Raise the Age coalition has its way, that could soon change.
Community groups, social workers, and law enforcement personnel manage the different prevention
programs in a variety of formats. The juvenile justice system was created during the transition from
an agricultural economy to an industrial economy, and from a rural to an increasingly urban society
in the U.S.A. Various aftercare, parole systems, and confinement have been introduced during the
course development of juvenile justice, which basically evolved from the traditional conceptualities
of traditional correctional procedures to the present interventions.

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