MKT 101

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MKT 101

1. Dividing the market into different groups based on their characteristic is called

A)Consumerism (B)Segmentation (C) Augmented (D) Complete

2. ______ are the controllable and uncontrollable factors or forces that affect or influence an organization in its
decision making process.

A) competitive disadvantage (B) competitive disorder (C) Marketing Environment (D) Market Analysis

3. All the individuals and households who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption are

A) Business market (B) Consumer market (C) logistics market (D) Consumers

4. Dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables life cycle, income, occupation, education,
religion, race, gender, and nationality is referred to as___

A)demography (B) segmentation (C) demographic segmentation (D) de-segmentation.

5. There are _____marketing mix elements for goods.

A) Five (B) six (C)four (D)three

6. ______ is not one of the marketing mix elements

A) price (B) promotion (C) sales (D) place

7. ____ is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified

A) personal selling (B) sales promotion (C) direct mail (D) advertising
8. ____ is the first era in the evolution of marketing

A) marketing (B) product (C) production (D) sales

9. Which of the following pricing strategies launches a new product at a high price and high promotional level

A) rapid skimming (B) rapid penetration (C) rapid development (D) intermediate penetration.

10. A strategy that launches a product at a low price and spends heavily on promotion is

A) slow skimming (B) intermediate penetration (C) rapid penetrate (D) rapid skimming

11 .pricing strategies when a product is launched high price and high promotional level with low promotion

A) rapid penetration (B) rapid skimming (C) slow skimming (D) slow penetration

12. ____ is an element of the promotions mix

A) sales promotion (B) channeling (C)slumming (D) price penetration

13. The set of symbols the sender transmits is called_____

A) nose (B) message (C) media (D) response

14. A principle of enlightened marketing that holds that a company should make marketing decisions by
considering consumers; wants, the company’s requirements, consumer’s long-run interest, and society’s long run
interest is called____

A) Society adaptation (B) product concept (C) societal marketing (D) sales analysis

15. _____ is a non-personal stimulation of demand for a product offering or a business unit by planning
commercially significant news about it in a published medium.

A) personal selling (B) advertising (C) sales promotion (D) publicity

16. The part of the receiver’s response that he communicates back to the sender is termed

A) media (B) feedback (C) response (D) message

17. Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want
or need is a ____

A) communication (B) product (C) incentive (D) market

18. A detailed version of the new-product idea stated in meaningful consumer terms is____

A) institutional (B) sales (C) product concept (D) brand

19. ____ are merchandise offered at a relative low cost or free as an incentive to purpose a particular product.

A) price pack (B) prizes (C) premiums (D)cash refund offers

20. Institutions and other forces that affect society’s basis values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviours
constitutes _______

A) push environment (B) economical environment ( C) cultural environment (D) behavioural environment

21.Goods the consumer purchases frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of effort are called____

A) convenience goods (B) speciality goods (C) goods (D) sales

22. The party receiving the message sent by another person is the ___

A)audience (B)sender (C)encoder (D)media

23. The systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant o a specific marketing situation facing
an organization is called____

A)marketing information system (B)marketing management (C)marketing research (D)strategic marketing

24. The total volume of a product that would be bought by a define customer group in a defined geographical area
in a define time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined marketing program is called ____

A)market demand (B)geographic demand (C)demand (D)none of the above

25. _____ is the upper limit to market demand whereby increased marketing expenditures would not be expected to
stimulate further demand
A)market demand (B)sales forecast (C)demand (D)market potential

26.Someone who seeks a response (attention, a purchase, a vote, a donation) from an other party, called the prospect
is a ___

A)researcher (B)marketer (C)teacher (D)preacher

27. Refers to oral presentation of a product in a convention with prospective purchase for the purpose of marketing

A)advertising (B)channeling (C) personal selling (D)promotion

28. ____ is not a promotional tool

A)dislocation (B)advertising (C)publicity (D)personal selling

29. A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experience and situation is a_____

A)subculture (B)branding (C)social marketing (D)none of the above

30. The buying behaviour of the organizations that buy goods and services for used in the production of other
products and services or for the purpose of reselling or renting them to others at a profit is ___

A)business buyer behaviour (B)business behaviour (C)none of the above (D)buyer behaviour

31. A name , term, sign, symbol, or design , or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of
one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors is called ____

A)brime (B)brand (C)product (D)branding

32. All the group that have a direct or indirect influence on a person’s attitudes or behaviour are the____

A)family members (B)reference group (C) aspiration group (D)distributor

33. A descriptive thought that a person holds about something is known as

A) belief (B)truth (C)attitude (D)response

34. The added value endowed to products and services

A)branding (B)brand audit (C)brand awareness (D)brand equity

35. The extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations is called__

A)consumerism (B)value satisfaction (C)customers satisfaction (D)none of the above

36. All these are stages of marketing evolution except______

A)none (B)production era (C)sales era (D)social responsibility era

37. A fashion that enters quickly, is adopted with great zeal, peaks early, and declines very quickly is called ____

A)fad (B)fade (C)faze (D)yoppie

38. ____ is a currently accepted or popular style in a given field.

A)style (B)fad (C)growth (D)fashion

39. ____ is a short term incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product or services.

A)channeling (B)publicity (C)sales promotion (D)advertising

40. ___ is the channel through which message move from sender to receiver.

A) message (B)channel (C)media (D)feedback

41. ___ is any unplanned static or dynamic distortion during the communication process.

A) disturbance (B)feedback (C)noise (D)distortion

42. Neighbours, friends, and family members are use in talking to target buyers, is called___

A) distribution (B)expert (C)social (D)advocates

43. when people notice only the marketing stimuli they want to notice, is called___
A)selective retention (B)selective attention (C)selective distortion (D)selective notice

44. ____ is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas,
goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

A) marketing (B)purchasing (C)selling (D)sales management

45. The means by which firms attempt to inform , persuade, and remind consumers directly or indirectly about
products and brands that they sell are called___

A) marketing communications (B)advertising (C)promotional method (D)public relations

46. Advertising , sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, and
personal selling makes up the ___

A)product mix (B)marketing communication mix (C)pricing mix (D)sales motivation mix

47. The art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers through creating,
delivery and communicating superior customer value is called___

A)marketing research (B)marketing planning (C)marketing management (D)maketing

48. ____ are offers of a free amount or trial of a product to consumers

A)advertising (B)samples (C)coupons (D)discounts

49. ____ are certificates entitling the bearer to a stated saving on the purchase of a specific product.

A)samples (B)advertising (C)coupons (D)discounts

50. changes in consumer and business life styles and values as measure of the ____environment.

A)demographic (B)cultural (C)ecologic (D)technological

51. ___ is the firm’s tangible offer to the public , including branding and services policies.

A)product (B)economic (C)price (D)promotion

52. ___ utility represents the satisfaction derived from the accession of title to a product.

A)marginal (B)ownership (C)title (D)place

53. All the individuals and households that buy or acquire goods and /or services for personal consumption make up
the ____

A)consumer unit (B)target market (C)consumer market (D)consumer behaviour

54. ____ theory of consumer motivation ranks needs in a hierarchy?

A)two factor theory (B)equity theory (C)hierarchy of needs theory (D)valency theory

55. person within a references group who, because of special skills knowledge, personality, or other characteristics,
exerts influence on others.

A)group leader (B)marketing manager (C)opinion leaders (D)sales manager

56. subdivisions of a culture that provides more specific identification and socialization, such as nationalities,
religions, racial groups, and geographical regions is a_______

A) reference group (B)subculture (C) race (D) all of the above

57. A statement that summarizes company or brand positioning.

A)targeting (B)positioning (C)market (D)demographic

58. changes in an individual’s behaviour arising from experience is termed

A) knowledge (B) learning (C)perception (D)attitude

59. The way a consumer selects organises, and interprets marketing information to create a meaningful picture is

A)perception (B)learning (C)value (D)knowledge

60. ____ refers to the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product.

A)consumer (B)market (C)potential market (D)business

61. _____ refers to people whose opinions are sought in one or more product areas.

A) gate keepers (B)innovators (C)cliques (D)opinion leaders

62. _____ is receiving and processing subconscious messages that affect behaviour

A) cognitive consonance (B)cognitive dissonance (C)subliminal perception (D)learning

63. _______ involves periodically measuring and evaluating progress achieved against pre-determined objectives
and planned activities.

A)analysis (B) control (C) implementation (D)plannings

64. Consumer good that the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares on such
base as suitability, quality, price, and style is___

A) convenience product (B)impulse product (C)shopping product (D) unsought product

65. Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the
ownership of anything is a____

A) product (B)service (C)goods (D)want

66. The stage that a product goes through from its introduction into the market to extinction is referred to as___

A)product competition (B)product differentiation (C)product dynamism (D)product life-cycle

67. In the adoption categories refers to low income group of the social system

A)later majority (B)laggards (C)early adopter (D) none of the above

68. In the product life-cycle, ___ stages refers to growth in both sales and profit.

A)saturation (B)decline (C)maturity (D)growth

69. In ____ stage of marketing evolution, emphasis is on customer orientation and profitable sales volume.
A)marketing (B)sales (C)production (D)consumption

70. In communication, noise is defined as___

A)the set of symbols that the sender transmits (B)the set of reaction that the receiver has after being exposed to a
message (C)unintended distortions in the communication process (D)the part of the receiver’s response that the
received communicates back to the sender.

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