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Community policing in India should be

Publication info: Early Times ; Jammu [Jammu]. 12 Dec 2011.

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No doubt with the arrival of advanced scientific gadgets things have become reliable easier ,apparent one and
provides crystal clear directions telling investigator for which way to proceed but the expectations and over
exerted pressure of the public to have quick disposal of their problems by arriving at the inferences does not often
meet the standards of the qualitative workmanship of a policeman . [...] the end result is the growth of animosity
and points towards the suspicion of the needle of the police action. [...] in the light of these very facts, it becomes
urgent that community policing in India should be too encouraged like the developed nations as Holland, UK, China
,US and Canada have done so.

Jammu, Dec. 12 -- The growing graph of the crime rate can be checked by the introduction and then popularization
of the community policing in India without further delay. Such an adoption of the new model can provide respite to
the police of its existing workload to concentrate more effectively on the trivial issues which generally seeks time
and space but due to inadequate measures, police fails on many fronts to deliver well despite wishes to excel
better. And at the face of the failures, policemen have to bear the brunt of the society unintentionally. The
relentless contribution made during previous endeavours goes unnoticed and unrecognised. Perhaps to overcome
this flaw, many advanced nations in the European part of Globe have promoted the culture of Community Policing.
In fact, Japanese police recognises the permissiveness of the thin lining between the police and the public to
accommodate the ideas and suggestion of the public to speedily arrive at the conclusion by redressing the
genuineness of the complaints. In other words, Japanese police is accepted as an integral unit of the Japanese
Community. As a result of which they keep on sharing the problems, thoughts by indulging in the policing,
counselling, advising and evolving solutions through deliberations frequently without any inhibition or dealing
things in isolation. In our India, as such there are no strong provisions though occasionally efforts are also made
realising the importance of this aspect to strengthen the police -Public relations to remove the doubts.
Honestly speaking ,there are provisions laid in The Indian Police Act of 1861 for the appointment of special police
officers to assist the police force .
Further the National Police Commission Report laid down in year 1977 have also made recommendations
favouring community policing to be encouraged as an integral part of policing activities in India. In a nation,
owning over than one billion souls, the services of one policeman is rendered to around 750 citizens and with such
a diverse nature of work changing continuously, it is always an exaggeration to expect the police force to handle
the multiple tasks without use of the old traditional methods, very often cashing the trouble for the policeman . No
doubt with the arrival of advanced scientific gadgets things have become reliable easier ,apparent one and
provides crystal clear directions telling investigator for which way to proceed but the expectations and over
exerted pressure of the public to have quick disposal of their problems by arriving at the inferences does not often
meet the standards of the qualitative workmanship of a policeman .
And the end result is the growth of animosity and points towards the suspicion of the needle of the police action.
Thus in the light of these very facts, it becomes urgent that community policing in India should be too encouraged
like the developed nations as Holland, UK, China ,US and Canada have done so. The basic cause of advocating


Community Policing is to promote interaction between the Police and Public to generate sensation and feeling for
one another .
It requires competing for the hearts and minds of Police officers. The traditional crime fighting culture does not
consider issues among people as real police work .
It is otherwise rated to be a social work whereas this aspect needs to be viewed and addressed from very close
quarters. The Police department must come out of the shell to delimit the policy of adhering to specific units,
programmes, strategies and means of dealing with the problems. Efforts should be made to make every police
officer a community policing officer, truly accepting the forwarded ideas which can help in crime prevention and
equally regard crime prevention and service functions as an important as law enforcement work. The public must
also committed in realising their essential role in crime prevention and should from the core of the heart lend
valuable sources, information without delay which is generally not so.
Community policing aims to bring changes by replacing hard with soft, repressive with preventive and reactive with
proactive policing .
Promotion of Zero tolerance through the use of community policing can definitely help in improving the quality of
life of people in communities by reducing the nuisance and petty offences which often becomes the cause of
concern. Community policing should be integrated with the purpose mission, special training, crime analysis,
police department policies, procedures and measurement systems. The growing scenario around the world has
forced to think to bring in changing with the changing times. Time has come that old conservative culture which
resists the intrusions of the civilians in the forming the policy matters in dealing the community issues be shun
away .
It is because it is seen that a rigid structure clearly discourages the drive and initiative. How unfortunate it is that
upon whom the rule is to be applied are kept away from the discussion panel forcing police itself to wander in the
wilderness and darkness without forming any ideology to remove the malady. And when good sense prevails to
seek the assistance of the community, very often it has been observed that much of the water had flown out of the
In order to overcome this issue, the utmost necessity is to give due importance to the beat system culture which
has been dying slowly. In many parts of India, it has almost lost its significance and it is only on the papers to fill
the formalities. Apart, there should be recruitment of Community Police officers at every beat level to maintain the
flow of information with the beat in charge constable and active intelligence inputs must be monitored and filtered
very seriously without delay to plug the dissemination of the disease. Honorary selection of those community
officers must be weighed and viewed in the light of their active participation and their efforts be recognised and
should be specially decorated ,awarded during the functions held on the eve of national days like Republic day and
Independence days. To boost their morale, they should rather be allowed to don the Police uniform on these
special days. Until the widened gap between the police and public does not recede, there is minimal scope of
lowering the crime rate. In gist, the community policing through decentralisation is urgent need of the hour and it
should be encouraged to take an intelligence led ,proactive ,problem solving approach to enable to focus on and
tackle the local issues.
Published by HT Syndication with permission from Early Times.
For any query with respect to this article or any other content requirement, please contact Editor at


Subject: Community policing; Crime prevention

Publication title: Early Times; Jammu


Publication year: 2011

Publication date: Dec 12, 2011

Dateline: Jammu

Publisher: HT Digital Streams Limited

Place of publication: Jammu

Country of publication: Iceland, Jammu

Publication subject: General Interest Periodicals--India

Source type: Newspaper

Language of publication: English

Document type: NEWSPAPER

ProQuest document ID: 910170541

Document URL: g-india-should-be-


Copyright: Copyright © HT Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Last updated: 2011-12-11

Database: ProQuest Central


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