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Healthy living
Substance abuse
Controlled and illegal drugs

Heroin is made from morphine, a substance that comes from the opium poppy. The drug produces a
pleasurable and relaxed sensation. But it also causes many negative mental and physical side effects. An
overdose can be fatal.

Heroin is a highly addictive drug and the withdrawal symptoms can be painful. Learn about heroin and
how it affects the brain and body.

On this page:
z About heroin
z Short-term effects of heroin
z Long-term effects of heroin
z Addiction and withdrawal
z For more information

About heroin
Heroin (also known as dope, dust, junk, smack and horse) is a depressant. It slows down the activity of the nervous system.

Pure heroin is a fine, white, bitter-tasting powder. However, it is frequently mixed with other things that look similar to it. These include
sugars, starch or quinine (a drug made from cinchona bark).

When sold on the street, heroin may vary in colour, consistency and purity, depending on how it is made. It may look like white powder, a
brown grainy substance or a dark sticky gum.

Heroin is consumed in several ways. The powder may be:

z sniffed up the nose

z smoked (known as chasing the dragon)
z dissolved in water
{ injected into a vein (known as mainlining)

{ injected into a muscle or under the skin (known as skin-popping)

Some users combine heroin with alcohol or other depressant drugs. This can be very dangerous. Combining drugs can increase each
drug's effects and puts a person at increased risk of overdosing.

How quickly heroin affects a person depends on how it is taken. When heroin is injected, it quickly enters the brain and produces a
pleasurable feeling. This occurs within seconds and lasts anywhere from 45 seconds to a few minutes. When smoked or snorted, the
effects are less intense.

A period of tranquillity or sedation that may last up to about an hour follows. When heroin is injected in a muscle or under the skin, the
effects occur more slowly, usually within 10 minutes.

The effects of heroin usually last for about 3 to 5 hours. To avoid symptoms of withdrawal, regular heroin users feel the need to use
every 6 to 12 hours.

While heroin use produces pleasant feelings, it also has less desirable effects.

Short-term effects of heroin

Heroin use can lead to short-term mental and physical effects.

Mental effects 2015/11/04
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Short-term effects include:

z dizziness
z confusion

Physical effects
Short-term effects include:

z drowsiness
z nausea and vomiting
z constricted pupils
z itching or burning sensation of the skin
z headaches
z slowed breathing

The risk of a heroin overdose is high. Users rarely know the actual strength of the drug they take. The drug takes effect very quickly,
especially when injected. A person who takes too much may lose consciousness almost immediately.

Symptoms of an overdose include:

z clammy or bluish skin

z slowed breathing
z loss of consciousness
z vomiting

In large enough quantities, heroin can suppress breathing, which can be fatal.

An overdose is more likely if heroin is taken along with other depressant drugs. These include:

z alcohol
z benzodiazepines
z other kinds of opioids (such as methadone)

In cases of an overdose, a drug called naloxone can block the depressant effects of heroin.

Long-term effects of heroin

With long-term use, heroin has many harmful effects on a person's body and mind. The more a person uses heroin, the more their health
is affected.

Mental effects
Long-term heroin users can experience:

z learning and memory problems

z difficulty controlling impulsive behaviour
z lack of emotion (apathy)
z unstable moods
z depression

Physical effects
Many long-term physical effects of heroin use are due to using unclean needles and syringes. Sharing drug equipment can lead to:

z infectious diseases, such as:

{ hepatitis B

{ hepatitis C


z blood poisoning
z skin sores
z infection of the lining of the heart 2015/11/04
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Other effects include:

z insomnia
z constipation
z sexual problems in men
z irregular menstrual cycles in women
z collapsed veins
z liver and kidney disease
z addiction

Heroin use during pregnancy can be harmful to an unborn child. It is associated with:

z premature delivery
z low birth weight
z high infant mortality

Addiction and withdrawal

Heroin can be very addictive. Physical dependence and addiction can develop within weeks of regular use. The need to get heroin can
take over an addict's life.

The severity of withdrawal symptoms from heroin depends on the:

z amount and frequency of use

z length of time a person has been a regular heroin user
z person's health
z conditions under which withdrawal happens

Symptoms of withdrawal from heroin can begin 8 to 12 hours after the last dose. Symptoms may reach their peak between 24 and 48
hours. They subside substantially after about 5 days to a week. Users will often inject heroin to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

In addition to intense cravings for the drug, during the withdrawal period, a person may experience:

z abdominal cramping
z nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
z insomnia
z a racing heartbeat
z involuntary muscle spasms
z anxiety, restlessness and depression
z sweating or cold flashes with goose bumps (also known as "cold turkey")

Heroin withdrawal is rarely fatal for adults.

Heroin addiction can be treated with medications such as buprenorphine and methadone. Both medications work by binding to the same
receptors as heroin. Treatment can prevent heroin withdrawal and reduce or eliminate the cravings.

A child may be born with withdrawal symptoms. A baby going through heroin withdrawal may be:

z irritable
z cry excessively
z be sweaty
z exhibit shaky or jerky movements

The baby may have trouble feeding or have diarrhea and a need to vomit. A baby with severe heroin withdrawal can develop seizures
and die. Babies undergoing withdrawal need to be treated in a hospital.

For more information

z Get help
z Controlled and illegal drugs
z About prescription drug abuse
z About substance abuse
z Risks of abusing drugs 2015/11/04
Heroin Page 4 of 4

Date modified:
2015-05-04 2015/11/04

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