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CMAJ fact sheet

Box 1: Signs and symptoms suggesting
Alcohol and drug use among teenagers that a teenager may have an alcohol
or drug problem
How common is drug use among What signs and symptoms Home or social life
• Stealing money, and stealing and
teenagers in Canada? suggest possible alcohol or drug selling valuable items (to buy drugs)
problems? • Withdrawing from usual family
According to the Ontario Student Drug activities
Use Survey (1997–2007), the most • Frequently not coming home on time
commonly used substance among Box 1 outlines a number of signs that • Not telling a family member where
teenagers is alcohol: about two-thirds may suggest alcohol or drug use; how- he or she is going
of teenagers reported drinking alcohol ever, some of these effects or behav- • Having problems with the law
in the year before the survey, and 1 in 5 iours may suggest additional problems. School
teenagers drank in a way that may put It is important to seek further assist- • Experiencing a drop in grades, poor
them at risk of problems with health, ance from a family doctor, pediatrician academic performance
school work or other problems. The or school counsellor if you suspect that • Missing or skipping school

survey also revealed that the second a teenager is getting into difficulty with • Sleeping in class
• Not doing homework
most commonly used drug is cannabis alcohol or drugs.
• Dropping out of sports or other
(also known as marijuana, pot or
What can I do if I suspect that a extracurricular activities
weed). About one-third of Canadian
• Experiencing memory and
teenagers surveyed reported using teenager is using drugs? concentration problems
cannabis in the year before the survey. Emotional
Use of other drugs such as ecstasy, Start by speaking with the teenager. It • Having unexplainable mood swings
LSD, cocaine and crystal metham- is important not to accuse him or her of and behaviour
phetamine was much less common, anything; rather, you should point out • Feeling unhappy or depressed
with about 1 in 20 students reporting your concern about the troubling be- • Feeling suspicious or anxious
use of these drugs in that period. The haviour and ask if he or she might be Physical
survey indicated that one-third of using drugs or alcohol. If you are a • Having bloodshot (red) eyes
teenagers reported not using any drugs friend of a teenager who denies using • Exhibiting lasting cough or nasal
(including tobacco and alcohol). drugs or alcohol, you should speak stuffiness
A 2007 report from the Canadian with his or her parents or a teacher. If • Exhibiting persistent tiredness

Centre for Substance Abuse indicated you are the teenager’s parent, reiterate • Losing or gaining weight

that some teenagers were at greater risk your concerns about his or her health • Exhibiting change in appetite

than others of having drug or alcohol and well-being, and then monitor his
problems. This included teenagers who or her behaviour at home and at
had a family member with a drug or al- school. It is important to encourage /index.php), the Canadian Health Net-
cohol problem, those who had mental teenagers who show signs of having a work (www.canadian-health-network
health disorders such as depression or problem with alcohol or drugs to see .ca), Global Youth Voices (
anxiety, those involved with the legal their doctors or counsellors who have and the Kids Help
system, or those living on the street. experience working with teenagers. Phone (; 800
At what age do teenagers start Where can I find more
experimenting with drugs or information about drugs and Karen Leslie MD
alcohol? about drug use among Division of Adolescent Medicine and
teenagers? Department of Paediatrics
A 2004–2005 Health Canada survey re- Hospital for Sick Children
vealed that the average age of first use There are a number of resources where Toronto, Ont.
Competing interests: None declared.
reported among grade 7–9 students parents and teenagers can find infor-

was 11 years for alcohol and just under mation about tobacco, alcohol and
13 years for cannabis. Some teenagers other drugs.
will “experiment,” but others will use Helpful resources include the Centre Une version française de cet article est
these substances on a more regular for Addicion and Mental Health (www disponible à l’adresse
basis and go on to have drug or alcohol, Parent Action on /content/full/178/2/149/DC1
problems. Drugs (

CMAJ • January 15, 2008 • 178(2) 149

© 2008 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors

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