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Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer and write it before each number.

__________ Question 1: Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

a) Solar

b) Coal

c) Natural Gas

d) Petroleum

__________Question 2: What is the function of the mitochondria in a cell?

a) Storage of genetic material

b) Cellular communication

c) Protein synthesis

d) Energy Production

__________Question 3: What is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Transpiration

c) Respiration

d) Condensation

__________Question 4: Which of the following is a characteristic of acids?

a) Bitter taste

b) Turns blue litmus paper red

c) Slippery feel

d) pH above 7

__________Question 5: What is the main cause of seasons on Earth?

a) Tilt of the Earth's axis

b) Distance from the Sun

c) Earth's rotation

d) Presence of oceans
__________Question 6: What is the main function of the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere?

a) Absorbing carbon dioxide

b) Regulating atmospheric pressure

c) Shielding the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation

d) Generating oxygen

__________Question 7: Which of the following is a characteristic of a chemical change?

a) Change in state

b) Change in color

c) Change in shape

d) Change in temperature

__________Question 8: What is the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller particles over time?

a) Erosion

b) Sedimentation

c) Volcanism

d) Crystallization

__________Question 9: What is the main function of the nervous system in the human body?

a) Transporting oxygen

b) Regulating body temperature

c) Controlling movement and sending signals

d) Digesting food

__________Question 10: Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

a) Wind energy

b) Geothermal energy

c) Solar energy

d) Natural gas

Matching Type
Draw a line to match the term with its correct definition.


A. Velocity  The transfer of heat through a material without

the material itself moving.

B. Erosion  The change in direction of light as it passes from

one medium to another.

C. Refraction  The rate of change of displacement.

D. Conduction  The process of wearing away of the Earth's

surface by natural forces.

Fill in the Blank

Identify the answers of each number and write it and blanks below.
Question 1: The basic unit of life is the ____________.

Question 2: The Earth's outermost layer is called the Earth's ____________.

Question 3: The process by which plants make their own food is called ____________.

Question 4: In the periodic table, elements in the same ____________ have similar properties.

Question 5: The force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth is called ____________

True or False
Identify each questions whether if it’s TRUE or FALSE. Write your answers before each number.
__________ Question 1: Sound travels faster in water than in air.

__________Question 2: All mammals lay eggs.

__________Question 3: Photosynthesis occurs not only in plants but also in some bacteria and algae.
__________Question 4: Different liquids freeze at different temperatures.

__________Question 5: The Earth's magnetic field is primarily generated by the movement of molten iron in the outer

Identify the following statements and write the correct answer from each number.

Bunsen Burner Gall Bladder Graduated Cylinder Pipette Sepal

__________1. Measures and dispenses small amounts of liquid.

__________2. Stores bile and releases it to aid in fat digestion.

__________3. Measures liquid volume with high precision.

__________4. Magnifies small objects for detailed examination.

__________5. Contains the potential to develop into a seed after fertilization.

Answer the following questions and write it in A4 size coupon.
Essay Question 1: Explain the process of the water cycle and its significance in maintaining Earth's ecosystems.

Essay Question 2: Discuss the importance of biodiversity and the potential consequences of its decline. Provide
examples and suggest ways to promote biodiversity conservation.

Key Answers
Multiple Choice
Question 1: a) Solar

Question 2: d) Energy production

Question 3: b) Transpiration

Question 4: b) Turns blue litmus paper red

Question 5: a) Tilt of the Earth's axis

Question 6: c) Shielding the Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation

Question 7: b) Change in color

Question 8: a) Erosion

Question 9: c) Controlling movement and sending signals

Question 10: d) Natural gas

Matching Type

D - The transfer of heat through a material without the material itself moving.

C - The change in direction of light as it passes from one medium to another.

A - The rate of change of displacement.

B - The process of wearing away of the Earth's surface by natural forces.

Fill in the Blank

Question 6: Cell

Question 7: Crust

Question 8: Photosynthesis

Question 9: Group

Question 10: Gravity

True or False

Question 1: False

Question 2: False

Question 3: True

Question 4: True

Question 5: True

Bunsen Burner


Graduated Cylinder



Essay (2 questions)

Essay Question 1:

Students should describe the water cycle, including processes like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. The
significance should be discussed, emphasizing how the water cycle sustains life and maintains ecosystems by ensuring a
continuous supply of freshwater.

Essay Question 2:

Students should discuss the importance of biodiversity and potential consequences of its decline, such as ecosystem
imbalance and loss of genetic diversity. Provide examples, such as the impact of habitat destruction. Suggestions for
promoting biodiversity conservation could include habitat preservation, sustainable practices, and awareness

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