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1.1 Introduction to E-Commerce
E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over
the internet. It involves online transactions, electronic data interchange,
and online marketing strategies. E-commerce has revolutionized the
way businesses operate by providing a platform for global trade and
reaching a wider audience.

1.2 Introduction to MIS

Management Information Systems (MIS) involve the use of technology
to organize, analyze, and manage information within an organization.
MIS helps in decision-making processes, data analysis, and streamlining
operations for better efficiency and effectiveness.

1.3 Introduction to Store

The proposed Our EC website aims to serve as a job portal where
employers can post job vacancies and job seekers can search for and
apply to relevant positions. The store, in this context, represents the
database of job listings and user profiles accessible through the
2.1 Introduction
The planning phase involves outlining the objectives, scope, and
features of the EC website. It includes determining the target audience,
defining the functionality required, and setting goals for the project.

2.2 EC Planning Process

The EC planning process involves conducting market research, defining
the website's purpose, identifying competitors, and outlining a strategy
for website development and marketing.
The e-commerce planning process involves several key
components that are essential for the success of your online
business. Here are six crucial keys to consider:

• Market Research and Analysis:

o Identify your target market, including demographics,
preferences, and behavior patterns.
o Conduct thorough competitor analysis to understand their
strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.
o Analyze market trends, emerging technologies, and
consumer demands to identify opportunities for growth.
o Use tools like surveys, focus groups, and industry reports to
gather relevant data and insights.
• Strategic planning and Goal Setting
o Define clear objectives for your e-commerce business, such
as revenue targets, market share, and customer acquisition
o Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your value
proposition, competitive strategy, and revenue model.
o Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Time-bound) goals to guide your decision-making and
measure success.
o Allocate resources effectively, including budget, personnel,
and technology investments, to support your strategic

• Platform Selection and Technology Infrastructure

o Choose the right e-commerce platform based on your
business needs, scalability requirements, and budget
o Consider factors like ease of use, customization options,
integration capabilities, and security features.
o Invest in robust technology infrastructure, including hosting,
security protocols, and backup systems, to ensure reliable
performance and data protection.
o Leverage analytics tools, CRM systems, and marketing
automation software to optimize operations and enhance
customer experiences.
• Product Selection and Merchandising
o Curate a compelling product catalog that aligns with your
target market's preferences and needs.
o Conduct product research to identify high-demand items,
niche opportunities, and unique selling points.
o Implement effective merchandising strategies, such as
product bundling, cross-selling, and upselling, to maximize
sales and customer satisfaction.
o Optimize product listings with high-quality images, detailed
descriptions, and user-generated reviews to enhance
discoverability and conversion rates.

• Marketing and customer Acquisition

o Develop a multi-channel marketing strategy encompassing SEO,
social media, email marketing, PPC advertising, and content
o Create engaging content, including blog posts, videos, and
infographics, to attract and engage your target audience.
o Leverage social proof and influencer partnerships to build credibility
and trust with potential customers.
o Implement retargeting campaigns and abandoned cart emails to re-
engage users and drive conversions.
o Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like traffic, conversion
rates, and customer acquisition cost (CAC) to assess the effectiveness
of your marketing efforts.

• Customer Experience and Feedback

o Prioritize user experience (UX) design to ensure intuitive navigation,
fast loading times, and mobile responsiveness.
o Provide personalized recommendations, tailored promotions, and
loyalty programs to enhance customer retention and lifetime value.
o Offer multiple payment options, secure checkout processes, and
hassle-free returns to improve customer satisfaction and reduce cart
o Solicit feedback from customers through surveys, reviews, and social
media interactions to identify areas for improvement and address
concerns promptly.
o Continuously optimize your website and customer service processes
based on customer feedback and market trends to drive long-term
success and brand loyalty.

2.3 Budget
S.N. Name Pricing Duration
1. Free Domain( free LifeTime
2. Toplevel Domain Rs.950 Yearly(Renew)
3. Web Cloud Hosting Rs.5000 Yearly Renew
4. Maintenance 500 to Hour/Monthly
5. Trail( 500 to One Year
Free trail

Currently We are using a free trial webhosting platform i.e. Which gives the free testing trial period of
hosting the website with the domain name for one year.
3.1 Network Infrastructure:
Network infrastructure refers to the hardware, software, and protocols
necessary to establish and maintain communication between devices
within a network.
This section provides an overview of the foundational elements
required for networking, including routers, switches, cables, and
protocols. It emphasizes the importance of a well-designed and robust
network infrastructure to ensure reliable and efficient data

3.1.1 Connecting to the Internet:

Connecting to the internet involves establishing a link between a device
or network and the global network of interconnected computers and
servers known as the internet.
This subsection outlines the process of connecting devices or networks
to the internet, typically through internet service providers (ISPs) and
various connection technologies such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or broadband.
It discusses considerations such as bandwidth requirements, security
measures, and network configuration settings.
3.1.2 Components of I-Way:
The Information Superhighway (I-Way) refers to the infrastructure and
technologies that facilitate the transmission of digital information over
global networks, including the internet.
This section examines the fundamental components that comprise the
I-Way, including servers, routers, switches, fiber optic cables, and
protocols like TCP/IP. It highlights how these components work together
to enable seamless communication, data exchange, and access to
online resources and services. Additionally, it may discuss emerging
technologies and trends shaping the future of the I-Way, such as cloud
computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G networks.
4.1 How to launch a Successful E-Commerce Website
Launching a successful e-commerce website requires careful planning,
execution, and ongoing optimization. Here are some of the steps:

• Market Research and Planning:

o Identify target market and niche.
o Research competitors to understand their strengths and
o Define unique selling proposition (USP) and brand identity.
o Set clear goals and objectives for e-commerce website.

• Choose the Right E-Commerce Platform:

o Select an e-commerce platform that suits our needs (e.g.,
Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento).
o Consider factors like ease of use, customization options,
scalability, and cost.

• Domain Name and Hosting:

o Choose a domain name that reflects brand and is easy to
o Select a reliable hosting provider that offers fast loading
times and security features.
• Design and Development:
o Design a user-friendly and visually appealing website layout.
o Ensure mobile responsiveness for seamless browsing on all
o Implement intuitive navigation and a streamlined checkout
o Develop robust backend functionalities for inventory
management, order processing, and customer management.

• Product Selection and Content Creation:

o Curate a high-quality product catalog with detailed
descriptions, images, and specifications.
o Optimize product pages for search engines (SEO) with
relevant keywords.
o Create compelling product images and videos to showcase
offerings effectively.

• Payment Gateway Integration:

o Set up secure payment gateways to accept various payment
methods (credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.).
o Ensure compliance with PCI-DSS standards to protect
customers' financial data.

• Marketing and Promotion:

o Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy encompassing
SEO, social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.
o Utilize content marketing to engage audience and drive
traffic to your website.
o Offer promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs to
incentivize purchases.
o Leverage influencer partnerships and affiliate marketing to
expand reach.

• Testing and Optimization:

o Conduct thorough testing of your website's functionality,
performance, and usability.
o Gather feedback from beta users and make necessary
o Implement A/B testing to optimize conversion rates and user

• Launch:
o Set a launch date and create buzz through pre-launch
marketing activities.
o Double-check all elements of website to ensure readiness.
o Monitor website performance closely after launch and
address any issues promptly.

• Customer Support and Feedback:

o Provide multiple channels for customer support (live chat,
email, phone).
o Actively seek customer feedback and use it to enhance
products and services.
o Build strong relationships with customers to foster loyalty
and repeat business.
• Analytics and Monitoring:
o Install analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) to track website
traffic, user behavior, and sales metrics.
o Regularly analyze data to identify trends, opportunities, and
areas for improvement.
o Adjust strategies based on insights gathered from analytics.

• Continuous Improvement:
o Stay updated with e-commerce trends, technology
advancements, and customer preferences.
o Continuously optimize website, marketing campaigns, and
customer experience to stay ahead of the competition and
drive sustainable growth.

Launching a successful e-commerce website is an ongoing process that

requires dedication, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. By
following these steps and staying committed to delivering value to our
costumers, We can build a thriving online business.
A payment gateway is a secure technology that facilitates online
transactions by enabling the transfer of funds between a customer's
bank account or credit/debit card and the merchant's account. It
encrypts sensitive information to ensure secure transmission and
authentication, providing a seamless and secure payment process for
both buyers and sellers in e-commerce transactions.
In the context of Nepal, some popular payment gateways include:
• eSewa: One of the leading digital payment platforms in Nepal,
offering various services such as online payments, money transfers,
mobile top-ups, and utility bill payments.

• Khalti: A popular digital wallet and payment gateway in Nepal,

allowing users to make online payments, recharge mobile phones,
pay bills, and transfer money securely.

• IME Pay: An electronic payment service provider in Nepal, offering

services like mobile banking, QR code payments, utility bill payments,
and online shopping transactions.
• ConnectIPS: An online payment system developed by Nepal Clearing
House Limited (NCHL), facilitating fund transfers between banks and
financial institutions in Nepal.

• Prabhu Pay: A digital wallet and payment gateway that enables users
to perform various transactions, including online payments, money
transfers, mobile recharges, and bill payments.

• These payment gateways play a crucial role in promoting digital

payments and e-commerce growth in Nepal, providing convenience
and security to users while facilitating economic transactions in the
digital landscape.

In our website we include only eSewa payment method.

6.1 Handle Security Issue
In our website admin panel handle the security by different layer
In any one try to login and access to in our admin panel must be
• Enter the correct Username/Email and password which is stored
in database and then after only can access.
• If Username/Email Id correct and password doesn’t match form
database unable to login
• Consumer also be the same process for login own dashboard
panel for hire the jobseekers.
7.1 Company Account Register and Login
7.2 Checking login details with wrong information
7.3 Admin Login
With Invalid username / password

Successful Admin Login

7.4 Handling requested jobs

7.5 Payment Integration(eSewa) says
Table of Contents

1.1 Introduction to E-Commerce .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Introduction to MIS ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Introduction to Store............................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

2.2 EC Planning Process ................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Budget ................................................................................................................................................... 5\

3.1 Network Infrastructure: .......................................................................................................................... 6

3.1.1 Connecting to the Internet: ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 Components of I-Way: ......................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 How to launch a Successful E-Commerce Website ................................................................................. 8


5.1 Payment gateway……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12


6.1 Handle Security Issue ............................................................................................................................ 14


7.1 Company Account Register and Login................................................................................................... 15

7.2 Checking login details with wrong information .................................................................................... 16
7.3 Admin Login .......................................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Handling requested jobs ....................................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Payment Integration(eSewa) ................................................................................................................. 19
The successful implementation of the job portal website with Esewa
payment integration demonstrates the potential of e-commerce and
MIS in facilitating online transactions and connecting job seekers with
employers. By following a structured planning process, leveraging
network infrastructure, implementing robust security measures, and
integrating a reliable payment gateway, the website offers a seamless
user experience and contributes to the digital economy. Ongoing
monitoring and updates will be necessary to adapt to evolving
technologies and user needs in the competitive online marketplace.

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