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Q1. Tick the correct option:

1. Which property is used in the following:
12,356 + 11,209 = 11,209 + 12,356
a) Zero Property of addition b) Commutative Property of addition c) Associative property of addition

2. The place value of 3 in 2,34,511 is:

a) 3,00,000 b) 3000 c) 30,000

3. 1 lakh is a:
a) 5 digit number b) 6 digit number c) 7 digit number

4. 23 + 34 + 63 = 63 + ___ + 34
a) 23 b) 34 c) 63

5. 12,355 + 0 = _________
a) 0 b) 12,355 c) 12,350

6. 11,005 + 23,102 = ________ + 11,005

a) 0 b) 11,005 c) 23,102

7. Which property is used in the following:

1,500 + (2,345 + 1,210) = (1,500 + 2,345) + 1,210
a) Zero Property of addition b) Commutative Property of addition c) Associative property of addition

8. The face value of 5 in 15,206 is:

a) 5,000 b) 500 c) 5

9. 1 less than 1,00,000 is:

a) 99,999 b) 999 c) 9,99,999

10. By rounding off 10,234 to the nearest 10s, we get:

a) 10,200 b) 10,230 c) 10,240

11. 3,34,578 ______ 3,35,578

a) < b) > c) =

12. 45,009 ____ 45,090

a) < b) > c) =

13. Predecessor of 10,780 is:

a) 10,781 b) 10,779 c) 10,788

14. Successor of 9,999 is:

a) 10,000 b) 1,000 c) 9,998
15. Roman number of 39 is:

Q2. State true or false:

1. The missing letter in the series “A, D, G, J, __, P” is M ________________________
2. The missing letter in the sequence “A, B, C, C, D, D, E, ? E, F, F, F” is F. _____________
3. The 10th letter from the end in the word DISTURBANCE is T. __________
4. The mirror image of RIO is OIR. __________
5. The group of alphabets “ABLET” can be rearranged to form “TABLE”. ___________

Q3. Arrange in columns and add the following:

1,25,609 + 29,885






Q4. Round off to nearest 10 and compare the actual and estimated sum of the following:
238 + 544




Q5. Solve and write the answer in Roman Numbers:

1. XXII + VII =_______________

2. XXX – XV =________________

3. L + V = ____________________

4. X  V =____________________

5. XX  II =___________________

Q6. Write the number names of the following:

1. 12,23,094-____________________________________________________________________________

2. 28,30,840-____________________________________________________________________________

Q7. A factory produced 1,26,349 toys in the first year, 3,22,710 toys in the second year, 1,43,100 toys
in third year. What is the total number toys that the factory produced in the three years.





Q8. 37,826 males, 10,008 females, 2,093 children have gathered in a stadium to watch a cricket
match. Find the total number of people in the stadium.





Q9. School A has 27,291 students and school B has 26,083 students. What is the total number of




Q10. Sonal saved ₹ 27,983 in the month of June, ₹ 49,475 in the month of July and ₹ 34,954 in the
month of August. What is the total amount that Sonal has saved?





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