Sts Reviewer

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STS REVIEWER For example, the people in the Philippines can

be collective called the Filipino society.

The field of science provide data for innovation
WHAT IS SCIENCE in technology, but technological development
requires more scientific knowledge.
- science as a study of the natural world
based on facts learned through Technology improves the quality of life in the
experiments and observation. The society, but societal progress is highly
word ‘science’ came from the Latin dependent on technological advancement.
word Scientia, meaning ‘knowledge.’ A Societal needs are accommodated by science,
widespread definition of science states and scientific discoveries help improve the
that it is a systematic enterprise that quality of life.
builds and organizes knowledge in the
form of testable explanations and
predictions about the world. The earliest record of the existence of science
and technology was in ancient Mesopotamia
(presently, a region shared by Iraq, Kuwait,
Technology is the application of scientific Turkey, and Syria), which is the same time that
knowledge to the practical aims of human life the earliest civilization has also been recorded,
or to the change and manipulation of the both between 600 BC to 1400 AD.
human environment (Encyclopedia Britannica).
It was in ancient Greece that science was first
Thus, science and technology (S&T) are two recognized as a distinctly separate field from
independent fields but they work together in human, artistic philosophy. It was called
‘natural’ philosophy by the Greeks, or the
a ‘brains and hands’, ‘mind and action’,
philosophy concerning nature.
‘knowledge and application’, ‘theory and
practice’ partnership. Later, historical records show that the ancient
China and India have developed their own
science and technology which proliferated in the
Society is a large group of people who live entire Asian continent. In the Middle East, the
together in an organized way, making decisions Golden Age of Islam was recorded due to their
about how to do things, and sharing the work development of science and technology.
that needs to be done (Cambridge Dictionary).
It was only in 1400–1700 AD that there was an
The word ‘society’ was derived from the Latin age of Great Scientific Revolution. Since then,
word Socius, meaning ‘companionship or science and technology became so vast,
friendship’. covering the study and application of the
smallest matter on Earth up to the
Sociology is the field that studies society. It extraterrestrial objects in the universe, while
formally defines society as a group of people in societies on Earth continue to expand.
the same geographical territory, sharing a
common culture, social structure, and laws.
PARADIGM SHIFTS to their characteristics which made a standard
for future work.
While STS is a unification of three fields
(science, technology, and society), the Aristotle also elaborated and estimated the size
unification actually experiences paradigm of earth which Plato assumed to be globe.
shifting. Consider the following infographic that Aristotle explained the chain of life through his
shows how in a span of about 50 years, study in flora and fauna where it turned from
technology has great evolved, causing impact simple to more complex
on the development of social businesses.
THE evolution of technology and its impact on
Archimedes developed profound and influential
the development of social business
knowledge on mathematical physics and
1960s (we are babies) technology has little engineering that are widely used in machines as
impact. It is curiosity. well as in constructions.

1970s (we are still children) technology is for He introduced infinitesimals and laid the
academics and has little impacts. foundation for calculus.

1980s (we are still children but we can pout to He gave descriptions on the first finite
get what we want) technology invades the geometric progression, computed areas and
home and start to change the behavior. volumes of sphere and parabolic segments.

1990s ( He also discovered the laws of lever, density,

fluid equilibrium, buoyancy in different fields
statics and hydrostatics.

He is regarded as the prophet to the formal

science that was started in Ancient Greece.


Intellectual revolutions that defined society Born in Pisa, Italy, Galileo is called the ‘father of
modern science’ because of his discoveries in
Top 10 Greatest Scientists Who Changed the astronomy and physics.
World1 by Naman Bista.
he chose his career in science and mathematics
ARISTOTLE and made the first telescope to observe stars
Student of Plato and a tutor to Alexander the and planets.
Great, Aristotle was a genius Greek philosopher He also discovered that the surface of moon
and scientist of the ancient age. was not smooth but contained burrows and
Born on 384 BC, Aristotle was a biologist, a holes to what he called crater.
zoologist, ethicist, a political scientist and the He also discovered 4 revolving moons around
master of rhetoric and logic. Jupiter which are named after him.
Aristotle made collections to the plant and He proved what Copernicus said about sun
animal specimens and classified them according being the center of the solar system.
Michael Faraday This genius spent his life working in chemistry
and microbiology.
British citizen Michael Faraday was a son of a
blacksmith who had to leave school in the Pasteur was the first-ever scientist to study
fourth grade. about fermentation in food elements that was
caused by microbes.
He developed a fascination with science and
particularly in electricity after he studied lot of He also explained about biogenesis and
serious academic works during his days. proposed a theory named as the “Germ
Faraday is specially known for his discoveries of
electromagnetic inductions and rotations, field milk free from the damage causing microbes to
theory, diamagnetization and the magneto- what he called “Pasteurization”.
optical effect
Pasteur is also regarded as the first man on
Thomas Alva Edison earth to ever discover cure for puerperal fever
and make the vaccines for rabies and anthrax
Thomas Alva Edison is nicknamed “The Wizard
of the Menlo Park”. Sir Isaac Newton

Excelled as both scientist and inventor, Edison Born in Woolsthorpe, England, Sir Isaac Newton
patented a whopping total of 1,093 inventions is best known for his law on gravitation
in his lifetime.
he loved making mechanical toys and models of
Most of the inventions that came from Edison windmills. Newton explained the theory of
are batteries, phonographs, cement, mining, gravity and gravitation by inventing calculus as
telegraphs, lights, and powers. no other principles could explain it

He also improved the telephone made by He also explained the theory on tides which
Graham Bell and invented the kinetoscope that occurred due to the gravitation pull from the
was used for viewing moving films. sun, moon and earth. He also invented the
reflecting telescope.
Maria Salomea Sklodowska Curie
He was knighted with the title Sir by Queen
Marie Curie holds record for the first female to
Anne in 1705. Newton died at the age of 84
be awarded with a Nobel Prize. Inventor-
scientist Curie was born as the youngest of five Albert Einstein
children in Warsaw, Poland.
Born in Ulm, Germany, Einstein is considered as
She invented the first mobile X-ray machine one of the greatest revolutionary scientists the
which helped to check the injured soldiers in world has ever known.
the battlefield. Radium is another great
The “Man of Century” has some spectacular
invention from her.
works in physics which even makes him the
. She is also called “the mother of atom bomb” father of modern physics for his contribution in
with her invention of the radioactive materials developing the general theory of relativity

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur made astounding contributions in

the field of science, technology. and medicine.
One of the greatest scientists of the 20th
century, Einstein’s Special theory of relativity
What are the intellectual (scientific)
revolutionized physics which even challenged
revolutions known in history?
the scientists at CERN.
1. Copernican. This caused the paradigm shift of
Albert Einstein’s genius mind for the scientific
how the earth and sun were
advancement cause immeasurable change to
the world. placed in the heavens/universe. It is the idea
that rejected Ptolemaic model
Nikola Tesla
(earth is the center of the solar system) and
This Serbian born scientist atop the list because
proved the heliocentric model (Sun
of his immense knowledge in different fields of
science and technology. is the center of the solar system having the
earth revolving around it.)
Remote control, neon lightening, modern
electric motor, earthquake machine are finest 2. Darwinian. This has brought a great impact
inventions from Tesla. on how people approach Biology
He was a true genius. However, most of his forever. This revolution provided a different
ideas and inventions were either copied, stolen, than the "theory of Creation". The
or taken by somebody else.
Darwinian revolution started when Charles
Tesla made a way to charge a house with Darwin published his book "The
electric lightening for electricity purpose but did
not share it thinking somebody else will take it. Origin of Species" which emphasized that
humans are the result of an evolution.
What is an ‘intellectual revolution’?
3. Freudian. This theory started to revolutionize
Intellectual revolution is a movement about Psychiatry with Sigmund Freud.
enlightenment that was said to be initiated
during 17th century when people are more This includes the "Freudian Theory of
driven by the new discoveries in science and Personality" which states that human
technology and cultural relativism resulting development contributes to personality and
from the explorations. also to "psychoanalysis" that is the process for
achieving proper functioning if a person does
Intellectual revolution emphasizes the idea of not complete his/her developmental stage.
universal human progress, the most pragmatic
systems in science, as well as free use of reason, 4. Information. This was the era which
logic, and critical thinking. technology has been prevalent. It is also known
as the Computer Age that has brought so much
How do intellectual revolutions change on how we areliving today.
define/transform societies?
5. Meso-American. It has contributed a lot of
Intellectuals are those who are rational, logical, ideas or discoveries for Archaeology.
wise (not just smart) and have a big heart for
the world. No bias, no prejudice. The temples and pyramids left a lot about of
Architecture that leads us to study more of it.
6. Asian. The revolution itself taught Asian
countries about freedom and
Components of Nation-building
independent nationhood along with the
According to Stephenson 2005, the following
improvement brought by it internally.
are the main components of nation building:
7. Middle East. The revolutions in the Middle
Economic Development
East were a product of the development and
growth of individual nationalism, imperialism, Economic development has been defined as the
for the efforts to westernize and modernize process whereby simple, low-income national
Middle Eastern societies, and to push the economies are transformed into modern
declining power of the Ottoman Empire in the industrial economies. Economic development is
Arab region. sometimes used as a synonym for economic
growth (Myint andKrueger, 2016).
8. African. The fight against colonialism and
imperialism in Africa. Social Development
Science and technology and nation-building Social development is about uplifting the well-
(Part I) being of every individual in the society so they
can reach their full potential. The success of
society is related to the well-being of its citizen
Throughout history, S&T drive the progress of (Government of New Brunswick, 2009).
human civilization. They induce economic
Political Development
growth and social development, thus playing a
significant role in nation-building. Political development has been defined as an
increase in national political unity, political
According to Stephenson (2005), nation-
participation, and political stability.
building is all about the process of unifying
people within a state so that that the state Neureiter (2003) pointed out that the
remains politically stable and economically integration of S&T in politics revolves in the
viable. provision of science-based policies and
regulations. Science-based policies have been
The term nation-building is often used
seen to have viable and sustainable impacts to
simultaneously with statebuilding,
democratization, modernization, political
development, post Conflict reconstruction, and Institutional Development
Institutional development refers to the
Goals of Nation-building processes that improve the capacity of a social
institutions (e.g. health, education, religion) to
The following are the goals of nation-building:
achieve its goals and objectives. Over the years,
• To make a country’s economy firm, viable, the delivery of services by social institutions
stable, and prosperous have greatly improved through S&T.

• Encourage a strong sense of national identity S&T and Sectoral Development

• Create effective social institution The progress in S&T have created profound
beneficial impacts to all aspects and
sectors of a nation. The following are key Military Sector
sectors that have greatly benefited from the
Information technology, artificial intelligence
breakthroughs of S&T: and sensors have the potential to vividly
improve all aspects of future military
Energy Sector
The use of new technologies such as solar
Modeling and simulation have already made
panel, wind turbines and generators have
major contributions to training, readiness,
improved the way human harnesses renewable
weapons design, and acquisition management.
Together, these technologies can significantly
Agriculture Sector reduce combat losses in lives and equipment.

With the used of technologically produced farm Education Sector

machineries such as tractors and harvesters,
Technological advancement has greatly
farmers can efficiently produce more with less
changed the sector of education. Digital
manpower, aiming increased yield while using
simulations and models can help teachers in
lesser inputs.
explaining difficult concepts and can also help
Fisheries Sector students who are visual or tactile learners to
better understand a specific concept (Khan,
Technological innovations offer an opportunity 2019).
to improve fisheries management practices.
Technology also empowers small-scale fishers Health Sector
generating information not just on fisheries but
The advances in digital healthcare technologies,
on markets, which allows them to make better
such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-
business decisions.
printing, robotics and nanotechnology help
Communication Sector transform unsustainable healthcare systems
into sustainable ones, equalize the relationship
Science and Technology has greatly improved between medical professionals and patients,
the sector of communication. Modern provide cheaper, faster and more effective
communication has made instant using emails, solutions for diseases.
social medias, phones and videocalls. The used
of wireless signals, satellites, undersea cables, Global Perspective on S&T in Nation-building
and other advanced technology have
Science and Technology has a great impact to
guaranteed the instant delivery of messages
rapid development. S&T affect every aspects of
and other forms of data to any locations
life and was regarded as the greatest evidence
(Prajapati, 2020).
of modernization. Convenience, simplicity, and
Transportation Sector easiness in everyday living has been offered by
the introduction of modern technology.
With the use of modern technologies, people
can now get to more destinations more State of S&T of Developed Nations
efficiently and quickly.
United States, Canada, Germany, South Korea,
The used of automated buses and trains aids in Japan, Australia, and Israel will benefit the most
saving manpower and in managing the ageing from advances in science and technology, and
population in some cities
they will be able to exploit technology benefit. It shall encourage the widest
regardless of its sophistication. participation of private groups, local
governments, and communitybased
State of Science and Technology of Developing
organizations in the generation and utilization
of science and technology
In many developing countries, science and
SECTION 13. The State shall protect and secure
technology plays an important role in social and
the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors,
economic progress. The importance of science
artists, and other gifted citizens to their
and technology in addressing the national and
intellectual property and creations, particularly
international issues necessitate the promotion
when beneficial to the people, for such period
of various S&T programs throughout developing
as may be provided by law.
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Science and technology and nation-building
(Part II) The Department of Science and Technology is
the primary science and technology agency of
the Philippines. DOST is responsible for
providing central direction, leadership, and
In Filipino and English languages Provisions to coordination of all scientific and technological
Science and Technology activities, formulating activities, programs, and
projects to support national development.
SECTION 10. Science and technology are
essential for national development and Originally, it was named National Science
progress. The State shall give priority to Development Board (NSDB) created on June 13,
research and development, invention, 1958 under the presidency of Carlos P. Garcia.
innovation, and their utilization; and to science Later, it was reorganized as the National Science
and technology education, training, and and Technology Authority (NSTA) on March 17,
services. It shall support indigenous, 1982 under the presidency of Ferdinand E.
appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and Marcos. Eventually, it was elevated to cabinet
technological capabilities, and their application level uponExecutive Order No. 128 by then
to the country’s productive systems and President Corazon C. Aquino on January 30,
national life 1987 and was renamed the Department of
Science and Technology.
SECTION 11. The Congress may provide for
incentives, including tax deductions, to DOST is composed of councils and agencies with
encourage private participation in programs of specific scope and responsibilities2:
basic and applied scientific research.
• sectoral planning council
Scholarships, grants-in-aid, or other forms of
incentives shall be provided to deserving • research and development institutes
science students, researchers, scientists,
• S&T service institutes
inventors, technologists, and specially gifted
citizens. • collegial bodies
SECTION 12. The State shall regulate the • regional offices
transfer and promote the adaptation of
technology from all sources for the national • provincial S&T centers
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Forest Products Research and Development
Emerging Technology Research and Institute (FPRDI)
Development (PCIEERD)
Conducts research and development on wood
The central agency in the formulation of and non-wood forest products, transfer
policies, plans, and programs as well as in the technologies, and provide technical services and
implementation of strategies in the industry, trainings.
energy, and emerging technology sectors.
Industrial Technology Development Institute
Philippine Council for Health Research and (ITDI)
Development (PCHRD)
Undertakes technical services such as
The central agency that formulates policies, standardization, analysis, and calibration,
plans, programs, project, and strategies for transfers research results directly to end-users
health S&T development, allocates government or via linkages with other government agencies,
and external funds for R&D, monitors R&D conducts training, and provides technical
projects, and generates external funds. advisory and consultancy to industry and end-
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and
Natural Resources Research and Development Metals Industry Research and Development

The central agency that formulates policies, Provides metals and engineering industry with
plans, and programs for R&D in agriculture, professional management and technical
aquatic, and natural resources, coordinates and expertise, training of engineers and technicians,
monitors R&D efforts, allocates government information exchange, trade accreditation
and external funds for R&D, and generates services, quality control and testing of metal
resources to support its programs. products, R&D, and business economics
advisory services.
Advanced Science and Technology Institute
(ASTI) Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)

Undertakes research and development activities Undertakes R&D activities in the peaceful uses
aimed at strengthening and modernizing of nuclear energy, institutes regulations on the
Information and Communications Technology said uses, and carries out enforcement of said
and microelectronics and dedicates itself to regulations to protect the health and safety of
delivering technology solutions in support of a radiation workers and the general public.
productive and resilient Filipino society.

Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI)

Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)
Develops nutritious, safe, and affordable food
Conducts R&D for the textile industry sector,
products and transfers this technology to
undertakes transfer of completed researches to
entrepreneur for their commercial production
end-users or via linkage units of other
and distribution.
government agencies, undertakes technical
services, and provides training programs.
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Technology Application and Promotion
Astronomical Services Administration Institute (TAPI)
Promotes the commercialization of
Provides flood and typhoon warnings, public technologies and market the services of other
weather forecasts and advisories, operating units of the DOST.
meteorological, astronomical, climatological,
National Academy of Science and Technology
and other specialized information and services
for the protection of life and property and in
support of economic productivity and Recognizes outstanding achievements in
sustainable development. science and technology, providesmeaningful
incentives to those engaged in scientific and
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
technological researches, and advises the
Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
President and the Cabinet on matters related to
Mitigate disasters that may arise from volcanic science and technology.
eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami, and other
National Research Council of the Philippines
related geotectonic phenomena.
Philippine Science High School System
Promotes frontier and problem-oriented
Provides scholarship to students with high researches in the sciences and humanities that
aptitude in science and mathematics, prepares provide solutions to pressing and anticipated
its students for careers in Science and national issues and seeks an enabling
Technology, and contributes to nation-building environment where members can continuously
by helping the country attain a critical mass of generate new knowledge and exemplary
professionals and leaders in S&T. researches as well as mentor future members.

Science Education Institute (SEI) AmBisyon Natin 2040: The Vision, Our
Ambition h
Accelerates the development of S&T human
resources of the country by administering On October 11, 2016, President Rodrigo R.
undergraduate and graduate scholarships and Duterte signed Executive Order No. 5, s. 2016
advanced specialized trainings, promotes S&T approving and adopting the 25- year long-term
culture, and develop innovative science vision entitled AmBisyon Natin 2040 as a guide
education innovative programs. for development planning

Science and Technology Information Institute In its preamble, EO 5 recognizes the need for a
(STII) “bold vision and effective development
planning” based on a “forward-looking
Establishes a science and technology databank
approach that goes beyond a single
and library, disseminate science and technology
information, and undertakes training on science
and technology information. Middle-class aspirations

The Filipinos’ vision for the Philippines in 2040

is a prosperous, predominantly middleclass
society where there is equality of opportunities
and poverty has been eradicated. It will be a
society where people live long and healthy lives closely monitored, to serve as an early warning
with a higher life expectancy at birth of 80 indicator on the welfare of the poor. It should
years. not go beyond the bounds set for overall
inflation, which is at 2 to 4 percent.
On the kind of life that they want for
themselves, Filipinos want a life that is strongly 3. The Philippines will have a high level of
rooted, comfortable, and secure: matatag, human development by 2022. This will be
maginhawa, at panatag. The terms supported by improvements in education and
“stronglyrooted, comfortable, and secure” used health outcomes and the significant increase in
to describe the life envisioned by Filipinos by incomes.
2040 reveal middle-class aspirations.
4. The unemployment rate will decline from the
Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2024 current 5.5 percent to 3-5 percent in 2022.
Assuming a slight increase in labor force
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-
participation rate to 64.1 percent, this implies
2022 is the first medium-term plan anchored on
that 950,000 to 1.1 million new jobs will be
the AmBisyon Natin 2040, consistent with
generated per year. Youth unemployment rate
Executive Order No. 5, s. 2016. The priorities are
will decline to about 8 percent from the current
guided by the Duterte Administration’s 0 to 10-
11 percent. In areas outside NCR (AONCR),
point Socioeconomic Agenda, the regional
emphasis will be on improving the quality of
consultations conducted by the various
employment. The underemployment rate in
planning committees, and the social
AONCR will be reduced to 16-18 percent by
development summits that culminated in the
2022 Agenda: Malasakit at Pagbabago. The goal
of the PDP 2017-2022 is to enable Filipinos to 5. There will be greater trust in government and
attain a matatag, maginhawa at panatag na in society. The indicators for this will need to be
buhay. developed and then measured by the Philippine
Statistics Authority for 2017 and 2022.
The Philippines will be an upper middle-income
country by 2022. In the medium term, GDP 6. Individuals and communities will be more
growth is expected to strengthen further to 7-8 resilient. It should be noted that the Philippines
percent, in real terms. This means that the ranks fourth in terms of number of natural
economy will expand by about 50 percent by calamities faced in 1995-2015. This is on top of
2022 from its base in 2016. Per capita income risks from human-induced hazards like
will increase from USD 3,550 in 2015 to at least ideologically motivated conflict, criminality,
USD 5,000 in 2022. house fires, etc. Building up resilience involves
reducing exposure to hazards, mitigating the
Growth will be more inclusive as manifested by
impact of the risks, and accelerating recovery if
a lower poverty incidence in the rural areas,
and when the risk materializes. An index will be
from 30 percent in 2015 to 20 percent in 2022.
developed, considering the interplay of these
Overall poverty rate will decline from 21.6
three components; data will be collected to
percent to 14.0 percent in 2022 – equivalent to
estimate the baseline (2018) value and the
lifting about 6 million Filipinos out of poverty.
value in 2022.
The proportion of subsistence poor individuals
will fall from 8.1 percent to 5.0 percent. Food 7. Filipinos will have greater drive for
inflation will also be innovation. As measured by the Global
Innovation Index, the Philippines will rank
among the top one-third by 2022 from being in Geophysical and Astronomical Services
the top 60 percentile (74 out of 128 economies) Administration (PAGASA)
in 2016. More individuals will be encouraged to
The Human Person flourishing in terms of
obtain knowledge or acquire skills and
science and technology (Part I)
expertise. There will be more of the youth and
adults (aged 15 and up) who will be engaged in Heidegger was one of the most influential
employment, education, or training. philosophers of the 20th century. Technology
was an important element in his work: for
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP), the
Heidegger, technology was the key to
present government’s strategic plan to startup
understanding our current time.
achieving the AmBisyon Natin 2040, is
anchored on three values: Three claims
Malasakit. Regain people’s trust in public As we just heard, Heidegger’s analysis of
institutions and cultivate trust among fellow technology in The Question Concerning
Flipinos. Technology consists of three main ‘claims’:
Pagbabago. Inequality-reducing transformation (1) technology is “not an instrument”, it is a way
through increasing opportunities for growth of of understanding the world;
output and income.
(2) technology is “not a human activity”, but
Kaunlaran. Increasing potential growth through develops beyond human control; and
sustaining and accelerating economic growth.
(3) technology is “the highest danger”, risking us
The HNRDA is divided into five (5) sectors, each to only see the world through technological
having identified priority areas and programs. thinking
1. National Integrated Basic Research Agenda “Technology is not equivalent to the essence of
(NIBRA) In-charge: National Research Council of technology. When we are seeking the essence
the Philippines (NRCP) of “tree,” we have to become aware that that
which pervades every tree, as tree, is not itself a
2. Health In-charge: Philippine Council for
tree that can be encountered among all the
Health Research and Development (PCHRD)
other trees.
3. Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources
Technology has become a subject of
(AANR) In-charge: Philippine Council for
philosophers. To this day, there are several
Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources
philosophical views on technology. They
Research and Development (PCAARRD)
4. Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology
Aristotelianism (Aristotle) According to
In-charge: Philippine Council for Industry,
Aristotle, technology is basically a means to an
Energy and Emerging Technology Research and
end. It is organizing techniques in order to meet
Development (PCIEERD).
the demand that is being posed by humans. It is
5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change primarily concerned with the product and will
Adaptation (DRR CCA) In-charge: Philippine be judged as either good or bad based on the
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology value given to the product which is based on its
(PHIVOLCS) and Philippine Atmospheric use and effect to the society.
Aristotle’s Four Causes Martin Heidegger’s Views on Technology
Martin Heidegger (1889-1996) is a well-known
1. Causa Materialis or the Material Cause – the
German philosopher. He questioned the
material by which it is made of
Aristotelian and Ellulian definitions of
2. Causa Formalis or the Formal Cause – the technology (a means to an end, a human
form or shape of the material activity). Technology has been instrumentally
viewed as the same in all periods of time,
3. Causa Finalis or the Final Cause – the geared towards meeting a human need.
purpose or the primary use of the material
For modern technology, Heidegger viewed it as
4. Causa Efficiens or the Efficient Cause – the being revealed by challenging nature instead of
agent that has caused for the material to come bringing forth. it is setting upon challenges or
about demands on nature in order to a) unlock and
2. Technological Pessimism (Jacques Ellul – expose, carrying the idea that nature will not
French Philosopher, 1912-1994) Ellul believes reveal itself unless challenge is set upon it; and
that technology has become a way of life. The b) stock pile for future use, aiming to meet the
said techniques have become a framework future demands.
which humans cannot escape. He has several The Human Person flourishing in terms of
pessimistic arguments, such as technology science and technology (Part II)
progress having a price to pay, it creates more
problems, damaging effects, and as well as Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to
unpredictable devastating effects. ‘de-develop’ rich countries By Jason Hickel

3. Technological Optimism (strongly supported This week, heads of state are gathering in New
by technologists and engineers) If there is a York to sign the UN’s new sustainable
pessimist side, then there is also the optimist development goals (SDGs). The main objective
side. This philosophy believes that technology is to eradicate poverty by 2030. Beyoncé, One
can alleviate all the difficulties and provide Direction and Malala are on board. It’s set to be
solutions for problems that may come. a monumental international celebration.
Technological problems may rise but technology
The idea of “de-developing” rich countries
will still be the solution. Technology is the
might prove to be a strong rallying cry in the
supreme authority on everything.
global south, but it will be tricky to sell to
4. Existentialism (Martin Heidegger) This is the westerners. Tricky, but not impossible.
view on the article read above in the activity. According to recent consumer research, 70% of
This view basically investigates on the meaning people in middle- and high-income countries
of existence or being and is always faced with believe overconsumption is putting our planet
the selection one must make with which the and society at risk. A similar majority also
existent will commit himself to. It believes that believe we should strive to buy and own less,
the real essence of technology lies in and that doing so would not compromise our
“enframing” - the gathering of the setting which happiness. People sense there is something
challenges man to bring the unconcealed to wrong with the dominant model of economic
unconcealment. In other words, technology is a progress and they are hungry for an alternative
way of revealing. narrative.
Human flourishing is defined as an effort to “The good life is a process, not a state of being.
achieve self-actualization and fulfilment within It is a direction, not a destination.” Carl Rogers,
the context of a larger community of American Psychologist (1902-1907)
individuals, each with the right to pursue his or
The meaning of this term up to the present
her own such efforts. Humans, just like all
times remains vague. Philosophers and thinkers
organisms, have innate abilities and
like Plato, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and
characteristics that let them sustain their
Friedrich Nietzche once made the question of
function and survive in a given environment.
the good life central to their philosophy.
But in the very center of human being is an
Similarly, questions such as, “Is a meaningful
unexplainable thirst for happiness, serenity, and
life also a happy one?” and “Is living with
fulfilment. This unquenchable thirst towards
happiness, means living a good life?” are still
indefinite bounds of life can only be sufficed
parts of the debates even among the
once fulfilled. Why? What is our ultimate desire
for living?
Socrates, who said, “the unexamined life is not
The Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested that
worth living for”.
each man’s life has a purpose, and the the
function of one’s life is to attain that purpose. The idea however, of worth living should be
Happiness is the highest desire and ambition of filtered with experience and vice-versa.
all human beings. To achieve it, one must
cultivate the highest virtues within one’s self. Aristotle viewed the” good life as a life of
Aristotle believed that human beings have a relationships.”
natural desire and capacity to know and It is man’s nature to seek good life with and for
understand the truth, to pursue moral others rather than experiencing it by himself.
excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the
world through action. These actions are geared He further elucidated the idea of relating the
towards one’s proper and desired end - essence of happiness to achieving well-being
flourishing, happiness, or “eudaimonia”- a and experiencing good life.
Greek word which refers to a state of having a Steve Mueller “…a (desirable) state that is
good indwelling spirit, or being in a contented primarily characterized by a high standard of
state of being healthy, happy and prosperous. living or the adherence to ethical and moral
That is our ultimate desire for living. laws… As such, the term can both be
The Good Life understood as the quest for wealth, material
possession or luxuries and the quest to create a
Living the good life can mean something worthwhile, honest and meaningful existence.”
different for everyone. However, there is still a
general understanding of what this idea entails Martin Heidegger who dealt more on how we
to most human beings living in the modern live an “authentic life” rather dealing with the
world. It is evident, however, that man’s “good life”.
personal decision and ideas – on progress, Living an authentic life means living with deep
happiness, beliefs, expectations, attitudes, and acceptance on the facticity of “death” and
feelings – are directly affected by convenience resulting to a “life lived according to what it has
and benefits brought about by science and clearly decided as its meaning and purpose.”
technology (Dotson, 2012). (Corpuz, B. et al., 2016)
6. Avoid excess. Live life in harmony and
balance. Avoid excesses. Even good things
Ten Golden Rules by Michael Soupios and Panos
pursued or attained without moderation can
become a source of misery and suffering.
1. Examine life, engage life with vengeance;
7. Be a responsible human being. Approach
always search for new pleasures and new
yourself with honesty and thoroughness.
destinies with your mind. Living life is about
Maintain a kind of spiritual hygiene. Stop the
examining life through reason which is nature’s
blame-shifting for your errors and
greatest gift to humanity. Reason lets human
shortcomings. Be honest with yourself and be
beings participate in life; to be human is to
prepared to assume responsibility and accept
think, appraise, and explore the world,
discovering new sources of material and
spiritual pleasure. 8. Don’t be a prosperous fool. Prosperity by
itself is not a cure-all against an ill-led life and
2. Worry only about the things that are in your
may be a source of dangerous foolishness.
control, the things that can be influenced and
Money is necessary but not a sufficient
changed by your actions, not about the things
condition for the good life.
that are beyond your capacity to direct or
alter. Since people cannot control all of the 9. Don’t do evil to others. Evildoing is a
outcomes they seek in life, they certainly can dangerous habit, a kind of reflex too quickly
control the responses to these outcomes which resorted to and too easily justified that has a
lies to their potential for a life that is both lasting and damaging effect upon the quest for
happy and fulfilled. the good life. Harming others claims two victims
– the receiver of the harm and the victimizer,
3. Treasure friendship, the reciprocal
the one who does harm.
attachment that fills the need for affiliation.
Friendship cannot be acquired in the 10. Kindness towards others tends to be
marketplace but must be nurtured and rewarded. Kindness to others is a good habit
treasured in relations imbued with trust and that supports and reinforces the quest for the
amity. good life. Helping others bestows a sense of
satisfaction that has two beneficiaries – the
4. Experience true pleasure. Avoid shallow and
beneficiary, the receiver of the help, and the
transient pleasures. Keep your life simple. Seek
benefactor, the one who provides the help.
calming pleasures that contribute to peace of
mind. True pleasure is disciplined and Five ‘Schools of Thought’ are provided in our
restrained. quest to attain happy and good life:

5. Master yourself. Resist any external force 1. Materialism (Democritus and Leucippus).
that might delimit thought and action. Stop Matter is what makes attain happiness. For
deceiving yourself, believing only what is most people, material wealth would seem to be
personally useful and convenient. Complete the primary source of the meaning of their
liberty necessitates a struggle within, a battle to existence.
subdue negative psychological and spiritual
2. Hedonism (Epicurus). Life is about obtaining
forces that preclude a healthy existence. Self-
and indulging in pleasure because life is limited
mastery requires ruthless candor.
and does not buy the notion of afterlife. Their
famous mantra is, ‘Eat, drink, and be merry for He argued that intelligent robots should all be
tomorrow we die.’ programmed to obey the following three laws:
• A robot may not injure a human being, or,
3. Stoicism (Epicurus). To generate happiness,
through inaction, allow a human being to come
one must learn to distance oneself and be
to harm
apathetic. In this world, we should adopt the
fact that some things are not within our control. • A robot must obey the orders given it by
human beings except where such orders would
4. Theism. The ultimate basis of happiness for
conflict with the First Law
theist is the communion with God. Most people
find the meaning of their lives using God as the • A robot must protect its own existence as long
fulcrum of their existence. as such protection does not conflict with the
First or Second Law
5. Humanism. This school of thought espouses
the freedom of man to carve his own destiny These three laws may appear to be a good way
and to legislate his laws, free from the shackles to keep robots from causing harm to humans.
of God to monitor and control. For humanists, However, to a roboticist, they create more
man is the captain of his own ship. They see problems than they solve. Indeed, programming
themselves not merely as stewards of the a real robot to obey the three laws would be
creation but as individuals who are in control of extremely difficult.
themselves and the world outside them.
When technology and humanity cross
If robots can feel pain, should they be granted
The ethical dilemmas of robotics1 by Dylan certain rights?
If robots develop emotions, as some experts
If the idea of robot ethics sounds like think they will, should they be allowed to marry
something out of science fiction, think again, humans?
writes Dylan Evans.
Should they be allowed to own property?
Experts in South Korea said they were drawing
David Hanson, an American scientist who once
up an ethical code to prevent humans abusing
worked for Disney, has developed a novel form
robots, and vice versa.
of artificial skin that bunches and wrinkles just
European Robotics Network (Euron) - group like human skin, and the robot heads he covers
leading roboticists. in this can smile, frown, and grimace in very
human-like ways.
Top of their list is SAFETY.
These robots are specifically designed to
Software robots - basically, just complicated
encourage human beings to form emotional
computer programmes - already make
attachments to them. From a commercial point
important financial decisions.
of view, this is a perfectly legitimate way of
Whose fault is it if they make a bad increasing sales. But the ethics of robot-human
investment? interaction are more murky.

Isaac Asimov was already thinking about these Jaron Lanier, an internet pioneer, has warned of
problems back in the 1940s, when he developed the dangers such technology poses to our sense
his famous "three laws of robotics." of our own humanity. If we see machines as
increasingly human-like, will we come to see
ourselves as more machine-like?

Lanier talks of the dangers of "widening the

moral circle" too much.

If we grant rights to more and more entities

besides ourselves, will we dilute our sense of
our own specialness?

This kind of speculation may miss the point,

however. More pressing moral questions

Because we have become dependent on mobile

are already being raised by the increasing use of phones for our everyday life, the quality of life
robots in the military. has become fast-paced, just like mobile phones.
Everything now needs to run in one click. We
It is an E.M.I.G.L.I.O. Robot, version 2015. expect immediate reply when we communicate
through email, text, or messaging. Our
In the article you read above, “The ethical
deadlines became shorter, like minutes or days,
dilemmas of robotics,” it talked about how
not even weeks. Everything has become virtual,
people, especially in first world countries, or
even our social life! Before, we’d like to meet
those with the most advanced technologies like
people in schools, parties, church gatherings,
robots, have come to a point where they are
and various places. Now, we meet people
already emotionally attached with robots. Thus,
online. We can follow a person’s life wherever
they insist that robots should be given human
on earth s/he lives. We can now gather a lot of
rights, too, and be treated with moral and
information in just a short span of time. But
ethical values like humans. How did this come
together with this automation and virtuality,
to be?
threats to life also came out, such as privacy
But what if a “sentient” robot (as the article breach, distracted driving, phishing, and many
described), a robot capable of showing others, even including health risk through
emotions: it can cry, laugh, or say sweet things radiation.
we’d love to hear – had been developed and
made affordable in the Philippines, will we
Filipinos eagerly get one for ourselves? Will you
get one?

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