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Math 3: Basic Geometric Terms

1.) Point

● It is represented by a dot (.)

● Used for location
● Does not have a height, length, or width (no size)
● Is named using a capital letter

Point A

2.) Line

● One dimensional (length only)

● Infinite number of points that are put beside each other
● Two arrowheads on both ends indicate its infinite length
● When naming a line, either use the two points that lie on the
line or just use a small letter

3.) Plane

● Two-dimensional (length and width)

● Shapes are planes
● Label it with a capital letter or any 3 NON-COLLINEAR
points that are on the plane


4.) Collinear Points

● Points that are on the same line

5.) Coplanar Points

● Points that are on the same plane

6.) Line Segment

● Segment of a line
● Basically a line but instead of the two arrowheads kay points
yung meron (to indicate na until there lang yung length nya)
● Symbolized by two endpoints w/ a line above the letters
7.) Rays

● A line that extends in only one direction

● Half line (forda hybrid sess)
● When naming a ray, write/read first the starting point (the one
with no arrowhead) then the next point

Ray AB

8.) Opposite Rays

● Two rays that have the same starting point

● Extends in opposite directions
● You label it the same way that rays are labeled (obv cuz
opposite rays are just rays duhhh)

9.) Intersecting Lines

● Lines that intersect
● They share a common point
● Two or more lines cross each other in a plane

10.) Intersecting Planes

● Planes that intersect through a line

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