Lesson Plan in MTB 1

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School Grade Level One

Teacher Learning Areas MTB
Time Quarter 2
Date Week 4
I. Objective 1. Identify cause and/or effect of events in a story listened to.
2. Predict possible outcomes.
3. Appreciate the beauty of nature and local products.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and informational
B. Performance Standard Comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and informational
C. Most Essential Learning Identify cause and/or effect of events in a story listened to.
Competencies/Objectives (MT1LC-IIc-d-4.2)
Integration: Arts-Arts appreciation. (man-made or natural)

II. Content Identifying cause and/or effect of events in a story listened to. (MT1LC-
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learners Material Pages
3. SLMs ADM Module in MTB 1 Q2 W4
4. Materials pictures, strips of paper, chart, power point presentation
B. Other Learning Resources K to 12 MELCs MTB p. 369
IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Draw a line to match each picture on the left with its
rhyming partner on the right.

1. well fan

2.car rag

3. can map

4. cap bell

5. bag star

B. Establishing a Purpose for I have here pictures with action words in it. Please listen as I post and
the lesson read it.



What can you see in the pictures?

What do you think will happen next to the given pictures?

C. Presenting/Instances of the Motivation:

new lesson
Have you gone to a park?
What can you see at the park?
I have here some pictures.
Where do you think are this place?

Listen as I read a story.

At The Park

One afternoon, Mang Jose took his grandchildren

namely Arnel and Dina to the Children’s Park in Guiuan.

Arnel and Dina ran around the

park and played at the slide, swing, monkey
bars and see-saw while Mang Jose just
over them.

After an hour, they got tired and sat on the grass. The two
children were very tired but they were happy.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Where did Mang Jose and his grandchildren go?
2. Why did Mang Jose’s grandchildren sat on the grass?
3. What made them tired?
Listen as I read the sentences, identify the cause (why it happened) and
the effect (what happened).
1. Arnel and Dina were very happy because Mang Jose took them to the
2. The two children got tired playing, so they sat on the grass.

Do you like the story? Why?

How often do you hear stories?
This morning, you are going to hear short stories.
You will also learn how to identify cause and effect in the
story you listened to.

But before we start our lesson, I want you to remember this STAR as we
go through our lesson and discussion:
1. Sit properly.
2. Talk one at a time.
3. Actively participate in class discussions and activities.
4. Respect one’s opinion/ideas.

Are you ready?

D. Discussing New Concepts Look at this picture.

and Practicing new Skills.

What are the objects in the pictures?

Where can we buy these objects?
Can we find it here in the market of Guiuan?
We will use these pictures in our lesson for today.

Let us define first what is a cause and what is an effect.

Cause/Kawsa- the reason of the event that happened.

- it answers the question why it happened?

Effect/Epekto- the result of what happened.

- it answers the question what happened?

Take a look at these pictures.

What is in the pictures?

What is showed in the second picture?
Why did the balloon pop?
How about these pictures?
At the first picture what do you think will the boy do with the balloons?
What if a strong wind will blow, what will happen next?
Look at the second picture, why is the child became sad?

How about these pictures?

Why do you think the egg got broken?

Can you now see the difference between cause and

Let’s see whether you can identify the cause and effect.
Read given statements. Identify the cause by encircling it and the effect
by underlining it.


Mahamis it dagat ha Pagnamitan Beach sanglit damo it naparigo



Damo it namamalit ha
Prince Hypermart kay mga barato it paninda didto.

Maupay it simbahan hit Guiuan, damo it nasimba nganhi.

E. Developing Mastery A. Identify the cause by encircling it and the effect of the following
events by underlining it.

1. Kaadlawan yana ni Carla, ginluto ni Mana Nelly an iya mga paborito

nga mga pagkaon.
2. Nakakuha hi Susan hin hataas nga grado kay nag-aram hiya hin
maupay han ira leksyon.
3. Damo an kinaon ni Gary sanglit nag-ul-ol an iya tiyan.
4. Tinumar hi Marta hin medisina kay ginhihirantan hiya.
5. Ginbibis-igan pirme ni Dan an ira mga tanaman sanglit tumubo ini.

F. Making Generalization and Time to wrap up what you have learned in this lesson.
Abstraction about the Lesson Listen as I read the meaning of cause and
effect. If you hear the meaning of cause shout, “Hep
Hep!” If it is the meaning of effect, shout, “Hurray!”

1. It is the reason things happened. It answers the

question “Why it happened?”
2. It is the result of something that happened. It answers the question
“What happened?”
G. Finding Practical Application:
Application A. Study the following pictures. Identify whether the picture shows an
effect or a cause. Put them in the correct place using the graphic
Cause Effect

B. Using the given pictures, predict possible outcomes.





H. Evaluating Learning Directions: Identify the cause and effect of events in texts read by
matching column CAUSE to column EFFECT. Use a line to connect the
V. Additional Activity Ask a member of your family to tell you a story. After
listening, list down the cause and effect by filling out
the table below.

Cause Effect

Prepared by:

Teacher 1


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