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Price Re. 1/- LB) aaa MONTESSORI SCHOOL a Regn. No. UPENG/2009/28201 Personality Development ‘om creates a better future for al children by maximising their opportunities through quality education and Initiatives for unity and development. See Examination Scheme on Page 7 Dr Jagdish Gandhi, an cone figure inthe fed of teducstion anda tireless advocate for global peace, passed away in the early hours of 22 lanuary, 2024 at the age of 87 Hs remarkable journey began in 1936 when he was born in Barsaul a smal village in Aligarh trict of Utar Pras, inc, 1 195, wth jst R 200 n boro wed capital nd five Childron, and 2 profound vision of erating world peace through education, Dr Gandhi and his wife, Or Bharti Gnd, founded the ity MontesiorSehool (CMS) in Lucknow, and embarked onan extraordinary ‘dcatonal journey. Dr Gandh’s unique education enabled CMS to become the welds ages school with over 61,000 students currently, which has been recognize by Guinness World Records since 1989. agdsh Gandhi legacy is notlimtedto numbers, oF records, But defined by his unwavering deecation to transforming education and promoting peace ona global scale A dezated member ofthe Baha'i fath e Bellved in fostering ‘lobatharmony and understanding, and the vision of ‘Vasudhav Kut in his ster. This ommtment ed to CMS being awarded the prestigious UNESCO Pie for Peace Education in 2002 His emphasis on values, ethics and peace permested every aspect of CMS'seurtculum anda events Dr Gandhi also organised the Intemational Conference of Chief usties ofthe Wold fr 24 years, attracting 1480 judges from 141 countries. These conferences focused on fostering global judi elalogue on developing enforceatie international lows foe the protection of children and future generations. His Inpacts sett resonate fr many generations fesies his contributions to education, Or Gandhi is tlio recognized as a former independent member of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly fom 1368 to 3974 Fors outstanding services, Or Gandhi receives many awards, Including the Yash Bhar Award the Derozio| ‘Award, UP Ratna Award, Key to the City of Georgetown, ‘the Global Poneer Award, the prestigious Gusi Peace Prive, and four honorary doctorates trom four works renowned universes, Dr Gandhi is survived by his wife, Dr Bhart Gandhi, four chien Or Suita Gandhi Mr Vinay Ganchi, Professor Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, and Professor Nita Gandhi Frou, thee spouses, and six granceilren Dr Jagdish Gandhi Founder, Ector, Caeser or Wedd Unity ‘double Serant of ono 0 agen Gana et for isheneny abode on 22nd ‘rol enouns Cy Manteo seal CM) along with i “eb Shartcanah in 3989 Lucio with ae + Gandhi wat guide byte Bah Fath when he adopted n1974, bebe pews areacy mn vasudha Gandhi's eraser le was deaiate to astering 2 ‘more une ad pescefl word hugh eduction. ‘Rosy illeorinue to napresenrtons ‘Unde is laces, CMS re om student to ver {51.000 sets, ering Glness ord Aer, Me foreaceEeestionefleing nic omen 0 63! A Eulogy by Prof Geeta Gandhi Kingdon Dr lagish Gandhi was so many things to so mary people To hs children and prandehitren he was doting and mosteving and Serial father and arandlother; tohis devoted wife he was a considerate and protective husband; tohis colleagues, he was ‘generous, just and empowering ‘employe, instilling in them a Senseo thelr own capaettes and honing thelr talents through patent nurturing letting them make mistakes, believing in ther, giving them autonomy and agency, trusting them. Tai eles, he was Forgiving, chartable and munfcent. He rarely lsappoited anyone, Banting everyone thai wishes, and never turning away Sny sou, He went to every weiing and fami felebration he was itd to, rom the hummblest employee tothe highest. He was wise and decering in i puble dealings, While beng an excelent jucge of character, with sharp powers of observation, ne nevertheless hada sn covering eve, evng ering people seemingly infinite latitude Dr Jagalsh Gandhi was a steadtas brave-hear when faced with adversity strong asia, dealing with Challenges through drawing on dine guidance. He was A staunch believer in the power of Go's askance in the face of dificult, beleving that when works done with a serie motive it draws Goes help to fight the obstacies Informed by the teachings ofthe Baha Faith, his understanding was that isimportant to Follow the teaching of our fath in your life andto change your conduct nthe lignt of haze teachings, rather than doing merely the rituals associated with thot religion. He believed thot ile worship is meaningless, needs to be replaced by deeds of purity and a goody personal conduct Dr Jagdish Gandhi's many qualities ae worthy of emulation, The mest important ofthese was detachment from the things ofthis word, eg. ‘detached from money, wealth power, postion, poktcal ambition Another important quality was hs legendary humittyand servitude Dr Gandh’s work consisted ofa very important service tothe world~an educaton which beyond academic excellence promotes the cause of world unity. a pursuit ofthis goal, he organised 20 international felucotionel events annually to bring cide together ‘rom various counties and different parts of Ind, for ‘cross-cultural exchanges. He also organised the Intemational Conference of Chief urtces of the Word every year continual for 24 years in order to create a Elimate of global opiion in favour of 3 woes {government thet can sole supranational problems He Blea organized an annual conference on gander equality fd on interfaith harmony in mut-relgious societies chat our. Here'sa short poem I wrote for my father in 2017: You area candle burning burnin, weeping its if owoy: but you bara 50 gly You burn for your aim, the redemption of mankind You a7 kind to others, unkind to yourself gentle on others, strict with yourself You define the very meaning of posson striving, perseverance, teraely You are the defntion of focus You are Arjun intent upon the ee ofthe ied You are inspiring, encouraging, ever hopeful evergreen You are the man in Kipling’ “F” My father's legendary huity dé nt spring fom "weakness professionali, the ccumstances deranced ithe was tough and uncompromising ‘A deeply spictual maa, he used to vs rishi munis and Hind ly paces, and sing Bhajans eat morning one particularly popular with him being "At we) 2g rh a A war at gH re Te san a1" After coming across the teachings ofthe Baha’ Faith (which largely refleced what he already believed - werd government, peace, service tothe word; personal integrity: a vrtvous ie) he also drew Estnance from the Baha’ holy writings. He had commited many beautful writings to memory and ‘would recite ther nhs talks, which made his speeches penetrating and impactful He enjoyed beng part of the Lucknow aha community though he was not abeto ‘ve much time tits routine activities. DeGandhi vas family-oriented man in ways that most people wouldnt know Because his outward visage Was ‘apparently 0 work focused, the farm focus wat ‘obscured, When his ehidren were youne, he took them ‘onan edationl trp to ans to show them the sory ‘ofthe valour of the young queen Rar of Jans. He ‘cared deeply for their quality of education. He would talk tos young children about werld government to the amusement of his we, who judges tht we the children were too young to understand sich concepts, be worked nar for, and eisplayed great tolerance fer, the sake of fami unity, ‘We al take comfort rom the prayers and easings ‘which el us that we need not greve, for death sa tnessengerof joy, and wich ature uso the very high Station throveh athe welds of Gad for those who ‘arte to do His work on earth — Prof Geets Gandhi Kingdon President, CMS and daugter of Dr Ganchi Connect with CMS on Social Medial Facebook : Facebook conyGMSeducation Twitter Instagram : @cms.lucknow Linkedin : linkedin. corn/schooVitymontessorischoo! : @omsjaijagat MEMORIES TO CHERISH FEBRUARY 2024 (2) 4 aufdes creat ferter arar &, ate faifttot a ur Breet stayera erat 2 = order ae, fei we eee, a atl a, TA (6) a eh at A wh ee et ee re fg aigt eS he re Seo dae gear 3B a ie fo oa Woe TE TH eget] me OR der ee Cg A ohibanteedentabied ‘beh 1 ere ee Be Pg ETS Rage a9 Gee ss aaa See Septic eg tera ater es cel Siegen et ae ree eer Prager 6 aah ee oer ee sr ate wee ow Fe Sree eft ar wR ee Sash net ee mere re foveal oa 8 gel ae oe a et ea dae ae oe 8 gS a A ene 8 ea ate are ae sd haha te AS eh go Rod Far A tas 6) eae woes ey GA ne MARGRET A AH ST TR) MT AY MNS AE ‘See ela Hee eH ew elf ot Ga he Feat een a ef ee ae fe 4 an ap oe 8 «rae 3 Brea Bef ET aR we eR TS Sort aa god 9 a 8 a ee Fars hoe a oft Se =e see dara 1 ers ram Fe a fs fen gear Prat en See Fe 8 rsa et ga a ee A ‘Aree aft oe 8 ert rr ai ek Fe me oe Sete af oe ea ee rc Seeds ghagl des aoe SaaS Bal wis aedamer ea seat 8 Sa SE ae Fo ATE ree te, a ah 8 re Eo ok eA ade eat wo A yen we te Rerear orga ce ea eee oa ee Qe der sherdat wham ewer peri iat suet healt eertivoed tes age aa tice rere igy eo af? ere mere a Reovaion om ee ek a Ri ceme sae swe attr Ee ae eT AA Heth ceed ges STA SHEE ib ane 9 Be aaa aT ‘ayer cere oe HA BP) ARTS ee ‘gegen Sa Gere rears gra er ae Fue ‘ach we Gay ue a) #8 eet ce rere ics pn on ace me 24 fe eve aoa am oe 1 ee Po ea eh Reh a) (ge glen dar A & we at were sree gate quer re eee (Sect a ewe ater oe th eh ah eras aN Ae eg MTT Tea ds 8 Ao a el a a Se eh 0 on RAL wR Oe TEA [a ugh id eae POT BT wT era rer ee Pree Pre eT SF aete G1 ae Ta Ae Stare eat he woe Be fag a chorete gem for are re eet Rew ae BI RN eB ER auger core et boty eaend Os, oleae eel el ee ll eth Oe Aloe we et eee teh ae ere age ner 2g 3h ca gm ad at Ae Ose (6) Fee ge 8 A Tf ert shah oa afb ee spa oa 28 er at ee ea aa Sage sa a fer ee ae et Rremeigedg anwar cat set re 2 ors gu 92 at a Se A AT sew timeed gras acon oir grt Fee wer ae Rawr ea gad Go a fae ner ah | At rat 8 ee ‘emit acho ae ee fe tonto ro ere sere fete Te Ere Ree er ew her Re agg ‘Beh sa 8g oe So awa en STU Saree [Dx Jagdish Gandhi was a distinguished 1 gtfrat and visionary education, leaving oF ‘nelle mark with hs commitment to ‘education. Trough the foundation of {CMS, he pled a photo in proving ualiy and accessible education 0 Counts chile, shaping the futures and contributing tothe betterment of Seciety Mis pesion for creating a fhurtring and empowering faring Grvronment has undoutedl et = lasting lgacy, He abo served people 2s Member of Uttar Pradesh eglatve 2asombly His remarkable contributions the eld of education wil alwaysbe ‘remembered, and his demise isa great lors tothe ration Mr Om Bia, Speaker, Lok Sabha, Ina ce A Tearful Adieu to my Husband, my Life-Partner, Dr Jagdish Gandhi = Dr Bharti Gandhi, rounder recor cy Marton Snel une Gandhi et th earth for: heavenly abode fon 22nd anuary 2026 He ia soir ‘death working tthe very ern feet tiaeat the schoofs Annual Function of CMS Soni Nagar Extension thatthe death tne war sounded whenhe suddenly olapeed Sd was taken to Hospital My thought rll back to 25th of anuary 1958, hen got married to logs Gandhi a simple and energetic person fom Aligarh Studying at Lctrow University and elected evernment psjchologst while he had Wis Fevoktonary ides f wore peace uestion and sca justin and suai (ur thinking mated an we were unites ina simple mariage ceremony which was sttended bythe then Governor of UP, His cele Mr. V-Gi who based us saying "Worl apd) marries india (har We began cu ite seo, City Montessori Shoo inspired bythe eas of Maa ‘Montassn and our mote wa “a ga from the slogan raised by Vinobs Shave and ‘Manatma Gandhi whose vitonary appeoach we wished toinceate nou Students. Gandhi, my usbang, aways thought nd dreamt ig, hs approach was neve narrow. The Vai phlsopay of ‘Vasudhai otumbtam (he whole earth butone fami) was our ging lig whieh sillemainstodey asthe fea postin out ‘edatonal pattern ‘When Gandhi went o England in 3974, he personales wo had the same wer ison fd he lo found a faith when rected ‘wn inner voiceThe Ban Fath, Many of the das of the Baha Fath ware the sme bes we wanted to propagate and prometa for ramp universality of ‘eacation and edveation ea men and ‘women a two wings ofthe bd, bath needed tobe equaly powerful for atone and sucessful fight; equalty of men and ‘and Oneness of Religion, Harmony between Science and Religion peaceful consultation ‘sea seus ei ‘we went deeper zo the ha" Fath we found that ebrvght al the religions ofthe ‘ors together ana al the relions reached the sare sity Cr Gandh started dtverng lectures and ‘at aay by nis se doing mbt ane evelop as our shoo spreaa is wings and ‘expanded, Maria Montezrori ao worked for world peace, Td, as ok back, ean ‘nsband has ved hs fe fully and ices Bk 9 boat meandering ts way to succes an echoing his veut ines, vate we Prom elt 8, a8 fir 8 re Farewell my rend, my guid, my husbana Vie wil meet again inte nxt word, Death fsbut a seep opening ts yesin the lnc of the mighty Goa. You have conquered the hearts of men and fulfil your purpose of Ife on earth bid you a ert aes ‘though stl se an everlasting se on yourface that wil ontinae to mepte s Some Messages of Condolence lo cent it see ep ote far & fe es Been of fern A cre # Ao wa i eh a oe it it gore ae wR fom Bas 4 oh ere gor Bo mf eT ‘ws ry & fer ery a Hrs oh cote nt et A ag cen Se no ein te aren @ C38 tea ‘aeguce ee ees Ro ah ee w h aTET = ay aoe fe, at, are TEE ‘owed ih oh gat Rtg wan a) Ser Alone tA Fe ibe gee of a sore ee sae aay fr 8 fe a ocx i oC 4 fay aes wena 8 to AN wt a 8 Pe $e Sat Fe ge eon Wet Eo oe A edo Re tom at fe hil Neg @ $e 8 Hk = he see a, ou eA, ORD TUTE ed ae 8 vi feo ten 1 ee Winer wr ee ne Wh ae ee TE Ber wig er 8&9 eae wet Ae a gee dares SE UN A Re ores a war ee ee = A asta som, BeAVTFA, GORD we gee ge he ee A (ope ar Fre A ge wear B) = aha sare at et, Ta RT, ‘S05 EET ap cee ahh oA 8 ate WB) EE See ee pe Aa a8 Ee ag oer S18 eae Tom we SE A aT DrJagash Gandhi beacon of ‘seston innovation an interfaith harmony, exemplified the teachings of ‘the Baha Fath which were bis source ‘inspiration ane courage. Or Gand championed word unity and peace through education He workes ties for humanity, focusing on what needed to be done rather than his personal comfort. is deep faith, and robust work ethic was rellected in is staffs tvee- Shit system, ensuring nt a moment goes to waste His ‘bal wrld-embracing von lta huge impact cna who met him. His influence an legacy wl be eheished {er generations to come As we emember hin, we honor his ifs werk ane he protoun impact he made ‘on countless individuals. i journey inspires us to work {ora better world and 1 da much more. Godspeed, apa on your eventual |oumey to the cour of haines. 1 Pe oH ate 8 eh der bh ae xara tar fed aay ee ga ee aA et ee fe a Ra amet ne a gar wen wet sft eH = A ar Pe, TRIN, THT ‘Tribute to dear Papa: Vinay & Mona Gandhi Dr Jagdish Gandhi was the heart and soul of CMS. In his oving care, CMS grew from tiny seed to become the Tages institution of the word. He launched a wordwide campaign for ‘World Unity, Peace and Justice ‘through Internationa conferences and seminars, the main being the International conference af Chi lstices ofthe World. la-abaing caer, he showed is aietonce to the Constitution of India ana highlighted Article $2. ofthe Constitution asthe most effective medicine to contol cheos, war ond cenit inthe world nd make the earth a happy and ste pace fr the present and future generations. The word wil avays remain indebted to him for his anovativ thought and path breaking idea n education, We miss you sorely but pledge to walkin your ways, always. IN MEMORIAM: DR JAGDISH GANDHI- A LIFE, A LEGACY FEBRUARY 2024 (3) Chief Minister, UP Shri Yogi Adiyanathji tt acer e =m, ze eve: Baie aa eee eer 3 wr tn Boe ‘rate Sor fr anege te & ye Ms Priyanka Gandhi Vadra General Secretary, Al nia Congress Commitee, UP “Be Ie rete ge ge # ee ee Seren me moe ee eet ne ome peered ta tot tor soment em eeerch ae we Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) igewsespoc nd cera scot aon pe so ss cy pa ene seocdn pling al we moving bel on ep Fico ces casicswalc ae ned ad my, Condolences Pour in Internationally Wie are very sory to hear such bad news. Pease accept ‘ur deepest condolences onthe death of our beloved DOr Gandhi, Peace be strong inthis moments HE. Mr Stjepan Mesic Former President of the Republic of CROATIA Funeral Guard of Honour tor agi Gand He was an exceptional himan being of immeasurable sion, relentless hope and profound humanity As You tare aware andas muchas I would have liked to attend to pay homage to tis phenomenal vionay, imply ort have the available resources and means t0 tend. wil however keep him earesty in my ‘prayers and pray that Almighty God welcome him with ‘pen aes for being a rue formidable servant of humanity and dlscipleof God. The wor isa poorer place by his passing. His transformative lgacys, sured. deeply fee the familys os for Ihave such ‘warm, heat, genuine memaries of the Ganahi famiy and thelgushing love. Take care HE. Me Justice Anthony Thomas Carmona, Sth President of Republic of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO lam deeply saddened by this devastating news. My

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