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Resk asseasmeo

Risk Pucoution
Aepunol ’ flam mable . haodle with Cart
. Auord conkct with dect
> Conoi ve Alamt.

N,C0, " toxic if swalowe d hendle with crl


" Causes skin buns qlw's

"Can cause Cancer " dsp of camctly
environmentel har dl.

H, 94 Conogie hendle wth care

Skins burns qvaid contac ts

. Can Caus cye glburs

jvritation Wear

acidifiud " Oxid'ser handle with care

" toxic if Swallowed
|dichremate hamfel in contact with kepasey fom dret
skin and cys fire.

indiator toric
.toril it waloucd
Can Cause CaUse skin Wear

burns. War
., Th dituot nd flot octian
(oNhioos ahow brcause He

afhet He of oxidation 9 an

that can oxidise

ox1dix primaly alcohds to aldehyd1s
colboryglie o 6mll amounl ot Na,Cr,0, H,0 is
used and eacton mture i5 disti lled as on as he

alabyde fomed, the p1odu t ll be ethagal. This is brcous the

a ldehyde More volah.le Mn te aleohol
alohol and can bebe aparated

by dstila thon. Houeter, if a larçe amount of Ma,C, , W,o i»

used and the reoction mi tue is refluced for a longer hine,
the podut wil b ethanoic oid. Th because Hae aldehyde
will be fur ther Oxidis0d Carbonlic aid, whch s les olat le
and remalns In the flask.

Separaton uing o suparahang funnel would not be appropriate for

puntying ethanoic ocid because ethanoic acid soluble in
water and wOuld not for
apaale byer in he fanmel. Tevefore,
if agl pould not to seporate te ehanoic arvd Poo
the water and any inpurities by this method.

3. CH, COOH Na,CO CA, co0Na CO, +Hyo

Tne results evideoe for the higher acid streng th ot
eHorsic acid compaxd with ethana becast ethonoie acid rats
with Na,C0, wbhik
while ethanal dos not. le reoson for this i
ethanoic acid has a
hat carbory 9oup . -CooM which S
mort polaried and acidic he Carbory grop
than the -CHO
of Hhanal.

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