Country Profile Research List - Kanedi Noris Wantoro - 21.95.0336

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Name of the country: Bundesrepublik Deutschland/ The Federal Republic of Germany
By Kanedi Noris Wantoro/21.95.0336
A/ Geography
Surface?Population? 83,2 million people (2020) Capital? Berlin
o On which continent? Europe Landlocked country NO
o Close to a sea, an ocean YES. Name it/them? The North Sea, Baltic Sea

Relief of the country? Germany is the 4 season country that surrounded by Alpine Uplands and near from sea and rich of fish either agriculture and natur
Is the relief an advantage or a disadvantage. YES
Explain: Due to the geographical factor, Germany has many Uranium and Coral to increase the industry process in this country

Name the bordering countries: Germany is borders with the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and
Denmark to the north lines, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France to the west,
Switzerland, and Austria in the south, the Czech and Poland in the east lines. In addition, German
shares maritime borders with Sweden and UK Sweden and UK.

B/ History and political life

Independent country. YES
Former colony. NO. Independent since when? -
A former colony of which country? -
Actual political regime? Nazi
Is the regime stable. NO. Explain: There are some several reason why Nazi is lost in WW II. The main reason

Name of the Head of State? President (Frank-Walter STEINMEIER)

Name of the Head of Government? Chancellor (Olaf SCOHLZ)
What are the main events of the last 5 years? In 2018 of March, Chancellor Merkel was reformed the “Grand

THIMUN 2014 Basic Guidelines For New Delegates 1

C/ Cultural aspects
What is/are the official language(s)? German (official), Danish, Frisian, Sorbian, and Romani
Are there different ethnical groups. YES
Name them: German, Turkish, Polish, Syrian, Romanian
What is/are the main religion(s)? Christianity (Roman Catholic Christian and Protestant Christian
Have these elements an influence on:
The society YES?  NO?  / The political life YES?  NO?  / The economy YES?  NO? Germany is focusing th
Explain: Germany is the country who focus on their influence in low politics such as AIDS Policy and AIDS treatmen

THIMUN 2014 Basic Guidelines For New Delegates 2

D/ Economic aspects
GDP? €3.867.05
Dependency and debt: Germany is having a debt-to-GDP ratio of 71.0% by IMF
Energy: Residual Fuels Oil, Petroleum Coke, Dry Natural Gas, Uranium , Sand and Gravel
Mines: Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal
Agriculture: Wheat, Barely, Corn, Sugar Beets

Fishing: Herring, Cod, Sprat

Industry: Car, Automotive production, Chemical industry, Electricity Industry Electricity Electricity
Services (trade, transport, tourism):

- Is it an MEDC YES
- Explain: country around Due to spread of Covid-19 vaccine, Germany cross-subsidies with other the world

-Member of an economic organisation YES. Name it: Organizations for Economics Co-Operation and Development


A/ Defence
- Military independence. YES. Explain: Germany is allowed to establish armed forces
for solely defense but is limited to the German Army, German Soldiers, German
Navy, and German Air force
- Member of a military alliance. YES. Name it: NATO
- Nuclear weapon. NO. Germany did not have nuclear weapons, but as the host of power
in NATO, Germany have the control in sharing-agreement for nuclear weapons use

B/ Influential position
Member of the United Nations since when? Since 18 September 1973
Regularly member of the Security Council. YES
Last times member? 2019/2020
Regularly member of ECOSOC. YES
Last times member? 1 January to 31 December 2023
Member of international organisations. YES.
Name them: IMF, NATO, OECD, G4, G8, UN, World Bank Group, WTO, European Space Agency

Relationship with the bordering countries: Together Netherlands and Germany are working to the climate ch

C/ Useful complementary information

Germany is the country who found contraceptive pills and change the world of sexual protection and pregnan

THIMUN 2014 Basic Guidelines For New Delegates 3

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