Claeys, W.L., Van Loey, A.M.-Intrinsic Time Temperature Integrators

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Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311


Intrinsic time
next to preservation, heating generally causes a significant
temperature loss of organoleptic and nutritional quality. Depending on
the intensity of the process, different changes take place

integrators for heat such as decrease of pH, precipitation of calcium phos-

phate, denaturation of whey proteins and their interac-
tion with casein, vitamin destruction, Maillard reaction,
treatment of milk etc. (Burton, 1984; Jeurnink & De Kruif, 1993; Lewis,
1994; Schaafsma, 1989). Furthermore, an undesirable
precipitation of denatured proteins and minerals can be
formed on the walls of heat exchangers (de Jong, Bou-
man, & Van Der Linden, 1992; Gotham, Fryer, &
Wendie L. Claeys, Pritchard, 1992; Lewis, 1994). This deposit or ‘fouling’
decreases the heat transfer of the system so that higher
Ann M. Van Loey energy input is required leading to larger product losses
and higher wastewater production (Sandu & Singh,
and Marc E. Hendrickx* 1991). To overcome overprocessing of the product as
Department of Food and Microbial Technology, well as to control if heating was adequate from a
Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological safety point of view, criteria need to be defined. Such
Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark criteria not only must guarantee the correctness of a
Arenberg, 22, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium (tel: +32-16- heat treatment, but can also be applied for quality
32-15-85; fax: +32-16-32-19-60; e-mail: management at all steps in the production process (e.g. HACCP). Moreover, these criteria must result in
products on the market that comply with their label-
ling in terms of processing (thermization, pasteuriza-
This paper reviews the available research information on tion, sterilization). In order to define such criteria,
intrinsic time temperature integrators (TTIs) for thermally the impact of a thermal process on milk has to be
processed milk. These are specific indicators present or known.
formed in milk that allow direct and quantitative measure- Due to inherent limitations of in situ methods (detec-
ment of the impact of the process without knowledge of tion limit, sample size, recontamination, etc.) and of
the actual thermal history. General principles concerning physical mathematical methods (lack of accurate ther-
the characterization of intrinsic TTIs as well as the applic- mophysical data, etc.), time temperature integrators
ability and limitations of some milk compounds considered (TTIs) can offer some potential. TTIs are heat sensitive
as potential intrinsic TTIs are discussed. components extrinsic or intrinsic to the food product
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. that allow direct and quantitative measurement of the
impact of the process on a safety or quality attribute
without knowledge of the actual thermal history
Introduction (Hendrickx et al., 1994; Taoukis & Labuza, 1989).
Milk contains approximately 87.3% water, 4.2% fat, Generally, TTIs can be classified according to their
4.6% lactose, 3.25% protein, and 0.65% mineral sub- working principle (biological, chemical, physical),
stances. Because of its high nutritional value, milk is an response (single, multi), origin (extrinsic, intrinsic),
excellent medium for microbiological growth. Conse- application (dispersed, permeable, isolated) and loca-
quently, fresh milk necessitates a heat treatment in order to tion (volume average or single point) (Van Loey,
guarantee a safe and shelf-stable product. Unfortunately, 1996). In the context of the evaluation of processing
authenticity, only intrinsic TTIs, which are homo-
geneously distributed in the product allowing the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-16-32-15-85; fax: +32-16-32- evaluation of the volume average process impact, are
19-60. of interest.
0924-2244/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 92 4 - 2 24 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 16 4 - 4
294 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

The aim of this paper is to discuss the concept of ðbÞ for an nth order reaction:
intrinsic TTIs and their application in the specific con- ð4Þ
text of liquid milk. X ð1nÞ ¼ X0ð1nÞ þ ð1  nÞkt:

General principles
A TTI can be defined as a small measuring device (a In the area of food processing and preservation, 1st
food component or property) that shows a time tem- order kinetics are often described by the Thermal Death
perature dependent, easily, accurately and precisely Time model (TDT) (Bigelow, 1921), a concept usually
measurable, irreversible change that mimics the change applied to describe microbiological destruction kinetics.
of a target attribute (a safety or quality characteristic) In this model the decimal reduction time D is defined as
undergoing the same treatment (Hendrickx et al., 1994; the time required to reduce the initial response value by
Taoukis & Labuza, 1989). Besides practical and ther- 90% at a constant temperature. For 1st order kinetics D
mophysical requirements (e.g. accurate, fast and user- and k are directly related. The temperature dependence
friendly read-out, no influence on heat transfer), this of the D-value is characterized by the z-value, which is
definition implies kinetic requirements of the system. the temperature increase necessary to obtain a tenfold
The temperature sensitivity factor of TTI and target decrease of D.
attribute must correspond, and additionally, the reac- Another parameter often encountered in food science
tion rate of the TTI must guarantee a measurable literature is Q10, a value that describes the temperature
response within the time temperature combinations of dependence of a reaction as the factor by which the
interest. Consequently, in order to characterize poten- reaction rate changes when the temperature is altered by
tial TTIs, a detailed study of their kinetics under defined 10 C.
time temperature conditions needs to be performed.
Identification of TTIs
Basic principles of kinetics Research on potential intrinsic TTIs can be divided
Kinetics describe the evolution of a reaction (inacti- into three phases (Fig. 1). The first phase or inventory
vation, denaturation, production) as a function of time. phase consists of the identification (i) of the target
Generally, the rate of a chemical reaction can be attribute, i.e. a search for relevant microbiological indi-
described by: ces corresponding to currently applied heat treatments
and their destruction kinetics, and (ii) of possible TTIs,
dX i.e. a selection of relevant milk components with a view
v¼ ¼ kX n ; ð1Þ
dt to the kinetic and technical base criteria a TTI has to
meet. Once components are selected as potential TTIs,
with v the rate of the reaction, X the activity or con- in a second phase a detailed study of their kinetics needs
centration of the compound of concern at treatment to be performed. A first assessment of the kinetic model
time t, k the reaction rate constant at the temperature and associated parameters describing formation, inacti-
studied, and n the order of the reaction. The effect of vation or denaturation of the TTI under study is made
temperature can in many cases be expressed by the under idealized conditions by isothermal experiments or
Arrhenius relation (Arrhenius, 1889), in which the tem- experiments at a constant temperature. Since TTIs need
perature dependence of the rate constant k is quantified to quantify the integrated impact of time and tempera-
by the activation energy Ea (J/mol) according to: ture of a thermal process on the product and since such
   processes are generally characterized by a non-iso-
Ea 1 1 thermal phase of heating up and cooling down, kinetics
k ¼ kref exp  ; ð2Þ
R Tref T need to be validated under variable temperature condi-
tions. Additionally, kinetics need to be evaluated for
where R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol,K), T variations associated with the raw material, since such
the temperature concerned, and kref the reaction rate variations can influence the initial concentration or
constant at reference temperature Tref. When kinetics activity of the TTI as well as its inactivation, denatura-
are analysed under isothermal conditions (constant tion or formation kinetics.
temperature), where extrinsic/intrinsic factors and thus In the final phase or implementation phase time-tem-
k can be assumed constant, expression (1) can be simply perature tolerance diagrams are constructed that com-
integrated giving the equation: bine kinetic information concerning the destruction of
microbial and qualitative indices with the analysed
ðaÞ for a 1st order reaction ðn ¼ 1Þ: inactivation, denaturation or formation kinetics of the
  ð3Þ selected TTIs. This phase also consists of a validation of
ln ¼ kt; the TTIs on industrial samples of which the thermal
X0 process history is known.
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 295

Fig. 1. Overview of the strategy for the characterization of intrinsic TTIs.

Heat processes and microbiological indices and are possibly inactivated when milk is subsequently
In order to select potential TTIs and to evaluate their pasteurized (van den Berg, 1984). Although effective in
applicability, systematic data concerning thermal inhibiting spoilage, thermization offers no guarantee of
destruction kinetics of target micro-organisms associated microbiological safety.
with each heating process need to be available, con- Heat treatment is a process resulting in the complete
sidering safety (reduction of pathogens) as well as qual- inactivation of the indigenous milk enzyme alkaline
ity (reduction of spoilage organisms) of the product. phosphatase. Dependent on the intensity of the process,
In the context of thermal processing of milk, generally distinction is made between pasteurization and ster-
a distinction is made between thermization and heat ilization. Pasteurization (minimum 71.7 C/15 s or
treatment (Lewis, 1994; Muir, 1996; Pearce, 1989; 62.7 C/30 min, or any comparable time temperature
Roberts, Pitt, Farkas, & Grau, 1998; Spreer, 1998). combination) aims to reduce populations of vegetative
Thermization is a mild heating (57–68 C/15–20 s) that bacterial pathogens to a level considered safe for public
reduces viable numbers of vegetative psychrotrophic health with a minimum of chemical, physical or orga-
micro-organisms, multiplication of which may generate noleptic changes. It specifically targets Mycobacterium
heat-stable proteinases and lipases. Psychrotrophic tuberculosis, a relatively heat-resistant non-sporogenic
growth found in raw milk includes species of Pseudo- bacterium that formerly was among the most serious
monas, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, Bacillus, Enter- pathogenic bacteria present in milk. Amongst other
obacter, Aeromonas and Alcaligenes. Thermization may pathogens found in raw milk are Streptococcus mas-
also provide a heat-shock to endospores of Bacillus titis, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter
spp., which can germinate during succeeding storage jejuni, Coxiella burnetii, Listeria monocytogenes,
296 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

Escherechia coli and Yersinia enterolitica (Spreer, 1998; cesses now used cause the same degree of whey protein
Walstra, Geurts, Noomen, Jellema, & van Boekel, denaturation as conventional 2-stage sterilization (ster-
1999). Properly applied pasteurization not only kills all ilization before and after packaging) (Burton, 1984; de
common pathogens in milk, but also eliminates the Koning, 1984). Also, fat content is reported to markedly
Gram-negative psychrotrophs, the most ordinary cause of influence the test (Fink & Kessler, 1988). Furthermore, it is
spoilage in raw and thermized milk (Muir, 1996). Pasteur- a semi-quantitative method, which gives no additional
ized milks can have well over 10 days of shelf-life under information on the impact of the process, whereas a quan-
refrigeration, and even more if milk is aseptically packed titative measurement of the impact is of great importance
(Roberts et al., 1998). Within the definition of pasteuriza- in process design, evaluation, optimization and control.
tion additional distinction is made between ‘low tempera- There are also some drawbacks of UHT processing
ture holding’ (LTH) and ‘high temperature short time’ such as the incomplete inactivation of the more heat-
(HTST) pasteurization, based on the inactivation of the resistant, proteolytic enzymes and the higher suscept-
milk enzyme lactoperoxidase. HTST pasteurization is in the ibility to gelation (Andrews, 1984; Lewis, 1994; Pearce,
range of 85–90 C for 15–20 s, although sometimes higher 1989). For example, most psychrotrophs such as Bacil-
temperatures, up to 100 C, are applied. lus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. are readily destroyed by
Pasteurization is inadequate to inactivate thermo- UHT treatment, but their lipolytic and proteolytic
resistant spores and to guarantee a commercially sterile enzymes may survive in sufficient quantities to cause
product. For example, endospores of Bacillus and Clos- product deterioration during storage (Law, 1979). Next
tridium spp. show varying levels of heat resistance, and to bacterial enzymes, also a number of native milk
may survive minimal pasteurization, in particular if enzymes detrimental to the milk quality or shelf-life
present in high levels. The same applies for thermoduric may survive UHT processing. A well-known example is
organisms, which include vegetative micro-organisms plasmin (EC, an alkaline milk proteinase
showing an increased heat resistance such as Micro- causing e.g. bitter flavor during storage of milk. During
coccus spp., Enterococcus faecalis and faecium, and keeping at room temperature, proteolysis may occur not
some lactobacilli. And although pasteurization is cap- only because of the remaining plasmin after heating but
able of killing S.aureus, enterotoxins formed in milk will also because of plasmin converted from undenatured
not be destroyed (Roberts et al., 1998). Pasteurization plasminogen (de Koning, Badings, van der Pol, Kaper,
does not destroy extracellular bacterial degradative & Vos-Klompmaker, 1990; Saint-Denis, Humbert, &
enzymes either; 60% or more of the proteinase and Gaillard, 2001; Walstra & Jeness, 1984). The effects of
lipase and about one third of the phospholipase activity residual enzyme activity (bacterial and native) have
survive HTST pasteurization (Muir, 1996). been reviewed by Muir (Muir, 1996). Also some spores
The main sterilization processes that can be dis- (e.g. Bacillus sporothermodurans) are able to survive
tinguished are ultra-high-temperature (UHT) processing UHT (Petterson, Lemke, Hammer, Stackebrandt, &
(minimum 135 C/1 s) with direct or indirect heat trans- Priest, 1996). The potential for survivors is critical rela-
fer, and the more classical in-bottle sterilization (110– tive to the initial spore load since time-temperature
120 C/10–20 min). Their purpose is to destroy all parameters for UHT purposes are almost constant and
micro-organisms, including spores (e.g. the genera defined. Spore loads in raw milk are related to poor
Clostridium and Bacillus), and to ensure extended shelf- farming practices, but may also fluctuate according to
life without need for refrigeration. Both processes pro- the season (Phillips & Griffiths, 1986).
duce a commercially sterile product and exhibit similar Destruction kinetics of some micro-organisms in milk
kinetic data for discoloring, vitamin B1 and lysine loss, are presented in Table 1. Though, interpretation and use
hydroxymethylfurfural formation and whey protein of microbiological destruction data is hampered because
denaturation (Lewis, 1994). Nevertheless, UHT offers e.g. dependent on the source different data are reported.
some advantages in comparison to in-bottle steriliza- Also heating conditions and medium must be con-
tion, due to the fact that chemical reaction rates are less sidered, e.g. heat resistance of micro-organisms often
sensitive to changes in temperature than thermal inacti- increases with the dry matter content of the medium.
vation of spores. Because of much shorter processing Moreover, different species or even strains of one spe-
times, UHT-milk is whiter and less caramelized, and has cies can have different heat resistances, and clumping of
undergone less protein denaturation and loss of heat- cells can augment the heat resistance. An example is
sensitive vitamins compared to in-bottle sterilized milk. Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, which has the
One of the methods used to discriminate UHT and in- potential to survive commercial HTST pasteurization
bottle sterilization is the turbidity or Aschaffenburg test, processes (Grant, Hitchings, McCartney, Ferguson, &
based on the different extents of protein denaturation Rowe, 2002; Stabel et al., 2001). Clumped cells of this
during both processes (FIL-IDF, 1972). However, the micro-organism are reported to be approximately twice
test is reported to be incapable of distinguishing as heat resistant as single cells, with D-values of 97.7
between the two types of milk because some UHT pro- and 47.5 s, respectively at 63 C (Grant, Rowe, Dundee,
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 297

Table 1. Kinetic destruction data of some micro-organisms in heated milk

Micro-organism Tref ( C) Dref (min) z ( C) Ref.
Aeromonas 48 3.2–6.2 5.5–7.7 Roberts et al., 1996
Bacillus cereus 95 1.8 9.4 Roberts et al., 1996
Bacillus cereus spores 121 0.04 9.55 Walstra et al., 1999
Bacillus licheniformis 111 0.48 8 Walstra et al., 1999
Bacillus stearothermophilus spores 121 5.5 9.5 Walstra et al., 1999
Campylobacter jejuni 50 4.5 7 Walstra et al., 1999
Clostridium botulinum 115 0.21–0.3 7.9 Roberts et al., 1996
Clostridium botulinum spores 110 0.85 9.5 Walstra et al., 1999
Escherechia coli 62.8 0.13 4.6 Walstra et al., 1999
Listeria monocytogenes 65 0.1 6.6 Eckner, 1992; Walstra et al., 1999
Pseudomonas fluorescens 60 3.2 7.5 Walstra et al., 1999
Pseudomonas fragi 49 7–9 10–12 Walstra et al., 1999
Salmonella (6 spp.) 62.8 3 4.6 Walstra et al., 1999
Staphylococcus aureus 62.8 18.5 5.1 Walstra et al., 1999
60 0.9 9.5 Roberts et al., 1996
Yersinia enterolitica 58 1.6 4.26 Eckner, 1992

& Hitchings, 2001). Another point worth considering is Next to the model, distinction must be made between
the possibility of microbial adaptation to more severe different regression procedures. Commonly, model para-
processing conditions. meters are estimated by a two-step linear regression pro-
cedure on the experimental data-set, but alternatively, a
Study of kinetics one-step non-linear regression procedure can be used.
Characterization of kinetics describing inactivation, Some authors proclaim the global approach to be more
denaturation or formation of potential TTIs starts with efficient, primarily because in the individual two-step
analyzing the model and associated parameters under analysis some unnecessary parameters are estimated
idealized conditions by isothermal experiments. Next, (Arabshahi & Lund, 1985; Cohen & Saguy, 1985; Har-
kinetics are validated for variability associated with alampu, Saguy, & Karel, 1985), while others concluded
extrinsic (temperature) and intrinsic factors (raw material). that overall, none of the possible methods is convin-
cingly superior to the other and that the performance of
Constant temperature conditions a specific regression approach depends on the data-set
The quantification of a lethal impact by use of TTIs is to which it is applied (De Cordt, 1994).
based on its kinetic parameters. It is therefore necessary The precision of an estimate is mostly measured by
to measure these parameters with the greatest accuracy use of individual confidence intervals. In case of linear
and precision by well-designed experiments and proper models, these intervals are exactly defined and sym-
data-analysis. The kinetic model or the order of a reac- metric, and their determination is straightforward.
tion can be defined by a trial-and-error procedure by However, when model parameters are estimated simul-
which linear behaviour is checked graphically on trends taneously, resulting individual confidence intervals are
or deviations, or by differential or integral methods only approximate because covariances of the simulta-
(Hill & Grieger-Block, 1980; van Boekel & Walstra, neously estimated parameters are neglected (Motulsky
1995). When the response value (X) changes only & Ransas, 1987; van Boekel, 1996). An alternative
slightly as a function of time, it is difficult to distinguish technique taking the possible correlation between the
between a 0, 1st and 2nd order model. According to parameters into account, is the construction of 100
Arabshahi and Lund (1985), where possible reactions (1’) joint confidence regions (Bard, 1974; Draper &
should be followed through at least 4–5 half-lives (X Smith, 1981; Johnson, 1992; Metzler, 1981).
 X0). If the analytical method cannot measure such a Although much more emphasis is often put on the
low response value, the longest treatment time should data analysis, the quality of the experimental data
be used (Lenz & Lund, 1980). According to Hill and greatly determines the quality of the parameters
Grieger-Block (1980), reaction must be followed until at obtained in terms of precision and accuracy. Moreover,
least 50% conversion is reached. To measure linearity and much of the data currently found in literature could
to verify the validity of the model, regression coefficients have been obtained with considerable less effort by
(R2) can be calculated, residual plots checked for the proper choice of experimental conditions. Box and
absence of trends or correlations, the F-value and its Lucas (1959) proposed an optimum design criterion for
probability level can be determined, t-statistics of the non-linear models, also known as the D-optimal design.
slope can be carried out (Draper & Smith, 1981; Based on this principle, it has been shown that when the
Motulsky & Ransas, 1987; Straume & Johnson, 1992). model is known, maximal precision in determining p
298 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

parameter values is obtained if measurements are made (stage of lactation, age of cow, illness), and environ-
only in p experimental points. The number of replicates mental factors (feed, climate). In the context of TTIs
per measurement should be at least 5 to make a reason- environmental, and more specific seasonal variation is
able estimation of the variance possible. The location of of main interest.
the p experimental points optimal for parameter esti- Seasonal variations in milk composition are small to
mation is determined by the model and the nature of the negligible, with as a most pronounced change a decrease
experimental error (Duggleby, 1981; Endrenyi, 1981; in fat and protein content in the period May–June
Fedorov, 1972). Several authors applied the optimal (Johnson, 1978; Thorne, Hardin, Spain, & Hardin,
D-design criterion for establishing the location of sam- 1995; Walstra et al., 1999). This decrease is often
pling points for different models, such as the Michaelis– attributed to a change in feed or temperature, but it has
Menten equation (Duggleby, 1979), the TDT model under been shown that cows fed the same ration month after
both isothermal and non-isothermal conditions (Cunha, month and with only slight temperature variation still
Oliveira, Brandão, & Oliveira, 1997), the Weibull prob- exhibit this seasonal low (Johnson, 1978). Lactose is the
abilistic model (Cunha, Oliveira, & Oliveira, 1998). How- least variable of the gross components on a percentage
ever, the optimal D-design does not take the nature or basis. Because of its osmotic relationship in milk, it
variation of the experimental error into account. increases slightly as the other solids decrease, and vice
versa. As to the minor components, a marked increase is
Variable temperature conditions observed in the level of colloidal calcium in raw milk
Evaluation of kinetics for dynamic process conditions between December and February, whereas pH, inor-
can be performed by non-isothermal experiments. ganic PO2-4 , Mg
, citrate and K+ remained unchanged
Because in non-isothermal experiments temperature (Pouliot & Boulet, 1995). (The months referred to are
varies with time, the assumption of a constant D- or appropriate for the Northern hemisphere.)
k-value does not longer apply and the integrated effect Also worth mentioning in the context of TTIs is arti-
of temperature on the reaction rate constant has to be ficially imposed variation in milk composition and
taken into account. When time–temperature profiles are properties due to processing. An obvious example is
registered, kinetic parameters can be calculated by non- separation yielding skim milk and cream. Milk skimmed
linear regression using a numerical integration routine by centrifugation has a very low fat content
(e.g. Simpson) (Carnahan, Luther, & Wilkes, 1969). (0.05–0.08%) compared to milk skimmed by means of
A concept to express the integrated time-temperature gravity creaming. By mixing skim milk and cream, milk
impact of different heat processes is the ‘equivalent time may be standardized to a desired fat content. Heat
at reference temperature’ concept, referred to as the treatment has a minor effect on milk fat itself. The fat
processing value F (defined as the duration of a hypo- globule membranes with heat sensitive protein com-
thetical process at a constant reference temperature that pounds however, experience some modifications, hereby
results in exactly the same impact on a specific food changing agglomeration and creaming properties of the
attribute as the actual process to which the food was fat globules (Spreer, 2001). Possible physical changes
subjected). In the canning industry, the reference tem- in the fat globules during heating of milk are reviewed
perature is taken as 121.1 C and the resulting process by van Boekel and Walstra (1989). The role of fat in
value is indicated as F0. For in-container sterilization of protecting micro-organisms from thermal destruction
milk, a reference temperature of 121.1 C can be used as has been reported in literature (Davis & Wilbey, 1990).
well, but not for UHT heating where temperature ran- Similarly, milk fat content can have an effect on the
ges from 130 to 150 C (van Boekel & Walstra, 1995). concentration of the TTI in concern or its behaviour
during thermal processing. Several studies on the effect
Variability of product related factors of milk fat on a milk compound evaluated as an index
In order to evaluate the general applicability of selec- for heat treatment are reported, but contradictory
ted milk compounds as intrinsic TTIs for thermal pro- observations were made. The mechanism by which milk
cessed milk, kinetics need to be evaluated for variations fat affects heat-induced modifications, remains unclear;
in milk composition. The widest variation usually it does not appear to be certain whether this is due
occurs in milk fat content; variation in protein is less and to viscous effects interfering with heat transfer and
in ash still less (Walstra & Jeness, 1984). The variation in reducing the holding time, differences in conductivity
milk composition however is not precisely known, or to more fundamental causes (Fernandez-Martin
mainly because so many factors affect it and because & Montes, 1972; Morales & Jiménez-Pérez, 1999;
many sources of variation are independent. Besides, not Pellegrino, 1994).
only milk composition, but also the structure (e.g. the
size of fat globules) varies (Walstra et al., 1999). Available TTIs
Main factors affecting milk composition and proper- Assessment of different classes of heat treatment of
ties are genetic (species, breed, individual), physiological milk can be performed by means of enzymes (alkaline
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 299

phosphatase, g-glutamyl transferase, lactoperoxidase), the AOAC 979.13 procedure, and of 10 mg p-nitro-
secondary products of heat treatment (hydro- phenolphosphate (per 2 h) by the FIL-IDF 82A (1987)
xymethylfurfural, lactulose, furosine), changes in whey method (de Jong et al., 1993).
proteins (whey protein N index, heat number, relative Two major isoenzymes of ALP have been identified,
soluble whey protein N, b-lactoglobulin), loss of natural a- and b-phosphatase, which are present mainly in the
milk constituents (vitamin destruction), and mis- milk plasma and in the membranes of fat globules
cellaneous parameters (color change, surface hydro- respectively (Girotti et al., 1994; Walstra & Jeness,
phobicity and free sulphydryl in milk). However, in the 1984). The difference in ALP allocation is reflected by
context of intrinsic TTIs the degradation, denaturation the ALP activity. About 30–40% of ALP activity is
or inactivation of heat-labile compounds (e.g. whey pro- situated in the fat globule membrane. ALP activity is
teins and enzymes) and the formation of ‘new’ substances consequently lower in raw skimmed than in raw whole
are most interesting to investigate. The first type of reac- milk (Claeys, Van Loey, & Hendrickx, 2002a; Girotti et
tions is a suitable tool for the evaluation of low-heat al., 1994; Schlimme & Thiemann, 1992).
treatments (thermal inactivation of vegetative bacteria as Next to milk fat content, the ALP activity in raw milk
well as protein denaturation and enzyme inactivation are is also reported to depend on the breed of cow, the stage
generally characterized by an Ea-value between 200 and of lactation (increasing at the end of lactation), the
600 kJ/mol), whereas the second type of reactions is more volume of milk produced and the age of cow (decreasing
effective for the assessment of processes involving high with age) (Girotti et al., 1994; Schlimme & Thiemann,
temperatures (the Ea-value for thermal destruction of 1992). Moreover, seasonal variation in ALP activity has
spores is situated between 250 and 330 kJ/mol and for been observed; activity increased during summer to
many chemical reactions between 80 and 125 kJ/mol). remain high in autumn, and to decrease again in the
An overview of some milk compounds that can be middle of winter (Schlimme & Thiemann, 1992).
considered as potential TTIs is given in Table 2. Although ALP is widely applied as an indicator of
efficient pasteurization, only few detailed quantitative
Alkaline phosphatase kinetic studies on thermal inactivation of ALP have
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP, EC is a phos- been published. Thermal inactivation of ALP follows
phomonoesterase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phos- first order kinetics. Independent of the ALP assay
phoric monoesters (Schlimme, Kiesner, Lorenzen, & applied, reported z-values range between 5 and 6.7 C
Martin, 1997). The enzyme is widely used in establishing (Claeys, Ludikhuyze, Van Loey, & Hendrickx, 2001a;
adequate pasteurization of milk; inactivation of ALP Eckner, 1992; Murthy et al., 1990) and between 8.5
takes place at temperatures slightly higher than neces- and 9.5 C (Schlimme et al., 1997; Martin, Lorenzen,
sary to kill M. tuberculosis, S. senftenberg or L. mono- Kiesner, & Schlimme, 1999).
cytogenes (Eckner, 1992; Girotti, Ferri, Ghini, Budini, The use of the ALP test in determining the accuracy
& Roda, 1994). Remaining ALP activity after pasteur- of milk pasteurization has been questioned, mainly
ization points to improperly operating pasteurization because of a partial reactivation of ALP possible by
units or possible contamination by raw milk (Murthy, exposure of the product to temperatures above 20 C in
Bradshaw, & Peeler, 1990; Painter & Bradley, 1997). the presence of Mg2+, causing a false positive result. A
Mostly, the ALP activity is quantified spectro- false positive may also be caused by microbial phospha-
photometrically with phenylphosphate (AOAC 979.13; tase, which is less sensitive to heat than the indigenous
FIL-IDF 63, 1971) or p-nitrophenyl phosphate milk enzyme. Furthermore, the borderline between a
(FIL-IDF 82A, 1987; DIN 10 337, 1993) as substrate. positive and a negative result of the phosphatase test on
The disadvantage of these methods is their relative heat treated milk depends somehow on the assay method
complexity and long incubation time. Dependent on the applied (Girotti et al., 1994; Schlimme et al., 1997).
source, their ALP detection limit is equivalent to about Some authors suggest the ALP test to be less sensitive
0.1–0.2 to 0.5% of the raw milk level, which seems to be when applied to skim milk since because of its lower fat
adequate in practice (Black, Kuzyk, & Duggan, 1992; de content skimmed milk tends to have less residual ALP
Jong, Mahulette, & Ellen, 1993; Schlimme et al., 1997). activity (Painter & Bradley, 1997; Walstra et al., 1999).
Nevertheless, a rapid, more sensitive procedure has been However, we observed comparable inactivation kinetics
developed, based on the fluorometric measurement of in milk with different fat content. And although initial
the commercial substrate Fluorophos (Rocco, 1990). ALP activity was lower in skimmed than in whole milk,
This technique allows estimation of ALP at very low fat content seemed not to affect the ALP test result for
levels in the equivalent of 0.006–0.01% raw milk (de pasteurized milk substantially (Claeys et al., 2002a).
Jong et al., 1993; Schlimme et al., 1997). Conversion of Inactivation kinetics were also independent of the sea-
results is based on the fact that dilution of 0.1% (v/v) son of the year, and use of ALP as TTI was not affected
raw milk gives an ALP activity of 500 mU/l by the by the seasonal variation of its activity in crude milk
fluorometric method, of 1mg phenol/ml (per 15 min) by (unpublished).
300 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

Table 2. Some milk components considered as potential intrinsic TTIs for thermally processed milk
Kinetics Analysis Remarks Ref.
Type I indicators

Acid phosphatase 1st order - Spectrophotometric Quick loss of activity at Balci and Wilbey, 1999;
(EC D100 C=4.8–45s (p-nitrophenol phosphate) room temperature (60% Griffiths, 1986; Walstra
z=6.6–27.6 C - Fluorometric (Fluorophos) after 3 days at 17 C). et al., 1999

Adenosine deaminase 1st order (between HPLC (oxidative deamination Activity increases up to Martin, Kiesner, Lorenzen,
(EC 82 and 90 C) of adenosine to inosine) 75 C, whereas at 85 C and Schlimme, 1989;
D84 C=93s the enzyme is inactive. Martin et al., 1999
z=9.2 C

Alkaline phosphatase 1st order - Spectrophotometric 30–40% of the activity is Claeys, Ludikhuyze,
(EC D60 C=24.6 min (p-nitrophenyl situated in the cream. Van Loey, and Hendrickx,
z=5.3 C dinatriumphosphate) 2001a
- Fluorometric (Fluorophos)

N-Acetyl-b-glucosidase Spectrophotometric Levels in raw milk are Wilbey, 1996

(EC (p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-b-d- variable, being elevated
glucosaminide) in cases of mastitis.

Catalase (EC 1st order - Disk flotation - Catalase level depends Griffiths, 1986; Walstra
D77.5 C=15s - Polarographic on disease status of the et al., 1999
z=7.4 C (Q10=180) animal.
- Reactivation of catalase
is possible.

a-Fucosidase 1st order Reflectance colorimetry a-fucoside+H2O! McKellar and Piyasena,

(EC Ea=378 kJ/mol (p-nitrophenyl-a-l- fructose-6-P 2000; Zehetner,
fucopyranoside Bareuther, Henle,
and Klostermeyer,

g-Glutamyl-transferase 1st order Spectrophotometric 25% of the activity is Dos Anjos et al., 1998;
(EC Ea=457 kJ/mol (g-glutamyl-p-nitroaniline) situated in the cream. Zehetner et al., 1995
z=4.8 C (Q10=123)

a-Lactalbumin 1st order HPLC Pompei and Rossi, 1994;

z=34.9 C Morales et al., 2000
Ea=89.1 kJ/mol

b-Lactoglobulin 1st order HPLC Shows a marked change Claeys et al., 2001a
D75 C=49.9 min; in temperature dependence
z1=7.9 C at 83 C.
D90 C=3.5 min ;
z2=24.2 C

Lactoperoxidase 1st order Spectrophotometric Claeys et al., 2001a

(EC D71 C=38.6 min (ABTS and H2O2)
z=4.3 C

Lipoprotein lipase 1st order Walstra et al., 1999

(EC D70 C=20s

a-Mannosidase 1st order Spectrophotometric Hydrolysis of the terminal, Zehetner et al., 1996
(EC Ea=554 kJ/mol (p-nitrophenyl-a-d-mannoside) non-reducing ends of

Phosphohexo-isomerase 1st order glucose-P $ fructose-P Zehetner et al., 1996

(EC Ea=361kJ/mol

(continued on next page)

W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 301

Table 2 (continued)

Kinetics Analysis Remarks Ref.

Phosphodiesterase 1st order Hydrolysis of Zehetner et al., 1996
(EC Ea=490 kJ/mol 5-oligonucleotides.

Superoxide dismutase 1st order Walstra et al., 1999

(EC D80 C=345s

Xanthine oxidase 1st order Assay based on the oxidation - Activity in raw milk varies Griffiths, 1986; Zehetner
(EC D80 C=17s of vanillin - Activated by heating et al., 1996
z=6.75 C between 60 and 70 C
(Q10=46) - Milk contains activators
and inhibitors of xanthine

Type II indicators

Epilactose 1st order GC Formation 10% (lactulose Calvo and Olano, 1989;
Ea=131.3 kJ/mol formation) Olano and Calvo, 1989

Furosine Pseudo-0 order HPLC Formed through acid Claeys et al., 2001b
k110 C=12.1 mg / hydrolysis of lactulosyl-lysine
100 g prot, min
Ea=83.5 kJ/mol

Hydroxymethylfurfural Pseudo-0 order - Spectrophotometric

k110 C=0.8 mmol/l, (thiobarbituric acid)
min Claeys et al., 2001b
Ea=105.6 kJ/mol - HPLC

Lactulose Pseudo-0 order - GC Formed by isomerization Claeys et al., 2001b

k110 C=30.9 mg/l, - Spectrophotometric of lactose
min (d-glucose/d-fructose
Ea=105.6 kJ/mol enzymatic kit)

N6-Methyl adenosine 1st order HPLC Formed from 1-methyladenosine Schlimme et al., 1994
Ea=125 kJ/mol by Dimroth-rearrangement.
z=30.5 C

Next to fat, also sugar has been reported to alter heat 1989). This fact and the good correlation that exists
inactivation characteristics of ALP by increasing the heat between reduction in GGT activity and destruction of
stability (Sanders & Sager, 1948). More specific, removal streptococci (Patel & Wilbey, 1994), demonstrates the
of lactose during ultrafiltration increased ALP inactiva- potential of GGT to describe the temperature region
tion (Mistry, 1989). Thus, use of ALP to measure the effi- between that covered by ALP and lactoperoxidase as
ciency of pasteurization of dairy products with modified well as to define the limit between pasteurized and high-
composition has to be undertaken with some caution. temperature pasteurized milk (Herrmann, Lamprecht,
Frister, & Rudzik, 1996; Zehetner, Bareuther, Henle, &
g-Glutamyl transferase Klostermeyer, 1995).
g-Glutamyl transferase (GGT, EC catalyzes For the quantitative determination of GGT a com-
the transfer of g-glutamyl residues from glutathione and mercial test kit is available based on the procedure of
other g-glutamyl containing peptides to amino acids or Baumrucker (1979). In the assay the enzyme acts on the
peptides (Baumrucker, 1980). GGT is more abundant in specific substrate, l-g-glutamyl-r-nitroanilide, transfer-
milk than ALP rendering an enzymic assay based on ring the glutamyl group to the receptor, glycylglycine.
residual GGT activity more sensitive. GGT is also more The r-nitroaniline thus released is quantified spectro-
heat resistant than ALP, but less than lactoperoxidase photometrically (McKellar, Emmons, & Farber, 1991).
(Andrews, Anderson, & Goodenough, 1987; Dos Anjos, About one quarter of the GGT activity is located
Machado, Ferro, Otto, & Bogin, 1998; Martin et al., within the cream and three quarters within the milk
302 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

serum (Baumrucker, 1979; Zehetner et al., 1995). inactivation kinetics are reported to be comparable in
Nevertheless, fat content does not appear to have any milk with different fat contents (Claeys et al., 2002b).
significant effect on the reduction of GGT activity dur-
ing heating of milk (Patel & Wilbey, 1994). Little sea- b-Lactoglobulin
sonal variation was noted in either whole or skimmed The whole whey protein fraction (e.g. whey protein
milk, with a higher level of GGT activity in the late part nitrogen index) as well as its individual components can
of the year (McKellar et al., 1991; Patel & Wilbey, be used for the classification of heat treatments. The
1994). main whey proteins involved are in order of decreasing
Like ALP, GGT inactivation kinetics can be descri- heat stability: a-lactalbumin > b-lactoglobulin >
bed by a first order reaction, and are characterized by serum albumin > immunoglobulins.
an Ea-value of 457–473 kJ/mol (Andrews et al., 1987; b-lactoglobulin (b-lg) is the most abundant whey
Zehetner et al., 1995). protein; on average, milk contains about 3.3–3.5 g b-lg
per litre (Schlimme et al., 1996). b-Lg is a globular pro-
Lactoperoxidase tein containing two intramolecular disulfide bonds and
Lactoperoxidase (Lpo, EC is present in the one thiol group. At room temperature and milk pH the
milk serum at a concentration of about 0.03 g/l, protein is predominantly present as a dimer. b-Lg is
although variations have been reported. The enzyme important as it can have a marked influence on the
catalyzes the oxidation of indigenous thiocyanate by functional properties of milk products. Moreover, b-lg
hydrogen peroxide to yield highly reactive, short-lived plays an important role in fouling of heat exchangers
antimicrobiological substances, mainly hypothiocyanate (de Jong et al., 1992; Jeurnik, 1991). The quantitative
(Fugslang, Johansen, Christgau, & Adler-Nissen, 1995; determination of undenatured b-lg has been proposed
Hernández, van Markwijk, & Vreeman, 1990; Muir, for distinguishing between different categories of heat-
1996). treated milk. A minimum content of 2600 mg/l b-lg for
Lpo has been suggested as a possible enzyme to pasteurized milk and of 2000 mg/l b-lg for high-pasteur-
monitor thermal processes higher than 72 C and is used ized milk is within the limits proposed by the Interna-
to make a distinction between pasteurized and high- tional Dairy Federation. As a clear-cut distinction of
temperature pasteurized milk (Griffiths, 1986; Guha & UHT milk from in-bottle sterilized milk, a minimum
Roy, 1973; Hernández et al., 1990). Though, there are content of 50 mg/l for the latter has been proposed
some limitations on the suitability of Lpo as a TTI for (Schlimme, Buchheim, & Heeschen, 1994; Wilbey, 1996).
liquid milk. Firstly, a cyclic variation of Lpo activity is In literature, conflicting results exist regarding the
observed with a maximum in summer (August) and a kinetics of b-lg denaturation, possibly reflecting the
minimum in winter (February) probably explicable by complexity of the process. Several researchers have
change in feed of cows during the year (Olszewski & reported first order kinetics (Claeys, Ludikhuyze, Van
Reuter, 1992). Secondly, its thermostability is strongly Loey, et al., 2001a; deWit & Klarenbeek, 1981; Har-
dependent on the nature of the medium (buffer < milk walkar, 1986; Verheul, Roefs, & de Kruif, 1998), while
or whey) and influenced by pH, casein, b-lg and ionic others reported second order kinetics (El-Shazly, Mah-
strength (Hernández et al., 1990; Sato, Dosako, Naka- ran, & Hofi, 1978; Harwalkar, 1986; Lyster, 1970), 1.5
jima, & Ido, 1992; Sciancalepore, De Stefano, & Piac- order kinetics (Dannenberg & Kessler, 1988; Schlimme
quado, 1996). Thirdly, Lpo is sensitive for irreversible et al., 1996), or consecutive first order reaction kinetics
photochemical inactivation and may regenerate during (Harwalkar, 1980). The discrepancies among these stu-
storage (Hernández et al., 1990; Olszewski & Reuter, dies might also be explained by variation in methodol-
1992). Finally, a validated analytical procedure to ogy and experimental conditions such as the medium of
quantify Lpo activity is not available yet. Existing the protein solution (skim milk, whey or isolated pro-
methods for estimating peroxidase activity are spectro- tein in buffer solution), the method and conditions of
photometrical assays based on different donors such as heat treatment, and the method of assay to determine
p-phenylenediamine (Aurand, Roberts, & Cardwell, the residual native protein concentration (Anema &
1956), pyrogallol and guaiacol (Pruitt, Kamau, Miller, McKenna, 1996; El-Shazly et al., 1978; Prakabaran &
Månsson-Rahemtulla, & Rahemtulla, 1990), and ABTS Damodaran, 1997).
(2,20 -azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) Denatured b-lg is naturally not present in raw milk
(Hernández et al., 1990), of which the latter is most and the amount of protein remains stable with respect
commonly used. to total protein, so that it is not essential to analyze the
Thermal inactivation of Lpo follows first order kinet- raw milk corresponding to each sample of processed
ics with a z-value situated between 3.7 and 4.3 C milk to measure the degree of denaturation (Morales,
(Claeys, Ludikhuyze, Van Loey, et al., 2001a; Olszewski Romero, & Jiménez-Pérez, 2000).
& Reuter, 1992). Although the enzyme is mainly present As to the effect of milk fat content on b-lg denatura-
in the serum phase, initial Lpo activity as well as Lpo tion, views diverge. Some observed a protective effect
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 303

(Pellegrino, 1994), whereas others observed no effect of to show sometimes interference between HMF and
milk fat on b-lg denaturation (López-Fandiño, Olano, other compounds that can get co-eluted with the HMF
Corzo, & Ramos, 1993; Lyster, 1970). Still others peak (Morales, Romero, & Jiménez-Pérez, 1995, 1997).
observed a synergistic effect of fat on b-lg denaturation As for kinetics of formation of HMF, most studies in
although the concentration of b-lg in crude whole and model systems and milk reported zero-order kinetics
skimmed milk was comparable (Claeys et al., 2002a; de with an Ea-value between 104 and 135.1 kJ/mol (Claeys,
Koning et al., 1990). This positive correlation between Ludikhuyze, & Hendrickx, 2001b; Morales et al., 1995;
milk fat content and b-lg denaturation was suggested to Peri, Pagliarini, & Pierucci, 1988). It has to be remarked
be related to the binding of b-lg on the fat globule sur- that zero-order kinetics, implying that reaction rates are
face (Claeys et al., 2002a). When a b-lg molecule dena- independent of concentration, are rather artificial and a
tures, it can follow three possible pathways: (i) it can consequence of either experimental conditions, sam-
bind to another denatured serum protein molecule, (ii) pling procedure or the presence of competing or rate-
it can react with micellar k-casein, or (iii) it may bind to limiting intermediate reactions (O’Brien, 1997).
a protein on, or adsorb to the surface of a fat globule. According to Berg (1993) and Claeys, Van Loey, and
From the rate of the reaction with fat globules, the lat- Hendrickx (2002b) milk fat content has no effect on total
ter pathway appears to be favored (Corredig & Dalgle- HMF formation in UHT-milk. Morales and Jiménez-
ish, 1996; Dalgleish & Banks, 1991). Pérez (1999) on the other hand, observed a protective
Similar to ALP inactivation, lactose content has been effect of milk fat on total HMF formation, after pas-
reported to have a protective effect on b-lg denaturation teurization as well as after direct UHT and sterilization.
(de Wit & Klarenbeek, 1981; Pearce, 1989; Plock, Spie- Varying fat contents did not influence associated Ea-
gel, & Kessler, 1998). Two mechanisms are held values.
responsible for this stabilization. Firstly, sugars and Next to fat content, it has been reported that HMF
similar substances tend to maintain or increase the values increase with increasing dry matter concentration
hydratation of protein molecules, enhancing the water (Fink & Kessler, 1986) and initial lactose concentration
structure in the immediate surroundings of the protein in the product (Kind & Reuter, 1990).
molecules and contributing to their stability. Secondly, Although there is formation of HMF from its pre-
irreversible aggregation of the whey protein with casein cursors during storage of milk, HMF content remains
is stericly hindered by means of protein-lactose com- constant between refrigeration and room temperature
plexes formed during heating. (Fink & Kessler, 1986; Jiménez-Pérez, Corzo, Morales,
Delgado, & Olano, 1992). This has been attributed to
Hydroxymethylfurfural the fact that part of the HMF generated during storage
In the case of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), a dis- is lost through oxidations or other transformations. At
tinction must be made between ‘total’ and ‘free’ HMF, temperatures 530 C the equilibrium is moved towards
which are produced through different pathways. While HMF formation (Jiménez-Pérez et al., 1992; Morales et
free HMF is formed only by decomposition of lactulo- al., 1997).
syllysine in the Maillard reaction, total HMF can also HMF is a recognised indicator for distinguishing in-
be formed through the acid-catalyzed degradation of bottle sterilized milk (HMF values of 30–140 mmol/l)
lactose via 3-deoxyosulose, known as the Lobry De from UHT-milk (1–10 mmol/l) (Fink & Kessler, 1986;
Bruyn–Alberda van Ekenstein (LA) transformation Morales, Romero, & Jiménez-Pérez, 1996). Directly
(Morales & Jiménez-Pérez, 1999; van Boekel, 1998). The heated UHT milk has lower HMF values than indirectly
relative rates of the two routes depend on a number of heated milk, probably because the warming up and
variables, like pH, water activity, temperature and time. cooling down periods in direct UHT are virtually
In milk, the route of HMF formation is mostly the instantaneous so that the amount of heat this milk
LA transformation (Berg, 1993; Morales, Romero, & receives is usually less than the amount of heat received
Jiménez-Pérez, 1997). Formation of free HMF is limited by indirectly heated UHT milk (Fink & Kessler, 1986).
compared to formation of total HMF, and probably not Another explanation is that during direct UHT satu-
a reliable measure for the occurrence of the Maillard rated steam is injected into the preheated milk, diluting
reaction (Morales & Jiménez-Pérez, 1999). the milk and thus reducing the concentrations of reac-
Traditionally, HMF is measured spectro- tants susceptible to heat damage (Kind & Reuter, 1990;
photometrically with thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as sub- Nangpal & Reuter, 1990a). The suitability of HMF as
strate (Keeney & Bassette, 1959). This method however, TTI for heat treated milk is however questioned because
suffers a lack of specificity because of the general reac- of the variable amounts of HMF measured in raw milk
tivity of TBA towards aldehydic groups. Also, the (3.6–7.3 mmol/l) (Burton, 1984; Fink & Kessler, 1986).
formed HMF-TBA complex is fairly unstable and vari- These variable HMF amounts detected in raw milk are
able in function of time. An accurate HPLC technique is an artefact generated by the acidic digestion preceding
now available, but is reported to be time-consuming and the spectrophotometric or chromatographic analysis,
304 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

since HMF should not be present in unheated milk bases (Andrews & Prasad, 1987). Probably, variation in
(Morales et al., 1996, 2000). the phosphate content of milk (86–103 mg/100 ml) is
too small to affect the rate of lactulose formation in
Lactulose commercially processed milks sufficiently as a result of
Lactulose may be present in heated milk as free lac- which the applicability of lactulose as a TTI could be
tulose or covalently bound to milk protein as e-N- invalidated (Florence, Knight, Owen, Milner, & Harris,
deoxylactulosyl-l-lysine. Free lactulose is formed by the 1985). There are no published data on the variability in
LA transformation of lactose via a 1,2-enediol inter- the citrate content of milk. When the calcium content of
mediate. Increasing the lactose concentration increases milk is increased by 50 ppm, formation of lactulose is
the formation of lactulose (Andrews, 1989; Berg, 1993). depressed, probably due to the increased complex for-
Several methods for lactulose determination have mation of citrate and phosphate with calcium, thus
been described such as thin-layer chromatographic, reducing the levels of phosphate and citrate available to
liquid chromatographic, gas chromatographic and catalyze lactulose formation (Andrews, 1989; Olano et
enzymatic methods (Amine, Moscone, Bernardo, Mar- al., 1987).
coni, & Palleschi, 2000; Geier & Klostermeyer, 1983; As to the effect of proteins, comparing ultrafiltrate
Martinez-Castro & Olano, 1981; Morales et al., 2000; (retentate) with milk of various protein concentrations,
Olano & Martinez-Castro, 1989; Parrish, Hicks, & it was observed that although a small amount increases
Doner, 1980). In recent years mainly the two latter lactulose formation, further addition of protein reduces
methods have been applied. the amount of lactulose formed. This effect was ascribed
Published data describe lactose isomerization into to a decrease in pH of the ultrafiltrate when heated,
lactulose as an irreversible zero order (Claeys, Ludi- reduced substrate concentration (due to increased for-
khuyze, & Hendrickx, 2001b; De Rafael, Villamiel, & mation of lactosyl-amino compounds) or removal of
Olano, 1997; Geier, Klostermeyer, 1983) or first order free lactulose (due to condensation of lactulose with an
reaction (Olano & Calvo, 1989; Schlimme et al., 1996) amino group) (Andrews & Prasad, 1987; Berg, 1993;
with Ea-values between 105.6 and 118 kJ/mol, and Calvo & Olano, 1989; Greig & Payne, 1985). Kinetics
between 118.3 and 125 kJ/mol respectively. In fact, the for lactulose formation were almost certainly identical
reaction is reversible, as expected for an isomerization in milk and ultrafiltrate indicating that milk protein
reaction, and lactulose degrades further to galactose does not catalyze lactulose formation. Probably the salt
and other constituents. Furthermore, lactose also iso- system is responsible for most of the lactulose formed
merizes into very small amounts of epilactose, and both during thermal processing of milk (Andrews & Prasad,
lactose and lactulose are involved in the Maillard reac- 1987; Montilla & Olano, 1997).
tion (Berg & van Boekel, 1994; O’Brien, 1997; Olano & Contradictory data have been reported concerning
Calvo, 1989). All such responses can be taken into the influence of milk fat content on lactulose formation.
account by multiresponse modeling (van Boekel, 1998). Some observed an enhancement of formation at higher
However, use of a simple reaction order for complex fat content (de Koning et al., 1990), while others found
formation pathways can be useful for describing chemi- a depressing effect of fat on formation (Pellegrino,
cal changes during processing or for modeling shelf-life, 1994). Still others observed no alteration in lactulose
when knowledge of pure chemistry or mechanism of the concentrations attributable to milk fat content
reaction is of no importance. (Andrews, 1984; Andrews & Morant, 1987; Berg, 1993;
Milk pH has been reported to affect lactose iso- Claeys et al., 2002b; Geier & Klostmeyer, 1983).
merization (Geier & Klostermeyer, 1983). In the pH Also on the effect of milk storage on lactulose forma-
range between 6.7 and 6.8 the variation of lactulose tion, contradictory data have been reported. Nangpal
content is minimal, while below pH 6.7 the lactulose and Reuter (1990a) observed even at 20 C a system-
content decreases and above pH 8 the lactulose content atically increase of lactulose concentration, which was
increases substantially (Nangpal & Reuter, 1990a). independently of the initial concentration. Andrews
Although precipitation of tertiary calcium phosphate, (1989) on the other hand, observed no effect of milk
hydrolysis of organic casein phosphate and production storage at room temperature on the lactulose con-
of organic acids all contribute to the decrease of pH in centration. There is probably a balance between forma-
heated milk, most important from a quantitative point tion and degradation of lactulose. This balance depends
of view is the production of organic acids (formic acid) on external and compositional factors, which can
(Berg, 1993; O’Brien, 1997). Nevertheless, pH values explain the different observations during storage.
within the range found in normal milk samples have Determination of the lactulose concentration allows
only a small influence, if any (Olano, Corzo, Paez, & the differentiation of UHT from in-bottle sterilized
Martinez-Castro, 1987). milk, and of directly from indirectly processed UHT
Soluble citrate and phosphate were found to catalyze milk (Jiménez-Pérez et al., 1992; Schlimme et al., 1996).
the formation of lactulose, presumably by acting as Tentative proposals being considered include lactulose
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 305

levels of > 100 mg/l and > 600 mg/l for UHT and the effect of milk fat on furosine formation appeared to
sterilized milk respectively (Schlimme et al., 1994; Wil- be insignificant in the context of process impact quanti-
bey, 1996). However, an overlap between lactulose fication (Claeys et al., 2002b).
levels in UHT and sterilized milk has been reported Formation of furosine has been observed during milk
rendering measurement of lactulose alone insufficient as storage at room temperature. This can lead to mis-
an index of heat treatment (Wilbey, 1996). interpretation of the actual heat load when applying
furosine content as an index of heating. The amount of
Furosine furosine newly formed was however independent of the
The main first stable products of the Maillard reac- furosine content immediately after heating and negli-
tion are aminoketoses, known as the Amadori com- gible at 4 C (Nangpal & Reuter, 1990b; Pellegrino, De
pounds. In milk, these compounds are largely Noni, & Resmini, 1995a; Rattray et al., 1997).
represented by e-lactulosyl-lysine, an unstable com- Furosine is a useful indicator of lysine damage in milk
pound that after acid hydrolysis is converted into the products as well as a quality parameter to identify the
more stable furosine (Resmini & Pellegrino, 1994; van presence of reconstituted milk powder in raw or pas-
Boekel, 1998). teurized milk (Corzo, Delgado, Troyano, & Olano,
Methods for quantifying furosine include ion-pair 1994). Furosine has also been proposed as a useful
reversed phase HPLC (Resmini, Pellegrino, & Battelli, index for heat-induced changes in milk products; a fur-
1990), ion-exchange chromatography (Hartkopf & osine content of 8 mg/100 g protein has been suggested
Erbersdobler, 1993) and capillary zone electrophoresis as upper heating limit for pasteurization, of 20 mg/100 g
(CZE) (Tirelli & Pellegrino, 1995). Comparison between protein for high-pasteurization and of 250 mg/100 g
the HPLC and CZE technique showed that low levels of protein for UHT (Clawin-Rädecker & Schlimme, 1995;
furosine were underestimated by CZE (Tirelli & Pelle- Schlimme et al., 1996).
grino, 1995).
Studies dealing with furosine formation kinetics, Multi-component TTI-approach
reported a zero order reaction with activation energies In most cases distinction of different heat-classes of
between 81.6 kJ/mol and 104.1 kJ/mol (Claeys, Ludi- liquid milk cannot be achieved by one TTI alone due to
khuyze, Van Loey et al., 2001b; De Rafael et al., 1997; overlap of values and to the wide range of heat load
Montilla, Calvo, Santa-Maria, Corzo, & Olano, 1996; applied on liquid milk within the same heat-class. This
Schlimme et al., 1996). The formation of furosine is wide range can partly be explained by variability in
highly dependent on protein concentration (positively design of industrial plants, in working and heating con-
correlated), and is therefore expressed as mg/100 g pro- ditions, in milk recycling and in other factors. So, for
tein (Montilla & Olano, 1997; Rattray, Gallmann, & the differentiation of different classes of sterilized milk,
Jelen, 1997). As the Amadori rearrangement is catalyzed it was suggested to couple relatively heat-labile compo-
by acids, it can be expected that also the pH-value of the nents (protein, enzyme) with heat-stable components
raw milk would influence furosine formation. However, (chemical compound formed), e.g. a-lactalbumin or b-lg
no regular pattern was observed in the variation of fur- with lactulose. Due to slight variations caused by severe
osine concentration between pH 6.6 and 6.95 (Nangpal heating, the residual low concentration of the whey
& Reuter, 1990b). proteins cannot be used as a precise indicator. For milk
Similar for whey protein denaturation and lactulose thus labeled as ‘UHT’ it was proposed that two criteria,
formation, Pellegrino (1994) observed a higher furosine a b-lg content higher than 50 mg/l and a lactulose con-
formation in skimmed than in whole UHT milk, which tent equal or lower than 600 mg/l, must be fulfilled.
was explained by a difference in heat load between Otherwise, milk has to be designed as ‘sterilized’.
whole and skimmed milk. Fat content would affect Another example is coupling of the chemical compound
viscosity of milk and thus hinder the heat transfer of the furosine with the heat-labile proteins b-lg and/or Lpo
process. However, excluding heat transfer phenomena with the objective of identifying small amounts of
by working with a small sample size, we observed a reconstituted milk powder in pasteurized milk (Pelle-
positive correlation between fat content and furosine grino, Resmini, & Luf, 1995b).
concentration (Claeys et al., 2002b). During heating, Coupling of two chemical compounds, namely fur-
denatured serum proteins initiate binding to micellar osine and lactulose, can also offer some potential since
k-casein via disulphide bonds. Native fat globule pro- the early Maillard reaction and lactose isomerization
teins contain cysteine and can therefore also interact have different kinetics and are affected differently by
with denatured serum protein when milk is heated. This milk composition and heating conditions (van Boekel,
kind of interaction could explain the protective effect of 1998). Because the formation of furosine is faster than
milk fat on lysine blocking and on furosine formation that of lactulose, an abnormal shift from the established
when whole milk is heated (Morales et al., 1995). It has correlation line between lactulose and furosine indicates
to be remarked however, that according to our results incorrect thermal processing or poor storage conditions.
306 W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311

Since milk powder contains a considerable amount of with a heat resistance lower or equal to the one of
furosine compared to lactulose, coupling of both TTIs L.monocytogenes (for example E.coli, Y.enterolitica)
allows a better distinction between genuine and adult- (Fig. 2). As for Ps.fluorescens and Salmonella spp., a 6
erated milk as well. The detection of added milk powder log reduction will be guaranteed by the ALP test only at
based only on furosine determination has an important temperatures lower than 68–69 C and higher than 64 C
limitation seeing that there is a great range in the respectively. For S. aureus none of the temperature time
amount of furosine formed with the varying time and combinations resulting in a negative ALP test will be
temperature limits in e.g. the UHT process (Corzo et al., adequate to achieve a sufficient reduction. However,
1994; Montilla et al., 1996; Pellegrino et al., 1995a). interpretation of the TTT-diagram is dependent on the lit-
erature source consulted for data. For example, when the
Time temperature tolerance diagrams destruction curve of S.aureus was constructed by means of
Based on the acquired kinetic information, the suit- kinetic data from Roberts, Baird-Parker, and Tompkin
ability of the intrinsic TTIs studied with relation to the (1996) instead of those from Walstra et al. (1999) (in Fig. 2
microbiological safety of the product can be visualised presented by the 6 log reduction curve of S. aureus 1 and 2
by means of time temperature tolerance (TTT-) dia- respectively), at temperatures below 72–73 C a negative
grams. Construction of such diagrams is sometimes ALP test does guarantee the inactivation of S.aureus.
hampered and interpretation must be done with some
caution. This is illustrated by an example in the domains Sterilization
of pasteurization and sterilization. Low acid products with a pH of 4.5 or above intended
for storage under non-refrigerated conditions, should be
Pasteurization subjected to a scheduled heat treatment process
Milk designed for refrigerated storage (pasteurized designed to reduce the probability of survival of Cl.
milk) should receive a heat treatment process designed botulinum by at least a factor of 1012 (‘the minimum
to reduce the probability of survival of L.monocytogenes botulinum process’) (FIL-IDF, 1994). This condition
by at least a factor of 104 (FIL-IDF, 1994). Taking a together with the proposed minimal heating limits of
safety margin into account, usually a log reduction of 6 100 and 600 mg/l lactulose for UHT and sterilized milk
is considered. The effectiveness of pasteurization is respectively, are presented by the TTT-diagram in Fig.
monitored based on the ALP test. However, the degree 3. At temperatures higher than 120 C B.cereus spores
of inactivation chosen as a ‘cut-off’-value for pasteur- andCl.botulinum vegetative cells and spores are suffi-
ized milk is not a given parameter, but depends on the ciently reduced by time-temperature conditions result-
detection limit of the method applied. This was demon- ing in formation of 100 mg/l lactulose. The lower limit
strated amongst others by Schlimme et al. (1997). of sterilization however, seems to be taken too broad;
Assuming that a negative test reflects an ALP activity spores of B.cereus and Cl.botulinum are killed at tem-
equivalent or less than 0.5% of the initial activity, it perature time conditions much less intensive than those
thus follows from the TTT-diagram in Fig. 2 that tem- resulting in formation of 600 mg/l lactulose.
perature time combinations resulting in a negative ALP Because the temperature sensitivity factor of lactulose
test seem to be sufficient to inactivate micro-organisms formation is not similar to the one characterizing the

Fig. 2. Time temperature tolerance diagram for the domain of Fig. 3. Time temperature tolerance diagram for the domain of
pasteurization: implication of a negative alkaline phosphatase (ALP) sterilization: application of lactulose to guarantee the micro-
test on the microbiological safety of milk. Legend: *: 95.5% ALP biological safety of milk. Legend: * and *: formation curve of
inactivation curve based on kinetic data from Table 2; 6 log 600 and 100 mg/l lactulose respectively, based on kinetic data
reduction curves of *: L. monocytogenes, x: Ps. fluorescens, &: from Table 2; 12 log reduction curves of ^: B. cereus spores, ~:
Salmonella spp., and ~ and ~: S. aureus 1 and 2 based on kinetic Cl. botulinum, and ^: Cl. botulinum spores based on kinetic data
parameters from Table 1. from Table 1.
W.L. Claeys et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (2002) 293–311 307

reduction of spores, curves intersect. In such a case, three-dimensional domain (time, temperature and pres-
more than one TTI is necessary to define clearly the sure). Additional conditions must be fulfilled and the
allowed boundary conditions for thermal processing. question arises whether compounds suitable as TTIs for
Finally, it has to be remarked that criteria based on the assessment of thermal processes of milk are still
the level of a TTI are easier to define for formation useful for quantifying the impact of e.g. high pressure
products such as HMF, lactulose or furosine, than for processing of milk.
proteins. The application of proteins as heat markers
not only depends on the kinetics describing their dena- Acknowledgements
turation or inactivation, but also on their initial con- This research has been supported by the Office of the
centration or activity. Moreover, the procentual Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural
inactivation or denaturation of a protein is restricted Affaires as a part of project NP/01/034.
from 100 to 0% indicating a dependency on the detec-
tion limit of the analytical method.
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