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1. Autopsy of a man who had tuberculosis revealed a 3x2 cm large cavity in the superior lobe of the right lung.

The cavity was interconnected with a bronchus, its wall was dense and consisted of three layers: the internal
layer was pyogenic, the middle layer was made of tuberculous granulation tissue and the external one was made
of connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
B. Fibrous focal tuberculosis
C. Tuberculoma
D. Acute focal tuberculosis E.
E. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
2. A 3-year-old child with meningeal symptoms died. Postmortem macroscopy of the pia matter revealed
miliary nodules which were microscopically represented by a focus of caseous necrosis with masses of
epithelioid and lymphoid cells with large cells containing crescent-shaped peripheral nuclei situated between
them. Specify the type of meningitis in the child:
A. Tuberculous
B. Syphilitic
C. Brucellar
D. Grippal
E. Meningococcal
3. A male patient is 28 years old. Histological study of a cervical lymph node revealed a change of its pattern
due to the proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of a horseshoe. In
the center of some cell clusters there were non-structured lightpink areas with fragments of nuclei. What
disease are these changes typical for?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Hodgkin’s disease
C. Actinomycosis
D. Tumor metastasis
E. Syphilis
4. Autopsy of a 17 year old girl who died from pulmonary failure revealed a small area of caseous necrosis in
the inferior lobe of the right lung, and occurences of caseous necrosis in the bronchopulmonary, bronchial and
bifurcational lymph nodes. What is the most probable postmortem diagnosis?
A. Primary tuberculosis
B. Hematogenous progression of primary tuberculosis
C. Hematogenous tuberculosis with predominant lung affection
D. Tuberculoma
E. Caseous pneumonia under secondary tuberculosis
5. A patient with tuberculosis died from progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy in the region
of the right lung apex revealed a cavity 5 cm in diameter communicating with lumen of a segmental bronchus.
On the inside cavity walls are covered with caseous masses with epithelioid and Langhans cells beneath them.
What morphological form of tuberculosis is it?
A. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
B. Tuberculoma
C. Caseous pneumonia
D. Infiltrative tuberculosis
E. Acute focal tuberculosis
6. A 46 year old patient who had been suffering from tuberculosis for 6 years died from massive pulmonary
haemorrhage. Autopsy revealed different-sixed foci of sclerosis and caseous necrosis in lungs, in the upper part
of the right lung there was a cavity 5 cm in diameter with dense grey walls, the cavity contained liquid blood
and blood clots. What type of tuberculosis is it?
A. Fibrocavernous
B. Acute cavernous
C. Infiltrative
D. Fibrous focal
E. Acute focal
7. Autopsy of a 48 y.o. man revealed a round formation 5 cm in diameter with clear-cut outlines in the region of
the 1st segment of his right lung. This formation was encircled with a thin layer of connective tissue full of
white brittle masses. Make a diagnosis of the secondary tuberculosis form:
A. Tuberculoma
B. Caseous pneumonia
C. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
D. Acute focal tuberculosis
E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
8. On autopsy a 35-year-old man the focus of carnification 5 cm in diametre enclosed in a thin capsule was
revealed in the second segment of the right lung . The focus consists of a tough dry friable tissue with a dim
surface. For what disease are these morphological changes typical?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Lung cancer
C. Chondroma
D. Tumorous form of silicosis
E. Postinflammatory pneumosclerosis
9. A 40-year-old prisoner died of tuberculosis in the corrective labor camp. Autopsy of the body
revealeddeformation and diminishing of both lung apices; in the ties with dense walls 2-3 mm thick; in the foci
of caseous necrosis varying from 5 mm to 2 cv in diameter. Diagnose the type of tuberculosis.
A. Secondary fibro-cavitary tuberculosis
B. Secondary fibrous-focal tuberculosis
C. Secondary cirrhotic tuberculosis
D. Hematogenous macrofocal pulmonary tuberculosis
E. Primary tuberculosis, primary affect development
10. Autopsy of a man, who died from acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia resulting from pulmonary haemorrhage,
revealed the following: macroscopically - lung apexes were deformed, their section showed multiple whitish-
grey foci 10-15 mm in diameter and multiple pathological cavities up to 15 mm in diameter with dense walls.
Microscopically: the cavity walls presented proliferation of the connective tissue infiltrated by epithelioid cells,
multicellular giant cells and lymphocytes. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Secondary fibrocavernous tuberculosis
B. Primary tuberculosis without signs of progress
C. Progressing tuberculosis complex
D. Hematogenic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis
E. Hematogenic miliary pulmonary tuberculosis
11. Autopsy of a young man revealed some lung cavities with inner walls made up of granulation tissue with
varying degrees of maturity; pronounced pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis. Some cavities had caseation
areas. What is your presumptive diagnosis?
A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis
C. Caseous pneumonia
D. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
E. Bronchiectasis
12. A patient was suffering from primary tuberculosis 5 years ago. Radiography has revealed a sharply
marginated nodular shadow with diameter of 4 cm in the 2nd segment of the right lung. Focus was surgically
removed. Histological study has revealed the following: the focus of caseous necrosis surrounded by the thick
capsule of connective tissue. What kind of secondary tuberculosis has occurred in patient?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
C. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
D. Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis
E. Caseous pneumonia
13. A patient has developed a painful sore with soft ragged edges in the oral cavity. Microscopically there is
lymphocytic infiltration with epithelioid and giant multinucleate Langhans cells in the sore floor. What
diagnosis is the most likely?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Syphilis
C. Ulcerative stomatitis (Vincent’s stomatitis)
D. Ulcer-cancer
E. Gangrenous stomatitis
14. Autopsy of the body of a 50-year who had been suffering from tuberculosis and died of cardiopulmonary
decompensation, shows lobar affection of the lungs: the upper lobe of the right lung is enlarged, dense, yellow
on section, crumbling, with pleural fibrin deposition. What type of secondary tuberculosis can be characterized
by this pathology?
A. Caseous pneumonia
B. Infiltrative tuberculosis
C. Acute focal tuberculosis
D. Fibrous focal tuberculosis
E. Tuberculoma
15. Autopsy of a 52-year-old man revealed changes in his lungs: there is a segmented area of caseous necrosis
in the upper right lung; the segments merge with each other. The lung is enlarged, dense, yellowish-colored on
section; there are fibrinous films on the pleura. Name the type of tuberculosis:

A. Caseous pneumonia
B. Tuberculoma
C. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
D. Cirrhotic tuberculosis
E. Infiltrative tuberculosis

16. Autopsy of a man with tuberculosis has revealed a 3x2 cm large cavity in the superior lobe of the right
lung. The cavity was communicating with a bronchus, its wall was dense and consisted of three layers: the
internal layer was pyogenic, the middle layer was made of tuberculous granulation tissue, and the external
one was made of connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis
B. Acute focal tuberculosis w

C. Fibrous focal tuberculosis

D. Acute cavernous tuberculosis
E. Tuberculoma

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