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Paniker'sTextbook of Medical Parasitology


It is pear-shaped or ovoid and measures 10-30 µm in length
• Giardia is the only protozoan parasite found in the lumen of
the human small intestine (duodenum and jejunum). a nd 5-10 µmin breadth with a short undulating membrane
• Trophozoites a re pear-shaped, bilaterally symmetrical with reaching up to the m iddle of the body (Fig. 4A) .
two nuclei, fo ur pairs of flagella and a ventral concave • It h as four an terior flagella a nd fi fth running along the
sucking disk. They exhibit motility resembling a "falling leaf". outer margin of the u ndulati ng membrane, which is
• Ellipsoid cysts contain four nuclei with remnants of flagella. supported at its base by a flexi ble rod, costa.
• Infective form: Ellipsoid cysts. • A prom inent axostyle runs throughou t the length of the
• Clinical features: Mostly asymptomatic but in some cases body and projects posteriorly like a tail.
may cause diarrhea, dull epigastric pain and malabsorption. • the cytoplasm shows prominent siderophilic granu les,
Stool contains excess mucus but no blood. which are most numerous alo ngside the axostyle and
• Diagnosis: By microscopic demonstration of trophozoites costa.
or cysts in stool, enterotest a nd s e rodiagnosis by ELISA • It is motile with a rapidj erky or twitch ing type movement.
(ProSpecT/Giardia antigen assay).
• Treatment Metronidazole and tinidazole are the drugs of
choice. Habitat
In fe males, it lives in vagina and cervix and m ay also b e fo und
in Bartholin 's gland s, urethra and urinary bladder. Ln males,
it occurs mainly in the an terior ureth ra, but may also be
• TRICHOMONAS fou nd in the pros tate and prep utial sac.
Trichomonas differs from other flagellates, as th ey exist only
in rrophozoite stage. Cysti c stage is not seen .
Life Cycle
Genu s trichomonas has th ree species, which occur in
hum ans (Figs 4A to C) : Life cycle of T. vaginalis is com pleted in a single host eithe r
l. T. vaginalis (Fig. 4A) male or female.
2. T. hominis (Fig. 4B)
Mode oftransmission:
3. T. tenax (Fig. 4C)
• The trophozoite cannot survive outside and so infection
has to be tra ns mi tted d irectly from perso n-to-p erson.
Trichomonas Vagina/is Sexual transmission is th e usual mode of infect ion
History and Distribution ( Box 3).
• Trichomoniasis often coexists wilh other sexually trans-
T: vaginalis was fi rst o bserved by Donne (1836) in vagi nal mi tte d d iseases like ca ndidiasis, gon orrhea, syph ilis, or
secretion. human immunodeficiency vi rus (HIV).
Prevalence of trichomoniasis varies from 5% patients at • Babies may get infected d uring birth.
hospitals to 75% in sexual workers. • Vaginal pH of more than 4.5 facilitates infection.

Figs 4A to C: Trichomonas species. (A) T. vagina/is; (B) T. hominis; and (C) T. tenax
Intestinal, Oral and Genital Flagellates

Box 3: Protozoa transmitted by sexual contact Direct fluorescent antibody:

• Direct fluorescen t antibody (DFA) is another method of
, Trichomonas vagina/is
detection of parasite and is more sensitive than the wet
, Giardia Iambi/a
, Entamoeba histolytica
Culture: Culture is recommended when direct microscopy is
negative and is considered as a "gold standard" as well as the
Fomites such as towels have been implicated in trans-
most sensitive (95%) method for the diagnosis of T. vagina/is
• Trophozoites divide by binary fission.
• It grows best at 35-37°C under anaerobic conditions. The
As cysts are not formed, the lrophozoite itself is the
optimal pl I for growth is 5.5-6.0.
infective form.
• It can be grown in a va ri ety of solid or liquid media,
• Incubation period is roughly 10 days.
tissue culture and eggs. Cysteine-peptone-liver-maltose
(CPLM) medium and plastic envelope medium (PEM) are
Pathogenesis often used.
T. vaginalis particularly infects squam ous epithelium and not Serology: Enzyme-linked immunosorbenl assay is used for
columnar epithelium. It secretes cysteine proteases, adhesins, demonstration of T. vagina/is antigen in vaginal smear using
lacti c acid and acetic acid, which disrupt the glycogen levels a monoclonal antibody for 65 kDA surface polypeptide of
and lower the pH of Lhe vaginal fluid. T. vaginalis.
It is an obligate parasite and cannot live witho ut close Rapid immunochromatographic tests (lCTs) are now
association with the vaginal, urethral, or prostatic tissues. avai lable for detection of Antigen like OSOM Trichomonas
Parasite causes petechial hemorrhage and mucosa! rapid test, Xenostrip-Tv.
capillary dilation (strawberry mucosa), m etaplastic
changes and desquamation of the vagi nal epithelium. Molecular method: Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization and
Intracellular edema and so called chicken-like epithelium, PCR are also highly sensitive (97%) and specific (98%) tests
is the characteristic feature oftrichomoniasis. for the di agnosis of trichomoniasis.
Sensitive and specific commercially available ucleic
acid amplification test (NAAT) has been developed (Aptima
Clinical Features
Trichomonas vagina/is assay).
Infec tion is ofte n asymptomatic, particularly in males,
although some m ay develop uret hritis, epididymitis and Treatment
Simultaneous treatment of both partners is recommended as
• In females, it may produce severe pruritic vaginitis
it is an STD.
with an offensive, yellowish green, often frothy dis-
Metronidazole 2 g orally as a single dose or 500 mg orally
charge, dysuria and dyspareun ia. Cervical erosion is
twice a day for 7 days is the drug of choice.
common. Endometritis and pyosalpingitis are infrequent
In patients not responding to treatm ent with standard
regime, the dose ofmetronidazole may be increased or it
• Ra rely, neo natal pneumonia and conj uncti vitis h ave
may be administered parenterally.
been reported in infants born to infected mothers.
• In pregnancy, m etronidazole is safe in 2nd and 3rd
The incubati on period of trichomoniasis is 4 days to
4 weeks.
Laboratory Diagnosis Prevention is same as for other sexually tran smitted d iseases.
Microscopic examination • Avoida nce of sexual contact with infected partners and
Wet mount : use of barrier m eth od during intercourse prevent the
Vaginal or urethral discharge is examined microscopically disease.
in saline wet mount preparation for characteristic jerky Patient's sexual partner should be tested for T. vagina/is
and twitchi ng motility and shape. In males, trophozoites when necessary.
may be found in urine or prostatic secretions. An
abundance of leukocytes is seen. Trichomonas Tenax
Permanent stain: T. tenax, also known as T. buccalis, is a harmless commensal
Fixed sm ears may be stained with acridin e orange, which lives in mouth, in the periodontal pockets, carious
Papanicolaou and Giemsa stains. tooth cavities and, less often, in tonsillar crypts.

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