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10820 Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III

Lesson Plan

Name of School CAP - College of Educational Application

Teacher Soraia Date 22/11
Lesson length 50 min Level 7o ano

Information about the class

- Assisting the retake test and Thanksgiving activity;

Lesson aim(s)
- Assisting the retake class;
- Helping with a Thanksgiving activity;

Materials (referenced)
- Educatron TV;
- Activity sheets;

- The class will be focused on the retake test and doing the Thanksgiving activity, so we
expect a quiet and participative class.

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Taking turns, while one explains, the other
walks around the room drawing the attention of
those students who are not paying attention
and/or participating;

Everything that will be said in class is going

to be repeated twice, once in Portuguese
They change the focus to fast
and once in English. There will be no set
pattern for which of the two teachers will be
speaking or when, we will just translate
what the other explains.
We can repeat as requested every time in
both languages.

Board Plan
Assistance with the Thanksgiving activities.

10820 Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Lesson Plan

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

- Assisting with the retake test applied by the teacher by walking around the
Retake test; with the From test to ss; -
class and checking if the ss have difficulties;
retake test;

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Making ss
-Asking the ss what they already know about Thanksgiving;
understand 10
Thanksgiving -Playing the video on Educatron TV and explaining the parts of the video From teacher to
the general
video; ss didn’t understand; ss; minutes;
idea of
(5) Thanksgiving history and traditions. ESL/ESOL/EFL A1-A2 video - YouTube

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Thanksgiving Assisting with the - Assisting with the acc by helping the teacher to glue the tree in From teacher to
activity; Thanksgiving acc; the school board; ss/ from ss to ss;

10820 Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Lesson Plan

10820 Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Lesson Plan

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