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2024 Aspire Leaders Program

Module 3 Syllabus
Aspire Horizons Course

Aspire Leaders Program Mission

Our mission is to prepare low-income, first-generation college students worldwide to be leaders in their communities and reach their
full potential academically and professionally through our fully funded Aspire Leaders Program (ALP).
Our common goals for participants in the program include:
● Build Self Confidence/Self Awareness
● Develop Critical Thinking
● Build Communication Skills
● Develop Intercultural Competency
● Create Your Global Community
● Make Social Impact

Module 3 Learning Objectives

The focus of Module 3 is to begin thinking about societal problems and your ability to enact change. The main learning objectives
● Display a bias to action
● Gain contextual intelligence to devise and implement approaches appropriate to the problem context
● Understand the importance of emerging technologies to lead in the age of technology
● Engage with your community
● Build solidarity and peer support

Time Commitment
Module 3 is six weeks long. You can expect to spend approximately five hours per week on your Module 3 assignments. The program
is completed virtually with both asynchronous and synchronous components.

Technology & Peer Groups

To participate, you will need to have this:
● Connectivity – either WiFi or Data
● Device – Mobile Phone, Tablet, or Computer
● Discord – either via the mobile app, desktop app, or a browser (not Safari)

Peer Groups
You will be assigned to a Group of other students as a part of our community building efforts. Groups will be accessed through
Discord, which you will be invited to via email. Do not share the Discord link with anyone. Doing so will result in your removal
from the program.

Your group number will be the date of the month you were born. For example, if you were born on March 6th, you would be in Group
06. If you were born on January 31st, you would be in Group 31.

You will use the Group chat channel to meet your fellow Group members and engage in conversation. You will use the assignments
channel to submit your discussion post responses.
You should choose one of the different sub-group channels that is the most interesting to you of these options: environment, public
health, business, technology, justice and equity, arts and culture, interdisciplinary. You can use these channels to connect with others
who are working on similar topics to collaborate or share ideas.

There are also video rooms available in Discord. These are called Meeting Rooms, and they are smaller than the Group spaces.
Meeting Rooms are available to participants in any Group, so you might meet new people that are not a member of your Group. The
Meeting Rooms will be used to do the assignments that require live interaction with others. 12/03/2024, 23 19
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Interacting with Others

Good Behavior Expectations
We highly value our Aspire community and aim to keep it a positive, safe, and inspiring place for members to learn. All participants
must agree to abide by Aspire’s Good Behavior Expectations. Failure to comply with this agreement may lead to a warning, temporary
suspension, or permanent removal from the program. You agreed to abide by these Expectations as a part of your registration for the

Guidelines for Community Discussions

ALP requires you to engage in frequent discussions with your peers. Some recommendations on how to approach these
conversations are below.
1. Be fully present.
2. Listen to others actively and with care.
3. Be responsible and challenge yourself. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
4. Respect others’ opinions; respond with courtesy and moderation, especially when disagreeing with them.
5. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing (use “I” instead of “they”, “we” instead of “you”).
6. Monitor your participation. If you are someone who normally talks a lot, then try to work on listening; if you are someone
who normally stays quiet, then try to work on speaking up.

The Aspire Leaders Program is a safe space for amazing people with diverse backgrounds from all around the world to gather, learn,
and grow together. Any sort of abusive behavior is grounds for warning, suspension, or removal from the program.

If you ever experience or witness behavior violating the Aspire Good Behavior Expectations, please report it immediately by
completing the Safety Form. If this abuse has occurred within your Group and you do not feel comfortable remaining there, please
follow the Law of Two Feet and remove yourself from your Group or Meeting Room. If you need guidance on how to change Groups,
please ask our Chatbot.

You have the option to withdraw from the program at any time. This can be done by submitting the Withdrawal Form. It will ask for you
to provide some feedback on the reason for your withdrawal.
to provide some feedback on the reason for your withdrawal.

Module 3 Materials & Assignments

All program materials will be made available to you at no cost. You will find important information for this module in one of three
places: 1) the Module 3 Course Website 2) your portal page at or 3) this Syllabus.

Learning Activities and Assignments

Module 3 has two parts. In Part A, you complete a series of lectures by Harvard Business School faculty that help you begin thinking
about leadership and how change is made. In Part B, you put some of these things into practice by identifying problems, going out
into your community to learn more, and eventually developing a project proposal. You will collaborate with your peers during this
process in order to share learnings and feedback.

In this Module, you’ll have various kinds of activities and you’ll also have written learning assignments. There are 4 types of
assignments: 1) Mini Quizzes, 2) Reflection Prompts, 3) Discussion Posts 4) Assessments. Mini Quizzes are short multiple choice
and free response questions you can answer after each lecture video; they are not used to determine whether you pass Module 3.
Reflection Prompts are completely private tasks that you complete independently and do not submit for review. Discussion Posts are
sent in your Group channels and build the foundation of your discussion with other participants. Assessments are items that are sent
to, and viewable by, Aspire.

At the end of the Module you will complete the End of Module Assessment. There will be some multiple choice questions you
answer based on the three lectures. The assessment will also ask you to submit your project proposal.

Course Schedule

Date(s) Learning Activity Learning Assignment Due Date

Week 1: ● Watch the Intro to Module 3 Video. ● Discussion Post #1 End of Week 1
Understanding ● Watch the Week 1 Videos and complete ● Reflection Prompt #1 (March 12)
Yourself as a the Mini Quiz after each one.
ALP 2024 - Module 3 Syllabus
(March 6)

Week 2: ● Watch the Week 2 Videos and complete ● Reflection Prompt #2 End of Week 2
Understanding the Mini Quiz after each one. (March 19)
Context and Trust
(March 13)

Week 3: Digital ● Watch the Week 3 Videos and complete ● Discussion Post #2 End of Week 3
Transformations the Mini Quiz after each one. (March 26)
and AI
(March 20)

Week 4: Voices of ● Watch the Voices of Leaders video. End of Week 4

Leaders ● At the end of Week 6, you will be asked to ● Discussion Post #3 (April 2)
(March 27) submit a project proposal. To prepare for this
assignment, watch the demonstration on
preparing a project proposal.
● Discussion Post #4
● Complete Discussion Post #4. Then, talk to
another participant in a Meeting Room about
your responses.

Week 5: ● Talk to people affected by your problem, ● Reflection Prompt #3 End of Week 5
Addressing asking them the questions you generated in ● Reflection Prompt #4 (April 9)
Community Reflection Prompt #3. . ● Discussion Post #5
Challenges ● Complete Discussion Post #5. Then, talk to 12/03/2024, 23 19
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(April 3) another participant in a Meeting Room about
your responses.

Week 6: Being in ● Keeping in mind all you have learned from ● Reflection Prompt #5 End of Week 6
Action in Your this Module, finish your Project Proposal by ● Reflection Prompt #6 (April 16)
Communities completing Reflection Prompts #5 and #6. ● End of Module Assessment
Worldwide ● Join a Meeting Room at a time convenient
(April 10) for you. Take turns sharing your proposals
with your peers and providing feedback. You
must speak with at least 3 other participants.

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