LUNJANI UTHANDO by Maps Creative Writings

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Chapter 1

There is a goal that kills men in the flesh, only the man's
teeth aregone, and the woman beats the man. In the city
of gold, the whole community goes there, blacks, whites of
all kinds, they all come looking for money, even if some
come and deny them, but
others come and sit and have fun until they forget the things
they leftbehind. This goal has become the home of many
others pointed to the inside but for others it is good or bad
because they
come back to that place when you come to buy as
everything hasbeen sold from the water for bathing, the
electricity to heat the water is bought and the food that
comes back is bought. There aremany townships in that
area that cover the city, some live in thosetownships and
others live in the middle of the city in an area similar to
Hilbrow, until you hear them separating from each
other and one saying that he cannot live in a place
separated by amosquito net because it is in that Hilbrow

the famous one is where people cut one house and make
it intofour rooms for four different people when they cut
with moss. Those who live in the middle of the city laugh at
those who live in the townships, saying that they cannot live
in chicken houses because some of them are made of mud.
This is where you
find these houses called shacks which are made of mud and
the roofsare flat. All this is done by money
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the one that came to the whites, after all, people choose
tolive where their money is enough.

In the middle of the city where all kinds of people are

found, we meet Mandla and Menzi, sons born to
Gatsheni. Ndlovu is a man among men since he is a villager
who suffers from people in the Tsholotsho section after all
theyare the people who come to the goal while things are
still clear.
They were so proud that they built these houses that did not move from
the ground.
He worked and built his beautiful house here at home,
many people saw from him that it is acceptable to install
lights thatilluminate with the power of electricity.

He has two sons and one daughter, Ndlovu. His first born
isMandla who gave birth to him when he was still a boy
even though he and his mother did not marry each other
forsome reasons, after all Mandla's father had said that
when the child was getting younger that was the reason
for their
separation and Ndlovu left home and went to Golgo to try his life.
Fortunately, he came and got a job, even though the
situation was difficult for him, he lived in a hut, but he did
not doanything during those years. You could have sworn
that he
is pouring money into a bottomless pit, all this was done
by his lover who is Menzi, who is from South Africa. They
werein love and Ndlovu came and gave all his salary to his
lover but it started
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to be difficult in their love when Sethuliwe found out that

You are pregnant with Ndlovu's stomach, after all, he tried

to inform his aunt, who kicked him like a calf kicks a tree

and said that he did not want to

hear it again. It was difficult until the day when UmaZulu

abandoned the calf, he called his father and he came and gave

him his son, they got together and

then Ndlovu did not bother to need him again and

UmaZulu, who is Sethuliwe, did not bother to know

where his son was and how he is growing up where

he is.

Ndlovu took his son and left him to Siwela, an old woman

who gave birth to him over there in Mthwakazi's

Tsholotsho section. There was nothing

else he could do
Ma Siwela had to raise her grandchildren herself
and Ndlovu had started delivering at home every month so

it was not a heavy burden for the old lady of Siwela. The

elders are right when they say

that a man was abandoned, Ma Siwela raised his grandson

for himself until he became a man, even if he turned his
back on the world, Ma Siwela raisedthem

with a good hand his grandchildren. They all grew up Menzi

lo Mandla, even if Menzi grew up not knowing his mother.

It was eating at him every day but he didn't tell anyone, he concluded
that when he came to the South he would need his mother

until he found herand asked why she abandoned him so

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When the boys were grown up, their father took them and
said that he would show them the goal so that they could start
shoppingfor themselves and buy what they want. That's when
Ndlovu's brother started trying to wake up his head. He
started by buying things that
he didn't know, because he didn't have a lot of
responsibility to raisechildren


After a year, when the boys got married, he left the

house andbecame a mansion, and everyone in the
section was shocked.

Menzi, on the other hand, was lying about looking for his
mother, luckily he met another person who said he knew his
mother and where she lived. He went to see him, introduced
himself and they talked and explained his whole story to him
and asked what he wanted to ask. Fortunately for this great
kindness, his mother said that she would do Mzansi papers
for him so that he wouldn't have to worry about needing a
job again. Everything went well and he got the papers and it
was left that he did not learn anything in school becauseof
the situation he encountered when he was growing up but
was happy with his mother's action.

It didn't take much time for him to find a job and he was the
only one working, for him everything is going well because he
is the feared boss of a large company of security guards who
carry money. Menzi lives wellwith this money
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It was asked of him, after all, until he hired Sanele a job,

hesaid that he did not want a working wife, and then he
camehome crying because he was no longer doing the
housework. Sanele, on the other hand, was working in
the kitchens right here in Hilbrow , making alcohol for
Menzi was jealous of her beauty and decided it was better to
keep her in the house so that this beauty could only
be seen by him. Brother Ncube is beautiful, he is fair in
colorand physically he stands well, you hear men admiring
him when he said he went out to buy bread and eggs or to
buy a
knife because he only goes out when he likes because his
wife does most of the work.

As for Mandla, he denied him a goal, he holds them when

he is called, but he pretends to be an unemployed person
untilhe dies betting on the number and the ball like others.
He is lucky and spends a few cents on food and medicine
because the house he lives in is paid for by his girlfriend
Sinikiwe, Tshuma's girlfriend who was born down here in
Kajijima in the countryside of Lupane. Sinikiwe is a good
sister and has a good heart, even the way she respects her
husband, you
can't deny that she is the one who does everything here in
the house as the living expenses come from her, sometimes
sheeven spends a lot of money bringing her husband with her
to the point of embarrassing him.
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What does Ndlovu's wife say when she accepts her

situation even if she has not given up hope. He tells
himself that one day
he will work enough to pay alms in Lupane so that he
can treathis man well since he came down and saw a
man for himself.
of humanity and he can take her with him. Sinikiwe
himself cameto the lucky ones and found a job in the
kitchen (maid)
and the people who work for him are kind and they treat
him wellas if he is their own son who is a worker. Mandla,
dog, only sees him at the weekend when he's going to rest
at home, even if he's just resting for one day, because
during the week he's at his church. Sinikiwe is a person who
loves the church as he was brought up by religious parents,
even if he no longer attends the church he grew up going to,
after arriving in Gol
he changed and said that he wanted a spiritual church, so
he goesto Zion every week.
He got up and washed Sinikiwe as it was only Sunday and he
didn't want to make a mistake today as he had agreed with
his friend Sipho that they would meet at church and see
each other after a long time since they have not seen each
other because of these activities. Sipho works for himself in
a construction companymaking mud because he doesn't
know anything else since he
grew up doing nothing for them and the world will reject him
and he ends up working for someone else as a boy who is sent
to make brick mud all day. Life sometimes becomes difficult
for Sipho until he
remembers his son Sandisiwe's mother who is enjoying herself as much
as she i
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he is the boss of one of the famous big restaurants here

in Gol, he does everything for himself here and he said

that after breaking up with Sipho, he told himself that he

is giving up on the things of Jolo. They even ask each


The brothers wonder who the wives are Thabo

since he has nothing, this place to live is sometimes

paid for by the brothers because he quit his job saying

he wants to be a teacher but things are not going the

way he wanted, he is praying for people that is

where he finds time to steal from other mothers in the

church, because they love things and trust him as he was

born in Binga They all tell themselves that he knows what

he's doing, because he's working, and he's telling them that
he doesn't want to work anymore

praying for people and things are not going well.

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It woke up today as the atmosphere in South Africa

changes anytime. Thembisile has woken up and is

getting ready to see his chaser Sipho as he is staying in

Thembisa township. The two

are from the same class and have known each other for a

long time but their love started after they met in the goal

one day. Thembisile is sitting in his bed after all, he chose

to sit on this side to be close

and his brothers and since the place to live is not

very expensive so she is content to pay for herself
with her own money, since she
was brought up well, Mr. Dube does not know how to

ask money from a man, she only wants love for herself,

and these days their love for Sipo is burning with

Thembisile has taken a bath as he and his girlfriend have

agreed that since it's just the weekend, he will visit and

say that he will clean the house

and tell them again, because even if Sipho is not there, he

can intervene and do what he is doing since he is known

where Sipho lives, so no one asks him questions when he

visits. Azicombe then headed towards the goal

and Sipho was shaking as he prepared to leave for the

church where he will meet his friend Sinikiwe. Before

going out, Sipho thought it was better

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He informed the people that he was staying with that

his girlfriend would come to wash them so the sun

would not set.

He went to Menzi and Sanele's house for a while and there was
no one to answer because Sanele was still taking a bath as he
thought he would see his grandmother who came back during
the week from a visit to Gol. Until after a while he came out
like Menzi, rubbing his eyes like a personwaking up from sleep.

"See you soon." greeted Sipho

"Yes, buddy, how are you?" asked Menzi on the other side, yawning

"I was going to inform my mother here that my girlfriend

will come at noonto do the washing, so I asked them to
open it for her when she comes." removes Sipho
"Okay, man, I'm letting him know, but I think he'll be

out for a while, I don't know when he'll be back." That

is the Maker

"Okay then, no problem, I'll tell him to go and get the keys from
the other side of the church." That is Sipho. When he
finished there, hesaid goodbye and left as a person who
was going to church.

It didn't take long for Thembisile to arrive, after a few

minutes he got off the goal and went straight to where

Sipho lives. When he arrived

at the door he was met
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It is the magistrate who is waiting here and he told him

that Sipho went out in the morning, and Sanele also went
out a few minutes after he went out so it is possible that
no one is there.
It was lucky because he went down and went past
Siphoand took the keys, went in and took them out
and got
dressed and wrapped himself in his towel but he was
afraid as we heard that there was no one in the house.
He started to stir,
taking the things and putting them in the water over there,
washingthe pots and the other side by side, the little man is
ruling himself here as he is the only one.

It's been a while since Thembisile has been washing them

in the bathroom because he wants to leave everything
behind fortoday. Menzi wakes up from hunger and goes to
the house
to fix what's in the stomach. He was shocked when he
heard thewater running because he had forgotten that it
was someone who would come back to wash it. He ran
out to the bathroom and said that his eyes met this
beautiful girl, who was wearing
a towel and it was just shining that her body was beautiful,
Menzi wasshocked and stood at the door and looked at the
person bowing down. Thembisile was so scared that he threw
himself into the water when he raised his head and saw the
person standing behind
him watching him.

"How is it?" greeted Thembisile as he grabbed his towel with

all hishands so that it wouldn't fall.
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"I'm fine, how are you?" replied Menzi standing at the

door as theywatched Thembisile

"I'm fine, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was this

person," saidThembisile, feeling embarrassed

"Relax, sis, and continue with what you're doing. I'm

sorry to sneakup on you. You are Sipho's girlfriend."
asked the Maker

"Yes, I am." answered Thembisile in a calm voice

"Oh well. It's better for me to continue what I was

doing, I wantedto prepare food here and then I wake
up as you can see I'm not dressed. Forgive me for
that.” That is the Maker.

"Okay." Thembisile smiled a little until it

appearedand the freckles on the cheeks.
From there, Menzi went straight to the crowd
trying to make a noise, but his mind was left behind
and he was thinking about
Thembisile. He even wished to go back and talk and talk
about what he felt about the voice that had flowed into his
heart. Thembisile continued to burn them but then she
thought about Menzi until she got scared and bit her bottom
lip, she scolded herself because she didn't want to
insult Sipho to the people she lived with. He prepared the
food and finished the Menzi while we went down and
prepared it for two people.

He thought that it was already too late for him

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he hadn't eaten yet, he didn't hesitate to go

where he was called. They sat down in the crowd

eating and having a new conversation


the conversation was pleasant until it became like

people who have known each other for a long time,

and they are starting to see each other

after all Thembisile knows Sanele who always finds him here every day
when he visits.

The sun continues its work, the sun has gone. When Thembisile
finished walking, he went to where Sipho lived and just lay down on
his side

in favor of a towel. Menzi tried to sleep until it was difficult

He sneaked out and searched the net and watched Thembisile

listening to himself, and he shouted at Ndlovu's boy because

we wanted so much that he

saw it with his mind's eye.
of Thembisile but was afraid to approach Sanele

I can pour anytime. He shut his mouth and entered their

room, his mind played with him and took him for a while

until he wondered to himself what it was that Thembisile

had promised him that caused him to be hurt so much

he was a wife who was being tormented by all the people Sanele.

It didn't take a few minutes for Sipho to come in with his friend
Sinikiwe, and they agreed that he should come over here

and see Thembisile so they could get to know each other.

They entered and found him

lying down playing with his cell phone, he was shocked

when he saw them enter because he thought that Sipho

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Another girl enters, since Sinikiwe is still young and

beautiful. They got to know each other, Thembisile got up

and made food for them, they ate together and talked until

it started to get dark, then he said goodbye to Sinikiwe.


and her lover were left to sit by themselves, until

Sanele arrived. By knowing Thembisile, a

conversation was heard in the crowd, laughing side

by side,
then the Maker came. He looked at the young man pretending to be

after all, when he sees her in the daytime, she is

beautiful, but she wonders how she will do it as they are

talking so much with Sanele, she is again afraid that he

will start the story and it will reach Sanele before the sun

goes down, because she loves her man, she is only

disappointed by
the fact that her eyes can see that it is difficult for her to stop.
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It continued to do its work day after day, day after day

until the end of the week. Sipho has to visit his lover here in
Thembisa on the weekend but since it was said that those
whowant money must work that weekend, and because of
the money it is difficult for him not to go to work they think
it is better to call Thembisile and let him know. He didn't
waste anytime when he picked up his phone, it rang and
looked right
at Thembisa township. Thembisile quickly caught him,

"My dear, how are you?" asked Sipho

"I'm fine. Why are you riding so well today?" ask Thembisile
too,because he has never been greeted with such a beautiful

"Oh, I'm just saying hello, but I wanted to ask you to visit this
place for the weekend because I'll never be satisfied, I'll be
working all weekend." Thembisile didn't surprise him and he
washappy that he went and told him. They agreed that he
would wait for her in the city as the sun was falling on his
After some minutes, Thembisile had arrived, so they
went to Sipho's place and went to buy food for the afternoon
asit was already dark and he said that he would not come
and start cooking at night.
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Sipho woke up like every day and went to work, leaving Thembisile
to sleep because he likes sleeping here. He wakes up when

the sun has risen, and tries to make food. While he was

shaking in the crowd, Menzi came in to buy bread and eggs,

and he asked him to cook for them all to eat. Seeing that,

Thembisile doesn't refuse, but he wonders what he will say

to Sanele if he finds him eating with his wife, since they are

good friends.

"Wow, where are you going, Sanele?" Thembisile asked, pointing at


"He is at work, we agreed that he will only work one day on

the weekend so that he can earn a little money to do the

things he wants. Where do you work?" asked the Maker

"I don't work, but I really enjoy this job." He saw a good

opportunity when Menzi said

Thembisile spoke and asked for this cell phone number

promising him that he would help him with the work,

once and for all he got what he wanted with that plan

of his.

The sun has risen, it's time to rest from work. Sipho is

sleeping and trying to rest, when his phone rings and Sandi

tells him that when he gets off work, he should take the

child because he wants to get away from his friends.

Sipho was surprised to hear that but as

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loving his son, it should not be difficult for him. When he

came out, he went to Sandi's house, and he came in and
stayed herebecause he found her still bathing the child
who had not been
bathed yet. Sandi gets dressed and gets ready to go out, and
whenSipho looks at her, she feels her blood rushing all over
body, and she looks at herself as worthless, because she
doesn'tknow how to earn money, and the way Sandi lives,
she can see for herself that she will never be enough to
feed her. Sipho was right until they all got out and got into
Sandi's car, having
agreed that he would drive by and leave them where Sipho lives.

Thembisile is sitting thinking about her lover, Sipho, until she

wonders why it took so long before she came home
today. He thought about calling her and reprimanding
himselfbecause he didn't want to be seen as a jealous
When he was young, Sipho came in with his son.
Thembisile didn't tell him that his son would come, but
hedidn't want Sipho to think that he didn't love his son,
but in fact he loved him.

It was eaten when Thembisile was quiet, Sipho was talking

tohis little brother because he is wise, so he tells him a lot
about his mother, which hurts Thembisile as he feels that
Sipho doesn't care about him.
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It is in the kitchens here in a white residential area in a

small town in the middle of the valley called Sandton,

Sinikiwe is sitting alone as it is

just the weekend, today he is too lazy to go home and he

said he will wake up in the morning and we are going there


He thought of chasing his lover Mandla knowing that he

would never be satisfied with coming back today. He took

out his phone and looked right here in Soweto township,

that's it
where he and his lover live. Cry it out

Mandla's phone is not answered by anyone, Sinikiwe was

shocked by this since they started

falling in love has never happened to someone

He doesn't pick up the phone when he calls. Again and

again anxiously he fished, and it cried again

"My dear, how are you?" answered Mandla

"Oh Mandla, where have you been all this time I've been

trying to get you on the phone?" Sinikiwe asked worriedly

"I was there, my love, I was just taking a shower to remove the

dinos", answered Mandla

"What dinos are you taking out? Did you get a job today

that you didn't tell me about?" asked Sinikiwe

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"Darling, a person must always take a bath, not working

doesn't mean that I don't think that a person should always

stay like that without taking a bath.

Who knows what part I want when my man comes, we

go out to eat like all couples do?" answered Mandla and


he laughed

"Hahaha, don't make fun of me, we're just going out, where did you
spend the
money after all, I haven't received a salary since this month is
still in the middle?" asked Sinikiwe

"Oh, Tshu, don't you know that a man is investigating his

family, these days are not the same, my dear, you should have

told the driver when he acted

hastily, I'm tired of waiting", answered Mandla.
They both laughed on the phone.

"That's why I called you now, I just wanted to tell you that I'm

not coming home today and I'll be back tomorrow morning,

you know I'm tired and too lazy to leave. What you wanted

to buy for me, you will give it to me tomorrow when

I arrive in the morning", said Sinikiwe.

"Wow, I'm already anointed and waited for you so long? But

what's more, you say I'm going to go buy food and I'm going

to listen to myself because there's no need for me to hold a

chicken and the water has spilled", replied Mandla because

being a fool is what made Sinikiwe

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He loved her strongly because every time they talked there

was never a conversation that didn't make him laugh. The
two of them, their love is going well, because you can find
Sinikiwe in his house,you can't say that he is the one who
pays, they respect each
other, Mandla and everything they do is done in
agreement to helpeach other, until he can be seen smiling
at Sinikiwe
when he thinks of his lover, and his face turns pale when he
thinks that the offspring is telling him what to do to make
him lose Itis the person he loves because of the issue of
infertility. Other

What made him not go to the house was that pastor

Thabo agreedthat a week after the service they would all
stay and pray that we might help Sinikiwe in his crying and
within a few months he
would find himself pushing his stomach forward and being a
happy mother, Thabo told him that he must fast and meet
this man and thatis why he chose to stay here in the kitchen
and not go to the house.


When Ngwenya finished cooking dinner, Menzi's wife,

since they live in an apartment and she is the owner of
that apartment, she doesn't like to cook and compete with
the others who live there, soshe goes and cooks while the
others are at work so that when theycome they will find
her finished cooking.
He is sitting right now waiting for his bath water to boil
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The ones we find ourselves without eating, so that when his

wife comesto find him, we help him, even though he is a
dying wife who stays
in the house, but his brother Ngwenya has not stopped
bathing. She thought of washing her husband and asked him how
long she had been, because today she put on makeup and
painted herface so that when Menzi came, she would close
her eyes in love
with her beauty, and she reprimanded herself and said that
she wouldwash before she finished bathing, because her
water was already
hot after she had put it in a long time ago.

He went in and bathed himself well, and when he came out he

was an angel himself and put all the oil that was good enough
to eat and put it all in

at the table, after all, today he has cooked exactly what his wife
likes and wants them to have a good night. As soon as he
finished hisbath, Menzi came in.
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They continue to walk day by day in the month of February

which is a month that is valued by many who are in love

because it is the month in which they show their love to

each other.

It is a precious month especially for women because we

know that they will get good things from their husbands and

wives even if not all of them are lucky enough to get that

but as they say

that hope is not lost, everyone lives in hope.

Menzi and Thembisile have become friends after all and they
talk to each other every day. Today they agreed that Menzi
will pass

seeing him telling him about the job as he was always

promising him that there was a place he would put him

in. When the sun was about to set, Thembisile took a

bath, preparing to meet Menzi. He arrived a few

minutes later, they went out to eat and he talked to her

about the job he got her, and Thembisile saw us working and

earning better money.

When they finished, he took her and dropped her off where

she lived, after saying goodbye, she stayed in Menzi's car,

then she got out of her car and went to the place where

Thembisile got in. How many minutes has it been since he

opened the door to change, he had already changed his


and he was getting ready to go to sleep, he was shocked

when he saw Menzi because he thought it was a long time ago

gone. He Menzi has opened his eyes like a person who sees

something which is scary, they kiss each other, their mouths

are connected for a moment

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until they pull each other into the house. It didn't take
longbefore everything was ruined and the jealousy
was gone
to the Maker.

The morning is not a lie, Sanele is surprised and wonders why his
wife is late coming home every day on the day of the couple
when theyhad agreed to go out like every other couple. He
bathed and complimented Sanele, she is a beautiful girl and
she is appropriate when she is dressed, she is wearing
something that Muzi doesn't know, because there is a lot that
Menzi has prepared for her, even if Menzi's non-arrival is
hindering her. Ever since he put his eyes to the light of day, he
can see that it is dark and the night is
approaching, and he tries to be patient for a while until it
finally calms down in his spirit. He got the urge to call
Menzi, and without wasting time he picked up his phone
and dialed his wife's number because it was the only one
with a nice name on his
cell phone. Just then, his wife's phone rang in the trees
and hewondered where she was today because she
must be on her way home.

He grabbed it and looked at it thinking that he had pressed

the wrong number, and it took him to the trees for the
second time.

They crowded together, not knowing where to hold and where to

let go of Sanele, and threw themselves on the chair here in the house,
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He feels tears coming to his eyes, but he reprimands

himself that maybe he is stuck somewhere or his cell
phone is out of power, this is just to comfort him, but his
heart is thinking
a lot, he picks up his phone again. It cried but no one paid
attention, it cried until it became silent. When it became
clear to him that his Maker had something to do with him
afterall, he held back his father-in-law's voice when he told
him that the man was like a child, you can see him silently
playing, that must be what is running in his mind. He
refused to put the phone down, grabbed it and looked at it
forthe third time, he was furious, he even took off these
shoes because we could feel them being heavy. Cry again,

"Isn't that your ringing cell phone?" Thembisile asked. Menzi

gotup and jumped, saying that he was looking and he found
Sanele beating, he was silent for a while as he thought about
what to say to her.

"It's Sanele, please be quiet so I can hear what you

want to say", said Menzi, trying to calm Thembisile,
because Sanele
didn't want anything to happen, and finally we heard the woman's voice.
because this is to make him sleep outside. He was silent
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Thembisile pretends he's not in the house but he's still

fighting inside because even if it's a joke, it hurts when
done by someone else, the elders say all the pain comes
fromthe heart.

"Honey, how are you?" He is the one who corrected the

voice,even if it was the young boy coming out of the big
church in Thembisile who was panting but he tried to correct the voice

"Don't ask me how I am, why was your phone not

picked up? Just where are you since it's been this long and
youhaven't even come home yet? I hope you are not
naughty because if you are, you will regret it my son", Sanele

"Oh, but my beloved stones, why are we still talking so well?

I haven't arrived yet, I was carrying another buddy I work
with, today he died in his car and he asked me to carry him,
but I'm onmy way my dear", replied Menzi humbly.
"Don't be silly, Menzi, I can only hear that you are at
home and not in the car, when did it start to be so
quiet on the
road today, it's Friday again, you see, if you said you haven't
hit it, it would be a better lie than the one you are telling me",
answered Sanele, you can hear the anger of the young man.
he heard those words he regretted
Menzi is so much for telling lies that he thinks to change
the story but he realizes that it is a lie
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to pour the soil for food, it is better to let it grow on the

stonesand be strong with his story, you who saw the turtle
crossing the road.

"I'm on my way, my love, I'll be there soon, I'll give you a

few minutes", answered Menzi, standing up and tying his
pants,because he can't stay there at Thembisile's if this is the
Thembisile opened his eyes and his eyes widened
because he was hoping that Menzi would give him
something when we went out, but with the haste he
did,he no longer promised that he would remember to
give him money, it was difficult for Thembisile to ask for
money, he only opened his eyes, he didn't know what to
donow, because he was happy about Menzi's
arrival that he would find someone to spend with him at
night because he likes muscle meat, Uncle Dube, that's
whatmakes this Sipho end up sleeping with his friends in
the city because he can't get rest at home and this sleep is
difficult for him to get through on other days. He got out of
there without saying goodbye to Menzi and we chased him
home because even if he does his mischief, he doesn't
want to
find himself losing his Sanele, because he is good and
respects his brother, Mandla is always advising him that
he should treat Sanele well. He drove the car straight
towards Hilbrow, he was just walking and rushing forward and
he was talking about how others were driving on the road, those who
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They wondered who was chasing him as there were so

many thieves in the area, some even thought that he was
one of the thieves of that car, he might have stolen it,
after all he swept it as if it wasn't Menzi's, he arrived after
a few minutes, left the carlying there and went straight to
his house, he went to the door and kept quiet as if
nobody was there. Sanele


let the Maker gather again, until he finally uses this key that

He entered the house while Menzi was in a hurry, someone

whodoesn't know him even thought that he was afraid of
being beaten for entering the house at this time, but
those who know him know that he is just running and
trying to cover
up his stupidity, which he has been doing to Thembisile. He
wentin and found Sanele who had wrapped himself up in a
small hug
like a cold person, but he just sat there, angry and wanting to hear
the matter of the Maker is good.

"We saw his mother", Menzi greeted

"We saw his mother, what did Menzi say, are we trying to
beg for ourselves? Like when did you ever call me your
mother?" replied Sanele when Menzi went to study at his
home and saw for himself
that today he met these wild boars
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He still has to explain his case well because he knows

hislover what kind of person he is.

"Oh, but I greet you so well, mother, did you answer me

badly? I know you are not happy about my arrival at this
time, but please hear me out because I got caught up
with something
else at work, so I ended up leaving after a while", said
Menzi, saying that he was trying to apologize and touched
his tail. Sanele stood upand went towards Menzi,

"Don't make a fool of me, I'm not your fool, do you

understand? When I called you, you said that your friend
died in his car and youtook him, and now you are telling me
that you are stuck
at work, how are you taking me?
Do you tell me how long you have been and this happened?"
answered Sanele, standing in front of him as if he would
never slaphim.
"But I just told my mother that I'm stuck at work, that's
why I came at this time today. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
embarrass hismother", Menzi replied pleadingly

"You're apologizing, why are you apologizing Menzi? Are you

sorry for making a fool of yourself?” Sanele asked, sounding
disgusted.They talked while they were standing, and when
they finished, Sanele said goodbye and went into their
bedroom, and told Menzi
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that he will see for himself that he will eat the food because
he will notwaste his time working for someone from a fool.
When he finished saying this, Menzi wondered if he was
being shown by Sanele,
and how did he know that he was in the wrong place?

Menzi continued to enter where the food was kept, he found

that everything was clear that today Sanele was happy and
made all thefood he likes, he realized that he had made a big
by going to Thembisile which made him find his wife a
chameleon,while he was thinking about that he came to
the way they had fun
and Thembisile saw himself laughing until he shook his head to
himself.When he finished, he looked all over the place and we
thought that Sanele might be looking good and there would be
a lot of noise as he was just eating sweets. Not seeing anyone,
he took out his phone
from his pocket, dialed it until he found Thembisile's
number written as (boss). He presses it and tries to kiss her
again and realizes that itis better to send a message and
explain how he convinced her that she wishes they were
together right now.

After he finished sending the message, he kept playing with

his phoneuntil he got to the photos that Sanele had sent
during the day, he looked at them and passed them, then he
passed them all and continued to look until he praised us.
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"Here I chose men, he is a beautiful person, but what I

heard today is that Sanele is left behind by his beauty, what
a child it is, it is so easy..." he held his mouth before
speaking toomuch because they say that the people are
listening to him
and then we were asked who he was talking about so he had
to explain but his thoughts left him smiling to himself. He
said thatafter finishing his meal, he went into the bathroom
to clean and remove the smell so that when he gets into his
clothes, it won't be heard that he has been caught by another

Uhle went to bed with Thembisile after Menzi left,

today sheeven forgot to say goodbye to her lover
before he sleeps, Sipho himself is holding his phone and
says he will see a message from his man like every day,
holds it until he falls asleep because the boy is working
hard atwork so when he sits down, all the sleep of the
and body fatigue will come back as they are falling asleep
justchasing the boys from Khalengeni who are working for
them. Shocked after falling asleep for a few minutes, he
took out hisphone and sent Thembisile a message
informing him that he was going to bed but Thembisile's
lack of response startled
him and he wondered what he was caught up to today. Of
coursesomeone else entered my house while I was away?
Why doesn't Thembisile answer my message? But how can
Thembisile do this despite the fact that he eats me, washes
meand dresses me like his brothers
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did they throw him away just because he came to the

goal? Questions swirled in Sipho's mind and it was
to sleep because he thought about the way he worked hard
andthe way he treated his lover.

When Thembisile woke up at midnight, she was shocked to

findherself lying naked on the dressing table. He gets
up and runs to his phone, opens it and finds two
messagesfrom the Maker and from Sipho.

"Thank you, my love, I had a good trip but I found the

riverfull of this badger and we have taken it to Sanele. I
tried to apologize there but I said you know I was being
when I was there but thank you, you are doing your thing of
saying if I run away I will sleep there, you know", he saw
himself smiling at Thembisile when he read the message
fromMenzi, he wanted to answer him and explain how he
got down and he thought that since it was so late in the
night I
could still make a noise like Tshaka be advised. They were getting
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by only smiling and caressing her nipples, the thought is no

longer in her thinking about what the Maker did to her until

she wishes that she could have the Maker all night.

After a few minutes, it dawned on him again that this

was Sipho's message that he hadn't read yet.

"See you my love. I hope you are asleep or your phone is not on fire
as you are so quiet. I thought you should sleep well when you

sleep. I love you", he was shocked when he finished

Reading the message from Sipho, he looked at

the phone he found that he had stopped

his lover at noon when Sipho told him that today he will spend the night
the city with his friends. He picked up the phone and thought

about answering it and told himself that he was waking up in

the morning and answered it before Sipho woke up so that it

would be as if he had seen the message in the morning and he

knew that Gatsheni's brother was over there in the city in the

morning and he was thinking and asking himself questions but

not getting the answer. He did all this while Thembisile said he

was putting his phone down, while Sipho was picking up his

phone. When he looks and finds that the message says it has

been opened but there is no answer, he runs to see what it

When did you open and see how many minutes you have been open.
Then eat them

Meanwhile Sipho was wondering how things would go

with his man today, he panicked and dialed Thembisile's

number and put the phone to his ear, he reprimanded

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that he does not want his man to see him as

someonewho is jealous and does not trust him.
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The sun woke up that day, and Sinikiwe woke up in the

kitchen and was preparing to go to his house to rest and
see hislover Mandla.
After some minutes he had arrived at the house and
found Mandlasnoring because it was the weekend and he
was not in a hurry.
Since Sinikiwe is no longer sitting down, she is a lady who
sees him whenever he goes home, so when he comes
home, he startsby washing the dirty clothes and cleans
his house, since after
all, it is the habit of a girl to stay in the kitchen. After
finishing that andtalking to his lover, Mandla took a bath like
every day and went
out straight to where he bet his numbers after all this is
now hisjob.
As soon as he left the house he met a beautiful girl
with a good physical shape, they talked to each other
for a while. He
thought of asking for a phone number, which was easily given
to him. He said that when he cut Mandla's heart and lungs, he
said that when he looked at Nomsa, he felt all the emotions
come back, but he did everything he disciplined himself
because he didn't want to let his mandown one day.
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Sipho is sitting on her terrace since today is her day off,

Thembisile is washing them on the other side and Sanele's
can be heard over there and she left her phone at Sipho's
house. While lying down, Thembisile's phone rang, but
Sipho didn't careabout it, it was cold and silent.
After a few minutes it rang again, he dialed and found a
number with no name, he answered in a low voice and
without rushing saying that Thembisile was still young and he
would tell him when
When he finished, he ignored what Sipho finished and
hung up the phone and continued listening to himself.
Thembisile finished,
as soon as he came in his phone rang and he was disappointed
as heran, he said he looked and saw that it was Menzi's

“Yes, how is it? Why are you calling me when you know that
Sipho is here today and has not gone anywhere?" Thembisile
askedon the phone

"Wow, didn't this boy of yours go to church today?

I wanted to ask you to take a bath and come out as I
willpass by and take you to this place where I wanted
you to
accompany me because you are not doing anything". They
said thatand remained silent like a person waiting for Menzi's
Thembisile was shocked when he heard that but he smiled a
little because he knows that when Menzi goes out he will get
some money.
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"How long will it take you to arrive? I can leave if we don't

takelong where we are going. I also want to go out for a
walk and see the place". When he finishes saying that, he
should be theone who comes out, since Sipho has already
thought about the lies he is going to tell. He got up from
where he
was sitting, went to the bathroom, said goodbye to Sanele
and said he was going out for a while, when he finished
there hewoke up Sipho.

"I'm still asking to go out, this friend of mine who lives

nearby said he's asking me to visit him today but I won't
be gone for a long time." Sipho rubbed his eyes because
he was at
Bhuka working hard all week and that's what made him
sleep somuch.

"Okay, but don't leave until you come back at night."

He spoke as Sipho slipped and changed his clothes since he
wasalready in the middle of his sleep. Thembisile saw that it
was easy, and left when we called Menzi and told him that
we were leaving. Menzi then got off from where he had been,
drove his car towards where Thembisile was, and found
him standing outside waiting for him on the other side,
dressed as
a beautiful young man, and Menzi screamed when he looked at him.
They got into the car, and Menzi drove it, after all, he is the one who
from this place he goes to another place and
comes to visit for a while, they go in there and it's
fun after all
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Thembisile had never entered a place where he was

waiting, so hesaw himself entering a high place, which
made it difficult for him
to order. They enjoy themselves until the sun cools down,
then they goout and he always leaves her in the house.

Thembisile comes in and finds Sipho sitting there with the

light that he is someone who has just woken up, he
should not be afraid of the person who is staying
Thembisile, because he feels ashamed tolook for Sipho
for what he has just done, who will look
for Sanele. When he didn't stay, he said goodbye


Sipho came out and escorted him back to where he lives but
it's difficultto talk to Thembisile, he regrets everything he did
to Sipho but the
money the Menzi gave him is what made him find himself in this
While walking, Sipho's phone rang, she quickly picked
it up andcalled Sandisiwe,

"Is Sipho in the house?" Please, when you have time, come
here whereI live, your son is crying to see you".

"Okay, I'll pass by and see it when I accompany

Thembisileback to the township". Thembisile got
scared and started
to think that Sipho was doing what he was doing, he
got jealousand thought to ask but he reprimanded
himself but
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Still not satisfied with his mood, he wonders why Sandisiwe

is calling afterthe sun has set. They left, he got a car to look
after, Sipho left there

and went straight to where Sandisiwe lives, after a few

minutes he was already there because Sandisiwe and his son
live alone. Sipho was shockedwhen he saw Sandisiwe about to
open the door for him wearing a
short hat. Before entering, they were kissing each other,
their mouths werestuck together, and Sipho was afraid, and

he thought of his Thembisile.

He pushed Sandisiwe a little, and apologized profusely. He was
asking wherethe child was.

"Child, my sister went and they said they are going to buy
some food andwill come back now, don't you be sitting
down, I don't think you
are chasing anyone." Sandisiwe replied, sliding towards
the sofa andsitting there, wearing a short hat that

reveals everything. Sipho felt that he was not feeling

well anymore, he tried to look away so that he

wouldn't find himself tempted, but when his eye had seen

it, it kept comingback. Be firm, even fair


"You've been fed up, you're the one who lives with me and
nothing happensbecause you think about each other with
your fiancé. Can't you see that
this one is already feeding you?
Why do you keep thinking about him when he didn't feed you?".
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While he was talking, his sister came in with the child, and
she ran to her father, because she loves him as if she lives with
him.Let's help Sipho by their arrival, and Sandisiwe wraps her
towel around herself as a person taking a bath, so that she can
accompany Sipho when she leaves.

In the afternoon, when Menzi entered the house, he found

Sanelefinishing her bath and immediately asked for food. He
was commanded, he was humbled and he ate. When he
finished there, he cried himself to sleep, but Sanele
begged him to take a bath, because he doesn't want
someone who sleeps without washing his clothes. After
two persuasions, he thought about it and got up and went
to the bathroom. He wasleft to take Menzi's belongings
and put them in other dirty ones, but he noticed
something else in Menzi's clothes, and he
looked until he saw that the oil was not his. They blow each other to
Ngwenya's brother-in-law noticed that there was a woman
playing on his lap, but he held himself back and told himself
the nightingale is not caught in the head. He hurriedly fixed
himself,when he finished Menzi found his wife had pulled the
dress over her face.

Menzi woke up in the morning and everything was

prepared like every day because Sanele had told herself
that she didn'twant to change until she saw for herself
whether there was awoman playing on her beach or if it
was a lie.
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Menzi didn't pay attention to anything, everything was going

well,he said as soon as he left the house he pulled out his
and called Thembisile, who picked it up, hearing that it was

"My dear, how are you?" asked the Maker

"I'm fine, how are you? How did you sleep while I was
sleeping."Thembisile answered and asked again.

"I'm fine, I wanted to say thank you the other day.

You know you always make me happy, I'm happy to be with
youand I wish you were always here by my side."

"Wow Menzi, I don't think we just agreed that no one

enteredthis wholeheartedly because we are all our own
I know that you will never die and leave Sanele, so let's
continuewith what we agreed on." Thembisile replied that
they started their thing, they agreed that they would take it
head on because they are all their own people, but Menzi is
talkingabout scaring him.

"I've already entered with my heart, but you're right, I have

tobehave like an adult and remember that I'm my own
person in the house. Please forgive me for what I said,
butyou are beautiful, my love, does this boy ever tell
you how
beautiful you are and how you are shaped, especially when
youturn your back?" That is the Maker,
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Thembisile smiled a little on the phone until he was silent

for a while biting his lip a little when he thought about
how hefelt when he was with Menzi, he scolded himself
there when he saw that his mind was a little off.

"Thank you, you are beautiful. Your voice makes me feel

dizzyand losing strength, I don't know how Sanele is
content to stay with you because it could be me and you
won't be able to
sleep, boy." Thembisile answered and they all laughed. They
continued their conversation and it's fun because they are
freeto talk and tell each other everything that couples can
think of and talk about.

He said that when Menzi left, Sanele was left

wonderinghow he would handle what was happening.
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It continues to work day and night, it's the middle of the

week. We can't wait for Menzi to see Thembisile on the
weekend. Hepicked up his phone and called Thembisa
asking to go see
him, don't throw away that chance for Thembisile. Phangise
agreed,and they agreed that he would come at sunset
because Menzi thought that he would ask to leave work so
that he would pass through Thembisa while it was still light,
when he made sure
that Sanele would not pay attention to anything and that
no onewould suspect him. The time came for him to drive
the car towards where Thembisile lives, and we had a
good time together until he wished that the sun would be
added to
Menzi, but when he was doing his work, he was surprised,
and hewent out in his direction.
Within a few minutes after Menzi left, Sipho came.
Thembisile was scared because we think that he might
have seen Menzi andwhat scares him the most is that he is
being put in here as it is only during the week after all he is
used to visiting during
the week because he is crying about dinos at work. Thembisile
swayed like a reed in flowing water until he failed to greet
Sipho, andwhen he saw this, Sipho asked.
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"Oh my dear, how are you doing? It's like you're just scared?
What's going on?"

"I'm already scared, but you can't go here today without

saying that you'll come back. I wasn't thinking about you

here, you know,

I was thinking that you are at work, why are you here?"

asked Thembisile, trying to fix things in the house

because it is clear that someone is sleeping.

"Oh, that's it, but what can make you so angry? Why do

you wake up likethis in the house?

You are persuasive, you who are drowning in your sleep, for us they are
coming back and the back is not accepting.

And your person who promised you a job

What did you say?" asked Sipho. When Thembisile was

shocked when he heard that question, he remembered that

they had promised each
other the job of Menzi but he had forgotten

This is the Maker and the manager of the work. He did

not notice that hehad to think quickly so that Sipho did

not notice that he was telling a lie.

"Ah! My little one has been silent until I was silent so

I told myself that I will get mine when my time

comes. He knows what people are

like in Johannesburg, he wanted that money which I don't

like, so I think he finally found someone who paid that

money and gave him a job. Yes, I wake up and go to sleep

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What am I going to do, I don't want to end up with

other ideas out there." Thembisile answered as he

pulled out the chalk green ones.

Sipho can't say anything about that since he's a person who

doesn't like to talk. Thembisile cooked and ate, but he asked

himself many questions about Sipho's presence here, as he

had not expected to see him today, but it

was difficult for him to keep asking him what he was
doing here. After eating Sipho fell asleep, it was difficult

for Thembisile to sleep because he had to ask Menzi if he

saw Sipho when he went out. Hepicked up his phone and

entered a message, even though he was

afraid that the message might cause noise if Sanele might see it.
He plucked up the courage to enter that message and only

then did the answer come in. After that, he calmed down

because he was wondering a lot.

The days go on until the weekend is awaited by all those

who work as it is the time to rest even if others are at

work that weekend. Those are the days Mandla and

Sinikiwe see each other as they see each other

staying at work where he works. The day has come

he visited, he said when he arrived they were thinking of

visiting Menzi and his wife Sanele, Sanele found someone to

talk to while trying to find out how to get hold of Menzi.

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"You know we are in the same situation that is bothering me here


I think Menzi has someone he is joking with, but I don't

have concrete evidence yet, so I don't know how to catch
him." Saneleasked while talking to Sinikiwe while they were
washing the dishes as they had just finished eating. They are
just talking about Menzi lo Mandla, sitting in a restaurant
and watching a football
game on television.

"What makes you think something like this? I Menzi always

see himas an honest person who would not do something
like this, but if you have your suspicions, it's okay for us to go
out and find out howyou can get proof before asking him
about it because if you
ask him if you don't have the proof, he will deny it and
you won'tfind the truth, so don't scare the rabbit. Keep
quiet until
you are a witness
you were asking us about it." Sinikiwe answered.
"But how am I going to get that evidence because he
knows thatit is difficult for someone to catch him without
the help of others.
What makes me suspicious is the oil that was on his
shirt one day, after all, I'm hiding in the house and I
don't have time to paint my face, so I wondered where
he got it, but I've been checking all his shoes since that
day and I haven't seenanything similar to that one."
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"Hmm! He probably got them from the sisters he worked with.

How are you, but he is not here these days
did he change there or is he still the same as before?"

he asked again Sinikiwe.

"He hasn't changed, but he comes back crying because

he's tired some days, I let him think that

according to work." Sanele answered

"It's hard to know what to do, but don't rush when

something is happening, you'll catch him one day, right

now you have to be aware of everything he's doing, but

don't dare to ask him so you don't have tangible

evidence." Sinikiwe answered. They continued to

wash their dishes and finished, then they said

goodbye to Mandla and

Sinikiwe as they returned to the township, Menzi carried them back.

They were just talking to each other and Sinikiwe was looking at
him but he didn't see her as someone who wouldn't have
another mother by her side. Menzi's phone rang while he

was walking, and he hurriedly picked it up, and when he saw

that Thembisile was ringing, he pressed it

and it went silent.

Sinikiwe was suspicious of that, but he again told

himself that it might be someone trying to pick up the

phone, which is why it went silent. They

continued on their journey, leaving them where

Menzi lives but it was difficult to control them

to Sinikiwe,
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"My dear, do you see why Menzi would be a person

whois unfaithful to Sanele?" asked Sinikiwe

"Oh dear, what is that being asked?" I know him, he

was not neglected by my son, but after finding Sanele, he
stopped doing it because if he did, they would have
brokenup a long time ago. What did you see that made
you ask something like this?" asked Mandla.

"When we were washing the dishes here, Sanele told me

something else and I kept looking for Menzi the whole way.
His phone rang again and again
it was silent."

"He could do it, but I wasn't thinking about him and he

wouldbe lost if he did something like that because he could
lose Sanele again and find a child like him, but I will
talk to him and discipline him." Mandla answered. They
talkedbut Sinikiwe said that it was Mandla
he spoke to his brother because he said that it would
cause noise for Sanele so he asked him not to say anything
to him and Mandla saw it as a good idea to keep quiet
because he did not want to make people quarrel.
When they left the church, Sandisiwe asked Thabo to pray
forhim in his house and clean it, and Thabo agreed. With
confidence, the boy did not ask for one of these
worshipers, he thought
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he went alone because he knows that he can get a

few cents so he wants to feed himself. On the way,
Sandisiwecalled her sister and asked her to take the child

They entered the house, Sandisiwe was the one who

entered his room to say that they were ready to start the
prayerwhile Thabo sat by himself and opened his holy book
waiting for Sandisiwe to come out and start as the sun had
just gone, he didn't want to end up leaving at night. After a
minutes of sitting, Thabo came out to wrap Sandisiwe in a
towel, he looked at her but she ignored Thabo's request
for water to drink. As soon as he brought the water, the
towel fell on Sandisiwe who was carrying a glass in the
other hand
and it was difficult how to catch it, Thabo got up quickly
tryingto help but his eye as he has seen it is difficult to stop
when his mind is playing with him. He insisted that he
thought a lot and asked them to start the service so that
theycan finish it quickly, but Sandisiwe apologized
and asked him to change because he pretended that the
towel was thrown by mistake and it had been his intention.
Healways goes into his room and comes out having
changed, but what he had seen Thabo played in his mind, he
tried to control the boy but it was difficult for him to fall into
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He said goodbye and asked them to say a prayer one

day and then asked him to come to the church where he

lives to get the water that he will

prepare for him, since he is the one in charge where he

works, Sandisiwe always braces himself because he thinks that


those who will work for him are witches.

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The day of Nhuluana's treatment has passed, and Thembisile

and Menzi continue to do their thing without anyone
stopping them, even if Sanele keeps his eyes open. He even
thought of giving up because henever saw anything
suspicious about his Maker and they said that
he might have found something at work to make him think that
he was thinking about something that doesn't exist. It's the
weekend and all the people stay in their houses and rest,
some of them preparedto go out for their people to go out for
a walk and some of them
told their relatives. Thembisile also visited to see
his chaser Sipho, he arrived on Friday afternoon
after seeing Menzi. Sipho is lying down as the sun
has just risen, while
Thembisile is shivering on the other side of the bed
Everyone is sleeping and hears that delicious food is being prepared.
Menzi went out to throw the water at the door, when he said
that Thembisile's eyes went away from the door, he stood
oppositethe door and looked at her until he said to
himself, "This one must beg her to break up with her
boyfriend, this is nothing, I don't
know what she wants. You know children love to throw
themselves around." He is just talking and standing, Menzi
is shaking his head, since Nyoni's wife is beautiful, if you
turn your back, you would wanthim to tie the young
woman's waist and hang her
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down. He was shocked when he heard Sipho open the door

andwent from there to enter his house but it was left behind

Sipho entered the room and he and his lover kissed, because
theboy sometimes brags when he is with Thembisile, after
the kiss, Thembisile leaves the matter.

"You know Sipho about this thing that bothers me that I

always thinkwe should talk about." let him go and Sipho has
talk to him because he can hear the way he talks that it is
a bigthing so we want to hear it well.

"It sounded like a big deal, what is it that you want to talk about?"

"I don't understand your story about the mother of your

child, Sandisiwe, because she calls you when she wants
you and younever answer, she is there when she calls
you. How would it go? Is there anything between you,
after all, I don't want to
offend someone else's place here. Please tell me the truth,
Sipho, even if it will be painful, but I will explain how it goes."
It's Thembisilelooking at him in the middle of his eyes.

At that time, he had opened all his eyes and Sipho was
surprised because he did not think that he would be asked
such aquestion this early in the morning.
Before he could answer, he asked her to go inside where they live
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there so that they can talk well while sitting down and explain to him

"The truth is that there is nothing left between me and

Sandisiwe, but when he calls me and tells me about the
child, what should I do? I agree that there may have been
suspicions, but relax, I'm serious about you, it's
just that the money doesn't come together, I would have
gone and asked forit from Nyoni, I don't want it to end with

this child. Sandiswe is now the mother of a child, there is

nothing else that unites us

don't be afraid." Sipho replied, holding her with both

hands and pulling her closer to him.

"I always hear you, thank you for telling me the truth. So I
have to tell himto play with my person, stop if he calls you

because you are his.

He should know that I am the one holding myself back
here, not that he failed." When Thembisile replied, it was

clear that he was determined to have Sandisiwe tell him


"I don't have a problem with that, I will give you my

cell phone and you can talk to him, but I ask that from today
we agree thatwe stand by each other
our cell phones.” Thembisile was shocked and wondered why
how does he do this and he comforts himself by saying that
they don't all livetogether this time for Sipho to hold his own
let's find out.
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"Okay, my love." Of course, I have nothing to hide, so you can grab my

cell phone anytime..." before he could finish his speech,

Thembisile's phonerang and a message came in. He tried to be

strong but we were

afraid of what he would say if Sipho might ask

to see. He stood up and looked at this message from Menzi,

"You are beautiful, my love, I can't play with this anymore,
please make it stronger. Iam willing to pay you a ransom if
you agree to be mine and
separate from this boy
yours." Thembisile opened her eyes and realized that she

would do it how, he was removing it from his phone

because he didn't want Sipho to see this. When he

finished, he turned off his cell phone and

plugged it into the wall, as if the fire was about to die.
She continued to walk as she waited for Menzi's answer but
she didn't getit, she thought of calling the phone and talking
to Thembisile and reprimanded herself because she doesn't
want Sipho to fight even if
they want to separate but they don't want to fight. Menzi
even wonders to himself, what is love like? Why

I love him so much, baby, am I a good person like Sanele

who always respects me as a man? Is it love or is it
something I am asking for? What will Sanele do when she
hears that I am in love with Thembisile, but she has to
understand that my heart chooses mine and we chose
mine. He picked up his phone and looked twice,
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while we were looking, a message came in from

Thembisile asking that they see each other. Menzi
is very happy when he hears it

he went down without wasting time. They came out one after the


On the other hand, Thembisile said he was going to see

his friend and Menzi came out saying he was going to see

his friends.

Their plan succeeded, they met when Menzi was wet

with joy because she had been waiting for a long time to

see each other and I didn't get the chance.

"I called you here to talk, you know I love Sipho and I know that you
love Sanele, so if you are not satisfied with what we have

been doing to steal from each other, it is better to stop.

I saw your message that you put in this morning, yes, I

want to get married and be a housewife, but what I will

never do is marry another woman because of my feelings.

I admit that I really love you, but I ask that we try to take

care of ourselves as adults." He said those words

with a heavy heart because he already felt that he

loved Menzi and he did things for him that he

wanted, that made him not want to lose him

because after all

Sipho was not content to do everything he wanted for

him. Like every woman, she wanted to be treated well

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he is the person he fell in love with but on the other

hand he didn't want to hurt Sanele.

"You know, I was happy. I think you are calling me to

think about breaking up with the boy and you are calling

me this, but I can still

hear what you are saying and you are right, we must try to

control ourselves because we are all adults. But I was willing

to leave Sanele for you."

Menzi replied feeling the pain of losing Thembisile.

"I understand but if you are content to leave Sanele, what

will stop you from leaving me and finding someone better?"

You don't think that there will always be someone who is

better than the person you are in love with, but after a

while we stay with you and then you don't want me

Please continue this Sanele, if you agree that me and you

will all betogether, that will happen in your own time, but

don't break

someone else's heart because of me." Thembisile

continued, even though he was doing things but he was

gifted in the head by Nyoni's wife,

he would sit down and think about everything


"That's what I like about you, you filter everything and make

it good. You know you are beautiful, but please tell this boy to

treat you well because he can throw you away and kick luck

with his toes but if there is

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what you want don't be afraid to tell me. I always hope

that thisdoesn't mean that our relationship will end,
right?" answered Menzi as they looked at each other in
Thembisile's eyes,
tears were welling up in Thembisile but there was nothing
he could do since he knew that all pain was the same so he
did notwant to hurt another woman. He would rather be
the one to
feel that pain than someone else to cry for him.

They told their story and agreed that they will

continuewhat they were doing stealing from each
other, when
they got up from where they were sitting they met Sanele's
friend. When it hit him Menzi was overcome with fear, it
washard to say what he was going to say because he could
that Sanele knew that there was someone making fun of him in the

They greeted each other, they didn't talk about where they
weregoing and Sanele's friend didn't ask many questions,
he continued on his journey and left them like that. Then
Menzi was shaking until his voice was trembling,

"Hey Menzi, is everything going well? Why is your

voice sohoarse? Who is your sister, or is she your other
girlfriend?"Thembisile asked

"Lwana's sister is Sanele's friend, I'm thinking that she

will tell him if I will lose both of them as you just
finished tellingme that we can't be together. What can
I say?
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maybe he saw us a long time ago and took this

picture for usto testify? What will Sanele say?" It is
the Maker who does not know how to act.

"Wow, didn't you say you were willing to break up with

him becauseof me, so who are we left with?" What will
happen who knows?
You can see that you love him and you are not ready to break
up with him, you were just trying to tie him to the grass with
moss." Thembisile answered when he finished and laughed,
it was clearthat he didn't care about everything that was
happening. They partedwhen Thembisile went back to the
house, while Menzi told
his friends that he was holding two to get to the house as
if he wasslow to answer even when asked.
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It's been a month since Thembisile and Menzi continue

theirstory and Menzi treats him very well, sometimes
he even
forgets about Sipho because the boy's life is still difficult for
him andit hasn't come together well so he has a little money to
what he wants for Thembisile. Their love was sweet, because
everytime they got a chance to see each other, Thembisile saw
that it was foolish to continue dating Sipho, but what bothered
him was how he was going to get Sanele out of Menzi,
he didn't want to hurt her but the love he still had for
Menzi hadstarted to blind him.

While he was sitting in the middle of his mind, he told Menzi

as they agreed that he would visit for a few seconds, "Menzi is
doingwhat I wanted to tell you. I'm not satisfied if I see each
other and
we steal from each other like this, I want to be satisfied
to seeyou at any time when I miss you." Thembisile left
looking at Menzi.

"I want that and you know it, I asked you to make our story
publica long time ago but you refused. I am willing to leave
as long as I am only with you. Are you willing to leave
Sipho?"it asked
The maker.
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"I love Sipho, but he doesn't take care of me the way you
do and sometimes I even think that he doesn't love me, so
I'm willing to fall inlove with this Menzi." Thembisile
replied. They continued to talk about their story and how
they fell in love.

He said that Menzi left there and left with his mind
wondering a lot because what he wanted was for
Thembisile to break up with Siphobut he was not ready
to break up with his lover Sanele so
what was he going to do as he had to be between
the two ofthem.
He had to go out to the yard like a goat on his knees, but
he never imagined that Sanele and he would be
separated. He was wonderingagain if this Thembisile was
right or if he wanted to hear what he
was going to say? It was confusing for Menzi to try to
find thetruth of everything but he couldn't find an
answer. After

Within minutes, he found himself in the house and found his wife
after he had bathed, he seemed very handsome that
day until heasked Menzi,

"And why did you take a bath today, you're so

beautiful?" he asked as he approached Sanele and
he quickly met
him, they hugged there but he heard another whisper that
Sanele was not used to. He wondered and answered
himself about it but he didn't want to ask her
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Menzi, he kept quiet even though his thoughts had taken him
toanother country.

A month has passed, life continues for Mandla and his

loverSinikiwe. Mandla has been working for weeks, which
made Sinikiwe happy because he saw that they were
helping each other in the house as everything was always
focused on him. He continued his work until the end of
the month, and Mandla led him. It was a good thing for
him and he even showed it by taking his lover to eat
outside, in a place
he always wanted to go to every day. It was a sweet love
whenSinikiwe wished she could tell her sisters who kept
her why she was in love with an unemployed person who
alwaysdid everything she needed and bought him these hats.

Life between the two of them was good.

As the day progressed


because of this money, Mandla started to get his own other

person who came every day when Sinikiwe was at
work. That sister had already seen a house for herself here in
Mandla, but how could she do it since she already knew that
the owner was the owner of the house where she always
visited.The sister needed and lacked a plan, until she was told
by her friends that she was a prophet
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who was known for helping people, he went there with his

complaint once and he found the medicine that he was

instructed to use to drive Sinikiwe to Mandla.

The day went by and it was the weekend, and Sinikiwe did not

go to the house that weekend. They agreed that Mandla

would visit after leaving the church.

On Sunday, he woke up in his church, which is where he met

Thabo who had been abducted, and he had always asked him

to pray for him so that he could have a child. When he got

out of the service, he called Thabo and told him that

someone had put medicine in his house and when he came

he didn't sleep in his clothes, he would find them where it

would be better if he

came and stoned them, and he gave him instructions that

when he stoned them, he would use them to get out what

was inside so that he could break up with Mandla. He said

that as soon as he arrived at the

house, he did not say much to Mandla because he had been

instructed not to ask anything because that would cause a

noise that would end up in divorce.

Since then he no longer trusted Mandla and he was always

careful about all his words since Thabo had warned him

about the sister who

was in love with Mandla, he had told him that he was

dangerous and would do whatever it took to separate them,

the only difficult thing was that he had been told

that this Mandla must go to church so that
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they took care of each other but he didn't know how to

ask her to go to church. While he was sitting trying to
think of a plan to persuade his lover to go to church, he
thought of calling Mandlaso he wouldn't waste time. It
doesn't fish, it doesn't smoke,
it rings and it hangs up on its own, it's not the person who picks it up.
He was surprised by this since he had never missed him
on the phone, he got up and sat down, and it rang a
second timeand Mandla went straight to him.
It rang and there was no one to pick it up, when
many thoughts came to him and we wondered what
Mandla wasdoing that made him not pick up his

Sinikiwe sat down, and after some minutes his phone rang
whilewe were getting ready to go to bed, he said he was
for it and Mandla was calling. He grabbed it quickly,
but was surprised by the way Mandla was panting as if
he wasrunning.
"Wow, you were panting so much, were you running, my
love?"asked Sinikiwe without asking about life.

"It's Sinikiwe. I'm not breathing. I'm fine and I didn't run. It's
possible that you didn't hear well or your phone didn't
sound good.But do you hear me well?” Mandla asked,
denying everything Sinikiwe heard. He doesn't put it too
much in his head and he keeps quiet about it before he talks
too much.
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"It's okay, I didn't feel good. I was just calling to ask

you toaccompany me to church this weekend.”
Removes Sinikiwe.

"How have you ever seen me go to church?"

And what do you want to do if you want to lead me to your
church?that you started pulling my nose like a cow with a
nose? I'm
not going there, you keep walking by yourself, I don't think
you'llpray for us when we don't go." Mandla answered and
made it clear that he would not be trampled that week
he was urged to do so.

"I was just asking, my love, I wanted you to pray for us

together, there is nothing I was asking you for, but if it is
not important to see, it does not matter, I will continue to
walk alone as I have been doing. I am asking you to think
about that matter because it will help both of us." He
answered very
humbly because after all, Thabo had warned him that in
everythinghe does, he must try with all his might to control
himself so that Mandla does not end up finding reasons to
break up with
him. They talked about the story of the church until
the breath ran out on the phone and Sinikiwe hung up but he
was left with many questions. He wonders what this could be
that madeMandla gasp so much and it's late at night, he
thought that it
was still possible
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when they were there he was another person of a

womanbut he ignored that again because he didn't
want to find himself thinking about things that would
break his heart.
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As it is the month of Ncwabakazi, love

always goes onof the Promised One. They
even planned to separate

what about their people, although it was difficult for

Menzi to leave Sanele, but he was willing to try it.

It scared him because he didn't know how Sanele would

take that story, he kept thinking about the criminals who

are Sanele's brothers

and saw him losing his life, but he said that when he thought

about Thembisile, he felt that he had the courage to do

whatever it took.

Thembisile, on the other hand, was not thinking too

hard because she was telling herself that Sipho

would return to being the mother

of her son Sandisiwe. As his work continued in the

morning, he gathered courage one day during the week

Thembisile was visiting. He came and did everything like

every day, when he finished that he waited for Sipho to

come back
in the church to speak well.

"We saw you my love". Sipho greeted her as she entered the

house and kissed her lover Thembisile, but she didn't answer

that because she was thinking a

lot and wondering what to do.

"Yes, how is it?" How was the church today? Please sit

down for what I wanted to talk about". He did not wait for

Sipho to answer that question and immediately asked him

to stay
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down and talk. That was a big deal for Sipho because the
oxwas wondering what was going on when he was just
sitting down.

"A gift! I think that this thing of ours is no longer

working for me, it would be a good idea to break
I don't want to waste your time, go on with your life
andforget about me." Then Thembisile looked at him
with twinkling eyes. He said those and remained
silent like a person waiting for an answer. That
scared Sipho and
she felt herself being hit by the boy, so she got up and
drank some water, sat down again and thought to herself,
becauseshe thought Thembisile was playing for herself.

"Oh, but my love, why did I do so much? What have I done to

make you abandon me so painfully? Please tell me". Sipho
asked as the boy was confused and didn't know where to
holdand where to leave.

"You didn't do anything, Sipho, but I feel like I'm

wasting your time, and you know that I'm not working, and
thatmakes me think that I'm becoming a burden to you,
after all, for this child that you have to feed. It would be a
good idea if we split up and you raise your child yourself."
Thembisile replied, when Sipho was almost in tears but she
held back.
He tried to be strong like a man and a boy. He
didnot stay with the enemy for a long time
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Thembisile said goodbye and left Sipho without any answers.

Sipho's heart was broken but there was nothing he could do,
that brought about all the things that happened in his
separation from Sandiswe.

He said that when he got out of there he picked up his

phone and called Menzi because he could no longer

wait to tell him the good news. He

hit it and it cried the first time and there was no catch,

that scared him but then he thought about repeating it

and he quickly grabbed Menzi.

A few minutes later they had gathered at their place

and he asked if he could leave him in the house

because Thembisile was very happy there so he wanted

to leave and told him all the way that he had made the

decision to break up with Sipho.

When he heard that, he was happy and Ndlovu's

boy became wet It was hard to control, so he put

her in the car and took her and

left her where she lived. When they arrived, it was difficult for them to
separate without this service, when Thembisile

immediately told him that they are free to do

whatever they want because no one is afraid of

finding them.

After half an hour, he thought of saying goodbye to Menzi,

this time it wasn't difficult because they had agreed

that he will come when Sanele is separated so that they can be free.
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He hit the car while the boy was going back, in the dark he

said that as soon as he arrived before entering the house, he

met one of Sanele's

relatives whom he was afraid of.

"Sbali, how are you today? You looked like you were in a

hurry, how is it going? Are you going to hit my sister and

I will come back and reprimand

her, after all, this is the first time I have seen you running so much".
asked Mzaca


After all, they gave him the nickname Mcaza because he

is a tall log with a thin body, so all his friends called him


"Haha! It's nothing, brother, do you think I can be beaten

by Sanele, but...?" He didn't finish that speech because

he was thinking about what he would say if he broke up

with Sanele and ran to his family.

"It's okay, count, but treat my sister well. I've heard that

she's bothering her. I'll take her to your grandfather before

the sun goes down." He just said that pointing at the duck's

that scared Menzi a lot and he immediately changed
his mind. He didn't say much to Mcaza, he said goodbye

and went to his house.

As soon as he came in, he was greeted by Sanele on the

phone, which shocked him because he didn't hear who

he was talking to, but he only heard the last words

saying goodbye to Sanele.

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With the meeting of the eyes until he saw for himself that he had found
a badger and moved him today, he lowered Menzi like a

man apologizing for not having done anything. He didn't say

much and Sanele approached him, they hugged and he

heard a voice that he didn't understand well

but he likened it and wondered how he got to Menzi.

"Wow, you think you like Sipho's perfume so much that

you're going to buy one that smells like hers?" asked
Sanele as if he was laughingat himself because he was
happy that he was close to see what Menzi was doing.

"Where do you get Sipho's perfume and how does it

smell?" It is Menzi who is self-conscious but it is clear
that he is consumed byconscience.

"How can I let you know as he bathes with it every

day, after all you can enter the bathroom after he

has finished bathing and you

want him to bathe with it and you will be caught in the

middle. SometimesI even find myself sneezing all the time.”
Sanele answered. It was
difficult for Menzi to respond to that statement and we
finally tried to cover it up with something else. It was clear
to Sanele that somethingwas wrong but he didn't want to
memorize it.

It's late at night, Menzi is falling asleep, but how can he

help a boy who comes from a difficult service to sleep.

Sanele sneaks up and takes Menzi's phone, since she knows
everything about it. He searched and searched, and said that
he did not go anywhere
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He met Thembisile's number, but he was fascinated by the

message that was sent. He went in there and told himself
everything that was being said, his heart hurt but he
wonderedhow he was going to hold his own because he
didn't want his wife to know that he was picking up the
phone and
telling himself. While he was thinking, he came up
with the idea of telling Sinikiwe about this matter,
since hewas the elder there and he trusted him more
than his friends.

"You know what I saw today. Menzi came into the house
smelling the same perfume as us, but you won't believe
what Ifound on his phone." Sanele took off and they
finished greeting each other.

"What is it my husband? It sounds like something just

isn't right there. What is the Maker doing?” asked Sinikiwe
on theother side thinking that we have found someone who
open up to him and tell him about Mandla that he has changed.

"I think that Menzi has someone he is joking with

outside, every day I am a person who comes to the
house tired and wants to sleep, that made me suspect
that he is doing something, that's why I opened his
phone. I think thathe is in love with the girlfriend of the
boy we live with because their conversation sounds like
a couple. Now I don't know how to ask him so I have no
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it is Sanele who has come down and opened up, not

knowing that Sinikiwe is also sitting in the middle of the

same story.

"That's sad, my wife, but you have to be strong, girl, don't

allow yourself to be broken by things like this before you get
proof, so please don't scare the rabbit in its place, just
pretend you don't knowanything, but open all your eyes
from today. You know what you are telling me hurts me
because I think that Mandla also did something like that, to
the person who uses medicine for me and wants to breakup
with Mandla but he doesn't see all this. I have tried to go
with him to church but he cried, but do you think Mandla
and Menziare the same?" It answers


"Sisi, don't tell me that Mandla is like that too. You know, I
have alwaysadmired him for being a sensible person who
always likes you.
I respected him but this will make me fail to respect him. And
how is love? Is it because there is no real person in this
world? Let'shope that all these are things that we imagine
that can happen."

Sanele answered when asked about the intensity of the pain,

and when he looked at Menzi he saw the boy listening to him
thinking about anything. After talking for a while Sanele and
Sinikiwesaid their goodbyes.
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Ncwabakazi's month goes by until it comes to an end,

Menzi is staying with his Sanele and that is no longer
good for Thembisile. He said that he was sitting at the
house in Thembisa, and thought of calling Menzi as it
only the weekend and they had agreed that they would
spendthe day together since he was no longer visiting. He
picked up his phone and directed it to Menzi. The phone
rang until it was no longer the answer, then it rang a
second time for a long time,

"Yes." Sanele answered the phone. Thembiisile was so

shocked that he couldn't say what to say. He quickly hangs
up,there are many questions in his head and he is
why Menzi's phone was picked up by Sanele. He is trying in
everyway to think carefully about what is happening.
But Menzi is playing with me? Thembisile's mind is
confused, and he comforts himself by saying that Menzi
contact him when he comes back, considering that he was out.

The sun is not lying as it continues, the sun has cooled

and many people have repented from the services. Some
were already sitting in their houses waiting to see the
football, whiletheir mothers had already started to take a
bath because most of them took a bath before the sun
cooled down and
went out to buy some household items. He laid Thembisile down,
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It is heartbreaking to take a bath today, something he has

never done before. Well, Menzi came to visit him like every
daybecause you can say that it is in his house here because
comes at the time he wants and always has the key since he
paysfor it and helps him.

"Oh, my love, you fell asleep and said, "How are you doing?"
Menzi asked as he entered.

"Don't ask me how Menzi is doing. I tried to call you

butyou didn't answer but you chose to give it to your
when did you break up with Sanele? It's been a month and
you'restill unclear, were you kidding me?" asked Thembisile,
was clear that anger was near.
Menzi was shocked to hear that because he didn't know that
Thembisile had made a phone call and Sanele picked it
up because Sanele didn't tell the story.

"When did you call, I don't know that?" Please bear

with me my love while I'm trying to find a better way to
break up with him because it's hard to just throw him
away when he'snever done anything bad. I'm still trying to
figure things out." Menzi replied that he denied the phone
story, and pleaded withThembisile again and again.

"I understand, my dear, when I said that Sanele was the

onewho answered your phone, I might have thought too
much that you were playing with me. I'm sorry to bother
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I'm glad to see you here, I didn't expect you to come here
at this time." He was talking as he got up and approached
the Maker to make it clearthat he was trying to beg for
himself. It was a good day for them.

He said that Sinikiwe came from the church and found Mandla
lying down in the house, he even asked himself why he was staying
in the house today. Their conversation was so good that
he forgot that Mandla is another person he makes fun of
when he is not at work, and then he started the story.

"My dear, I was thinking of taking my belongings and keeping them at



I have left this house for you and you are satisfied to
buy what youwant and put it here in the house." That
is Sinikiwe.

"I understand, but I didn't see a problem even if these

things are sittinghere, why do you think that I want to

buy something?" asked Mandla.

"I was just thinking that you, as a man, would want to

buy your things, the place is getting smaller, but if you
don't mind staying here, I will leave them."

Sinikiwe replied, but in his mind he had already told himself

that he wouldtake all his clothes because he was afraid that
the medicine would end up being used on his clothes. After
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After talking, he said goodbye to Sinikiwe as he went

back towork as he was just sitting there.

His heart aches for Sipho because he is trying to ask himself

where hewent wrong, which caused him to lose Thembisile
He is sitting in his house trying to talk, because going to
church isdifficult for him these days. His phone rang and
Sandisiwe informed him about the child, he wasted no
time when Sipho wentout in a hurry because he loved his
son and didn't want to hear anything bad about him, so
Sandisiwe used that every time he wanted to see Sipho
because he still loved him even though they broke up
painfully. After a few minutes, he had arrived at
Sandisiwe, after all, the guards knew him, so they did not
ask himmuch when he entered.
As soon as he entered he found Sandisiwe sitting alone in the house,

"How are you? Where is the child? He said to me, "I feel
good, now where are you sitting here?" asked Sipho
standing in front
of him because he just came back telling himself that he
will seethe child.

"Sit down Sipho. Do you think if I called you and told you
to comeand see me, I miss you, would you have agreed?
I had to tell
you about the child so that you can come quickly,
the child isfine and my sister is gone
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they told their aunt. I will go and pick them up in the

afternoon.” Sandisiwe replied standing up from where
he was
sitting and approaching Sipho. Sipho doesn't answer that
speech, hekeeps asking himself what he should do with
Sandisiwe but when
he thinks about what he did to her when they broke up, he
feels his heart pounding like what Thembisile did. They are
sitting in the housewatching TV, Sandisiwe is lying down and
Sipho is lying
on top of her, they are talking to each other.

As time passed, Sandisiswe stood up and said that he was

getting ready to take his sister and his son.
He went into his room, and came out with a towel saying that he
was still taking a shower, while Sipho was only following with his eyes.
He still doesn't know what to do with the boy, but he
can see that what is happening is putting him to the test.
After about five minutes, Sipho got up and followed
Sandisiwe, came to the door and asked to enter. He
ordered Sandisiwe, Sipho wasconfused because he was
thinking that this is what Sandisiwe
wanted, he went back to sit down but the boy was so
embarrassed that he said goodbye
come out. He went out there and dressed Sandisiwe, and
another one went straight to where he lived, and Sandisiwe
went out in hiscar to pick up his son.
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At night, Sipho is lying in his house thinking about the things that
are happening in his life, but what worries him the most is
Sandisiwe'sstory, because we don't know what he wants, as
he calls her all
the time asking to see her.
While he was sitting he got the idea to message Sandisiwe,
so that they could talk about what happened during the day,
hewanted to try to get the answer he needed.

"How are you Sipho, why are you talking to me about this
today?"time?” asked Sandisiwe

"I want to ask about something that happened during

the day, you said you miss me, does that mean you still love me?"
Do you still want us to fix things or do you only miss
seeingme?" asked Sipho without wasting time.

"Yes, Sipho, I love you and I wish that we fix things and
raise our daughter as a child. I don't want my daughter to
grow up with her father living here and her mother living
separately, but she
made it clear that she has found someone, so I will
never askyou to divorce her because of me.
I can understand the pain, but I wish if I could go back in
time, I would go back and fix everything that is wrong."
Sandisiwe replied,since after their separation, Sipho had
made it clear that things would never be right between
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"I understand, but do you think we should try to fix

those things and there will be something right?" So
can I hope that what is happening will never happen again?"
asked Sipho

"I have grown up now, Sipho, I don't see that what I

didcan happen again." Sandisiwe answered.
They told their story and agreed to try to give each other a
second chance and see how things would go between them.
That made Sipho happy, he slept with Bhuka that day
becauseafter all he had told himself that he would go out and
end up with Thembisile and he would get her out of his mind.
Since that day, he felt it was important to try to fix things with
Sandisiwe so that they could raise a child together, he even
regretted meeting Thembisile because that had made him
his heart and it was difficult for him and Sandisiwe to
forgiveeach other.

Thembisile is lying down in his house, his mind is reeling

because he never thought that this time would come
whenMenzi lived with Sanele. He picked up his phone
thinking of calling Menzi but then he thought about
what happenedthis morning, he scolded himself and
told himself that he
would wait for Menzi and be the one to call first because he
didn'twant Sanele to end up arguing with Menzi. As he put his
phone down, it rang.
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"My dear, how are you?" asked Thembisile

"I'm fine, how are you? How are you left?” it asked
The maker

"I'm fine my love but I miss you.

I wish you would just turn around and spend the night with me.
I love you Menzi and I'm not pretending so please don't play
withmy heart." That is Thembisile.

"I love you my Thembisile but please be patient it will

be alright. There will come a day when you don't want
to stay with me anymore. I promise you that I will
never playwith you and I will never break your heart."
The Maker replied

"Thank you to hear that my love." They left and said

goodbye because Menzi had already entered the house
so he didn't wantthis conversation to be known by
Sanele because he didn't want to fight with his wife.
He entered the house and found
Sanele sitting by himself like every day, today he was shocked to
see his wife get up and prepare food for him and give him to sit by

"My dear, how was your day today?" asked Sanele in a


"It was very beautiful, why did Ma Ngwe look so kind

today? After all, I know you if you want to ask for
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I tell you, what do you want, my love?" asked Menzi

over thereas he continued to eat his food.

"You know staying unemployed makes you always

known as someone who likes to beg. Utsukuthi I can't
just be this kind tomy man without being suspected that
I want to ask you something? You can't try, I thought I'd
try today but it's clear
that it's not your business." Sanele replied laughing to herself
becauseshe didn't want Menzi to suspect anything, even if he
had come into the house saying he would ask about answering
the phone
in his absence, but that ended up being difficult with the
way hehad been treated here.
in the house.

"Haha! It's because I know that ma treats me well and there

issomeone who wants to ask you, but I see his mother."

"That's right, I don't want to end up being taken over

byothers, because we know that the younger ones can
everything for you, even wash you and wash you when
you're tired from work, so I say well, I'll go back and be a
housewife. It's clear, but you can quote me and you'll cook
for yourself." They had a nicechat that day, and the Menzi
completely forgot what they
had promised. He should listen and not say anything to
Sanelebecause he still remembers that he was always
promised that he would break up with him and where is
he going to start as
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he treats her so well and there is never a single thing

she can blame him for.

Mandla had a good night's sleep because his new lover came

in just as Sinikiwe was leaving.

It's sweet, the new love burns with flames that can burn

when he's close and he even thought about breaking up

with Sinikiwe but he kept thinking about the way he

treated her when he wasn't working, that makes it

difficult for him to break up with her even if he feels that he's missing her

He tells Sinikiwe to sleep, he thinks a lot, he wonders what

to do with Mandla, he tells himself again that it would be

better to get out of him as soon as possible. Thinking about

that, he immediately saw it as better

staying at his job to escape if

visiting for a week, which was something that hurt him
because hewould always see the light in the house that
there was a sister who had found a home.

He sees himself as having found someone who loves Mandla,

even if it is his sister who takes this money every day when he

visits because after all Ndlovu's boy does not see all this, he

sees himself as loved, until he forgets that

Sinikiwe lives with him and does not work to buy him clothes.

Mandla has woken up and laid down with his lover as they just

left the morning service,

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"My dear, please help me with about five thousand three

hundred if you have the money." It removes

Nomvula who is now in love with Mandla.

"When do you want it, my love, because these days I don't

get hurt, I would give it to you when the month ends or if

I'm lucky, I'll catch some money and bet on a number." I will

give it to you but don't worry, I hope you didn't rush it too


Mandla replied stroking his head.

"You know that's why I love you, you know how to think
about me.You are not like that crazy woman I used to love.
A man who used to ask me for money every day.

You know other men, they are men only in the past.
Thank you Mandla.” Nomvula said as she approached and kissed him.

After a while they became people who were ready to go to

work because they all work and Nomvula is the one who
earns our money and passes it to Mandla by thousands
few but Mandla is the story of all this.
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The sun went on doing its job, we went for a month until it
ended. He said that Mandla won at the end of the month,
and he didn't aska lot of questions from his love Nomvula.
He hurriedly called him,
gave him the money he asked for and he was left with
nothing, but heconsoled himself by saying that he knew what
was going on, so he was left looking for his own.
As the month went on, it was getting harder and harder
for Mandla because the money was no longer visible to
him, and Sinikwe, the one who had trusted him, was
staying in the kitchens
where he worked and no longer came to this side of the
house. Mandlastarted to worry but he comforted himself by
saying that his
lover Nomvula was there, as he had borrowed money from
her every day and he knew that when the month was over
he wouldhave to pay it back.
The month has passed and it is coming to an end, Mandla
and hisgirlfriend Nomvula are staying in their house, they are
the money that they owe him, and he realizes that at the
end of themonth he pays the debts and Mandla is left with

"My dear, you know how much I owe you, but you don't
count it?"asked Nomvula

"Haha! And were you right to lend me money? After all, I

thoughtyou were just giving me as your person
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the one you are in love with and we always help each
other in life, but why don't you pay for his mother?"
asked Mandla.

"Haaa! S'thqandwasami lawe, you know that these days

there are no free things anymore, so I used to lend you
because you didn't ask for a loan and you are the one
who will pay for it, so I didn't have a problem to lend
you because I trust that you will give me my money

when you get paid."

Nomvula answered, when Mandla saw for himself that he
had to prepareto pay Nomvelo's money and use it for the
whole month since
his money had run out the day he finished earning.

"It's okay, but you taught me, next time I'll beg and I

won't borrow anymore. It's because I didn't think

you'd want me to pay for it

all because it's mine, so I wouldn't pay for it. So how much
money is it, I was only taking it, not knowing that you

will want your money again." Mandla asked.

He stood up when Nomvula went into his bag and took out
his small wallet, which is what he wrote every day when he
borrowed Mandla. They
started counting the money, which Mandla had already
spent, and before they finished, he was speechless and
amazed at the money he owed, because he couldn't say

that we spent more than his salary,

and he wondered what he was saying.
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"Why are you so scared, my dear?" Nomvelo

asked, approaching him and smiling a little, trying
to comforthim not to think too much.

"I'm thinking about the money I owe you, it's clear that this
month I'm paying to give it to you and I'll never be able to
pay itall in one month."
Mandla replied, after all, he did not know that Nomuvula
writes everything down, and the money they eat when
theygo out to eat, Nomuvula counts it.

"And relax, I won't kill you, my love, it is agreed that you

havegiven me half now, within a month you will give me
another one." Nomvula answered


they continued with the conversation but Mandla was

no longer there and he was thinking about Sinikiwe
after all he had neverdone what Nomvula did to him.

After a day and a month, Mandla didn't hesitate, he quietly

tookout Nomvula's money. One day on Sunday, he was
sitting in his house trying to think of a plan on where to get
the money togo to work, since he no longer wanted to
borrow from his
lover because he felt that he was being unreasonable. While
he was lying in his house, he heard the sound of a car
outside,and it stopped
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After listening, after a few minutes he heard someone

knocking at his door, he woke up and opened the door in
shock when he saw Nomvula because he hadn't told him
that he would
come there to tell her.
He was startled again by the car he saw outside but he held
back and didn't ask anything because he told himself that
Nomvula was the one who had to explain to him whose car
he was driving today.

Until the end of a month, Thembisile has been waiting for

Menzito break up with Sanele, but that is not happening,
he is startingto tell his heart. He then thinks of apologizing
to Sipho, but he reprimands himself that Menzi will do
what they agreed on,
so he doesn't want Sipho to keep talking about it, because
that indecisiveness confuses things. We are killing him with
lonelinessthese days because Menzi is not very visible, he is
crying about being stuck at work which has even made
Thembisile suspicious but
there is nothing he can say, he must be patient and wait for
his ownday to come and ask Menzi why he is no longer
interested in him.
As a person who works hard for himself, Thembisile always
feels alone when he is not working. He tries to explain to Menzi
how he feels, but it is difficult for him. As it is Sunday, he woke
up and thoughtof going to church thinking that he might meet
Sipho, they could talk for a while and he apologized and told
her that he still misses her even if he doesn't want to talk to
her, but Sipho is still in the dark.
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After Sunday he went to Thabo, who is the trusted pastor

here, told him his problems, informed Thabo, gave him a

phone number and agreed that he would visit Thabo

during the week to pray for him to find a job and find

someone he can love to be his only. He said from there

Thembisile left hoping that he would find it

a prayer that will help him in his problems, while Thabo has
already found a girlfriend, and he is now just talking about a
woman. This prayerthat he promised her is only a lie and he is
doing it so that they can
see each other again.

Sipho, on the other hand, has taken out this family which

is Sandisiwe and his children, life is good these days as

they agree to fix things, their love is burning and it is clear

that they have truly forgiven each other.

Sipho has spent a week without going to his own house

and is staying at Sandisiwe's because everything is here

and Sandisiwe has his own things so all he wants from

Sipho is love. That makes Sipho happy, sometimes he

finds himself thinking of calling Thembisile to thank her

for breaking up with him, but he also warns himself that

this happiness may be temporary.

"Sipho, you know I was thinking here, is it good for you to

continue living here while I have a big place here?"

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This money that you are playing with and paying for this
excuse, let's all sit down and then you will have enough
money to put it away so that you can do something else you
need in life." removes Sandisiwe.

"That's the truth, my love, but I think it's too early for me
to move over here to live with you, and when I live with
you, I'll feel like I'm under yourcare. This is a good plan,
but please give me a chance to think about it, I would be
happy to stay with my family in one place." Sipho replied,
trying to think more carefully because even if their love is
sweet, he doesn'twant to take things rashly.

"I understand but I think it would be a good idea, please

don't worry too much, I'm content to keep it all, I know where
you work and how much money they give you, but that
doesn't make you not a man and to me
you're still the man I love, the father of my child, that's why I
wanted to reduceyour expenses by having you move over here
to where we live. " Sandisiwe answered. There is silence for a

while and Sipho doesn't answer, he is alwayseating the bones

of his mind, what makes it more difficult is that he is
afraid to go live at Sandisiwe's house because then it will be as
if he has been kept there. They finally agreed that he would
eat the bones of his mind with it, and he thought carefully
about how he would do it.
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Months have passed and it's been difficult for

Thembisile, after Thabo visited him, they started dating
rightaway, but on the other hand, they love Menzi. She is
dating Thabo just to pass the time, since they are not
working together, it is easy for both of them to visit each
when they want. Their love continues, Menzi himself
hasnot separated from Sanele.

One day, Thembisile was sitting in his house, lying

down and thinking about his life because all the people he
loves came to him about work.
He realizes that looking for a job has made him a weak
person, and here he ends up falling into temptation.
Thabo came while he was lying down, after all he was given
permission to visit as he liked, just by entering the
house he and Thembisile could meet each other. A few
secondslater, Thabo is lying down in the house, Thembisile is
wrapped in a towel, and is shaking trying to prepare food.
Since he lives in a house behind the others, it was difficult
forhim to see Menzi's car. Menzi entered as usual, saying
that he was going to see his lover since they don't see each
other as much as before. He felt that he was missing her
today and he thought of passing by when he saw her in the
morning so that he could go to her house without regret.
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to Sanele. Just as Menzi enters the room, he tells

himself that Thembisile is alone, and when he sees a
shadow at the door, Thembisile looks up, his eyes
meet Menzi's.

"Do it!" it's Thembisuile loow in great shock.

It was difficult for Thabo to get up from where he was
lying down, hiseyes wide open because he had never
thought that someone would find him here, and now he is
thinking that Thembisile is the
Thabo's knee-jerk reaction to difficulty speaking.

"What does Menzi mean? Who is this sleeping here? I pay

you to stayhere in the house, I did everything for you, but is
this how you thank me? Why do you despise me so much,
Thembisile? .." he said
well and slapped her and avoided Thembisile until
she fell to the ground, she tried to get up but she
couldn't get up anymore
because she was injured on the knee. It was a good
opportunity forThabo to go out in the morning, he went
out like that while still carrying his pants in his hands and
he didn't care about the fact that it was still daylight and
there were people outside.

"I'm sorry, Menzi, I didn't mean to disrespect you. Please

forgive me,my love, I got carried away, I thought to myself
that you are playing with me and you don't want to break
up with Sanele."
Thembisile replied, trying to plead with himself while lying
on theground, because he knew what Menzi could do to
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"Are you sorry? What are you apologizing for? Don't

change allthis and make it about me, you failed to wait for
me to solve myproblems and thought of bringing someone
else into the house. I came out and saw you agreeing to
part with your
lover so easily, what a whore, you disgust me. Don't
talkto me again, it's better for my wife to stay alone
than for
those who can't control themselves." That's Menzi, after
all, he came up with a good plan to break up with
Thembisile because
he wouldn't leave his Sanele for her. He felt pain when
Thembisile,he thought everything that he did it in haste
thinking and seeing the Maker's money. He was
thinking about what he would do now that he had
been abandoned,since this Sipho was not doing
everything for him, but he
was content to help him here and there with the little
money heearns. After saying that, Menzi didn't ask for an
answer and quietly got into his car

he hit it on the way to his house.

Thembisile was left lying on the ground because her knee was
blowing and she couldn't get up, she tried to crawl until she
reached her terrace, held on to the weight and stood up.
After thathe sat on his terrace, and began to regain his
senses. He asked
himself many questions about them and their answers. He saw you there
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that Menzi played with him but what could he do? Did you
realizethat you were obsessed with money until you broke
with someone who loved you and was serious about him?
They are right that a person loses a lot in a series of small
things that willtake him nowhere.

After thinking hard, he picked up his phone, dialed Menzi's

number, called, but it rang until it was a shrill sound as if it
belonged to the person who answered it. Once again, tears
rolled down her cheeks, and she cried every second time
withoutanyone holding her back. He told himself that his
relationship with Menzi was over, even though his heart
didn't want
to believe that, but it was clear in his mind that he would
neversee Menzi again.

He caught his eye and saw his conversation with Thabo, he

saw himself smiling to himself after a few seconds and
calledThabo's number saying that he would rather talk to
him and apologize for what happened during the day and
ask how he was doing. The phone rang, Thabo looked at it
until he
was silent without picking it up, Thembisile repeated. This
timehe caught Thabo,

"What do you want, you whore?" asked Thabo on the phone

without saying hello.

"Oh, my dear, don't you always answer your phone?" I know

thatwhat happens during the day is always shameful
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I'm not proud of it but I wanted to apologize for everything.

How did you go, my love?" Thembisile asked

"What are you calling me, my love, you man?" Why

didn't you tell me that you are a man, all this time you

were just playing with me? Thabo

asked, hearing from him that the mood was high, his

heart ached, and he didn't like Thembisile that much,

but what happened hurt him. He also thinks that he

was killed in someone's house right here in Thembisa

and that is what makes him think the most when he

thinks about it.

"I'm sorry, my love, I didn't know that you would come so

early in the day, but please trust me, he is not my husband,

he is the person I was in love

with and always paid for my place to stay, but we didn't see each other
at the time, so I can't tell you that I am with someone. I'm

sorry and I'm asking for your forgiveness, please let's not be

separated by that."

Thembisile replied.

"No, you don't let me go, you want to kill me with your

people." It was Thabo who finished when he hung up his

He tried to hit Thembisile again but it failed
he put him in the trees. He held his cheek and asked why
what is going on in his life but who could he ask and

answer him about that. He realized at that time that they

were all playing with him, and he felt very sorry for

separating from Sipo

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He thought about going back and begged but it was

difficult, after all, he didn't want Sipho to see him as a
needy personto do.

He was taking Menzi all the way, even though he

didn't like Thembisile that much, but what he
happening hurt him because he didn't think he could do
something like this to him. He asked himself many
questions,he even thought that he threw Sanele away.
He was walking around complaining, until he entered the
house and it was clear that he was upset, and that made
Sanelerealize that something was not right with his wife. He
tried to question Sanele, but it was difficult for Menzi to
and he ended up saying that it was work related. This
scaredSanele, but he didn't want to keep asking about it.
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Mandla's life continues happily with her lover

Nomvula. A day has passed and the day is approaching

of Christmas since it's just Mpalakazi. Everyone is enjoying this

day and Mandla is planning alone, he wants to take his

girlfriend to see the sea in Durban.

He is preparing everything that he didn't tell Nomvula,

after all, he is now his closest friend since Sinikiwe left, he

didn't talk about it again at

his house, so Mandla didn't care about it. He was happy

about that because he realized that he had presented her

with a job that would be difficult for her to break up.

The day goes on without waiting for anyone, the day of

Christmas is approaching and they are all shaking people and

getting ready for

others to go home and Mandla was already determined that

he will never step there because he has plans for Nomvula.

Mandla wakes up on Friday and prepares everything until he

pays for the place they will arrive at and

they can see the sea. He has paid for everything for the plane they
were going to travel on, and he tries to call his lover but it

doesn't answer. He tells himself that something has caught

him or that he is still bathing, and after some minutes he

will come again and not be caught

this time. Ndlovu's wife started to worry because her

loved ones have never been there

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this happened, so you wonder what could be causing it.

Mandla tried again for the third time, since this time it
was almost time for them to guard the plane and
It cried at this time, it came down to deny the boy but
he got scared again when he heard the voice of the one
who answered.

"Hey buddy, I'm Thando, Nomvula's friend.

You are getting married today, but you can come if you
don't mind that." Nomvula's friend answered the phone.

"What are you saying? Are you getting married? Who are you
marrying and I don't know that?" Mandla asked confused, not
having received an answer when the phone hung up. He was
surprised because these are tests, and he tried to think
carefullyuntil he finally thought that he might have dialed the
wrong number. He opened his cell phone, looked for the
number he got, but what he heard is what scares him the
most. He pressed
Nomvula's number again, and the phone rang. Thando always answered.

"Please talk to Nomvula when she is near us."

He is trying to calm down and we want to hear his voice only
sothat he can feel that what he is being told is the truth or
they are playing with him, after all he does not believe all
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"Nomvula is still busy right now, you will talk to her

after thewedding, I can arrange for you the place where
will get married so you can come when you are free."
Thandoanswered the phone. There was silence for a
while and he tried to understand Mandla, who then
answered saying,

"I am sending that place and I will come." As soon as he

finishedspeaking, Mandla hung up his phone, confused as he
prepared to go see for himself that he is indeed marrying
Nomvula. His head is filled with many questions, he did
notsee the way he was happy to get out of his person,
he did not expect to hear such a story. Don't waste time,
get out of the panic to find the marriage before it's over. After
arriving at the place he was ordered, he sat down like many
others. When he looks at the way it has been cleaned, he can
seethat this is a very beautiful marriage that is taking place, he
says that he looks ahead and sees Nomvula's name written
onthe one he is marrying. He sees himself as if he is seeing
well, as if he is in the middle of a dream, until he says
well and smiles when he hears that the sun is shining on
the earth.He is firm like a man until the bride's time comes
to enter,
and she sees Nomvula herself. He couldn't control
himself when Mandla suddenly stood up and left
saying goodbye, when he saw with his own eyes that
Nomvulawas only looking for money from him, but he also
tried to wonder where he was since he had been visiting
for so long
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this is the man she is marrying today but no

onecan answer her for that


The mind was on its own trying to find an answer.

Thembisile is sitting in his house, he has the thought of

seeing Sipho where he lives, so he doesn't waste time
there,he washes and leaves in a hurry. He found a car to
look after, and as soon as he arrived at Sipho's place he
met Menzi, and his heart ached when he saw him. He
asked, hearing that Sipho had not been sleeping here for
It was very painful for him when he heard that, because it
was clear to him that this gift he was hoping would come and
beg for him, but he would not find it. He sat down, thinking
that Sanele had not seen him when he came in, then he went
to where Menzi lives, he double-checked and opened Menzi's
clothes, and they met in the blink of an eye. When he was
scaredand allowed Menzi to come in, Thembisile came in with
sat down and talked. Every time he tried to
apologize for what was happening, Menzi understood and
apologized even though he was sorry to see him, because Thembisile

At that moment, the service was ringing, and Menzi had

forgottenthat Snaele could come at any time. It was lucky that
they finished, and when he finished, Menzi got scared, and
quickly took him out, not wanting Sanele to catch up with them.
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together. Thembisile went out and stayed at Sipho's

house,while he was sitting there, Sipho was visiting his
son, he didn't think that he would find someone there.

"Oh Thembisile, what are you doing in my house?" asked

Sipho inshock, when his son looked him in the eyes
for a person with questions.

"I apologize Sipho for what I did to you, I was asking you to
forgive me for causing you pain unexpectedly. I wanted us
to fixthings." Thembisile said, it was difficult for Sipho to
talk too much when the child was there and decided that
they would talk on the phone, but Sipho spoke up to try to
block the noise
in front of the child. Sipho prepares food, while Menzi is
taking ashower and wants to leave Thembisile as they have
just forgiven each other. He washed and finished, then put a
message on Thembisile's phone, opened it to see Menzi, he
ignored it because he didn't want to mess up Sipho's little
time when he was holding the child. He is trying with all his
might to show her love so that Sipho will forgive her when
he realizes that she can be a better mother to the child.
Theysat there, until Sandisiwe called and told Sipho to
come downstairs.
Without wasting time, they all got off, said goodbye and
Sipho gotinto the car.
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"Mom, we found 'Aunt' in 'Daddy's' house. I love my 'Aunt'

and sheloves me. He even bought me sweets." Sindile,
who is
Sipho's sister, is leaving. He asked Sipho Sandisiwe because
wewant to know who they found in Sipho's house.

"Don't always look at me, his mother didn't do anything

for me.We found Thembisile at my house saying he
was waiting for me and wanted to apologize. I think it
was opened by my husband because he was the one in
the house, but can we
talk about it this afternoon please?" Sipho moved away and
got oneeye because he didn't want his son to hear what
they were talkingabout, so he tried to avoid the fact that
they would end up arguing about it in front of the child.
They continue on their journey but Sandisiwe is still upset
and Siphp sees that, but he doesn't want them to quarrel
among people, so he tries in every way to
pretend that he didn't see anything, even if he knows that
he hasto explain more about Thembisile's story.

He left happily when Thembisile was satisfied with his

apology to Sipho and the Maker and now he knows
that theMaker truly forgave each other until this
service. He is waiting for Sipho to call him and
apologize properly to him foreverything he is doing.
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He continued his day waiting for a call from Sipho

but he kept quiet until he thought of smoking her and felt
thathe kept quiet and why he didn't smoke and they talked
about the story he asked her. Just then, he picked up his
phone, dialed Sipho's number because he was on his cell
phone, and the phone rang.

"Yes, Tembasile, how are you?" Sipho answered the phone

"I'm fine Sipho, how are you? I have been waiting as you
promised me that you would call me until today, how is
it going? Don't you think about the story I was talking about, I
love you and I wish we could get back together." Thembisile
replied, relaying the questions to Sipho.

"I'm fine, you know Thembisile, the way you left me makes it
difficult for me to forgive you, do you think I'll still trust
you after what you did to me? I had already moved on with
my life, didn't you say that we should break up, so I wouldn't
wait foryou unless you don't mind that you were second."
Sipho answered

"I understand but I was apologizing Sipho, it will be

difficultfor me to be the second but I can try because I
love you, and I want us to fix things.
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I'm very sorry for what I did to you because I thought

we were just playing." Thembisile replied.

"Okay, I understand, but you have to stop trying things in

myhouse without letting me know. I will explain what to
say to my man if we go in and find you there or come in and
find us all. You have to tell me if you want to visit." Sipho
answered when he was no longer interested, telling himself
that Thembisile would choose what he wanted.

"It's hard but what can I say since I love you? I have to do
what you say to the point where you trust me, maybe you
willsympathize with me and we can fix things." Thembisile
answered but he felt pain when he thought that at first he
justcame without saying anything, there were many rules
and now he had to start reporting, that alone was a lot of
torture but what was he going to do after all he realized
that Menzi was playing with him and he would not divorce
his wife so hewanted her to call his own. When he finished,
thought that he was better because he was still in Menzi,
even if he was just lying there, but he told himself that it is
not the same as having nothing.
His heart aches for Mandla, he even became a slave to
alcohol as he drank and slept there.
At work, he has been late due to drunkenness, and he
has not seen his life continue after that
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of what Nomvula did. He is sitting on his bed, the sun has

just come up and he is trying to think how he will get
through this but hedoesn't see it. He tried with all his
might to forget what happened
to him but it was difficult until he decided that it is better
that heneeds medicine and ends his life.

He left there and went to the shop near where he lived, in

the blink ofan eye he turned around carrying his nephew in
his right
hand, determined to end his life, he entered his house and
closedthe door, took water and poured it on his nephew
and looked up, minutes later he put the cup down.

He sits for a few minutes without anything

happening, we start his stomach, he is undressed,
we cut him from side to
side, when he has rolled around and is wet. The pain he is
feeling is not what he was serious about, he was looking for
something that
would just make his bowels open and die without pain. He
tried to bestrong but the pain was unbearable, until he
finally tried to open
his mouth and it opened, he shouted once and no one
responded. Mandla shouted a second time, hearing the voice
echoing for a long time,

"I'm asking for help, I'm dying". That is Mandla when this
wind is struggling. Then Mthethwa who is his neighbor ran,
caught him andsaw for himself that it is difficult here

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He thought that he could take a moment in case Mandla

died. He immediately called the first aid, and those who

responded were already waiting for his call, and they

arrived immediately. They took him to the hospital in a

hurry, trying to find someone to inform him,

They tried Nomvula's number but it was difficult to get her.

Fortunately, Mthethwa lives at Sinikiwe's house, the one he kept a long

time ago
when they were still in the neighborhood. Call them then,
and they will find him immediately.

"We see, it's a hospital here. We told you that Mandla is

very ill and is currently in the hospital, but the doctors are

still busy with him and they are

examining him to see what might be wrong with him." Sinikiwe

was left wondering what to do as he had already told himself

that he had left Mandla. It was

difficult for him to ask how Mandla was doing, he hung up

his phone and gotup to sit against the wall, since he had

lost all energy and sleep. He

thought about calling Menzi.

It rang on the way to Hilbrow where Menzi lives, the phone

rang twice and no one picked it up. Again, Sinikiwe was

holding his lungs in his hands, he

didn't want it to look like he didn't make an effort on the phone.
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"Yes, Sinikiwe, is everything going well, why are you calling

me so late at night?" asked Menzi on the phone, at that
time Sanele was listening to hear that

what are you talking about.

"I received a call from the hospital saying that Mandla

is very ill, the doctors are busy with him but I don't
know how it is going because I stopped seeing Mandla
a long time ago." Sinikiwe replied,
panting like a person who was running, and got up
after Menzi when he heard that.

"Sinikiwe said he was joking, Mandla I talked to him

during the day and he didn't tell me anything about his
illness. You don't think they
made a mistake but they chased someone who didn't
want to go? What hospital are you supposed to be in?"
asked Menzi, since he was shocked to hear that because it

was not something he was expecting. He replied to

Sinikiwe that he was the person preparing to leave
Menzi, and Sinikiwe asked to accompany him to see if
Mandla was

really him, even though he was resting with him but did
not want to hear that he had passed away.

Menzi came out, ran and took Sinikiwe to the

hospital, where they explained who they were.

Fortunately, they allowed them, when they arrived they

found Mandla's veil opened. They tried to ask but

Doctors do not have all the answers as we are still waiting

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blood results. Sinikiwe's heart ached when he saw Mandla

lying here connected to these devices because it is difficult to

breathe alone. In the way Sinikiwe

is in pain, it is difficult for him to sit here looking at Mandla, and go

for a few seconds. Just then, a doctor took a blood test, and

Sinikiwe was called, and the doctor told them that the blood

showed that Mandla wanted to kill himself.

"We are given, what did my brother do that he wanted to kill

himself? Looking for you killed my brother, you said you don't

know how it goes? And of course, how is the wife, why did you

kill him, why didn't you leave him when you have
been unable to stay with him for a long time.
Are you going to kill my brother, or are you going to kill

him for his work that he has just received?" shouted

Menzi looking at Sinikiwe. Tshuma lost

her husband before she knew that Menzi was blaming her.

It was difficult for them to answer Sinikiwe because they

thought about the things that Mandla had been doing that

took him away from the house, and he lost his strength.

They came out as if they were begged for tears.

"Don't worry, you know how it goes with my brother.

This person I talked to during the day, everything is going well, what did
he do?" This is a lie Menzi because he knows that Sinikiwe

has not come to his place of residence for some time

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her brother that's why he thinks that he is the one who

did everythingthis.

"Sorry brother Ndlovu, leave him alone he doesn't know anything.

It's been a long time since he came here, and your brother
had anothergirlfriend, but all this happened alone in the
house and I drove him.
First aid called and they took him and brought him here.
I always helped my sister with her numbers because we
didn't knowwho to call. Just don't insult your brother, he
knows everything."
Mthethwa replied that we were trying to mediate the fire that Menzi
was stoking. Menzi didn't answer as the boy was so
embarrassed that hedidn't know how to apologize to Sinikiwe
who has been crying all
the time.
The doctor intervened with him and told them that Mandla
would recover and they could go home and come to see
him in the morning.
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After all, the day goes on, they don't wait for anyone and

they don't choose whether they are suffering, whether they

are happy or in difficulty, they continue like that, they don't

wait for anyone, when one person goes down, they wait for

another one to come out, and the day of each person's

passing from this world is approaching. Mandla has been in

the hospital for a long time, it is difficult for

him and the doctors are trying to help him in every possible

way but since he wanted to kill himself, the medicine he

had hurt him inside his body so they are still trying

everything to help Ndlovu's boy recover. They came to see

people but there was none

the only one who has ever spoken to him found the truth and

all of them are pointing fingers at each other and considering

each other. Sinikiwe has already tried to come again but he

hasn't talked to her so that she can feel her

own way about how things are going.

He said that as soon as Sinikiwe entered the hospital, Menzi

joined him and Sanele went with him. They greeted each other

but Menzi regretted his words, we

didn't know what to do but Sinikiwe didn't take it to heart even though it
was painful.

"How are you, sister, you know, I didn't think I would see you here.
I was thinking that he was out of Mandla's life."
Sanele started talking to Sinikiwe while they were
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here at the hospital, as it is still difficult for Mandla, they

only come to lookfor him.

"I told myself that, girlfriend, but you know what love is
like." When you try to get someone out of your life you
find yourself close to them again. What I still want to hear

is why Mandla would do something like this." Tears fell as

she tried to speak, Sanele saw for herself that Sinikiwe still
loves Mandla, so she wants him to leave the hospital.

"Then it's hard for all of us to wait to hear what he has to say
waking up because no one knows what Mandla went
through but let's prayfor him to get better."

Sanele replied, they talked until they said goodbye, but the
two got alongvery well. You wouldn't say that they are
people who grew up
without knowing each other.
They continue for a day, until the weekend. He thought to
see Thembisile Menzi. He kicked the car towards Thembisa,
and when he arrived he foundThembisile lying down,
exposed as the sun was hot. It doesn't take

long for the enemy to find themselves in the service, and

when he finishes when Menzi doesn't stay, they don't talk like
they used to. Thembisile was left to collect himself, he looked
at them two or three times and threw

them on his terrace. The mind has started its work, it is

asking itself manyquestions because it is his Maker who has
trusted him
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He still doesn't get the love he wants and he still doesn't

get it, Menzicomes rushing every day and that makes
Thembisile feel easy. While

he was sitting, he came up with the idea of separating

Menzi from Sanele, but he also wondered how he was going
to do that.

He picked up his phone and turned it towards his friend Simiso,

"Friend, I am asking for your help here


I know you are going to go to people. I want to get rid of this person who
is doing bad things to my husband." Thembisile is the one
who should stayon top of the story because he is willing to
the Maker's house.

"That's easy my friend, if you don't have anything to do

right now you cancome here and let's go. We have already

fixed this but you will need

to have one of his hats which is the one you will use.
After a week everything was fine, I found him still a boy.
You can do thatand the man will come back to you running
like a calf running to its mother." Simiso replied, after all, he
knows these things and is not afraidto make medicine when
he wants it, so it is an easy thing for him that Thembisile
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"Okay, my friend, my problem is that I don't have

anything for himright now, but I have to come up with a
plan soon, because I
can take time, and I always lose, and I don't want that." He is
just talking and thinking of a plan on how to make
Thembisile find one thathe can use.
He immediately hung up the phone because we thought it
would bebetter for him to get closer to Menzi so that he
can satisfy the coming he wants.

When she closes it there, she calls Sipho trying to ask for
a visit so that they are close to Menzi. Sipho picked up
the phone but they couldn't understand each other
because life is good thesedays for Sipho as he lives with
his family and Sandisiwe treats himlike an egg as he
passes by and you can see that the house
is full of love.

Since it is the weekend, he has visited Mandla Sinikiwe's house,

he wants to see how Mandla is going to be in the house
because heis sick, it is possible that he will find nothing
left, but the way he thought at first, he goes without
trusting that he will find this woman
there. When he arrived he found a beetle buzzing as if
Mandla had leftand no one had come in. He took all the
things and cleaned them
and took the rest outside to get some fresh air. The way it is in
the bottlehouse
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What he found makes him wonder a lot about the life

Mandlais living, since he knows that he does not drink

While he was resting, his phone rang from the hospital.

"How are you, we called to tell you that Mandla has

wokenup." That was good news for Snikiwe
We are happy that Mandla will feel the truth about himself.
He stood up and quickly sent Menzi and Sanele a message
that he should not hesitate any longer and head to the
hospital. How many minutes has Sinikiwe been waiting for
them. When Mandla was shocked when he saw Sinikiwe,
he burst into tears before hecould say anything and cried
about breaking the detector and thenurses came running
and asked Sinikiwe to go outside.

When Menzi arrived he found Sinikiwe standing outside

and heasked himself many questions because Mandla
was said to have woken up, so why is Sinikiwe standing
looking like a crying person. Menzi took him to a land where
Menzi was far away from his mind, and he got up angrily
pointing at Sinikiwewith a finger.

"Woman, what have you done to our brother? Why are

theredoctors in his room? And you wouldn't say that you are
awake, so how is it going? Why are you standing here?” Menzi
askedquestions when Sinikiwe was silent, wondering what he
going to answer because he didn't know.
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what is happening with Mandla. He took his mind and asked

Sinikiwe a lot, but why am I dying? Why does Menzi think so
badlyof his brother?
While he was thinking about that, he came up with the
idea to goon his own, and leave there quietly without
Menzi's questions. Menzi was left standing there, not knowing what to

He waited for Menzi for a few minutes, after a while one of

the nurses came out, kicking his shoe, it was clear that he was
in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, nurse, I'm sorry, sister." It is the Maker, the

nurse stands and looks him in the eyes like someone who
is waiting to ask a question.
Don't waste time with Menzi.

"This is my brother who is sleeping in here, I wanted to ask

how he is doing?" I received a message that he is better
today, butwhen I get here, I find that his room is full of
doctors, how is
it going?" asked the Maker

"Sorry buddy, I can't tell you how he is right now but the
doctors arestill busy with him.
I promise you will get better, but please go back and sit
down anddon't worry too much." Mongikzai replied turning
his back
and kicking his shoe as he headed towards where he had
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At this point, Menzi has passed out and still doesn't know
whatto do, because he hasn't even spoken to his brother
about why he's in the hospital.
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Inkombalaga continued with his work, life in prison was not

good for Ndlovu. You could have sworn that he was the one

who always beat

Nomusa for his children and told him to trust him. One

day when Ndlovu was sitting, one of the prisoners came

to him, "And you, old man, why are you tied up when

you are so old?" he asked the boy over there,

lifting his face with his finger so that he could see him

properly. Ndlovu did not answer that because it was

embarrassing for him that he was so old that he was

forced to rape. The boy asked for the second time, and

when he asked for the third time, he slapped Ndlovu on

the cheek. He

tried to get up and sat down for the second time, but the

prison guards had already run and caught him as a boy. He

said that when he looked at the boy, Ndlovu looked at

himself and shed a tear because he could

have given birth to a boy, but he could not say anything

because he had chosen his own path. One day he visited

Meluleki, saying that he would see how he was doing, and

he found that he had lost weight, which was

a sign that he was not getting enough sleep in prison.

Ndlovu narrates every day.

"How is my brother? You are so exhausted, is there any

illness that you feel in your body?" Meluleki asked,

showing concern for the brother

he was seeing
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when he is exhausted from his body, he can feel as if something is eating

"I'm fine, my brother, but I don't sleep at night, I can't sleep

every day I see the face of the child I raped crying. I think it

would be better if I die myself from what I hear of being

beaten and beaten by young boys. And of course,

what was I doing..." they burst into tears

to Ndlovu as he narrated his story. He was silent for

a while Meluleki was wondering what he could do to

help his brother get out

of this since he was already feeling the way he was. "Don't cry my
brother, it will
be alright one day, be patient and behave well, they may sympathize
with you by behaving well." The Counselor replied. They

chatted until the timefor the visitors ended and Meluleki

went out and left, asking himself many questions. Wondering

if what he was doing was right to arrest his brother.

Things had changed for Thembi, Simiso had become a

working person but he could not see all that because of the

love he had for Thembi who

had found a person to send him to do everything for him.

He woke up and took a bath one day when Simiso was

taking his family home, he had left without telling Thembi

because he knew she didn't like that. He saw his people

and stayed there until it sank

and the sun, he said from the darkness and suddenly thought
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calling to apologize to Thembi. It cried once but did not hold



that scared Simiso and he wondered why he didn't

catch it. He was thinking a lot when he left, surprisingly
when he got to the house he found Thembi there listening
to himselfwatching TV. "And Simiso, of course, continues
your return atnight thing? Where are you coming from at
this time?” asked Thembi, not wanting to greet Simiso.
"Yes, Thembi, how are you? I was going to see the
children beyond Zandile, I stayed until I was late. Sorry
aboutthat, my love, but I would never leave my children
when they still want to see me. I tried to call you but you
didn't pick up." Simiso answered that he was sitting down
and Thembi had stood up.
When he said that Simiso was slapped on the cheek, he
openedall his eyes and looked at Thembi who didn't show the
slightest remorse. He wondered what Simiso had done since
hewas filled with hatred, he thought of slapping him back and
reprimanded himself.

"I told you about your story of going to Zandile Simiso's, I

don'tcare about seeing your children, but your story of going
to Zandile's and coming back at night is what treated me
well." Thembi kept talking about Simiso angrily. "So you say
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I didn't go to see my friends anymore?" Simiso asked as he

satdown and wondered what he should do about his
"I told you that I don't want to go to Zandile's, but are you
continuing or do you want to go back and live there?
Are you still seeing your children or are you picking up
your Zandile? If I don't satisfy you, Simiso tells me that
when youreturn to Zandile, what is so difficult about
calling your children to come here to see you?" asked
Thembi in a loud voice, Simiso did not answer and kept
quiet. He told
himself that he would call his children to come here and
see how Thembi would treat them.

Simiso did not sleep that day and wondered what he

would do with his children and Thembi because he loved
Thembi very much and he wanted to raise her. Simiso
wasthinking all night wondering why Thembi had
changed so much because he trusted him so much and
he never thought that the day would come when they
would argue about seeing his children. Thembi, on the
other hand, was listening to Bhuka, not thinking about
anything bad he
had done, while Simiso was looking at him, not
knowing what to do. He wanted to leave the house but
since he loved her with all his heart it was difficult for him
to do that.
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Simiso woke up sad in the morning and took a shower

withoutsaying goodbye to Thembi. It hurt her heart to think
that she had been slapped by someone she said she loved.
When Thembi woke up, Simiso had already left, and she
wondered why he was leaving her today as they were
all used to going to work. He picked up his phone and
rang going to Simiso, "Simiso, where are you since I can't
see you here?" I'm leaving and you'll be left to follow."
He didn't even want to greet Thembi and suddenly fell on
him with a speech. "Okay, you can go, of course I'm at
workand I'll see you in the afternoon
you will come back feeling better because right now I can
hearyou saying you are tired. The way you talk makes me ask
myself many questions." Simiso answered the phone. He
was just talking to Zandile because he was trying to find out
more about Thembi and what happened was bothering
him so much that he wanted to understand Zandile.
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A day has passed, Mandla is getting better and has even

left the hospital. Sinikiwe has visited since it is just the

weekend, he said that he will see him and see how he is

recovering, and that he will try to wash them some more.

After he finished washing them and cooked, they sat

down to eat, Sinikiwe cooked well, after all, he came

back with some cooking utensils and other small

things to leave for Mandla. We were still sitting next to

Nomvula, who is the person who will see Mandla as she

has heard the news that he has been sick.

He stood up and opened Sinikiwe,

"How are you, who are you? What are you doing here

in my house?” asked Nomvula after all they don't

know each other on her wedding day she

didn't see Mandla so she thinks he will come and tell her

lies. He speaks as he enters the house.

When he saw Nomvula, Mandla got up and sat on his back

while Sinikiwe remained silent, waiting to hear who it was

and come here. Sinikiwe doesn't answer

because it scares him to see someone pouring into the house like this.

"Nomvula, what do you want in my house, you're married to this man

now, so what do you want here like how many times

are you coming into your house? Get out of my house

and don't stomp here again." Mandla is

angry because he didn't want to hear what Nomvula wants here.

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"I only wanted to see you, Mandla, because I heard that you
are very sick and in the hospital. So when I heard that you
wereout of the house, I thought of going to see you. I'm glad
you're better." Nomvula answered

"Okay, you saw me, you can leave my house, I don't

want to see you again." It was Mandla who spoke and
opened the door for Nomveo to come out, after all
seeing him was making him sick. He was asked while the
pain in his heart increased. Nomvula didn't object any
more, and
she went out quietly without making a sound, Sinikiwe was
justwatching and asking a lot of questions and then she said
to herself that we have seen the same person who
separatedMandla in the first place. After Nomvelo left, he
was left asking questions to Mandla Sinikiwe, wanting to
know how things are going and who came to the house.

"This is Nomvelo, another sister I have been in love with

and she only wants money from me. She left there and
married her husband." Mandla replied, it is difficult for
him toexplain everything as it is.
"Oh, where did you get the courage to come to your
house without telling him to come in?" asked
There is silence for a while before Mandla has answered
thatquestion because it is difficult for him to answer.
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He didn't continue to ask Sinikiwe and he just saw for

himselfthat it was difficult for Mandla to answer so he
went down and read it closed.

Days go by, Menzi is not working as he was just

suspended, but that doesn't make him feel good, it's
something that he wonders every day, who is this black
man who is planning for him. He has been thinking
a lot of things about the possibility that Sinikiwe is the one
who is responsible as he has called him a witch just for the
possibility that they will take revenge on him. While he
was sitting his phone rang, another friend of his called.
He answered in a hurry, since he is not working, his friend
inviteshim to visit and spend time together. He quickly got up
from there, took a shower, got dressed, went out, took his car
and headed towards Soweto township. While we
werein the middle of the mango trees, they did not
how it went and felt sleepy after a while, so he did not follow
them there.

Then the first aid and police vehicles arrived, and the road
was closed because the accident that happened there was
horrific. Those who saw them were wondering if he would
bealive, while others were already denying it, telling
themselves that there was no life left for him. They called
thefirst aid and took him to the hospital
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when the doctors and nurses arrived they were busy

running to help Menzi. They ran and called Sanele, who
did not take time to answer.

"Is this Sanele speaking?" asked the sister on the

phone. Sanele was shocked by that, because after all, he was
calling Menzi's phone, and he asked himself many
questions that Sanele had not yet answered. After a
while he answered.

"Yes, he is the one talking, who is this I am talking to?" he

asked when he asked in earshot wanting to know who is
usinghis wife's phone.

"I am speaking while I am in the hospital, I wanted to

inform you that Menzi is seriously injured and is in the
hospital. He was in a car accident, so we didn't bother to
call you becausehe was taken to the hospital, as we speak,
the doctors and nurses are busy with him and trying to save
his life." After he said that, he asked him which hospital he
was in, and then hung up. Sanele was shocked when he
heard that, he felt a pain in his stomach and lost his
strength, he said that he
was sitting on the couch because when the phone rang he
gotup and answered it while standing.
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There are many questions in his head and he wonders what

he is going to do when he doesn't know how to do it. He
pickedup his phone, looked at Mandla, and thought that
since he had not been out of the hospital for many days, it
would hurt him
to hear that his brother had been in an accident, but that
didnot stop him from making the call.

"Yes Sanele, how is it?" answered Mandla on the phone

"I'm fine, old man, but I was about to inform you here. I
receiveda call from the hospital saying that Menzi was in
danger and was taken to the hospital, but I hadn't
gotten there yet." Sanele answered

"Wow, Ma Ngwe said he was joking, my brother was talking

tohim this morning saying he still sees his friends." Mandla
responds with great surprise because the news he is hearing
scares him. Before they could talk about where to go,
Sanele went to say goodbye to her, who had already called
her sick brother to help her go to the hospital so she could
hear how Menzi was doing and see for herself if she agreed.
His brother did not take time, after a few seconds they
got into the car and headed to the hospital, when they
arrivedthey found the doctors busy with Menzi, people were
not allowed to see him but they found one of the nurses
who explained everything that happened to Menzi and
how he was injured. he said with help
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that made Sanele kneel down as if the wind was

goingaway, because she had never imagined being
asked about such a young widow.

Thembisile himself is waiting as Menzi had agreed that

they will see each other before the sun cools down, since
he was told thathe must spend a lot of time with Menzi so
that the medicine he is
using works well. He's just sitting there, not having heard
the story ofMenzi's outstanding sorrows, and he's looking at
his sunset.

He continued with his work until the morning, until he went

to his mother in the morning without hearing anything from
Menzi Thembisile, that worried him and he asked himself
how it would go ason other days when he does not come, he
sometimes tells her
what he is caught up with. It bothered him, he asked himself
many questions until he thought that his medicine was not working.
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As he continues his work, Thembisile continues to worry

and wonder why Menzi is so quiet today. He keeps sending
thesemessages but no one responds. He had thought of
calling his friend to inform him about what was happening
and he wanted him to ask for this powerful medicine
becausehe saw that it was not working. He went to catch
his friend, it was night but they agreed to meet on the
friend's path
who brought him another drug which he called bending
iron, he said he only gave this name because he is
invincible andhe trusts it to work.

Thembisile went out and met his friend, and while they were
talking, they asked him to call Menzi and ask him to come
visitus, because we were told how to use the medicine. The
phonerang for a while, but Sanele had picked it up

"We see, how are you?" answered Sanele, she was

justtalking and it was heard that she was crying.
"Yes, how is it? I just wanted to talk to Menzi. Is he
around?" answered Thembisile, how dare you ask for a
husband from his wife.
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"Menzi is injured, he is in the hospital and he has been

exposed to a very serious danger that he may lose his life..."

Sanele did not finish that speech and she burst into tears

without being asked.

Thembisile was startled by that and he fell to his knees,

and his friend realized that something was wrong with him.

He asked but it was difficult

for Thembisile to answer, he continued to be silent when he was
thinking a lot.

They say goodbye, he continues to go to his house

where his thoughts tend to lose him, we take him for

a while, he regrets that

he is the one who did all this and comforts himself by saying

that accidents happen, but the thought that he is the one

who made Menzi falls

on him before it leaves his head. He thought about

how he would do it since he had not asked which

hospital Menzi was in. He was confused about what to

do when Thembisile was there.

It was difficult for Sanele to sleep because he is waiting for

anything, he doesn't know whether the next one will come

out or the one that belongs to Menzi who is

alive, but we tried to comfort ourselves even though it was difficult and
the heart ached.
cry all night until morning and take him away
a sleep that is invincible and belongs to a king.
He sleeps in Bhuka's room until he wakes up in the morning

when his phone rings and calls his brother as they agreed
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that they will wake up at the hospital to check on how Menzi


Sanele wakes up and runs to the shower and washes herself.

A few seconds later, he left, and his brother drove the car
to thehospital. They found him in Menzi's sick room


it was hard to see him just because they were talking to

him as he was just sleeping. Sanele feels great pain when
she looks atMenzi, until she feels as if there is a needle in
her heart.

Mandla woke up and went to the hospital even though he

was notwell yet, but he had no choice but to drag himself to
They met Sanele there, and asked the widow to weep as it
is said that no one weeps while still alive, but they see the
painknown by Menzi.

He wakes up with Thembisile in his mind, he doesn't

know what to do, but he wants to see Menzi so that he
can see forhimself what he heard.
He picks up his phone and thinks of calling Sipho as he knows
herwhere he lives in Menzi, so he thinks that
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he can get a better answer or get the name of the

hospitalthis one is carried.

"Yes, Tembasile, how are you?" answered Sipho

"I'm fine, I'm fine, how are you, my dear?" I miss you Sipho.”
It isThembisile who speaks of this Gift.

"Why do you sound like you were just crying, is everything

going well?" asked Sipho after hearing the trembling of
Thembisile's voice.

"It doesn't matter, how are those who live with them?"
And I heard that Menzi was involved in a car accident, is
that true orwas he playing with me?" Thembisile asked

"Ah! I haven't heard that when did that happen? It's because
Idon't live in Menzi anymore, that's why I didn't hear it, is it
not seriously injured? Who did you hear that I can't?" Sipho
asked questions, and it was difficult for Thembisile
because he didn't want to end up saying things that would
makeSipho suspicious as he was still trying to beg them to
fix it. things.

"I've always heard that, that's why I called you, I just wanted
to ask, since you live there, I was thinking that you're the one
withthe best knowledge, but it's clear that you don't know
anything, and you're suitable for me." He answered when he was
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He hung up his phone but he remained there proudly

asking himself and not knowing what to do since he
loved Menzi and that's why he was trying with all his
might to find her and be his. Just then, while he was
sitting, his friend came in saying that he would look after
him as they broke
up and he was no longer the same as yesterday.

"Oh, my friend, you looked like you were just crying,

how is it going? So what did you do to sleep?" asked the
friendof Thembisile

"There's something wrong, the person I needed medicine for

had a serious accident during the day, that's why he didn't
comeback here, but I don't know which hospital he's in and
I'm going to know because there's no one I can ask."
Thembisile replied.

"Oh, you can't be fooled by such a simple thing, but my

friend, we will call his wife and ask which hospital she is in,
butwe have to ask about the people who work or friends
are worried so that she doesn't think too much." The
friend replied that this is a good plan that will always
work to find out everything about Menzi's injuries and
where he is in thehospital.

"Friend, this is what is bothering me here, you know from

theday I started using this medicine Menzi was suspended
from work today it has become dangerous, if it is
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What is causing all this or am I thinking too much?"

Thembisile asked.

"Something else you think too much, my friend, and since

people are having accidents every day, do you think that
all of them are drugs for their girlfriends or is someone in
your relationship to be with them?" Stop worrying about
somethingthat doesn't exist, people are already stopped at
work and wesee these everyday. You just have to continue
if you want to
for him to be truly yours and his injury gives you a good
chanceto continue well, especially when you visit him in the
hospital, you must go and bathe him so that even when he
opens his eyes he can see an angel in you. He should forget
about his wife who is in the house." The friend replied
consoling him because he is just talking and it is good to
know this
because he uses it every day for his wife.

"I always hear you, my friend. Thank you for staying by my

side and comforting me all the time."

"Relax my friend, I won't abandon you, if you want to be

likeSa Mfana, I will prepare it for you. You don't see me
doing what I want when I want and you won't hear me
being accused or fighting. Right now, when I come back
from leaving her and the children, I find her having done
everything, even if I go out in the afternoon, I'm not afraid of anything."
Thembisile's friend replied, after all, he is bragging
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and everything he does to his wife is always very beautiful.

Then Thembisile talked until they did what was said and they
said that Thembisile felt much better after that because the
regrets are over and he is determined to continue with
his medication so that he can find Menzi and be his alone.
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Menzi has been in the hospital for a day now, but he

is getting better, even though it is difficult for him to
open his mouth, but those who see him see that he is
getting better.
Sanele woke up at the hospital, went into the bed and laid
downlike a person who thinks a lot, then another mother
came in and
sat next to her. They greeted each other nicely, and the

"Why are you looking so worried my son?

Where are you going?”

"I'm going to the hospital mom, my husband was in a car

accident so he's in a lot of pain and I don't know what I'll
do if Idon't lose him." It answers

"I saw you coming in here that something is bothering

you inthe air, that's why I asked. Please think carefully
about what Iam about to tell you, my child, I know that
the youth of these days no longer believe in other
things, but they happen.
Did your husband have another girlfriend on the
side?" asked the mother looking at Sanele. When
Sanele failed to
answer that question, after all, we thought a lot, so she
continuedto be a mother.
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"Your wife didn't just have an accident, my son. You must be

careful, when you pray, pray strongly because your wife's
girlfriendis coming with a lot that will require you to be strong
on your
knees and keep your heart strong. His suspension from your work
It wasn't just a cigarette that happened to us, all of this is
caused by this girl's medicine." When the mother said that,
she was silentfor a while, while Sanele remained silent,
wondering who the mother was and where she got all this
What scares him the most is talking about work,
which hedidn't think he could hear us talking about.

"Thank you, mother, I will try to understand how it

goes."He's just thankful that he's confused in his
Before going anywhere, the car got off and the mother
was left like that, Sanele asking herself many questions
but it wasdifficult to find an answer. The car drove until
he got down there, and before entering the hospital he
thought of
calling Sinikiwe to let him know what happened to him and
he needs to be shown because he is a person who does not
believein things like these. Sinikiwe immediately picked up
his phone,
and he wanted to know how Menzi was doing, so he kept listening.

"Sis, how are you?" answered Sinikiwe

"I'm fine, there's something I want to ask you, please

help me with it." I met another mother who told me
that what ishappening in Menzi is not just an accident
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this person has a hand in everything, but it is said that

she is a girl who wants to take Menzi as her own. But is

it possible for things like this to happen?” asked Sanele

"It's happening my sister, I don't think they took me

away from Mandla, I don't know why Menzi didn't learn

from his brother.

It is that those men do something else for us, a person

follows you to death outside and stays in the house, but

don't take it lightly, it happens. There

is a man I know here at the church who can help us with

this if we all go to the service every week." Sinikiwe


"Thank you, sis, I will think about that because I have never

heard of such a dangerous drug being used to find a person,

why didn't he come back

and ask for it, I gave him alive instead of a man throwing himself to
death for his girlfriend. And what kind of love is there when medicine is
Sanele replied with a heavy heart, wondering what kind
of woman could do such cruelty to someone she says she

loves. He continued when he entered the hospital and

found that he was no differentfrom Menzi, when he

looked at him and thought about what he had heard, tears

welled up as if they were begged.

They continued to walk until the end of the day, and Sinikiwe
called to remind Sanele that they all had to leave.

in the church
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What will Sanele say even if he is a person you don't

like the church but we went there to try to get help

He didn't know if all this could be true. He washed and

entered the way, went into the service, preached to the

pastor that when it was over, Sinikiwe pulled Sanele

towards someone who was wearing clothes and finished,

he came to greet Sinikiwe, he accepted this person but it

was clear that

he was focused on something so he agreed without

looking. When Thabo wakes up, he is shocked to see

Sanele, they know each other after all, they have been

dating for a long time before Sanele was taken by Menzi.

Sanele was also shocked when she saw Thabo's face, it was

difficult for her to say what to say but the way they greeted

each other made Sinikiwe suspicious because she could see

that the two knew each other.

They then asked Thabo to speak to him, sit down and let

Sinikiwe narrate the story. Thabo's heart hurts when he

thinks about how he broke up with Sanele, until he comes

to the idea of helping them.

"I understand, sis, if you were the one I would help you

without any problem, but since it's only Sanele, it's difficult

for me to help you with a free heart.

The way this child treats me, when he is exposed to such

things, it hurts me.She better need someone else, she told

me I can't help her,

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so what will make him believe that he will be helped by

me today?" replied Thabo as he chased them away

swearing that he did not want to hear that story. He is

talking about knowing that Menzi is the one they met in

Thembisile where he ran away naked and never came


"It's better to stay with Sinikiwe and try someone else or

we'll see how we do." It removes Sanele. He tried to plead

with Thabo Sinikiwe until

he finally agreed saying that because it was asked by him,

his sister, whom he respects, will help them with this but
who told him that they all had to go to the hospital

so that he can get to the cure of that mess that the Maker

is lying in so that it does not continue to oppress him.

"Thank you Thabo, we will leave tomorrow morning to the hospital."

They left when Sinikiwe and Sanele went to the house. He

went and tried to ask Sinikiwe how things went between the

two. Sanele did not reveal the whole story but said that it

was a thing of the past. He left there and

went back to the house, Mandla is better these days.

They are trying to continue their love, Mandla is trying his

best to apologize, the cook sometimes tries to show how

sorry he is but Sinikiwe himself

does not promise him after what is happening even this

service they have never done for him

it's difficult.
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Sinikiwe came in looking worried, and tried to ask Mandla but he didn't
get a straight answer. Sinikiwe replied by saying, "it's your

things, men, that'swhy we're hurting, let him learn to control

himself". When Mandla

hears that
he tried with all his might to apologize because everything he hears is
a direct speech to him and that's what makes him regret himself the

Apologize to Mandla until he is forgiven, the lucky ones

that day got this service but he feels as if Sinikiwe is

holding him back for what he is doing. He promised that

he will do everything in his power to show that he is sorry

and that he is sorry for everything. The sun has set and

Sinikiwe gets up and starts cooking, Mandla also gets up

and tries to help,

they help each other and cook deliciously, and then sit

down and eat. Mandla felt in the middle of love until he

wondered to himself that he was suspicious of Sinikiwe

until he was thrown and lost his life to

someone who didn't care about him. And Sinikiwe felt that it

was returning to the place where their love started, and that

made him happy because

he saw for himself that Mandla had learned a lesson about love life.
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It's still early in the morning and the sun is about to rise,

but because it's not sleepy in the goal, some have woken

up and others haven't

had enough sleep trying to make money.

The sounds of cars can be heard outside and people have started
walking around. Sanele has woken up after all, she didn't get

any sleep and she kept wondering about Thabo if she can trust

him to be the person who can really do the job but what will

she say as she is disappointed that we can

starve and eat grass and she has to do what she has to do

as she is the one who is asking for help. He shakes and

prepares to leave with Thabo as they have agreed to rebel

at the hospital. Just then, his phone rang, and he ran to it.
They were just crying when their brother, who they asked

him to carry, left them at the hospital before going to work.

He put on his shoes, Sanele ran out and tried to shake Thabo

to let him know that he had to be ready.

He got into his brother's car and drove towards the

residence there is Thabo. Thabo was shocked when
he saw Sanele walking

of his brother, he thought of refusing to leave them

and reasserted himself since they did not get along

with Mzaca when Sanele was

still in love with Thabo. Thabo got into Mzaca's car,

kicked it and he went straight there

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in the hospital. They just walked in silence the whole

way, no onespoke to each other.

They arrived at the same time as the guests, and entered

the hospitalwhere Menzi was sleeping. They found him still
asleep, and
when the nurse came in he woke him up and informed us
that he was visiting. Just then he got up and sat down,
when he saidThabo's eyes lifted to see Menzi, he
wondered again after all he
was comparing him but he couldn't see him clearly as he was
still swollenin the face.

"My dear, I came here with someone who I think can

help you in allthis because I met another mother one
day and she told me that
all that is happening is a drug that was planted by
someone else, soI asked Sister Sinikiwe to connect me
with this person who I think will help you get rid of this
insanity." After all, Sanele doesn't
want to do anything until the end of the visitors' time.

"Who is that", Menzi asked because he hadn't noticed

that there was another person in his room. Thabo came
closer after being called by Sanele's hand.

"You boy, what are you doing here? Get out of here.” Menzi
shouted aftermeeting Thabo's face. When he finished there,
Menzi was shy and looked at Sanele.
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"Oh, my love, you chased away someone who just

came tohelp you, how is it going? Does Thabo know
each other?
Is there something wrong with you that I don't know?"
Sanele asked confused because as far as she knows, she broke
up with Thabo before she found Menzi, so she doesn't think it's possible
then the two got to know each other.

"Enough, get your man out, where are you going, boy?"
Do you think you want to kill me or are you trying to
finish me off? I
already knew that Sinikiwe is not someone you can trust. Why
do you trust him so much, and he has even brought my
enemy together..." Menzi replied with a high spirit. While he
was talking, theunconnected detectors went off, and they ran
to see
what had happened to Menzi.

They rushed out and Sanele LoThabo was confused by

Ngwenya'sbrother because he thought he was helping.
"Thabo, how is it going between you and Menzi?" Do you
know eachother or do you match someone you know?" asked

"You know me, I'm wondering if it's the story that drives
me likesomeone you know. Where did he come from?
How can I be
his enemy because I don't remember being an enemy of
anyone?He was hurt so much
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After all, I thought he was sick like the flu, but I thought he was
just a person who was run over by a train?" removed Thabo
and hetried his best to think carefully about where this face
came from.

While they were still sitting outside waiting for the doctors to
finish what they had been doing, Thembisile said. Dressed up
beautifully, my sister walked upstairs because she didn't see
them but they werelooking at her, she came closer and was
shocked when she
woke up and saw Sanele sitting with Thabo. Thembisile hit
him and got over his fear until he thought of running away
but realizedthat it was too late. When he understood, he
came to greet them.

"Oh sister, you looked so beautiful today, what are you doing in
the hospital this morning?" asked Sanele after all she and
Thembisileknow each other. That scared Thabo, he asked
himself many questions that he didn't know how to answer but
he kept
looking at Thembisile and stealing him with a

"I came here to see my sister, it is said that she gave

birth three days ago but her baby is having problems so
they are keeping her here at the hospital so that the
baby gets better."Thembisile answered with
Then Thabo heard a faint sound and stood up from where he
wassitting as if he was walking.
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"It's okay sister, I wish your sister the best. He came to greet
mevery much." It was Sanele who got up and stood on his feet
to follow Thabo who got up and left them talking, and they
didnot speak to Thembisile.

Sanele ran after Thabo, until he found him coming out of

thehospital gate. He comes and apologizes profusely for
the way Menzi did and he says that he understands that it
treat him well but it was as if Sanele was slapping a rock, he
cansee that Thabo is looking out for him but he is still trying to
apologize to him because after all he wants his help.

Thembisile is left to sit and wonder why Sanele and

Thaboare together until they all leave. While he was
sitting like that, another nurse came out and looked at
and Thabo, saying that because he didn't see them, he should
ask Thembisile who was sitting here where they had been

"They have left us, they were rushing to work but I am here
andthey have left me to let me know if there is any change."
Thembisile replied.

"It's okay, but we were only looking for family members,

what's your name?" How are you related to this injured
brother? Don't be sad, I don't want to get in trouble for
informingsomeone who is not a family member." After all,
the nurse is leaving and she is being informed that since
Menzi arrived here
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He has never seen Thembisile at the hospital and the way

heis dressed is suspicious.

"I'm Zanele, this is my cousin who is sleeping here, so it

won't be a problem if you can let me know how it is."
Thembisile saidas he pulled out the chalk green ones.

"Okay then, we can go inside and see for yourself, he

willrecover but please don't put pressure on him yet.
wait for him to recover and leave the hospital, if you
want toknow anything, ask him if he is better, not now,
because asking him too much will quickly break the
blood pressure, which could be a very bad thing, and it
will take him a
long time to recover." It removes
the nurse entered the hospital.

He left her when the nurse came out, she thanked Thembisile
afterall, this is what she had been wanting to see her Maker
alone to satisfy her use
his medicine too.
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It's no wonder that the whole day he continues with his

work, he tries to persuade Sanele but he can see that it's
not workingfor him. The only thing that hurts him is that he
will end up losing Menzi, but there is nothing else he can
Thabo begged and got up in anger,

"Please let me go, there is nothing I can do for you, go

back to the prostitute who is your husband, Sanele."
Thatshocked Sanele, because he never thought he
would be met with such words.

"Oh, Thabo, I'm asking you so well, why do you have such
abad heart when you say you're a believer? Why do you
do this? I know that they haven't broken up well, but why
don'tyou punish my wife for something I did to you before I
even knew you?" asked Sanele.

"Get out of this, Sanele, I will never punish you for the
things that happened in the past, that's why I agreed to
but after what I just saw, I will not be satisfied with helping your man.
It would be better if you find someone else to help you,
I willnot be satisfied. Tell me, where is the sister you
were talking to from?" asked Thabo.

"No, I don't know where I am from, but I know I saw

him because he used to come to my house to see his dog
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who lived in my house. All I know is that he lives in

Tembisa,we used to talk a little when he visits his dog,
that's when
I see him." Sanele answered but she also had some
questions,she tried to put them together mentally but she
put them together.

"Yah mani! I know your wife Sanele. Nx! I can't help him, you
better need someone else. I'm leaving myself."
As Thabo stood up to say goodbye, it was difficult for Sanele
to let him go because there were many questions he wanted
answered right now, so he did not agree to let Thabo go
withoutgetting answers to his questions.

"Oh, it's like you're hiding something Thabo, please tell me".
That's Sanele.

"Okay then", Thabo said as he sat down, and told Sanele to

sit down.

"Do you know that your wife was with a girlfriend outside?"
asked Thabo.
"I am not sure about that, but there is something I have
suspected. To be honest, I still wanted to see if what I
wasthinking was true, but I didn't find out until he was
injured. I first heard that from my mother whom I met
on my way tothe hospital
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I came back to you." Sanele replied that he wanted to hear

everything about how things would go.

"That's right, your wife's girlfriend is the sister who was

talking to her saying that she will see her sister. I am your
wife once

we met at this sister's house until I came out without

wearing pants and ran away because I thought she was the

owner of the house. Your

wife called me an enemy, I think this all comes from

there..." while Thabo was speaking he put a banana in

Sanele's mouth,

"Are you saying that this person is the one who uses

medicine on my husband? I don't know how this day is, I will

show you what you ate when you were hungry. She is in love

with my husband until he uses medicine." Sanele was getting

up singing and heading to Menzi's room, because we wanted

to see Thembisile. He followed behind and Thabo was

still there thinking that they had been lied to, he wanted

to see Menzi. They went straight to Menzi's room


Sanele came in without bothering her. They found him shaking

Thembisile while he was fixing the dress as if he
was a sleeper good Maker.

Sanele didn't ask a lot and came and fell on him with a

slap, he saw a star in the house and Thembisile tried

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to gain strength. He staggered until he fell on top of her

Menzi, he pulled Sanele and said he was going to do it again

and he wascaught by the guards here at the hospital

because they even ran

when they heard the noise.

"I will punish you for adultery, you are a witch, child.
Get out of here, I don't want to see you again."
Sanele left with his hands held by the guards. All this
happened and Thabo kept quiet and said he didn't see anything,
his mind is not here and he thinks a lot and asks himself
questionseven if he doesn't have an answer. Thembisile ran out,
then the nurse came in and was called by a sound in

"How did you let him come in here, witch? I thought that
onlyrelatives were allowed, how did you allow him?"
asked Sanele angrily.

"I'm sorry, sister, you said you're brother Menzi's cousin

and you guys rushed to work and left him here to look at
change he was announcing. We unknowingly allowed him
toenter. We are very sorry for that.” The nurse answered,
and we realized that she had been lied to.
Sanele is holding her head, telling herself that Thembisile
was here to finish what he started.

While they were standing there, the nurse was trying to

putMenzi to sleep, when they were told that the time
was up
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they are tourists. They went out and sat down, it was
difficult forSanele to leave because we thought that he
might stay and turn to Thembisile to finish his work. He
asks himself many questions.

"Relax Sanele, I will help you, he must learn a lesson,

child." After being silent for a long time, Thabo was taken away
by the fact that his heart was talking about everything that
happenedto him during the day when he ran away naked.
Sanele lifted her head when she heard that and felt happy in
her heart.

"Thank you to hear that." He speaks approaching Thabo,

restingon his shoulder. When Thabo thought to himself
how he was going to teach Thembisile a lesson he would
never forget
again in his life.

Thembisile ran out, since he had already finished what he

had picked up, so he ran to find the car. He entered it, just
walkingand thinking about it while blowing his cheek, he says
that even when he was holding it he felt the fingerprints
written on his cheek.Her tears fell but she wipes them away
saying that the man will soon be hers because she trusts her
medicine and knows that
no one has seen her inject it.
Drop the car in the big city, don't waste time because he's
not used to being here in the city and he's afraid because
he alwayshears that it's in the middle of the day, thieves
robbing people in broad daylight. I don't want to
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to find himself in the midst of a robbery, he said as he got

off and went straight to the car going to Tembisa. He went
inand sat, as it was only noon and it took some time to fill
He started talking to his mind and wondered a lot, even
though he was trying to console himself by saying that Menzi
ishis or how, but what happened was not what he expected.
He realized that there must be something he did to Sanele
after he slapped him.

"You will read me well, I don't know. I am not beaten." He

was so scared that everyone in the car was staring at him.
Itwas difficult for him to say. He closed his and
pretended to be a sleeping person.
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The sun has risen, it is high noon and they are sitting
in the hospital Sanele Lo Thabo. He rejoiced and
apologized to the people

who promised to see them today, after all, it is no longer

acceptable for them to leave here without doing anything.

They have told themselves that they will never wait to hear

from Menzi, they will only do what they have been told. It

was time for the guests to come in, and luckily they found

Menzisleeping, without talking much, and he fixed what

Thabo was fixing.

They stayed there while Menzi was sleeping, after all

the doctor told them that they should let him rest as

he was bleeding in the morning and they should let

him listen to himself. The time passed and all the

people left, when they were satisfied in spirit that

they had tried to do

everything, even if Thabo said there was something else

they had to do and he looked at Menzi to remove the meat

that was planted on him.

He said that upon arriving in Tembisa, Thembislile did not go

to his house and went straight to his friend to inform him of

what had happened.

"You know my friend, I want to teach her a lesson but I

don't know what to do, is there anything you can instruct

me to do because I want something powerful that will

make her happy.

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I want him to go crazy, are you beating me?"

remove Thembisile.

"Oh, my friend, I thought that you only wanted a man

for yourself,if you fight with this woman, not me, I will
not enter that one.
You can do that on your own because I don't know any
medicine that canwork against this woman. I have never
done that, I only know how
to find a man."
His friend answered, he can see that it is too late and we are
trying to get him to wash his hands while it is still light so
that he does not get into a big problem.

"Okay then, I'll do it myself, don't you want to help me."

Thembisile answered as she got up as she headed to her
house but she kept talking and was determined to find a
medicine that would
make Sanele crazy so that she would be able to get a husband for
When they arrived in the town of Sanele and Thabo,
Sanele asked them to go to his house so that he could give
her a small gift as a way of seeing what he had done for
her. Thabo went with him, they
went in there and Sanele threw herself on the couch because
the tiredness had already settled on her and she was
hungry as they had left in the morning. After a few
minutes, he got up, cooked and Thabo ate, Thabo has been
watching Sanele crying but it's hard to tell what he will say
to her. Sanele was confused, and when he went into his
bedroom, he came out carrying some money and drove it
to Thabo. Thank Thabo
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they stood up and found themselves standing next to each

other. You are good After all, Sanele, even though he has a

body, it is clear that he knows his friend Ngwenya. Unable

to control himself, Thabo approached his lover

and tried to kiss Sanele.
He was met with a slap on the cheek,

"What are you doing Thabo?" asked Sanele angrily

"I'm sorry Sanele is that you are beautiful, I just thought of

our old days. Forgive me for that and I will never do it


He said goodbye as he left and went straight to his house.

He said he was leaving work when he saw his

brother Mandla, luckily he found him awake. He

looked at her and felt very sorry for her.

"You know, Sanele did something else for me this

morning, she was talking about someone who told me

that she heard that this person is using medicine, that's

why I'm in such a dark mood these days. Then someone

comes back to you with something like a boy I never

met before at my girlfriend in Tembisa, and I was told

to trust you that it will help me.

I don't think it's good for them to finish me, that's why I fired them

"Oh my brother, how can you say something like this. Can't

you see that MaNgwe loves you? That girlfriend of yours is so

much hope, it is possible for someone

to use you
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medicine. I had already lost Sinikiwe because of his stories

about these medicines, these women are doing something

else for us, you have to think about the story that Sanele

told you, it is possible that he was telling the truth."

Mandla answered.

"It's been a long time since I disciplined my child, but this is

the first time things like this have happened one after the

other. I also don't think that he is a person who can do

something like this as he is good.

I will try to think about it, but I don't see that such a

thing can happen, unless it is someone else and not my

girlfriend." The Maker replied.

"That's right, my brother, I'll try to ask some

knowledgeable people, so wemight know what it is.

What I will ask of you is that Sanele can come back and let
his people do what they want to do, because it is not

known what fed the pig, my brother."

Mandla answered. They continued to talk to each

other, while they were talking Menzi's alarm went off,

Mandla ran and called the nurses and doctors.

They quickly checked him and tried to help him, they asked

him how he was doing and he passed out as they were

talking to each other

it's good for his brother.

He went out after the guests had finished, he thought of calling

Sanele to inform her that he had seen Menzi but he left

her as the nurses were trying to

to help him.
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"Okay, buddy, I'll get up there tomorrow. Did he tell you

that I came to this person this morning and we are trying to
help himkicked us out?” asked Sanele.

"You told me, but don't listen too much, my brother is

stubborn, Iknow you, do what you have to do to make him
I know that he may not trust you, but if you think that
what youare doing will make him better, do it. I give you
permission, MaNgwe, don't listen too much to my
brother, you know that when a person doesn't hear
from here, he doesn't see the
help that people give him." Mandla answered. They talked,
Mandlasaid goodbye.

When he finished, Sanele thought that he had to wake

up andwhen he was in the hospital, he could see how
he woke up.
He thought that he asked Thabo so that they could all
go andpossibly find Menzi when he woke up.
Thembisile tries to sleep but her heart hurts and she
wondershow she will find the person she wants since
she doesn't know anyone who can help her. He tried to
sleep but he
refused to fall asleep, because he wonders if he is the one
who is doing such things because of love. He had never
imagined himselfdoing something like this out of love for
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Sanele didn't get any sleep thinking about his wife, he kept
thinkingabout what he would do if Thembisile came and did
that could end him because he didn't trust her. This Thabo does
not trust him as much as he has said that he will not help the Maker.
Before long, the sun would wake him up, he woke up
and said he was sleeping. He took a shower, and
hurriedly left to head tothe hospital. Today he is walking

As soon as he arrived at the hospital while the guest was

smoking,he went in and found Menzi looking for him that

"Where is the boy you were walking with yesterday,

mother?"asked the Maker

"He's gone today, didn't you say you didn't want to see the
witch herein his room, so I thought it's better to come alone
because I said I'm helping because everything that's
happening to you is not just
dark. It's for the person who does it." Sanele answered

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke yesterday, it's because they
seemed to think I was dying, that's why you came here. I'm
just askingbecause I think I need his help as you say this is not
going to work.

I think there is someone who is being rude here though

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I don't know who and what they want from me." He said

as he slipped and took a small piece of paper that he

found on the terrace

his last night.

"This is what I found here in my clothes, so I think someone

is trying to play tricks on me, but I don't know who. Do you

agree that you touched the boy and came here to help me."

Menzi asked from this side, leading Sanele

to the other side, which was tightly bound, and the light was

shining on the black hole that was the assistant's inside.

Before Sanele could answer that question, Thabo came in and

after all he wasthinking of helping and he still has the mindset

that he wants to teach Thembisile a lesson.

"Wow, you know you're not being treated, Menzi was

talking about you right now. Come in and do what you

have to do. Here is what the sorcerer posted yesterday,

Menzi says he found it in his clothes at night while he

was sleeping." Sanele looked away and looked at Thabo.

Then Thabo came in and the Maker greeted each other.

"And do you know someone who would do this cruelty?" asked the

"No, I don't know him and he said that we are the

same, we just think that this is the person who is doing

this, just like you. It's good because you got it before it

works, I will ask you to give it to me and I

will use it. I want everything he tries to turn into a

person who makes a mess. What I want from him is

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He betrayed him until he apologized and we helped him

because I know when he learned a lesson for the rest of his
Thabo replied as he finished when he stretched out his
hand and took a piece of medicine and put it in his bag.

"Thank you man and wife


a person can die after all, being killed by witches. Is it

possiblefor me to know who is doing this?” Thanks to Menzi,
he asks again and after all, he wants to see for himself who is
playing on him with drugs.

"I don't have the power to tell you, but I will make
you see for yourself." Thabo answered. He started to do
whathe had brought here at the hospital where Menzi was
just looking at him in silence because he had never thought
that the world was so small. the person he met in the girl is
the one who is here helping him with all his heart.
Menzi is very sorry for his actions, but it also takes
his mind away from him and we wonder why
someone is helping him and doesn't care about what
is happening.
He repeatedly comforts himself by saying that it is
still possible for him as a teacher to make sure that
peopledo not know about his affairs, he feels better in
his spirit
because he sees that his secret will remain with both of them.
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Thembisile didn't stop trying to come up with plans on

what todo with Sanele because she tells herself that it is
always doneto her. When the sun rose, his friend came out
and they went to the man who always gives his friend
medicine to feed
his wife. They entered in the morning and before there were
many people because the place was full so many people rose
up there early in the morning.

"You know the medicine you are asking for is very

dangerous,it may still be difficult to treat if it is not caused
someone's illness, but it depends on how serious you are
about what you want us to do. If you are determined you
arealways satisfied with life knowing that you made
someone sick because of a man. I thought that you only
want a man, not a woman's person to live with." There
is amoment of silence here, he tries to eat the bones of
Thembisile's mind, and after a while he replies that he is
serious about everything that will happen.

They took their medicine and went out to their homes,

"Friend, are you sure about what you are doing?" asked his

"You think I'm kidding you, Menzi will be mine soon. I find
him by force, even if he says he doesn't want Sanele, but I
willonly find him, and I will do everything in my power to
remove him from my path. Why?
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I am sure about what I want to do.” It answers


"Friend, be careful, but things like this don't always go

well.What will you do if this happens to you?
What will you say? Are you going to apologize to them or

what are you going to say?" he asked his friend.

"Don't try to scare me, I'm doing this. I will never change
mymind then what will happen to me? They will be told
by whom that I am the one who did this because this
Maker will love me. He will deny all that as if Sanele was
the one who tried to use the medicine but it turned him
crazy. I
have planned everything well, my friend, don't panic."
Thembisile replied.

His friend didn't talk much about it because he could

seethat he was serious about all this and he was willing
to stand up for everything that would happen after
They chatted until they entered the house, and
Thembisilewasted no time arriving and arranging his
things as he was told. he said as he finished listening to
still resting his mind.
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The sun has risen and he listens to Menzi as the doctors

have told him that he must sleep and rest so that the
pills theygive him will work well. Then sleep took him to
Bhuka's. Whilehe was sleeping, he went out to visit
Thembisile in his
house, always be happy and happy and everything is good.
They are just shaking themselves. Menzi tells him about his
dismissaland his injuries. He then tells her that they all think
that someone is bewitching her and she wonders who that evil
could be. While he was dreaming like that, he was woken up by
the nurse who was about to check on him as the time for the
guestshad just ended.

He was already sitting here in the house, Sanele waiting

for Menzi to wake up, he only wakes up when he comes
back andthinks that everything he is seeing is a dream
because he
was telling himself that he has recovered and is out of the hospital.

"You know, I just woke up and I was dreaming here as if I

had justleft the hospital and I was talking to this other
person, telling
him about my injury and my suspension from work.
I was just telling him that I must find this person who is
bewitching me so that he can tell me why he is doing all
this." Itremoves the Maker.
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"Wow, that's good. I didn't say you wanted to know

someone whocasts a spell on you. I'm happy because you
saw him and you know who he is." Sanele answered

"Sanele, what do you say to me?" It is not possible that the person
I dreamed about is the one who is bewitching me, so where
are you coming from as you sound like you just know him.
After all, you don'tknow this person I've been dreaming about
and I don't see
that he is the one who is bewitching me." After all, Menzi
did not think that Thembisile was the person who could
bewitch him justthe way he loved her.

"It's true in life, the people we don't consider are the

ones whobewitch us, I know you don't want to agree
because you don't
see him as someone who can bewitch you, but he is the one.
If youdon't trust me, ask Thabo and he will tell you, but he
said he
wants to see for himself because he thinks he wants to fight."
Saneleanswered in a calm voice, because she doesn't want to
end the fightwith Menzi before she leaves the hospital, so she
tries with all her strength to speak well to him.

"I understand what you are saying but I don't think it could
be him.Then it became a fight for a man who did nothing
there." Menzi replied that he didn't want to admit that
Thembisile would be
the one playing for him. Let them talk with Sanele
until theguests' time is over.
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Menzi's mind is still reeling because he is trying with all his

might to thinkabout Thembisile and Sanele's story and he
wonders if it is possible thatThembisile will be competing
with him as they have never had an argument and he is
always treating her well at all times. The head is full

of questions but no one can answer. He fell asleep again, until

he woke up after the sun had gone down and his brother
Mandla had arrived. They say hello, it's very good that his
brother is happy to see him recovering even if he is not out yet

in the hospital.

"You know Mandla Lwana, the boy I told you about, that
Sanele cameback here and came back again, I might
have given him some medicine I found in my clothes last
night. When I asked him who couldbe bewitching me, he
said he didn't want to tell me so I could see for myself."
It removes the Maker
"The Maker is a good thing, seeing for yourself is better
than being told because you can't argue with people
when they tell you, but seeing for yourself is even better.
I would be happy with that."

"I was happy about that, but the strange thing is that I
dreamed that Iwas sitting with my girlfriend from
Tembisa, and when I told Sanele about that dream, she

immediately said that she was the person who was

bewitching me. The child fights in a way
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because he loves me, I don't see that he can bewitch me until I lose
my soul. Will you find out if I die?" Menzi is the one who

relays the questions to his brother, who is already confused,

but he is always convinced

that Thembisile can have the right hand.

"I understand my brother, but sometimes we are killed by

people we don't care about. It could be him, he was telling

himself that he was looking for aman and we have used

someone in a person who can't leave. Don't

deny the
person my


people are not trusted these days. I know that you, the

way you know him, don't think that he could do that, but it
happens to be him. You may

deny it yourself and you should open your eyes. Sanele, do

we know that it was another girl?" answered Mandla and

said the words Sanele said,

and then asked.

"I don't think he knows that by the way he has calmed

down, because he would go crazy if he heard that, and his

family would say that he told

them that I was another girl who threw me to the grave. I

want him to remain ignorant because another voice will arise

that will defeat me as to how I

can divine." Talk to each other until the end of time

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When the guests arrived, Mandla went out, leaving Menzi

as a visibleperson, saying that he was recovering well.

The sun has set, Thembisile has started to do his things,

after all it has been said that everything he does must be
done in the dark so that no one will see him doing that. He
took his medicine as he came down andmixed it up during
the day, and started calling Menzi's name
because he wants him to love him and trust him in
everything. He prepared all that, until he stopped his
medicine and told himself that hewas done for today and
he would wait for two days before Sanele joined.

At the hospital, they were called by the sounds of

detectors in Menzi's room, until the doctors ran and found
him silent. They started to
check on him, and now they were panicking and wondering
how it would go since everyone could see that he was
recovering well. They confused the nurses as they ran
without stopping and the doctors panicked.
They tried Menzi, until after hours he seemed to be
sleeping well andas far as I know nothing happened.
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The sun rises that waits for no one, it does its work
regardlessof whether a person is in pain or life is going well,
all this is the way things were created in the world. The
story comes out, Thembisile has woken up but today he
does not feel
well, his whole body is in pain and he has other bumps
on his face. It hurts and makes his skin dry and itchy.
gets up and tries to take a shower but the fog is there
when he touches it, it's like he's shaking. He picked up his
phone and called his friend,

"My friend, you know today I don't feel well, I woke up in

pain, I don't know what it is. Please give me your oil, the
oneyou used to apply to get rid of pimples on the face."

"Wow, you say your face is so beautiful and those bumps

are you asking for oil? You laugh at me, I always wish to
have a face like yours and you ask me for oil. Then it
happens that a person wakes up and doesn't feel good
enough to want to take a bath and wipe and it will get
His friend answered the phone, because Thembisile could
have sworn that he would have pimples on his face because
ofhow good his skin is, that's why
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His friend wondered why he asked for his oil because he

didn'thave bumps.

"I woke up with some pimples on my face, so I think your oil

willhelp me quickly, but you are laughing at me."
Thembisile replied that the lumps are causing him pain,
so he is trying in every way to find something that can
helphim as soon as possible.

"Okay, my friend, I'll come back and see you when you're
feeling shy, I'll bring it to you." He answered his friend and
they talked until Thembisile lost his breath, because the
two of them are good friends who I don't know even
thought it washis sister's person. After talking with his
friend, he fell asleep and took him to Bhuka's.

Sanele had woken up in the hospital like every day, Menzi is

getting better and here the doctors are giving him a day and
saying that they are about to leave and they are checking him
tosee if there is anything else that could bother him after
he is out of the hospital. He is much better because he is
talkingto people these days, he feels in his body that
has come out of him even if he doesn't know what it is.

"Mama, do you trust this boy that I can take out

allthe flesh that I had these days?
I don't want to be out of here and paint again
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I have been attacked by something that will either

harm me or kill me." Menzi asked after Thabo did not
trusthim to do the job well.

"I can't say that I trust him, but I think he will do a good
job and he will never let this person do witchcraft before
he has learned his lesson, that's what makes me trust
him thathe can help his people. We only have to stay in

Sanele replied that she pretended she didn't know who was
usingthe medicine because she told herself that Menzi is an
adult and she has to learn her lesson on her own.

"Oh you, your speech every day is about someone

who knows who is doing all this. Until I know myself
like you."

"You know who it is, even if you don't want to believe it."
Heanswered when Sanele was silent for a while.
Menzi is trying in every way to make you believe that
Thembisile is the one who is doing all this. He has told
himself that he can get out of here and see Thembisile
andask him why he is so cruel to him. He and his wife
talked until the guests' time was over, and Sanele went
to the house. He said that he can come to the house and think
about calling Thabo to let him know how far he has gone with
hisplans to punish Thembisile.
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"Relax Sanele


you will still feel the pain. I want him to come back and
apologize to Menzi, where did he see that a man is fighting
fora man and what kind of love is it when people like to use
medicine. Don't you say that if a person doesn't want it,
why should the medicine be transplanted? After all, if the
old people used medicine half way, then some of us
wouldn'tbe here today, can you imagine that our
ancestors used to take polygamy and live well and
understand each other, if it was like now, many people
would have died from drugs." Thabo replied that after all
he knows how to use medicine but it is something he has
never done in his life and
he has never thought of using medicine for someone because of love.

"You are right there and what is love like, I can think
that Menzi loves him even though I know that he was
with agirlfriend until he threw up and died, but it is
difficult for me to say that I don't love him anymore
because of that. If it
is love that makes this child do all this, I will let Menzi
go because I don't want to end up getting hurt and hurting
something that doesn't exist." Sanele replied, after all,
Thembisile's story is not good for him, but he can't do
anything because he loves Menzi with all his heart.
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"Don't be afraid, there is nothing he will do, everything

that is his will come back to him until he regrets it. He is
stilltoo young to take these drugs." Thabo answered with
a lot
of confidence since he was doing it because he didn't hold
backThembisile about what was happening in between

The sun went on doing its work and all of its time he was
surprised, because Thembisile was sleeping and he was
waiting for his friend to come and bring him anointing oil
forhis face. After a while he wakes up and takes a shower,
butwhen he feels his face tighten, when he looks in the
mirror, he sees only a few wrinkles on his
face.That shouldn't be a surprise.
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The sun has gone, it's about to set. When he finished

bathing, Thembisile said he better sleep a little. While he
was sleeping, his friend came in to see him as he said he
could hear just fine.
A friend came in and found him sleeping, and he fell asleep
again,which is surprising because his friend knows him as a
who sleeps during the day. He woke him up, he was
surprised tohear that the pimples had come out of his
face, he was surprised not to see them until he asked,

"Oh my friend, are you kidding me right? You said you have
pimpleson your face but I can't see anything and your face is
the same as far as I can tell. I don't think if you wanted me to
see you, you
would have told me."

"Friend, you know, I don't know how to explain it to you, you

knowwhat I feel here, I don't know. My face gets pulled every
time I
touch it and I feel bumps. I looked in the mirror and saw small
bumps,so I asked your medicine to help me quickly before I get
too many bumps. My face is beautiful like this, how can I get
rid of my
black pimples. Raina is better, your pimples are brighter,
they don'tconfuse you too much, they are beautiful and
scare me, people think that I am sick."

Thembisile answered as he got up and sat on his bed with his

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"Don't say it like that, you know, it doesn't bother us. I

wish Ihad skin like yours that can't be attacked by oil or
But here is what you will use, I tell you how many
daysyou will be better.
So when did you last check on my friend?" always ask a friend

"Don't talk to me about that, I'm always checking

myself, I don't think it could be the flu." He responded with
avoice of confidence in what Thembisile had promised.
Talk about this friend of his until the sun goes down,
because his friend can swear that he is the one who lives
withthis man.
that in his house he finds everything done, even the
children he finds have bathed. His friends, Ndumiso, who
isThembisile's wife, once spoke to him, asking him why he
allowed his wife to make a fool of him, but the spirit did
not go away because he did not listen to that. They tried
appeal to him in his church because they thought they
wouldcome and help him but he did not listen to that.
Ndumiso is sitting in his house after cooking, he is still
putting water to bathe his children just as he is heating
them in a pot. While he was sitting, his friend who was
working with all of them came in, saying that he was
passing by when he saw him. "Man, when you
are sitting alone with the children, where is your wife?" The Elder
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after all, they call him old because he is older than he is

but he behaves like a little boy and always gets along

with them
little boys.

"The wife is still out, Old Man, I am the one left with the children.
It's better that they have eaten and I just have to wash
them andlisten to my children."

"You know, Ndumiso, your story is big. I know I can just

start talking about your wife who you say is love, but my

question is what kind of love is this for you.

Where did you see the man who stayed with the children to cook and
bathe them until it was time to go without knowing where

his wife was? You want prayers, I have to help you, my

son, because I can see

that your story is growing.

You can't even go out and be surrounded by other men

because of this." It upsets the Elder because it hurts him

to see Ndumiso doing all this.

He knows that I am a good and respectful boy but the

way he is treated by his wife hurts him and he tries with

all his might to show her.

"I understand, Elder, but I told you a long time ago to

stop trying to make me and my wife quarrel. We are

having a bad relationship and this wife is telling me that

she will feed me. You know people who don't know love

are troublesome, that's why some of you end up

marrying your wives because they don't know love.

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I love my wife, I'd rather die sitting here at home than go out

and listen to you lead me astray." Ndumiso answered, and

Madala was shocked by those words.

"Praise me, I'm old, why do you think

I want to?" to separate you from your


My friend, I am trying to help you. He fed you until he

ate this plastic, you can't see what's good for you

anymore. .................................... " Before he finished


the door was opened, since it was in the middle of nowhere,

Ndumiso lo Mdala was sitting here.

"You elder say what did I do to Ndumiso? Hurry up and get

out of my house, I don't want to see you again in my house.

You are distracted by playing with children, you are old, go

to your house and get out of my house."

Simo, who is Thembisile's friend, was shouting because he

didn't want them to criticize his Ndumiso. The old man did

not answer, but left quietly

without saying goodbye to Ndumiso.

"When I go out to my friend's house, people call me and

talk about me, huh?" The slap fell on Ndumiso who was

silent as if he had been taken away from heaven. He didn't

answer there but apologized to his wife. "I don't want to do

it again
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I heard you talking about your elder, in my house.

I don't want to see him here all the time, do you understand?" It
is possible for Simo to hold his wife by the neck, because he
doesit to Ndumiso and the slap is always there whenever
wants Ndumiso to get used to that, it is also difficult for him
to talk about it in front of people because he is afraid of
being laughed at.They talk at work, and when it comes to
men being beaten by their wives, she keeps quiet and says
nothing because it's her life,but she loves Simo and never
thought of helping him because sheloves him.

It's been a day, Menzi is recovering, today is his day to leave

thehospital and he was recovering at home.
The doctors confirm that he will recover and return to his
normal statein his home because his body shows that he is
healing well.
He is still there and Sanele has picked him up to take him to
theirhouse and Thabo has come with him so that he can
continue praying for him and trying to help him.
They went out and went straight to their house, Menzi had
been sleeping in his bed for months. Today, he is happy that
he will sleep well as he always sleeps in his bed next to his
wife. He feels that he loves Sanele very much and cannot
thank him enough for everythingand the way he took care of
him while he was in the hospital. He says when he looks at
him he laughs until he feels he has let out, "You know here I
chose men,
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There are very few men with wives who are as

beautiful and loving as my wife." You just talk

and listen to Sanele,

He was wondering if he heard everything, but he wanted to hear it well

to Menzi, he asked with a smile because he had never

heard him say something like this.

"What do you say, my love?" asked Sanele looking at Menzi.

"Hey mom, I was just saying you're beautiful, there's

nothing else I wanted to say. I am grateful for your presence

in my life, lady, you are a blessing

to me, I saw all this while I was lying in the hospital,

because someone threw you to herd such small

ducks." removed Menzi totoba

towards Sanele. "Thank you, my love, for your presence

in my life." After all

Sanele told herself that she would never die and asked Menzi
about Thembisile's story because he tells himself that he

has grown up and learned his lesson. She is determined to

continue being a loyal wife to the Maker. They just talk and

hold each other since they have been close

for a long time, they hold each other and their mouths stick

to each other so it's fun here at home. Only happy people

can hear laughter. "You

know I lost my life and was left a widow, but I see the creator
saving you for me forever." Sanele said as they kissed. "You

would have been left to find someone else, I didn't say that I

was herding the ducks of our ancestors." The Maker replied.

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It was a good day for them, happiness was written on both

of their facesbecause they had been away from each other
for a long time.
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The sun came out and the sun went down, and those days

were different since it was the second day after Menzi was

released from the hospital. He is sitting in his house

wondering a lot about Thabo from Thembisile, he thinks of


Thabo and asking them to meet and talk.

Thabo didn't hesitate, he agreed. They set a time to

meet, but she doesn't want him to come to her house

because Sanele might hear her.

"Man, I called you here because I want to rebuke you. I know

that you helped me a lot and I am better and I hear that I am

recovering well but that does not mean

that we will always be friends and it does not mean that he

was my wife's friend. I also know that you know that I was

with the girl who lived in Tembisa so

don't you dare mention that place to my wife because I

will embarrass you in front of your brothers. Finally,

please divorce this child from my girlfriend." Menzi left as

soon as he and Thabo finished greeting each other.

"You know you are behind the scenes and you think

that your wife doesn't know that you were a

prostitute? Not talking about it doesn't mean that he

doesn't know anything, and he doesn't know anything

about you, who is your witch that you are telling me

about. I'm free to leave him, I can't fall in love with a

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me." Thabo replied angrily as Menzi always talks about


"Don't call my girlfriend a witch you boy, she will never

bewitch me as much as I have done for her in her life. He
then says why are you killing me, if you want me to break
upwith him, speak well but don't call him a witch because
you want me to break up with him." Menzi replied that he
trusts Thembisile.

"You stupid man, why do you think you were suspended

from work, how many days ago did you have an accident
that took your life?" Grow up mani, you are old when you
are that big.
Your son cast a spell because he wanted to get Sanele
out of you, you were her only man, but if you still want
tocontinue with him, you can continue.
What I will never accept is that Sanele ended up getting
injured without doing anything." Thabo replied trying to
openMenzi's eyes but it was a story that didn't sit well
with his ears. He got up when Menzi got angry, and told
himself that
he had to visit Thembisile and tell him how he felt. He wants
tocome and ask himself why
bewitching him in broad daylight.

Ndumiso is at work, call Madala

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they live alone over there as it is only noon and time

for lunch. "You know, my son, I don't want you to see that I am putting
myself in your affairs, but what I want you to know is that I

am there if you want to talk about anything. I can see that

these days you have changed, I don't know what is happening

to you but something is not right. What is it

my boy?” asked the Elder
both of them were sitting in Ndumiso.

"Everything is going well, old man, there is nothing wrong. I am the wife

We still love each other very much in the early days, I

don't know what the problem is, you see, why haven't I

been feeling well these days?"

replied Ndumiso, trying to calm himself down because he

didn't want people to know about his life. "Ndumiso, I'm so

old, I've seen things in the world of a person in love for a long

time, I know him, but you always say

when we're fighting, you don't want to go to the house. My

son, if somethingis not right for you, talk to me and I will

try in every way to help you where it pleases me." It is the

Elder who tries to persuade Ndumiso to speak. There is

silence for a while as no one is speaking between them

because Ndumiso is always trying to think carefully

whether he should talk or die

because of the issue of his family. The old man kept quiet,

because he didn't want to force him to talk about something

he didn't want to talk about. After a while, Ndumiso gathered

courage and told himself that he could not die because he is

in this house

he smokes every day.

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"You know, old man, my life is difficult these days, I don't

know what my wife has become. He talks to me like he's
talking to a child, and other things he just makes up for
himself. When I get home, I find him listening without
cooking and the children are dirty, I don't speak in the
house,it's like a pig pen. Everything has to be fixed by me
he listens to himself, but it's hard to leave him, I love Simo
with all my heart. I don't know what to do." Ndumiso leaves,
fromhere you can hear that his heart is hurting and he is at a
loss before he knows what to do.

"Your story is difficult, boy, you know a lazy wife is hard

to change, but I will ask you to visit my church one day. Your
problem may be solved. If you don't mind, I can bring you
something like a medicine to run your stomach so
that when you are fed, it will come out and you will
change into a man in your home." The Elder
"You see, he is old, that's why we are arguing, I didn't say I
wanted to be cleaned, and I don't see if Simo is
feeding me. I love him with all my heart, I already knew that
if Itold you, you would think that I was fed up. And how are
you people who don't know love anymore?

Everyone is said to be fed up even if he loves his wife."

Ndumisoreplied as he stood up because he was quoted as
saying that everyone was being fed
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He never thought that his wife had done anything to

make him love her so much.

A day has passed, Thembisile has not yet recovered, but

he rubs every day the oil given to him by his friend Simo. He
has thought about going to the hospital but then he
wonderedwhat he would say since the lumps are so small
They are right that the fire burns the rider because he has lost
alittle weight, even when he tells his friends how much he
sees, they don't hear what he says and the pain he feels. He is
determined and tells himself that it's just bumps that
will pass since his days to go to the river are near, he just
hopes that everything will pass.
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It continues day and night doing its job.

The sun has risen, Thembisile is sitting in his house, just
finishinghis bath. While he was about to make his lunch, he
himself that when he was done, he would pick up the
phoneand call Menzi and ask him how he was doing.
he was shaking, he heard someone knocking on the door,
andhe ran to open it because he thought it was his
friend. He found Menzi standing, "Hey Menzi, what are
you doing
here? I said I would sweep you, but when did I last see
you and I told myself that I would sweep you when I finish
eating,so we can talk." He talks and approaches her and
tries to
kiss her, but Menzi pushes her aside quietly and doesn't say anything.

"Can I come in?" Menzi asked, what Thembisile said

scared him, after all, Menzi is a regular today. He is
just wondering why he is not used to it. "Tell me
Thembisile, why are you bewitching me after doing
everything for you, you are eating me here. I am the
one who is paying for you
since you are bewitching me. What else do you want?”
Menziasked without laughing.

"I... I bewitch you Menzi? He said that he is testing me,

then with which medicine will I bewitch you since I don't
know a single tree that can bewitch you? When you
download that
here, don't go bad buddy, I can't do witchcraft
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a person. I've been bewitching you, I hope someone

whohates me told you that because I will never do
like that to you." Thembisile replied demanding that he had
neverdone anything to Menzi. Menzi is silent for a while as
he tries
to think carefully, he is wondering if Thembisile is not gone
thenwho is bewitching him and what kind of person he
wants in his life.
They talked for a while until Menzi calmed down, and
finallythey found themselves kissing. Just then they
him on the bed, and the service began. When all this
happens,Thembisile will be happy that he has found what
he has been looking for and is determined that from today
he will do everything possible to find Menzi for himself.

However, Menzi was shocked when he said that he looked at

himself and saw that he came out red, but Thembisile didn't
panicbecause his days were already near, so he told himself
that this was good and made him enter the river. He stood
up when
Menzi was disgusted and tried to wash, and left without saying goodbye.
He is now regretting what he was doing, and he thinks again
thathis wife Sanele has never done something like this to
Thembisile is left to bathe herself, but she is smiling inside
becauseshe thinks that she has found Menzi.

His day continued like that, this time it was his first
day. Aday has passed
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four but this does not show the end, it has started to
bother him and Thembisile knows that it is something that is
usedto take him for a day and then it doesn't hurt him but
time he feels that he is a person who is always tired and
thepain he feels is never asked.

As the week is coming to an end, Simo calls his

friend toinform him of what happened to him


and when he heard that Simo wasted no time, he had

comein a hurry. He found him to be a weak person since
Thembisile also smoked because he felt that it was
bullying him. He rushed to get first aid, and the ambulance
returned to take him to the hospital. He came and explained the
matterhis, the doctors examined him and after a while that ended
and they promised him that the next day they would
release him and return to the house. That was good news,
andhe is now feeling much better than he has been in his
The next day, after all, he is doing his job, it does not
meanthat a person has a problem or that life is good
for him.
They woke up and checked on him and found that he was
better,they let him go to his house. He walks happily
because he was starting to suffer a lot, which is still bothering
him with the bumps on his face because they have started to turn
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which is mentioned but small. He sits in front of his mirror

and starts trying to squeeze them, it doesn't hurt, he's just
doing it because he doesn't want to see his face with
He tells himself that after he squeezes them they will get
better and he starts them silently. He said when he
finishedthere, they took him to sleep.

When he woke up, his whole face was full of bumps.

He wondered what would happen to him but it was
difficult forhim to say what it would be. He got up and sat
there, his
face seemed to be burning when he tried to hold it, he felt
pain, but when he looked in the mirror, he didn't see
anythingexcept small bumps.

A day has passed, Ndumiso lo Madala has become

good friends, he is content to talk about everything that is
wrong with Ndumiso, and Ndumiso also tries to find
somethingthat will help him inside so that he feels better
and is a
man in his home. Today he drank something and his
stomach ran all day but at the end of it he feels strong
andeven when he goes to his house he feels that he has
beensitting on his shoulders since he was afraid. As soon
as he
entered his house, he was met by a doorman, after all,
Simo'slife is all about sleeping and doing nothing.

"Simo, you wake up and clean the house, but what kind

of wife are youwho sleeps in the middle of the house

while it is dirty. These children

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you haven't washed yet, wake up." He shakes her and wakes her up,
and she wakes up scolding Simo. He squeals his claws like

every day, and says he is raising his hand and holding

Ndumiso. "You know Simo has disrespected me a lot, stop

doing this if you don't want to fight with

me. The day I catch you, you say I'm checking on you.
Get up and clean the house and cook, I will never work for you, I
will do everything for you and you will die while you are

sleeping and then you will beat me like I am your son." It

removes Ndumiso. Simo doesn't answer because that scares

him because he's not used to Ndumiso like

this, so he gets up quietly and starts cleaning

the house. After a while she had cooked and

bathed the children.

Ndumiso smiles when he sees that the medicine given

to him by the Elder has worked for him today. We can't

stop him from coming to talk about it when he comes to


When the next one came out, Ndumiso got up from work.

Well, it was the first thing he told Madala about what

happened the day before when he got home.

Luckily Menzi was called to work even though he didn't

own the car yet ashis was damaged and ended up on the

day of the accident.

He feels healthy and strong. While he was working, his

phone rang and he said he looked at it and saw that

Thembisile was calling, but he

didn't answer it for the first time because he hated something that
during the day as a whole. He cried a second time and held
it. He's gone Thembisile apologized.
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The sun rises and sets, Ndumiso has changed these days.
He still says that even when he comes home, he finds everything is fine

He was waited on by the bath water. He wonders what has

changed because he doesn't know how things are going

because the Elder does his things quietly because he

doesn't want to see the boy being tortured in his house.

This handsome man said that when he was beaten up at

work, he passed by his friends Ndumiso, since he now

feels strong and is no longer afraid of being beaten up at


They stayed with his friends until eight o'clock in

the afternoon before he went to his house.

He stood up and walked towards himself, talking to himself happily. As

soon as he entered the house, Simo greeted him with a

speech. Ndumiso tried to shut that up but he kept talking

until Simo approached. He drew a

slap, it landed on Ndumiso's cheek, and the boy saw a star.

As a person who doesn't speak much, he pulled his belt from his pants,
climbed up and landed on Simo, and at that time, he had
taken control of the festival, but

Ndumiso is not alone. Then there were many neighbors outside, trying
to catch Ndumiso, until they finally dragged him away while he was
beating him.

One of their neighbors immediately called the police,

who arrived a few seconds later. The whole matter

was explained to them,

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since it is a crime to smoke someone, Ndumiso should

betaken at that time, and the police should go with
He was left trying to soothe Simo's wounds, his friend
Thembisile had arrived and he was told that someone was
dyingover there. They made love until twelve o'clock, when
sun was different. Simo is not getting any sleep, he is
askinghimself many questions about why Ndumiso is
hitting him somuch after all he has been doing it to
himself for how many days. After sleeping, Thembisile
woke up to find his friend looking at him, tears streaming
down his face.

"Oh my friend, haven't you slept? What do you think of

this criminal Ndumiso, I think it's good that he won't
stay inprison for long. Where did you see a man beating
a woman?" It removes Thembisile, after all, this
sympathy and the matter of who started the matter as
long as thingshappen in his way.

"How can I sleep when I don't know what Ndumiso is like

here? It's bad what he did and I want him to punish me for
that. Ijust wonder where he got the courage to lay a hand on
me. I have to get him out of jail, I will punish myself. I see that
the medicine I fed him is running out

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I have to give him another one. I hold myself and let him
feel the pain I feel." Simo replied as he wiped away a
tear,it was clear that he was in pain.

"He even reminded me, my friend, you know I had

forgotten about Menzi's story. I have to wake up in
the morning to prepare my things, Menzi must be mine
beforethe end of the month. I have taken too long.”
Thembisile answered, sounding that he was willing to take
to Sanele.

"But my friend, let me ask one thing. Does Menzi really

love him or does he force himself because of the things
he does for you? Don't take me seriously but why did
youfight for him so much when you already know that
you are his wife? Why don't you get yours apart from
this Maker?” asked Simo, after all, he was once again
confused as to why Thembisile was fighting so hard for
aman who was not his.

"Do you think I can fight for someone I don't like?

I love him and I will only take him from Sanele, that's for
sure." Thembisile answered, and they talked until the sun
cameup, because Simo couldn't sleep.
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It's been a day, Sanele is listening to himself in his house.

He is relaxing during the day, but he falls asleep while
watching histelevision. He saw another person of a woman
but he could not seeher face, he only saw her in the forest
kneeling like a person praying but a voice could be heard
as if she was crying. He can be heard shouting at Menzi,
calling him his lover. He can be heard calling her to come
to him.
He wakes up jumping over Sanele when his whole body is wet,
his dream scares him and he wonders why today he dreams
during the day when the sun is shining. He immediately
picked up his phoneand called Menzi,

"How is your father? How's it going at work today?" asked

Sanele afterall, he didn't want to scare her.

"Everything is going well, madam, how are you?" asked the Maker.

"It's all right, I was just thinking of calling you. You did a good
job.” He said goodbye to Sanele after all we heard that
everything isgoing well with Menzi.
Before he could put it down, he thought of calling Thabo
to tell himabout his dream, because this scared him and
he sees himself losing Menzi.

"Don't be alarmed, Sanele, because the child continues with his thing.
Now we have the evidence that I have been waiting for and he
has come to the guard and he is determined to learn his lesson. Just you
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pray if you are a person who prays but don't tell the
Maker about it or he will end up fighting with you or
Thembisile is about to fight with him. What we want is for
himto finally come back and apologize alone and explain
everything." Thabo answered. Lehle denies it to Sanele
whenshe hears those words, but she wonders what
Thembisile wants so much from his wife who never calls her
this medicine. As a non-medicated person, that should not
beof much concern to you. Sanele sat down, her phone rang

"Sister, I was just greeting you, I wanted to ask how Menzi is

doing and everything is going well?"

"Yes we are, everything is going well, Menzi is much better

now after all we are back at work. He is strong and he
cannotsay that he is the one who broke through the clouds.
These days he is much better, I don't blame him for
even if I just dreamed another dream that I didn't hear well
in my soul." Sanele replied that she should tell Sinikiwe,
afterall, the two of them get along like a sister.

"It's okay, sister, no, I just wanted to ask if everything is

goingwell?" Sinikiwe answered, they told each other and
Sinikiwe asked Sanele to be strong in prayer because
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It is clear that this person is continuing with what he wants

The maker.
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The sun has risen and Thembisile is sleeping, his whole body
achestoday. His bumps seemed to start blowing. He has tried
wake up but his body is so weak that he thought of calling
his friendSimo to come and help him. In a hurry, Simo had
fallen. They
came and questioned him when he looked at Thembisile,
because hisface is swollen and full of bumps, and your house
smells bad.

He wonders if he is so sick that he could not leave himself in

hisclothes, but he musters up the courage to approach her.
When he looked at her, he saw that the clothes were clean
and Thembisile was just listening to what he had done, and
he thought that maybe it was his nose that he heard
something that wasn't there.

He helped her to wash, her face was swollen and now

Thembisilewas wondering what this could be. They cook
for Simo and they eat, they talk to each other about
Thembisile telling them what illness the most difficult is
the parting of the dress

"Friend, don't you think that something is wrong here,

after all,you don't look sick, where are you?
I can only see the bumps on your face, but the way you cry
makesme think a lot. Will you ever do this?” Simo asked,
after all, as
he had already said that he did not want to involve himself
inThembisile's quest
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to take Menzi by force, he is considering whether that is the


"Oh my friend, stop exaggerating. Whatever it may be,

even if itis said that there is someone who is competing
with me, but I am Themisile, I am nothing.
It is possible that there is something I ate yesterday that is
not compatible with my body, not what you are thinking.
Cowardice,always thinks only about things that don't exist. I
can wake up like this tomorrow and have to go to the
hospital and get help."
Thembisile replied, after all, he doesn't think about
anything, he thinks that the food he ate yesterday is
thereason why his body is not feeling well.

"It's okay, my friend, if you say so, I was doing it for you so
that if you think about something, we can see someone to
help you,but as you say it could be food, it's okay.
In my case, I thought a lot. Forgive me for that.” Simo
answered, and they talked until the sun burned. He got out of
thereand ran to his house after all, he got Ndumiso out of jail,
today he is determined to cook well so that he can feed his
medicine well so that he can start doing things for himself

Simo runs to get confused and cleans the house. He started

cooking and taking a bath to be beautiful because he wants
to pretend to be a good person and he has his own purpose.
It's lateand it's time for Ndumiso to leave work, but since it's
only Friday
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so it's the weekend, the eldest of them chose to buy them

alcoholand meat. The sun has already set for friends
build Ndumiso at work


they ate the meat and looked for it among us, those
who were drunk were drunk, and some did not know
their names.
Since Ndumiso is not with us, they have all asked him to
drive the car and leave them one by one in their homes. He
then started walking and left them, until he went into the
night house tocollect the tenth coin when Simo became
furious because he
also realized that his plan would no longer work.

As soon as he entered the house, Ndumiso was

bombarded with questions which does not stop at Simo,
let him see that he was prepared for everything and he is
the one who messed up what would
have been a good night. He tries to give Simo food, but he cries
that he is full, while he is talking, he takes out the meat
that they have eaten until they leave it and show it to him.
It was painful forSimo because we don't know how he will
do this food that he
has prepared for him since tomorrow is Saturday and he will not go
to workNdumiso.

A day has passed, the weekend is over but Thembisile is

stilllike that. Whenever we feel pain in our body. He
tried to buy medicine but nothing changed. He took it
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his phone and try to call Menzi, since he wants to ask for
money tobuy medicine. Menzi's phone rings until it goes
silent and no one answers it. He tried again, this time he
caught Menzi.

"How are you, Tembasile?" Why did you drink so much

during theday?" Menzi asked, after all, he is already in the
news and things are always going well, his wife is happy in
the house, so
he doesn't think about Thembisile.

"Oh, my love, why did you answer me so badly?

I was calling you to tell you that I am not feeling well and I
amasking for money to buy medicine at the hospital. When
have time, you can come and see me if you don't trust me." It removes

"I didn't say I don't trust you, Thembisile, I just didn't

think youwould call me after the fight you did. I didn't
like what you
did, you let me in knowing that we are in the river. What
did youwant to happen with that? Why don't you
consider me?" Menzi asked angrily because he had not
treated her well the day theylast saw each other.

"Okay, I'm sorry, my love, that I didn't treat you well,

but I promise it won't happen again. I'm asking you to
buy me themedicine and bring it here because I really
can't hear it
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good." Thembisile replied that he didn't know how to

apologizeand that he was looking for money to treat his pain.

"Okay then, I will give you the money you want and go
buy medicine. These days I'm not lazy so I won't be able
tocome to see you. I'll see you get better." Menzi
and tried to shut Thembisile up, because he doesn't want to
seeher again one day.

And then Thembisile went to bed, waiting to be heard

fromhis cell phone ringing after Menzi deposited the
He sleeps until he wakes up when the sun is gone and it's time to go to his
He looked at his cell phone, and thought that Menzi might
have forgotten. He waits until the sun goes down, sleeps
and comes out of his bed without anything. When he wakes
up, thepain has continued, and nothing is satisfying now. In
few days, the body has weakened, it is like a very sick
person. The face itself is not bright, full of bumps and
swollen like a person who has been stung by bees. He
immediately calls his friend Simo to help him because it is
gettingworse. They left there and went straight to the hospital.
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As the sun rises and sets, life is difficult for Thembisile, he is

even afraid of Simo because he sees that his friend's life is
running away from him. It's been a week now that Thembisile
hasn't changedand the doctors have tried everything and
checked his blood but they can't see anything in him.

When he arrived at his house, Simo thought of telling the

person they took the medicine from. Simo should not
waste timethere, he should get out and go straight there.
As a well-known person, it doesn't take long for him to
get in, and he gets in past the others who have already

"Dad, I'm going to ask my friend for help, he's very sick
and he's in the hospital now, so being here doesn't help
him. He has beenin the hospital for a week, but nothing
has changed. I don't know what to do, so I ended up
thinking that I came here to you and asked you to help
me." Simo left without waiting to be asked what brought
him here in the hot sun.

"I understand you, girl, but you have to go back to your

friend sothat I can help him. It will be difficult for me to
help him without seeing him, so please come back to him.
Don't waste time because it might be something big that
will endup taking his life." The father, who helps us with
answered, and held his head when Simo asked if there was
anythingelse he could have helped him with.
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that he should bring Thembisile but not give him anything.

Simo went out of there not knowing what to do, he ate
himselfthinking how he would come and persuade
Thembisile to agree to go with him. On the other hand, he
wonders why he is suffering so much for someone who is
not his relative, Simo thinks twice and deletes Thembisile's
number from his phone and tells himself that he does not
want to talk to
her again.

They continued to walk for a day, and the weekend ended

withouta single person visiting him since he did not
tell his family that he felt good because he was afraid that
theywould take him in another way. That scared Thembisile,
and he tried to call his friend but it didn't answer.
He tried a second time and it didn't come in. Tears fell by
themselves and now he realizes that we are alone in the
world. Hethought about telling his family, who were still
wondering what
he was hiding from them. It was difficult for Thembisile, we
cried because of the pain he felt and we cried because no one came
back to see him, Menzi is the one who doesn't pick up the phone

After he had given up, we realized that it was difficult to

live and he told himself that those around him will hear
that he has passedaway because they don't want to see him
go the way he is because he has passed away from his body,
but this is his face
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not visible. He picked up his phone and checked it twice,

searching for Sipho's number. He looked at it twice and
hung up his phone. After a few minutes, he hugged the
babywondering where it could die, and it cried towards

"I promised today that I will be remembered by you, why?

It means that this is my lucky day because I didn't think that I
would be remembered by you." Sipho answered the phone
sinceafter their separation, he did not remove Thembisile's
number from his phone.

"Goodbye Sipho, I'm sorry to call you. Forgive me for

everything I did to you and the way I hurt you. I'm asking
for forgiveness, Sipho, I'm going..." before Thembisile
finishedthat speech, tears fell to each other


until Sipho heard her crying.

"Hey, Thembisile, why are you crying? How are you doing?"
asked Sipho
"I'm sick Sipho, I've been in the hospital for a week now and
allmy friends have left me alone. I'm dying but I want to ask
you for help, what I'm asking is a small thing, Sipho, but if
you're not content to help me, I'll understand because I
know I hurt you." Thembisile replied
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here, wiping away a tear. They talked and Sipho told

him his whole story, Sipho felt pain but then it became
difficultfor him how he will do it since he has nothing.

Sipho worked hard that day wondering why Thembisile

would help him, after all he has a good heart even if he hurt
her but hedoesn't want to see her hurt.
After leaving work, he went straight to his house. They stayed
inthe house, after Sandisiwe cooked, they ate dinner and sat
at the table for the two of them, the little one visited his old

"My love, you know you won't believe who called me

today. I still don't know what to do, but it bothers me so much
thatI don't know what to do."
Removes Sipho.

"Oh, talk to me, Sipho, don't keep talking.

Who called you?" asked Sandisiwe because he wanted
toknow how it was going.

"You can't believe it, Thembisile called me crying saying

that she is very sick but she is asking for my help because
there isno one else who can help her and all her friends are
no longer answering her phone..." Sandisiwe caught her
mouth before she could say much.
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"What are you saying? And of course she is talking about Thembisile or
are we still dating? We know who he wants from you when
heis sick, Sipho, don't tell me that he caught a cold. When
you can see how I am, I love you, but if you bring me
afever from your whore, I will teach you."
It removes Sandisiwe, after all, we consider a lot.

"Khululeka has nothing to do with me but he asked me

to take him to another father who is in Tembisa, he
says he
thinks he is the only person who can help him in all this. I
want to help him even if he hurt me, it is said that evil is not
returnedfor evil, and if he needs me, then someone else can
him. I was just asking you, let's go and take him to
where he wants, that's all I wanted to ask of you, my
love." After all, Sipho knows that Sandisiswe, as he is
the light-footed one, is the one who can hurry and help
"I understand, but how can I help someone who has
fallen in love with my husband? What you are asking of me
is difficult, Sipho, I know you don't want to see someone
suffer, but what you are asking me for is very difficult. I will
think about it and let's see how we can do it, it's me and I
always ask for help when someone relies on you, it's hard to
let them down." Sandisiwe answered, after all, he knows Sipho too
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what kind of person he is so don't want to embarrass him.

They talked about it until they fell asleep, and they went to
sleep the nextday, waiting for Thembisile, even if he had
already given
up on life, he would see that his life was over. All this is
happeningand you are wondering what kind of witchcraft he
is and what he wants from him and he just feels sorry for
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They continue to walk the day, the weekend is coming. It has

been three days since Ndumiso went to his house to run away
from Simo.
In the afternoon, he was sitting with his friend talking to
eachother, when his phone rang and it was Simo.

"Oh, and of course you don't live in the house anymore? As

you runaway from your house, who will live there? Who is
going to buy food because you know that I don't work?'
asked Simo as he
and Ndumiso finished greeting each other. "Oh Simo, all
you're thinking about is your food issue. Don't you see
anything wrong that you are doing that made me leave
the house?" Ndumiso didn't answer there but he asked his
own questions after all his purpose of leaving the house
was for Simo to see his
wrongdoings and thinking that he will learn from this as he
correctshis issues. They don't understand each other, Simo
takes the lead and Ndumiso takes the lead.
It's been a day since Thembisile felt the difference in his body.
He asked the father who helped him to tell him the truth
about whathappened to his body. "My son, I thought I would
tell you how it goes. I've been trying to help you for a long
time with all the medicines I know that help people in this
situation, but it's too muchfor you. I think we both have to
make a decision there. You have toapologize to all the people
you see that it is possible to forgive
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theirs will be your survival." The father answered. "So how

will Iknow who those people are that I have to apologize to,
father?" asked Thembisile, confused, not knowing who to
startwith and where to end.

"That's easy my son, you just have to think of all the

people you've seen and try to apologize to them." It was
the old man who was looking for help to him. "And now
what is yourjob if you fail to help me, I'd rather die
because what you are talking about is something that I do
not know. If you fail to help me, please tell me the truth, I
will go to my house and die there because it is clear that
nothing is goingto work here, the hospital failed and it is
failing again. So
where can we die?" answered Thembisile with a heavy
heart, he has seen that it will be difficult for him to
grind asthere is not a single person who can help him in
his illness. He has died in a day, those who know him
would deny him if they saw him like this.
They parted and went to his room where he was staying, the
onewith the smell I can tolerate but he didn't hear all of this.
He thought about what to do because coming here was his
last hope, but he didn't get better and realized that the
only thing left for him to do was to die. He thought of
calling Sipho
because he is the only person who still answers his phone, his friends
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they all abandoned him, even Simo, who put him here
before he could be seen. It rang twice and Sipho picked up
his phone, "How are you Sipho? I wanted to tell you that it
is my fault
that I am not getting better and I am leaving today and going back to
my place.I'd rather die in my own home than die in people's homes."
Thembisile moved away, wiping away a tear because all
this ishurting him.

"Oh Thembisile, you are not abandoned by a widow.

Why are you just throwing in the towel? What did he
say, but thatfather, as he had promised to help you,
was better than in
the days of alcohol? How are you going to do it right from
the start,after all, it was better to be with people and not
alone." Sipho
replied, after all, he is a boy who has compassion and cannot
say thatThembisile hurt him. "He says I must apologize to all
people I see

maybe my illness will get better. I just wonder how the people I
see aregetting into all this?" It is Thembisile who always
why he has to start apologizing to people. "But if you tried
to die,it's better for you to think about it. Is there no one
who does not hate him? And where is this person of
yours whom you found, what did they argue about?"
asked Sipho, trying to act
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Thembisile to try to apologize to everyone he knows.

"Ah! I didn't become a person myself." Thembisile answered

as he pulled out the chalk green ones. After hanging up on

Sipho's phone, he thought it

over and decided it was best to say
try to apologize to Menzi and tell him everything. He is

determined to say it is better for him to die with

everything inside him naked.

He thought twice, reprimanded himself, but his heart refused again.
He stood up and gathered all his clothes, and went out

towards his house since it was walkable, so he said to himself

that he can go out

before it's light, he will walk until it's light, because

after all, he's like an old woman who walks with a

Two days have passed, today Ndumiso thought of going to

his house. When he arrived he found Simo listening to

himself. They started enjoying each other until it was as if

nothing happened between them, because this hunger

was starting to wear on Simo.

She had started to need someone who would help her with

everything in thehouse because she told herself that

Ndumiso would never beat her again.

Life was good that night, Simo has changed and you

can't deny that he is the one who always fights, he

asks Ndumiso again and again how it would have

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Ndumiso wakes up happy that day because he can see that

things are going well in his house. He said when he arrived
at work he can't wait to tell the Elder how things are
going."Don't rush and be happy my boy, a person is a
sleeper who repents. Part of it is just to make you
happy as
you didn't sleep when you weren't in the house or he did
something behind your back so that you wouldn't see it. It
wouldmake me happy to see you stay like this my boy, you
know you were not the other way around. You've aged past
me." Mdala
said and then they laughed bitterly because it is clear that
Ndumiso's heart is white.

Simo has already woken up and cleaned the house, after

allhe left his friend's house who they have started
seeing and he has told himself that he will stay with
someone else so
that Ndumiso can leave the house and not be left alone. "How
are you my love, you know I didn't trust that you would come
back."Sinini greets Ndumiso's cousin, but the two of them do
not know each other and have never seen each other. "I
couldn't stop but
to come back, after all, I wanted to see you, my love, but
there is something I wanted to tell you before we left. I don't
wantyou to stay in the dark.
The person I was telling you about came back to the
house yesterday and I thought we had repented now. If
you say let's go, I will understand." Simo looks away
from his Sinini'seyes, because new love is sweet.
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"That doesn't matter, my love, as long as we continue to see

eachother." Sinini answered and they loved each other
because it
was so good between them and they were not afraid of
anyonesince they were in Simo's house. They hang around all
Simo went out to cook in the house, he has really
changed these days, and he still wants to keep
Ndumiso happy so that they don't fight anymore because
heloves him and doesn't want to lose him.
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The day goes on, a day has passed since Thembisile was
not asked if he was feeling better in his body. He is
alone in his house, in the sun. He thought twice and thrice,
andgrabbed his collarbone. He called Menzi, before he cried
many times he had already caught Menzi.

"How are you, Thembisile?" Today I even got a call from

you, is everything going well?" asked Menzi on the phone,
after all they stopped talking regularly and Menzi has told
himself thathe has come out and ended up in Thembisile.

"I'm fine, Menzi, but I'm just saying there's something I

wantedto ask you, I don't know if you'll agree or not, but it's
a request and I'll accept your answer." It removes

"Stay on topic, Tembasile, what is it you want to ask

ofme?" asked the Maker.

"I'm asking you to see for yourself this Sanele, there's

somethingI wanted to talk to you about but if you don't agree
I won't force her to forgive you. I am asking the Maker, so
that even if the king takes me, my heart will be free. That is all
I ask of
you.” Thembisile replied. Menzi was surprised because
Thembisile was talking about being taken by the king, which
hehad never thought of.
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"Alright then, I will talk to Sanele when I get home, I

will tell you this afternoon when I talk to the wife

about her request because I don't want her to end up

arguing and I said come without knowing." Menzi

answered and hung up his phone.

After a while, Thembisile came out of his house trying to

buy bread because that's what he lives on because it's the

only thing he doesn't feel is better than everything else.

food. When he was satisfied he saw the couple walking happily

don't chase after people, make them look at you and wish

that when you get married you will find your own person to

fall in love with and everything will be fun. He walks by

himself looking at those who are walking in front of him, then

he realizes that it is his friend Simo, he tries to shout but he

can't hear him

This voice is difficult to get out because of the constant
pain in his rib that does not allow him to shout loudly.
Let's try

shouting but people are walking side by side holding hands, until
he calls him because they are saying that he is calling

someone who can't answer. When it cries, Simo looks at it but

does not touch it.

Thembisile was hurt by that, his heart dried up and he

thought that Simo was the one who put him on medication

now that he was sick, he didn't want to see him, he

answered his phone when he tried to kiss him. You wish to

be better,
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he tells himself that he has to teach Simo about life, but since he is
still sick, it is difficult to know how he will do it, and he is
afraid to brushNdumiso because he is afraid that he will
cause a disturbance.
Seeing Simo made him feel the courage to see Sanele and
Menzi andapologize and he now feels that he can do
everything that hurt
him in his body will be better.

The sun has



We have bumped into Ndumiso at work. He went to buy

the meat afterall these days things are going well in the
house since this Simo foundhim after he had done
everything and he was bathed and looking good. Love
burns between them when Ndumiso feels that he has
returned to the days that passed when they first saw each
other. He entered the house, received a warm welcome
until he was kissed,
and when the bath water was put in, it was as if they were waiting for

Take them and wash them.

"Darling, please give me some money because I want to

get my hairdone, and be beautiful like other mothers out
there." That's Simo, after all, love these days, you can't
deny that he was the one who slapped Ndumiso.
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"How much do you want, my dear?" asked Ndumiso as he

poured himself some sweetly boiling water, then laughed
and told himself that his leaving the house had taught
Simo alesson. They discussed and agreed that
you will give it to him, after all he likes to see his wife
beautifullike all wives.

He said that when Menzi entered he found everything

waitingfor him in the house, because after his injury he
told himself that he would never go without entering the
beautifullady's house. He said that his eyes left the rest
room and saw his brother Mandla loSinikiwe who were
there, he was
happy about that since they hadn't seen each other for a
while andhe wanted him to talk to Sinikiwe and apologize
properly for everything he had said to him. He washes and
the meal is delicious and the conversation is
laughed at, after all Sinikiwe had not taken
everything Menzi hadsaid as a bad thing.
"I am grateful for your presence there, my brother and my
sisterSinikiwe, even though I once said bad words to you,
but you didnot hold my breath. My brother, please treat
my sister well, you will fail and we will never find another
daughter-in-law like
her." Then Menzi looked towards Mandla and Sinikiwe, and
theyall laughed.
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"Oh my father, what do you say about me?" Sanele

asked andlaughed to herself.

"You are still talking my love. During the day, I received a

phone call from Thembisile saying that he is asking to see
both of us so that theking can say that if he takes him, he
should take his heart white. I don't know what he was
talking about, but I thought I would
start by talking to him and hear if he agrees or what he
says." Itremoves the Maker.

"Wow, it sounded so important. There I don't think it is

necessarywhat MaNgwe has to say.
It's better to let him talk because he doesn't want to be
kissed bysomeone. Then he talked about being taken by
the king, was
he sick?" answered Mandla and asked again.
Before he could answer, Sanele turned around and answered Menzi.

"He was sick and it was getting worse for him. I think
you areright brother, we have to allow him but what
be there. Mom, I think we should call the boy who helped
me when Iwas sick, so that if someone comes, he can help
us, because I
don't trust him anymore."

"It's okay, his father, we can allow him until then and I will
urge Thaboto be there. I just want to hear what the child
wants to tell us."
Sanele replied,
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they all agreed. It was delicious, after that

bid farewell to Mandla Lo Sinikiwe.

After they left, Menzi picked up his phone and called

Thembisile. He said that when he heard Thembisile crying,
he ran to it, after all, he was not getting any more calls
and we were living alone like a man of cloth. He
grabbed it roughly, and was shocked to see that it
wasMenzi who was hitting.

"Tembisile, I have spoken to his wife, I think you can

comeover the weekend, we are all here, I am not
I think it's not something you're in too much of a hurry,
you'recontent to wait until the weekend." The Maker
replied after greeting the Promised One. He is
grateful to Thembisile because that is all he wants and he
knows that this is his last attempt. When he fails, he
folds his hands and waits for the sun of life, but he again
askshis creator to give him the strength to teach Simo one
lesson in life.
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The day went on, until the weekend. Sanele has

called all of them because he wants them to be

witnesses to what Thembisile will

talk about. They were all sitting and waiting, they came to

eat the food that had been cooked because there were

more people, so he decided it wouldbe better for Sanele to

cook. This Thabo is still there, he came quickly. It is difficult

for Thembisile, it is impossible that he was guarding the

cars because it is a very difficult job, he called Sipho and

asked him to pick up Sandisiwe but in the dark he found

out that they are not around. He looked at his hand and

saw that it was not much money and it would not take him

where he was going.

He came out of his house when he had gathered his courage

and told himself that even if it was difficult to be strong, he

would come to Menzi and ask

for forgiveness because he refused to leave today because they might
not allow him to get another chance to talk to them. Atobe

headed towards the place where the car going to Jozi is being

guarded. As soon as he arrives, everyone stares at him

because his body is gone and it is obvious that he is a person

who is not well

in his body.

"We saw you, buddy, I wanted to go to Jozi but the money

I had saved was not enough. Please be kind to me and go

with me, even if I'm just a

little girl." It is Thembisile who is talking to the other driver.
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"Hey sis, I'm at work here. You think we are playing

here to make your illness worse. So we have nothing to
do with that, you will come
here when your money is enough. I work myself.” The
driver answered, and everyone in the car looked at him.
Another mother sitting in the back was heard saying,
"Come in, my child, I will pay for you myself."

I can see you are upset, you really need help.

Come in, my child.” All the people in the car shook their
heads looking at the mother but it was none of their
business what they said the way

they looked at her. As soon as they get into the car, the smell
catches them, they close their noses and others open the car windows.
The driver did not hit, but they had already arrived.
Thembisile got off and went straight there
where the Makers live.

They have been sitting for a long time asking each

other how things are going, whether Thembisile has
been playing with them since he doesn't come

anymore. We were still embarrassed when someone

was standing at the door, because it was difficult for
the family and

the guards to deny him entry because it was clear that he

was sick of the king's person. Sanele got up and opened the
door, she was shocked
to meet Thembisile who was clearly in the wood, you can't tell that
she was the one who had a healthy body and was blessed
with living meat. When they entered the house, they were
all shocked together with
Menzi because their eyes had fallen inside.
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"I'm sorry to recount it all here. It's already making me

sick as you can see I'm just walking around." Thembisile left
asthey just finished greeting each other.

"I came here to apologize to all of you, but I will explain

whatbrought me here the most. I'm sorry Menzi for
everything I did to you


Your suspension from work and the accident that befell

you were all my actions. I had gone to ask for medicine
becauseI wanted him to be mine alone, and then it
happened that something bad happened, even though I
didn't see it all this
time, but I came to inform myself so that even if I die today,
mysoul will rest in peace." It is Thembisile who is
telling his story. They are all worried about hearing all this
andthey haven't heard anything because Thembisile is
determined to release everything that is in his chest since
he is not afraid of anyone and the pain they are feeling
does not allow him to hide something else.

It's the weekend, Ndumiso is lying in his house resting as he

didn't go to work. Simo woke up early and started washing
and cleaning the house, which smelled nice.
Then he had put the water in the bath as he told
Ndumisothat he wanted to visit his sister. Don't take it
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After bathing Simo for a long time, he bathed and came out as a human
who visited his sister.

Ndumiso is left listening to himself in his house, he

doesn't thinkabout anything and the sun is gone and he is
waiting to watch football because his favorite theme is
playing today. Just then, while sitting, the phone rang and
Simo's sister called.

"How is the son-in-law? I was about to ask if Simo was in the

housebecause I wanted to pass by when I saw it. A long time
I'm trying to call him but I can't find him, that's why I'm
asking ifhe's in the house." Simiso, who is Simo's sister,
asked because she knew nothing about Simo's tricks.

"Oh mother-in-law, Simo came out just now and said he

was going to visit you. It scares me that he is not there and
you can'tfind him on the phone. So where are you going or
have you turned off his phone, he will open it before he gets
there." Ndumiso
replied, that doesn't surprise him too much because as much
as heloves his wife, he never thought that he could do
something out
of the ordinary. They talked and when he finished he hung
up his phone and Ndumiso continued to watch the football
as it had just started.

Simo came out of there, he sneaked towards Sinini,

he saidthat when he got there he immediately turned
off his phone
because he didn't want to be confused with his new lover. It was fun
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After all, Sinini had planned to take them out. The sun
wentdown before Simo returned home, and Ndumiso
asked himself whether he had turned back or not,
because it is dangerous to walk at night and we fear for
his life.
Just then, a message came from Simo, "Don't wait for me,
mylove, I'm going to sleep at my sister's house and I'll be
back tomorrow morning." We talked a lot until it got
dark,so I'm afraid to walk at night." He said that before
sister Simo arrived but he asked Sinini to take him there so
that if he asks Ndumiso it will be clear that he is sleeping
withhis sister.

They arrived at her sister's house when it was dark,

Simocame in, and Simiso stood at the door. "Simo,
are you from this late at night?" asked Simiso before
entering."Hey sister, aren't you happy to see me here
anymore? Let's go inside the house and I'll tell you
where I'm from. Can we even speak outside for the
neighborsto hear?" It was Simo when they entered the
house. Simiso isnot happy about this but we are waiting to
hear what this could be that makes Simiso unable to live in
such darkness.
He has even thought that Ndumiso and Ndumiso might
havequarreled because he had called him on his phone and
he was in need, but he also wondered why Ndumiso would
not hide that when they quarreled. They sat down and
talked,and Simo removed his issue when he was in tears
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His cheeks were falling, and Simiso saw for himself that

the matter was so big that he didn't ask too much. He

told himself that he had heard from

her as he said that he would wake up and return to his place in the
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The sun goes down and the sun rises, the day is long. For the

past two days, Thembisile has been feeling better, he can't

believe what he is hearing since the food is good, the

strength is coming back to his body and he feels that he has

taken everything off his shoulders.

You can see that his apology helped to wake him up as he

had just cried to himself. He sat down in his room and

thought of calling Sipho, after all he was the one who

answered the person next to him and told him


"I feel better these days Sipho, you know the things about

loving friends and these medicines. A person had dragged

himself to death over there because of the issue of trusting

friends. Thank you for everything Sipho. I know I hurt you

once but you didn't tell me all that. May the king bless you

and your family, may it always be happy." According to

Thembisile, they are right that a person can get sick or

be exposed to an accident and grow up. Thembisile has

grown up, and his words prove that even if he is holding his

friend Simo's breath after leaving him

alone when he is sick.

"Thank you, Thembisile, that I am content to help where I

can. I am also glad that you are feeling better, you can be

better, you should visit Sandisiwe and see that you are

better because they have learned a lot from you

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people." Sipho replied, he is happy that Thembisile is better

because that is what he has been looking for all this time,
even if he hurt him, Sipho did not hate him and did not
holdhis breath. They talked until Thembisile ran out of air
on hisphone, laughing and laughing until the light came out
of his longing for what he had long ago.
I don't speak to her face, she is clean as if nothing painful
happened to her. When he came to see Menzi lo Sanele
he immediately burned all the medicines he had in the house
and told himself that since that day we have been living by

The sun has set


He drove to Menzi's house. Sanele is sitting there talking

to herself. "But my dear, do you think that what
Thembisile wastalking about is true? You know, I always
ask myself about it, but I can't find an answer because I
didn't think that
such a child could carry medicine."
Menzi asked after all because he did not consider
Thembisileto be the person who carries the medicine.

"I didn't trust his parents, but after being told there was
nothingelse I could do because I still don't want to lose you.
What are you doing, what did you see in your child while I
was in
the house after all
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there is nothing that passes me by. Sanele asked

laughing.It was difficult for Menzi to answer that
question, and he ended by changing his speech and
Sanele did not care
because what makes him happy is that Thembisile
haslearned his lesson.

Ndumiso is sitting in his room watching his lover Simo, he

looksat him until he talks to himself because he loves him
and Simo is beautiful. He has changed these days, everything
is always clean here in Ndumiso's house and he is treated like
a man
in his home. All of that makes him happy.

"Darling, I met your friend when I was helping here. He

said I greeted you very well. And was he sick? I don't
understand how he ended up." After all, Ndumiso had
metThembisile and whispered to him to let Simo know
that heis better and still alive.

"Who is my friend?" It's Simo who is wondering, after all,

he doesn't tell her that the two know each other, and he
wondersif Thembisile has really gotten better since he
her because of bad things.

"Your friend has promised." Ndumiso answered.

"Oh, where do you meet him? Yes, he has been sick,

butwhen you see him, you know that he is better than
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I stopped seeing him. That's when I stopped him from

gettingsick because he said he didn't want to see me in his
house again and that's why I left him. It's better when he
gets better,
I have to see him and we can talk." Simo turned away
and said that he pulled out the black ones because he
didn'twant to end when he was asked why he didn't go
to visit
him. Simo didn't sleep that day thinking about seeing
Thembisile,but he also wondered what she would say to him
as he just abandoned her.

Time flies, the next one is out. Simo wakes up and cleans
hishouse, takes a shower and goes out straight to
When Thembisile came to pick up, that scared him
because after all, it was a long time ago that he
hearing from the person who was picking up from his
house. Hegot up and opened the door, shocked when he
saw Simo.
Thembisile smiled a lot as if he was already
missingher and he was doing it so that he couldn't
what was inside him. They sit down and talk like friends, a
lot has happened in Simo's life when Thembisile was sick
so he wants to be good and pour everything out to his

"Then I went to my other person, I found someone else

becauseNdumiso once left me alone with no one, so I ended
finding someone else for myself. He is a good boy and I
always feel that I love him with all my heart, I don't know what it is
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which makes me feel this way about him." Simo starts

talking to his friend Thembisile and Thembisile captures
everything he says so that he can use it to teach him a
lessonabout what friendship is. Thembisile talks a lot so that
Simo and her are happy to see that her friend still loves her.

After talking for a while and saying goodbye to Simo, they all
left with Thembisile accompanying him. When he turns
around,he tells himself that he will find him and hurt him
because Thembisile is a person who likes to take revenge
even if it endsup getting him into trouble, but this time he
says that he is determined that he will never use the
medicine but he will
use Simo to kill himself.

Sinini's path is ripe for Simo because it is becoming difficult

for him to stay without seeing her, their love is burning and
Sinini does everything he wants for her since after all she
works for herself. It was a nice day for both of them, and
whenSimo left there, Thembisile went to him because we
wanted to use him to keep him in the house at all times
asNdumiso knew that they were friends. Thembisile
doesn't suspect that, but they are moving towards each
other, he is talking to himself like a crocodile waiting for
its meal.
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It goes up and down, and they go one day at a time.

Thembisile isdoing much better these days and his friendship
with Simo is back to the same as it was before Thembisile got
Thembisile has woken up and after looking at herself in the
mirror she can see the difference in her body. He thought of
calling Menzibecause he wanted to thank him for everything
because he had sacrificed his life and told himself that he was
leaving the living.
He picked up his phone, turned it towards the Maker,

"Tembisile, how are you, why did you just call because I
thinkI gave you what you wanted." Menzi replied as
soon as he picked up his phone.

"It's nothing Menzi, I just wanted to thank you for

everything thatallowed me to come there to apologize.
I feel much better after my apology, I don't know what I got
myselfinto, someone threw and kicked me." Thembisile
answered and stayed in the story because he saw for
himself that he would never find Menzi again and tried his
best to forgetabout it. They talked about the Maker and
their conversation was pleasant.

Simo got up, washed and cleaned his house, and went
outtowards Thembisile's where he came and told him
all the stories. He did not stay there for long, and
Sinini came to
take him as a day. Thembisile watched everything that was happening,
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he had the idea that he should inform Ndumiso but he also

thought that Ndumiso might come and ask Simo, as he
knows him as a person who listens to everything Simo says
so he ended up thinking of another trick because he wants to
hurt Simowith everything he did to him

Thembisile went out and went to the store to buy some

air, and she took all the evidence that Simo is in love with
and sent it to Menzi, but she sent it to a number that
was not hers. When he finishes, he throws away that
number because he still wants to see what Ndumiso will
do. Ndumiso
is shocked when he sees a number he doesn't know, he
opensall the messages there and sees that it indicates that
Simo hassomeone he makes fun of when he is at work. His
heart was burning, he didn't know what to do, he thought
of going back tohis house but they quickly reprimanded
him to work

When he crashed, he went straight to his house, where he

found Simo sitting by himself. He has taken a bath and
everything is ready and Ndumiso is waiting for him. He
lookedat her twice and thought carefully, and told himself
that everything he was sent was a lie as the person who
sent it didnot know him. Ignore all postings

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may life continue to be good between them because

there isnothing suspicious about Simo.

They continue to talk to each other for a day and Thembisile

keeps listening waiting for her friend to come back and
tell her abouttheir quarrel but they continue until the
end of the week and nothing happens. He saw that
Ndumiso did not ask and did not say anythingto his
That made him think of another plan to let Ndumiso know
what Simo isdoing.

When he found out where Sinini lived, he waited for Simo to

come out. Hetook his phone and sent Ndumiso a message
with the address of where Simo can find him. Ndumiso didn't
waste time by quickly asking for

work, they let him go out. He went to his house, took his
weapon and wentto that address. It does not take time for
the enemy, after some minutes he had arrived. They should
have a good time, keep Sinini and Simo

quiet because they didn't expect this person to come

there in themiddle of the day as Sinini's wife is just at

Sinini stood up quietly and opened the door to meet

Simo. He came in and turned him inside and said that
Simo's eyes looked up to see Ndumiso. Ndumiso didn't
ask more and drove the nails into Sinini andSimo.

Hearing the gunshots, the neighbors ran and called the

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which did not take long to arrive. They cried for Ndumiso, Sinini
and Simo and they rushed to the hospital but it was

difficult for Sininito sleep.

He said that Ndumiso was sitting when he heard a

message that Sinini had gone to visit his grandfather.
That scared him, and he began to regret wondering
why he did such a thing.

She came out the next day, looking at Ndumiso, wondering

but not getting an answer. While we were asleep, his
brother, who is the eldest ofthem, arrived. Ndumiso is
happy to see his brother as they have told
him that they have found someone who can talk to him and
explain everything that happened. "Thank you for the matter
that I came here for, I know that Simo and Sinini have sinned

but it was not right for you to do thatand this Sinini was your
brother." His brother left while they were

"My brother who is in love with my wife knows? There

How could he be my brother because I don't know this boy?
I understand what my brother is saying but I feel very insulted on
top of everything I do for Simo and he ends up doing something like this.
It hurts me when I think about where this situation

came from and Idid not expect that after this he

would struggle to have

the courage to do something like this." Ndumiso

replied with tearsrunning down his cheeks because
there are so many
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they did not go through it. He thinks back to the time when
hewas being tortured and realized that Simo didn't love
from the beginning but he, as much as he loves her,
didn'tsee all this.

"Wow, did you talk like that, brother? Has Simo done
anything similar to this before? Sinini is said to have
beenmy aunt's friend until I heard yesterday after he
passed away, I didn't know him." His brother replied, he
is tired ofhearing the way Ndumiso talks and thinks that
there is
a lot going on in Ndumiso's house, even though he never
talked about it, they always said that even when they were
in front of people, they hid everything and no one would
think thatthey were arguing.

"Simo once fed my brother until I was helped by another

elderI work with, that's how I got better.
It was like he was feeding me to do his things without me
seeing. Of course, the way I love him, is it possible that
he is on medication? And how is love? Someone you love
your heart and he makes you a fool. Until you made me
Simo, Itrusted you, my wife, and I told myself that our life has
started to be good and you are saying that you are going to
be lazy." Ndumiso is crying, he has even put his hands on his
headsince then he started paying attention to what state he is
in when it comes to loving someone. Let's try
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comforting his brother, promising him that it is a matter that

mustbe discussed in the family and see how they will get him
out of prison because he did not kill on purpose and killed a
member of the family. Ndumiso is comforted, he wishes to
see Simo apologize to him because he regrets his return to
thehouse, he tells himself that if he had gone out for good
he would not have come to this stage of his life where he
has to beg for his freedom.
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The day continues, a week has passed since we were

preparingfor the funeral as something happened that
did not expect. It is difficult for the whole family to
accept thatSinini has left them at a young age. One of
these days they gathered together and combined their
efforts and Ndaba started the matter. "I'm sorry, elders, I
know that many will
never agree with what I'm going to talk about, but it's
important thatwe talk about it while we're together because
after the
funeral, it's hard to bring people together as we're all
busywith work. I wanted to talk about my brother's
he had asked that if it was approved, he would be
allowed toattend the funeral and say goodbye to his
brother even if they didn't know each other and he
stayed to say goodbye."
When Ndaba started, everyone looked at him and
wondered why he was making such a big deal
about it.

"That can't happen, he was my son. I want Ndumiso who

is amurderer to come here to apply salve to the wound
because seeing him will cause me great pain here. You,
Ndaba, are speaking because you think about your
brother, but you don't think about me." Their aunt who
is Sinini's mother answered. "I know you will be sad, my
sister, but she
said that we didn't do it in this role
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We played it to introduce the children, and Sinini was not

innocent in the whole story, I thought that Ndumiso should
be allowed
to say goodbye to his brother even if they just don't
know each other, but to say the last words I think
that will makehim feel better.
We do not avoid the fact that we are here just for him, but
he as aperson needs us not to abandon him as a family, so
do not allow him to come to the funeral." It was answered
by Ndaba's younger father, who was born to Sinini. It was
difficult forSinini but I couldn't do anything as they all
agreed that
Ndumiso should be allowed to say goodbye to his brother
even if hewas the one who took his life.

A day later, Simo is getting better at the hospital and

the nurses say he is recovering well. When he hears
everything that happened to Simo, he regrets
everything so
much that he thinks of apologizing to his friend. He wakes
up in the morning and takes a bath to be beautiful,
because his body has returned to its normal state, even if
it is not yet the one he is
used to. He headed there to the hospital, where he asked to see his
friend Simo.

"How are you going, my friend, I heard what happened to

you. And how did it go?" Thembisile is the one wondering
what Simo will say. "I don't know anything, my friend, about
who told Ndumisoabout me and Sinini that he ordered the
house we were staying with him. I always wonder
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who can do something like this but I miss him.

After all, you are the only one to whom I have been telling my stories,
so how did it come to Ndumiso as he immediately came

with his weapon." Simo replied with tears welling up in his

eyes and it was clear that all this was hurting him.

"I'm sorry my friend for everything, it was not my intention

that it ended up here. Please forgive me my friend for all the

pain I have caused you


since this Sinini is still. " Before he finished speaking, Simo shut his
"What did you say you did?" All this
Did you do it to my friend whom I trusted and told him

everything? Why did you do such a cruel thing to me but

Thembisile, what did I do to make you come here?" asked

Simo with tears streaming down his cheeks, after all

Thembisile is his best friend and he never thought he would

do something like this.

"Don't blame me too much my friend, you are not innocent in all this.
Ndumiso loves you and has always done everything you want,

but he chose to do something similar to this.

All this is not a good thing my friend, even if you can

blame me for it. Also, my friend got me into trouble and

said that when you saw it wasgetting hot, he left me

alone, and you didn't do it again

visiting the hospital and pretending to be someone who cares about me
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after hearing that I am better, then you come back

pretending to be my friend. I want to tell you how it feels to
be disappointedby your trusted friend, but I realize that I
have gone too far.
I'm asking for forgiveness my friend for everything I did
toyou." Thembisile tells the story, telling him why he
made adecision that threatened another person's life.
He didn't answer when Simo turned and looked at the wall
without saying anything to Thembisile, and he saw for himself
the king's man that he was left alone but he didn't regret
everything he had done since his heart was strong.

Simo is still eating the bones of his mind, he realized that he

has disappointed the person he loves and he is the one who
removed all this from the beginning by giving Ndumiso
medicineto make him love her more and do what he wants
her. He thought of asking the nurses to see Ndumiso
whenthey came and apologized. After some days he got
the chance to apologize to Ndumiso.

"Ndumiso, I came here to see you and I'm sorry for

everythingI did to you. I did all this because I thought to
myself that
you don't love me. You're playing with me." My meeting
withSinini made me happy and it made me think that he is
a better person. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness
but please find it inside yourself to forgive me." Simo is
sitting onNdumiso
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trying to apologize to himself. Ndumiso was silent for a while

she looked into his eyes, and shed a tear. It

shocked him that's Simo.

"I am very sorry, Simo, I took things rashly. I wish that

if time could go back, I would have done things


Forgive me for shooting you, I was angry."

Ndumiso replied with tears in his eyes, it was difficult for

Simo to say anything. After Ndumiso wiped away his tears,

they looked into each other's eyes, he felt that he loved Simo

very much, and Simo saw his Ndumiso when they

first started dating.

All the love is back, they apologize and forgive each

other. He promised to visit her every day until he left

Ndumiso wonders if Simo is doing all this
honestly or if you feel suspicious of his infidelity.

He said that after Simo had left, he felt as if other burdens

hadbeen lifted from his shoulders even though he still had
to say
goodbye to Sinini on the day of the funeral, but his
forgivenesswith Simo gave him courage.
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It has gone until the day of the funeral, when all the
people havegone out and are preparing to take Sinini
to his funeral home.
It's not the people there, it's his friends and all the
people heworks with since he was a human being.
Ndumiso was also allowed to attend the funeral
even though his grandmother was unable to look
him in the eye. When he finished the lesson and
prayed, Ndumiso stood up, "I want to
apologize to you, brother, even if we don't know each
other, I haveknown you for evil. I wish that time could go
back, I was
waiting for it. I'm asking for forgiveness, brother, I'm not
like many, I've been waiting to apologize to you, and I'm
asking for your soul torest in peace." Ndumiso told the
story with tears streaming
down his face.
When everything was finished, people said their
goodbyes and separated from each other. Ndumiso
returned to his house and wassent back to prison which
has become his new home.

They continued the day with their work, weeks were

created that turned into months. Sipho lo Sandisiwe is
enjoying himself, life is goodfor him since he is working
They have become good friends with Thembisile, and
Sandisiwe even needed a job for her where she works so
that she can earn a living. He works for himself as well
as in the case of
chasing the boys in everything he does
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he is doing it for his son, he has told himself that he will

stop with love for a while until he finds his own
partner, he does not forget the life he has lived and he
is always telling people abouteverything.

Mandla and Sinikiwe are living well since the king has
blessedthem with a baby boy as Sinikiwe was already
crying to have a
baby boy. Mandla is a father who loves his family, he does
everythinghe wants for them as Sinikiwe is sitting at home
with the matter of having a child, he has not returned to
work but Mandla is
trying in every way to do everything they want for them. His
brother Menzi also helps with other small things, since even
though Mandla is working, he doesn't earn much, so he is
helped by his brotherby supporting him. Sanele and Sinikiwe
get along well,
you can't even swear that he is your sister's person

after all, they all do together and laugh until their ribs hurt
when they think of the things they have gone through in their
lives because of love. "It's enough to thank my sister for
everything you did when Menzihad an accident, she said even
when you knew what was causing
it, you never stopped loving her. May you continue to be like
this teacher and tell the day and bless him in everything he does."

Sinikiwe left and talked to each other as he said he was visiting

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Sanele said that he was seeing the child since he

loves him as his own and he even promised
Sinikiwe that if it is
possible for him to return to work, he will be the one
who willa child.

"Oh sister, thank you, I'm not trying to fix it for you, after all
they saythat the way is asked from the leaders. You are a
example for me, everything I do I take from you.
Do you remember when Mandla was sick that you were always
there even if he didn't care about him anymore, Menzi
always blamedyou for his brother's illness but you didn't
throw in the towel.
May you always be the mother that this sister is, Mandla will
be very blessed in his life. You have loved him for nothing to
this day." Sanele answered. Life is good between them
because they help eachother in everything.

It's been a day since he visited Simo in prison, since he

promised his friend that he will not abandon him no matter
what. He still kept his promise, he even needed him which is
work son, there is a point wherehe caught them that today
when Ndumiso went out he found somethingindicating that
someone was living in the house.

All the hardships they encountered were overcome by the

love of tolerance. Simo even wishes that the way they are
living now isthe way they started if Ndumiso was not in prison
but he consoles himself again that everythingwhat you are
doing in their lives was a lesson that made them love each
other strongly, after all the way he feels his love for his
Ndumiso, he feels as if it is his first love in his life and he is
determined that nothing else will separate them again in the

Everyone wonders what love is like, but no one knows the

answer.There are many things that people go through in
love, some even pass away because of this love, while
others are left with a
heart that is like stones, a person who is a victim of
compassion because of being abused by love. For others,
everything is going well,life is good for them, and they are
sympathetic towards their neighbors. What is love like? Who
can answer that question. Take some time and try to answer
the question, look at your love
life, how would you say love is?

In the end, the question remains unanswered because there

are many answers and they are different from one another
in the way that love has treated them and the lessons they
have learnedfrom that love.

………………………………………..The End…………………………………

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