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Environmental Law & Policy From Ministry of
Environment & Foresty
STUDENT ID : 015202200040 SPEAKER : Drs. Dasrul Chaniago, MM, ME, MH

MAJOR : Business Administration DATE : Friday, February 24th 2023

In Indonesia, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is in charge of promoting, protecting, and
developing the environment and forestry sectors. Its Environmental Law & Policy addresses
climate change, conservation, pollution control, waste management, hazardous materials
management, and resource management issues. The policy emphasizes the importance of
long-term development that balances economic growth and environmental protection. It
establishes principles for regional land use planning, management of water resources, and
biodiversity conservation. In addition, the policy includes provisions for public participation in
decision-making processes, forestry concession regulations, and measures to ensure
compliance with national environmental regulations. It also includes guidelines on energy
efficiency and the use of renewable energy, as well as incentives to promote environmentally
friendly practices such as eco-tourism. The Environment Quality Law regulates air pollution, the
Hazardous Waste Management Law, the Waste Banks Act regulates waste management, the
Pollution Tonnage Tax regulates water pollution, and the Biodiversity Conservation Act
regulates plant conservation activities. KLHK also encourages public participation in decision-
making processes by increasing public consultation opportunities with policymakers for better
enforcement of existing laws.
In Indonesia, the environment and forestry ministry's industrial licensing process is rigorous,
requiring the acquisition of several permits, including an Environmental Impact Analysis
(AMDAL) permit, a Principle License for operating or exploiting forest resources or lakes
(IPPLH), an Industrial Plant Operation Permit (IUPOP), and an Environmental Monitoring Report
(LHM). All relevant parties must also provide evidence of compliance with Indonesian laws and
regulations governing safety, health, waste management, and pollution control. In addition, if
applicable, a Mining Business License (IUP) is required to operate an industrial plant in a
protected area. Companies must also submit various documents, such as company records, to
regulatory authorities before beginning operations.
The Indonesian government has enacted numerous regulations to minimize environmental
destruction, and violations of these regulations can result in severe penalties. Illegal logging,
large-scale deforestation and burning of protected forests, unauthorized road construction
leading to further degradation of protected areas, excessive and wasteful use of water
resources, failure to adhere to waste management rules and regulations, illegal hunting or
fishing activities inside protected areas, and building projects without proper environmental
impact assessments or authorization from authorities are some of the most serious violations.
The penalties for such violations can range from fines and imprisonment to the suspension or
closure of businesses operating illegally in protected areas.
Companies that violate environmental regulations in Indonesia face a variety of penalties,
including fines, enforcement orders, and even criminal prosecution. In cases of serious
violations or repeated violations of environmental laws and regulations, the government may
revoke an offending company's operating permit or conduct a full investigation. The Indonesian
government recently established strict standards for businesses seeking to operate in the
environment sector; failure to comply with these regulations carries severe penalties and may
result in corporate dissolution or international legal action. By taking decisive action against
those who harm the environment and enforcing environmental laws, Indonesian authorities are
sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated. And not only get the
administrative penalty/sanction.

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