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Language is a means of human communication in socializing,
interacting, and conveying ideas and opinions. Language has an important
role in conveying feelings and opinions by speaking or writing. Fasold and
Linton (2006:9) say that language is a limited system of elements and
principles that enable speakers to construct sentences to carry out certain
communicative work. Language can be learned through linguistics.
Noermanzah (2017:2) explains that language is a message conveyed in
the form of expression as a means of communication in certain situations in
various activities. In this case the expression is about the element segmental
and suprasegmental whether verbal or kinesic so that a sentence will can
function as a communication tool with different messages if conveyed with
different expressions. This language ability is implemented with Ability in
rhetoric, both in writing and speaking. Rhetoric in this case is the ability to
process language effectively and efficient in the form of ethos (character or
good intentions), pathos (bringing the listener's emotions or reader), and logos
(logistical evidence) thereby influencing the reader or listeners with messages
conveyed through written or oral media (Noermanzah et al., 2017:222-223;
Noermanzah et al., 2018;119).
Grammar is a basic knowledge of English that helps ESL / EFL learners
to read , write, speak and understand English effectively. However, it is a
dynamic variable of language that makes it difficult to teach and learn.
Teaching grammar, therefore, should be enjoyable to support learners with
better achievement. This must be accomplished by understanding that today's
learners are digital natives who have grown up with technological advances.
As a result, technology plays a very important role in teaching English.
(Redjeki, Indah Sri, and R. Muhajir, 2020).
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) refers to the use of learning
models that use technology to support and enhance the learning experience. It
involves the integration of various technological tools and resources into the
teaching and learning process, aiming to improve the quality and
effectiveness of education. TEL covers a wide range of technologies, from
traditional computers and software to more modern innovations such as
virtual reality and artificial intelligence.
Language acquisition and proficiency are central components of
effective communication, and grammar skills play a fundamental role in
linguistic competence. Traditionally, language education relied heavily on
conventional methods, often faced with challenges in engaging learners and
providing personalized instruction. As the landscape of education evolves, the
integration of technology-enhanced learning models has become a
transformative force, offering innovative approaches to language instruction.
Among these models, the Duolingo application has gained prominence as a
widely used language learning platform, recognized for its gamified design,
accessibility, and adaptability to various proficiency levels.
The significance of grammar in language learning cannot be overstated.
A solid understanding of grammatical structures is essential for learners to
communicate clearly and accurately in a target language. However, there is a
need to explore and evaluate how technology, specifically the Duolingo
application, can contribute to the improvement of grammar skills in language
In general, problems in grammar can include errors in the use of tenses,
subject-predicate mismatches, improper use of verbs, inconsistencies in the
use of auxiliaries, errors in the use of adjectives or adverbs, and many more.
These problems can affect comprehension and effective communication in
the language being learned. Based on interviews conducted with several
second semester students of the English education department at UMMUBA,
researchers found that some of the problems in grammar lie in the use of
incorrect tenses and not being able to use verbs according to tenses.

Why choose Duolingo as an application to improve grammar? because
Duolingo is one of the most popular applications that can help improve
grammar skills through interactive exercises. The app offers various difficulty
levels and well-structured grammar materials. In addition, Duolingo has an
attractive design and a fun learning experience, with features such as games
and daily challenges. This makes learning grammar more fun and motivates
users to keep practicing.
This research is necessary because grammar skills are an important
foundation for effective written and oral communication. This research has
the potential to measure the extent to which the Duolingo app can help
improve grammar skills significantly. The results of this study can provide
evidence regarding the effectiveness of Duolingo as an additional grammar
learning tool outside of the traditional classroom environment.
This thesis studies the implementation of one technology-based solution, the
Duolingo app, as a means to improve grammar skills in language education.
This thesis studies the effecteveness of one of the uses of technology
enhanced learning, the Duolingo application, as a means to improve grammar
skills in language education.
How is the effectiveness of Duolingo in grammar learning?


To assess the effectiveness of Duolingo in grammar learning.


1. This research focus on student at various proficiency levels using
Duolingo for grammar improvement. Specific grammar components and
rules targeted for improvement through the Duolingo application.
Exploration of how Duolingo is integrated into language education
settings, considering both formal and informal contexts.

2. The research topic also will discuss the impact of using Duolingo as a
technology-assisted learning model to improve grammar skills in language
learners with various levels of expertise. Basically, this research will focus
on the experience of learning grammar through the Duolingo application
by students with various skill levels, from beginner to advanced level. This
research will focus on middle school students because the Duolingo
application is an application that will be very easy for middle school
students to play. and in the duolingo application there is a choice of levels
or levels of difficulty.


It is hoped that the results of this research can help students to improve
grammar skills use application duolingo. which will later help students learn
the elements and grammar of English more easily and with more fun.
1. The benefits for students, Students can benefit from an enhanced and
interactive learning experience through the gamified approach of
Duolingo, making the process of grammar improvement more engaging
and enjoyable.
2. The benefits for teachers, Teachers can use Duolingo as a resource to
reinforce grammar concepts supplement introduced in the classroom,
fostering a blended learning approach.
3. The benefits for researchers, Comparative studies between traditional
grammar instruction methods and Duolingo can help researchers identify
the relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach.


1. Effectiveness refers to the ability of a system, process, or tool to achieve
its intended goals or objectives. It measures how well something works in
practice, considering various factors such as resources used, time taken,
and desired outcomes. Effectiveness is often evaluated by comparing the

actual results with the expected or intended results, and making necessary
adjustments to enhance performance.
2. Application In the context of my thesis, an application refers to a software
program or tool. Specifically, i mention Duolingo, which is a language-
learning application.
3. Duolingo is a popular and widely used language-learning platform that
offers a gamified and interactive approach to acquiring new languages.
Founded in 2011 by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hacker, Duolingo
provides a free and accessible way for individuals to learn languages
through its website and mobile applications.
4. Grammar refers to the set of rules and principles that govern the structure
of sentences and how words combine to form coherent and meaningful
communication in a language. It encompasses the syntax (sentence
structure), morphology (word formation and structure), and semantics
(meaning of words and sentences) of a language. Grammar provides a
framework for organizing and understanding the elements of language,
allowing effective communication and comprehension. Pinker, a cognitive
scientist and linguist, has written extensively on language and grammar.
His works, such as "The Stuff of Thought," explore the cognitive
mechanisms underlying language and grammar.(Steven Pinker 1945-




The theories discussed in this chapter are theories that support the
understanding of the problems formulated in chapter 1.
2.1.1. Definition of Effectiveness
The word effectiveness comes from the English word effective
which means successful or something that is done well. Popular
scientific dictionary defines effectiveness as accuracy of use, results
in use or supporting goals. Effectiveness is the main element to
achieve predetermined goals or objectives in every organization,
activity or program. It is called effective if the goals or objectives are
achieved as specified. Effectiveness is the main noun form of the
adjective effective, which means “adequate to accomplish a purpose;
producing the intended or expected result.” based on
According to Ikhsan (2019) Effectiveness is a measure of the
success of organizational goals organization. The effectiveness of
educational institutions consists of dimensions of school
management and leadership, teachers, education personnel, and other
personal, students, curriculum, infrastructure, classroom
management, school school and community relations, management
of other specialized areas, whose actual results refer to the expected
results, and even show closeness/similarity between real and
expected results. and expected results.
2.1.2. Definition of Grammar
Language education is an integral part of the educational
process that involves mastering language skills, including grammar
skills. Grammar is a system of rules and structures used in a
to organize words and sentences so that they can be clearly
understood by speakers who use the language. Smith (2018) asserts
that grammar proficiency plays a crucial role in the ability to
communicate. A good knowledge of grammar helps speakers to
convey messages clearly and effectively. According to Brown
(2016), many language learners experience difficulties in mastering
grammar, especially when dealing with complex grammar rules. So
the researcher identified this challenge as important in designing an
effective learning approach.
In general, grammar consists of several important components.
First, we have words, which are the basic units of language. These
words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and others. Each
word has a specific role and function in the sentence. Next, we have
phrases, which consist of several words that form interrelated
groups. Phrases can function as subjects, objects, or other parts of
the sentence. Examples of phrases are "a handsome man", "in the
park", or "with red shoes". In addition, we have sentences, which are
complete units in language. A sentence consists of one or more
phrases that are interrelated and have an organized structure.
Sentences can be statement sentences, question sentences, command
sentences, or exclamation sentences. In grammar, we also learn the
grammar or rules for organizing words in sentences. This includes
rules about word order, use of tenses, use of auxiliaries, use of
prepositions, verb conjugation, and so on. Grammar helps us
understand how words and phrases relate to each other and form
clear meanings in sentences.
In addition, we also learn the rules of word usage, such as the
use of pronouns, conjunctions, and linking words. This helps in
connecting ideas and organizing the flow of thoughts in a
text.Grammar also involves understanding tenses, such as verb tense
changes (infinitive, past tense, present tense), adjective tense
changes (comparative, superlative), and noun tense changes (plural,

singular). In addition, there is also the semantic aspect of
grammar, which is

understanding the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in a
particular context. This involves understanding connotation,
denotation, lexical meaning, and grammatical meaning.
Grammar also studies syntax, which is the relationship
between words in a sentence. This includes understanding the
function of words (subject, predicate, object, adverb) as well as the
structure of phrases and sentences. In learning grammar, we also
learn the rules for using punctuation marks, such as full stops,
commas, question marks, exclamation marks, and so on. These
punctuation marks help in providing intonation clues and giving the
right meaning in sentences.
It is important to understand grammar to learn a language
effectively. By understanding the rules and structures of the
language, we can produce correct and clear sentences, and avoid
misunderstandings in communication. Grammar provides a solid
framework to build good and effective communication.
2.1.3. Teaching Media
Teaching media refers to the tools, resources, and technologies
used in the process of teaching and learning. It can be broadly
categorized into two types: media technology and conventional
1. Technology Media:
This refers to the use of digital tools and technologies for
educational purposes. It includes various hardware and
software resources such as computers, tablets, interactive
whiteboards, projectors, educational software, simulations,
multimedia presentations, online platforms, and learning
management systems. Media technology enhances the delivery
of educational content, promotes interactive learning
experiences, and enables access to a wide range of information
and resources.

2. Conventional Media:
This refers to traditional teaching aids that are not reliant
on digital technology. Conventional teaching media include
textbooks, workbooks, blackboards or whiteboards, chalk or
markers, posters, charts, diagrams, models, real objects, audio
recordings, videos, printed materials, and physical
manipulatives. These resources are often used to support
classroom instruction, explain concepts, illustrate visuals, and
facilitate hands-on learning experiences.

Both media technology and conventional media play important

roles in education, offering different advantages and opportunities
for teaching and learning. The choice of teaching media depends on
various factors, including the learning objectives, subject matter,
instructional strategies, available resources, and the preferences of
educators and learners.
2.1.4. Technology as teaching media
Technology has become an increasingly important tool in
teaching, changing and enriching the way we teach and learn.
technology serves as an innovative and effective teaching medium:
1. Affordability and Engagement:
Online Learning Platforms: Platforms such as Ruangguru,
Udemy, and Edmodo provide access to a wide range of courses
and learning materials, bridging geographical gaps and opening
the doors of education to anyone. Gamification: Educational
apps and games turn learning into an engaging adventure.
Points, badges and leaderboards motivate students, while story
elements and interactivity reinforce understanding. Virtual
Reality and Augmented Reality: VR and AR bring abstract
concepts to life with simulations and interactive environments.
Imagine students

exploring the human digestive system in 3D or watching
historical events unfold before their eyes.
2. Personalised Learning:
Adaptive Software: The platform analyses student
performance and adjusts content and learning pace, ensuring
each child develops to his or her potential. Learning
Management System (LMS): LMS such as Schoology and
Moodle give teachers the ability to create individualised
learning modules, track student progress and provide
personalised feedback.
3. Collaboration and Communication:
Video Conferencing Tools: Platforms such as Zoom and
Google Meet allow collaboration between students and teachers
without being limited by distance. Group projects, interactive
discussions, and Q&A sessions become easier and richer. Online
Communication Tools: Slack, Google Chat and online
discussion forums facilitate asynchronous communication and
peer-to-peer collaboration, encouraging in-depth discussions and
mutual learning.
4. Assessment and Feedback:
Online Quizzes and Tests: Online platforms provide instant
assessment, helping students identify weaknesses and adjust
learning strategies. Interactive Whiteboards and Digital Tools:
Teachers can provide real-time feedback on student work,
increasing interaction and promoting formative learning.

2.1.4. Definition of duolingo

Duolingo is an online language learning platform that offers
language courses at various levels and for various languages. It was
founded in 2011 by Luis von Ahn and Severin Hacker. Duolingo, as
one of the popular language learning apps, offers an interactive and
self- paced approach. Research by Lee et al. (2017) shows that app-


learning can be effective in improving grammar comprehension and
usage. The use of language learning apps, particularly Duolingo,
shows the potential to improve grammar skills through an innovative
and responsive approach to technological developments (Smith et al.,
2020). Duolingo also accelerates the process of language learning,
especially grammar. As researched by Garci 2019 shows that the use
of Duolingo can accelerate the grammar learning process in second
language learners. In skill improvement, grammar is an important goal
in language learning. Duolingo is a popular language learning
platform that offers a wide range of courses for learners of all levels.
a. Features of Duolingo include:
- Gamified learning:
Duolingo incorporates gamification elements to make
language learning fun and engaging.
- Bite-sized lessons:
Duolingo offers short and interactive lessons that are
easy to fit into a busy schedule.
- Progress tracking:
Duolingo tracks your progress and provides feedback
on your performance, allowing you to see how far you've
- Duolingo Clubs:
You can join or create clubs to connect with other
learners and compete in challenges.
- Immersion exercises:
Duolingo provides immersion exercises, where learners
can practice their language skills by translating real-world

b. Advantages of Duolingo:
- Accessibility:

Duolingo is available for free on web browsers and as a
mobile app, making it accessible to learners anytime,
- Variety of languages:
Duolingo offers courses in more than 30 languages,
allowing learners to choose the language they want to study.
- Interactive and engaging:
Duolingo's gamified approach keeps learners motivated
and engaged throughout their language learning journey.
- Personalized learning:
Duolingo adapts to your learning style and progress,
providing customized exercises and recommendations to
help you improve.
- Community support:
Duolingo provides a supportive community of learners
who can help and encourage each other through discussion
boards and language forums.
c. To get started with Duolingo, follow these steps:
- Download and install the Duolingo app on your mobile
device or access it through the website.
- Create an account by signing up using your email address or
connecting with your Google or Facebook account.
- Choose a language to learn from the available options.
- Set your learning goals and preferences, such as how much
time you want to dedicate to studying each day or whether
you want to focus on specific skills like listening or
- Start with the basics by completing the initial placement test
or beginning with the first skill in the language course.
- Complete lessons and exercises in order to learn new
vocabulary, grammar rules, and language concepts.

- Earn points and progress through different levels as you
practice and master the language skills.
- Track your progress and review completed lessons to ensure
retention of knowledge.
- Take advantage of the various learning features offered by
Duolingo, such as interactive stories, flashcards, and
- Stay consistent and make language learning a daily habit to
maximize your progress.

2.2. Previous Studies

This section will explore the existing research landscape surrounding
the use of technology-enhanced learning models, specifically focusing on
Duolingo, and its impact on grammar acquisition. By reviewing previous
studies, we can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of
existing research, identify potential gaps in knowledge, and build upon the
existing foundation to conduct a more comprehensive and impactful
investigation. The researcher will show the previous study that is line with
this research.
1. Research by Ikah Fatmawati, a student at Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar
Banten with the research title “The Effect of using duolingo application
towords students grammar mastery in simple present tense”. This study
focuses on research that aims to determine the effect of using Duolingo
application on students' mastery of grammar in present simple tense.
This study used a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental
method and involved two classes, namely the experimental class and the
control class. This research was conducted at MTS Miftahul Afkar on
seventh grade students. The results showed that the use of Duolingo
application has a significant effect on students' mastery of grammar.
The research approach used includes normality test, homogeneity test,
and hypothesis test to show significant results. This research also
illustrates how

Duolingo app can be used as an effective learning medium in
addressing the challenges of English language learning in the era of
globalisation. This research shows that this app can provide a solution
in improving students' mastery of grammar, especially on simple
present tense. The results of this study provide a significant contribution
in the context of using technology in language learning, especially in
terms of grammar mastery. Thus, it can be concluded that Duolingo app
has the potential as an effective learning tool in improving students'
grammar mastery, especially on simple present tense.

2. Research by Sekreningsih Nita, a student at Unversitas PGRI Madiun,

Indonesia with the research title “The Implementation of Duolingo
Application to Enhance English Learning for Millennials”. This study
discusses the implementation of the Duolingo app in improving English
language learning for millennials. The research method used was
qualitative involving 30 millennial participants, and data collection was
conducted through questionnaires and direct interviews. The results
show that the use of Duolingo provides many benefits, including
increased motivation to learn, the ability to practice everyday language,
increased vocabulary mastery, and ease of understanding grammar and
pronunciation. The Duolingo app uses a gamification system that helps
build interest in learning in a comfortable and non-boring way,
especially for millennials. In addition, the app also facilitates learning
outside the classroom. The results also show that almost all participants
gave positive responses to the use of Duolingo app in English learning.
This study supports that Duolingo is an effective alternative as an
English learning medium, especially for millennials who tend to be
more open to technology. The results also show that Duolingo app is
able to increase users' learning motivation, reduce boredom, and enrich
the learning experience. In addition, the study revealed that the app is
effective in improving English vocabulary acquisition. However, the
study also

highlighted that Duolingo cannot be used as the only medium for
learning English, but it can be an effective tool. This study provides an
in-depth understanding of the benefits and effectiveness of Duolingo
app in supporting English language learning, especially for millennials
who tend to be more open to technology. In addition, this study
provides a detailed view of users' perceptions of the Duolingo app,
which overall shows a positive response to the use of the app in English
language learning. As such, the results of this study make an important
contribution to understanding the role of Duolingo apps in supporting
English language learning, especially in the context of self-directed
learning for millennials. In addition, this study provides valuable
insights for the development of innovative and engaging language
learning methods through the application of technology.

3. Research by Pingki Youlanda, a student at Universitas Muslim

Nusantara Al Washliyah Medan with the research title "The
Effectiveness of Duolingo Application on Students' Grammar Skills in
English" investigated the impact of Duolingo application on students'
grammar skills in English. The study, conducted at SMP Satria Dharma
Perbaungan, used quantitative methods with a sample of 26 seventh
grade students. The study involved pre-test and post-test assessments
using T-test to evaluate the effectiveness of Duolingo. The results
showed a significant improvement in students' grammar skills, with the
post-test score (80.76) much higher than the pre-test score (61.73). The
research design involved an experimental group using the Duolingo app
and a control group without the app, aiming to establish a cause-and-
effect relationship. The results showed that the use of Duolingo had a
positive impact on students' grammar skills. In addition, the study
highlights the importance of grammar in English language learning,
emphasising its role in organising words and messages to create
meaningful communication. The research identified common

faced by students in mastering grammar, such as gender identity and
sentence structure, and pointed out the lack of application of technology
in language learning. The Duolingo app was chosen as a flexible and
accessible platform to address these challenges, in line with previous
research that emphasised the easy-to-use nature of the app and its
suitability for learners of all levels. The researchers used statistical
analyses, including paired sample t-tests, to demonstrate the significant
impact Duolingo had on students' grammar skills, ultimately concluding
that the app effectively improved the grammar skills of grade seven
students at SMP Satria Dharma Perbaungan.

2.3. Conceptual Framework




Technology Teaching conventional



H0 = There is no The Effectiveness Of Duolingo Application Toward

Students Grammars Skill

H1 = There is The Effectiveness Of Duolingo Application

Toward Students Grammars Skill



3.1. Research Design

This research used a quantitative method. The quantitative method
is numerical research data and is statistically analyzed to look for answers
from the formulation of the research problem (Creswell, 2017). The
quantitative method was chosen because it allows for systematic and
objective measurement of the effectiveness of grammar apps in improving
students' grammar skills.
The research will be conducted using a pre-test and post-test
design, where the participants will take a grammar test before and after
using the app. The test will be designed to assess students' grammar skills
in areas such as sentence structure, verb tense, subject-descriptor
agreement, and punctuation. The participants in this study are second
semester students of UMMUBA university.
3.2. Population and Sample
The targeted population for this study consists of all second
semester students in the English Education Department at UMMUBA.
This includes students enrolled in this department during the current
academic term.From this population, the sample was also as many as
second semester students in the English Education Department at
UMMUBA. The selection criteria were based on students' availability and
willingness to participate in the study.
To ensure a representative sample, a stratified random sampling
technique was used. This method involves categorizing the population
into different groups based on certain characteristics, such as age. The
selection process aimed to include a mix of male and female students,
with equal numbers of each gender. In addition, the sample was diverse in
age, with participants aged between 18 and 25 years old. second semester
students will be required to use the Duolingo language learning app for a

of one month. They will receive instructions to continue using the app for
the duration of the study, with a focus on assessing its impact on language
learning outcomes among second semester students at UMMUBA's
English Education Department.
3.3. Research Instruments
The instruments that researchers will use are pre-test and post test.
1. Pre-test:
Prior to the implementation of the Duolingo application, a pre-
test will be administered to assess the basic grammar skills of the
second semester students of the English Education Department of
UMMUBA. The pre-test will consist of a series of simple present
tense sentences that select error sentences. This initial assessment
aims to establish the students' starting point in terms of grammar
2. Duolingo Application Intervention:
After the pre-test, a structured intervention period will be
implemented where students will utilize the Duolingo application as a
supplementary tool to improve their grammar skills. The duration of
the intervention will be determined in accordance with the research
design and guidelines. Duolingo is a widely-used language-learning
platform that offers interactive lessons to improve grammar,
vocabulary, listening, and speaking skills. The application employs
gamification techniques, such as rewards and progress tracking, to
engage users and motivate consistent learning. Participants will be
instructed to use Duolingo regularly during the intervention period to
assess its effectiveness in enhancing grammar proficiency among
second-semester students in the English Education Department at
3. Post-test:
Subsequent to the intervention period, a post-test will be
administered to evaluate the impact of the Duolingo application on
students' grammar skills. Similar to the pre-test, the post-test will

include multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, allowing for a
comparative analysis of the students' grammar proficiency after using
the Duolingo application.
3.4. Research Variables
The Variables of this research are The independent variable that is
the focus of this study is the frequency with which students use the
Duolingo app as an additional learning intervention. This variable is
designed to reflect how often students engage and interact with the app
over a certain period.
The dependent variable in this research is the students' level of
grammar proficiency, which is measured through the difference in results
between the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was conducted before the
Duolingo intervention to establish the baseline of students' grammar
skills, while the post-test was conducted after a period of using the app to
evaluate the change or improvement in students' grammar skills due to the
intervention. Thus, the relationship between the frequency of Duolingo
usage as the independent variable and the change in students' grammar
skills as the dependent variable is expected to provide a deep insight into
the effectiveness of this app in improving students' language competence.
3.5. Data Collecting Technique
The data collection method in this research will involve pre-test
and post-test techniques to assess the impact of Duolingo application on
students' grammar skills. A pre-test will be applied before students use
Duolingo to obtain a baseline of their grammar skills. A post-test will
then be conducted after a period of intervention using Duolingo, with the
aim of evaluating whether there is a significant change in students'
grammar skills. By comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test, this
study aims to investigate the extent to which Duolingo application affects
the development of students' grammar skills during the study period. This
technique is expected to provide an in-depth understanding of the effects

of Duolingo application on improving students' grammar skills in the
context of language learning.
3.6. Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis technique in this study will involve a comparison
between the pre-test and post-test results to evaluate the impact of
Duolingo application on students' grammar skills. Analysis of the
difference in scores between the pre-test and post-test will be conducted
using inferential statistical methods, such as t-test, to determine whether
the observed changes in students' grammar skills after using Duolingo are
statistically significant. In addition, descriptive analysis will be used to
present the change in scores in detail and understand the pattern of change
in students' grammar skills before and after the intervention.
This data analysis technique is expected to provide a
comprehensive picture of the impact of Duolingo application on students'
grammar skills. To analyze the pre-test and post-test data using SPSS for
the study evaluating the effectiveness of Duolingo on students' grammar
skills, The researcher will conduct these steps:
1. Import data into SPSS.
2. Conduct a paired samples t-test to compare the pre-test and post-test
scores statistically.
3. Generate descriptive statistics to present the change in scores before
and after the intervention.
4. Interpret the results to determine if the changes in students' grammar
skills after using Duolingo are statistically significant.
5. Visualize the data using graphs if needed for a better understanding of
the results.
6. Write a detailed report discussing the findings and implications
of the analysis.
3.7. Research Procedure
This research procedure will follow systematic steps to answer the
research question regarding the impact of Duolingo application on

grammar skills. The following is an example sentence regarding the
research procedure:
1. Sample Identification:
First, a pre-selected sample of second semester English
education department students will be selected. This sample will be
randomly selected to ensure its representativeness.
2. Demographic Data Collection:
Student demographic data, such as age, gender, and language
background, will be collected using surveys or forms to understand
the characteristics of the sample.
3. Pre-test:
Students will undergo a pre-test to measure their initial grammar
skills before the intervention with the Duolingo app. This pre-test will
include a number of questions that reflect various aspects of grammar.
4. Intervention with Duolingo:
After the pre-test, students will be given access to the Duolingo
app and instructed to use it regularly for a designated period,
according to the intervention conditions.
5. Monitoring of App Usage:
During the intervention period, the frequency of use and
participation with the Duolingo app will be monitored through a usage
6. Post-test
After the intervention period ends, students will undergo a post-
test to evaluate the changes or improvements in their grammar skills
after using Duolingo.
7. Collection of Perception Data
Surveys or interviews will be conducted to collect data
regarding students' perceptions of the effectiveness of the Duolingo
app and their experiences during the intervention.
8. Data Analysis:

Data from pre-test and post-test results will be analyzed using
inferential statistical methods, such as t-test, to assess the significance
of changes in grammar skills. Qualitative data from surveys or
interviews will be thematically analyzed to support contextual
9. Presentation of Results:
Research findings will be presented through a research report
that includes statistical analysis, interpretation of results, and
conclusions regarding the impact of Duolingo app on students'
grammar skills.


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