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Republic of the Philippines Province of Camarines Sur Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN September 13, 2021 ‘The Honorable Presiding Officer and The Honorable Members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Legislative Building, Capitol Complex Cadlan, Pili, Camarines Sur Gentlemen: Respectfully forwarded seventeen (17) copies of the Municipal Ordinance No. 21-239, entitled, “An Ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services, Privileges and Benefits for Solo Parents and their Children, Appropriating Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes Pursuant to Republic Act 8972 Known as the Solo Parent Act of 2000” of this Municipality with the following required documents, to wit: Transmittal Letter Secretary's Certification Municipal Ordinance No. 20-239 Minutes of the Public Hearing Certification as to the conduct of online Public Hearing geenNo Hoping this Honorable Body will find everything in order. Thank you (ERIBERTO M/MGRARA Secretary tothe Sanggunian Republic of the Philippines Province of Camarines Sur Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN CERTIFICATION September 13, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the CD herein submitted bears the soft copy in PDF format, as well as the soft copy forwarded thru e-mail, is the exact and faithful copies of the budget documents submitted and are arranged as to the order of the original hard copy. This certification is issued in compliance of the Rules and Procedure in the review of the Municipal and City Ordinances by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Committee on Laws and Review. Issued this 13" day of September 2021 at Buhi, Camarines Sur Pacey 6 Ye Sanggunian Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Bubi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF BUHI, CAMARINES SUR IN ITS REGULAR SESSION HELD ON MARCH 08, 2021 AT THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN SESSION HALL. PRESENT: Hon. Jose Alfred N. Balagot Municipal Vice-Mayor! Presiding Officer Hon, Agustin Z. Villadares, III Municipal Councilor Presiding Officer Pro-Tempore Hon. Maria Bella Z. Nonato Municipal Councilor Hon, Myrna SF. Imperial -do- Hon, Raul S. Libardo -do- Hon. Catherine M. Martinez -do- Hon. Loreto M. Camasis -do- Hon, Emmanuel A. Cerillo Municipal Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative (IPMR) Hon. Karen Y. Nealega SK Pederasyon President HK HOEK XXX MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 21 -239 “AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE PROGRAMS, SERVICES PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS FOR SOLO PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES PURSUANT TO REPUBLIC ACT 8972 KNOWN AS THE SOLO PARENT ACT OF 2000” Hon. Catherine M. Martinez Ge ‘Author Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Buhi, that: ARTICLE | : TITLE, PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE Section |. Title — This Ordinance Shall Be Known As the Solo Parents Welfare Ordinance of the Municipality of Buhi.” Section 2. Purpose - This Ordinance shall be promulgated to prescribe the procedure and guideline for the implementation of “Solo Parents Welfare Ordinance of the municipality of Buh’ in order to facilitate compliance thereof and to achieve its objective. Section 3. Objective - The Municipality of Buhi shall in all form exert effort to protect and ensure the advocacy of the Solo Parent in raising their family and in providing their children a better future. ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF POLICIES AND PRINCIPLES Section 4. Declaration of Policies and Principle: Tres Municipal Ordinance Wo, 21239 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR ality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN The following are hereby declared to be the policies of the Municipality of Buhi and it shall be observed at all times: 1. The Municipality of Buhi adhere to the declared policy of the State as provided in Sec. 2 of RA 8972, otherwise known as “Solo Parent Welfare Act of 2000” 2. The Municipality of Buhi shall recognize and promote the family as the foundation of the nation, strengthen its solidarity and its total development 3. The Municipality of Buhi shall develop and implement a comprehensive programs and services for solo parents and their children to be carried out by the Municipal ‘and Social Welfare Development Services (MSWD), Municipal Health Office (MHO), Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Civil Service Commission (CSC), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), National Housing Authority (NHA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and other related government agencies and non - government organization or civil society. ARTICLE III DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 5. Definition of Terms — For purposes of this ordinance and pursuant to Republic Act No. 8972, the following terms shall mean as: a) Solo Parent — any individual who falls under any of the following ‘ce. 4. Awoman who gives birth as a result of rape or crimes against chastity, even if without final conviction of the offender: Provided, that the mother keeps and raise the child. 2. Parent left solo with the responsibility of parenthood due to the death of the spouse. 3. Parent left solo with responsibility of parenthood while the spouse is detained, or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) year. The law applies to the spouses of Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL), whether or not 2 final judgment has been rendered, provided they are in detention for a minimum of (1) year 4, Parent left solo with the responsibility of parenthood due to physical and/or mental incapacity of the spouse as certified by public medical practitioners. 5. Parent left solo with the responsibility of parenthood due to legal separation or de facto separation from spouse of at least (1) year, Provided that he or she is entrusted with the custody of children. 6. Parent left solo with the responsibility of parenthood due to declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by the court provided, that helshe is entrusted with the custody of the children 7. Parent left solo with the responsibility of parenthood due to abandonment of + spouse of at least one (1) year. 8 Unmarried motherffather who has preferred to keep and rear his/her child/children instead of having other case for them or give them up to a © welfare institution. 9. Any. other person who solely provides parental care and support to child/children provided helshe is duly licensed as a foster t by the ‘ DSWD or duly appointed legal guardian by the court. 10.Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence Municipal Ordinance No. 22-238 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN the parents or solo parents: Provided that such abandonment, disappearance, or absence last for at least one (1) year. b) Children — refer to those living with and dependent upon the solo parent for support who are unmarried, unemployed and below eighteen (18) years and above but one incapable of self support and/or mentally and/or physically challenged. c) Social Worker — a person who is a graduate of Social Work and duly registered pursuant to R.A 4373 and employed with the Social Welfare Development Office of the Local Government Unit wherein the solo parents resides. d.) Parental Responsibility — with respect to their minor children shall refer to the rights and duties of the parents as defined in Art. 220 of Executive Order No. 209 as amended, otherwise known as the “Family Code of the Philippines”. e) Parental Leave ~ shall mean leave benefits granted to a solo parent to enable him/her to perform parental duties and responsibilities where physical presence is required f) Flexible Work Schedule — is the right granted to a solo parent employee to vary his/her arrival and departure time without affecting the case work hours as defined by the employee. g) Indigent Solo Parent — any solo parent whose income in the place of domicile falls equal to or below the poverty threshold as set by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), and is not receiving a monthly pension or allowance from private and government institutions. h.) NSCB — shall refer to the National Statistical Coordination Board. i.) RA 4373 — An Act to Regulate the Practice of Social Work and the Operation of Social Work Agencies in the Philippines and for other Purpose. ARTICLE IV WELFARE SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS Section 6. Incorporation of Welfare Services, Privileges and Benefits - Notwithstanding the mandate under RA 8972 unto the national government, its agencies and instrumentalities, by this Ordinance the Local Government of Buhi >) formally imposes upon itself the obligation to augment the support provided to Solo ] Parents and their Children that the law has enumerated. Accordingly the pertinent )/ provisions of RA 8972 are hereby considered written in this ordinance to wit: a) Livelihood Development Services which includes trainings on livelihood skills, basic business management, value orientation and the provision of seed capital ‘or job placement. b) Counseling Services which include individual, peer group or family counseling. This will focus on the resolution of personal relationship and role conflicts. ©) Parent Effectiveness Services which include the provision and expansion of knowledge and Skills of the solo parent on early childhood development, behavior management, health care, rights and duties of the parents and Ry children. wd) Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing which includes preventive stress management strategy designed to assist solo parents in coping wit situations and cases of abuse. ) Special Projects for individual in need of protection which include temporal ci shelter, counseling, legal assistance medical case, self - concept or ego ) building, crisis management and spiritual enrichment Mune Ordinance No. 21239 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN ARTICLE V REGISTRATION AND AVAILMENT OF BENEFITS. Section 7. Registration - The Solo Parent office herein created and Focal Person as appointed shall undertake a municipal wide registration of all the solo parents and their children in the Thirty ~ eight (38) barangays of the municipality for purposes of obtaining their personal identification and circumstances of being solo; re: a) A registered social worker / focal person shalll conduct an initial interview to determine client's eligibility ») Fill up application form ©) To submit requirements such as Certificate of Residency and Certification of the Circumstance of being solo as Certified by the Barangay Chairman. 4) Submit Birth Certificates of the Minor under the custody of the applicant e) Comply with the requirement set forth by the agency as prescribed. Section 8. Issuance of Identification Card (IIC) - The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office shall cause the issuance of Solo Parent Identification Card which shall be considered as competent evidence of identity and membership in the sector as well as to the entitlement to the benefits under this ordinance or existing law; re. Section 9. Availment of Benefits - Proof of Membership and Entitlement shall be Presented by the solo parent and/or his/her children to avail of the benefits granted under this ordinance: Ga An applicant who was determined by the social workers to be eligible for assistance may apply for the benefits under this ordinance through the following: a) The Solo Parent may go to the agency providing such benefits and bring the Solo Parent ID as issued by the Office of Social Welfare and Development Service. b) Undergo qualifying activities required as prescribed by this ordinance. c) Comply with all the requirements set forth by the agency providing the service for assistance subject to the existing rules of the agency concerned Section 10. Termination and Disqualification of Membership and Benefits - Any / change in the status or circumstance of the parent claiming under this Ordinance, such that he/she is no longer left alone with the responsibility of parenthood shall terminate his/her eligibility for these benefits; to wit: a) A solo parent shall manifest to the OSWDS his/her intention to withdraw the availment of the benefits under this Ordinance, rules and regulation, policies and programs of the municipality. 4. b) A solo parent failed to renew after one (1) year will mean that he/she has changes his/her status as solo parent. f ©) The solo parent shall be notified of the termination of the service, warranted through a vested notice. The termination shall take effect 30 days upon receipt of the information. d) The termination of said benefit shall be without prejudice showed the circumstances so warrant. ~ e) For purposes of control, the Solo Parent Identification Card sh: surrendered to the OSWDS. Tcomerinerser — pass ‘Municipal Prnance No. 21.238 pet —<.., Republie of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN Section 11. Additional Services, Privileges and Benefits. In Addition to the welfare services, privileges and benefits, provided by law, solo parents and/or children shall be entitled to the following privileges and benefits to wit 1 Tertiary Scholarship Assistance - Subject to compliance with the requirements of other applicable laws and ordinance Submit duly accomplished application form together with the required documents to the appropriate agency. At least fifteen percent (15%) of every batch of incoming scholars shall come from the ranks of children of indigent solo parents (Any solo parent whose income in the place of domiciles falls equal to or below the poverty threshold and set by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) Basic Educational Services — Children of indigent solo parents are priority inclusion in the scholarship program. The DepEd, CHED and TESDA shall provide scholarship programs for qualified solo parents and their children in institution of basic, tertiary and technical/skills education; and non — formal education, Housing Benefits - The Local Government of Buhi shall identify Solo Parents who are eligible to avail the Municipal Housing Program. At least 15% from among this sector should be the priority beneficiaries, particularly applicants below the poverty line as declared by the NSCB for housing assistance, subject to the program requisites. Provided that the beneficiaries’ equity requirement shall be reduced to at least fifty percent (50%) of the prescribed amount and the remaining shall be provided with liberal terms of payment set by applicable ordinance, rules and regulation and existing policies. Livelinood Assistance — Solo Parent shall have priority in the grant of livelihood assistance under any of the municipality's available program or projects subject to the criteria and procedure for evaluation of beneficiaries’ qualification and other requirement under existing ordinance rules and regulation. Employment Assistance — Solo parents shall have priority in the employment programs of the Municipal Government subject to job matching based on qualification and experience Other services, privileges and benefits that the municipality is currently giving or subsequently offers. Section 12. Financial Assistance — The Local Government of Buhi thru the Office on Social Welfare and Development Services give financial assistance under Act to Individual in Crisis Situation, Provided, a Social Worker from said office shall conduct an evaluation to determine clients’ eligibility under the following categories: a) Medical Assistance b) Burial Assistance ¢) Food and Transportation d) Emergency Shelter Assistance k e) Dental Assistance Section 13. Medical Assistance - The Local Government of Buhi shall develop a comprehensive health care program for solo parents and their childre: shall be implemented by the Municipal Health Office. The program Muniepa Ofdinance No. 21738 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN parents shall be given the priority concer to avail of the Philhealth Program for the Poor. ARTICLE VI CREATION OF SOLO PARENT SOLO PARENT ORGANIZATION Section 15. SOLO PARENT DESK- A Solo Parents Desk is hereby created which shall be under the direct supervision of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office which shall have the following function. a. Develop a comprehensive social development and welfare program for solo parents and their children which shall have those herein listed; b. Coordinate and work with appropriate offices and agencies of the government in providing such welfare services, privilege and benefits to intended beneficiaries; c. Assist in the organization matters of the solo parents organization/federation in coordination with the Committee on Women and Family of the Sangguniang Bayan; d. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Mayor or as may prescribe by law or ordinance. Section 16. Right to Organize — The municipality is hereby encourages and gives its full support to the solo parent's rights to organize themselves for purposes beneficial to its members. The Solo Parent Organization/Federation of Buhi shall assist the municipality in the effective formulation and implementation of its program of services. ARTICLE VII Ge Appropriation and Final Provisions Section 17. APPROPRIATION. - The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this ordinance shall be included in the budget of the concerned offices in the General Fund Budget of the year following the approval of this ordinance and every year therefore" Section 18. IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS. ~ A rules committee, composed of the Municipal Administrator as chairman and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer, a representative of the Mayor's Office, the President of the Solo Parent Federation and the Chairman of the SB Committee on Women’s, Family and Children, as members, is hereby constituted to promulgate rules and regulations to effectively carry out the purposes of this Ordinance, subject to the approval of the Municipal Mayor and the ratification of the Sangguniang Bayan. But notwithstanding the , absence of implementing rules and regulations, this Ordinance shall be considered sel 7 executory. Section 19. Separability Clause. Any provision or portion of this ordinance found to be violative of the constitution or invalid shall not impair the other provisions or parts p thereof which shall continue to be in force and in effect. Section 20. Repealing Clause. Ordinances, rules and regulations or pai which are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are repealed or modified accordingly. Municpal finance No. 21-239, Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN Section 21. Effectivity. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval and publication in a newspaper of local circulation. ENACTED: March 08, 2021 XOX XXX ~~ JOSE ALFR c iresing Oticer Municipal Vice-Mayor ATTESTED: RIBI mi MORAN ecretaly to the Sanggunian WE CONCUR: MUNICIPAL COUNCILOR 2: repel MARIA BELLA Z. NONATO MYRNA $F. IMPERIAL — CATHERINE M. ADRRTINEZ EMMANUEL A. CERILLO / raph an Fe ae ELe b be ut Dato Aad 95 2021 Be SB, Sevetaniod Approved: New Mune ecamarnessur me 7 apaas3. = Muna rdrance No. 21239 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi Office of the Sangguniang Bayan MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE : February 22, 2021 SUBJECT : “AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE PROGRAMS, SERVICES PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS FOR SOLO PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSESPURSUANT TO REPUBLIC ACT 8972 KNOWN AS THE SOLO PARENT ACT OF 2000” Hon. Catherine M. Martinez Author SUBMITTED BY : Hon. Loreto M. Cami Chairman: Committee on Ordinances and Legal Matters SUBMITTED TO: Hon. Jose Alfred N. Balagot Municipal Vice-Mayor/Presiding Officer Invited Guests —_: Please find the attached Attendance Sheet. The Public Hearing dated February 18, 2021 was called to order by Hon. Loreto M. Camasis, Chairman, Committee on Ordinances and Legal Matters via livestream through Buhi Official Facebook page account at 1:35 P.M. Then ask the SB Secretary for some preliminaries relative to the proceeding of the Public Hearing being conducted. Mr. Heriberto M. Morafia, SB Secretary, said that today the Sangguniang Bayan of Buhi is again conducting its Public Hearing via livestream through Buhi Official Facebook page account. The public may participate in the conduct of Public Hearing. This Public Hearing is one of the essential requirements for the passage of a proposed ordinance. ‘A committee hearing was conducted of the proposed ordinance and the concemed agencies were invited, the public is encouraged to register their comments, suggestions andior recommendations in every provision of the proposed ordinance to make this ordinance in order thru the said FB account. The ordinance for consideration was the ordinance Authored by Hon. Catherine M. Martinez, titled, “An Ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services Privileges and Benefits for Solo Parents and their Children Appropriating Funds Therefore and for other Purposes Pursuant to D Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi Office of the Sangguniang Bayan very timely applicable that could help particularly the well being of the Solo Parents. The authored wanted to institutionalize Republic Acto 8972 otherwise known as the Solo Parents Act of 2000 and as well as to localized the implementation of the programs and services said Republic Act to protet the wel being of the Solo Parents and its children as well. Hon. Camasis explained that the Public Hearing was conducted with reference to Draft Municipal Ordinance, titled, “An Ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services Privileges and Benefits for Solo Parents and their Children Appropriating Funds Therefore and for other Purposes Pursuant to Republic Act 8972 known as. the Solo Parent Act of 2000". Authored by Hon. Catherine M. Martinez, for consideration. Then ask the author to enlighten the public through a brief background the reason in crafting the said ordinance. Hon. Martinez said that she wanted to invite and encourage viewers to participate to register their comments, suggestions and/or recommendations in every provision of the proposed ordinance for the possible consideration in the proposed ordinance. Then Said that, it is the policy of the state to promote the family as the foundation of the nation, strengthen the solidarity and ensure its full development The solo parents refers to a parent who is left alone with responsibility of parenthood due to death, detention, mental incapacity, de facto separation or legal separation with ‘spouse and those women who become pregnant due to sexual abuse and left alone The solo parents are among the vulnerable sector of the society, They exercise total parental duties and responsibilities to uphold the total paramount welfare of their children alone; along with family problem; as such they also have special concerns and needs that vary from psychological, mental, emotional, social and financial that must be addressed by the states, thus RA 8972 provides for qualified solo parents and Particularly the needy solo parents. In support of the state policy, otherwise known as the Solo Parents Welfare Act of 2020 was enacted to implement and develop a comprehensive program of social welfare services and development of the family, through its different offices, OSWDS, MHO, PNP/WCPP and other stakeholders. The Local Government of Buhi, shall exert effort to prevent occurrence of socio— economic problem social problems such as juvenile delinquencies, less access to education and labor employment New Municipal Bidg., Buhi, Camarines Sur ZIP 4433 *Tel. No. (054) 621-1814 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi Office of the Sangguniang Bayan Hon. Camasis read the ordinance thru seriatim method and asked for suggestions, comments and/or recommendations. He further said that the Public are encourage to participate and could register their comments, suggestions and/or recommendations in every provision of the proposed ordinance through Buhi Official Facebook page account. Hon. Imperial clarified relative to Section 9 - Availment of Benefits- considering that it is a duplication of Section 7 - Registration. Hon. Martinez said that it is diferrent because Sestion 9 refers to the availment of the Benefits granted to the Solo Parents, provided that the Solo Parents who wanted to avail of the benefits must first comply all the requirements provided under Section 7. The. requirements prescribe under Section 7 was for purposes of registration and . members of the Solo Parents. Suggestion/s: via Buhi Official Facebook page account. There being no objections, comments, suggestions and or recommendations the Public Hearing was adjourned at 2:48 PM xxx 7x 70K 20x RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: The committee favorably recommends to calendar for 2"! READING Draft Municipal ordinance, titled, “An Ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services Privileges and Benefits for Solo Parents and their Children Appropriating Funds Therefore and for other Purposes Pursuant to Republic Act 8972 known as the Solo Parent Act of 2000” Prepared by: Lor M. CAMASIS Chg Committee on Vice-Chairman Member Oral and Legal Matters ‘New Municipal Bidg., Buhi, Camarines Sur ZIP 4433 *Tel. No. (054) 621-1814 237 Pusclic Heaema | p*, 2 1B. 20r° 1 OOM roy Dru] Mun. ork. 0. D- 334 of foment) Ware MERCYMy UR : : i ea pag tene | fi a | Reig, denn [tha thoi Pannen 72cm Cherry S. Concepcion Republic of the Philippines Province of Camarines Sur Municipality of Buhi LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT OF BUHI PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE CERTIFICATION September 1, 2021 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the PUBLIC HEARING of Municipal Ordinance No. 21-239, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE INSTITUTIONALIZING THE PROGRAMS, SERVICES PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS FOR SOLO PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFORE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES PURSUANT TO REPUBLIC ACT 8972 KNOWN AS THE SOLO PARENT ACT OF 2000" was conducted on the 18 of February, 2021 via Internet (Facebook Live) at LGU-Buhi Official Facebook account. w can be viewed on this link— hutps:// Issued this 1* day of September 2021 in the Municipality of Buhi, Camarines Sur. MARK AN Y N. NAZARREA AO-IV/ PuliWhformation Officer ube tration fee Publ Employment Service Ofice OF Ok Mapa Bug 98a, uh Cararnee Sr, 448 Pgs Te No «6367761470 buh cov oh /arkrazareeBraboe com Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF CAMARINES SUR Municipality of Buhi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN ENDORSEMENT March 12, 2021 Respectfully endorsed to Hon. Margarita M. Aguinillo, Municipal Mayor, the herein attached Sangguniang Bayan Municipal Ordinances, viz: ola. Municipal Ordinance No. 21-238, entitled “An Ordinance Providing for a Compreehnsive Animal Regulation and Control in the Municipality of Buhi providing Penalty for Violation Thereof” and 2 Municipal Ordinance No. 21-239, entitled “An Ordinance Institutionalizing the Programs, Services Privileges and Benefits for Solo Parents and their Children Appropriating Funds Threfore and for other Purposes Pursuant to republic Act 8972 Known as the Solo Parent Act of 2000.” For your information and approval. 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