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Crafting a thesis on Macbeth is undeniably challenging.

Shakespeare's masterpiece offers a rich

tapestry of themes, characters, and literary devices that require careful analysis and interpretation.
From exploring the complexities of ambition and power to unraveling the psychological depths of its
characters, delving into the world of Macbeth demands a keen understanding of literature and
critical thinking skills.

For many students, the prospect of composing a thesis on such a profound work can be daunting.
The pressure to deliver original insights while adhering to academic standards can often feel
overwhelming. Additionally, juggling other academic responsibilities and personal commitments only
adds to the complexity of the task.

Fortunately, there is a solution. offers professional assistance tailored to the unique
needs of students grappling with the intricacies of writing a Macbeth thesis. Our team of
experienced writers specializes in literature analysis and can provide expert guidance every step of
the way.

By entrusting your Macbeth thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and
uncertainty associated with the writing process. Our writers are well-versed in Shakespearean studies
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To help create the confusion, the witches speak in riddles; this also means that not all their words can
be trusted. “Battle’s lost and won” the witches said and if any battles are present that means that
Scotland is not at peace and harmony and evil forces are behind it. Unchecked ambition, Macbeth
suggests, can never be fulfilled, and therefore quickly grows into a monster that will destroy anyone
who gives into it. It is interesting that Shakespeare presents him this way, as though he is ignoring
his morals or that they have been “numbed” by his ambition. So, by now, everybody starts openly
talking about what a wicked and vile tyrant Macbeth is. According to the most common
interpretation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the character of Macbeth was driven to kill King Duncan
because he was ambitious for the throne. I pray the world is wrong about Macbeth, because if they're
not then this is one of the most poorly drawn characters in the history of literature. There, we see, as
an audience, Macbeth’s longing to remain King much stronger than his initial attitudes towards the
throne He was toying with the idea of killing for the throne and now he is killing those that could
interfere with his rule without a second thought. Lady Macbeth is introduced here by reading a letter
sent to her by Macbeth, he tells her of the prophecy and she then begins to dream of him becoming
king, she realises the same as Macbeth. Here, Macbeth seems to exude masculinity, embracing his
gender role and dictating both his and his wife’s decisions. Macbeth - Analysis of Fear Fear, this
motivates us to do many things no mat. However, after hearing the Curse, Macbeth immediately
regrets Killing Duncan. Macbeth’s punishment for this is that his own sleep is murdered. She is very
jumpy and is startled by sudden noises. It’s very shocking because the witches believe all goodness
is bad, which is the reversal or inversion of Christian moral values. Banquo will never be king, but he
does father a line of kings. The witches’ equivocation: “ Lesser than Macbeth, and greater ”
paradoxically suggests the drastic difference between Banquo and Macbeth, foreshadowing character
development as the witches' prophecies come true. But let’s take another look at the speech: During
the soliloquy Macbeth explains three very significant reasons why he doesn’t want to kill Duncan:
that evil deeds always “return to plague th’inventor;” that as the King’s “kinsman,” “subject” and
“host” Macbeth should “against the murderer shut the door, and not carry the knife myself;” and that,
in fact, Duncan is such an astonishing King that even the Angels would rage against his murder.
Rhetorical Question Hook Can ambition be both a driving force and a destructive obsession.
Macbeth Comparison - the contrast between Macbeth and Banquo. Lady Macbeth calls on evil spirits
( in a soliloquy ) to make her ruthless so that she can carry out the murder of Duncan. She turns evil
as she believes as a woman she cannot plan a murder and if all of her womanly emotions are taking
away from her she then will be stronger and be more able to make a plan “unsex me here” alliteration
is also used to make it stand out more “murdering ministers”. Macbeth is suspicious in this act,
hiding his true intentions from his dearest companion and his wife: “I wish your horses swift and sure
on foot” and “and make our faces vizards to our hearts”. As well as the murderous and gothic events
that take place. He wrote about witchcraft because it interested the king, James 1 st had written a
book on the supernatural called “Demonologie”. Macbeth essay thesis macbeth power essay
compucenter. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. And guess what? Before she was beheaded, Anne Boleyn was accused of being a witch.
At the start of the play, Macbeth was Thane of Glamis and then Duncan gave him the title Thane of
Cawdor as a reward for his efforts in the war. Bibliography We use cookies to personalyze your
web-site experience. Just before the battle outside of Dunsinane, Lady Macbeth commits suicide.
Either way, in the end Macbeth is killed and the play closes, leaving the audience discussing where
and why it all went wrong for Macbeth. All sources must be properly cited.. Macbeth initially
introduces as Scotland's saviour. The use of the title rather than his name plainly indicated the lack of
closeness Lady Macbeth now feels with Macbeth and intensely emotionally separates them. It is
obvious to everybody at the banquet that Macbeth has killed Banquo. The evidence is compelling:
Macbeth’s first line in the play? “So fair and foul a day I have not seen.” He actually walks on stage
almost repeating what the witches have previously said. Macbeth believed that he was unable to say
“Amen” after the killing. Really, Macbeth’s happiest when someone is telling him what to do and so I
think the idea of becoming powerful would actually have been quite traumatic for him. The stark
contrast between Macbeth murdering an enemy of the king (which would be seen as an enemy to
God due to the Divine Right of Kings believed by the contemporary audience) and when he commits
regicide - the ultimate sin. This references the Bible as Jesus was tempted three times by the devil
and resisted: perhaps Shakespeare is attempting to draw parallels between Banquo and Jesus which
would have been largely impactful to a Christian contemporary audience, further warning about the
devastating consequences of temptation and tyranny by contrasting this with the holy and biblical
ideas associated with resistance to temptation and ambition. She seems to have put this terrible deed
to the back of her mind until she goes mad and this eventually leads to her suicide. We have seen
Macbeth to be regarded as a fierce and noble person who serves loyally for his country, but now we
are uncertain about him. Here, Macbeth seems to exude masculinity, embracing his gender role and
dictating both his and his wife’s decisions. Leave a comment Cancel reply Already have a account? Log in now. The answer is written for grades 9-1 and is based on the
examiner's comments. 'Macbeth' Grade 9 Example Response 'Macbeth' Grade 9 Example Response
Grade 9 - full mark - 'Macbeth' response Starting with this extract (from act 1 scene 7), how does
Shakespeare present the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. We are shown her
belittling Macbeth and impugning his sense of courage, ambition and his love for her; this having a
colossal effect on Macbeth. If you would like to learn from the rest of my marking, consider
becoming a paid subscriber. According to the most common interpretation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth,
the character of Macbeth was driven to kill King Duncan because he was ambitious for the throne.
After the murder, he is plagued by insomnia as he is constantly haunted by the memory of the deed.
With dedicated chapters on teaching novels, plays and poetry as well as teaching generative writing,
sentence-stems and essay structure, it is filled with actionable strategies ready for the classroom. This
is his tragedy: the insipid way that the witches’ wishes have been allowed to take root in his loyal,
masculine mind. Banquo remarks, “look to the lady” and sincerely believes that Lady Macbeth has
fainted; she has him and the rest in the room fooled. She begins to speak to the devil so that “no pity
will run through her veins. The witches were very stereotypical, they had the cauldrons, they could
control storms, and they had black cats and could cast spells. This kind of subject is very
controversial; the audience were all fearful churchgoers. When the witches vanish into thin air, there
is most likely a trap door on the stage, which is more stereotyping in acting. At the beginning of the
acts, the sky is sunny and when something bad occurs the weather changes to foreshadow all the bad
things that will happen in the future. Shocking Statement Hook Prepare to witness a descent into
madness and moral decay as Macbeth's ambition spirals out of control. Throughout the play, much of
the dialogue and action have to do with plotting a homicide, carrying out the terrible deed, or being
haunted by the guilt of taking another. But let’s take another look at the speech: During the soliloquy
Macbeth explains three very significant reasons why he doesn’t want to kill Duncan: that evil deeds
always “return to plague th’inventor;” that as the King’s “kinsman,” “subject” and “host” Macbeth
should “against the murderer shut the door, and not carry the knife myself;” and that, in fact, Duncan
is such an astonishing King that even the Angels would rage against his murder. She wants to know
if he regretted it in the morning.
This is the copy relating to the passage of highlighted text. The most shocking part of the scene is
when she says “Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty”
because that means that she is giving her body over to the evil forces of darkness. He is one of the
most well know writers of all times. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. Because there’s a really important point to be made
here: Macbeth never told his wife that he wanted to kill Duncan. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 25 January 2019 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Lead Practitioner English resource go-to! 1.89 26 reviews Not the right resource. Surely
this opening establishes him being loyal to the king, not the other way around. Lady Macbeth then
pressures Macbeth that they will not fail “we fail. During the speech Macbeth lists reasons why he
doesn’t want to kill Duncan and ends saying that that he has no “spur to prick the sides of my intent
but only vaulting ambition which doth o’erleap itself and fall on the other.” So here, at least, is an
admission that ambition is his driving force. It just happens. A massive personality overhaul just
happens, entirely off-stage. She is determined that he will become the king; she says that “shalt be
what thou art promised”, which is very shocking and confusing for the audience because they have
no idea who controls who. The audience is shocked by Macbeth’s first words “fair is foul and foul is
fair”, the witches had already infected his mind with their language and behaviour. I think
Shakespeare does this so Banquo is seen as a hero and the truth is all being revealed and Macbeth is
being punished. When King James I took over the thrown, Shakespeare was worried that he would
disapprove of the theatres and close them all down. His fear becomes evident in this scene as well,
“But to be safely thus. Focus on what matters Your fellow students write the study notes themselves,
which is why the documents are always reliable and up-to-date. We are shown her belittling Macbeth
and impugning his sense of courage, ambition and his love for her; this having a colossal effect on
Macbeth. One might think, for instance, of the complete contrast to this scene at the start of the play.
Her story is basically: dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, dominant, mad, dead. King James
was bought up by puritans, who despised any kind of entertainment and thought that they should
spend all their time reading the bible. So right from the off, there’s a suggestion that he’s under their
power. When Lady Macbeth hears of this she is very scornful of her husband. She convinces him to
assassinate Duncan and announces his being the new king the same night. Macbeth may have
believed that what the witches prophesised was his fate and his fate looked so good he did not want
to deny any of it and just went through with the killing. The three witches who serve to highlight the
supernatural element of the play prophesise about Macbeth and Banquo. This moment always
reminds me of lessons when kids come in and ask if we’re watching a film. I say no. They say I
promised. Lady Macbeth is adamant that “a little water clears us of this deed”. A croaking raven is a
bird of ill-omen and this signals her intentions. But, when MacDuff arrived to collect Duncan in the
morning, the guards are dead; this makes everybody suspicious of Macbeth. Perhaps, Shakespeare is
aiming to ask the audience about their own thoughts, and whether they would be willing to commit
heinous deeds for power and control.
Wheirto the rather shall his hard days journey soundly invite him his two chamberlains will, with and
wassail so convince that memory the warder of the brain shall be a fume.’. Macbeth - Who is the
more evil, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Discuss. This seems like an unusual omission from a
playwright as capable as Shakespeare. The main theme of Macbeth is the destruction that occurs in a
person because of his ambition. Banquo will never be king, but he does father a line of kings. She
uses her power of Macbeth and manipulates him as well. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?4.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?4.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 May 2018 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest English Lit
GCSE 2.00 3 reviews Not the right resource. This would be a truly terrifying thought for the far
more supernaturally inclined Shakespearean audience, and indeed for a character who has just killed
the king. He’s getting ready for bed and tells Banquo that he doesn’t think of the witches much. But
that drive has not always played out to be positive. With his wife, Macbeth's weakness is his love for
her; it blinds him into concurring to whatever deed her twisted mind decides. Because there’s a really
important point to be made here: Macbeth never told his wife that he wanted to kill Duncan. Lady
Macbeth is introduced here by reading a letter sent to her by Macbeth, he tells her of the prophecy
and she then begins to dream of him becoming king, she realises the same as Macbeth. Lady Macbeth
is walking in her sleep, and her attempts to wash off the blood from her hands, as well as talking
aloud are indicative of a clouding of her mind. Lady Macbeth calls on evil spirits ( in a soliloquy ) to
make her ruthless so that she can carry out the murder of Duncan. Here she is reduced to the status
of someone far lesser than the king, having to request to speak to her own husband. The women at
that time were there to serve the men and they were definitely not on equal terms. But it also seems
that Lady Macbeth is not in complete control of the relationship. To them, the devil and witches
were real because witches were burned and drowned at the time so there were many parts in the play
to frighten the audience. Rumours have been spread that Shakespeare used real spells on the play so
it was cursed, that is why most people always referred to it as “The Scottish Play” when on stage to
avoid tragic events. This is in huge contrast to her husband, who questions it. We have seen Macbeth
to be regarded as a fierce and noble person who serves loyally for his country, but now we are
uncertain about him. Here, Shakespeare is utilising typical Jacobean gender dynamics to portray
Macbeth as weak by suggesting his fear is not masculine and ought to be rejected. Regardless of
what he went on to do, the fact is that he didn’t just express doubts about killing Duncan, he clearly
and concisely withdrew his consent: “We will proceed no further in this business.” And he then goes
on to justify hi mself by talking about all the “golden opinions” he’s got, which seem to be enough
for him. They can’t except that witches could have power over the weather because they believe in
the Natural Order, with God at the top in control. One of the most famous lines quoted by those
suggesting he was ambitious comes at the end of his soliloquy in A1 S7. Narrative Hook Embark on
Macbeth's journey from a loyal subject to a paranoid ruler. The preceding thane betrayed Scotland
via fighting for the Norwegians and Duncan has condemned him to dying. The denouement of the
play reveals a potentially very different side to Macbeth. This establishment causes the audience to
fear for the main characters, making them considerate of the characters' welfare. We are shown her
belittling Macbeth and impugning his sense of courage, ambition and his love for her; this having a
colossal effect on Macbeth.
Throughout the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses different types of conflict to change the
dynamic of the play and change the way the characters behave. Although, the majority of the play is
based on the destructive nature of power, the moral nature of power is also portrayed, in spite of the
evil. I would suggest examining the birth of evil in Macbeth implies that evil is not only present in
the supernatural but also in the depths of the human heart.. Thunder and lighting of ten goes with
villians in writing and more often than not sets the tone for a dim and discouraging scene, Macbeth is
the same. Surely this opening establishes him being loyal to the king, not the other way around.
Shakespeare ensures Banquo isn’t perfect as he is tempted on some level by the Witches’ prophecy,
but his ability to reject evil is what makes him a moral character and an antithesis to Macbeth. She
appears to be completely mindful of this and realizes that she should push Macbeth into submitting
murder. All of Macbeth’s actions were done out of fear, not only fear of being caught but also fear of
the witches’ prophecies. The thought that the blame would not be put unto him had ensured him that
everything would be fine. This is a very brutal and descriptive method used by Lady Macbeth; it
shows again that she lacks compassion. So when MacDuff kills Macbeth everybody cheers and
everybody is happy. She also calls on “ murd’ring ministers” to help her in the “thick night”. He vows
to take revenge against Macbeth when he finds that Macbeth has his family killed. Here,
Shakespeare is flattering King James I, as he was descendant of Banquo and Fleance, in order to
gain his trust and potentially patronage for his theatre. This is his tragedy: the insipid way that the
witches’ wishes have been allowed to take root in his loyal, masculine mind. It is evident that
Macbeth is selfish and narcissistic who feels no guilt for the murder of his friend but self-pity for the
torment bestowed upon him by Banquo's ghost. These witches don’t just suggest something to him,
they implant the idea into his head. If it had not been for lady Macbeth then Macbeth might not of
gone through with the killing of King Duncan. And the lack of motivation from Macbeth isn't
limited to this scene, there's a complete lack of motivation displayed throughout the entirety of Act
1. Macbeth’s a meathead; he’s a jock; an alpha male with all the emotional resilience of an autumn
leaf. First he is swayed by Lady Macbeth, and then he seems to act very illogically. This also helps
Shakespeare later in the play when he subtly warns James I not to be repressive and tyrannical in his
rule. Fear had become the main motivating factor of the play. A set of 2 Macbeth essays written at a
grade 9 standard- including text extracts. Another way that the audience feel more uneasy is the
mystery of the witches and they are forced to ask questions like “Why do they want to meet
Macbeth?” They believed that they could talk to animals or even turn into them themselves, they
mention names like “Graymalkin” (a grey cat) and “Paddock” (a toad). Question Hook What happens
when ambition blinds one to the consequences of their actions. The motif of sleep is also used to
show the turmoil that Macbeth experiences as a result of his ambition. With each new vision
Macbeth falls deeper and deeper into an evil spiral from the witches’ first prediction that Macbeth
will become king which made him kill Duncan. It also perhaps suggests a frantic attempt to regain
control by issuing orders. As well as the murderous and gothic events that take place. In
Shakespeare’s time people believed in the Divine Right of Kings, which meant that there was a social
hierarchy with God at the top.
Throughout the play, much of the dialogue and action have to do with plotting a homicide, carrying
out the terrible deed, or being haunted by the guilt of taking another. It is interesting that
Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth in this way; she has more ambition for power than her husband at
this part of play. He is also told that he will not be defeated until the trees of Birnam Wood move
towards his castle. In the final stanza of the extract, one gains further insight in Macbeth’s emotional
state. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback.
She became very ambitious, almost too ambitious for herself. She is composed around the murder,
whereas Macbeth’s guilt is evident from the start. The witches refer to this number quite a lot in this
scene. He describes his position as exactly halfway through a river of blood, so he might as well
carry on going forward instead of turning back. Lady Macbeth was a small but very important part
of the play Macbeth. I’ve heard it suggested that this is Macbeth lying to his friend, and although I
could also imagine that he’s been slightly side-tracked by his wife, I’d suggest that the real reason
Macbeth can’t talk to Banquo about what he’s going is because a) Fleance is there, and it’s not kid’s
talk; and b) the only way he can do this now is to mention Lady Macbeth’s psychotic ambition, and
like any victim of an abusive relationship, breaking the private prison is difficult. It’s mind control,
which was something that medieval people absolutely believed witches could do. In many ways, it
would seem that Macbeth's inability to do anything about problems even he can foresee is a bigger
character flaw than his ambition, or lack-thereof. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure
quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. I'm writing a guide to how to write
essays at each grade for Macbeth. Shakespeare also gives the witches the useful trait of prophecy,
which plays a huge part in Macbeth's journey to his personal abyss. The characters seen as wicked
will sometimes have reasons behind everything they do. Lady Macbeth had the idea, and told him, in
as many words: leave it all to me. Shakespeare uses Macbeth as an embodiment of greed and asks
the audience to question their own actions through the use of his wrongful deeds. This makes him
seem admirable because it then tells us how he is strong and brave and this is without even being
introduced to the character in the play. According to the most common interpretation of
Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the character of Macbeth was driven to kill King Duncan because he was
ambitious for the throne. The evidence is compelling: Macbeth’s first line in the play? “So fair and
foul a day I have not seen.” He actually walks on stage almost repeating what the witches have
previously said. Macbeth - Analysis of Fear Fear, this motivates us to do many things no mat.
Macbeth Essay: The Greed For Power Portrayed in Macbeth - Angelfire. All sources must be
properly cited.. Macbeth initially introduces as Scotland's saviour. They can’t except that witches
could have power over the weather because they believe in the Natural Order, with God at the top in
control. Or the other way it could be said is with lots of expression in almost an angry, yet depressed
tone. Shakespeare establishes her character through a soliloquy (dramatic method where the actor
speaks as if to himself or herself. But, when MacDuff arrived to collect Duncan in the morning, the
guards are dead; this makes everybody suspicious of Macbeth. First off they great him by saying,
“Thane of Glamis (which he currently is), “Thane of Cawdor” (what he should soon be), and “King
hereafter.” With that news he cannot hide it from Banquo whom is there with him.
This prophecy leads Macbeth to genuinely think about being in control and having power. Macbeth
is seen to be crowned as the king of Scotland but the murder has terrible consequences on him, he
can no longer sleep and he finds the blood always to be on his hands. Lady Macbeth urges her
husband to hide his feelings and leave everything to her. It is extremely good on form and structure,
and perhaps could do with more language analysis of poetic and grammatical devices; as the quality
of thought and interpretation is so high this again did not impede the overall mark. And the lack of
motivation from Macbeth isn't limited to this scene, there's a complete lack of motivation displayed
throughout the entirety of Act 1. This illustrates to the audience the extreme transformation Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth’s relationship undergoes, and how differently they end up experiencing the
aftermath of regicide. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. She accuses him of cowardice and a lack of love for her. Similarly to his wife in the
first act, Macbeth also speaks in pentameter to illustrate his increase in power and dominance. I’ve
heard it suggested that this is Macbeth lying to his friend, and although I could also imagine that he’s
been slightly side-tracked by his wife, I’d suggest that the real reason Macbeth can’t talk to Banquo
about what he’s going is because a) Fleance is there, and it’s not kid’s talk; and b) the only way he
can do this now is to mention Lady Macbeth’s psychotic ambition, and like any victim of an abusive
relationship, breaking the private prison is difficult. But let’s take another look at the speech: During
the soliloquy Macbeth explains three very significant reasons why he doesn’t want to kill Duncan:
that evil deeds always “return to plague th’inventor;” that as the King’s “kinsman,” “subject” and
“host” Macbeth should “against the murderer shut the door, and not carry the knife myself;” and that,
in fact, Duncan is such an astonishing King that even the Angels would rage against his murder. His
fear becomes evident in this scene as well, “But to be safely thus. After killing Duncan, Macbeth is
plagued by hallucinations and sees blood on his hands, which he tries to wash away but cannot. The
answer is the perfect tool for GCSE students studying Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' - with detailed
analysis of important quotes, comprehensive knowledge of the play and relevant contextual
information, the response offers an. She dominates him, and although it seems obvious at this point
to see his hamartia as being the influence of his wife I’d argue that the truth is broader and more
insidious than that. Stuvia is a marketplace, so you are not buying this document from us, but from
seller f4timaha. She convinces him to assassinate Duncan and announces his being the new king the
same night. The weird sisters ' prophecies spur both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to try to fulfill their
ambitions, but the witches never make Macbeth or his wife do anything. Although, the majority of
the play is based on the destructive nature of power, the moral nature of power is also portrayed, in
spite of the evil. King James was bought up by puritans, who despised any kind of entertainment and
thought that they should spend all their time reading the bible. Because there’s a really important
point to be made here: Macbeth never told his wife that he wanted to kill Duncan. He becomes
obsessed with fulfilling this prophecy and will stop at nothing to achieve it, even if it means
committing murder. It is the feeling of responsibility for this poor action that has been committed.
Although it would be easy to infer Macbeth’s greed and ambition has grown from his power-hungry
nature, a more compassionate reading of Macbeth demonstrates the pressure he feels as a Jacobean
man and soldier. You fill out a form, and our customer service team takes care of the rest. At the
time, the audience feared things they did not understand and extreme weather was seen as God’s
anger or the work of the Devil. She tricks the people around her into believing that she was genuinely
upset about the murder, with numerous tactics, the most effective being her pretend faint. UC
Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal, 14(1). ( ) 10. Gerwig, G. W. (2002). Lady Macbeth.
Shakespearean Criticism, 69. ( ) Relevant topics Romeo and Juliet A Raisin in The Sun Marxist
Criticism The Crucible Frankenstein To Kill a Mockingbird By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you
agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Many societies have potrayed women as second
class citizens, teaching that they should be subservient to men. Click NO CHANGE if you are happy
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