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Majorship – Literature 1


1. Identify the play from which lines are a. James Madison

taken: b. Thomas Paine
Will thou be gone? It is not yet near day. c. Benjamin Franklin
It was the nightingale, and not the lark The d. Thomas Jefferson
6. Who wrote the novel, WAR AND PEACE?
the fearful hollow of thine ear;
Nightly she sings on your pomegranate tree; a. Spencer
Believe me, love, it was the nightingale b. Turgenew
c. Shaw
d. Tolstoy
a. Love’s Labour’s Lost
b. Othello 7. Identify the play from which the lines are
c. Romeo and Juliet taken: All that glitters is not gold;
d. Cymbeline Often you have heard that told;
2. Identify the poem from which the Many a man his life hath sold But my outside
to behold; Glided tombs do norms enfold.
following lines are taken:
a. Song to Celia 8. Who said, “Ask not what tour country can
b. Crossing the Bar do for you, but what you can do for your
c. Ode to the West Wind country?”
d. She was a Phantom of Delight
a. Richard M. Nixon
3. Identify the poem from the lines are taken: b. John F. Kennedy
Have glimpse that would make me less c. Dwight D. Eisenhower
forlorn; d. Lyndon B. Johnson
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow is wreathed horn 9. Identify the poem from which the stanza is
taken: Trust no future, howe’er pleasant Let
a. Auguries of Innocence the dead Past bury its dead! Act-act in the
b. God Moves in a Mysterious Way living Present Heart within, and God
c. Elegy Written in a Country o’erhead
d. The world is Too Much with Us a. Hymn to the Night
b. The Cross of Show
4. Identify the author of the poem torn which c. My Lost Youth
the following lines are taken: d. A Psalm of Life
O is she rosely loved
Is she lovely rosed 10.
O is she lovely sung as sea-shells? 11.
a. Fernando M. Maramag 12.
b. Mauro Mendez
c. Natividad Marquaez 13. What does William Norris want you to do
d. Jose Garcia Villa in his Zip The Lip?
5. Who said, “These are the times that try If your lips would keep from slips. Five things
men’s soul?” observe with care;
To whom you speak; of whom you speak And c. Semantics
how, when, and where d. Phonological
a. To be truthful 19. Which theory claims that readers have
b. To be sincere difficulty in comprehension because they are
c. To show kindness focused on WORD IDENTIFICATION?
d. To observe confidentiality
a. Submersion
14. Identify the poem from which the lines b. Automaticity
are taken: Oh’ Lift me as a wave a lead, a c. Alphabetic
cloud! I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! d. Immersion
A heavy weight of hours has chan’d and
bow’d One too like thee-tameless, and swift, 20. Which speech is considered of the
greatest speeches for its vision of American
and proud.
democracy by a U.S political leader?
a. Ode to the West Wind
a. The Gettys Burg Address
b. Crossing the Bar
b. John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech
c. Ode to Evening
c. Lincoln Memorial Address
d. My Last Duchess
d. Patrick Henry’s Speech
15. What figure of speech is used in the lines
below? 21. Which play of Jose M. Hernandez tells of
an artisan who forged cannons for the use of
His bright eyes rolled, they never seemed to the Spaniards?
a. The Real Leader
And glittered like the flowers beneath a b. Panday Pira
kettle: Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury c. The Filipino Rebel
Tales d. The Cry of the Philippines
a. Simile 22. If Sam’s father is John’s son, what
b. Hyperbole relation has Sam to John?
c. Metaphor
a. Nephew
d. Personification
b. Brother
16. Which TYPE of reading is CHORAL c. Son
READING? d. Grandson
a. Buddy 23. Consider these lines from “The Ideal
b. Shared Wife”:
c. Guided
Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but
d. Reading aloud to students
woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be
17. Of the different principles of effectives praised
teaching of reading, which is IMPROPERLY
Which word infers the moral of the verse?
a. Praised
a. Effective teachers use the four cueing
b. Feareth
system to support students
b. Effective teachers used instructio na l c. Favor
d. Beauty
approaches on how children learn
c. Effective teachers go out of the 24. Which novel written by Kerima-Tuvera
structured classrooms to create tells of the story of Emma Mercene who
community of readers struggles for consummation of purse and
d. Effective teachers select appropriate clean love?
reading materials
a. The Baragay
18. Which languages system is focused on b. The Hand of the Enemy
VOCABULARY? c. AChild of Sorrow
a. Syntactic d. The Filipino Rebel
b. Pragmatic
25. William Wordsworth wrote “She was c. John Milton
Phantom of Delight” from which the lines are d. George Herbert
taken: She was phantom of delight
30. Which sonnet enumerates the reasons for
When first she gleamed upon sight;
loving Elizabeth Barrett Browning?
A lovely apparition, sent
To be a moment’s ornament; a. Sonnet 44
Which figure of speech is used? b. Sonnet 15
a. Hyperbole c. Sonnet 14
d. Sonnet 43
b. Personification
c. Metaphor 31. How many were going to St. Ives
d. Simile according to these lines?
As I was going to St. Ives
26. “It is only the heart that one can see
I met a man with seven wives: Every wife had
nightly; what is essential is invisible to the
seven sacks; Every sack had seven cats;
Every cat had seven kits.
Antoine De St. Exupery
The aspiration drawn from quote is that a. One
a. Important things are visible to the eye b. Twenty-five
c. Nine
b. There are things which the eye cannot
d. Twenty-three
c. It is better to see things with the heart 32. Which novel written by E.M. Foster
d. Only the heart can see the beautiful satirizes the manners of the middle-c lass
things in life English folk with their provincial class
27. Robert Browning wrote “Childe Roland clannishness and prejudices?
to the Dark Tower” from which the lines are a. Where Angels Fear to Tread
taken: b. A Room with a View
Noon Strikes-here sweeps the processioni c. The Longest Journey
Our lady borne smiling and smart d. Howards End
With a pink gauze gown all spangles, and
Seven swords struck in her heart! 33. What is alluded to by these lines? The
What do the lines mean? man who made it did not want it.
The man who bought it did not use want it
a. The seven swords represent the The man who used it did not use it
attributes of the Virgin Mary Try to guess just to call just what to call it.
b. It talks of the gifts to the Virgin Mary
c. The swords symbolize the Virgin a. Poison
Mary’s sorrows b. Gun
d. The Lady is Elizabeth Barrett c. Coffin
Browning d. Bomb

28. Consider this poem entitled WINGS 34. What does John Keats in the poem,
written by Victor Hugo. BARDS OF PASSION ANDOF MIRTH wants
Be like the bird, who Halting in this flight On these writers to do?
limb too slight a. To recognize their souls left on earth
Feels it give way beneath him Yet sings b. To avoid living double life
Knowing be hain wings c. To inspire and teach them
a. Listen to advices d. To remember their souls in heaven
b. Believe in yourself 35. Why is THE NAKED AND THE DEAD
c. Be courageous written by Norman Mailer considered as one
d. Don’t be overconfident of the finest novels written in America since
29. Who wrote “Hesperides” which contains World War II?
lyrics filled with themes about country life a. It portrayed the limitations of
and beauty? radicalism, honor, virtue in the
a. Lord Byron modern world
b. Robert Herrick
b. It has documentary style, directness, I have a dream that one day this nation will
and reality rise up and live out the true meaning of its
c. It was a true picture of World War II creed. “We hold these truths to be self-
d. It was from his military experiences evident; that all men are created equal.”
36. Which poem by William Ernest Henley I have a dream that one day on the red hills
answers the question; Do humans control of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the
their own lives? sons of former slave owners will be able to sit
a. Remember down together at the table of brotherhood…
b. Invictus
c. Precious Stones 41. Which is the dream of Martin Luther
d. The Alderking King?

37. Who wrote TO LUCASTA? a. Freedom of Jews and Gentiles

b. Freedom for all God’s children
a. Robert Herrick c. Freedom for the black men from
b. Richard Lovelace Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and
c. Thomas Carew slums and ghettos of Northern cities.
d. John Sucking d. Freedom for America
38. Which earned for Joyce Carol Oayes the 42. Which is the dream of Martin Luther
a. Freedom of Jews and Gentiles
a. The beautiful insights imposed on her b. Freedom for all God’s children
characters and settings c. Freedom for the black men from
b. Her writings have been experiential Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and
c. Her ability to describe and narrate slums and ghettos of Northern cities.
realities d. Freedom for America
d. The unrelieved sense of death that
pervades her writings 43. Which difficulties and frustrations are
being referred to:
39. Which psalm is a song of joy and
reverence? a. Forced segregation, jobs, housing,
education, and breath
a. Psalms 7 b. Voting, public accommodation and
b. Psalms 23 housing
c. Psalms 8 c. Government indifference
d. Psalms 24 d. Religion with its practices
40. John Milton wrote “On His Blindness” 44. Which refers to CREED?
for which this line is taken: They Also Serve
Who Only Stand and Wait. a. My dream is rooted in America
Which Filipino Trait is referred to? b. I have a dream
c. The truth is evident
a. Juan “Tamad” attitude d. All men are created equal
b. “Pakikisama”
c. “Pakikibahagi” 45.
d. “Karangalan” John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered his
41-44. famous INAGURAL SPEECH from which
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King the paragraphs are taken:
delivered his famous LINCOLN And, so my fellow Americans: Ask not what
MEMORIAL ADDRESS from which these your country can do for you-ask what you can
paragraphs are taken: do for your country.
I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what
the difficulties and frustration of the moment; America will do for you but what together we
I still have a dream. can do for the freedom of man.
It is a dream deeply rooted in the American
What is John F. Kennedy asking the citize ns 50. Which BEST described the READING
of American and the citizens of the world? AND WRITING PROCESS?
a. Economic cooperation a. The stages occur in sequence
b. Cooperation and support against b. The arrangement implies that the
terrorism different language arts develop
c. High standards of strength and separately
sacrifice too safeguard freedom c. The different stages merge and repeat
d. Adherence to democratic ideals, d. Children different mental process for
principles and practices reading, listening, talking and writing
46. What does Shakespeare want to infer in
this line?
The fault, dear BRUTUS, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves.
a. A statue has never been set up in
honor of a critic
b. “Be content with things you have”
c. Dreams don’t work unless you do
d. A great man is always willing to be
47. Which is Chaucer’s collection stories in a
verse showing his skill as a story teller in
giving a vivid picture of English society in
the 1300’s?
a. The Divine Comedy
b. The New Life
c. The Song of Roland
d. The Canterbury Tales
48. Which work of Henry David Thoreau
contains civil disobedience and passive
resistance which were practiced by Mahatma
Gandhi of India and Martin Luther King, Jr.
in their protest against their governments?
a. On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
b. A Week on the Concord and
Merrimack Rivers
c. Walden
d. The Decline and Fall of the Roman
49. Raul S. Manglapus once said:
I have done this against the advice of a friend.
He felt that since I would speak of Filipino
movies. I should instead begin by making you
Which Filipino character is demonstrated in
his speech?
a. “Kanya-Kanya” syndrome
b. “Hiya”
c. “Palakasan at pataasan” culture
d. “Utang-na-loob”
Majorship – Literature Part 1
Answer Keys
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. D
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. B
29. B
30. D
31. A
32. D
33. C
34. B
35. C
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
41. C
42. C
43. A
44. D
45. D
46. C
47. D
48. A
49. C
50. C

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