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Direction: Read each question/statement carefully. Write the correct answer in your paper.

1. It refers to the means by which a message is sent.

a. Message content b. Elements c. Channel d. Source
2. It is the reactions, responses, or the information provided by the receiver.
a. Feedback b. Context c. Encoding d. Decoding
3. It refers to anything related to the meaning of words that distorts or masks a message and
confuses the listeners.
a. Physical Noise b. Psychological Noise c. Physiological Noise d. Semantic Noise
4. It occurs when the message or the feedback is not sent or received properly.
a. Noise c. Cultural Sensitivity
b. b. Communication Breakdown d. Communication strategy
5. It is a well-planned series of actions aimed at achieving certain objectives through the use of
communication methods, techniques and approaches.
a. Communication strategy c. Communication Breakdown
b. Communication d. Cultural Sensitivity
6. It is defined as the awareness that people have varying cultures and that the similarities and
differences of these cultures affect the values, behaviour and learning of people.
a. Communication strategy c. Communication Breakdown
b. Communication d. Cultural Sensitivity
7. The function of communication that refers to a spontaneous verbal exchanges occurring in
natural setting that are typically familiar to the interactants.
a. Emotional Expression c. Social Interaction
b. b. Information Dissemination d. Control
8. It implies the use of simple and specific words to express ideas.
a. Clearness b. Correctness c. Courtesy d. Consideration
9. Happens when individuals interact, negotiate, and create meaning while bringing in their
varied cultural backgrounds.
a. Cultural sensitivity c. Intercultural Communication
b. Communication Breakdown d. Communication Strategy
10. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the
sender and the receiver of the message.
a. Intrapersonal Communication c. Nonverbal Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication d. Verbal Communication

11. It is a face-to-face interaction between or among individuals. It is informal in nature, with no

agenda or set of purpose.
a. Dialogue b. Conversation c. Interview d. Small group discussion
12. It is a communication that occurs between two people.
a. Public b. Small group c. Mass Communication d. Dyad
13. This speech style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the vernacular
language is used.
a. Intimate b. Casual c. Consultative d. Frozen
14. This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members or individuals. The
language used in this style may not be shared in public.
a. Intimate b. Casual c. Consultative d. Frozen
15. This refers to the communication that takes place through television, radio, newspapers,
magazines, books, billboards, internet or other types of media.
a. Intrapersonal b. Interpersonal c. Public d. Mass Communication

II. Identification
Identify the word/s being described. Write your answer in the space provided before each item.

1. It occurs when the message or the feedback is not sent or received properly.

2. Is an act or process that allows people to interact and exchange ideas with
one another through words, sound, signs, and behaviour.

3. The setting where communication takes place.

4. A type of communication that uses gesture, facial expression and body

language to convey ideas.

5. A noise that originates from emotional and mental state.

6. A cultural background and knowledge you bring to the communication


7. The source of information or message.

8. This is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.

9. Anything that serves as barrier to the successful relaying of a message.

10. Is the awareness that people have varying cultures and that the
similarities and differences of these cultures affect the values, behaviour,and
learning of people.

III. Essay

Direction: Write at least 50-word essay in each item by answering these questions. 5pts each

1. Differentiate the three models of communication in your own words.

2. How can you communicate effectively?
3. What are the functions of communication? Discuss each function briefly. 5 points
4. How does nonverbal communication contribute to the effective delivery of the message?
5. Explain the 6 stages of Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity.

“You are smarter than you think. Believe in yourself. Do your best. Work hard & smart.
I know you can make it.” Good Luck! God Bless!

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Head Teacher 1

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. D


1. Communication Breakdown
2. Communication
3. Context
4. Nonverbal communication
5. Emotional barrier
6. Intercultural communication
7. Speaker/sender
8. Transactional model
9. Barrier (not sure)
10. Cultural sensitivity

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