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Academy of Management

Human Resource Management Outsourcing: The Make or Buy Decision

Author(s): Charles R. Greer, Stuart A. Youngblood and David A. Gray
Source: The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), Vol. 13, No. 3, Themes: Teams and
New Product Development (Aug., 1999), pp. 85-96
Published by: Academy of Management
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Accessed: 17-10-2015 17:13 UTC

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? Academy of Management Executive, 1999, Vol. 13, No. 3

Human resource management

outsourcing:The make or buy

Charles R. Greer, Stuart A. Youngblood, and David A. Gray

Executive Overview
Just-in-time human resource (HR) management, sell and lease-back human resource
programs, and do-it-yourself HR-all of these phrases characterize how companies
manage outsourced HR functions. This article reports results of interviews conducted with
senior HR executives and professionals in 25 organizations to identify outsourcing
rationales and consequences. Companies were found to use HR outsourcing for both
operational and strategic reasons. Based on these findings, we present guidelines for
selecting vendors, managing the outsourcing transition, managing vendor relations, and
monitoring vendor performance. HR outsourcing is not a fad, and it can enhance the HR
value chain as well as support the development of HR as a business partner and strategic
contributor to the organization's goals.

The Trend Toward Outsourcing contracted activity is expected to return to the com-
pany at some point, whereas outsourcing is not.
Does outsourcing of human resource activities
We refer to outsourcing as the performance, by
spell doom for the HR department? Is this phenom-
outside parties on a recurring basis, of HR tasks
enon a short-term response to the corporate down-
that would otherwise be performed in-house.
sizing of the 1990s? Are senior HR executives sup- The market for providers of outsourced services
porting or resisting outsourcing pressures from of all types is growing rapidly. In 1996, American
their executive teams? The answers to these ques- firms spent over $100 billion in outsourced busi-
tions and others regarding the role of HR outsourc- ness activities. Globally, outsourcing usage grew
ing depend in large part on how senior HR execu- by 35 percent for the 12 months ending in June 1997
tives view the roles of the HR function. To address and the total market for outsourced services is
these questions, we interviewed 26 executives and expected to increase to $200 billion by the year
professionals, including senior HR executives from 2000. A 1996 Hewitt Associates survey of large em-
25 different organizations with experience in out- ployers found that 93 percent of respondents out-
sourcing.' Many of the larger companies are indus- sourced some of their HR functions. Similarly, an
try leaders, and seven are ranked in the top half of American Management Association survey found
their specific industries in Fortune's list of Ameri- that 77 percent of firms surveyed in 1996 out-
ca's most admired companies.2 sourced some of their HR activities, up from 60
HR executives view the process of outsourcing percent in 1994. The 1997 Survey of Human Re-
differently from purchasing, procurement, and sub- source Trends of 1,700 organizations reported that
contracting. In their view, outsourcing occurs when 53 percent planned to outsource more in the fu-
a company contracts with a vendor to perform an ture.3 HR departments are facing the classic make-
activity previously performed by the company. In or-buy decisions that other functional areas con-
contrast, procurement generally means that the front when considering the outsourcing of services
company has not performed the activity before. or products.
Outsourcing also has a temporal dimension in that From our review of the outsourcing literature
some executives view outsourcing as permanent, and interviews with HR professionals, we identi-
whereas subcontracting is temporary. Thus, a sub- fied five competitive forces that are driving more

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86 Academy of Management Executive August

companies to outsource some or all of their HR services abroad to setting up operations in foreign
activities: downsizing, rapid growth or decline, countries and staffing those operations with host
globalization, increased competition, and restruc- country or third party nationals. Several HR exec-
turing. Over the past decade, these forces have utives in our study described needs related to mov-
significantly altered the strategy and structure of ing a global workforce across geographical bound-
many firms. During this time, firms have attempted aries. Harmonizing pay and benefit packages as
to refocus their businesses, lower their costs while well as complying with local laws demands spe-
increasing service, and improve capabilities to re- cialized expertise. Larger vendors that focus on
spond to future business challenges. compensation and benefits offer these specialized
For the HR executive, the imperatives are simi- services and deliver expertise built on experience
lar. By refocusing the HR function, executives hope and concentration in particular regions of the
to achieve a closer alignment of HR practices with world.
business strategy. HR managers, in turn, have Increased competition, both domestic and inter-
been admonished to partner with line managers to national, emphasizes the value-added role of prod-
deliver more value-added services at a lower cost. ucts and services. Firms that subscribe to the
In addition, HR executives feel more pressure to balanced scorecard approach to measuring effec-
improve their service response time for internal tiveness look not only at financial measures of firm
and external customers. In the words of professor success, but also at customer and employee mea-
and consultant Dave Ulrich, the world of HR has sures of service quality.6 General Electric's CEO
evolved to producing "deliverables," as well as Jack Welch captures best the balanced scorecard
"doables."4 Consequently, HR tasks, functions, and approach to measuring business effectiveness. He
entire departments are being reexamined to see pays attention to only three measures of firm effec-
which HR activities are needed, and who can best tiveness-cash flow, customer satisfaction, and
provide them. employee satisfaction.7 If HR departments are to be
One of the five forces, downsizing, has domi- responsive to both internal and external custom-
nated HR thinking for the past decade, although ers, they must look for ways to improve the quality
there are some signs that the trend is diminishing. and responsiveness of their services. Proponents
In the early 1990s, as many as 3,100 layoffs per day argue that outsourcing offers HR an option to sat-
were announced, with over 650,000 jobs lost each isfy competing demands for improved service and
year.5 The inevitable restructuring of entire indus- responsiveness at a reasonable cost.
tries has recast HR departments as formulators Strategically, outsourcing provides HR depart-
and implementors of downsizing and as targets of ments with a tool for producing competitive advan-
downsizing themselves. HR outsourcing decisions tage for the firm. Outsourcing for the sake of out-
are frequently a response to an overwhelming de- sourcing or to imitate competitors offers no basis
mand for reduced costs for HR services. for sustainable competitive advantage. Operation-
ally, many firms are pursuing low-hanging fruit by
choosing, for example, to outsource benefits ad-
The inevitable restructuring of entire ministration with a vendor that provides the latest
industries has recast HR departments as in automated technology. Because all firms have
formulators and implementors of access to these vendors, no firm achieves any dis-
downsizing and as targets of downsizing cernible advantage over the others.
themselves. To the extent that outsourcing decisions are a
part of a larger plan to restructure the HR depart-
ment, refocus activities, and/or redeploy HR re-
Many firms have also undergone changes re- sources, competitive advantage is attainable.
lated to restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions. Firms that redeploy HR generalists to serve key
Retrenched firms, or those in decline, face incred- divisions or business units of the organization can
ible pressures to reduce costs, while high-growth transform HR into a service role. Such a transfor-
firms face similar pressures to monitor costs. HR mation serves as a source of competitive advan-
outsourcing presents the option of cost reduction tage for the firm. These new, service-quality cul-
and the choice to hold or release control of selected tures are not easy to build and sustain,
HR activities. The choice depends on whether an particularly among established, traditional, or en-
activity is deemed a core competency within the trenched HR departments. Strategically, HR out-
HR department. sourcing decisions can potentially be part of a
The global imperative for outsourcing acceler- larger pattern of responses designed to deliver
artes as firms evolve from sellers of products and hard-to-imitarte, hard-to-substitute, value-added

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1999 Greer, Youngblood, and Gray 87

services that enhance the value and quality of the ing from organizational downsizing. HR special-
firm's products and services.8 ists, many in their 40s or 50s with relatively high
salaries, become tempting targets for cost cutting,
and many have been downsized or offered options
Operational Rationales for Outsourcing for early retirement.12 Companies that have under-
Stage of Evolution of the HR Function gone repeated downsizings have dismantled staff-
ing functions and lost requisite expertise. As com-
HR outsourcing is sometimes driven by the evolu- panies require more specialized HR expertise,
tion of the HR function within the organization. We their best alternative is to hire external HR vendors
found very extensive outsourcing in some young or to perform activities that were formerly performed
small companies where the HR function was rela- in-house. Some executives argued that in tight
tively undeveloped or was being restructured. markets for HR services, such as for specialty
These activities were essentially confined to ad- searches or recruiting, they cannot permanently
ministering compensation and benefits, record employ the best specialists. Specialists such as
keeping, and applicant screening. Extensive out- executive search experts can earn more by operat-
sourcing was used to quickly fill voids in critical ing their own search firms.
HR capabilities by purchasing services from out-
side the organization. In such circumstances, out-
sourcing has the critical advantage of providing ""Yououtsource when someone else can
HR capabilities while not adding to HR headcount. perform the activity better than you."
One executive mentioned that HR outsourcing al-
lowed the company to do more without additional
staff or with fewer staff. Although some companies Agents and consultants can also provide special
with highly developed HR functions have out- knowledge of regulatory compliance criteria and
sourced the entire HR function, none of our inter- regulators gained from experience and personal
viewees described such extreme outsourcing.9 friendships formed during prior employment with
We found extensive HR outsourcing among some governmental agencies.'3 A consultant who has
very large companies, a relationship consistent worked for the Office of Federal Contract Compli-
with findings in a recent survey of workplace ance can guide a company through a difficult com-
trends.'0 However, in other very large companies, pliance problem based on knowledge of the regu-
we found only limited outsourcing, such as the latory criteria that federal agents apply. Outside
almost universal outsourcing of 401(k) retirement vendors can be more objective than internal staff
plans and some recruitment activities. Some inter- members in conducting training program evalua-
viewees explained that existing scale effects in tions. Furthermore, when the HR function lacks
their large companies eliminated any potential credibility with the company's senior manage-
savings from outsourcing, and that shared services ment, evaluations or research performed by out-
companies within their corporate families some- side vendors perceived to have expertise and ob-
times provided similar services. Thus, the relation- jectivity are given more credibility.
ship between the evolutionary stage of HR devel-
opment and outsourcing rationales or extent of
outsourcing is complex. HR Information Technology
Innovations in HR information technology also in-
fluence outsourcing practices. Many outside ven-
Need for Specialized Expertise
dors are installing integrated or enterprise soft-
As one highly respected senior HR executive stat- ware, such as PeopleSoft or SAP, with human
ed: "You outsource when someone else can per- resource information system (HRIS) components.
form the activity better than you." Another said Most HR executives cited recent or planned conver-
that companies should ask, "What is it we will sions to new, fully integrated information systems
never be experts at or shouldn't spend time do- that would simplify the transaction components of
ing?" These attitudes are consistent with the re- HR services. These systems enable HR executives
sults of a recent survey that identified vendor ex- to make informed business decisions on both op-
pertise, along with time savings, as the most erational and strategic issues. HR information can
frequently cited rationales for outsourcing HR ac- also be downloaded for processing by outside ven-
tivities." The demand for specialized expertise is dors. HRIS implementation is one of the driving
not surprising, given the growing complexity of HR forces for restructuring jobs, processes, and entire
tasks and the decline in staff HR specialists result- departments, including the HR department. A1-

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88 Academy of Management Executive August

though outsourcing to gain technological capabil- magnitude of their internal HR operations, special-
ities is an operational necessity, upgrading the ized vendors were unable to achieve greater econ-
HRIS has an important strategic implication. As omies of scale and cost savings. One interviewee
one HR executive stated: "We had to rethink all of observed that outsourcing produces no cost sav-
our processes when we began working with the ings when only two or three vendors dominate a
HRIS consultant to begin our conversion to a new specialized market. As noted, cost savings are of-
information platform." From a different perspec- ten an important rationale for outsourcing, but an-
tive, outsourcing provides another means for ob- other interviewee warned: "Don't let cost be the
taining the benefits of technology, particularly in absolute driver!"

"We had to rethink all of our processes Vendor Efficiencies and Service
when we began working with the HRIS For some activities, the decision to outsource is
consultant to begin our conversion to a straightforward. For example, many large mutual
new information platform." fund or financial services companies can adminis-
ter 401(k) retirement plans competently and at very
low cost. Decisions are similarly straightforward
organizational cultures that emphasize cost con- for benefits administration such as relocation ser-
trol. According to one interviewee: "Outsourcing vices, unemployment compensation, Consolidated
provides access to technology without [the require- Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), and
ment of] purchasing it." medical claims processing. For specialized ven-
dors, these activities are their core business and
Time Pressures constitute their strategic focus. As a result, they
produce high service and customer satisfaction.'6
HR outsourcing enables executives to cope with One HR executive suggested that exceptional ser-
time-sensitive issues and competing demands. vice is another reason his company outsourced
One HR executive outsourced recruiting when the services: "We are willing to pay more for a vendor
company had 50 openings and he did not have service because we are buying specialized exper-
time to hire or train a recruiter. The training func- tise and exceptional service."
tion provides another example of how time pres- On the other hand, several executives claimed
sures often do not allow internal development of that better service could not be obtained with most
trainers or program design. Vendors can supply outsourced services. They argued that the pursuit
generic programs, such as diversity training, that of cost savings often resulted in the loss of service
can be customized and delivered quickly.14 quality. For example, one interviewee reported un-
satisfactory experience in two attempts to out-
source unemployment claims because "the ven-
Cost Savings
dors had an exploit-the-employees philosophy."
The expectation that outsourcing will cut costs is
consistent with the strategic management view of
Firms' HR Capacity
competitive resource allocation. This perspective
holds that all activities unrelated to strategic core According to our interviewees, HR activities are
competencies should be outsourced since econo- occasionally outsourced because of such extraor-
mies of scale allow specialized vendors to provide dinary circumstances as an activity level that is
services at lower costs. One interviewee observed too overwhelming for in-house personnel to per-
that the fees charged by vendors decreased be- form. Extreme demands for services take place
cause of increasing economies of scale. Another during natural disasters or strikes. Planning for an
senior HR executive commented: "We gain credi- anticipated pilots' strike in 1997, American Airlines
bility with senior management when we demon- made arrangements with an outside vendor to
strate that we can manage budget and head- handle COBRA processing for some 80,000 employ-
count." ees.'7 Outsourcing is also used when companies
In contrast to the conventional wisdom about are operating at full capacity and do not have
cost savings, a recent study of information technol- additional staff to handle increased activity. Be-
ogy found that efficient vendor management prac- cause such levels of business will eventually de-
tices drive costs down more than economies of cline, companies may prefer to outsource some
scale.'5 As noted earlier, several HR executives activities rather than hire more staff. This ap-
from large companies reported that, because of the proach is similar to using overtime to handle peak

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1999 Greer, Youngblood, and Gray 89

workloads, instead of hiring new permanent em- added strategic aspects of my job, not the admin-
ployees. One interviewee summarized this point istrative, paper-pushing pieces." But outsourcing
by stating that "we use outsourcing to handle peak is only one component of the strategic transforma-
demand, and staff only for the baseline." tion process. One senior vice president for HR ad-
vised: "It is difficult to change your role to strategic
by dumping activities via outsourcing. It is easier
Benefits of an Agent in Negotiations if you are already in the strategic role." Numerous
Outsourcing gives firms the benefits of using executives wanted to shift more of the HR respon-
agents in negotiations. Several HR executives sibilities to the line managers and to transform the
championed the use of third parties or agents for HR staff to an internal consultant role. By consid-
executive-level searches. Use of a search firm to ering the old HR function as a candidate for out-
find qualified candidates and to conduct salary sourcing, the executives explicitly redefined the
and benefit negotiations reduces an HR execu- roles of their HR staffs. Another HR executive
tive's involvement in the negotiation phase. This stated that HR departments are more likely to stick
can be advantageous since, as one executive said, to their knitting when they perform only those ac-
"Negotiations [by search firms] don't leave [the tivities related to the implementation of their com-
company's] fingerprints when it's the search firm panies' strategies, rather than less essential func-
that is the bad guy. You don't want your new boss tions.
leaving bruises on you."

Decentralized Structure
Reduction of Liability or Risk
HR outsourcing is associated with decentralized or
Outsourcing an HR activity can reduce liability
matrix structures and extensive internal network-
and risk, which is critical for smaller companies
ing. One of the highest levels of HR outsourcing we
that do not have the resources to employ staff spe-
found was in a significantly matrixed telecommu-
cialists who are fully informed on the legal re-
nications organization. The company, which relies
quirements of HR programs. For example, substan-
heavily on internal networking and deemphasizes
tial expertise is required to insure that a retirement
departmental barriers, has a very informal culture
program conforms to the Employee Retirement In-
with a heavy emphasis on flexibility. Its decentral-
come Security Act (ERISA). As a result, smaller
ized structure, lean staffing, and informal, fast-
companies sometimes outsource the administra-
paced culture is consistent with its outsourcing
tion of their entire retirement program. Employee
arrangements. The firm's HR executive explained
assistance programs (EAPs) and drug testing are
that, except for benefits and compensation out-
also frequently outsourced regardless of company
sourcing, she does not sign contracts with HR out-
size, thus reducing legal liability associated with
sourcing vendors. Instead, she relies on trust in
divulgence of confidential information.
established relationships. Her company also uses
vendors that operate internationally to supply the
Outsourcing an HR activity can reduce same service to its operations throughout the
liability and risk, which is critical for world.
Decentralization of the HR function through re-
smaller companies that do not have the
deployment of some of its assets to operating units
resources to employ staff specialists who is another strategic rationale for outsourcing. By
are fully informed on the legal outsourcing specialized services, the HR function
requirements of HR programs. can redeploy HR expertise from the corporate level
to provide HR services at the operational level.
Such generalists help operating managers access
Strategic Rationales for Outsourcing HR services, including those provided by vendor
specialists. One senior HR executive emphasized
Strategic Focus
using HR generalists who know the business to
HR departments often lack a clear strategic focus manage outsourcing relationships because they
because they are preoccupied with operational ac- enhance the perception and reality of HR as a true
tivities. Outsourcing nonstrategic activities per- business partner. Another HR executive stated:
mits HR departments to move away from routine "HR generalists view their role differently when
administration toward a more strategic role.18 As they sit in the decision maker's chair instead of the
one HR executive said: "I like doing the value- chakir next to it." For these generalists, knowing

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90 Academy of Management Executive August

where to get a problem solved is more important some activity. If problems persist, blame can be
than having specialized HR knowledge. attributed to the vendor, who can be replaced.

Reduction of Bureaucracy and Culture Change Management and Organizational Development

An important rationale for outsourcing is to de- One HR executive wryly suggested that "outsourc-
velop less bureaucratic HR departments, which are ing is the antidote to inward thinking." Another
often criticized for the constraints they impose on said that outsourcing stimulated his thought pro-
operational flexibility.'9 As one interviewee stated, cesses and kept him in contact with consultants
successful outsourcing vendors emphasize cus- who had current and specialized information that
tomer service that permits the HR executive to deal could accelerate his progress on the learning
with only the most extreme cases. Outsourcing curve. Outsourcing provides a big picture perspec-
also replaces bureaucracy with market forces. As tive, as one HR executive exclaimed, because
one senior vice president stated, outsourcing al- "sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees."
lows his firm to "harness the power of the bidding Another senior HR executive compared HR out-
process." Because of their size and focus, outsourc- sourcing with genetics, arguing that the use of
ing firms are often more nimble and agile, and can vendors improves the HR gene pool and produces
deliver services more quickly than in-house HR new capabilities and out-of-the box thinking. A
staff. senior executive responsible for executive com-
pensation alternates outsourcing and insourcing
approaches to enhance organizational learning.
Internal Politics After a year in which he outsources the activity to
Downsizing has frequently required HR depart- learn the latest techniques, he insources it the next
ments to share the pain of widespread organiza- year for cost savings, and then outsources again
tional restructuring by reducing their staffs. One the next year to learn more. When HR activities are
HR executive stated that outsourcing and staff re- outsourced, however, fewer career development
ductions made his department "look less bloated opportunities exist for the HR staff. When only a
and more like a real business partner." Under such limited number of activities are performed in-
circumstances, maintaining specialized in-house house, broad or general HR experience is more
difficult to obtain.

One HR executive stated that outsourcing Outsourcing Outcomes

and staff reductions made his
department "look less bloated and more From these interviews we learned that most good
reasons for outsourcing translated into advan-
like a real business partner." tages when outsourcing remained in effect for ex-
tended periods. Several HR executives mentioned
expertise is nearly impossible. One interviewee that lower HR costs were achieved, along with
claimed that his medium-sized company obtained higher service quality, and that these activities
better HR staff utilization and flexibility by em- enhanced HR focus on areas directly contributing
ploying only HR generalists rather than special- to firm success. Some by-products or unintended
ists. For specialized HR services, he relied on ven- benefits were realignment or redeployment of in-
dors. Some of the largest companies made similar ternal HR expertise, development of negotiation
arguments for HR generalists. and broker skills, and enhanced credibility of the
Staff reduction is often an important consider- HR function. Another benefit was risk and uncer-
ation for companies in the evolutionary phase tainty absorption by the HR vendor, especially
when senior management is skeptical about the where rapid changes in technology or regulatory
value of a more comprehensive HR function.20 In issues occurred. One interviewee suggested that
addition, economy of scale effects from in-house the use of HR outsourcing is a way to "syndicate
HR activities are virtually impossible for smaller the risk" when the organization cannot stay current
companies to achieve. on all the new developments in the HR field. One
One interviewee argued that an unspoken ratio- measure of satisfaction with outsourcing was re-
nale for outsourcing is that it enables an executive flected in the comments of a senior HR executive
to cover up unsatisfactory performance. Some- who views any area of HR as an outsourcing op-
times an HR executive can reduce personal risk, at portunity, and who feared that "my replacement
least in the short run, by outsourcing ar trouble- will tell me that my job is too easy!"

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1999 Greer, Youngblood, and Gray 91

However, not all outsourcing experiences were On balance, virtually all the HR executives we
positive, and one interviewee stated: "Outsourcing interviewed expressed satisfaction with their out-
is not the silver bullet." Some HR executives found sourcing arrangements because the benefits out-
that outsourcing does not always produce signifi- weighed the costs and produced a more robust HR
cant cost savings, and in one case, costs actually function. Based on their evaluative comments, we
increased. When HR vendor service quality is un- have developed the following guidelines for suc-
satisfactory, vendor switching costs and long-term cessful HR outsourcing.
vendor contracts block immediate improvements.
One interviewee cautioned that when the primary
Guidelines for HR Outsourcing
motivation for outsourcing is cost reduction in-
stead of superior service at a reasonable cost, "se- Table 1 provides a summary of guidelines using
nior management often gets what it pays for." Out- categories that follow a chronology similar to the
sourcing can disrupt the firm's culture if the vendor outsourcing phases identified by Professor Scott
becomes a noticeable third party instead of a Lever.2'
seamless extension of the HR function. The HR
department's loss of skills or competencies can
Making the Outsourcing Decision
produce excessive reliance or dependence on the
vendor. Many interviewees cautioned against out- Except for such core competencies as employee
sourcing activities that could remove or distance relations or performance appraisal, most HR activ-
the HR function from employees. Another inter- ities should be subject to outsourcing. Immunity
viewee observed that when HR vendor relations go from outsourcing should result only when the com-
sour, in many instances the people working for the pany's competitive position will be compromised
vendor lack critical expertise and a customer-ser- by a loss of specialized expertise. Insufficient fo-
vice focus, or fail to take the interests of their client cus on retaining HR activities that support core
into account when delivering their services. competencies can have unintended consequences.

Table 1
Guidelines for Human Resource Outsourcing
Making the Outsourcing Decision
*Don't allow sacred cows. Except for core competencies, all other HR activities should be considered as candidates for
*Determine whether the desire to outsource an activity is driven by its low contribution to core competencies, influences from
the external environment, or poor management of the activity.
*Recognize that performance is more important than low HR department headcounts or lower costs.
*Beware of vendors that supply off-the-shelf solutions that do not fit the company's needs.
Avoid excessive reliance on vendors.
Decide how much control is needed for various HR activities and whether control can be retained with outsourcing.
Identify critical personal benefits of outsourcing.
Selecting and Negotiating with Outsourcing Vendors
Assign a high weighting to vendors' knowledge of the industry.
Perform reference checks of potential vendors.
Understand the costs involved in switching vendors for outsourced services.
Managing the Outsourcing Transition
Expect the internal HR team to resist outsourcing and develop ways of managing this resistance.
Anticipate conflict and develop a plan for resolving it in a manner that supports the relationship with the vendor.
Anticipate changes to HR culture and careers.
Managing Vendor Relationships
Develop long-term relationships with outsourcing vendors where such continuity is critical.
Develop staff members to become effective managers of vendor relationships.
Maintain stability of the in-house staff who oversee vendor relationships and understand the performance expectations
originally negotiated.
Require competitive bidding for each outsourced service at regular intervals.
Monitoring and Evaluating Vendor Performance
Establish expectations, measures, and reporting relationships up front for both outsourcing parties.
Insist on high quality performance by HR vendors.
Insist on accurate and frequent status reporting by HR vendors and immediate notification when problems arise.
Establish performance targets for vendors with the assistance of outside consultants when necessary.
Enhance vendor performance through performance standards.
Consider internal customer surveys to evaluate vendor performance.

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92 Academy of Management Executive August

One such consequence is HR anorexia, which oc- not to outsource some selection activities be-
curs when key HR activities are hollowed out of the cause staffing specialists require security clear-
old HR department, resulting in lost capability and ances. Nonetheless, the pressure to produce
diminished customer service quality. According to cost savings appears to override important sen-
one highly regarded HR executive, outsourcing is a sitivity considerations. Even such sensitive func-
truth serum for what is going on in HR, and it has tions as EAPs are outsourced primarily because
a potential role in providing competitive advan- of cost pressures, or to reduce risk and legal
tage. As a result of the downsizing-induced mal- liability.
aise affecting some companies, some HR execu- When making decisions to outsource HR activ-
ities, executives need to recognize that perfor-
mance is typically the most important consider-
According to one highly regarded HR
ation. One interviewee noted the importance of
executive, outsourcing is a truth serum the service quality his staff provides and the
for what is going on in HR, and it has a direct impact on his own job security: "If I don't
potential role in providing competitive support the organization, I'll get in trouble
advantage. quickly. This may be more important than head-
count or budget." The president of an HR service
tives are making the mistake of outsourcing key firm mentioned that when an executive comes to
activities. Several HR executives identified core him seeking cost savings, he tells the executive
areas that should not be outsourced. that his is not the right firm for the job. Problems
The interviewees were unanimous in their ad- can result from a shortsighted emphasis on cost
vice not to outsource core competencies such as savings, which may not be realized if employees
labor relations, employee relations, or perfor- lose confidence in vendor services or when ven-
mance management functions. Effectiveness in dors supply off-the-shelf solutions that do not fit
these functions requires consistency, trust, an un- the company's needs.
derstanding of long-term effects in relationships, Quality is particularly important when services
and control of confidential information. Thus they are provided for highly skilled or educated em-
should not be outsourced. One interviewee told us ployees who are in great demand. A pharmaceuti-
that his company keeps the people-to-people ac- cal company that went to great lengths to attract
tivities in-house because management wants and retain a highly educated workforce rejected
"someone from the company who can do some- most outsourcing alternatives and any potential
thing about the problem, and we can't outsource associated savings. Executives felt that retention
the mechanism [employee relations] that commu- of world-class talent required pampering through
nicates to employees that we care about them." In personalized service and error-free administration
addition, although fewer interviewees agreed, of its generous benefit package. They also felt that
many executives would not outsource compensa- outsourcing would be inconsistent with their red-
tion or training design. Because HR departments carpet treatment of employees and the company's
run the risk of losing their identities with extreme culture. Furthermore, HR executives might lose di-
levels of outsourcing, a mixture of outsourcing and
rect feedback on the quality of benefit services. In
in-house activities seems optimal in many circum-
a few small to medium-sized companies, we found
only limited outsourcing, while some customer-in-
The need to preserve confidentiality and an
tensive HR activities in the benefits areas were
appropriate amount of control are important con-
siderations, particularly for activities involving retained to preserve cultures focusing on employee
sensitive information. For example, in executive welfare.
searches some companies outsource only the re- HR executives must also exercise caution to
search needed to identify names of potential avoid becoming overly dependent on vendors for
candidates. After the vendor supplies the names, essential personnel services that cannot be per-
the company performs the remainder of the re- formed competently by other vendors. Competitors
cruitment activity. Although many companies could pirate services, for example, placing a com-
outsource wage and salary surveys or job eval- pany at a disadvantage. Reliance on a single ven-
uations, they often retain in-house wage and dor means that learning accrues to the vendor-
salary adjustments, performance-based pay in- not to the client organization. Thus, organizational
centives, or other sensitive aspects of compensa- learning cannot be captured or adapted into other
tion. Similarly, a defense contractor may choose ccapabilities.

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1999 Greer, Youngblood, and Gray 93

Selecting and Negotiating with Outsourcing healthy alliance in which each party is motivated
Vendors to work through problems. Terminating vendor
contracts is not easy because replacement vendors
Decision makers selecting vendors should, in the
are often unavailable on short notice. Bringing the
words of one HR executive, "treat the selection as
service back in-house is also not always feasible
you would when conducting due diligence during
in the short run.25 Problems sometimes arise even
a planned acquisition." The executive also noted
when the service performed by the vendor is good.
that selection criteria should include a high crite-
For example, when the vendor's employees per-
rion weighting for vendors' knowledge of the in-
form excellent services in-house, the host company
dustry because HR practices differ across indus-
may have an incentive to buy out the vendor's
tries. Thus, reference checks are important. Even
operations. Specifying the conditions for such a
when a large outsourcing firm has a good overall
buy-out before the service is initiated can elimi-
reputation, there is no guarantee that its specialty
nate related problems.
areas are of uniformly high quality. HR executives
must also understand the costs involved in switch-
ing vendors for outsourced services.22 For some Managing Vendor Relationships
activities, high switching costs can lead to weak
HR executives should be prepared to develop long-
power bases in subsequent negotiations with ven-
term relationships with outsourcing vendors where
dors. Furthermore, firms frequently enter into bad
continuity is critical, as with actuarial firms and
contracts with vendors and then find terminating
search firms. In the case of executive search firms,
the agreements extremely difficult.23
one interviewee stated that a long-term relation-
ship is conducive to the vendor's learning the com-
Managing the Outsourcing Transition pany's culture to achieve better employee-organi-
zation fit. Also, if competitive intelligence has been
Since HR outsourcing entails change, executives
obtained ethically as a byproduct of the in-house
must be prepared to manage resistance mounted
search process, alternative intelligence sources
by the internal HR team, especially specialists in
must be established when search activities are
functions retained within the company who may
outsourced. To the extent that long-term relation-
perceive only limited opportunities for upward mo-
ships exist and conflicts of interest are avoided for
bility. Executives also need to be aware of the
the contracting search firm, there may be a will-
impact of outsourcing on the staff's sense of job
ingness to allow some capturing of intelligence.
security, loyalty, and organizational commitment.
Moreover, some vendors supply competitive intel-
Loss of job security and loyalty can lead to de-
ligence as part of their normal services. On the
creased productivity and other dysfunctional ac-
other hand, some companies require vendors to
tions, and can have severe consequences for the
sign nondisclosure agreements that prevent them
from revealing such information.
Companies contemplating an outsourcing rela-
Even long-term vendors must understand that
tionship should anticipate conflict with the vendor
work is awarded on the basis of performance, not
and develop a plan for resolving it.24 One inter-
relationships. One interviewee made the compar-
viewee who provides legal services to corporate cli-
ison of HR vendors to at-will employees as a re-
ents said problems often arise because of lack of
minder that no vendors should ever believe that
they have a non-expiring contract. Executives
Companies contemplating an outsourcing should choose vendors that deliver the right ser-
relationship should anticipate conflict vice at the right price. While firms sometimes need
with the vendor and develop a plan for special long-term relationships, these are not re-
quired for all activities. HR executives should re-
resolving it. quire competitive bidding for each outsourced ser-
vice at regular time intervals, such as every three
vendor competency and the failure of the vendor to years.
represent fully the interests of the client. Another In addition, outsourcing requires companies to
HR executive warned that hasty outsourcing ar- develop managers of vendor relationships. While
rangements usually produce unsatisfactory re- talent for managing outsourcing relationships may
sults. Thus, it is important to set clear expectations exist even one or two levels below vice president,
at the outset to create safeguards that permit ter- it is not always present. When it is not, executives
mination of the contract for noncompliance. Clari- should assign capable staff members to teach ne-
fying expectations at the outset can produce a gotiating skills to experienced sales or engineer-

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94 Academy of Manacement Executive Auaust

ing managers who perform these activities on a ing rule of one HR staff member for every 100 em-
regular basis. Several HR executives noted that ployees is not as meaningful today as a measure of
they learned how to outsource by "jumping into the HR efficiency or effectiveness as in the past.
hip pockets" of line managers with experience in HR outsourcing is consistent with the business
outsourcing some of their own activities. partner role that internal service staffs are at-
tempting to assume. HR is a service that is co-
produced with line managers and employees. HR
Monitoring and Evaluating Vendor Performance
executives are being asked to help provide busi-
HR executives should communicate performance ness solutions for employee and customer prob-
expectations and establish measurement criteria lems. HR executives are being challenged to de-
from the outset. Vendor and customer expectations velop core competencies to help formulate and
must be identified and articulated, along with the deliver these business solutions. HR departments
performance measures and reporting routines. Ex- are being challenged to change their bureaucratic
ecutives should insist on honest and frequent re- culture and to be customer-oriented and deliver
porting by HR vendors and on immediate notifica-
tion when problems arise. Common measures of
vendor performance include cost-per-hire and The old HR staffing rule of one HR staff
turnover rates. Vendor performance is enhanced member for every 100 employees is not as
by performance standards, and outside consult- meaningful today as a measure of HR
ants can help establish performance targets for
efficiency or effectiveness as in the past.
vendors. For example, an actuary can provide ad-
vice on performance targets for health care cover-
age. Similarly, a consulting firm can help identify exceptional service. Outsourcing can be used in
the top money managers needed to handle invest- conjunction with an internal HR focus on core com-
ments for company-administered pension funds. petencies to produce these solutions, especially
Vendor performance is also enhanced by the use of when that means partnering with an HR vendor.
performance standards in which savings, for ex- Information technologies are fueling the growth
ample, from reduced workers' compensation of new organizational forms, such as networks and
claims, are shared with the vendor. Similarly, the highly decentralized organizations. The outsourc-
performance of HMOs can be enhanced by sliding ing business has tapped into these technologies
scale standards that share risk and cost savings and is serving a growing demand for technology-
with the HMO. One company's experience in com- related services such as HRIS. Outsourcing pro-
peting for a Baldrige National Quality Program vides support for the new HR role and structure of
award taught it how to better select and partner redesigned organizations. Restructured HR depart-
with vendors, including HR vendors. ments will continue to increase their use of outside
Because outsourcing is often motivated by a service providers.27 In restructured HR depart-
need for better service, HR executives should insist ments, HR generalists will be challenged to de-
on high quality performance by HR vendors. Unlike velop consultant and brokering skills that identify
employees, vendors do not have to be paid until client needs and negotiate and manage vendor
contracted levels of service quality are provided. relations to meet business needs. HR professionals
Staff members charged with monitoring the qual- must discover a set of core competencies to be
ity of vendor performance have the option of using retained and services to be provided by outsourc-
internal customer surveys.26 ing vendors.
The dynamics of outsourcing are complex and
paradoxical. The relationship between HR depart-
Evolving Issues and Conclusions
ment evolution and outsourcing is anything but
HR outsourcing is a byproduct of the restructuring linear. Some HR departments are more evolved
of HR departments underway in organizations in than others and employ strategic rationales for
virtually every industry, regardless of size. Some outsourcing. Less-evolved departments resist
HR departments are restructuring because of change and embrace outsourcing in a reactive
growth, mergers, acquisitions, or top executive mode and for short-term considerations. Small and
turnover, others to deliver better service at a rea- large organizations alike have adopted outsourc-
sonable cost to multiple stakeholders. Executives ing. Some firms seek outsourcing to replace whole
are asking how they can provide valued services to jobs, functions, or departments. Others unbundle
both internal and external customers in light of HR services and retain some functions in-house
scarce organizational resources. The old HR staff- while brokering others to vendors. Some firms out-

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1999 Greer, Youngblood, and Gray 95

source HR services with no motivation to bring the application of content categories or themes. Template anal-
them back in-house. Other firms in-source previ- ysis varies from content analysis in that a qualitative interpre-
tation of themes is employed, rather than a statistical analysis.
ously outsourced services because learning is ac-
Our analytical approach placed substantial emphasis on de-
cruing to the vendor, or because of dissatisfaction termining the range of practices and identifying outliers be-
with the service or recognition that the HR activity cause of our interest in unique practices.
is a core competency. 3Carney, W. 1997. Outsourcing HR and benefits: Navigating
The choice to outsource some or all of the HR the right course. Benefits and Compensation International, 26(7):
domain is becoming increasingly likely for most 15-23; Directors and boards, 1997. Business Process Engineering,
21(3): 37-43; Weinfurter, D. J. 1997. Project outsourcing offers a
firms. Macroeconomic and environmental forces
career alternative. HR News, 16(12), 14; Jones, M. 1996. Four
have compelled organizations to restructure and trends to reckon with. HR Focus, 73(7): 22-23; HR Focus, 1997.
reexamine all management processes, including Outsourcing of HR continues, 74(3): 2; HRMagazine, 1997. HR
HR management. Little empirical research exists today and tomorrow: 1997 survey of human resource trends,
to guide informed decision making.28 Our purpose 42(8): 33-41.
4 Ulrich, D. 1997. Judge me more by my future than my past.
here has been to identify the critical issues con-
Human Resource Management, 36(1): 5-8.
fronting executives who must choose which HR 5 Byrne, J. A. 1994. The pain of downsizing. Business Week.
outsourcing path to follow. May 9: 61.
6 Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D. P. 1996. The balanced scorecard:
Translating strategy into action. Boston: Harvard Business
Acknowledgments School Press. Beatty, R. W. & Schneier, C. E. 1997. New HR roles
impact organizational performance: From partners to players.
The authors wish to acknowledge the suggestions Human Resource Management, 36(1): 29-37.
of Sheila M. Puffer and two anonymous reviewers, 7 Tichy, N. M. & Sherman, S. 1993. Control your own destiny or
as well as Henry Robinson, K. Matthew Gilley, and someone else will. New York: Currency Doubleday, p. 246.
the executives we interviewed, and to acknowl- 8Pfeffer, J. 1997. Pitfalls on the road to measurement: The
dangerous liaison of human resources with the ideas of ac-
edge the assistance of Stephen Lawrence. counting and finance. Human Resource Management, 36(3), 357-
365; Pfeffer, J. 1994. Competitive advantage through people: Un-
leashing the power of the work force. Boston: Harvard Business
Endnotes School Press; Huselid, M. A. 1995. The impact of human resource
1 We obtained data from intensive interviews of 26 senior management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate
financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38:
HR executives and professionals from 25 organizations. To
635-672; Arthur, J. B. 1994. Effects of human resource systems on
obtain a broad sampling of companies with a variety of
manufacturing performance and turnover. Academy of Man-
approaches to outsourcing practices, we purposely selected
large and small companies from a variety of industries. With agement Journal, 37: 670-687.
9 Seely, R. S. 1993. HR redesigns for optimizing effectiveness.
one exception, interviews were conducted between February
1997 and March 1998. All three researchers were present for HRMagazine, 35(11): 44-46. Laabs, J., J. 1993. Why HR is turning
more than 60 percent of the interviews. Fewer than 25 percent to outsourcing. Personnel Journal, 72(9), 92-101.
1 Training, 1997. 1997 industry report: Workplace trends. Oc-
of the interviews were conducted by only one of the research-
ers. Our sample organizations ranged in size from Fortune tober: 61-65.
500 to smaller employers having fewer than 200 employees. In " Harkins, P. J., Brown, S. M., & Sullivan, R. 1995. Shining new
addition, we included a few small HR service providers with light on a growing trend. HRMagazine, 40(12): 75-79.
a small number of employees. Industries represented in the 2 Hoffman, E. B. 1976. Unionization of professional societies.
sample were airlines, electronics-semiconductors, engineer- New York: Conference Board; Raelin, J. A. 1987. Job security for
ing-construction, entertainment, food services, HR services, professionals. Personnel, 64(7): 40-47.
13 Rubin, J. A. & Sander, F. E. A. 1988. When should we use
legal services, manufacturing, petroleum, pharmaceuticals,
publishing, railroads, search firms, specialty retailers, tele- agents? Direct versus representative negotiation. Negotiation
communications, and utilities. We interviewed one executive Journal, October: 395-401.
vice president, three senior vice presidents of HR, 11 vice 14 Kaeter, M. 1995. An outsourcing primer. Training and De-
presidents of HR, four directors of HR, one director of learning velopment Journal, 49(11): 20-25.
services, two HR managers, three presidents, managing di- "5Lacity, M. C., Willcocks, L. P., & Feeny, D. F. 1996. The
rectors, or owners of their own personnel services firms, and value of selective IT sourcing. Sloan Management Review, 37:
one employment attorney. Nineteen of the interviewees were 13-25.
men and seven were women. 16 Marinaccio, L. 1994. Outsourcing: A strategic tool for man-

2 Our interviews followed a semistructured format developed aging human resources. Employee Benefits Journal, March, 19:
from the authors' reviews of practitioner and academic litera- 39-42.
ture. Each executive interview took approximately one hour. We 7 Allison, J., vice president of human resources, American
revised the format as we conducted the interviews when com- Airlines. Address to the Human Resource Round Table, Texas
prehensive responses on the initial issues were obtained and Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, April 15, 1997.
as new issues emerged. Our interview and analytical proce- 18 Marinaccio, L. op. cit.

dures are similar to the "template" approach described by B. F. 19Cantoni, C. J. 1995. A waste of human resources. Wall Street
Crabtree and W. L. Miller (eds.). 1992. Doing qualitative re- Journal, May 15: A18.
search. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. This approach is 20Stewart, T. A. 1996. Taking on the last bureaucracy. For-
comparable to content analysis in that the text is analyzed with tune, January 15: 105; Stewart, T. A. 1996. Human resources bites

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96 Academy of Management Executive August

back. Fortune, May 13: 175-176; Ellig, B. 1996. SHRM rebuts ical structure based on a human investment philosophy. Orga-
Fortune article. HR News, 15(2): 5. nizational Dynamics, 23: 5-18.
28 Lever, S. op. cit.
21 Lever, S. 1997. An analysis of managerial motivations be-
hind outsourcing practices in human resources. Human Re-
sources Planning, 20(2): 37-47.
22 Mullin, R. 1996. Managing the outsourced enterprise. Jour-
nal of Business Strategy, 17(4): 28-38.
Charles R. Greer is a professor of
23 Cascio, W. F. 1993. Downsizing: What do we know? What
management at Texas Christian
have we learned? The Academy of Management Executive, 7(1):
University. His research focuses
95-104; Cook, D. S. & Ferris, G. R. 1986. Strategic human resource
on strategic human resource
management and firm effectiveness in industries experiencing
management and international
decline. Human Resource Management, 25(3): 441-457; Laabs,
management. His articles have
J. J. 1993. Successful outsourcing depends on critical factors.
appeared in The Academy of
Personnel Journal, 72(10): 55.
24 Lacity, M. C., Willcocks, L. P., & Feeny, D. F. op. cit.
Management Journal, The Acad-
25 Kaeter, M. op cit. emy of Management Review, Or-
26 ganization Science, and Organi-
Lacity, M. C., Willcocks, L. P., & Feeny, D. F. op. cit.
zational Dynamics. Contact:
Miles, R. E. & Snow, C. C. 1992. Fit, failure, and the hall of
fame: How companies succeed or fail. New York: Free Press;
Miles, R. E. & Snow, C. C. 1995. The new network firm: A spher-

David A. Gray is associate pro-

Stuart Youngblood is the M. J.
fessor of human resource man-
Neeley Research Professor at
agement and labor relations at
Texas Christian University. He
the University of Texas at Arling-
has published extensively and is
ton. His research interests are in
coeditor of The Encyclopedic Dic-
HR outsourcing, corporate re-
tionary of Human Resource Man-
structuring, and HR and value-
agement (Blackwell Publishers,
added HR. He has published in
1997). A member of the Academy
The Academy of Management
of Management and the Society
Review, The Academy of Man-
for Human Resource Manage-
agement Executive, and Omega:
ment, Dr. Youngblood is a certi-
The International Journal of
fied mediator. Contact:
Management Science. Contact:

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