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Group Members:
1.Emmanuel Arthur Mensah -0411100322
2.Magdalene Djabakuor Kodzi – 0409101121

Question: Discuss snail farming business under these thematic topics:

2.buying fresh snails
3.Feeding for handling and processing the snails and transportation

1. Infrastructure [Housing]:
In snail farming, proper housing is essential for the growth and development of the snails. The housing should provide a suitable
environment for the snails to thrive and reproduce. The housing for snails is usually made up of wooden boxes, plastic crates, or
concrete pens. The size of the housing should be spacious enough to accommodate the number of snails being reared. It should
also have proper ventilation, insulation, and protection from predators.

For example, in Nigeria, snail farmers often use wooden boxes with mesh wires for ventilation. The boxes are placed in a shaded
area to prevent direct sunlight and regulate the temperature. Proper housing is crucial for the health and productivity of the snails.
Examples of housing infrastructure for snail farming include:
- Snaileries: These are specially designed structures or enclosures where snails are kept. They can be made of materials such as
wood, plastic, or concrete.
- Shelters: Snails need shelter to protect themselves from extreme weather conditions. Shelters can be in the form of sheds or
- Fencing: Fencing is essential to keep predators out and prevent snails from escaping.

2. Buying Fresh Snails:

In order to start a snail farming business, you will need to purchase fresh snails as breeding stock. It is important to source
healthy and disease-free snails from reputable suppliers. You can buy fresh snails from local markets, other farmers, or
specialized suppliers. When buying snails, ensure that they are of the right size, weight, and age for breeding.

Snails are herbivorous creatures that primarily feed on green leaves, fruits, vegetables, and other plant materials. It is important to
provide a balanced diet to ensure the healthy growth and development of the snails. Common feed sources for snails include
cassava leaves, cocoyam leaves, lettuce, and fruits like pawpaw and banana. Snails also require access to clean, fresh water at all
times.Examples of feed for snails include:
- Leafy greens: Such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach
- Fruits: Such as apples, bananas
- Vegetables: Such as carrots, cucumbers

4. Tools for Handling and Processing the Snails:

In order to handle and process snails effectively in your farming business, you will need certain tools and equipment. These tools
help in tasks such as harvesting, cleaning, sorting, and packaging the snails for sale. Snail farmers need to be equipped with the
right tools to ensure the efficient management of the snails and the quality of the final product.

Examples of tools for handling and processing snails include:

- Harvesting tongs
- Sorting trays
- Cleaning brushes
- Packaging materials
For example, in Italy, snail farmers use specialized snail tongs to gently handle the snails without causing harm. They also use
brushes to clean the snails before processing them for sale.

5. Marketing and Transportation:

Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a snail farming business. It is important to identify target markets and develop
effective marketing strategies to reach potential customers. Snail farmers can sell their products locally at farmers' markets,
grocery stores, restaurants, or directly to consumers. Transportation is also essential to deliver the snails to the market in a timely
and efficient manner. Examples of marketing strategies for a snail farming business include:
- Creating a website or social media pages to showcase your products
- Participating in local farmers' markets or agricultural fairs
- Collaborating with restaurants or grocery stores

For transportation, you may need vehicles or carriers that can safely transport live or packaged snails to different locations. For
example, in the some countries, snail farmers often market their products through farmers' markets, online platforms, and
specialty food stores. They may partner with local transportation companies to deliver their products to customers across the

Overall, successful snail farming requires careful planning and investment in infrastructure, sourcing quality breeding stock,
providing proper feeding practices, using appropriate tools for handling and processing the snails efficiently, implementing
effective marketing strategies, and ensuring reliable transportation methods for delivering products to customers.

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