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1. What is Ash Wednesday /Lent?

 Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of reflection and
preparation for Easter Sunday in Western Christianity. It typically falls between
February 4th and March 11th, depending on the date of Easter.
 During Lent, Christians focus on repentance, prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving (giving to charity) to spiritually prepare for the celebration of Jesus'

2. What are the symbols ? Celebrations during the Holy Week?

 Palm Sunday: This Sunday commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem,
where people greeted him with palm branches. Symbols associated with this day
include palm branches and processions.
 Maundy Thursday: This Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus
shared his final meal with his disciples. Washing of the feet and the Eucharist are
central symbols and rituals on this day.
 Good Friday: This Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The cross is the most prominent symbol, and some churches hold Stations of the
Cross observances to reflect on Jesus' journey.
 Holy Saturday: This Saturday is a day of quiet waiting and anticipation before the
Easter celebration. Some churches hold a Paschal Vigil service on this night.
 Easter Sunday: This Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead. Symbols associated with Easter include eggs, which represent new life,
and lilies, which symbolize purity.

3. What is your plan of Action

As a student, Lent brings a change in routine. This year, I'm giving up social media for more
focus and real-life connections. Balancing schoolwork with Lent is key, and I hope to use
reflection from Lent to improve my studies. Helping others through a school food drive feels
important too. There will be challenges, but I'm determined to make this Lenten journey a
time of personal growth.

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