AllZones - IOM 2023-24-129 Staff Welfare Schemes For FY 2023-24-Ex-Gratia

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Bank of India I
adz ct)14`M 411 Wriq
/ From
Alt To,
1pgf TEUTIf4t1W/ The Chief General Manager, The Chief General Manager/
;RIF colLifzig / Head Office General Manager
TR:MR it1-117T / Human Resources Dept. All HO Departments
ailbtfiTW AVVITIIITTT / Industrial Relations Division The General manager
National Banking Group
The Zonal Manager
All Zones
H.R. Department
The Dy. General Manager,
LCB/ Zonal Audit Offices
The Principal
Staff Trainin a Coll es
.Ref.No.:HO:HR:IR:MM:1-470 Date : 02-02-2024
IOM Ref. No.: 2023-24/129
Staff Welfare Schemes for the year 2023-24

(A) Ex-gratia amount of Rs.10,000/- per annum to the

employees having physically challenged children.

(B) Ex-gratia amount of Rs.25,000/- per annum to the

employees having mentally challenged children.

(C) Reimbursement of education expenses incurred by

family members in respect of children of staff
member dying in harness on or after 07.09.2006

We are pleased to advise you that in the Central Welfare Committee Meeting
held on 28th December 2023, decision has been taken to continue the captioned three
Schemes for the current welfare year 2023-24.

2. The details of the Schemes and other administrative guidelines for

implementation of the said Schemes are given as per Annexure for your ready

3. You are requested to bring the contents of the said Schemes to the notice of
all staff members working in your Zone / Office. Please ensure that these Schemes
are implemented as per the guidelines governing them and the required information /
reimbursement from the Head Office is claimed within the time schedule as advised in
the administrative guidelines.

Please do the needful.

(Shampa Biswas)
.41 backupian nielmayur maneoce niral welfare connkkee‘
General Manager (HR)
( Annexure to IOM, No. HO:HR:IR:MM:1-470 Dated 02-02-2024 )


(A) Ex-gratia amount of Rs.10,000/- per annum to the employees having physically
challenged child/ children.

(i) An amount of Rs.10,000/- maximum (only once in financial year) to be

reimbursed to the staff members for the expenses incurred by him / her for
education / medical treatment / rehabilitation / training etc. of his / her
dependent child / children, who is physically challenged and / or blind.
However, staff member claiming such reimbursement should be eligible to
claim deduction as per the provisions of Income Tax Act for such expenses
incurred by him/her. Reimbursement will be done as per the number of
children (physically challenged) for eg. For 2 children - Rs.20,000/- will be
Note: - (All the disabilities as defined and classified under Sr. No.1 or 5 of
schedule (clause (zc) of section 2) to Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,
2016 will be eligible for the above facility).

(I) Staff member to claim reimbursement submitting application-cum-declaration

through HRMS module on or before 15.02.2024 to that effect and maximum
reimbursable amount will be Rs.10,000/- (per child) per annum. The
application is to be entered in HRMS from 03.02.2024 to 15.02.2024.

(ii) Please note that carry over / claiming reimbursement of the expenses not
claimed in the past for earlier year(s) is not permitted under the Scheme.

(B) Ex-gratia amount of Rs.25,000/- per annum to tne employees having mentally
challenged children

(ii) An amount of Rs.25,000/- maximum (only once in financial year) to be

reimbursed to the staff members for the expenses incurred by him / her for
education / medical treatment / rehabilitation / training etc. of his / her
dependant child, who is mentally challenged. However, staff member claiming
such reimbursement should be eligible to claim deduction as per the
provisions of Income Tax Act for such expenses incurred by him / her.
Reimbursement will be done as per the number of children (mentally
challenged) for eg. For 2 children - Rs.50000/- will be reimbursed.
Note: - (All the disabilities as defined and classified under Sr. No.2 of schedule
(clause (zc) of section 2) to Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 will be
eligible for the above facility.

(iii) Staff member to claim reimbursement by submitting application-cum-

declaration through HRMS module on or before 15.02.2023 to that effect
and maximum reimbursable amount will be Rs.25,000/- (per child) per annum.
The application is to be entered in HRMS from 03.02.2024 to 15.02.2023.

(iv) Please note that carry over / claiming reimbursement of the expenses not
claimed in the past for earlier year(s) is not permitted under the Scheme

NOTE: In case staff and his/ her spouse are BOI employees, then
reimbursement can be claimed by only one staff.

CliEssi!jean L
(C) Reimbursement of education expenses incurred by family members in respect
of children of staff member dvina in harness on or after 07.09.2006 —

An amount of Rs.20001- maximum (only once in financial year) to be

reimbursed to the bereaved family member of the staff dying in harness in
respect of children studying in school upto 10th Standard;

(ii) an amount of Rs.3000/- maximum (only once in financial year) to be

reimbursed to the bereaved family member of the staff dying in harness in
respect of children studying in Class 11th, 12th Standard or Diploma
courses of recognized Universities;

(iii) an amount of Rs.5000/- maximum (only once in financial year) to be

reimbursed to the bereaved family member of the staff dying in harness in
respect of children studying in college (up to graduation level);

(iv) Bereaved family member who has been paid an amount under Bank's Death
Relief Scheme will be entitled to claim reimbursement of expenses as
mentioned above in sub-para (i), (ii) & (iii), as the case may be, on submitting
required declaration.

(v) Bereaved family member who is in receipt of an amount under Bank's Death
Relief Scheme to submit application along with academic results of child /
children for the immediate preceding year (2022-2023).

(vi) Please note that carry over i claiming reimbursement of the expenses not
claimed in the oast for earlier year(s) is not permitted under the Scheme.

(vii) The Scheme is applicable only in respect of employees died in harness on or

after 07.09.2006.

Administrative guidelines for implementation of the above Scheme (staff died in


(a) In respect of the Scheme for reimbursement of educational expenses incurred

by family members in respect of children of staff members dying in harness,
the application to claim the amount will be made by only the dependent of the
staff who has died in harness. The applications would be received by the
nearest / pension paying Branch, Branch will forward the applications to Zonal
Office, H.R. Department after confirming the same. The applications will then
be entered by the H.R. in-charge in his HRMS on behalf of the dependent of
the staff who has died in harness. The application is to be entered in HRMS
from 03.02.2024 to 15.02.2024. The data entered should be forwarded to Head
office — I.R. Divn. in the enclosed format. Reimbursement for the claim amount
will be done by H.R. Dept., Head Office.

Name of the PF No. Name of Account Name of the Amoun to be

Staff claimant Number student (Ward of reimbui sed/
Member the staff member) I Paid (R s.)
(died in

Classification ! . it

Application-cum-declaration for claiming reimbursement of educational

expenses incurred by family members in respect of children of staff
member dying in harness during the academic year 2022-23 (Welfare
Year 2023-24)

PF No. of staff died in
Account No.:

The Branch Manager / Departmental Head /

The Officer-in-charge
Branch / Office / Department
Zone / Office / Head Office.

Dear Sir,
Staff Welfare Scheme
Application-cum-Declaration for claiming
Reimbursement of Educational expenses

the undersigned, am in receipt of specified amount under Bank's Death Relief

Scheme, on (date) from your Branch / Office, on account of death of father /
mother Shri/Smt. , who was working in your Branch /
Department as Officer / Clerk / Sub-Staff. I hereby submit my application for claiming
reimbursement of Educational expenses of Rs.2,000.00 / Rs.3,000.00 / Rs.5,000.00 (*)
incurred by me for dependant child during the last academic year i.e. 2022-23. The other
details are furnished below. I am also enclosing the required Progress Report / Report Card /
Result Sheet etc. of the concerned School / College regarding his / her performance in the
academic year i.e. 2022-23.
(*) Strike of the amount which is not applicable

undertake that I have not claimed such reimbursement of expenses from any other
Branch / Office herein before during the current financial year. I also undertake that I will take
care of the tax liability, if any, on account of receipt of the aforesaid amount-

Yours faithfully,






closed (Mandatory) -

Progress report/ Report card/ Result sheet etc.

Death Certificate/ PPO
' ComF"-
c •

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