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Aiken 1

Chase Aiken

Professor Evans

Writing 2

13 March 2024

Reflective Essay

To start off, thank you, Professor Evans, for being a great professor. I learned a lot

this quarter, about stuff I knew, but even more about things new to me, such as navigating

genres. I have become a better writer because of this class. Coming into Writing 2, I had already

completed Writing 1 the previous quarter, but this quarter and class were much more in-depth,

and this class proved challenging. I had to overcome obstacles, whether they were

deadline-related or content-related, but I was taught to overcome them, so that's what I did. Week

by week and day by day, I increased my knowledge about writing due to this class, and I am very

appreciative of that. The readings that I read and referenced above all improved my writing,

along with some improving my writing. The readings taught me how to write and read like a

writer, which really helped me. None of the readings challenged my knowledge as I don't see

writing or reading as one thing being right or wrong; they just enlightened me. Overall, this

quarter has been a great learning experience for me, I really learned a lot.

Going back to Week 9, we did an activity in class in which we reflected on our

first time reading and writing. The following is a summary of what I said, "I learned to read in

preschool, progressing from shapes to letters and their sounds, then delving into simple books

like "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Cat in the Hat," where I could use phonetics to decipher words.
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However, this early literacy journey is sometimes only translated into scholarly interpretation. It

wasn't until around fourth grade when we tackled academic articles and non-fiction, that I began

reading deeper, discerning authorial intent. Similarly, my writing journey began with simple

paragraph structures in second or third grade, evolving into academic reflections by fourth grade.

Reflecting on this journey, I wish I had grasped the importance of conventions earlier,

particularly in managing run-on sentences. I regret not delving into critical reading sooner;

non-fiction holds valuable insights.

Furthermore, note-taking, though not my forte, emerged as a crucial skill for organizing

ideas. My younger self, I urge you to focus on these aspects to enhance your reading and writing

prowess." Overall, this activity was very helpful in getting into my mind and seeing how I started

and how that influenced me throughout the quarter.

Reflecting on the insights gained from the reading on "Shitty First Drafts" during the first

week, I've come to realize the transformative power of embracing imperfection in the writing

process. Previously, I harbored a belief that each draft needed to mirror the final product closely,

leading to frustration and self-doubt when confronted with initial drafts that fell short of my

expectations. However, this reading challenged me to adopt a more forgiving attitude towards

my writing, understanding that the journey towards a polished piece often begins with messy,

imperfect drafts. This shift in perspective has not only alleviated the pressure to produce flawless

work from the outset but has also allowed me to approach writing with curiosity and

experimentation, ultimately fostering greater creativity and resilience in the face of setbacks.

Week two's exploration of "What is 'Academic' Writing?" prompted a reevaluation of my

understanding of academic discourse and its conventions. The debunking of prevalent myths

surrounding writing, such as the emphasis on perfect grammar and adherence to standardized
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structures, encouraged me to challenge the status quo and explore alternative approaches to

expression. Particularly illuminating was the realization that good writing transcends rigid rules

and formulas, prioritizing clarity, coherence, and engagement with the subject matter above all

else. This newfound understanding has empowered me to embrace my unique voice within

academic contexts, recognizing that authenticity and originality are invaluable assets in scholarly


Delving into "Reading like a Writer" in week three offered profound insights into the

intricacies of textual analysis and interpretation. Bunn's emphasis on approaching texts critically

and asking probing questions before delving into them revolutionized my approach to reading

and writing. By adopting a more deliberate and strategic approach to reading, I've learned to

uncover layers of meaning and craft within texts, enriching my understanding of both my own

writing and the works of others. Moreover, recognizing reading as an active and participatory

process has imbued me with a newfound sense of agency and autonomy in engaging with

literature, empowering me to extract more excellent value and insight from each reading


Week four's focus on reflective and analytical essays provided a platform for

introspection and self-expression, prompting me to contemplate the significance of personal

narrative in academic discourse. Through the genre translation project, I discovered the power of

reflection in refining my thoughts and articulating my experiences, deepening my connection

with my audience and enhancing the authenticity of my writing. While navigating the

complexities of genre conventions posed challenges, particularly in balancing personal narrative

with scholarly analysis, the process ultimately fostered growth and self-awareness, reaffirming

the importance of storytelling in shaping academic discourse.

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Exploring different genres and their conventions in week five offered a rich tapestry of

writing styles and perspectives to explore. Engaging with diverse genres expanded my creative

horizons. It deepened my understanding of the nuanced dynamics of genre classification and

interpretation. However, the process was challenging, particularly in selecting suitable articles

for translation and navigating the intricacies of genre conventions. Despite these obstacles, the

experience enriched my writing repertoire and equipped me with valuable skills for future

endeavors, underscoring the transformative potential of genre exploration in fostering versatility

and adaptability in writing.

Week six marked a pivotal moment in my development as a writer and scholar as I

grappled with doubts about my writing skills and navigated the iterative process of revision and

refinement. Through dedicated effort and perseverance, I witnessed tangible growth in my

writing proficiency and critical thinking abilities. I gained a deeper appreciation for the nuances

of language and communication. Embracing feedback as a constructive tool for growth allowed

me to approach criticism with humility and openness, recognizing its potential to enhance my

work and expand my perspectives. This iterative process of self-improvement has not only

bolstered my confidence but also instilled in me a sense of resilience and adaptability in the face

of challenges, paving the way for continued growth and development as a writer and scholar.

Reflecting on my college journey in week seven, I recognized the strides I've made in

honing my writing proficiency and navigating the complexities of academic discourse. Each

assignment has been a learning opportunity, from grappling with organizational challenges to

mastering research techniques, shaping me into a more confident and proficient writer.

Moreover, the invaluable guidance provided by mentors and peers has played a crucial role in

my growth, offering constructive feedback and insights that have helped refine my writing style
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and expand my horizons. I'm committed to furthering my writing development and embracing

new challenges with confidence and determination.

As the course drew to a close in week eight, I reflected on my journey toward genre

versatility and writing proficiency, recognizing both my progress and the areas where I can

continue to improve. While I've gained proficiency in adapting my writing style to various

genres, I acknowledge the need for further refinement, particularly in conducting thorough

research and crafting compelling conclusions. Moving forward, I'm committed to honing my

research skills and enhancing my ability to integrate findings seamlessly into my writing,

ensuring that my work is grounded in sound evidence and compelling arguments. Moreover, I

aim to further refine my skill in crafting conclusions that leave a lasting impression on the reader,

tying together the main points of my writing cohesively and compellingly.

In concluding this reflective essay, I thank Professor Evans for facilitating an enriching

learning experience throughout the quarter. This course has been instrumental in my writing

growth, challenging me to navigate genres and overcome obstacles with resilience and

determination. Each week brought new insights and challenges that contributed to my

development, from redefining my understanding of the drafting process to delving into the

intricacies of academic discourse and genre conventions. Moreover, engaging with diverse

readings and writing experiences expanded my creative horizons. It deepened my appreciation

for the transformative power of reflection and self-expression in academic discourse. Reflecting

on my journey, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the knowledge

gained and the skills honed throughout this course. Moving forward, I am committed to

continuing my writing growth, embracing new challenges with confidence and determination,

and applying the lessons learned in this course to future academic and professional endeavors.
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Works Cited:

Bunn, Mike. How to Read Like a Writer. PDF Download

Lamott, Anne. Shitty First Drafts. New York: Pantheon, 1994. Print.

Irvin, Lennie. What is “Academic” Writing?. PDF Download.

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