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LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

✎ Reflectance Photometry
➔ A monochromatic light source is directed
I. Urinalysis Automation toward the reagent pads by placing a filter
between the light source and the reflective
II. Reflectance Photometry surface of the pad by using a light-emitting
diode (LED) to provide the specific
III. Analyzers wavelength needed for each test pad color
IV. Fully Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzers ➔ The light is reflected to a photodetector, as
well as a converter that is either analog or
V. Automated Microscopy Analyzers digital.
➔ The instruments compare the amount of
VI. Automated Urinalysis Systems light reflection with that of known
VII. Body Fluid Analysis Automation

LEGEND ✎ Several Automated Instruments

➔ Standardize sample processing
✪ Important ✱Verbatim ✎Book-based ➔ Analyze chemistry test strips
➔ Perform urine sediment analysis
➔ Report results with consistent quality and
Urinalysis automation reduced hands-on-time

Ultimate Goal of Urinalysis Automation Additional Advantages to Automation

➔ To improve reproducibility and color ➔ Online computer capability with Laboratory

discrimination while increasing productivity Information System (LIS) interface
and standardization for reporting urinalysis ◆ Bar coding
results. ◆ Manual entry of color, clarity, and
microscopic results to be included on
Reflectance Photometry the printed report
◆ Flagging abnormal results
➔ Spectrometric measurement of light reflection
◆ Storing patient and control results
that is used in automated reagent strip
◆ Minimal calibration
◆ Cleaning and maintenance
➔ Alleviates visual discrimination in urine color
➔ Principle: light reflection from the test pads
decreases in proportion to the intensity of Automated Instruments in Urinalysis
color produced by the concentration of the ➔ Semi-Automated Instruments
test substance. ◆ Depends on an operator for specimen
mixing, test strip dripping, and
microscopic results input.


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

➔ Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer

◆ The tubes of urine are placed on a rack
or a carousel and moved automatically
through the instrument.
➔ Automated Urine Cell Analyzers
◆ Mix, aspirate, dilute, and stain urine to
classify urine sediment analysis
➔ Completely Automated Urine Systems
Fully Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzers
◆ Perform a complete urinalysis that
includes the physical, chemical, and ➔ Designed for a high-volume urinalysis
microscopic parts of urinalysis laboratory with user walk-away capability
➔ Instruments can load many samples on a
carousel or rack at one time with the capability
Semi-automated Urine Chemistry Analyzers
to insert STAT specimen during the run.
➔ Test for the chemical components of urine. ➔ Analytes measured vary by the instrument and
➔ Read and interpret the reagent strip results may include leukocytes, ketones, protein,
➔ Eliminates personnel color bias and timing glucose, nitrite, blood, urobilinogen, pH,
discrepancies. bilirubin, color, clarity, creatinine, and
➔ Leukocyte, nitrite, protein, blood, glucose, protein-low
ketone, bilirubin, urobilinogen, pH, specific ➔ Color is measured by either reflectance
gravity, color, creatinine, and photometry or spectrophotometry
protein-to-creatinine ratio can be tested ➔ Specific gravity is measured by refractive index.
depending on the reagent strip used. ➔ Clarity is a measurement of transmitted or
➔ Well suited for small and medium volume scattered light
➔ Self-calibrating and some instruments
perform automatic checks (Auto-Checks) to
identify strip type and humidity exposure. The
semi-automated instrument requires the
operator to:
◆ Dip the reagent strip into a well-mixed
urine sample.
◆ Blot the strip to remove excess urine. Source: Urinalysis and Body Fluids 6th Ed. by
◆ Place the strip onto the reagent strip Strasinger
◆ Press the analyze/enter button.
● *Results are printed out, and
abnormal results are flagged


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

✎ Sysmex UF-1000i Fully Automated Urine

Particle Analyzer and Sysmex UN-2000
Automated Urinalysis System
➔ uses fluorescent flow cytometry to measure
the forward-scattered, side-scattered, and
fluorescence light characteristics of particles
present in urine.
➔ The information obtained from these
measurements is used to detect and identify
stained urine sediment particles

✱ To perform an automated urine sediment

Automated Microscopy / Automated Urine Cell ➔ 1.2 mL of uncentrifuged urine is aspirated
Analyzers into the instrument, which is divided into 2
➔ Provides efficient standardized results in less channels (each has a specific stain):
than 1 minute ◆ Urine particle analysis
◆ Bacteria staining and detection

Two Automated Urine Cell Analyzers (US)

1. Urine Stained urine sample passes
1. Sysmex UF 1000i particle through the flow cell.
2. iQ 200 from Iris Diagnostics analysis
Particles are identified by
Sysmex UF-1000i measuring the height and width
of the fluorescent and light scatter
signals (presented in
➔ Uses laser-based flow cytometry that
scattergrams and histograms).
measures forward light scatter, side scatter,
fluorescence staining characteristics, and
adaptive cluster analysis to identify stained
urine sediment particles.


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

2. Bacteria Diluent stabilizes the pH and lyses

Resulting values are presented in
channel the non-bacterial particles.
quantitative cells per microliter
and cells per high- or
The stain is specific to the
low-powered field
ribonucleic acid (RNA) in a
bacterial cell.
Main particles enumerated are
RBCs, WBCs, squamous epithelial
The width of the fluorescent signal
cells, hyaline casts, and bacteria
measures cellular inclusions.
Results are displayed as
The width of forward light scatter
measures the length of cells.
Flagged particles include
pathologic casts, crystals, small
round cells, sperm, mucus, and
yeast-like cells (confirmed

Can store up to 10,000 patient



➔ Uses digital imaging and Auto Particle

Recognition (APR)
➔ automatically analyze and pre-classify urine
particles in uncentrifuged urine based on size,
shape, texture, and contrast into 12 categories
(RBCs, WBCs, WBC clumps, hyaline casts,
unclassified casts, squamous epithelial cells,
Nonsquamous epithelial cells, bacteria, yeast,
crystals, mucus, and sperm).
➔ Can also be used for body fluid cell counts


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation
microscope and digital camera
◆ to capture and categorize 15 particle
images based upon size and shape
using AIEM software.
➔ Both the UriSed 2 and UriSed 3 can be linked
with the chemistry analyzer LabUMat 2 to
make a complete automated urinalysis
laboratory system.

✎ 77 Electronika UriSed 2 and 3Pro Automated

Urine Sediment Analyzer

➔ Zoom capability to view images
✎ Beckman Coulter’s iQ200 Microscopy ➔ Interpretation of the images is similar to that
Analyzer of manual microscopic smears.
➔ Analyzer mixes the sample ➔ UriSed 3 Pro incorporates phase contrast
➔ Aspirates 1.3 mL of urine to a planar flow cell microscopy (in addition to bright-field
➔ Then a digital camera takes 500 images as microscopy)
the sample advances through the flow cell. ◆ to improve differentiation of
➔ Results are either reviewed by a trained elements, such as hyaline casts, RBC
operator or auto-released to the LIS. membranes, crystals, and yeast.

FUS-100 and FUS-200 Analyzers

➔ Identify cells using flat-flow cell digital

imaging technology and a trained neural
➔ Artificial imaging identification (AII)
software is used to classify and quantify the
cells and formed particles in the uncentrifuged
◆ identifies and classifies 12 visible
components in urine based on shape,
UriSed 2 and 3Pro Automated Urine Sediment
contrast, texture, and frequency
domain features.
➔ A digital camera captures up to 820 photos.
➔ Perform automated microscopy with digital
imaging using auto image evaluation module
(AIEM) software. Automated Urinalysis
➔ UriSed 2 requires a minimum of 2 mL of urine Systems/Completely Automated Urine
that is centrifuged in a special cuvette to
produce a monolayer of urine sediment. ➔ Combination of automated urine chemistry
➔ The sediment is analyzed by a bright-field analyzers and automated urine cell analyzers


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation
➔ The systems can
independently perform both physical and
chemical testing, microscopy analysis, and a
combination of both.
➔ Complete analysis reports can be sent directly
to the LIS or printed out, reducing clerical

✎ Automated Urinalysis Systems

➔ Improved TATs for urinalysis significantly
➔ Hands-on time of technologists has been
reduced significantly
➔ Using similar sample racks and moving a
conveyor system, samples are easily
transferred from one instrument to the next,
providing complete walkaway capability
with minimal sample handling from
sampling through results.
➔ Autoverification of results and reflex testing
can be validated according to laboratory
➔ Abnormal results are flagged for manual
examination by laboratory personnel. ✎ Clinitek AUWi PRO Automated Urinalysis
➔ Integrates the Clinitek Novus Automated
Clinitek AUWi System
Urine Chemistry Analyzer and the Sysmex
UF-1000i Urine Particle Analyzer
➔ This is an integration of Clinitek Atlas ➔ Can load up to 200 sample tubes
(SIemens) and Sysmex UF-1000i (Sysmex) ➔ Complete up to 80 tests per hour
➔ Performs a complete automated urinalysis ➔ Sample requirement is 5 mL in the
➔ Requires a minimum of 5mL of urine automated mode
➔ Results are automatically verified (sent to LIS ➔ 2 mL in the manual mode
➔ The sample can be placed on the
or printed)
instrument with fewer manual steps, and no
centrifugation is required
ATLAS Where the specimen is identified, ➔ Autoverification of results to be reported to
Analyzer mixed, aspirated, and tested for the LIS is based on laboratory protocol.
physical and chemical components ➔ The system is capable of automatically
reflexing samples requiring sediment
UF-1000i The specimen travels across a analysis based on rules defined by each
connecting bridge to the UF-100i for laboratory.
microscopic analysis.


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation
LabUMat 2 with UriSed 2 or UriSed 3 System
iRICELL Automated Urinalysis Systems (Iris
✎ LabUMat 2 (77 Electronika)
➔ Consists of the iChemVELOCITY urine ➔ Integrated with the UriSed 2 or UriSed 3 (77
chemistry analyzer and iQ200 Electronika) microscopic urine analyzers to
➔ Requires a minimum of 4 mL of urine make a complete automated urinalysis
laboratory system.
➔ Results are transmitted to the LIS or printed
➔ Minimum volume is 3 mL of uncentrifuged
urine for the combined instruments
iChem ➔ Where the sample is mixed ➔ The system can analyze up to 240 tests per
VELOCITY and aspirated hour
➔ Physical and chemical analysis ➔ Samples are loaded into the 10-position
sample racks where tests are performed by
iQ 200 Microscopy testing the LabUMat2.

✎ iRICELL Urinalysis Systems ✎ LabUMat 2 (77 Electronika)

➔ Barcoded tubes are placed into the
LabUMat Where the physical (color, clarity, and
10-position rack and are moved to the
2 specific gravity) and chemical tests (10
parameters) are performed
➔ Upon completion, the rack moves across the
connecting bridge to the iQ200 for
UriSed UriSed 2
microscopy testing, where a reflex rule may
➔ Bright-field microscopy
be applied based on settings.
UriSed 3
➔ Both bright-field and phase
✎ IQ Series of Urinalysis Workcells (iQ2000 and microscopy
➔ Pairs the Iris IRICELL series of urine cobas 6500 Urine Analyzer
microscopy instrumentation and the
automated urine chemistry analyzer to
provide a complete walk-away urinalysis
✎ cobas 6500
system. ➔ Integrates the cobas u 701 microscopy
analyzer and the cobas u 601 fully
automated urine chemistry analyzer into
one platform
➔ Cassettes with urine testing strips and
sediment are loaded onto the instrument
➔ 2.8 mL of urine is required
➔ Particle recognition software determines the
identification of
◆ RBCs
◆ WBCs
◆ Bacteria
◆ Epithelial cells


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

◆ Casts ➔ Crystals, yeast, small round cells,

◆ Crystals spermatozoa, and casts are detected and
◆ Yeast flagged for laboratory personnel to review
◆ Sperm ◆ The analyzer cannot differentiate
◆ Mucus these types of particles in urine
➔ Automated result validation and automated sediment.
reflex testing are available.

Body Fluid Analysis Automation

✎ cobas 6500 (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis,
Hematology analyzers used to perform body
fluids cell counts:
cobas u Urine is pipetted on the chemical
601 strip, where 12 physical and chemical ➔ ADVIA 2120i (Siemens)
urine tests are performed ➔ The Sysmex XN-Series analyzers (Sysmex
America, Inc.)
After chemical testing, the sample is resuspended
➔ GloCyte Automated Cell counter for CSF
before pipetting and automatically centrifuged at
2000 rpm for 10 secs to a monolayer of sediment. ➔ Beckman Coulter’s IQ200

cobas u Used digital imaging to take 15

701 microscopic images of the sediment ✎ ADVIA 2120i (Simens)
➔ Uses flow cytometry, light scatter and
UX-2000 Automated Urinalysis Analyzer absorbance to count red and white blood
cells, and perform WBC differential.
➔ For the Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF specimen is
pretreated with CSF reagent to fix and
✎ UX-2000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) spherize the cells.(stable for 4min. To 4
➔ Consists of a chemical component for hours at 18 degree celcius to 30 degree
analyzing the physical and chemical part of Celsius)
urine as well as flow cytometry component ➔ Automated RBC, WBC, polymorphonuclear
for microscopic examination of sediments and mononuclear and differential results are
contained in a single instrument. available within 1 minute of sample
➔ Requires 5 mL of urine aspiration.
➔ Physical examination: specific gravity, ➔ Provides rapid automated diagnostic test
turbidity, and color for fetal lung maturity by counting lamellar
◆ Refractometry bodies in amniotic fluid.
◆ Reflectivity measurement ➔ The analyzer is approved for counting cells
◆ Light scattering in pleural fluids, peritoneal fluids, and
➔ Chemical examination peritoneal dialysates.
◆ Uses a test strip that is measured by
the dual-wavelength reflectance
➔ Microscopic examination
◆ Uses fluorescent-flow cytometry to
measure RBCs, WBCs, hyaline casts,
bacteria, and epithelial cells


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

✎ Sysmex XN-Series analyzers

➔ Newest generation hematology analyzer
➔ Cleared for analysis of synovial fluid, pleural
fluid, and peritoneal fluid
➔ Also cleared for CSF specimens in the body
fluid mode.
➔ Includes dedicated body fluid mode
◆ The body fluid mode has extended
cell counting to increase precision in
specimens with small numbers of
➔ Body fluids can be analyzed without sample
preparation or pretreatment.
➔ Sheath flow impedance used to count RBCs
➔ Side scatter and fluorescence intensity to
count WBC
➔ The body fluid mode on the XN-Series
reports both a body fluid:
◆ White blood cell count (WBC-BF)
◆ Total nucleated body fluid cell count ✎ Book based
(TC-BF) ➔ Digital imaging technology also may be
◆ High-fluorescing body fluid cells used for body fluid differentials
(HF-BF) ➔ CellaVision DI-60 software
● Such as mesothelial cells, ◆ Classifies five different nucleated cell
synovial cells, and types found in body fluid
malignant/tumor cells, or, ◆ This software allows users to add
rarely, large cell clusters reference cells to a digital library,
◆ as well as a reportable two-part ◆ Enables tagging and sharing of cell
automated differential that images electronically
differentiates mononuclear and ◆ Offers a program to improve staff
polymorphonuclear cells using flow competency
cytometry technology.
➔ XN analyzer uses
◆ impedance counting principles for
RBC-BF enumerations ✎ GloCyte Automated Cell Counter for CSF
◆ flow cytometry for performing the ➔ Originated from Sysmex Corporation, Kobe,
WBC-BF counts and the two-part Japan
differential ➔ Combines s the principles of both
➔ Uses Lysercell WDF as an RBC lysing technologies to accurately enumerate cells
reagent and Fluorocell WDF to stain RNA present in CSF, even at low numbers.
and DNA in the nucleated cells ➔ Fluorochrome-labeled antibody stains the
RBCs, and a dye specific to nucleic acids in
WBCs is used to treat aliquots of the CSF
➔ Digital imaging is used to count the cell as
they are illuminated
➔ Automatically enumerates each cell type
and displays the stained cells on a screen


LECTURE | CHAPTER 2 : Urine and Body Fluid Analysis Automation

✎ Beckman Coulter’s iQ200

➔ can be used for body fluid analysis using the
iQ200 Body Fluids Module
➔ Body fluids menu includes:
◆ CSF,
◆ Synovial
◆ Pleural
◆ Peritoneal
◆ peritoneal dialysate
◆ peritoneal lavage
◆ Pericardial
◆ General serous
➔ Two dilutions of the body fluid specimen are
◆ One tube is diluted with Iris Diluent
◆ The other with the iQ Body Fluids
Lysing Reagent
➔ The instrument provides counts for total
cells, nucleated cells, and RBCs.


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